Transcriber's notes:
This transcript was made from photocopies, provided by Ethel Kay Konight, of the handwritten
church register. Various different handwritings occur throughout these records.
The column headings were preprinted in the register. Column breaks are indicated
by spaces and double slashes (i.e. // ). Handwritten words or names which were illegible
are represented by square brackets (i.e. [ ] ). When a guess of the name or word has been made,
it is indicated by enclosure in square brackets and a question mark (i.e. [Smith?]).
Any comments in square brackets are comments of the transcriber. Words or comments in
parentheses are in parentheses in the original church register. Spellings are as given
in the church register.
--- Pat Wardell, July 2005
Name // Date of Death // Age // Place of Burial // Remarks
[page 1]
Rev. Weaver
Nancy Baily // [blank] // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
[Floni?] H. Way // Aug 27, 1885 // 3 mo 18 ds // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Edward Wanamaker // Oct 10, 1885 // 4.10.11 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Clara Way // Jan 7, 1886 // 1.3.28 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
John Jacob Fisher // Jan 15, 1886 // 5 mo. 6 ds // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
William May // Aug 20, 1886 // 50.5.13 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. Peter Fox // Aug 26, 1886 // 26.5.22 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. Julia Coe // Oct 13, 1886 // 83.3.7 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Thomas Acker // Nov 4, 1886 // 86.2.14 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. Abram Forshay // Feb 4, 1887 // 25.0.15 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
James J. Wanamaker // July 17, 1887 // 72.9.3 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Jacob Irving Dator // Aug 9, 1886 [out of chronological sequence] //
4 mo 3 ds // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Infant child Holice Wanamaker // July 21, 1887 // 2 mo 24 ds //
Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Ella C. Way // Oct 5, 1887 // 6 mo 13 ds // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mammie Straut // Dec 2, 1887 // 9 mo 8 ds // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
[page 2]
Harmon I. Blauvelt // Dec 7, 1887 // 3.8.10 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. John Straut // Jan 2, 1888 // 91.3 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Estella Acker // Feb 16, 1888 // 5.7.14 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
James J. Coe // Sep 1, 1887 // 57.4.16 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
John Straut // March 18, 1888 // 62.6.22 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Infant child of Wesley Doremus // March 31, 1888 // 1 day //
Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. Jacob Wanamaker // April 18, 1888 // 32.0.24 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
John [Bartomore? Barbarow?] // June 9, 1888 // 69.3.27 //
Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Jennie M. Halstead // June 16, 1888 // 25.8.13 // Mahwah
[page 3]
Maggie Etta Dator // April 4, 1889 // 12 yrs // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Philip Baily // Aug 22, 1889 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Michael May // May 16, 1889 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Polly Hemion // March 24, 1890 [out of chronological sequence] // [blank] //
Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Isaac Shuart // Oct 13, 1889 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
James Carlough // Aug 21, 1890 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
child of James Carlough // Aug 21, 1890 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Jacob F. Straut // Dec 5, 1890 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. Fox // [blank] // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Kate Quackenbush // Jan 8, 1891 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Conrad Straut // Jan 10, 1891 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. Wanamaker // April 20, 1891 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. Richard Straut // June 10, 1891 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Osborn Children // June 24, 1891 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
[Dittos: Osborn Children] // June 29, 1891 // [blank] //
Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
[Dittos: Osborn Children] // July 2, 1891 // [blank] //
Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
[The following item interpolated from Rev. Ephraim De Yoe's informal record book:
Attended the funeral of John H. Hemion. Aug 1sth 1891.]
Emma Straut // Dec 1892 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery // Burned
Cornelius Debaun's child // Aug 23, 1891 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. John Doremus // Feb 17, 1892 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
John Doremus // March 16, 1892 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Lewis H. May // Dec 1892 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
[Iva? or Ina?] Wanamaker // May 17, 1892 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Jacob Hemion // April 13, 1893 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. Catharine Coe // April 16, 1893 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
[The following item interpolated from Rev. Ephraim De Yoe's informal record book:
Attended the funeral of Mrs. Anna Carpenter. Dec 12th, 1893. Psm. 90:12.]
[The following items interpolated from Rev. Ephraim De Yoe's informal record book:
Attended the Funeral of ______ Carlough, Feb. 12th. 1895.
Also the Funeral of a child of ______ Eckerson, Saddle River. Feb. 2nd. Saml.
Also of Mrs. Van Gelder, Mar. 6th, '95. Job.
Also of Infant daughter of Wm. J. & Harriet E. Boice. July 18th, '95.
Feb 5th '96. Addie Dix, Aged 23 years, from N. Y, City. From 90Ps. 12 v.
Feb. 28th. Child of Abraham Ackerson and his wife Mary Emma,]
[The following item interpolated from Rev. Ephraim De Yoe's informal record book:
Aug. 5th, 1896. Attended the Funeral of Miss Jenie Carlough, aged
83 years.]
[page 4]
By Rev. Geo. W. Fortney
Mrs. Maria Carlough // May 3, 1901 // 63 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Tumor on Liv--
Elsie Cole // July 1901 // 21 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
William Konight // Aug 21, 1901 // 20 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Tumor on bra--
Mary Jane Konight // Dec 10, 1901 // 72 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Rachel E. Hemion // Jan 9, 1902 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Oper. for Cance-
Peter P. Konight snr // Jan 10, 1902 // 70 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
James Frederick // Jan 13, 1902 // 83 // New Hempstead Cem. //
Mary Carlough // 1901 // 42 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Alonzo Straut // Feb 28, 1902 // 3 mos // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Mrs. Margaret E. Straut // 1902 // 70 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Softening of brain
Cor. Quackenbush // Aug 14, 1902 // 75 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Heart Failure
Daisy Fisher // [blank] // 3 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery // [Spasus?]
John Hemion // Oct 20, 1902 // 24 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Killed by Cars
Mrs. Susan Shuart // Oct 24, 1902 // 68 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Everett Carlough // Sep 11, 1902 // 1.11.0 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Mem. Croup
Child of Dan Straut // Jan 25, 1903 // 11 days // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Mrs. Ellen Forshay Doremus // June 16, 1903 // 95.6.20 //
Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery // Old Age
Mrs. Ellen May Shuart // June 23, 1903 // 78.8.- //
Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery // Dropsy
Arthur Egnor // July 16, 1903 // 27.2.2 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Martin Hemion // Aug 7, 1903 // 47.-.- // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
John H. McElroy // Dec 16, 1903 // 66.10.3 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
David D. Ackerson // March 16, 1904 // 66.- // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Mary Ellen Egnor // April 30, 1904 // 25 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Galloping Con--
Velma Wanamaker // May 3, 1904 // 1.-.2 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Mrs. Ida May Courter // June 12, 1904 // 41.- // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
[page 5]
by Rev. B. Q. Hallenbeck
Infant child of Mr. & Mrs. Irving Hemion // Aug 10, 1905 // 3 weeks //
Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. Maria Quackenbush // Sep 1, 1905 // 74 yrs //
Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. Anna Maria Hemion // Dec 9, 1905 // 87 yrs. // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. D. H. Sutherland // Dec 10, 1905 // 40 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Mrs. H. L. Wanamaker // Oct 31, 1905 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Mrs. J. J. Straut // Jan 19, 1906 // 64 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Heart Failure
David Carlough // Aug 18, 1906 // 93.5.- // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Old Age
Geo. W. Derbyshire // Dec 13, 1906 // 8 mos // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Francis M. Grant // Dec 28, 1906 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. Fred Sutherland // Jan 28, 1907 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Chas. Ed. McElroy // Feb 28, 1907 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. L. H. Wanamaker // May 11, 1907 // 63 yrs // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Heart Failure
James Fox // Oct 7, 1907 // 70 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. Van Riper // Nov 14, 1907 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. Eliza May // Jan 14, 1908 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Died at Goshen
Infant child of Mr. & Mrs. C. Straut // Jan 1907 // [blank] //
Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery // from church
[Another] Infant child of Mr. & Mrs. C. Straut // March 1908 //
Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery // from house
Infant child of Mr. & Mrs. Jas. H. Wanamaker // March 22, 1908 // 3 mos. //
Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
David C. Hemion // May 31, 1908 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Killed by runaway
J. J. Straut // Oct 3, 1908 // 83 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Henry L. Wanamaker // Dec 21, 1908 // 76 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Mrs. Jennie Knopf // Oct 18, 1905 // [blank] // At home by Episcopal clergyman
Jno. G. Litchult // July 1906 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Died at Asylum
A. M. Masker // Nov 1906 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Jacob Carlough // March 1907 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Mrs. Kiesler // April 1907 // [blank] // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery
Arthur Campbell // Dec 17, 1909 // 32 yrs. // Airmont Cemetery //
Funeral service Dec 20, 1909 Conducted by Rev. T. J. Yost of NY. The above minute
made by Rev L. D. Wells [Aug 23, 1910 --edge of page cut off]
[page 6]
by Rev. L. D. Wells, D.D.
