List of people in Almelo who adopted a surname in Aug 1812, in order of adopted name.
Albertsen: adopted by Abraham van de Tukkert, for himself, his son Jan Hendrik, and his daughter Aaltje.
Albertsen: adopted by Jan Koldeweide, for himself, and his sons Hendrik, Gerrit, Abram and Gerrit Jan, and his daughters Geertruid and Janna.
Albertsen: adopted by Jan Hendrik van de Tukkert, for himself, his son Hendrik, and his daughters Zwaantje and Aaltjen.
Altena: adopted by Jan Hofstee, for himself, and his sons Hendrik and Gerrit.
Arendsen: adopted by Jan Beverdam, for himself, and his sons Jannes, Frederik and Hendrik, and his daughters Aaltje and Janna.
Banis: adopted by Jan Banis, for himself, and his daughters Aaltjen, Dina and Aleida.
Banis: adopted by Willem Slaghuis, for himself, and his daughter Eva.
Bartels: adopted by Hendrik Bartels, for himself, his sons Jan and Gerrit and his daughter Hendrina.
Belders: adopted by Mannes Kelder, for himself.
Bennink: adopted by Gerrit Jan van het Avontuur, for himself and his sons Jannes, Jan, Gerrit Jan and Jan and his daughters Janna, Berendina, Geesken, Jenne and Aleida and his 2 grandchildren Jan and Gerrit.
Bennink: adopted by Jannes Ossenkoppele, for himself.
Beverdam: adopted by Jan Hendrik van het Hag, for himself, his son Hendrik, c. 5 yr, and 3 daugchters, Aaltjen, Miene and Janna, resp. 19, 15 and 12 yr old.
Biggen: adopted by Albert Klein Aalderink, for himself.
Bokdam: adopted by Nikes van het kleine Hag, for himself.
Bokhove: adopted by Gerrit Heilenhuis, for himself.
Bokhove: adopted by Willem kleine Bokhove, for himself, his son Jannes and his daughter Janna.
Bolk: adopted by Gerrit van het Bolkshuis, for himself, his sons Jan, Jannes and Derk and his daughters Berendiena, Janna and Jenne.
Boom: adopted by Gerrit Rengelink, for himself, his son Berend, and his daughter Aaltjen.
Boom: adopted by Jan Hendrik Hambrugge, for himself and his sons Gerrit Jan, Hendrik and Gerrit, and his daughters Janna and Jenneken.
Boom: adopted by Zwier van het Exoo, for himself and his sons Evert, Gerrit Jan, Gerrit, Arend, Jannes and Jan, and his daughterJenne.
Boom: adopted by Jan Noordik, for himself and his son Lambert, and his daughters Jenne, Anna and Aaltjen.
Bottenheim: adopted by Moses Isaac, for himself, his son Isaak and his daughter Esther.
Braaf: adopted by Hartog Ruben, for himself.
Ten Brinke: adopted by Hendrikus Getkate, for himself, his sons Hendrik and Berend Jan and his daughter Janna.
Brinkhuis: adopted by Jan Brinkshuis, for himself, his son Jannes and his daughters Hendrina and Aaltjen.
Brouwer: adopted by Hendrik Jan Leeferink, for himself, his son Abraham and his daughters Hendrina and Maria.
Brouwer: adopted by Jannes Schotveld, for himself and his sons Hendrik and Henricus and his daughters Aaltjen, Anna and Maria.
Bruggink: adopted by Egbert Brake, for himself, his son Jannes and his daughters Janna, Fenne, Jenne, Hendrina and Trijntje.
Dijkhuis: adopted by Jannes Dijkhuis aka Kesseler, for himself, his sons Berend, Gerrit, Derk and Jan and his daughters Hermiena, Aleida and Geesken.
Eshuis: adopted by Geertruid Hagedoorn, for her sons Johannes and Jan Hendrik and her daughters Johanna Henrica and Gezina Johanna. She was the widow of Jan Eshuis.
Eskes: adopted by Hendrik Jan Beurnder, for himself.
Exoo: adopted by Jannes Kortenvoord, for himself, his sons Hendrikus, Egbert and Frerick and his grandchildren: Frerik (son of Frerik), Jan (son of Egbert), and Janna (daughter of Hendricus.)
Fikkert: adopted by Arend van de Driene, for himself and his daughter Hendrina.
