Lambert Derxen van het Vree1

M, #13453, ° s 1685
  • Other names or spelling variations:
  • Lambert ten Vree (in a mortgage.)2
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Was Lambert Derxen van het Vree possibly the son of Derk op het Vree? No parents mentioned at marriage, Derk living in 1715.
  • Was Lambert Derxen van het Vree possibly the father of Hermen Boom? Lambert is living in 1731, has wife Jenneke; Hermen married in 1736, father deceased, has daughter Jenne.
  • Is Lambert the same person as Lambert Derxen van het Vree? Although both are jm at their marriage in 1712 and 1715, it is possible that that is a mistake of the registrar. It does not seem to make sense that there would be two Lambert Derxen van het Vree, but according to me, there is not enough proof to say it is the same person. There is no daughter Jenneke, named for the first wife, nor a son Willem, named after his father-in-law, who could be a candidate for a child of Lambert.
  • Is Lambert the same person as Lambert Boom van het Vree? Lambert Derxen van het Vree marries Jenneke in 1712; Lambert Boom van het Vree is in the census with daughters Gese, 20 yrs old, and Maria, 17 yrs old, both have a daughter Johanna. But if Lambert Derxen van het Vree is the same as Lambert Derxen van het Vree, their mother would have been Elske.
     Lambert Derxen van het Vree was from in Almelo at his marriage.1 He married (NH) Jenneken Wilmsen, daughter of Willem Everts, in Almelo1 (banns (NH) 14 Aug 1712, Almelo.)1

Court Records:

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 10 Jan 1731:
Lambert ten Vree, and his wife Jenneken Willemsen took out a mortgage with Albertus Bastiaan, and his wife Anna Christina Lubelei, with as collateral their house and yard, that he has bought from the burgemeesters, council members and mortgage holder.2

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 10 Jan 1731:
Willem Evers, on order of burgemeester, council members and mortgage holder conveyed to Lambert Derxen van het Vree, and his wife Jenneken Willemsen and heirs, a house between the house of the widow of Geert Muller and the dwellings of the heirs of ? Floris. This house was in very bad shape, and the seller was not able to repair it, so he sold it, on order of the mortgage holder Jan van Oink.3


  1. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Lambert Derxen van 't Vree en Jenneken Wilmsen, 14 Aug 1712.
  2. [S23] SA, Inv. #2619, Fol. 147-148. Hypotheekacte, 10 Jan 1731.
  3. [S23] SA, Inv. #2619, Fol. 144-146. Transportacte, 10 Jan 1731.