Abram Cole // March 31, 1910 // 66.7.19 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Died at Viola
Herbert M. Wayne // June 19, 1910 // 41 yrs // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Died in J. City
Infant daughter of Henry & Mabel Van Houghten // July 5, 1910 // [blank] //
Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery // Born, died & buried July 5, 1910
Jas. E. Keesler // July 18, 1910 // 91 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
[buried] July 20, 1910
Mrs. J. D. Campbell // Aug 21, 1910 // 60.5.4 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Funeral in the church Aug 23, 1910
[Another] Mrs. J. D. Campbell // Nov 5, 1910 // 60 yrs. //
Ram. Luth Cem'y // Nov. 7, 1910 Funeral in the church
Mrs. Jas. P. Fox // Dec 8, 1910 // 69-1/2 yrs // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Died in home of Daughter. Mrs. Conrad May; Funeral in ch Dec 10, 1910
Elmer Agusta Van Riper // Dec 27, 1910 // 10.11.28 //
Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery // instantly killed accidentally sho--;
Funeral at home of Sister Mrs. Geo. Wanamaker Dec 29th
Jacob Henry Shuart // Jan 9, 1911 // 67.3.22 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
[Boding?] - Pastor Wells; Funeral in the church Jan 12th in charge of Rev J. --
Mrs. Andrew Esler // May 20, 1911 // 55 yrs // Paramus Cem'y //
Service at the home, Saddle River May 23rd, 1911
Mr. Stephen H. Lansing // July 1, 1911 // 76 yrs // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Died in Edgewater, NJ; Funeral in Airmont Church July 3, 19--
[page 7]
Jno. Purdy Straut // Sep 5, 1911 // nearly 34 yrs // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
On Nyack Turnpike, Collision with Aut[o]; Funeral in the Church Sep 7,1911
Geo. Sheldon Carlough // Oct 4, 1911 // 4 yrs 2 mos // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Rev. Dyckman of Mahwah officiated; Funeral in the church Oct 8, 1911
Mrs. Edward Carlough // Oct 18, 1911 // 61 yrs // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Died in City of New York; [Committal?] service Oct 21
Lewis D. Goetschius // Nov 18, 1911 // 80.0.14 // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Funeral in the church Nov 21, 1911
James Doremus // Dec 9, 1911 // 41 yrs // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Dec 12, 1911, service in Airmont church; died in Middletown, NY
Mrs. Henry P. Fox // Jan 15, 1912 // 70 yrs 8 mos // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Died in Paterson, NJ; Service in Airmont ch, Jan 17, 1912
Mrs. (Rev.) J. V. [Bodin?] // Jan 18, 1912 // 66 yrs 4 mos // Tallman Cem'y //
Funeral in Cong'l Church of Tallman Jan 22, 1912;
Assisted by Rev. Provost of the Cong'l Ch of Tallman and others
Mrs. Rachel J. Eckerson // March 10, 1912 // 80 yrs //
Lutheran Cemetery Saddle River
A. Cooper Ackerman // March 8, 1912 // 65 yrs // Lutheran Cemetery Saddle River //
A joint funeral service [for A Cooper Ackerman & Mrs. Rackel J. Eckerson, above]
in Luth Ch of Saddle River March 11, 1912 in charge of Rev. L. D. Wells from Airmont,
assested by Rev. J. V. Bodin
Mr. Jefferson Page // May 4, 1912 // 82 yrs // Ramapo Lutheran Cemetery //
Service in the home May 7, Mr. Page was a devoted member of the M. E. Ch of Winterport, ---
[page 8]
Mrs. Jas. Straut // Sep 7, 1912 // 45 yrs // Airmont Cemetery //
Died in Suffern, NY; Funeral in the Airmont Church Sep 10
Mrs. Edward Cook // Sep [sic] // Airmont Cemetery //
Died in Waldwick, NJ; Funeral in the Airmont Church Sep 15, 1912,
Rev. Mr. [Kiefer?] of Ramsey, NJ officiated in my absence
[L?] [Backman?] Bodine // Oct 17, 1912 // 43 yrs // Tallman Cem'y //
Died in Middletown, NY; Funeral in Cong'l Ch of Tallman, NY Oct 19, 1912;
Rev's [Efird?] & Van Campman of S. River assisted in the service
Miss Bertha E. Shuart // Oct 26, 1912 // 40.5.13 // Airmont Cemetery //
Funeral in the Airmont Church Oct 28, 19--
Mr. Sam'l Konnight Jr. // Jan 10, 1913 // 57-1/2 yrs // Airmont Cemetery //
Jan 18, 191-; Funeral in the Airmont Church
Mr. James Doremus // March 6, 1913 // 81 yrs // Airmont Cemetery //
March 9, 191-; Died in Paterson, N.J. Funeral in the Airmont Church
Miss Lilian F. Maxwell // March 26, 1913 // 18.10.12 // Airmont Cemetery //
March 29, 19--; Died in Suffern hospital; Funeral at the home
Mr. Albert Kalblein // July 24, 1913 // 47 yrs // Tallman cemetery //
Died in Suffe-- hospita--; Funeral at home in [Tallman?] July 27, 1913
Mr. Wm. H. Hollister // Aug 30, 1913 // 80 yrs // Airmont Cemetery //
Died in [Pass--?]; Funeral in Airmont Church Sep 1, 1913
[page 9]
[-r] J. Wilson Cortright // Sep 6, 1913 // 62 yrs // Airmont Cemetery //
Died in Suffern Hospital; Funeral at the home Mon Ev'g Sep 8, 1913;
Committal in charge of Masonic Order Tues, Sep 9
Mrs. Peter Langereis // Dec 29, 1913 // 71.9.24 // Tallman Cemetery //
Funeral in Tallman Church Dec 31,1913
Frieda Anna, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. F. L. Jacobsen // Jan 31, 1914 //
3-1/2 mos // Airmont Cemetery // Funeral at the home Feb 2, 1914
Mr. Charles E. Fox // Feb 2, 1914 // 42 yrs 7-1/2 mos // Airmont Cemetery //
Funeral in Airmont Church Feb 5, 1914
Mrs. Matilda May // Feb 7, 1914 // 77.3.3 // Airmont Cemetery //
Funeral in Airmont Church Feb 10, 1914
Master Bertram Auryansen // March 2, 1914 // 6 yrs // Airmont Cemetery //
Funeral in Airmont Church Feb 6, 1914; The boy died at #47 Benson St., Paterson, NJ
Mr. Frank W, Popple // March 4th 1914 // 55 yrs 3 mos //
Remains placed in Paterson Vault // Funeral in the home Mch 10th 1914.
The recent W. Blauvelt " [home]
Alice M. Sutherland // June 7th 1914 [May 23 1814 crossed out] // 15 days //
Airmont Cemetery
Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Fred. Sullivan // [blank] // [blank] //
Funeral in the home June 9th 191[4]
Jas H. Frederick // Aug 21, 1914 // 83 yrs 9 mos 20 days //
Airmont Cemetery // Aug 23d 1914 Funeral in the home
[page 10]
Miss Daisy Cole // April 6th 1915 // 24 yrs 5 mos // Airmont Cemetery //
Blind [illegible word]. Funeral in the Church Apl 9th, 19--
Mrs. Wm. H. Derbyshire // June 24, 1915 // 65 yrs 9 mos 14 dys //
Airmont Cemetery // June 27th. Funeral in home of son Andrew - Sat. P.M.
Mrs. Anna M. Carlough // Aug. 25th // 76 yrs-1 mo-21 dys //
Airmont Cemetery // Aug 27-19--, Funeral in the Church.
Mrs. Naomi F. Page // Sept. 2-1915 // 78 yrs-6 mos-12 dys // Airmont Cemetery //
Sept. 5-19--. Funeral at home -- Rev. [Rhinesmith?] of [two illegible words]
Mrs. Rachel Coe // July 16th 1915 // nearly 86 yrs // Airmont Cemetery //
Funeral at home July 19th 1915
Mrs. Chas Abrams // Nov. 30th, 1915 // 80 yrs // Airmont Cemetery //
Died in Brook--, N. [Y?]. Funeral in the Church Dec. 2d 19--
Mrs. Frank Osborn // Dec. 5th 1915 // 24 yrs // Airmont Cemetery //
Funeral in the Church Dec. 8-19--
Mrs. Ackerman Pell // Jan 13th-1916 // 75 yrs // Paramus Cemetery //
Funeral in the home - Saddle River, N.J. Jan 17th 1---.
Called to serve in absence of the Pastor Rev, C, H, [illegible word]
Chas Herbert // Feb. 1st 1916 // 6 days // Brick Ch Cemetery //
Infant son of Chas & Philems [Derby---]. Service at the home Feb 3rd 191-
Mrs. Jennie M. Masker // Feb 18th 1916 // 33 yrs // Airmont Cemetery //
Feb 22nd 19--. Died in Sanitorium, Middletown, N.Y. Service in Airmont Church.
[page 11]
Mrs. Emeline Lansing // April 10th 1916 // 77 years // Airmont Cemetery //
Died in Edgewater, N.J. Funeral in Airmont Church April 12th 1916
Sutherland, Andrew Jackson // Nov 10, 1920 // 73 yrs 10 mo // Airmont Cemetery
Wincierz Arnold // Dec 1, 1920 // 83 yrs // Airmont Cemetery //
Commital by Rev. R. J. Van Deusen
Shuart Frank // March 6, 1921 // 19 yrs // Airmont Cemetery //
Commital by out of town Pastor
Konight Edward // Nov 8, 1918 // [age blank] // Airmont Cemetery //
Ambulance Corps, 7[8?]th division. body sent from France. buried July 31, 1921
Asklof E. Irving // Aug 16, 1921 // 30 yrs // Tallman Cemetery //
Buried Aug 19, 1921
Blauvelt Mrs. Wilber [Wilbert?] // Sep 24, 1921 // [age blank] //
[buried] Central Valley
Smith Mr. Harry // March 9, 1922 // [age blank] // Airmont 3-11-22 //
Resident Brooklyn, N.Y. Buried March 11, 1922
Hemion Madelyne Frances // March 11, 1922 // 2-1/2 mo //
Airmont March 12, 1922 // Daughter of Arthur & Edna Hemion
Forshay, William A. // June 1, 1922 // 37 yrs // Airmont June 4, 1922
Forshay, Abram // Dec. 7, 1923 // [age blank] // Airmont
Wanamaker, Holice E. // March 12 1924 // 65 yrs 7 mos 10 days // Airmont
Wanamaker, Charles // March 23 1924 // [age blank] // Airmont
[Krent? Kraut?], Mrs. John // Sep. 5 1924 // 60 yrs // Airmont
[page 12]
By Pastor Frank Jones 1926
Francis S. Hendrick // June 17 1926 // 81 // Valleau Cemetery Paramus N.J. //
Father of M-- A. A. Sims--
Marlin E. Sasse // April 16 1926 // at Birth // Airmont
Robert J. Homes // Mar. 9 1927 // 88.8 mo // Airmont //
Funeral at C--- [illegible words]
Mrs. Fred Sutherland (Carrie M. Perkins) // Mar. 14 1927 // Born Sept 2, 1876 //
Mrs. Elizabeth Holmes // Mar. 27 1927 // [age blank] // Airmont //
Wife of Rob. ----
Peter Konight // Mar 25 1927 // [age blank] // Airmont // Stroke
Geo. W. Sutherland // Feb 27 1927 // 87 // Airmont // Funeral at H--
Mary [Goldhamer?] // March 23 1928 // 36 // Airmont // From hose--
George Henry Konight // Nov. 23, 1929 // [age blank] // Airmont //
Services by Pasto-- Seigart - Ramse--
George Martine // March 30 1930 // 51 // Airmont //
Services by Pas-- Seigart, Ramse--
David F Shuart // about May 1, 1930 // [blank] // Airmont //
Services at home
William Henry Ayers // June 2, 1930 // 25 // Airmont //
Services at home & church
[page 13]
By Pastor Ernest A. F. Kallenbach
Mr. William Ackerson // July 29, 1930 // 28 // Airmont, N.Y. //
Service at house
Miss Mary Adeline Duryea // Sept. 20, 1930 // Br Nov. 8, 1857. [Age] 73 //
Evergreen, B'kyn, N.Y. // Service at house
Robert Strout // Oct. 2, 1930 // 11 yrs. // Airmont, N.Y. //
Service at Church
Henry Fredericks // Jan. 4, 1931 11:55 P.M. // June 7, 1848. [Age] 82 //
Airmont, N.Y. // Service at Church
Mrs. Frank Grant (Minnie Carlough) // Jan. 16, 1931 // Born May 5, 1882. [age] 48 //
Airmont, N.Y. // Service at house
Mrs. Florence Konight Rivenburgh // Feb. 16, 1931 // 29 // Airmont, N.Y. //
Service at Church
Mrs. Frank (Rose Sisco) Haight // May 22, 1931 // Born Apr. 10, 1896. [Age] 34 //
Ramsey, N.J. // Service at church
Miss Ruth Abrams // May 23, 1931 // Born June 1910. [Age] 20 // Airmont, N.Y. //
Home, Hawley, Pa. church service
Baby Eula Elizabeth Eisenhauer // Apr. 19, 1931 // 2 yrs. // Airmont, N.Y. //
Mrs. Charles A. Feldman // May 25, 1931 // Dec 10, 1871 59 yrs-10-15 //
West New Hempstead // Home
Mrs. Jacob C. Straut (Katherine Matilda Carlough) // July 27 1931 // 83 yrs. //
Airmont, N.Y. // church
Richard Arthur Collins // Sept. 11, 1931 // 1 yr 6 da. // Ramsey, N.J. //
Mrs. Elizabeth Van Riper // Sept. 16, 1931 // 32 yrs 8 mo // Airmont, N.Y. //
Mrs. E. A. Wescott // Oct. 20, 1931 // Br. Mar 1, 1835 96-7-19 //
Airmont, N.Y. // (Rev. Myron Wescott) home
Mr. Ceralle Babcock // Nov 10, 1931 // 51 // Viola, N.Y. //
Methodist Church
Mrs. Mary Jane Sutherland // Nov. 10, 1931 // 84 // Airmont, N.Y. //
home (assisted by Rev. C. W. Siegart)
Mrs. Leah L. (Richard C) Straut // Jan. 11, 1932 // 75 // Airmont, N.Y. //
home. Ramsey Luther--
Mrs. Rose L. Miller // Jan 16, 1932 // 78 // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. church
[Mrs.?] Charles Weber // Feb [1?], 1932 // 64 //
Middle Village, Long Island, N.Y. // non-member
Mr. John Winters // Feb. 6, 1932 // 62 // Airmont, N.Y. //
church. non-member
[page 14]
By Rev. Ernest A. F. Kallenbach
Mrs. Jean Catherine Walsh // Feb 10, 1932 // 82 // Airmont, N.Y. //
Church Service. non-member
Mr. Garrett G. Smith // Mar 5, 1932 // 49 // Airmont, N.Y. //
Church Service. member
Mr. Lewis Sisco // Mar 9, 1932 // 38 // Ramsey, N.J. // non-member
Mr. Edward H. Smith // March 20, 1832 // 74 // Airmont, N.Y. //
member. house
Mr. John N. [Hemion? Hennion?] // March 29, 1932 // 76 // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. house.
