Albert Wanschers1

M, #23858, +. a 1748
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Is Albert the same person as Albert Gerrits Wanscher? Albert Wanschers is in the census with a 25 yr old daughter Anna, Albert Gerrits Wanscher marries in 1722.
  • Is Albert the same person as Albert Wanschers? Albert Wanschers is in the census with a 25 yr old daughter Anna, Albert Wanschers makes a will with Anneken Derks in 1719.
     Albert Wanschers died a 1748, because he is listed in the census.1

Census records:
1748 Stad Almelo census: Household of Albert Wanschers (3rd quarter). Household consists of Albert, his wife, and a dochter Anna, 25 yr.1


  • Anna Wanschers1 ° 1723


  1. [S24] Volkstelling Twente, Stad en Landgericht Almelo, 1748. pg. 13, #2.