Estimate for taxes (.1%) in Heerlijkheid Almelo.
It seems if some names are grouped together, if possible a known or suspected relation has been noted.
Pg. 1.
Adolf Philip Zeijger Graaf van Rechteren.
Real Estate: 125800:0:0.
Judge Nilant.
Total Valuation: 1950:0:0 Real Estate: 450:0:0 Personal goods: 1500:0:0.
Minister Budde.
Personal goods: 3000:0:0.
Christiaan Rompelman.
Total Valuation: 2022:0:0 Real Estate: 1770:0:0 Personal goods: 250:0:0.
Jacob Heijke.
Total Valuation: 1470:0:0 Real Estate: 1920:0:0 Personal goods: 500:0:0 950:0:0 deducted for two mortgages.
Gends Boom Jan.
Total Valuation: 200:0:0 Real Estate: 500:0:0 300:0:0 deducted for a mortgage.
Anthonij Rhee.
Real Estate: 300:0:0.
Lambert Ree.
Total Valuation: 500:0:0.
Hendrik Jan Rhee.
Total Valuation: 500:0:0.
Gerradus Rhee and the widow Evert Rikkerink.
Total Valuation: 1250:0:0 Real Estate: 1500:0:0 Personal goods: 250:0:0 500:0:0 deducted for a mortgage.
The first husband of the widow of Evert Rikkerink was Lambert Rhee; the father of Anthonij Rhee, Lambert Ree and Hendrik Jan Rhee was Jan Ree; were Lambert and Jan brothers?
Pg. 2.
The widow Albert Knoop.
(no amounts listed.)
Gerrit Egberts Knoop.
Total Valuation: 700:0:0.
Berent van 't Hagedoorn op het Knoopshuijs.
Total Valuation: 1000:0:0 Real Estate: 900:0:0 Personal goods: 100:0:0.
The widow of Albert Knoop is in the taxlist with Barent Hagedoorn and Gerrit Egberts Knoop. Barent is married to her daughter. Her first husband Egbert Arends could be the father of Gerrit. Both Barent, Gerrit and Berent Egberts Knoop have a daughter Eva, although it is not clear who she is named after.
The widow Gerrit Knoop.
Real Estate: 800:0:0.
Jan Hueks.
Total Valuation: 700:0:0.
Lucas Goossens.
Total Valuation: 2100:0:0.
The widow of Gerrit Knoop is in the taxlist together with Jan Hueks and Jan Bruggink, the 2e husband of her daughter-in-law Janna Derksen Goossinks. Lucas Goossens could be a brother of Janna; both Janna and Lucas have the patronymic Derks. Jan Bruggink is married to a possible daughter of the widow.
Berent Egberts Knoop.
Total Valuation: 350:0:0 Real Estate: 750:0:0 400:0:0 deducted for a mortgage.
Farmer Jan Bruggink.
Total Valuation: 180:0:0 Real Estate: 1580:0:0 1400:0:0 subtracted for a mortgage.
A. Pesie.
Total Valuation: 300:0:0.
Jan Uijlenreef op de Knoopskamp.
Total Valuation: 600:0:0.
Gerrit Arentsen Nijkamp.
Total Valuation: 200:0:0.
Jan Swissen.
Total Valuation: 640:0:0.
Arent Gerritsen Nijkamp.
Total Valuation: 200:0:0.
Jan Uijlenreef op de Knoopskamp is listed together with Gerrit Arentsen Nijkamp (who marries as Stegehuis, and whose wife is Lena Garritsen Nijkamp) and Arent Gerritsen Nijkamp. His first child is Gerrit, so possibly his father is Gerrit, and that could make him a brother of Arend and Lena. Jan Swissen could than be married with a Nijkamp.
Hendr. Lambertsen Bolk.
Total Valuation: 750:0:0 Real Estate: 650:0:0 Personal goods: 100:0:0.
Jan Hendrik Stokkeler.