Mr. Wm. H. Derbyshire // Dec 1, 1932 // 80 /// Airmont, N.Y. //
Mr. Charles Conrad // Jan 5, 1933 // 87 // Kensico, N.Y. //
house. Civil War veteran. non-member.
Miss Grace A. Blad // Jan 8, 1933 // 22 // Greenwood, Brooklyn, N.Y. //
home - church. member
Mr. Esler L. Shuart // Feb 27, 1933 // 28 // Airmont, N.Y. //
Church. Member
Mr. John Frederick Peterson // Mar 30, 1933 // 75 // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. house
Arthur Russell Bell (Baby) // April 2, 1933 // 7 weeks // Nyack, N.Y. //
Mr. Felix L. Jacobsen // April 3, 1933 // 58 // Airmont, N.Y. //
member. house
Mrs. Margaret (Edgar) S. Sutherland // May 4, 1933 // 66-7-9 //
Airmont, N.Y. // member. Church.
Mr. Herbert Taylor // May 25, 1933 // 53 // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. house
Mrs. Anna K. Jacobsen // May 31, 1933 // 84 // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. Church.
Francis W. Dator // July 5, 1933 // 84 // Airmont, N.Y. //
Church. member
Mr. Gustav Rosen // Oct 18, 1933 // 67 // cremation //
non-member. house
Mrs. Gertrude Robinson // Nov 1, 1933 // 58 // Airmont, N.Y. // church
Mrs. Jane E. (John) Straut // Nov 8, 1933 // 86-7-28 // Airmont, N.Y. //
member. church
Mr. Albert L. Banta // Nov 16, 1933 // 63 // Paramus, N.J. //
House. Ridgewood, N.J.
Mr. Alonza Straut // Feb 1, 1934 // 64 // Airmont, N.Y. //
church. nominal member
Mrs. Elizabeth Coe // Feb 12, 1934 // 83 - 1 day // Airmont, N.Y. //
church. nominal member
Mr. Edwin Pierson // March 2, 1934 // 54 // Airmont, N.Y. //
house. non-member
Marion Osborn // March 23, 1934 // 5 hours // Airmont, N.Y. //
Rodney Osborn parent
Mr. Cornelius Shuart // March 15, 1934 // 88 // Airmont, N.Y. //
Civil War veteran. Service in Legion Post, [Rams-]. Service in Redeemer Lutheran.
Service Ramsey Military funeral
Mrs. Rose (Albert) Shuart // May 7, 1934 // 39 // Airmont, N.Y. //
House. member
Mr. Wm. P. Schardt // May 20, 1934 // 59 // West New Hempstead, N.Y. //
House. non-member. socialist
Mrs. John Carlough // June 22, 1934 // 74 // Airmont, N.Y. //
house. member. Sunday funeral
[page 15]
Mrs. Florence A. Garrabrant // July 31, 1934 // 43 //
Oak Hill, Nyack, N.Y. // House service. non-member
Mr. Jacob C. Straut // Jan 21, 1935 // 88 // Airmont, N.Y. //
church service. member
Mrs. Elizabeth Kleinschmittger // Jan 22, 1935 // 74 //
West New Hempstead, Brick Ch, Monsey, N.Y. // house. non-member
Mr. Robert Aube // Feb 11, 1935 // 53 // Cypress Hills, Brklyn, N.Y. //
house. non-member
Mr. John E. Berdan // Feb 11, 1935 // 76 // Airmont, N.Y. //
house. non-member
Baby Willis Clark // Feb 22, 1935 // 1 day // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. house
Sarah Adelia Hemion // Feb 23, 1935 // 77-4 mo. // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. church
Garrett F. Smith // Feb 26, 1935 // 19 yrs // Airmont, N.Y. //
church. member
Mr. Henry F. Still // March 23, 1935 // 55-1-7 // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. church
Charles Irrman // April 21, 1935 // 63 // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. church
Mrs. Katherine Konight // April 25, 1935 // 73 // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. church
Peter D. Ackerson // May 20, 1935 // 87 // Airmont, N.Y. //
member. Church.
Tunis Duryea // June 13, 1935 // 67 // Airmont, N.Y. //
member. church. Rev Boyer officiated
Mr. Frank Martine // July 8, 1935 // [age blank] // Airmont, N.Y. //
member. House
Mrs. Harriet F. Shuart // July 30, 1935 // 92 // Tallman, N.Y. //
Mrs. Ella Johnson // Sept 30, 1935 // 74 // Airmont //
house. non-member
Mr. William Bell // Nov 1, 1935 // 74 // Oak Hill, Nyack //
house. non-member
Mr. Everett Straut // Nov 8, 1935 // 47 // Airmont, N.Y. //
church; non member
Mr. Jack Hammond // Jan 11, 1936 // [66?] //
County House. Potters Field, Viola, N.Y. // non-member. Camp Roosevelt
Mr. George Wanamaker Jr. // Feb 12, 1936 // 31-6 // Airmont //
member. church
Mr. Jacob Fischer // April 1936 // 73 // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. church
Mr. Harry Winters // April 6, 1936 // 46 // Airmont // member. House
Mr. James Hilyer // April 21, 1936 // 63 // Hempstead Bapt. Cemetery //
non-member. Funeral Parlor
Mr. Albert Johnson // June 17, 1936 // 81 // Airmont // non-member. House
Mr. Hudson Wanamaker // June 2, 1936 // 72 // Airmont // house. non-member
Mr. Valentine Kromas // Aug 27, 1936 // 81-9 //
N.J. Crematory. North Bergen, N.J. // Funeral Parlor. non-member
Mrs. Agnes Smith // Oct 1, 1936 // 65 // Oak Hill, Nyack, N.Y. //
House. non-member
Mr. Spencer Straut // Oct 14, 1936 // 47 // Airmont, N.Y. //
member. church
Mrs. Charlotte [A.? R.?] Kraut // October 18, 1936 // 55 //
Airmont, N.Y. // non-member. house
[page 16]
E. Alexander Fischer // Nov 16, 1936 // 45-11 // Airmont, N.Y. //
no relatives. Funeral Parlor. Roman Catholic
Mrs. Florence Falk // Nov 22, 1936 // 61 // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. house
Mrs. Emma Wincierz // Dec 8, 1936 // 65 // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. cemetery
Mr. George M. Doremus // Dec 10, 1936 // 73 // Airmont, N.Y. //
member. church
Mr. John Straut // Dec 29, 1936 // 83 // Airmont, N.Y. // member. church
Mrs. Charity Anna Hemion // Jan 23, 1937 // 79 // Airmont, N.Y. //
member. House
Mr. George W. Way // Jan 28, 1937 // 70 // Airmont, N.Y. //
Mrs. Sadie Ackerson // Jan 28, 1937 // 49 // Airmont, N.Y. // member. church
Mrs. Anna (David) Shuart // Feb 23, 1937 // 54-6 // Airmont, N.Y. //
church. member
Mrs. Susan Athelia Fischer // March 1, 1937 // 70-9 // Airmont, N.Y. //
Mrs. Eva Youmans // March 2, 1937 // 52 // Brick Church //
Wesley Chapel. non-member
Mrs. Elizabeth Berdan // Mar 4, 1937 // 74 // Airmont, N.Y. // member. house
Mrs. Catharine Wanamaker // March 17, 1937 // 76 // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. [assisted?] Rev [Bofbyl? Botbyl?] [Ramsey?] Chapel
Mrs. Louise Fortrick // April 1, 1937 // 92-3 // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. House
Miss Ethel C. Ackerson // April 9, 1937 // 45-6 // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. Ramsey, N.J.
Mr. Samuel Banta Hall // April 22, 1937 // 50-2 //
Bogert Cemetery, Campgaw, N.J. // ex service man. Van Emburgh Funeral Parlor
Mr. Martin M. Litchult // May 12, 1937 // 71-6 // Airmont, N.Y. //
church. member
Mrs. Anna M. Belloise // June 2, 1937 // 76-5-90 [sic] //
West New Hempstead, N.Y. // Lutheran non-member. house
Mr. Harry John Kraut // June 2, 1937 // 75-8-19 // Airmont //
member. house
Mr. Percy Egnor // June 18, 1937 // 36-2-3 // Airmont // house. non-member
Mr. Albert Winters // June 29, 1937 // 78-4-29 // Airmont //
House - church. non-member
Mrs. Margaret E. Konnight // July 16, 1937 // 81-10 // Airmont //
church. member
Mrs. Lena [Begemann?] // Aug 28, 1937 // 59 // Pearl River, N.Y. //
House. member of Pearl River
Mrs. Maria May Christopher // Sept 28, 1937 // 56 // Airmont, N.Y. //
House. member
Mrs. Carrie Bush // Oct 25, 1937 // 67 // Ramsey, N.J. // House. non-member
Mr. Lystander Thompson // Dec 11, 1937 // 40 //
Trinity Episcopal, 155 & Broadway, New York City // Funeral Parlor. non-member
Mrs. Ada Way // Dec 23, 1937 // 78 // Airmont // House. member
[page 17]
Mrs. Emma Bertha Shuart // Feb 4, 1938 // 70-6 // Airmont, N.Y. //
church. Member
Mrs. Jennie Haight // Mar 7, 1938 // 72-6 // Mahwah - [Wah?] Cemetery //
house. chapel. non-member
Mrs. Ella Woodward // Mar 14, 1938 // 87-7 // Cedarlawn, Paterson, N.J. //
Mr. Otto Ehmann // May 4, 1938 // 62 // Brick Church, Viola, N.Y. //
Lutheran. Funeral Parlor. non-member
Mr. Wm. Way // Aug 27, 1938 // 79 // Airmont // House. member
Mrs. Lulu (Harry Sr.) Norton // Sept 11, 1938 // 57 //
Stone Church, Upper Saddle River, N.J. // Funeral Parlor.
Rev. Van Camp [prob. Rev. Van Campen]. non-member
Mrs. Ida V. Ackerson // Sept 24, 1938 // 72 // Airmont, N.Y. //
Ramsey. Non-member
Eudora Coe // Oct 6, 1938 // 69-1 // Airmont, N.Y. // member. church
William Lawrence Wood // Oct 9, 1938 // 42-1 //
Rural Cemetery, Central Nyack, N.Y. // non-member. House.
