Aeltien Gerrits van het Reutink1

F, #12380, ° s 1705
  • Other names or spelling variations:
  • Ale Volkerink (at Jenneken's baptism.)2
  • The widow of Gerrit Elshof (in a deed.)3
     Aeltien Gerrits van het Reutink was from in Heerlijkheid Almelo at her marriage.1 She married (NH) Gerrit Gerritsen op het Elshoff on 21 Sep 1729 in Almelo1 (banns (NH) 14 Aug 1729, Almelo.)1

Court Records:

, 17 Jan 1752:
The house and yard of the widow of Gerrit Elshof, with the land behind it, in the alley near the Gote, was conveyed to Gerrit Bolk, Sr., Hendrik Bolk, Jr., and Jannes Bolk.3

Census records:
1748 Gericht Almelo census: Household of Gerrit Elshof.4


Garrit Elshof ° s 1700, +. bet 1748 - 1752


  1. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Gerrit Gerritsen op 't Elshoff en Aeltien Gerrits van 't Reutinck, 14 Aug 1729.
  2. [S32] DTB NH Almelo, Dopen/Baptisms : blz: 28v. Jenneken, dochter van Garrit Elshof en Ale Volkering, 14 Oct 1739.
  3. [S23] SA, Inv. #2619, Fol. 587. Transportacte, 17 Jan 1752.
  4. [S24] Volkstelling Twente, Stad en Landgericht Almelo, 1748. pg. 23v-24, #3 (Film #0116398, image 55 of 306).
  5. [S24] Volkstelling Twente, Stad en Landgericht Almelo, 1748. pg. 23v-24, #3.