Total Valuation: 2600:0:0 Real Estate: 2100:0:0 Personal goods: 500:0:0.
Jan Thomassen Schimmelpennink.
Total Valuation: 1100:0:0 Real Estate: 3600:0:0 Personal goods: 500:0:0 3000:0:0 deducted for seizure by the court.
The heirs of the late assistant judge Monnik.
Real Estate: 570:0:0.
Jan Vrijlink Berentszoon.
Total Valuation: 350:0:0.
Jan Albertsen Vrijlink.
Total Valuation: 120:0:0.
Pg. 3.
Jan ten Brinke.
Total Valuation: 300:0:0 Real Estate: 200:0:0 Personal goods: 100:0:0.
The widow Harmen Derksen.
Real Estate: 45:0:0.
Jan Lucas Bolk.
Total Valuation: 45:0:0.
Martinus Reinders.
Total Valuation: 45:0:0.
Albert Meulenbelt.
Total Valuation: 925:0:0.
Albert Meulenbelt as guardian of the two children by his first wife
Total Valuation: 202:0:0.
Albert Vrijlink.
Total Valuation: 60:0:0.
Henrik Meulenbelt.
Total Valuation: 964:0:0.
Berent Derksen Goossen.
Total Valuation: 370:0:0 Real Estate: 1120:0:0 750:0:0 deducted for a mortgage.
The widow Jan Grutters.
Total Valuation: 1300:0:0.
Arnoldus Camerling.
Total Valuation: 360:0:0.
Jan van der Aa.
Total Valuation: 1028:0:0.
Steven Kamerling.
Total Valuation: 500:0:0.
Jan Geertsen Letteboer.
Total Valuation: 95:0:0 Real Estate: 400:0:0 305:0:0 deducted for a mortgage.
The widow Jan Hinnen.
Total Valuation: 330:0:0.
Jannes Hinnen.
Total Valuation: 600:0:0.
Jannes Eshuijs.
Total Valuation: 100:0:0 Real Estate: 500:0:0 400:0:0 deducted for a mortgage.
Egbert Mijchoop.
Total Valuation: 150:0:0 Real Estate: 400:0:0 250:0:0 deducted for a mortgage.
Albert Ibbenhorst and Gerrit Letteboer as guardians of Jannes Bokhoeve.
Total Valuation: 180:0:0.
Fredricus Leus.
Total Valuation: 350:0:0.
Jan Hendriks Hendriksen.
Total Valuation: 50:0:0 Real Estate: 400:0:0 350:0:0 deducted for a mortgage.
Pg. 4.
Abraham Ibbenhorst.
Total Valuation: 0:0:0 Real Estate: 200:0:0 200:0:0 impounded.
Gerrit Geertsen Leus.
Total Valuation: 440:0:0 Real Estate: 800:0:0 360:0:0 deducted for a mortgage.
Jannes Lamberts.
Total Valuation: 25:0:0 Real Estate: 125:0:0 100:0:0 deducted.
Gerrit Soost.
Total Valuation: 300:0:0 Real Estate: 1000:0:0 700:0:0 deducted.
Jan Bokhoeve and Albert Ibbenhorst as guardians of Gerrit Letteboer.
Total Valuation: 100:0:0.
Gerrit Roelofsen uit de Kluppelshuijze.
Total Valuation: 363:0:0 Real Estate: 900:0:0 537:0:0 deducted for a mortgage.
Leus Berent.
Total Valuation: 40:0:0 Real Estate: 800:0:0 760:0:0 impounded.
Gerrit Kluppels.
Total Valuation: 100:0:0 Real Estate: 400:0:0 300:0:0 deducted.
Jan Egberts.
Total Valuation: 250:0:0 Real Estate: 500:0:0 250:0:0 deducted.
Huijskes Gerrit in de Kluppelschoppe.
Total Valuation: 50:0:0 Real Estate: 400:0:0 350:0:0 deducted.