Mrs. Emma Sisco // Oct 26, 1938 /// 78-6 // [illeg. word] Cemetery, Ramsey, N.J. //
non-member. funeral Parlor
Wesley Shuart // Nov 26, 1938 // 11 // Airmont, N.Y. //
House. Sunday School Scholar
Mr. Robert Doremus // Dec 17, 1938 // 59-8 // Airmont, N.Y. //
non-member. church
Mr. Louis Hahnenberger Sr. // Dec 21, 1938 // 86-5-10 //
Brick Church, Viola, N.Y. // non-member
[Mrs.?] Charles Burke Lockyer // Dec 27, 1938 // 62-7-6 // Airmont //
non-member. church
[page 18]
[Here begins a new ledger, with the following column headings --]
No. // Name of Deceased // Date of Birth // Date of Death // date of Burial //
Cause of Death // Text of Sermon // Mourners
1 // Mr. Irving Smith // 59 yrs. // Feb 3, 1939 // Feb 7, 1939 //
Flu - pneumonia // Rev 1:18 // church Funeral. Mrs. Blanche Smith
2 // Mr. Wesley Maxwell // 42 yrs // Feb 20, 1939 // Feb 24, 1939 //
Celebral Hemorrage // 2 Cor 5 // church funeral
3 // Mr. Richard Brandt // 54 yrs // Feb 23, 1939 // Feb 27, 1939 //
Cancer // 2 Thess 2:16 // Funeral Parlor
4 // Mr. Oscar White // 82 yrs // Feb 23, 1939 // Feb 27, 1939 //
[blank] // 2 Thess 2:16 // Funeral Parlor
5 // Mr. William Edward Kitchell // 59 // April 3, 1939 // April 6, 1939 //
Heart trouble // 1 Pet 1 305 // Funeral Parlor
6 // Mrs. Emma (Hudson) Wanamaker // 74 // May 31. 1939 // June 3 / 39 //
Chronic // [blank] // Funeral Parlor
7 // Mr. Frederick Kocher // 57 // June 4, 1939 // June 6 / 39 //
Heart attack // [blank] // House
8 // Mrs. Blanche (Irving) Smith // 59-11 // June 10, 1939 // June 12, 1939 //
Stroke // Heb 4:3 // Church
9 // Mrs. Mary (Winfield) Wanamaker // 84 // June 21, 1939 // June 23, 1939 //
[blank] // Heb 4:3 // House
10 // Mrs. Ida E. Moore // 63 // Aug 18, 1939 // Aug 21, 1939 //
Chronic // [blank] // Funeral Parlor
11 // Sarah Alice Wyland // 86-1-4 // Aug 20, 1939 // Aug 21, 1939 //
[blank] // [blank] // Funeral Parlor
12 // Mrs. Peter Ackerson // 85-6-8 // July 18, 1939 // July 21, 1939 //
Stroke // [blank] // Pastor Boyer officiated
13 // Mr. John Carlough // [blank] // July 24, 1939 // [blank] //
Complications // [blank] // Pastor Boyer officiated
14 // Mr. Lorenzo Lambert // 55 // Aug 19, 1939 // Aug 22, 1939 //
accident // 2 Cor 5:1 // Funeral Parlor
15 // Mr. Cornelius Pulis // 72 // Aug 31, 1939 // Sep 3, 1939 //
Hernia operation // Rev 1:18 // Funeral Parlor
16 // John Van Riper // 80 // Sept 17, 1939 // Sept 20, 1939 //
Complications // Heb 9:25 // Funeral Parlor
17 // Mrs. Ida Lavinie (Wm. Henry) Conklin // 56 // Sept 20, 1939 // Sept 24, 1939 //
Complications // [blank] // church
18 // Mr. George Berdan // 55 // Sept 29, 1939 // Oct 2, 1939 //
Heart // [blank] // [blank] // House
19 // Elizabeth Lenox // 42? // Oct 21, 1939 // Oct 23, 1939 //
[blank] // [blank] // Funeral Parlor
20 // Mr. James B. Straut // 78 // Oct 30, 1939 // Nov 2, 1939 //
[blank] // [blank] // Church
21 // Mrs. Gertrude Silvia Kraus // 75 // Nov 30 , 1939 //
Dec [remainder of entry obliterated]
22 // Mrs. Catherine Shuart // 89 // Dec [remainder of entry obliterated]
[page 19]
23 // David Quackenbush // 74 // Jan 25, 1940 // Jan 29, 1940 //
Cancer // [blank] // Pastor E. A. F. Hallenbach. Christ Church & Funeral Parlor
[numbers obliterated for the rest of the page]
Mrs. Anna A. Forshay // 74 // 9/29/40 // 10/3/40 //
Heart // Ps 90:2 // Service with Pastor Dietz at church. member
Mr. Benjamin Wm. Shaw // 78 // 11/29/40 // 12/2/40 //
Heart // I Cor 15:57 // Service at Wanamaker & Carlough's. non-member
[obliterated word] Bertha Frederick // 81 // 12/11/40 // 12/14/40 //
Stroke // Jn 14:27 // Service at Wanamaker & Carlough's. non-member
[obliterated word] Herbert (Eliz.) Taylor // 64 // 3/8/41 // 3/11/41 //
[blank] // Ps 130:1 // Service at Wanamaker & Carlough's. non-member
[obliterated word] Russell (Nellie) Shuart // 43 // 4/30/41 // 5/3/41 //
Embolism // Jn 15:4 // Service at Wanamaker & Carlough's.
Burial at W. New Hempstead Cem. non-member
[---bert] Vernon Zabriskie // 1 yr. 4 mos // 7/11/41 // 7/13/41 //
Accident // Ps 61:2 // Service at house. Burial at Airmont Cemetery.
Jennie Norton // 91 // 7/11/41 // 7/14/41 // Arteriosclerosis //
Phil 1:21 // Service at Van Emburgh's. Ramsey. Burial at W. New Hempstead Cem.
Mrs. John H. Weaver // 79 // 9/12/41 // 9/15/41 // Complications //
Dt 33:27 // Service & Burial in [Manorton?] Parish, Elizaville, N.Y.
[---rry] J. [Klunder?] // 67 // 10/22/41 // 10/24/41 // Heart disease //
Ps 23 // Service at Wanamaker & Carlough's. Burial at Airmont Cemetery
[obliterated word] Rachael Ann Kennedy // 78 // 10/27/41 // 10/30/41 //
Heart disease // Dt 33:27 // Service at W & C's. Burial at Airmont Cemetery
Mrs. Amelie Brooks // 79 // 11/27/41 // 11/29/41 // Cancer //
Heb 11:13 // Service at house. Burial at Airmont Cemetery
Samuel Douglas Dodge // 71 // 12/11/41 // 12/13/41 //
Heart disease // [blank] // Service at grave. Burial at Airmont Cemetery
[Gery?] Bugbee // 48 // 3/17/42 // 3/12/42 // Pneumonia //
Phil 4:19 // Service at W & C's. Burial at Airmont Cemetery
Pastor R. Dietz
Mr. George Hemion // [obliterated] // [obliterated] // ----/42 // Coronary Thrombosis //
[blank] // Service at Mrs. Frank Straut's house - burial at Airmont. [illegible names]
[partially obliterated entry] // Accident // [blank] //
Service at C & W. Burial at Airmont Cemetery
[page 20] [page stamped 251]
39 // Mrs. Fredericka Steffens // 9/23/68 // 2/11/43 // 2/13/43 //
Heart // [blank] // Service at [Calv.? C & W?]; Cremation at N.Y. & N.J. Crema.
40 // Mrs. Catherena Weisbecker // 5/10/70 // 2/13/43 // 2/16/43 // [blank] //
[blank] // Service at C & W; Cremation at N.Y. & N.J. Cr. Co. Survived by husband
41 // Mr. Cornelius Straut // [blank] // [blank] // [blank] //
Heart // [blank] // Airmont Cemetery
42 // Mr. Andrew M. Derbyshire // 6/14/78 // 4/26/43 // 4/29/43 //
Carcinoma // Ps 23 // Service at church, burial at Airmont Cemetery
43 // Mrs. Elsie [B.?] Schaeffer // 12/17/68 // 8/13/43 // 8/17/43 //
[blank] // [blank] // service in house. burial at [Rosedale?], (Orange, N.J.)
44 // Mr. Harry Dimock // 5/29/93 // 10/17/43 // 10/21/43 //
[blank] // [blank] // service at house. burial at Pompton Plains, N.J.
45 // Mr. James Osborn // 9/24/64 // 10/27/43 // 10/30/43 //
Heart // [blank] // service at church. burial at Airmont
46 // Mr. G. Fred Sutherland // 10/27/67 // 10/31/43 // 11/3/43 //
Heart // [blank] // service at church. burial at Airmont
47 // Mr. George C. Coe // 2/26/71 // 12/10/43 // 12/14/43 //
Heart // [blank] //service at church, burial at Airmont Cemetery
48 // Mrs. Katherine Konight // 8/6/69 // 12/14/43 // 12/17/43 //
Pneumonia // [blank] // service at church, burial at Airmont Cemetery
49 // Mr. Otto P. [Dendel?] // 2/7/84 // 6/6/43 // 6/9/43 //
Complications // [blank] //
Service in N.Y.C.- Stelzenberger Chapel - burial - Woodlawn Cemetery
50 // Mr. [Boynton?] Bugbee // 5/12/59 // 12/23/43 // 12/27/43 //
[blank] // [blank] Service at Carlough & Wanamaker. Burial at Airmont
51 // Mr. Chas. D. Ackerson // 5/4/51 // 12/25/43 // 12/29/43 //
[blank] // [blank] // Burial at Airmont
52 // Mr. John R. Sully // 11/16/75 // 2/3/44 // 2/6/44 // Suicide //
[blank] // Service at Van Emburgh - Ridgewood. Burial - Saddle River Cem
53 // Mrs. Anna Turner // 8/21/60 // 2/9/44 // 2/13/44 //
[blank] // [blank] // service at Carlough & Wanamaker. Burial at Sloatsburg
54 // Mrs. Annie E. Shaw // 7/9/62 // 5/19/44 // 5/23/44 //
[blank] // [blank] // Service at Carlough & Wanamaker. Burial at Airmont
55 // Mrs. Adeline Sutherland // 12/27/54 // 2/4/44 // 2/8/44 //
[blank] // [blank] // service at church. Burial at Airmont
56 // Mrs. Maria E. Martine // 9/28/57 // 2/11/44 // 2/15/44 //
[blank] // [blank] // Service at church. Burial at Airmont
57 // Mrs. Maria Osborn // 3/8/80 // 9/29/44 // 10/3/44 //
Pneumonia // [blank] // Service at W & C, Burial at Airmont
[page 21] [page stamped 252]
[transcriber's note: pages 21 and 22 have no entries in the "Date of Birth" column,
no entries in the "Text of Sermon" column and no entries in the "Mourners" column,
so I have eliminated them]
[Year 1945]
58 // William Bodine // 1/2/45 // 1/5 // Natural
59 // David Osborn // 1/3 // 1/6 // Natural
60 // Orvin Meissner // 1/10 // 1/14 // Natural
61 // Kate Straut // 10/22 // 10/26 // Natural
62 // Arthur Straut // 1/30 // 2/2 // Natural
63 // Caroline Movel // 2/26 // 3/1 // Natural
64 // Meigs Digges // 3/9 // 3/11 // Natural
65 // John R. Shuart // 7/20 // 7/24 // Natural
66 // Benjamin Anthony // 8/6 // 8/9 // Natural
67 // Frank D. Shuart // 8/6 // 8/10 // Natural
68 // Murial Trainor // 8/8 // 8/12 // Natural
69 // Gail Corstan // 8/31 // 9/3 // Natural
70 // Frederick Bobb // 10/14 // 10/17 // Natural
71 // Alfred Steffens // 12/2 // 12/4 // Natural
72 // Edgar Sutherland // 12/6 // 12/9 // Natural
[page 22] [page stamped 253]
[Year 1947]
73 // Hester Anthony // 3/17 // 3/19 // Natural
74 // Gilbert Pitt // 5/12 // 5/14 // Natural
75 // Abbie Shuart // 7/3 // 7/6 // Natural
76 // Myron Surtherland // [blank] // 7/24 // Homicide
77 // Theodore Walling // [blank] // 8/12 // Natural
78 // Leaman Wanamaker // 10/6 // 10/9 // Natural
79 // Anna Van Blarcom // 11/9 // 11/12 // Natural
80 // Grace Pitt // 12/4 // 12/7 // Natural
81 // Audrey Bienskie // 1/30 // 2/2 // Natural
82 // Nellie Quackenbush // 3/18 // 3/22 // Natural
83 // Clara B. Pierce // 6/15 // 6/18 // Natural
84 // Baby Lent // 9/17 // 9/19 // Natural
85 // Grace [Conklin?] // 10/15 // 10/18 // Natural
86 // Marie Schultz // 12/13 // 1/3 [sic] // [blank]
[page 23]
[Transcriber's note: Beginning with 1950, the previous column category entries
are reinstated.]
