Wilm Wildeman1

M, #17348, ° s 1630, +. a 1677
FatherJan Wildeman2 +. b 1634
MotherHille2 ° s 1600
     Wilm Wildeman married Jannetje Godtschalck, daughter of Hendrick Godschalk and Fenneken Roloffs.1 He died a 1677, because he was mentioed in a mortgage.1

More Information:
He was a blacksmith. A smithy was part of the security for the mortgage.3

Court Records:

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 24 Jan 1677:
Wilm Wildeman, and his wife Fenne Godschalk took out a mortgage with Joachim Adolph van Rechteren toe Rechteren and his wife and heirs, with as collateral their furniture, linnen and woollen goods, and their animals, and if that was not enough, also their real estate.4

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 2 Apr 1677:
The heirs of Hendrick Godschalk and Fenneke Roelofs, Wilm Wildeman and his wife Fenneke Henrix, Gese Stockelers, Jan Roelofs, and the children of Adam Oostendorp are sued on 2 Apr 1677, because of a mortgage that their parents took out in 1633.1

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 23 Apr 1678:
Wilm Wildeman, and his wife Jannetje Godtschalck took out a mortgage with the children of the late Adam Oostendorp and Haedewich Henrix, with as collateral their house and smitty, located between the house of Egbert Glasemaker and the alley to ?? Caspers' house.3

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 23 Apr 1678:
Jan Roelofs, the widow Geese Stockelers, with her guardian Jan Bruins, Godschalk Hendriks and his wife Geertien Jansen, Wilm Wildeman and his wife Janneken Henrix, and also Lambert Braakman, as guardian over Hermken Henrix, daughter of the late Hendrik Ipelo and his wife, conveyed to Derk Roelofs, and his wife and children, their parental house, called the "Schuitjen," between the house of Gerrit Luxon and that of Johan Prinsen, as well as the stables, the brewery and the land that belongs with it.5


  1. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618, Fol. 133-134. Hypotheekacte, 2 Apr 1677.
  2. [S486] Cor Trompetter, Almelo Republiek, Hoofstuk 12, Note 53, pg. 444.
  3. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618, Fol. 146-147. Hypotheekacte, 23 Apr 1678.
  4. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618, Fol. 120-121. Hypotheekacte, 24 Jan 1677.
  5. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618, Fol. 147. Transportacte, 23 Apr 1678.