Fikkert: adopted by Derk Grimberg, for himself, his son Jan, and his daughter Hendrina.
Fikkert: adopted by Fredrik ten Vellenaar and Egbert Toren, the second for himself, and the first for his stepdaughter Diena Tooren.
Flateur: adopted by Samuel Benjamin Levie, for himself.
Fonken: adopted by Jannes Fonken, for himself, his sons Egbertus and Lambertus, and his daughters Henrica and Harmina.
Fonken: adopted by Henricus Beeklust, for himself, his sons Jan Hendrik and Lambertus, and his daughter Henrica.
Gelder: adopted by Izaak Emanuel, for himself, and his sons Hars and Emanuel, and his daughters Rachel and Sophia.
Goedkoop: adopted by Soesman Mozes, for himself and his daughter Esther.
Gospele: adopted by Gerrit Jan, for himself (It is not clear whether this is indeed this person.)
Gravenboer: adopted by Gerrit Jan van de Graven, for himself and his daughters Aleida, Johanna and Gesina.
Grimberg: adopted by Gerrit Jan Wanschers, for himself and his daughters Berendina and Gerritdina.
Grimberg: adopted by Jan Hendrik Wanschers, for himself and his daughter Gerritdina.
Grimberg: adopted by Jannes Hemmink, for himself, his sons Jannes and Hendrik, and his daughter Geertruid.
Grobben: adopted by Frerik Middelkamp, for himself, his son Gradus and his daughters Gerritdina, Jenne and Fenne.
Grobben: adopted by Jannes van het Maathuis, for his 5 sons Frederik, Wolter, Fredrikus, Gerrit and Gerrit Jan, his daughter Janna, and his grandchildren Wolter and Gesina (Frerik's), Jannes and Janna (Wolter's), and Jannes, Gesiena and Frederica (Gerrit Jan's.)
Ter Haar: adopted by Gerrit ter Egberts, for himself, his son Henricus, and his daughter Berendina.
Hag: adopted by Mannes van het Hag, for himself, his son Hendrik and his daughters Janna and Eva.
Hagedoorn: adopted by Gerrit Jan Straatmans, for himself.
Hammik: adopted by Mannes Kleine Rot, for himself, his sons Jan, Gerrit and Gerrit Jan and his daughters Hendrina, Maria, Janna and Berendina.
Hannink: adopted by Jannes Hannink op de Kieft, for himself.
Hendriksen: adopted by Gerrit Jan Hendriksen, for himself and his sons Jan Hendrik, Hendrik and Jan and his daughters Janna, Triene, Jenne and Geertruid.
Herscheid: adopted by Levi Isak, for himself and his daughter Helena.
Hilbink: adopted by Jan Leushuis, for himself.
Hinnen: adopted by Hendrik Jan Heilenhuis, for himself.
Hinsenveld: adopted by Jannes Planthof, for himself, his sons Mannes, Hendrik and Hendrik Jan and his daughters Aaltjen and Geertruid.
Hobbelink: adopted by Jan Hendrik van het Wold, for himself and his daughters Aaltjen and Fenneken.
Hofhuis: adopted by Arend Nijkamp, for himself and his sons Hendrik, Frederik and Hendrik Jan.
Hondebrink: adopted by Lambert Hondebrink, for himself, his sons Jan, Gerrit, Jannes, Jan Hendrik, Gerrit Jan and Lambert and his daughters Janna, Stiene, Gesiena and Willemina.
Hoop: adopted by Gerrit Jan Mieghoop, for himself, his sons Jan Hendrik, Jannes, Hendrik Jan and Mannes, his daughters Griete and Janna and his grandchild Gerrit Jan (son of Jan Hendrik.)
Horst: adopted by Jan Horst, for himself.
Ibbenhorst: adopted by Albert Heetbrink, for himself.
Olde Ibbenhorst: adopted by Jan Kleine Ibbenhorst, for himself, his sons Albert and Abraham, his daughters Gerritdiena and Hendrina, and his grandchildren Jan and Aaltjen (children of Abraham) and Janna (daughter of Albert.)
Jacobsen: adopted by Salomon Jacob.
Janmaat: adopted by Hendrik Janmaat, for himself (his daughter is not mentioned.)
Janmaat: adopted by Jannes Nijkamp, for himself and his son Gerrit.
Joostink: adopted by Berent Joosting.