Gerrit uit de Wanscher.
Total Valuation: 310:0:0.
Gerrit Gerrits Geerdink.
Total Valuation: 3500:0:0 Real Estate: 3000:0:0 Personal goods: 500:0:0.
Jan van het Leushuis.
Total Valuation: 500:0:0.
The children and heirs of Hermannes van der Aa.
Total Valuation: 2000:0:0.
Hendrik van de Keeller.
Total Valuation: 100:0:0.
Pg. 5.
Jan Robbenhaar.
Total Valuation: 650:0:0.
Albert Wanschers.
Total Valuation: 300:0:0.
Jan Loink.
Total Valuation: 500:0:0.
Gerrit van de Aa.
Total Valuation: 1500:0:0 Real Estate: 1000:0:0 Personal goods: 500:0:0.
The widow Jan ten Hove.
Total Valuation: 1000:0:0.
Henr. van den Noort.
Total Valuation: 100:0:0.
Lambert Harmsen and Gerrit Letteboer as guardians of Jannes van den Slamp.
Total Valuation: 60:0:0.
Lambert Harmsen and Gerrit Letteboer as guardians of the minor children of Will. Letteboer.
Total Valuation: 60:0:0 Gerrit could be either Gerrit Letteboer (Willem's adult son) or Gerrit Letteboer (the husband of Willem's sister-in-law.)
Hendr. Hendriksen Letteboer in de Elshof.
Total Valuation: 800:0:0.
Lambert Letteboer.
Total Valuation: 100:0:0 Real Estate: 1200:0:0 1100:0:0 deducted.
Gerrit Letteboer.
Total Valuation: 450:0:0.
Gerrit Vreriksz Letteboer.
Total Valuation: 50:0:0 Real Estate: 600:0:0 570:0:0 deducted.
Pieter Reekers.
Total Valuation: 300:0:0.
Rigter Boom.
Total Valuation: 5100:0:0 He lives in Stad Almelo.
Coenraat Colmschot.
Total Valuation: 1450:0:0.
Coenraat Colmschot as guardian of Hendr. Jan Colmschot.
Total Valuation: 2015:0:0.
Antonij van Dalen as guardian of Hendr. van Dalen.
Total Valuation: 2015:0:0 Hendrik lives in Amsterdam.
Berent Boom.
Total Valuation: 150:0:0.
Pg. 6.
The brothers Jannes and Benjamin and Anthonij Warners.
Total Valuation: 3250:0:0.
Henricus Wissing.
Total Valuation: 400:0:0.
Jan Peddemors.
Total Valuation: 90:0:0.
Johannes ten Cate.
Total Valuation: 720:0:0.
Johannes ten Cate as guardian of Jannes ten Cate and Thomas ten Cate.
Total Valuation: 294:6:0.
The widow Andries Warnaars.
Total Valuation: 100:0:0.
Tobias van Lochem.
Total Valuation: 1060:0:0.
Berent Bavink.
Total Valuation: 340:0:0.
Berent van Oonk.
Total Valuation: 295:0:0.
The widow Jan ten Bruggencate.
Total Valuation: 160:0:0.
Harmen ten Bruggekate Gerritssoon.
Total Valuation: 60:0:0.
Jannes Vikkert.
Total Valuation: 300:0:0.
Hendr. Mollink.
Total Valuation: 200:0:0.
Willem van der Horst.
Total Valuation: 125:0:0.
The Steward Stuurman.
Total Valuation: 540:0:0.
Albert Boom.
Total Valuation: 50:0:0.
Roelof Engberts.
Total Valuation: 160:0:0.
The widow Willem Bolk.
Total Valuation: 210:0:0.
Hendr. ten Cate Harmens Soon.
Total Valuation: 4977:0:0.
Johannes Revius.
Total Valuation: 680:0:0.
Jan te Wijrke.
Total Valuation: 20:0:0.
Berend ten Bruggencate.
