Willem te Wierk1

M, #23584, +. a 1722
Father? te Wierk1 +. b 1722
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Is Willem the same person as Willem Hendrixen te Wierdijk? Willem te Wierk bought a house in 1722, Willem Hendrixen te Wierdijk married in 1713.
     Willem te Wierk died a 1722, because he buys a house.1

Court Records:

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 16 Jun 1722:
Willem te Wierk, and his sister Aalken te Wierk conveyed to Willem te Wierk, their brother, their parental house, next to the house of their cousins, and the field near the house of Jan Schuit, with all the funiture. They also rent to their brother Willem te Wierk their part of a piece of land near the Eshekke, for which he pays some in cash, with the remainder to be considered a mortgage, with the above mentioned property as collateral.1

Of course the two Willems cannot both be Willem Hendriks te Wierik. It is possible that an unmarried brother and sister sell the house to the married brother, or to the husband of a sister. It would be good to be able to look at the document itself. So if some one knows more, I would like to know.


  1. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618*, fol 346-347. Transportacte, 16 Jun 1722.