Albert Gerrits Wanscher1

M, #13176, ° s 1690
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Is Albert the same person as Albert Wanschers? Albert Wanschers is in the census with a 25 yr old daughter Anna, Albert Gerrits Wanscher marries in 1722.
     Albert Gerrits Wanscher was from in Almelo at his marriage.1 He married (NH) Fenneke Geerts Pepel on 25 May 1722 in Almelo1 (banns 19 Apr 1722, Almelo.)1


  1. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Albert Gerrits Wanscher en Fenneke Geerts Pepel, 19 Apr 1722.