Total Valuation: 100:0:0.
Isaak ten Bruggencate.
Total Valuation: 100:0:0.
The Minister Wilh. van Eibergen.
Total Valuation: 1200:0:0.
Roelof Wanscher.
Total Valuation: 75:0:0.
Hendrik ten Cate in het Dwarshuis.
Total Valuation: 200:0:0.
Berent Warnaars.
Total Valuation: 150:0:0.
Arent Hagedoorn.
Total Valuation: 366:0:0.
Jan Nijenhuijs.
Total Valuation: 60:0:0.
Harmen Wissink.
Total Valuation: 60:0:0.
The widow Berent Dieterink.
Total Valuation: 180:0:0.
Arnoldus Rhee.
Total Valuation: 60:0:0.
Gerrit Bolmeijer.
Total Valuation: 100:0:0.
Lucas Meijerink.
Total Valuation: 1200:0:0.
Lucas Bolk.
Total Valuation: 150:0:0.
The widow Jan ten Cate Jans soon.
Total Valuation: 3660:0:0.
Pg. 7.
Jan Meijer.
Total Valuation: 330:0:0.
The widow Gerhard Adolph Westerloo.
Total Valuation: 340:0:0.
The widow Harm Bolmeijer.
Total Valuation: 30:0:0.
Gerrit ter Brake.
Total Valuation: 100:0:0.
Otto Hendr. Swam.
Total Valuation: 40:0:0.
The widow Janna Alberts Uilenreef.
Total Valuation: 144:0:0.
The widow Cornelis Troofst.
Total Valuation: 150:0:0.
Jan Troost.
Total Valuation: 60:0:0.
Burgemeester Alb. Bastiaans.
Total Valuation: 5766:0:0.
Stoffer Voerknegt.
Total Valuation: 70:0:0.
Gerrit ten Cate Hermenszn.
Total Valuation: 240:0:0.
Thomas Coster.
Total Valuation: 2220:0:0.
Abraham Booms.
Total Valuation: 200:0:0.
The heirs of Jan ten Cate.
Total Valuation: 400:0:0.
Gerrit Mollink.
Total Valuation: 35:0:0.
Gerrit Tusvelt.
Total Valuation: 270:0:0.
The widow Baerent Holtman.
Total Valuation: 60:0:0.
Gerradus Swam.
Total Valuation: 250:0:0.
The widow Harmen Spijker.
Total Valuation: 80:0:0.
The wife of Harm ten Bruggenkate.
Total Valuation: 90:0:0.
Miss Elisabeth Hagedoorn.
Total Valuation: 350:0:0.
Adolph Hend. Boom.
Total Valuation: 4210:0:0.
Engelbert Hanekamp and Simon Bakker.
Total Valuation: 320:0:0.
The widow Jan ten Cate.
Total Valuation: 300:0:0.
The widow Lambert Boom.
Total Valuation: 4410:0:0.
The lawyer Jan Willem Harwig.
Total Valuation: 500:0:0.
Jan Hendrixen Boom.
Total Valuation: 500:0:0.
Evert Voerknegt.
Total Valuation: 600:0:0.
Thomas Stromeijer.
Total Valuation: 500:0:0.
Stoffel Nijhof.
Total Valuation: 150:0:0.
Arent Swissen.
Total Valuation: 40:0:0.
Bernardus Coster.
Total Valuation: 150:0:0.
Jan Coster.
Total Valuation: 300:0:0.
Gerrit Coster Egb.zn.
Total Valuation: 50:0:0.
The widow Jan Bakker.
Total Valuation: 370:0:0.
Ex-burgemeester Johannes Bolk.
Total Valuation: 3190:0:0.
The widow of the late burgemeester Hendr. Jan Bruijns.
Total Valuation: 10573:0:0.
Pg. 8.
Gerrit Coster.
Total Valuation: 9698:0:0.
The widow Hendr. Warnaars.
