Broeck Hendrick1

M, #29484, ° s 1645
FatherBroeck Geert1 ° s 1620
     Broeck Hendrick married (NH) Grietjen Wichers, daughter of Wicher op de Graven, on 9 Feb 1673 in Wierden (with papers.)1

More Information:

Both Hendrick Geertsen and Broeck Hendrick are son of Broek Geert. Not clear whether this is the same person, whether there are two sons Hendrik, of whether there are two persons Broek Geert.


  1. [S513] Wierden NH Trouwen. Broeck Hendrick, Broeck Geerts soon en Grietjen Wichers, Graven Wichers dochter, 9 febr 1673, VPND. Index and/or images online at Contains scans of original documents.