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Dutch Reformed Cemetery Saddle River New Jersey

Dutch Reformed Church Memberships
Saddle River New Jersey

Dutch Reformed Cemetery Saddle River New Jersey
Members in Full Communion when the Congregation
of Saddle River and Peremus was divided---July 1812

Hendric Terhune and his wife Janetje Vanderbeek
Albert D. Ackerman and wife Elisabeth Ackerman--deceased
     March 21, 1876 (A618, A6232)
Albert Terhune and wife Tyna Hopper
Joseph Debaan and wife Grietje Aljie
Peter Mourison and Peggy Valentine
Beatus Goetschius
Elisabeth Eckhardt, wife of Jacobus Mourison
Elsabeth Debann wife of Abram Fesshure (Forshee)
Abram Terhune and his wife Sukkey Brower
Jannetje Woertendyk, wife of Jacobus Debaan
Sara Woertendyk
Jacob M. Debaan and his wife Osseltje Demorest
John Debaan and his Altje Woertendyk
Hendric Bush and wife Maretje Vanblerkom
Rynhard Bush and wife Elisabeth Heassles
Johanes Ackerman and wife Maria Haring (A5143 -4)
Rachel Vanvoorhes, widow of Gerrit Ackerman (A436)
Andries Deremes and wife Ebby Hopper
Adolph Suart and wife Altje Ackerman (A673)
John Debaan and wife Altje Smith
Catrina Lutjes wife of Joseph Goetschius
Phenny Meby wife of John Talman (424)
Dirk Bush and wife Antje Vanderbeek
James Thomson and wife Sara Ackerman  (A676)
Jacob Debaan and wife Antje Debaan
David Debaan and wife Anatje Fesheur
George Snyder and wife Bregje Debaan--deceased March 1878
Andries Debaan and wife Maria Talman
John Snyder
Rachel Vanderbeek and wife of Peter R. Bush
David T. Eckerson and wife Maria Debaan
Jacobus Crouter and wife Margret Debaan
John Yurry and wife Elisabeth Van Orden
Stephen Yurry and wife Janitje Vanhouten (7-1141)
Abram Eckerson and wife Caty Eckerson
Thomas D. Eccerson and wife Antje Demorest
Daniel Ackerman and wife Catlyntje Christie (A672)
Thomas Banta and wife Catrina Hopper
David Ackerman and wife Janitje Blauvelt (A531)
Nicklaes Hopper and wife Marie Zabriskie (5-59 ) (512)
Hendric I. Hopper and wife Annatje Buskerk
Stephen Hopper and wife Gertje Terhune
Hendric Hopper
Jacob Hopper and wife Tyna Westerveldt
Elisabeth Hopper, wid. Andries Hopper
Thomas Eckerson and wife Cornelia Debaan
Garret Vanryper and wife Polly Terhune
Johannes Vanryper and wife Catrina Vanwinkel
Maria, widow of Harmanus Vanryper
Anatje Demorest, widow of Jacob Eccerson
Thomas T. Eccerson
Angenietje Vanderbeek, widow of David Eccerson
Johanes Johnson and wife Sophia Ryker
Jacob Debaan and ------------
Peter S. Van Orden and wife Maria Blauveldt
Isack Debaan
John Quackenbush
Petrus G. Smith and wife Janetje Debaan
John Jersey
Abram Hering and wife Elisabeth Blauveldt
Gerret Hering and wife Maria Smith
John Durie and wife Rachel Bogard
Peter Durie and wife Osseltje Demorest
Lea Van Orden, widow of Abram Debaan
John Post and wife Annatje Post
Rachel Persel, widow of Peter Post
Thomas Peterson and wife Sally Mete
Berbara Wever, wife of Fredric Vanryper
Jackemynte, wife of Peter Debaan

November 16,  1813 Received on confession

March 6,      1813 Isaac E. De Baun
		   Stephen Yeury and his wife
		   Jenny Van Houten
		   Bridget DeBaun, wife of George Snyder
		   Fanna Mabie, wife of John Taulman (424)

November 6,   1813 John Snyder
		   Andrew DeBaun
		   George Snyder
		   John A. DeBaun and his wife Letty Smith
		   John Duremus
		   Tyne Hopper, wife of Albert Terhune
		   Garret A. Haring and wife Maria Smith
		   Elizabeth Deboys, wife of Rev. Stephen Goetchyes
March 5,      1813 John Eckerson and wife Garretye Hogenkamp

March 6,      1813 Elisabeth Ackerman, wife of Albert Ackerman
                   (A6232) Maria Talman, wife of Andrew Debaan

May 27,       1815 Jannetje Eccerson
		   Maria Goetschius, wife of Jacobus Duremus
		   John Ryer

1815 - Received in Communion from Tappan
                   Maria Van Orden, wife of Peter Van Orden

March 24,     1816 Phebe Herring, widow of Jacob Haring
		   Petrus Debaan
		   Gerret C. Smith and his wife Mehitabeel Shuart
		   Elisabeth, wife of Thomas J. Eccerson
		   Margret Salome Goetschius, widow of John
                   Nothingham Duryea