Total Valuation: 300:0:0.
Abraham ten Cathe.
Total Valuation: 1767:0:0.
Jannes Bruggink.
Total Valuation: 600:0:0.
Jan Hendr. Bruggink.
Total Valuation: 1095:0:0.
Johannes Warnars and son
Total Valuation: 680:0:0.
Jan Schimmelpennink.
Total Valuation: 350:0:0.
Othman ten Cate.
Total Valuation: 547:0:0.
Jan ten Cate Janszn.
Total Valuation: 1140:0:0.
Abraham Nijhoff.
Total Valuation: 342:0:0.
Egbert Koster.
Total Valuation: 4235:0:0.
Egbert Koster and Gerrit Schimmelpennink as guardians of Bernardus Schimmelpennink and Christina Schimmelpennink.
Total Valuation: 380:0:0.
Jacob Bavink.
Total Valuation: 650:0:0.
Hendr. ten Cate junior.
Total Valuation: 200:0:0.
Berent Vrijlink.
Total Valuation: 145:0:0 Real Estate: 845:0:0 750:0:0 lien deducted.
The son Fredricus Beusen.
Total Valuation: 135:0:0 (Fredricus is the son-in-law of Berent Vrijlink.)
Gerrit Boomkamp.
Total Valuation: 30:0:0.
Jannes Coster.
Total Valuation: 1560:0:0.
Miss Cock.
Total Valuation: 150:0:0.
Lucas Hagedoorn.
Total Valuation: 660:0:0.
Berent Rigters.
Total Valuation: 100:0:0 Real Estate: 450:0:0 350:0:0 lien deducted.
The widow of Steven ter Haar.
Total Valuation: 600:0:0.
Egbert Morshuis.
Total Valuation: 45:0:0.
Ulrijck Jan van der Horst.
Total Valuation: 2400:0:0.
The teacher Jan Bolk.
Total Valuation: 420:0:0.
Jan Vrerijcks Bouw.
Total Valuation: 1262:0:0.
Frerik Bouw.
Total Valuation: 350:0:0.
Hendr. Jan Bouw.
Total Valuation: 360:0:0.
Hendrika Bouw.
Total Valuation: 420:0:0.
Harmina Bouw.
Total Valuation: 305:0:0.
Willem Cock.
Total Valuation: 940:0:0.
Gerrit Bolk.
Total Valuation: 20:0:0.
Hendr. Bolk.
Total Valuation: 244:0:0.
Prosecutor Wolter Jan Kevinck.
Total Valuation: 400:0:0.
Kasimir Wilh. Nijhof.
Total Valuation: 130:0:0.
Jan Bolk.
Total Valuation: 75:0:0.
Pieter Bolk.
Total Valuation: 40:0:0.
Pg. 9.
Johanna Swam.
Total Valuation: 800:0:0.
Berent Bolk.
Total Valuation: 150:0:0. This could also be Baerent Bolk. Both were also in the census.
Berent Jannesse Bolk.
Total Valuation: 280:0:0.
Berent Bolk.
Total Valuation: 60:0:0. This could also be Berend Gerrits Bolk. Both were also in the census.
Lucas Kuijper.
Total Valuation: 60:0:0.
The widow of Boom Jan.
Total Valuation: 1820:0:0.
Willem Vrijlink.
Total Valuation: 120:0:0.
Jan Kruidering.
Total Valuation: 20:0:0.
Harmen Waanders.
Total Valuation: 15:0:0.
Gerrit Willems.
Total Valuation: 15:0:0.
The widow Boom Berent.
Total Valuation: 460:0:0.
Gerrit Huijskes.
Total Valuation: 20:0:0.
Berent ten Stokkeler.
Total Valuation: 480:0:0.
Henricus Arentsen.
Total Valuation: 150:0:0.
Henricus Arentsen and Isaak ten Bruggencate as the guardians of the minor children of Benjamin ten Bruggencate.
