Adam Oostendorp1,2

M, #17349, ° s 1630, +. b 1667
     Adam Oostendorp married Haedewich Henrix, daughter of Hendrick Godschalk and Fenneken Roloffs.2,3 He died b 1667, because his wife remarries.4

Court Records:

Huisgericht, Almelo, 1660:
Adam Oostendorp, and his wife Hadewich Derks conveyed to the Lord of Almelo, two pieces of land in the Oosterhoeve.5

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 2 Apr 1677:
The heirs of Hendrick Godschalk and Fenneke Roelofs, Wilm Wildeman and his wife Fenneke Henrix, Gese Stockelers, Jan Roelofs, and the children of Adam Oostendorp are sued on 2 Apr 1677, because of a mortgage that their parents took out in 1633.1

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 23 Apr 1678:
Wilm Wildeman, and his wife Jannetje Godtschalck took out a mortgage with the children of the late Adam Oostendorp and Haedewich Henrix, with as collateral their house and smitty, located between the house of Egbert Glasemaker and the alley to ?? Caspers' house.2


Haedewich Henrix ° s 1630, +. b 1677


  1. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618, Fol. 133-134. Hypotheekacte, 2 Apr 1677.
  2. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618, Fol. 146-147. Hypotheekacte, 23 Apr 1678.
  3. [S513] Rijssen NH Trouwen : 20 Oct 1667. Henrik Arendsen Ipeloe van Rekdim en Hadewich Henriksen, wed. van
    Adam Ostendorp, van Almeloe, cop. toe Almeloe 17 Nov, VPND. Index and/or images online at Contains scans of original documents.
  4. [S513] Rijssen NH Trouwen : 20 Oct 1667/17 Nov 1667, VPND. Index and/or images online at Contains scans of original documents.
  5. [S29] HA #214, Inv. #2502 (online).