Wilm ter Hamminx1
M, #24175, +. bet 1676 - 1682
Wilm ter Hamminx died bet 1676 - 1682, because he was mentioned in a sales contract, but his children were listed in the fireplace register.1,2
More Information:
He (as Willem ter Hammicks children, and in the copy as Willem ter Hamminks children) are listed in the list of poor people of 1683 (#58.)
Census records:
25 Nov 1682 Stad Almelo Fireplace Register: Owner: the children of Willem ter Ham. Fireplaces: 1. Ovens: 0. Kettles: 0.2
More Information:
He (as Willem ter Hammicks children, and in the copy as Willem ter Hamminks children) are listed in the list of poor people of 1683 (#58.)
Census records:
25 Nov 1682 Stad Almelo Fireplace Register: Owner: the children of Willem ter Ham. Fireplaces: 1. Ovens: 0. Kettles: 0.2