[Year 1949]
87 // William Hopper // [blank] // 1/23 // 1/25 // Natural
88 // Ella Griffen // [blank] // 1/28 // 1/31 // Natural
89 // Charles Wanamaker // [blank] // 3/16 // 3/19 // Natural
90 // Hannah Ayers // [blank] // 8/31 // 9/3 // Natural
91 // Mary Hemion // [blank] // 12/3 // 12/6 // Natural
Howard E. Funk, Pastor
92 // Ada Wanamaker // 84 yrs // 3/16/50 // 3/19/50 //
Old age; Diabetes // [blank] // Burial at Kensico C., White Plains
93 // Eleanor Ann Hogencamp // 1/27/50 // 4/15/50 // 4/17/50 //
Pneumonia // [blank] // Burial at Brick Church Cemetery
94 // James Connell // 4/25/87 // 4/14/50 // 4/17/50 //
Heart Condition // [blank] // Buried at Airmont.
{Mr. & Mrs. R. deRossel, friends)
95 // Emma Mueller // 3/24/88 // 4/19/50 // 4/22/50 //
[blank] // Romans 8:18 // Buried at Airmont
96 // Caroline Zabriskie // 5/23/79 // 5/6/50 /// 5/8/50 //
Arterio-Sclerosis // [blank] // Burial at Airmont (son, Wm. member of ch.)
97 // Harriet [Edna? Edwin?] Auryansen // 11/2/81 // 5/12/50 // 5/15/50 //
Carcinoma // Romans 8:18 // Burial at Airmont - faithful member
98 // Frida Buckner // 7/22/94 // 5/25/50 // 5/28/50 //
Cerebral Hemmorhage // Romans 8:18 // Cremation
99 // Leo Ward Shuart // 8/5/80 // 6/18/50 // 6/20/50 //
Cancer // Romans 8:18 // Burial at Airmont - relatives members
100 // Frank Campbell // 10/11/86 // 8/24/50 // 8/26/50 //
Heart Condition // John 17:24 // Burial at Airmont - relatives members
101 // Ida Schlichting // 1/27/71 // 9/2/50 // 9/5/50 //
Heart Condition // Romans 8:18 // Burial at Brick Church
102 // Edward Clark // 9/21/73 // 9/30/50 // 10/2/50 //
Arterio-Sclerosis // [blank] // Burial at Airmont
103 // Elmer Henry Auryansen // 12/28/75 // 11/7/50 // 11/10/50 //
Cancer // John 14:1 // Burial at Airmont
104 // William H. Welsh // 1/17/84 // 11/13/50 // 11/17/50 //
Cancer // [blank] // Burial at Brick Church
105 // Etta Marie Straut // 4/12/83 // 11/22/50 // 11/25/50 //
Heart condition // [blank] // Burial at Airmont
106 // Cora Smith // 10/25/89 // 11/30/50 // 12/2/50 //
Diabetes // [blank] // Burial at Airmont
[page 24]
[Year 1950]
107 // Ernest Edward [Warbuck? Warbrick?] // 5/31/83 // 12/7/50 //
12/9/50 // Heart Condition // John 14:1 // Burial at Brick Ch. Cemetery
108 // Martha Straut // 10/2/74 // 12/13/50 // 12/16/50 //
Heart Attack // John 11:25,26 // Burial at Airmont
109 // Russell C. Conklin // 5/30/14 // 1/26/51 // 1/29/51 //
[blank] // [blank] // Burial at Airmont
110 // Glode Hollis Wanamaker Jr // 12/19/10 // 1/31/51 // 2/3/51 //
Accidental death // [blank] // Burial at Airmont
111 // Walter Smith // 8/20/86 // 1/31/51 // 2/4/51 //
Heart Attack // John 17:24 // Burial at Airmont - Faithful member
112 // Reuben Saunders // not known // 10/25/51 // 10/29/51 //
chronic Myocarditis // [blank] // Burial at Airmont - former Councilman
113 // William Henry White // 6/18/80 // approx. 7/3/51 [sic] // 11/28/51
// Suicide // [blank] // Burial at Airmont
114 // Martin M. Litchult // 12/8/74 // 1/5/52 // 1/8/52 //
Coronary Thrombosis // John 11:25,26 // Burial at Airmont
115 Myrtle Van Riper // 2/12/97 // 1/27/52 // 1/30/52 //
[blank] // [blank] // Burial at Airmont
116 // Hubert Burweger // 9/19/92 // 2/8/52 // 2/11/52 //
Cancer // [blank] // Burial at Airmont
117 // Mary Doppler // 1/1/73 // 2/16/52 // 2/19/52 //
[blank] // [blank] // Burial at Airmont
118 // Elbert J. Sutherland // 12/12/79 // 2/21/52 // 2/23/52 //
Coronary // 1 Thes. 4:13,14 // Burial at Airmont
119 // John J. Werner // 8/24/72 // 2/20/52 // 2/23/52 //
chronic Myocarditis - Gen. Arterio Scl. // [blank] // Burial at Airmont
120 // Rachel Osborn // 12/30/65 // 4/10/52 // 4/14/52 //
Heart Coronary // Romans 8:27,28 // Burial at Airmont
121 // James C. Tompkins // 8/2/72 // 4/25/52 // 4/28/52 //
Arterio-Sclerosis // Psalm 91:1 /// Burial at Airmont
122 // Robert Eckert // 5/2/99 // 6/14/52 // 6/18/52 //
Auto Accident // John 11:25,26 // Burial at Brick Ch. Cemetery
123 // Walter J/ Gannon // 7/31/99 // 8/16/52 // 8/18/52 //
Ca. of Lung & [illegible word] // Romans 8: 31,2 // Burial at Mahwah Cemetery
[page 25] [page stamped 256]
[Year 1953]
124 // Alice Johnson Babcock // 8/23/82 // 1/5/53 // 1/7/53 //
Fractured Skull // I Cor. 13:13 // Sloatsburg Cemetery
125 // William A. Weise // 3/29/73 // 1/25/53 // 1/28/53 //
Coronary Thrombosis // [blank] // Airmont Cemetery
126 // Elsie V. Sipper // 60 years // 3/1/53 // 3/3/53 //
[blank] // Romans 8:31,2 // Fresh Pond Cemetery. Wyman Funeral Home
127 // Jessie Snyder // 1/13/88 // 3/4/53 // 3/7/53 //
Uremic poisoning // [blank] // Airmont Cemetery
128 // Dora H. Grobet // 1/1/94 // 5/22/53 // 5/26/53 //
Strangulation by hanging // [blank] // N.Y. and N.J. Cremation Co.
129 // Anna Winters // 1/28/64 // 7/2/53 // 7/6/53 //
[blank] // [blank] // Airmont Cemetery
130 // John E. Christopher // 4/20/81 // 7/13/53 // 7/16/53 //
Cerebral Hemorrhage // [blank] // Airmont Cemetery. Van Emburgh
131 // Robert C. Augur // 6/24/66 // 7/16/53 // 7/18/53 //
Carcinoma Prostate // [blank] // Airmont Cemetery
132 // James Davidson // 11/3/95 // 9/6/53 // 9/9/53 //
[blank] // [blank] // Airmont Cemetery
133 // Evelyn Hatch Straut // 3/11/05 // 2/6/54 // 2/9/54 //
Multiple Fractures of chest // [blank] // Airmont Cemetery
134 // Flora May Conklin // 9/2/78 // 3/31/54 // 4/2/54 //
[blank] // Romans 8:18 // Airmont Cemetery
135 // Charles J. Wincierz // 9/27/75 // 4/18/54 // 4/22/54 //
[blank] // I Cor. 15:56,57 // Airmont Cemetery
136 // Frank Hemion // 5/20/92 // 5/10/54 // 5/13/54 //
[blank] // [blank] // Fairlawn Cemetery
137 // David John Cudahey // 3/24/90 // 6/29/54 // 7/1/54 //
Throat Cancer // [blank] // Airmont Cemetery
138 // William H. Edwards // 12/25/76 // 8/1/54 // 8/4/54 //
Heart Failure // John 17:24 // Airmont Cemetery (member of Mahwah Ref Church)
139 // Melvin Sinell // 5/7/96 // 8/5/54 // 8/7/54 //
suicide // [blank] // Mahwah Cemetery (member of Suffern Meth.)
140 // William B. Garcia, Jr. // 10/28/95 // 8/13/54 // 8/16/54 //
Heart Disease // [blank] // Airmont Cemetery
141 // Richard P. Ernst // 8/29/10 // 8/15/54 // 8/21/54 //
[blank] // [blank] // Airmont Cemetery
142 // Richard Henry Petry // 10/14/51 // 9/11/54 // 9/14/54 //
Convulsions // Mark 10:14 // Airmont Cemetery
143 // William Jacob Ross // 12/25/70 // 9/13/54 // 9/16/54 //
Arterio-Sclerosis Heart Disease // John 17:24 // Brick Church Cemetery
[Entry 144 either missing or cut off page]
[page 26]
145 // Joseph Funk // 8/23/94 // 12/7/54 // 12/11/54 //
Pulmonary Edema // John 17:24 // Uncle of Pastor Funk.
Buried North Cedar Hill, Phila.
146 // Henry Van Houten // 8/31/83 // 1/3/55 // 1/6/55 //
[blank] // John 17:24 // Airmont Cemetery
147 // Mabel Van Houten // 2/21/84 // 5/17/55 // 5/19/55 //
Cerebral Hemorrhage // I Th 4:13,34 // Airmont Cemetery
148 // Minnie Bobb // 11/28/86 // 5/30/55 // 6/1/55 //
Cerebral Hemorrhage // Rom 8:27,28 // Airmont Cemetery
149 // Mabel T. Cumston // 5/12/58 [1858] // 6/8/55 // 6/11/55 //
Old age // [blank] // Airmont Cemetery (Mrs. Dodge, relative)
150 // Sarah B. Hough // 4/16/64 // 6/15/55 // 6/17/55 //
Natural causes // John 17:24 // Airmont Cemetery
151 // Alvine Pelz // 12/16/63 // 7/6/55 // 7/9/55 //
Arteriosclerosis (gangrene rt. leg) // I Th.4:13,14 // Airmont Cemetery
152 // Henry Fredericks // 1/10/97 // 8/18/55 // 8/22/55 //
Heart attack // John 17:24 // Brick Church Cemetery
153 // Florence W. Jones // 9/18/81 // 11/19/55 // 11/22/55 //
[blank] // I Th.4:13,14 // Airmont Cemetery
154 // Henry G. Fehsal // 5/18/87 // 11/27/55 // 11/30/55 //
Cerebral Hemorrhage // Rom.8:27,28 // Germonds Cemetery
155 // Martha E. Noack // 10/8/78 // 1/5/56 // 1/7/56 //
Coronary Thrombosis // John 17:24 // Airmont Cemetery
156 // Carlos B. Stone // 7/8/87 // 3/22/56 // 3/24/56 //
[blank] // [blank] // Airmont Cemetery
157 // Conrad Edenhofer // March '99 // 3/24/56 // 3/27/56 //
[blank] // I Th.4:13,14 // Airmont Cemetery
158 // Robert Geddes // 8/13/28 // 3/26/56 // 3/29/56 //
Automobile Accident // John 17:24 // Airmont Cemetery
159 // Tillie A. Doyle // 12/30/00 // 4/1/56 // 4/4/56 //
Cancer // I Th. 4:13,14 // Airmont Cemetery
160 // Harry C. Shuart // 4/6/95 // 4/1/56 // 4/5/56 //
Cancer // Ps.91:1 // Airmont Cemetery
161 // Frank F. Grant // 1/23/84 // 4/15/56 // 4/17/56 //
[blank] // John 14:1-3 // Airmont Cemetery
162 // Blanche Straut // 4/15/79 // 5/21/56 // 5/23/56 //
[blank] // John 14:1-3 // Airmont Cemetery
163 // Lydia M. Ross // 3/1/79 // 6/4/56 // 6/7/56 //
Coronary Thrombosis // John 14:1-3 // Brick Church Cemetery
[page 27]
164 // Joseph Smith // 8/8/56 // 8/9/56 // 8/11/56 //
Infant lived less than one day // [blank] // Airmont Cemetery.