Kalkboer: adopted by Albert van den Beurnder, for himself and his sons Jan, Hendrik Jan, Jannes and Bartus.
Kamp: adopted by Gerrit Schoppenboer, for himself and his sons Jan Hendrik, Derk and Hendrikus and his daughters Berendina and Harmina.
Keuken: adopted by Hendrik Jan van de Keuken, for himself, his son Abraham and his daughters Aaltje and Johanna.
Keukenboer: adopted by Jannes van de Keuken, for himself, his sons Gerrit and Hendrik and his daughter Hendrika.
Knoef: adopted by Jan Hendrik Holsbrink, for himself.
Knoop: adopted by Gerrit Knoop, for himself, his son Gerrit Jan (with his children Fredrik, Jan and Janna), and his son Berend (with his son Jan.)
Koers: adopted by Gerrit Nijkamp, for himself and his son Lambert.
Kollenveld: adopted by Gerrit van het Kollenveld, for himself and his daughters Hendrina and Janna.
Kolthof: adopted by Egbert Kolthof, for himself and his sons Gerrit Jan and Egbert and his daughters Gerritdina, Anna, Aleida, Andriene and Janna.
Kolthof: adopted by Willem Hondebrink, for himself, his son Anthonij and his daughters Zwaantje and Gerritdina.
Koningshuis: adopted by Lucas van het Koningshuis, for himself.
Krabshuis: adopted by Harmen Aalderink, for himself and his sons Hendrik, Hendrikus, Abram and Jan, his daughters Janna, Hendrina and Eva, and his grandchildren Jan (son of Hendrik) and Harmen (son of Hendrikus). Son Hendrik and grandson Jan live in Vriezenveen.
Kroese: adopted by Arien Kroese, for himself.
Landhuis: adopted by Gerrit Jansen, for himself and his daughter an unknown person.
Leddeboer: adopted by Jenneken Bolte, for her sons Jan, Gerrit and Jan Hendrik and her daughters Janna and Elisabeth.
Lederboer: adopted by Abraham Letteboer, for himself and his son Jan, his daughters Geertruid, Jenne, Stiene and Gerritdiena, and his granddaughter Janna.
Letteboer: adopted by Gerrit Jan Nijkamp, for himself and his sons Jannes and Willem and his daughters Jenneke, Fenne and Gerritdina.
Letteboer: adopted by Hendrik Letteboer, for himself.
Leuvik: adopted by Gerrit Demmer, for himself, his son Jan Hendrik, and his daughter Geertruid.
Lomus: adopted by Jan Hendrik Hambrugge, for himself.
Meibergen: adopted by David Joseph, for himself and his children Salomon and Eva and grandchildren Josef, Levy, Rachel, Hendrina, Marcus, Philip, Naatje and Mozes.
Meijer: adopted by Geertruid Everink, for her son Jannes, and her daughters Henrica, Joanna Maria and Janna. She was the widow of Willem Olde Weere.
Meulenbeld: adopted by Frerik Grobbenhuis, for himself and his son Hendrik Jan and 3 daughters Anna, Eva and Diena.
Molenbeld: adopted by Jannes Meulenbeld, for himself.
Muisebelt: adopted by Gerrit Vellecate, for himself and his sons Gerrit Jan and Gradus.
Nijhuis: adopted by Jan Nijhuis, for himself, his son Jannes and his daughters Janna, Aaltjen and Jenneken.
Nijkamp: adopted by Arend Nijkamp, for himself, his sons Albert and Jan, and his daughters Hendrina and Geeske.
Nijkamp: adopted by Jannes Nijkamp, for himself.
Nijland: adopted by Gerrit Jan Rengelink, for himself, his son Jan, and his daughter Geertruid.
Nijland: adopted by Hendrik Nijland, for himself.
Niphuis: adopted by Roelof van het Heilenhuis, for himself, his sons Mannes and Dirk, his daughters Geertruid and Jenneke, and his grandchildren Roelof and Abraham (sons of Derk.)
Olde Weere: adopted by Willem Olde Wheere, for himself.
Ossenkoppele: adopted by Gerrit Ossenkoppele, for himself.
Pezie: adopted by Gerrit Zeijgershuis, for himself and his son Jan and his daughters Geeze, Maria and Aalken.
Pinto: adopted by Jacob Joseph, for himself.
