Jannes Egberts van de Rot1

M, #11647, ° s 1725
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Is Jannes the same person as Jannes op het Rot? No parents mentioned at Jannes Egberts van de Rot's marriage in 1752, Jannes op het Rot is over 10 in the census.
     Jannes Egberts van de Rot was from near in Almelo at his marriage.1 He married Janna Derks1 (banns (NH) 17 Nov 1752, Almelo.)1
Jannes Egberts van de Rot and Janna Egberts van het Rot cannot really be children of Egbert and Griete (she would have had children over more than 30 yrs, her last child is in 1752), so maybe there is an earlier marriage. Janna has a daughter Swenneke, and Griete's first daughters are also called Swenneke, so maybe the first wife was a Swenneke. But no marriages found.


  1. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Jannes Egberts van 't Rot en Janna Derks, 17 Nov 1752.