Baby baptized emergency by J. Tyrell R.N.
165 // Margaret Hagen // 4/11/12 // 8/22/56 // 8/25/56 //
Heart disease // I Th.4:13,14 // Airmont Cemetery
166 // Edward T. Turnure // 3/9/84 // 8/23/56 // 6/27/56 //
Carcinoma // John 17:24 // Union Cemetery, Ramsey
167 // Anna M. Bahrenburg // 3/17/71 // 8/28/56 // 8/31/56 //
Heart Disease // John 17:24 // Lutheran Cemetery, Middle Village, L.I.
168 // Maria A. Smith // 4/28/73 // 10/28/56 // 10/31/56 //
Frac. hip, stroke // John 17:24 // Airmont Cemetery
169 // Frank Straut // 8/30/88 // 11/19/56 // 11/23/56 //
Coronary Thrombosis // Matt 5:4 // Airmont Cemetery
170 // Maurice E. Sweet // 4/6/07 // 12/7/56 // 12/10/56 //
Cerebral Hemorrhage // John 17:24 // Fairview Cemetery, N.J.
171 // Herbert G. Schoenleber, Jr. // 9/27/95 // 12/9/56 // 12/12/56 //
[blank] // John 17:24 // Airmont Cemetery
172 // Ashley L. Curtis // 7/19/08 // 12/14/56 // 12/17/56 //
Coronary Thrombosis // Ps 91:1 // Sloatsburg Cemetery
173 // Henry Pelz // 11/17/01 // 1/30/57 // 2/1/57 //
Tuberculosis // John 17:24 // Airmont Cemetery
174 // Charles A. Straut // 2/25/08 // 2/13/57 // 2/15/57 //
Psuedo bilber palsy // Rom 8:31,2 // Airmont Cemetery
175 // David E. Rocher // 3/22/83 // 2/22/57 // 2/25/57 //
Heart & Cancer // Rom 8:31,2 // Airmont Cemetery
176 // Gustave A. Duerr // 12/29/87 // 3/6/57 // 3/9/57 //
Coronary Thrombosis // Ps 91:1 // Evergreen Cemetery, Bk'ln
177 // Louise E. Weber // 5/3/71 // 4/29/57 // 5/2/57 //
CVA // Matt 5:4 // Lutheran Cemetery, Middle Village, L.I.
178 // Gertrude Buchwitz // 3/9/77 // 5/15/57 // 5/18/57 //
Coronary Occlusion // Rom 8:31,2 // Brick Church Cemetery
179 // Anna Margarete Honicke // 10/7/76 // 7/14/57 // 7/17/57 //
Myocardial Infarction // John 17:24 // Ferncliff Cemetery, Hartsdale, N.Y.
180 // Blanche D. Shuart // 2/4/89 // 6/6/57 // 6/8/57 //
Heart Attack // John 17:24 // Airmont Cemetery
181 // Mary Eva White // 12/5/94 // 8/21/57 // 8/24/57 //
Uremic poisoning // John 17:24 // Brick Church Cemetery
182 // David H. Shuart // 3/16/82 // 8/27/57 // 8/30/57 //
Heart // Ps 46:1 // Airmont Cemetery
183 // Edward Foster // 1/27/82 // 9/2/57 // 9/4/57 //
Heart // Matt 5:4 // Sleepy Hollow Ce,. Tarrytown, N.Y.
184 // Helen A. Straut // 12/6/90 // 9/19/57 // 9/23/57 //
[blank] // Ps 91:1 // Brick Church Cemetery
185 // John G. [Komy?] // 6/18/67 // 10/9/57 // 10/11/57 //
Heart disease // John 17:24 // Flushing Cemetery (Mrs. A. [Bachack's?] father)
[page 28] [page stamped 259]
186 // Harold Tompkins // 9/19/06 // 10/13/57 // 10/[16?]/57 //
Cancer // Ps 116:15 // Airmont Cemetery
187 // James C. Woodcock // 1/23/99 // 10/22/57 // 10/25/57 //
Heart Attack // Rev 14:13 // Airmont Cemetery
188 // Daniel Straut // 11/25/85 // 10/29/57 // 11/1/57 //
[blank] // Romans 8:31,32 // Airmont Cemetery
189 // Gustav [Stemmer?] // 9/5/92 // 12/4/57 // 12/7/57 //
Heart Attack // Romans 8:31,32 // Cremation
190 // William D. Zabriskie // 11/4/02 // 12/24/57 // 12/27/57 //
Suicide // Ps 46:1 // Airmont Cemetery
191 // Charles H. Derbyshire // 7/6/76 // 1/14/58 // 1/17/58 //
Coronary Thrombosis // John 17:24 // Brick Church Cemetery
192 // Vincent Van Tassel // 61 years // 1/26/58 // 1/30/59 //
Pneumonia // [blank] // [blank]
193 // Anna W. Lockyer // 5/10/78 // 3/3/58 // 3/7/58 //
Cerebral Embolism // I Th 4:13 // Airmont Cemetery
194 // George McElroy // 10/12/72 // 5/15/58 // 5/17.58 //
Stroke // Ps 91:1 // Airmont Cemetery
195 // Bryan Walter Hagen // 4/3/58 6 weeks old // 5/22/58 // 5/23/58 //
Hydrocephalis // Mark 16:14 // Airmont Cemetery
196 // Louis E. Brooks // 12/18/92 // 6/3/58 // 6/5/58 //
Heart Attack // I Th 4:13,14 // Airmont Cemetery
197 // Alphonse C. Meister // 10/6/78 // 9/15/58 // 9/17/58 //
Cardiac Failure // I Th 4:13,14 // Lutheran Cemetery, Middle Village, L.I.
198 // George E. Fisher // 8/30/02 // 11/4/58 // 11/7/58 //
Cancer // John 17:24 // Airmont Cemetery
199 // Emma S. Schlegel // 9/16/82 // 11/10/58 // 11/12/58 //
Heart Condition // [blank] // Wisconsin
200 // Stephen A. Shuart // 12/24/73 // 12/2/58 // 12/4/58 //
[blank] // Rom 8:31,32 // Airmont Cemetery
201 // John Henry Halbohm // 8/17/79 // 1/3/59 // 1/7/59 //
Pneumonia // John 11:28 // Airmont Cemetery
202 // Delevern Ackerson // 12/13/06 // 1/23/59 // 1/25/59 //
Ca. of Liver // John 11:28 // Airmont Cemetery
203 // Charles H. Jones // 7/31/81 // 1/25/59 // 1/28/59 //
Cancer // Rom 8:31,32 // Mahwah Cemetery
204 // Otto Wipf // 52 years // 1/31/59 // 2/5/59 //
Ruptured Aorta // [blank] // Cremation
205 // Henrietta S. Oltmann // 1/23/77 // 3/5/59 // 3/9/59 //
CVA // Rom 8: 31.32 // Cypress Hills Memorial Abbey, Bkyn
205 // Mildred R. Sutherland // 3/20/76 // 6/4/59 // 6/6/59 //
Advanced Arterio-Schlerosis // John 17:24 // Airmont Cemetery
[page 29]
[Year 1959]
207 // Greta Schweighofer // 4/7/90 // 7/21/59 // 7/23/59 //
Carcinoma Breast // John 17:24 // Redeemer Cemetery, Mahwah
208 // Bertha Carlotta Litchult // 10/4/77 // 7/28/59 // 7/31/59 //
Cerebral Hemorrhage // John 17:24 // Airmont Cemetery
209 // George R. Smith // 6/27/49 [this incomplete entry is entirely crossed out]
[From this point on, no texts of sermons are recorded, so that column has been
eliminated from the transcript]
210 // Anna Augusta Hopper // 6/5/80 // 12/9/59 // 12/12/59 //
heart // Airmont Cemetery
211 // Mary Louise Moffett // 9/11/69 // 12/11/59 // 12/14/59 //
heart condition // Old Stone Church Cemetery, Upper Saddle River, N.J
[Year 1960]
212 // Jennie Taylor // 12/31/91 // 1/15/60 // 1/18/60 //
[blank] // Airmont Cemetery
213 // William Ayers // 7/11/83 // 1/26/60 // 1/29/60 //
[blank] // Airmont Cemetery
214 // Dr. Fedor R. Cramer // 8/31/80 // 2/20/60 // 2/24/60 //
[blank] // Cremated
215 // Douglas Van Orden // 10/23/13 // 3/6/60 // 3/9/60 //
liver // Airmont Cemetery
216 // Anna Vandermast // 11/2/90 // 3/15/60 // 3/18/60 //
congestive heart failure // Airmont Cemetery
217 // Charles A. Snyder // 5/22/90 // 7/28/60 // 8/1/60 //
[blank] // Highview Cemetery, Nanuet
218 // Fred Moore // 9/18/77 // 7/29/60 // 8/2/60 //
heart // Airmont Cemetery
219 // Walter Van Riper // 10/7/96 // 10/8/60 // 10/11/60 //
Cancer // Airmont Cemetery
220 // Earl W. Specht // 4/28/18 // 12/9/60 // 12/13/60 //
[blank] // Airmont Cemetery
[Year 1961]
221 // John E. Van Blarcom // 4/26/85 // 2/27/61 // 3/2/61 //
[blank] // Mahwah Cemetery
222 // Dennis A. Hemion // 4/29/[blank] // 4/29/ [blank] // 5/3/[blank] //
[blank] // [blank]
223 // Magdalena Grieme // 3/30/77 // 3/23/61 // 3/27/61 //
[blank] // Mahwah Cemetery
224 // Julius W. Thomsen // 3/21/85 // 3/4/61 // 3/7/61 //
[blank] // Airmont Cemetery
225 // Louis Bleuzen // [blank] // 3/5/61 // 3/9/61 //
heart attack // Airmont Cemetery
226 // Helen G. Whitley // 7/23/01 // 3/7/61 // 3/9/61 //
Cancer // Evergreen Cem., Elizabeth, N.J.
227 // George H. Wanamaker // 11/30/76 // 3/18/61 // 3/21/61 //
pneumonia // Airmont Cemetery
228 // Ada M. Shuart // 4/16/91 // 5/11/61 // 5/13/61 //
[blank] // Airmont Cemetery
229 // Meta W. Mangels // 6/25/[68? 18?] // 5/20/61 // 5/23/61 //
heart // Lutheran Cem., Middle Village, N.Y.
[page 30]
230 // Florence Doce // 8/9/94 // 5/31/61 // 6/3/61 // [blank] //
Airmont Cemetery
231 // Margaret Ellen Wanamaker // 2/6/72 // 6/19/61 // 6/22/61 //
[blank] // Airmont Cemetery
232 // Bertha D. Sprinkle // 1/3/06 // 6/20/61 // 6/23/61 //
Thrombosis // Airmont Cemetery
233 // Edward Paul Pelz // 1/15/99 // 10/5/61 // 10/7/61 //
heart attack // Airmont Cemetery
234 // Della Derbyshire // 6/1/83 // 10/9/61 // 10/12/61 //
Bronchopneumonia // Airmont Cemetery
235 // Clarence M. Shuart // 1/20/85 // 10/12/61 // 10/15/61 //
Uremia // Airmont Cemetery
236 // Roland Peter Fryth // 6/24/60 // 11/7/61 // 11/10/61 //
[blank] // St. Pauls Highview Cem.