Planthof: adopted by Albert Kleine Nijland, for himself, his sons Gerrit, Jannes and Gerardus, and his daughter Hendrina.
Posthuis: adopted by Wolter Bakhuis, for himself, his son Derk, and his daughters Gerritdina, Aleida and Anna.
Raphuis: adopted by Gerrit Leus, for himself.
Reefman: adopted by Gerrit Kortegaarde, for himself.
Reeve: adopted by Gesina Rikmanspool, with her adult sons Jan Revenboer and Gerrit Jan Revenboer, and the first for her minor son Berend Revenboer. She was the widow of Jannes Revenboer.
Reeve: adopted by Hermannus van ‘t kleine Reeve, for himself, his sons Gerrit and Jannes, and his daughters Miene and Leida.
Rengelink: adopted by Egbert Groote Rot, for himself, his son Jan, and his daughters Aaltjen and Janna.
Rengelink: adopted by Lambert Letteboer, for himself, his son Jan, Jannes and Hendrik, and his grandchildren Jannes, Hendrik Jan, Thomas and Dina (Jan's children.)
Rengelink: adopted by Jannes Hemmink, for himself, his sons Hendrik, Gerrit Jan, Jan Hendrik, Frederik, Abraham and Jannes, his daughters Jenne, and his granddaughters Geertruid and Aaltjen (Hendrik's daughters.)
Reuvekamp: adopted by Bernardus Voerhuis, for himself, his 2 sons Lucas and Jannes, his 2 daughters Geertruid and Berendina, and his grandchildren Bernardus (son of Jannes) and Bernardus, Anna and Hendrica (children of Lucas.)
Ruvekamp: adopted by Frerik Grobbenhuis, for himself and his son Hendrik Jan and 4 daughters Jenne, Anna, Eva and Diena.
Riethuis: adopted by Gerrit Jan Musebelt, for himself, his son Anthonij, and his daughter Jenneke.
Riet: adopted by Jan op de Riet, for himself.
Rohof: adopted by Albertus Roehof, for himself.
Rohof: adopted by Jannes Roohof, for himself, his sons Bernardus, Gradus and Hendricus, and his daughters Hendrica and Berendina.
Rot: adopted by Gerrit van het Rot, for himself, his sons Jan and Frerik and his daughters Geertruijd and Dina.
Rot: adopted by Jan van het Koningshuis, for himself.
Salomonson: adopted by Mozes Salomon, for himself and his sons Joseph, Isaac, Godschalk, Hein and Salomon and his daughters Sara and Vrouwtje.
Salomonson: adopted by Schoontje Ansel, for her sons Abraham and Ansel and her daughters Sophia and Hendriene. She was the widow of Meijer Salomon.
Schaap: adopted by Hars Joseph Schaap, for himself and his daughters Hendriene, Rachel and Sophia.
Schapedijk: adopted by Arend Voerhuis, for himself and his daughter Anna.
Schapedijk: adopted by Gerrit Tijhof, for himself, his sons Jannes and Jan, and his daughters Janna, Gesina, Jenne and Eva.
Schapedijk: adopted by Jannes Tijhof, for himself, his son Jannes, and his daughters Gerritdiena and Janna.
Schelfhorst: adopted by Gerrit Kortenvoort, for himself, his son Hendrikus, and his daughter Jenne.
Schelfhorst: adopted by Steven van het Posthuis, for himself, his son Fredrik, and his daughter Jenneke.
Schipdam: adopted by Jannes Broekhuis, for himself, his son Gerrit Jan, and his daughters Johanna and Gezina.
Schipdam: adopted by Lambert Hemmink, for himself and his daughter Geesken, Aaltje and Gerritdine.
Schoppert: adopted by Abraham Broekhuis, for himself, his son Abraham, and his daughters Fenne and Anna.
Schreever: adopted by Gerrit van de Robbenhaar, for himself and his daughters Fenne, Janna and Gerardina.
Schreever: adopted by Jannes Kieften, for himself and his sons Gradus and Mannes.
Schreever: adopted by Jannes Kleine Robbenhaar, for himself, his sons Gradus and Hendricus, and his daughters Janna, Hendrica and Diena.
Schuilenberg: adopted by Gerrit Jan Landhuis, for himself, his sons Albert, Hendrik and Jannes, and his daughters Gerritdina, Janna and Jenne.
