Berent ter Hachreijse1
M, #24166, +. a 1676
Father | ? ter Hachreijse |
Berent ter Hachreijse died a 1676, because he borrows money.1
Court Records:
Stadsgericht, Almelo, 17 Dec 1676:
Court Records:
Stadsgericht, Almelo, 17 Dec 1676:
Berent ter Hachreijse, and his sister Griete ter Hachreijse took out a mortgage with Jan Goossens, and heirs, living in Ootmarssum, with as collateral their house, between the Poorhouse and the Rietmakers alley, with the proviso that they do not have to pay interest for the remainder of their lives.1
- [S23] SA, Inv. #2618, Fol. 118. Hypotheekacte, 17 Dec 1676.