[Year 1962]
237 // Harry Wanamaker // 2/14/89 // 2/26/62 // 2/28/62 //
(non-member) // Airmont Cemetery
238 // Laura (Lulu) Turner // 3/12/10 // 3/12/62 // 3/15/62 //
(non-member) // Airmont Cemetery
239 // Thomas Davidson // 8/30/03 // 12/10/61 [out of chronological order] //
12/13/61 [out of chronological order] // cirrhosis liver // Airmont Cemetery
240 // Hattie DeBaun // [blank] // 10/[blank]/62 // [blank] //
M // [blank]
241 // Theodore Shuart // [blank] // [blank]/[blank]/62 // M //
242 // Edward Hemion // 12/24/81 // 12/14/62 // 12/17.62 //
(non member) Natural Causes // [blank] // (Brother of Mrs. Frank (Bertha) Straut)
243 // Edward Raesch // [blank] // [blank]/[blank]/62 //
[blank]/[blank]/62 // (non-member) // [blank]
244 // Jacob Conklin // [blank] // 4/5/62 [out of chronological order] //
4/7/62 [out of chronological order] // [blank] // [blank]
[page 31] [page stamped 262]
[for this page and the next page, the column headed "Text of Sermon" is crossed out,
and the column is used to indicate membership status]
[Year 1963]
244 [number duplicated] // Abram Martine // 4/23/1883 // 1/27/63 //
1/30/63 // [blank] // member // Airmont Cemetery
245 // Leland Eugene Pierson // 11/17/1911 // 2/23/63 // 2/26/63 //
[blank] // non-member // Airmont Cemetery
246 // Esther May Osborn // 8/21/1885 // 2/28/63 // 3/3/63 //
[blank] // member // Airmont Cemetery
247 // Winchell E. Stewart // 6/7/1879 // 3/12/63 // 3/15/63 //
[blank] // non-member // Airmont Cemetery
248 // George A. Smith // 10/9/1903 // 3/14/63 // 3/17/63 //
[blank] // non-member // Airmont Cemetery
249 // Phillip Taylor // 3/17/1890 73 yrs. // 3/29/63 // 3/31/63 //
[blank] // non-member // Airmont Cemetery
250 // John De Baun // [blank] // 6/20/63 // 6/22/63 // [blank] //
non-member // No Airmont Cemetery
251 // Magdalena Sivak // [blank] // 7/19/63 // 7/22/63 // [blank] //
non-member // Redeemer, Mahwah, N.J.
252 // Elsie Blauvelt // [blank] // 8/16/63 // 8/19/63 //
[blank] // member // Airmont
253 // Elizabeth Smith // [blank] // 8/31/63 // 9/3/63 //
[blank] // non-member // Airmont
254 // Mary Grace Garofal // 7/1/1891 // 10/5/63 // 10/8/63 Heart //
non-member // West New Hempstead Cem.
255 // Olga Budman // [blank] // 10/6/63 // 10/8/63 // [blank] //
non-member // [blank]
256 // Edward Frank Sisco // [blank] // 12/7/63 // 12/10/63 //
[blank] // non-member // [blank]
257 // Theodore [Nimal? Nemal?] // [blank] // 12/31/63 // 1/3/64 //
[blank] // non-member // [blank]
[page 32] [Beginning with this page, the entries are not numbered and the "No." column
is left blank, so I have omitted it; the "Mourners" column, previously used to indicate
place of burial, is also left blank from this point on, so I have omitted it.]
Gerhard Meyer // [blank] // 1/16/64 // 1/18/64 // [blank] //
[blank] McElroy // [blank] // 1/27/64 // 1/29/64 // [blank] //
Peter Modrow // [blank] // 2/1/64 // 2/3/64 // [blank] //
Spencer Ackerson // [blank] // 2/4/64 // 2/7/64 // [blank] //
Milton Maxwell // [blank] // 3/8/64 // 3/11/64 // [blank] //
Mary Carpenter // [blank] // 3/19/64 // 3/23/64 // [blank] //
James Brooks // [blank] // 3/19/64 // 3/21/64 // [blank] //
William M. Evans // [blank] // 4/19/64 // 4/27/64 // [blank] //
non-member // died at Orlando, Fla.
Hannah Le Mond // [blank] // 4/11/64 [out of chronological sequence] //
4/14/64 [out of chronoligical sequence] // [blank] // non-member
(Child) Edward Charles Geres, Jr. // 5/5/64 // 5/6/64 // 5/8/64 //
[blank] // child member
Edward J. Banker // [blank] // 5/13/64 // 5/14/64 // [blank] //
Lester Bradshaw // [blank] // 5/15/64 // 5/17/64 // [blank] //
Clara Doolittle // 9/9/1890 // 6/17/64 // 6/19/64 // [blank] //
Samuel Osinga // 2/26/03 // 8/8/64 // 8/11/64 // [blank] //
Harry Pierce // [blank] // 10/11/64 // 10/13/64 // [blank] //
David Ackerson // [blank] // 10/23/64 // 10/26/64 // [blank] //
William Richards, Sr. // [blank] // 11/25/64 // 11/28/64 // [blank] //
Edward Laue // [blank] // 11/23/64 [out of chronological sequence] //
11/25/64 [out of chronological sequence] // [blank] // non-member
Arthur Johnston // [blank] // 12/14/64 // 12/17/64 // [blank] //
[page 33] [page stamped 264]
[Year 1965]
Julia W. Pelz // 4/7/1898 // 1/30/65 // 2/1/65 // Cerebral hemorrhage //
Home member [crossed out]
["Text of Sermon" column is blank from this point onward, so I have omitted it]
Gotthold Mueller // 1/19/1892 // 4/5/65 // 4/7/65 // [blank] //
Arthur L. Cobb // 6/29/1892 // 3/29/65 [out of chronological sequence] //
4/2/65 [out of chronological sequence] // [blank]
[Amber?] Smith // 5/17/1929 // 3/28/65 [out of chronological sequence] //
3/3/65 [out of chronological sequence] // [blank]
Harold Downs // 3/26/1897 // 3/3/65 [out of chronological sequence;
but note date of burial] // 5/6/65 // [blank]
Wilhelm [Sauermilch?] // 10/21/92 // 2/2/65 [out of chronological order] //
2/6/65 [out of chronological order] // [blank]
Emma A. Sisco // 3/18/1892 // 3/3/65 // 3/6/65 // [blank]
Jacob D. Ackerson // 9/11/1892 // 5/11/65 // 5/14/65 //
Carcinoma of right lung
Emerich Hunger // Unknown // 5/30/65 // 6/3/65 // [blank]
Evald Johnsen // 12/6/1903 // 6/13/65 // 6/16/65 // [blank]
Frank C. Honsche // 1/17/1889 // 6/29/65 // 7/1/65 // [blank]
Robert Doolittle // 10/15/1917 // 7/2/65 // 7/6/65 // [blank]
Mary Mittenhuber // 6/2/1886 // 8/15/65 // 8/17/65 // [blank]
Daisy Tompkins // 1/12/[blank] // 8/10/65 // 8/14/65 // [blank]
Louisa Carlough // 6/1/1879 // 8/14/65 // 8/18/65 // [blank]
Collath, Frank [Orom?] // 10/10/1884 // 9/10/65 // 9/12/65 // [blank]
Mabel Ellison // 11/20/1907 // 8/3/65 // 8/6/65 // [blank]
Joan Mingaal // 2/22/1902 // 9/13/65 // 9/15/65 // [blank]
Charles Bahr // 11/9/1873 // 9/17/65 // 9/19/65 // [blank]
Maude A. Breen // 1/9/1908 // 10/6/65 // 10/8/65 // [blank]
Maria Shuart // 10/13/1880 // 11/11/65 // 11/14/65 // [blank]
[one line entry is clipped off in the photocopy at the bottom of the page,
and is not legible]
[page 34] [From this point onward, entries in the "Cause of Death" column are so
infrequent that I have eliminated the column and will henceforth make an individual
note when the cause of death is indicated.]
Dorothy G. Brush // 4/18/22 // 12/15/65 // 12/18/65
[Year 1966]
Geo. Brauneck // 2/8/83 // 1/23/66 // 1/26/66
Louis Stowell // [blank] // 2/5/66 // 2/9/66
Florence Kurz // 12/31/90 // 2/24/66 // 2/27/66
Viola J. Mann // 9/29/65 // 3/18/66 // 3/23/66
William Ruecker // [blank] // 5/6/66 // 5/8/66
Frank Pelz // [blank] // 6/19/66 // 6/21/66
Mrs. Ewald Johnson // [blank] // 9/8/66 // 9/10/66
Asta Schmidt // May 13, 1879 // 8/4/66 // 8/8/66 //
[written in "mourners" column:] Mr. & Mrs. T. Brennan, Jr.
