Egbert Derx1

M, #13810, ° s 1650, +. bet 1706 - 1713
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Is Egbert the same person as Egbert op de Bellinkhoff? Egbert op de Bellinkhoff living in 1700, Egbert Derx died between 1706 and 1713, but Egbert op de Bellinkhoff's daughter Hendrikje is not mentioned in the contract.
  • Is Egbert the same person as Egbert Derksen Droste? Egbert Derksen Droste living in 1699, Egbert Derx died between 1706 and 1713, but Egbert Derksen Droste's daughter Janna is not mentioned in the contract.
     Egbert Derx married Geertje Molenbelt (This was probably a 2nd marriage; the children are not listed as her children in the deed.)2 He died bet 1706 - 1713, because he was living at the time of Jenneke's marriage, but his wife was a widow in a contract.1,2




  1. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Swier Janssen en Jenneke Egberts, 18 Apr 1706.
  2. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618*, Fol. 47-49. Transportacte, 10 May 1713.