Everd Wanschers1,2

M, #14208, ° s 1670
FatherJan Everts Wanschers2 ° s 1640, +. b 1682
     Everd Wanschers was from in Almelo at his marriage.2,1 He (1) married Marija Egberts2,1 (banns (NH) 3 Sep 1699, Almelo.)2 He (2) married Anna Amelia Fleurs aka Telghuis1 (banns (NH) 1 Aug 1701, Almelo.)1

Court Records:

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 16 Jan 1713:
Evert Wanschers, and his wife Maria conveyed to Geert Hermsen Holst, and his wife and heirs, their dwelling, build against the house of Hertog Abrahams, with the understanding that the buyers will be allowed to live for 6 yrs in the room, upon payment of 5% of the salespice, and payment of the chimney tax, and the buyer will be obligated to make repairs, if needed.3


  1. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Everd Wanschers en Anna Amelia Fleurs genaamd Telghuis, 1 Aug 1701.
  2. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Everd Wanschers en Marija Egberts, 3 Sep 1699.
  3. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618*, Fol. 33-34. Transportacte, 16 Jan 1713.