Fred Muller // 1/23/39 // 10/4/66 // 10/7/66
Gary Litchult // 1/1/1889 // 10/10/66 // 10/13/66
[Year 1967]
F. Oltmann // 1/29/1881 // 3/31/67 // 4/4/67
Elsie Grutzmacher // 1/29/09 // 3/20/67 // 3/24/67
Edith Wanamaker // 7/25/81 // 4/3/67 // 4/5/67
Delaphine Konight // 10/21/80 // 4/10/67 // 4/12/67
Nancy Lynn Van Treuven // 3/9/67 // 4/2/67 [out of chronological sequence] //
4/5/67 [out of chronological sequence]
John Hothoff // 8/9/92 // 4/12/67 // 4/14/67
Bertha Straut // 12/7/88 // 4/12/67 // 4/15/67
Julie Leweck // [blank] // 3/11/67 [out of chronological sequence] //
3/13/67 [out of chronological sequence]
Amanda Ackerson // [blank] // 5/21/67 // 5/25/67
Claude Post, Sr. // [blank] // [blank] // 7/11/67
Benedict Stolz // [blank] // 9/25/67 // 9/28/67
Chas. Weissflob // [blank] // 9/12/67 [out of chronological sequence] //
9/15/67 [out of chronological sequence]
Chas. Wagner // [blank] // 9/23/67 [out of chronological sequence] //
9/26.67 [out of chronological sequence]
[page 35] [page stamped 266]
John L. Shuart // 5/3/90 // 10/27/67 // 10/30/67
Gretchen Gessel // 2/16/90 // 11/14/67 // 11/17/67
William Eisenhauer // 7/21/90 // 11/21/67 // 11/25/67
Ethel Phillips // 9/5/93 // 12/2/67 // 12/6/67
[Year 1968]
Emma S. Martine // 7/8/82 // 1/8/68 // 1/11/68
Charles Banker // 4/14/87 // 1/13/68 // 1/16/68
Thomas Thorne // 7/24/1880 // 2/25/68 // 2/29/68
Dorothy Smith // 9/29/15 // 3/15/68 // 3/19/68 //
[cause of death:] Cardiovascular collapse
Wm. [Boss? Bass?] // 12/23/1887 // 4/11/68 // 4/15/68
Fred [Maralia? Masalia?] // 10/3/11 // 4/20/68 // 4/24/68
William Weissflog // 5/10/19 // 5/30/68 // 6/3/68
John Ryan // 8/10/13 // 5/23/68 // 5/26/68 // [cause of death:] suicide
Loretta Souvey // 1/6/1875 // 6/13/68 // 6/15/68
Clarence Carlough // 8/20/1897 // 6/17/68 // 6/23/68
Helen Werner // 11/16/1898 // 6/15/68 // 6/18.68 //
[cause of death:] carcinoma
Daniel Simon // 1/12/08 // 6/29/68 // 7/3/68
Helen Nickel // 11/11/14 // 8/2/68 // 8/7/68 // auto accident
Baby Boy Trojan // 8/3/68 // 8/3/68 // 8/5/68 //
[cause of death:] stillborn
Oscar Smith // 4/30/1890 // 8/22/68 // 8/25/68
Edward Meagher // 4/9/22 // 9/10/68 // 9/12/68
Glode Wanamaker // 9/13/1884 // 9/4/68 // 9/6/68
Jennie Martine // 8/8/1881 // 9/5/68 // 9/8/68
[page 36]
Frank [Popay?] // 10/5/1898 // 10/30/68 // 11/2/68
[Arne? Anne?] Laine // [blank] // 11/5/[blank] // 11/7/68
Edna Ackerson // [blank] // 12/23/[blank] // 12/27/68
Marie Barnick // [blank] // 12/13/[blank] // 12/17/68
Anna Pokan // [blank] // 12/21/[blank] // 12/23/68
[Year 1969]
George Cox // [blank] // 3/15/[blank] // 3/17/69
Clarence Cooper // [blank] // 4/18/[blank] // 4/21/69
Richard Bush // [blank] // 4/3/[blank] // 4/14/69
Marie Weber // [blank] // 4/17/[blank] // 4/19/69
Harry Eisenhauer Sr. // [blank] // 4/15/[blank] // 4/18/69
Amy J. Van Houten // 2/8/1906 // 8/17/69 // 8/20/69
Emma Kelly // 6/15/1895 // 6/5/69 // 6/8/69
Louis Paull // 9/6/1908 // 6/3/69 [out of chronological sequence] //
6/6/69 [out of chronological sequence]
Joseph Christopher // [blank] // 6/8/69 // 6/11/69
[Tora?] E. Uppwall // 12/10/85 // 5/12/69 // 5/15/69
Charles Pelz // 9/23/1892 // 5/17/69 // 5/20/69
Ernest Ploger (Rev. Rudolph H. Wissler) // 10/10/1906 // 8/31/69 // 9/3/69
Elizabeth Kensil // 4/1899 // 9/26/69 // 9/30/69
[Aarne?] I. Laine // 4/4/06 // 11/5/68 [out of chronological sequence] //
11/7/68 [out of chronological sequence] [This appears to be a nearly identical
duplicate entry; see above under date of death 11/5/68]
Anna Marie Pelz // 12/29/1893 // 12/16/69 // 12/18/69
Harold Straut // 11/19/10 // 10/7/69 // 10/10/69
Margaret Werther // 7/25/01 // 10/15/69 // 10/19/69
Anthony Chodorowski // 8/31/23 // 11/25/69 // 11/28/69
[page 37]
[Illegible name] // [blank] // 4/[blank]/69 [out of chronological sequence] //
4/[blank]/69 [out of chronological sequence]
[Year 1970]
Dorothy Gee // [blank] // 1/14/70 // 1/16/70
Frank Groh // [blank] // 1/15/70 // 1/17/70
Percy Blauvelt // [blank] // 3/25/70 // 3/27/70
Roy Winter // [blank] // 3/20/70 [out of chronological sequence] //
3/24/70 [out of chronological sequence]
George Davey // [blank] // 3/12/70 [out of chronological sequence] //
3/15/70 [out of chronological sequence]
Charles Straut // [blank] // 5/2/70 // 5/5/70
Richmond Conklin // [blank] // 4/29/70 [out of chronological sequence] //
5/1/70 [out of chronological sequence]
Francis Johnson // [blank] // 4/9/70 [out of chronological sequence] //
4/13/70 [out of chronological sequence]
Clifford Sutherland // [blank] // 9/3/70 // 9/6/70
Louise Opeman // [blank] // 6/6/70 [out of chronological sequence] //
6/9/70 [out of chronological sequence]
Frank Gurney // [blank] // 8/1/70 [out of chronological sequence] //
8/4/70 [out of chronological sequence]
Ethel Lester // [blank] // 8/9/70 [out of chronological sequence] //
8/12/70 [out of chronological sequence]
Florence H. Smith // [blank] // 9/11/70 // 9/15/70
Anders A. Englund // [blank] // 10/6/70 // 10/7/70
Adrian Norris // [blank] // 7/3/70 [out of chronological sequence] //
7/5/70 [out of chronological sequence]
Lucy May // [blank] // 1/4/71 [out of chronological sequence] //
1/7/71 [out of chronological sequence]
Lillian Harlow // [blank] // 11/27/70 // 11/30/70
Bert Phillips // [blank] // 12/6/70 // 12/9/70
[Year 1971]
Martha Jordan // [blank] // 2/17/71 // 2/19/71
Melvin Litchult // [blank] // 2/12/71 [out of chronological sequence] //
2/16/71 [out of chronological sequence]
Emmy Prikhodko // [blank] // 2/16/71 // 2/20/71
Wolcott Bugbee // [blank] // 5/29/71 // 6/2/71
[page 38] [stamped 269]
Helen Buesing // 8/27/1900 // 7/26/71 // 7/28/71 //
[cause of death:] cardiac arrest
Harry Hansen // [blank] // 8/25/71 // 8/28/71
Louise Opeman // 11/18/1896 // 6/[?]/70 // 6/9/70
[This entire entry is crossed out; apparently a near duplicate entry;
see under date of death 6/6/70]
Mildred Butzbach // 8/18/01 // 10/22/71 // 10/27/71
Eliza Halbohm // 1/15/1879 // 10/2/71 [out of chronological sequence] //
10/5/71 [out of chronological sequence]
Mae Pelz // 4/14/1890 // 4/26/71 [out of chronological sequence] //
4/28/71 [out of chronological sequence]
John Opeman // 8/10/1897 // 3/27/71 [out of chronological sequence] //
3/30/71 [out of chronological sequence]
Lavinia Chaffee // 1/10/1884 // 7/9/71 // 7/12/71
Carl Kenneth Hand // 6/19/69 // 2/27/71 [out of chronological sequence] //
3/3/71 [out of chronological sequence]
Wm. Brubaker // 3/17/1892 // 9/11/71 // 9/14/71
Thomas E. Williams // [blank/49 // 6/28/71 [bout of chronological sequence] //
7/4/71 [out of chronological sequence]
Laslo Radany // 1/23/1892 // 12/18/71 // 12/21/71
Harold James Scott // 5/23/02 // 12/14/71 // 12/16./71
[Year 1972]
Bertha Roesch // 8/18/1894 // 4/8/72 // 4/12/72
Russell Winters // 8/13/1895 // 4/1/72 [out of chronological sequence] //
4/3/72 [out of chronological sequence]
Otto Lent // 4/13/1903 // 5/2/72 // 5/5/72
Frieda Kraemer // 8/11/05 // 3/26/72 [out of chronological sequence] //
3/29/72 [out of chronological sequence]
Olaf Halien // 8/29/1883 // 3/3/72 [out of chronological sequence] //
3/6/72 [out of chronological sequence]
Dorothy Winters // 4/25/1895 // 10/15/72 // 10/17/72
Edna Pierson // 3/20/1884 // 5/12/72 [out of chronological sequence] //
5/15/72 [out of chronological sequence]
Albert Norton // 12/29/01 // 5/7/72 // 5/11/72
Oscar Johnson // 12/27/1895 // 6/4/72 // 6/9/72
Victoria [Kovacs?] // 10/25/1885 // 5/31/72 [out of chronological sequence] //
6/3/72 [out of chronological sequence]
[page 39]
Margarete Christian // 11/27/1900 // 11/24/72 // 11/27/72
Milan James // 4/15/1886 // 10/18/72 [out of chronological sequence] //
10/20/72 [out of chronological sequence]
Hilma Gronroos // 4/6/1889 // 8/25/72 [out of chronological sequence] //
8/28/72 [out of chronological sequence]
[Year 1973]
Mary Jones // 4/4/1892 // 1-/14/73 // 1/16/73
Emma Thom // 7/4/1882 // 12/31/72 [out of chronological sequence] //
1/2/73 [out of chronological sequence]
John Patan // [blank] // 1/23/73 // 1/25/73
Edward James Osborn // 8/21/07 // 1/31/73 // 2/3/73
Walter May // [blank] // [blank] // [blank]
John [Lehoy?] // [blank] // 10/31/73 [out of chronological sequence] //
11/2/73 [out of chronological sequence]
Makinen, Hulda // 3/5/1884 // 3/12/73 // 3/14/73
Kirk, Karen Sue // 1/18/1952 // 5/14/73 // 5/17/73
Jones, Ethel M. // 12/7/1907 // 6/20/73 // 6/22/73
Geneis, Carl // 3/24/1894 // 6/28/73 // 6/30/73
Noble, Genevieve A. // 5/30/1897 // 7/31/73 // 8/3/73
Clauson, Leonora // 2/20/1916 // 8/14/73 // 8/16/73
Gannon, Fred S. // 4/2/1899 // 8/8/73 [out of chronological sequence] //
8/11/73 [out of chronological sequence]
Myers, Fred Roy // 9/9/1909 // 8/16/73 // 8/18/73
Ballard, LeRoy K. // 8/14/1916 // 8/10/73 [out of chronological sequence] //
8/13/73 [out of chronological sequence]
Jones, David Henry // 4/10/1893 // 3/28-73 [out of chronological sequence] //
3/31/73 [out of chronological sequence]
Ball, Helen J. // 10/10/1900 // 4/12/73 [out of chronological sequence] //
4/16/73 [out of chronological sequence]
Konight, Peter Chris // 10/30/1878 // 4/18/73 [out of chronological sequence] //
4/20/73 [out of chronological sequence]
Gross, Charlotte Anna // 11/16/1904 // 5/23/73 [out of chronological sequence] //
5/26/73 [out of chronological sequence]
[page 40]
Geres, Edward Carl // 2/5/1923 // 10/7/73 // 10/10/73
Konight, Arthur // 11/1/1904 // 11/25/73 // 11/29/73
[Year 1974]
Peper, Richard // 5/23/1901 // 1/6/74 // 1/9/74
Krucker, Lena // 7/15/1892 // 3/3/74 // 3/7/74
Bloeman, Margaret Agnes Amelia // 8/14/1901 // 3/5/74 // 3/8/74
Ruecker, Hedwig // 4/2/1908 // 3/12/74 // 3/15/74
Hopper, Blanche C. // 12/20/1915 // 3/31/74 // 4/2/74
Deshow, Fred // 8/3/1906 // 5/8/74 // 5/12/74
Smith, Kerry // 8/4/1925 // 5/9/74 // 5/11/74
Wanamaker, Agnes J. // 11/14/1886 // 5/13/74 // 5/16/74
Papay, Gladys // 3/6/1926 // 5/28/74 // 6/1/74
Brooks, Emma // 10/23/1895 // 6/14/74 // 6/17/74
Sonntag, William Herman // 8/29/1893 // 6/30/74 // 7/2/74
Werner, Frederick E. // 9/1/1898 // 7/26/74 // 7/29/74
Carlough, John D. // 6/18/1900 // 8/1/74 // 8/5/74
Kobe, Elizabeth // 5/30/1893 // 9/9/74 // 9/13/74
Hastings, Norman // ? // 9/18 [25 written above]/74 //
9/20 [27 written above]/74
Havecker, Dorothy // ? // 9/18/74 // 9/20/74
Kobe, Elizabeth // 5/30/1893 // 9/9/74 // 9/13/74
Ackerson, Edith M. // 10/28/1895 // 10/22/74 // 10/25/74
Smith, Elise T. // 3/26/1912 // 12/28/774 // 12/31/74
[Year 1975]
Burres, Roy // [blank] // 1/13/75 // 1/17/75
Transferred to New 1975 Register
Cudahey, Gertrude // [blank] // 3/11/75 // 3/14/75
[page 41]
Conklin, Lizzie // [blank] // 3/12/75 // 2/12/75
Nelson, Evelyn // [blank] // 4/11/75 // 4/15/75
Whitley, William // [blank] // 4/23/75 // 4/25/75
Chappell, Reginald // [blank] // 5/12/75 // 5/15/75
Tellefsen, August // [blank] // 12/26/74 [out of chronological sequence] //
12/28/74 [out of chronological sequence]
Nye, Clyde F. // 2/2/1919 // 11/11/74 [out of chronological sequence] //
11/14/74 [out of chronological sequence]
End of Register of Burials