Gerrit Berendsen Bolk1

M, #21183, +. a 1749
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Is Gerrit the same person as Gerrit Berentsen Bolk? Gerrit Berendsen Bolk is living in 1749, Gerrit Berentsen Bolk marries in 1697. If Gerrit Berentsen Bolk is the one mentioned in Henrik Lambers Bolk's will, than he is a cousin. It is however also possible, that Gerrit a son of a Berent Lamberts (Bolk) is, and that he is a nephew.
  • Is Gerrit the same person as Gerrijt Bolk? Gerrit Berendsen Bolk is living in 1749, Gerrijt Bolk marries in 1705. If Gerrijt Bolk is the one mentioned in Henrik Lambers Bolk's will, than he is a cousin. It is however also possible, that Gerrit a son of a Berent Lamberts (Bolk) is, and that he is a nephew.
     Gerrit Berendsen Bolk died a 1749, because he is mentioned in his cousin/nephew's will.1

More Information:
He was mentioned in the will of Henrik Lambers Bolk on 20 Mar 1749.1


  1. [S23] SA, Inv. #2619, Fol. 551-553. Testament Henrik Lambers Bolk, 20 Mar 1749.