Hendrik Zwier Vonke1

M, #13557, ° s 1680, +. a Mar 1722
FatherAntonij Vonken2 ° s 1650, +. b 1703
  • Other names or spelling variations:
  • Henrik Swier Vonke (in a sales contract.)3
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Hendrik Zwier Vonke was a brother of Carel Vonke, because Carel is mentioned in the will of Hendrik Zwier.2
  • Hendrik Zwier Vonke was a brother of Margarieta Vonken, because Margarieta'children are mentioned in the will of Hendrik Zwier.2
     Hendrik Zwier Vonke was from in Almelo at his marriage.1 He married Helena Holtberends1 (banns (NH) 3 Aug 1710, Almelo.)1 He died a 12 Mar 1722, because he makes a will.2

More Information:

Hendrik Zwier Vonke made a will on 12 Mar 1722. He names his wife Hillena Holtberents sole heir, and leaves ƒ200.- to his brother Carel Vonke, ƒ300.- to the children of his late sister Margarieta Vonken, namely Janna Prinsen and Marijke Prinsen, ƒ100.- to Margarieta ter Bruggen, and ƒ40.- to the Poor.2

Court Records:

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 19 Feb 1720:
Henrik Swier Vonke, and Jan Prinssen, widower of Margreta Vonke, for himself, and as father and guardian over his minor children conveyed to Jan Carel Vonke, and his wife Anna Geertruijd Brandligt, 2/3 part of the house "Vonkenhuis", located between the house of the widow of Lambert Kosters and the houses of Claas Slag and Jan Bolk, with two rearhouses and a piece of land next to them.3


  1. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Hendrik Zwier Vonke en Helma Holtbarends, 3 Aug 1710.
  2. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618*, Fol. 328-329. Testament Henrik Swier Vonke, 12 Mar 1722.
  3. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618*, fol 268-269. Transportacte, 19 Feb 1720.