Total Valuation: 690:0:0.
Bernardus Spijkers.
Total Valuation: 300:0:0.
Lambert Leven.
Total Valuation: 750:0:0.
Hendr. Stokkeler.
Total Valuation: 50:0:0.
Lefert Kruiderinck.
Total Valuation: 15:0:0.
Abraham Lindeman.
Total Valuation: 1030:0:0.
Abraham Lindeman as guardian of Abraham Hagedoorn.
Total Valuation: 236:0:0.
Burgemeester Harmen Jolink.
Total Valuation: 2460:0:0.
Warnaar Hoberts.
Total Valuation: 405:0:0.
Gerrijt Schimmelpenning.
Total Valuation: 875:0:0.
Jan and Johannes and Johanna Meijer.
Total Valuation: 475:0:0.
Gerrit Stokkelaar.
Total Valuation: 170:0:0.
Geerlig Hilgerink.
Total Valuation: 15:0:0.
Hendr. van Helderen.
Total Valuation: 1025:0:0.
Harm Schimmelpennink.
Total Valuation: 450:0:0.
Jan Mokkelencate.
Total Valuation: 500:0:0.
Hendrik Post.
Valued no higher than the mortgage.
Willem Schimmelpennink.
Total Valuation: 250:0:0.
Hendr. Boom.
Total Valuation: 30:0:0.
Lambert Levelt.
Total Valuation: 40:0:0.
Pg. 10.
Joannes van der Noorth.
Total Valuation: 180:0:0.
Jan Noordink.
Total Valuation: 300:0:0.
Isak ten Bruggenkate.
Total Valuation: 1030:0:0.
Lambert Oeverink.
Total Valuation: 930:0:0.
Willem Velthuijs.
Total Valuation: 60:0:0.
The widow Geerlig Jansen op de Kooij.
Total Valuation: 1078:0:0.
The patronymic is puzzling. Is her husband the son of Berent Jansen, or is this the widow of Geerlig Janssen van het Niphuis?
Berent Geerligsen van de Kooije.
Total Valuation: 500:0:0.
Grietje Jansen Schaper.
Total Valuation: 20:0:0 She was living in Vriezenveen.
Hendr. Berents Bramer.
Total Valuation: 20:0:0.
Gerrit de Ruijter.
Total Valuation: 350:0:0.
Jan Hendriksen Schuirman.
Total Valuation: 500:0:0.
The children of Egbert Hendriksen.
Total Valuation: 600:0:0.
Hendr. Bramer.
Total Valuation: 20:0:0.
Jan Prinsen.
Total Valuation: 40:0:0.
Jan Berents Dodde.
Total Valuation: 60:0:0.
Berent Jansen Berkhof.
Total Valuation: 20:0:0.
Albert Santboer.
Total Valuation: 20:0:0.
The house "Bellinkhof" which is owned by Thomas tot de Woeste.
More mortgages and debts than the income is worth.
The widow Metelenkamp.
Total Valuation: 2570:0:0.
Pg. 11.
Mr. Pol (?).
Total Valuation: 8600:0:0 He was a burgemeester of Deventer.
Miss Bartha van Sugtelen.
Total Valuation: 60:0:0.
G. Spoor Wed. Schimmelpennink.
Total Valuation: 2680:0:0.
Dr. Abraham van Suchtelen.
Total Valuation: 60:0:0.
Tobias van Groenouwe.
Total Valuation: 620:0:0 He lives in Campen.
Arend Wolter Westerloo.
Total Valuation: 4101:0:0 He was a judge in Borne.
Gerrit Hommels.
Total Valuation: 1500:0:0 He lives in Oldenzaal.
The widow Lucas Bruijns.
Total Valuation: 2720:0:0 She lives in Borne.
Gerrit Overink.
Total Valuation: 200:0:0.
The winemerchant Joan Boom.
Total Valuation: 1000:0:0 He lives in Amsterdam.