Schutteman: adopted by Jan Schutteman, for himself, his sons Jan, Albert and Gerrit Jan, his daughters Aaltje, Willemina and Janna, and his grandchildren Jannes, Mannes, Jenne and Hendrina (Jan's children.)
Schutteman: adopted by Gerrit Jan Schutteman, for himself and his stepdaughters Hendrina and Maria.
Schutten: adopted by Gerrit Schutteboer, for himself, his son Hendrikus, and his daughter Aaltjen.
Schutten: adopted by Jan Nijkamp, for himself, his sons Hendrik and Gerrit, and his daughter Jenne.
Schuttenhuis: adopted by Albert Soetenhuis, for himself, his son Gerrit, and his daughters Gerritdina, Fenneken, Jenneken, Aaltje and Janna.
Slaghuis: adopted by Barend Kamphuis, for himself, his sons Gerrit Jan, Gerrit and Gradus, and his daughters Regina, Hendrika and Hendrina.
Smit: adopted by Jan Willem Boomshuis, for himself, his son Derk Jan, and his daughter Janna.
Staman: adopted by Jannes Schuilenberg, for himself, his sons Gerrit Jan and Gerrit, and his daughters Hendrica, Berendina and Janna.
Stegehuis: adopted by Jan van het Steeghuis, for himself, his son Jan Hendrik, and his daughters Diene and Anna.
Stegehuis: adopted by Wolter Schuttenhuis, for himself, his son Berend, and his daughter Jenne.
Tieleman: adopted by Teunis Abbink, for himself.
Ulenreef: adopted by Gerrit Hinnenvelt, for himself.
Ulenreef: adopted by Jan Vrielink, for himself, his 3 sons Jan Arents, Gerrit and Gerrit Jan, his 3 daughters Fenneken, Aaltje and Geertruid, and Gezina, daughter of Gerrit.
Vasters: adopted by Jan Schapedijk, for himself.
Veldhuis: adopted by Henricus Schöppen, for himself, his sons Jan, Jannes and Jan Hendrik, and his daughter Maria.
Veldhuis: adopted by Hendrik Crabshuis, for himself, his sons Jan, Mannes, Jannes and Gerrit, and his daughters Janna and Fenneken.
Veldkamp: adopted by Jannes Veltkamp, for himself.
Vellecate: adopted by Jan Broekhuis, for himself.
Ten Vellener: adopted by Cornelis Olde Boershuis, for himself, his 3 sons Hendrik, Gerrit and Hendrik Jan, his 3 daughters Aaltje, Janna and Jenne.
Ten Vellener: adopted by Frederik Toorn, for himself, his sons Jan and Lambertus, his daughters Geertruijt and Berendina, and his granddaughter Geesken (daughter of Jan.)
Velten: adopted by Abraham Meulenbeld, for himself.
Volkerink: adopted by Geertruid Lederboer, for her son Hendrik and daughter Janna. She was the widow of Gerrit Volkerink.
Vollenbroek: adopted by Egbert Ruink, for himself, his sons Hermannus, Joannes and Albert, and his daughter Hendrika, and his grandson Jan Vollenbroek.
Vreeman: adopted by Jannes Vreeman, for himself, his sons Jan, Gerrit and Gerrit Jan and his daughters Stiene, Hendrine, Leideken and Janna.
Weer: adopted by Bernardus Leus, for himself, his son Gradus, and his daughter Janna.
Wevershuis: adopted by Mannes Niphuis, for himself.
Wheer: adopted by Herm Hendrik Leus, for himself and his sons Bernardus, Willem and Harmanus.
Willemsen: adopted by Jan Nijhuis, for himself, his sons Hendrik, Abraham and Gerrit, and his daughters Anna and Geertruid.
Wold: adopted by Jan Hendrik Hobbelink, for himself, his stepsons Jannes and Mannes, and his stepdaughters Aaltjen, Engela, Siena and Janna, children of Albert van het Wolt.
Wondeman: adopted by Gerrit Jan Getkate, for himself, his son Gerrit, his daughter Janna, and his grandchildren Jan and Hendrina (Gerrit's children.)
Zagekuile: adopted by Janna Dome, for her son Jan Hendrik, and her daughter Gerritdina. She was the widow of Gradus Sagekuile.
Zagekuile: adopted by Willem Zagekuile, for himself, and his son Roelof.
Wheer: adopted by Jannes van de Weere, for himself.