Sara Warnaars1

F, #13119, ° 1699
FatherGerrit Warnaars2 ° 1663, +. 1723
MotherElsjen van Blijdenstein2 ° s 1670
  • Proven or possible relations:
     Sara Warnaars was born in 1699.2 She married (NH) Hendrik Bavink, son of Hendrik Bavink and Hendrikje Warnaars, in Almelo (with certificate from Campen)1 (banns (NH) 3 Sep 1724, Almelo.)1

More Information:
She lived at the time of her marriage in Almelo.1 She was mentioned in the will of Jan Vinken and Anneken Warners on 28 Jan 1766.3


Hendrik Bavink ° 1701


  1. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Hendrik Bavink en Sara Warnaars, 3 Sep 1724.
  2. [S720] P. Beets, Stamboom Willingen, pg. 16, B-8, C-5, D-1, E-3.
  3. [S22] LA Court Records, Inv. #2649, Fol. 87-89. Testament Jan Vinken en Anneke Warners, 28 Jan 1766 (extract).
  4. [S720] P. Beets, Stamboom Willingen, pg. 79, F6.