Another Birthday Letter

Here is the second letter, this one on the occasion of Afina‘s (dutch link) birthday.

Nieuwe Pekela, Dec 1918

Dear Son and Daughter,

Today we are reminded of your birthday, Afina, hoping you will pass that day in health, we stand before a new year, hoping that we will be able to go back to our old habits, also I congratulate you Afina and Ulpen with your birthday, may you have much pleasure on your birthday, also with New Year. We are quite busy at the moment, I constantly have to peel potatoes, you understand, two more big eaters, and more everyday, they keep me busy, but I wish that you two were also in our midst, than we would all be together again, but that is not possible now, I hope that this is also OK, another time you will write more, they are at the moment all out of ???, so I will have to stop. Greetings from your Father U. de Haan

Dear children,

Now I can’t stay back to congratulate you. So Afina, my sincere congratulations, and Ulpen you too congratulations with this day, hoping we will be able to celebrate it together for many years. A. will have to treat U., I will do it here, we say, we like it here too, whether U. and A. are here or not. Also all the best for the New Year. I have no news, if possible exchange the bread tickets for me, have you received the picture of our Hendrik? I have put Elina to work, she made an apron for our Grietje, very nice. Write back soon, many greetings from your loving Mother.

Dear Brother and Sister,

It has never happened before that I had to congratulate you in writing. Now Afina, sincere congratulations on your twenty-seventh birthday, also for you Ulpen with the birthday of your wife. Also all the best for the New Year. Elina has made me an apron, just as she herself usually wears here. Hers fitted me perfect, we are the same size, except E. is short and I am tall. Our J. had forgotten that he had received a new hat, he just remembered. No more news, so many greetings from your loving sister Grietje.

Dear Brother and Sister,

I can’t let go what Father wrote. Afina knows that when Father is writing we have to be as quiet as churchmice, I had to let my coffee get cold, only because I didn’t dare to open my mouth. As far as the potato peeling is concerned, that is mostly the truth, everyone is here busy, and Father does — nothing, so what is more logical than that he peels. Today however Father didn’t peel, and I ate the most today, but who ate the most this afternoon — Father. Now that is of course OK, but do we have to talk so much about our food? What I am writing is also in Brother Jan’s name, he felt too huffy to write, he will have to justify himself the next time. Eat well while you are reading this letter, maybe next time we’ll call you — also. Your loving brother Hendrik


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