Hinderkien Berends Orsel1 ![b. Holland](countryh.jpg)
F, #8884, * 31 Oct 1790, + 5 May 1866
Father | Berend Borgerts2,1,3 * 22 Feb 1765, + 16 Dec 1844 |
Mother | Jantje Hindriks2,1,3 * 31 Jan 1762, + 25 Dec 1832 |
Family | Hindrik Wessels Sibaldus * c 1787, + 1 Nov 1839 |
Children |
Hinderkien Berends Orsel was born on 29 Oct 1790 in Nieuwe Pekela.2,3 Hinderkien was baptized (NH) on 31 Oct 1790 at Nieuwe Pekela.3,2 She married Hindrik Wessels Sibaldus.4,1 She died on 5 May 1866 in Nieuwe Pekela.1
She is listed in the following census:
1829 Nieuwe Pekela census: Household of Hindrik Wessels Sibaldus (Northside 211.)4
Name variants: Hindrikkijn Beerends (patronymic, at baptism.)2,3 Hindriktje Berents Orsel (in the 1829 census.)4
She is listed in the following census:
1829 Nieuwe Pekela census: Household of Hindrik Wessels Sibaldus (Northside 211.)4
Name variants: Hindrikkijn Beerends (patronymic, at baptism.)2,3 Hindriktje Berents Orsel (in the 1829 census.)4
- [S2] BS. Nieuwe Pekela Overlijden : 1866 #49. Hinderkien Berends Orsel, 5 May 1866.
- [S168] Nieuwe Pekela, DTB : Hindrikkijn, dochter van Beerend Borgers en Jantje Hindriks, 31 Dec 1790.
- [S127] Parenteel van Berent HOUKES, online: http://www.doge.nl/~jano/pjo.html
- [S119] NP Volkstelling, Nieuwe Pekela (Gr), NLD, 1829.