Jan Berentsen Bolk1

M, #160, ° s 1660, +. bet 1738 - 1742
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Jan Berentsen Bolk was likely the father of Berend Janssen Bolk, because Berend's widow and Jan's widow together have to sell the house, because of money borrowed by Jan and his wife.2,1
     Jan Berentsen Bolk married Fenneken Schuitemaker.2,1 He died bet 1738 - 1742, because he borrows money in 1738, and his widow sells the house in 1742.2,1

More Information:

Willem Boom, Pieter van Haarst, Jan Berentsen Bolck, Benjamin ten Bruggenkate, Berent Oink, Coenraat Colmschot and Abraham Hagedoorn was among the people nominated on 18 Dec 1733 by the council of Stad Almelo to serve as tax collectors for the 1000th penning. They had to be approved by the Count of Rechteren, Lord of Almelo.3

Court Records:

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 21 Jan 1738:
Jan Berentsen Bolk, and his wife Fenneken Schuitemaker took out a mortgage with Hendrik Jan Bruins, and his wife Theodora Princen and heirs, with as collateral their house, garden and yard, between the house of Gerrit Bolk and that of Jan Rompelman.2


Fenneken Schuitemaker +. a 1742


  1. [S23] SA, Inv. #2619, Fol. 457-458. Transportacte, 28 Jan 1742.
  2. [S23] SA, Inv. #2619, Fol. 311-312. Hypotheekacte, 29 Jan 1738.
  3. [S29] HA #214, #2668. Stukken betr. de inning van de 1000e penning in de Heerlijkheid Almelo – jaren 1733-1758.