Gerrit Gerrits van Tusveld1

M, #21323, +. a 1679
  • Is there possibly a relationship between Gerrit Gerrits van Tusveld and Henrijk Tusvelt? Henrijk makes a will in 1720-22, names three children names three children Gerrit, Berendje, Jan Hendrik the last two deceased, with children; Gerrit makes a will in 1679, names no children; it would have had to be a 2nd marriage. It could be possible that they are brothers.
     Gerrit Gerrits van Tusveld married Aele Cornelis.1 He died a 1679, because he makes a will.1

More Information:

Gerrit Gerrits van Tusveld and Aele Cornelis with her guardian U. J. van der Horst and Jan Knoop made a will on 29 Aug 1679. They name each other as heir.1


  1. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618, Fol. 156-157. Testament Gerrit Gerrits van Tusveld en Aele Cornelis, 29 Aug 1679.