Jan ten Getcaette1

M, #24055, +. a 1682
     Jan ten Getcaette died a 1682.1

More Information:

He (as Jan ten Getcaette, and in the copy as Jan ten Getkotte) is listed in the 1683 list of poor people (#71.)

Census records:
25 Nov 1682 Stad Almelo Fireplace Register: Owner: Jan ten Getcaette.      Fireplaces: 2.      Ovens: 0.      Kettles: 0. This could be Jan ten Gettcate of Jan ten Getkotte, but they are both in the Landgericht.1


  1. [S974] SAO 3.1 #2576, Stad Almelo, 1682. pg. 12, image 1795.