Berent Hagedoorn1

M, #21444, ° s 1600, +. a 1663
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Berent can not be the same person as Baerent Hagedoorn. Berent Hagedoorn was old in 1663, Baerent Hagedoorn was likely not born before 1650.
  • Berent Hagedoorn was the uncle of Wessel Hagedoorn.2
     Berent Hagedoorn was born s 1600.1 He died a 1663, because he was involved in the start of the militia.1

More Information:

A militia was establish in Stad Almelo in 1663. It is not clear why. The officers of the first company were ao Jan Bulk, captain, Berent Hagedoorn, and Jan Meijer, lieutenant, although all of them were rather old. Ensigns Geert Hendriks Bulk and Jan Prinsen could be sons of Hendrik Gerritsen Bolk.1

Court Records:

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 18 Sep 1679:
Trine Bruggingh widow of Gerrit Schoemaker with her guardian P. Backer took out a mortgage with Berent Hagedoorn and his wife, with as collateral her boat, which is used by her son.3

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 31 Oct 1679:
Henrik Beckingvelt Sr. took out a mortgage with Berent Hagedoorn.4


  1. [S486] Cor Trompetter, Almelo Republiek, pg. 291.
  2. [S899] Mr. J.W. Racer, Alm. Oudheden, pg. 414-5.
  3. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618, Fol. 161. Hypotheek acte, 18 Sep 1679.
  4. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618, Fol. 164-165. Hypotheek acte, 31 Oct 1679.