August 20,   1843? Johannes Perry and Femetje, widow of Jacob Horn
                   from Peremus
                   Gerret A. Zabriskie (562) and his wife Tyna
		   James C. Cuper
		   Abram Debaan from Schraalenburgh

November 24,  1816 Abram Debaan and his wife
         	   Sarah Benson

October 12,   1817 Thomas Rolemhil and his wife
		   Syntje Debaan
		   Jacob A. N. Debaan and his wife
		   Tyna Mauritson
		   Antje Blauveldt, wife of John Jersey
		   Elisabeth Yurrey, wife of Isack Blauveldt
		   Antje Haring, wife of John Post
		   Diana Terneur

September 12, 1818 Arie Eccerson and his wife
		   Tyna Westerveldt
		   David Eccerson and his wife
		   Margriet Van Horn
		   Maria Smith, wife of Coenraed Bush
		   Polly Snyder

July  3,      1819 Gabriel Hill and his wife
		   Elisabeth Nagel

April 16,     1820 John J. Harring and his wife
		   Maria Bogard from Tappan
		   Gerret D. Ackerman and his wife
		   Gertje Hopper
		   Gerret A. Hopper and his wife
		   Maria Van Orden
		   Jacob A. Zabriskie and his wife (564)
		   Gertje Vanbuskerk
		   Maria Debaan wife of Peter Bush
		   Polly Post, wife of Thomas T. Eccerson

October 14,   1820 Abram Ackerman and Antje Debaan
		   Jane Debaan, wife of Abram Ackerman - from
                   New York (A680)

June 2,       1821 Jacob N. Hopper and his wife Catarine Hopper - dead
		   Lea Hemion, widow of Micael Terneur
		   Jacobus Debaan and his wife
		   Margret Suart
		   Abram Johnson
		   John Degraun and his wife Wyntje Terhune
		   Jacob J. Debaan (died June 5, 1879) and his wife
                        Elisabeth Terhune (died March 1874)
		   John Henry Goetschis
		   Sara Wilson
		   Maria Peterson
		   Rachel Yerry
		   Ann Elisa Goetschi--
		   Lea Blauveldt, wife of Albert Terhune
		   David J. Debaan and his wife
		   Lena Gardenier
		   Peter Jersey and his wife
		   Maria Smith
		   John Eccerson and his wife
		   Charity Johnson
		   Elisabeth Hadden, wife of Barth'w Hadden
		   Fredric Van Orden
		   Isack Cole
		   Louis-man of colour and his wife Sara
		   Phebe-woman of colour

July 1,       1821 William Goetschius and his wife
		   Caty Post

November 17,  1821 John Mowris and Antje Debaan wife of David Bush

June 22,      1822 Cesar-servant of John Parleman
		   Benjamin and his wife Diana-servants of John Eccerson

June 23,      1822 Peter Bush and his wife Caty Perry
		   William Yurey and his wife Lea Durie
		   Jane Ackerman, from Greenwich
		   Margret Servan, from Peremus

November 14,  1822 Peter B. Bush
		   Jane Ackerman, from Greenwich, New York

June          1823 Hannah Dirie, wife of John Snyder

December      1823 Marjore Woertendyk, wife of Abram Post

February 12,  1825 Thomas T. Banta and Elisabeth Haring, his wife

December 15,  1815 From New Hemmsted - Elisabeth Lowry, wife of
                   John Felter

June 10,      1826 John A. Terhune

April 6,      1827 From Ireland of the Presbyterian Church - Henry
                   Cunningham and wife Elizabeth on confession
		   Abram J. Post
		   Edward J. Debaan and his wife Hetty Smith

November 17,  1827
         18	   From New Hurly, Ulster County, N.Y. State - Levi
                   Ostrander and his wife
		   David Bush and Rachel Zabriskie (563) widow of
                   Herman Terhune

              1828 Henry Banta and his wife Maria

October       1830 Maria Durie, wife of John Mourison
		   Annatje Terhune, wife of Andrew Hopper

April         1833 John H. Talman
		   Cornelius G. Talman
		   Cornelius Smith
		   Polly Hopper, wife of Abram G. Ackerman (A6103)

August 25,    1833 Abram G. Ackerman (A6103)

November           Elisabeth Demarest, wife of Jacob T. Eccerson

August        1834 Catharine Crouter, wife of Andrew Hopper
		   Mo J. Mrs. Remsen from church in Pompton

May           1835 Catharine Van Houten
		   Garret O. Higginson

October       1835 Stephen Bartholf-dismissed to Clarkstown-Recd.
                   back November 3, 1842
		   Miss Maria Zabriskie

May           1836 Anna Ackerman (A6107)

May           1837 Wife of John A. Terhune (A6107)
		   Sally Maria Hall, widow of Abm. Hopper
		   Cornelius G. Smith and Maria Herring his wife
                   from Greenwich, New York

May           1836 Garret G. Smith and wife
		   Alley Zabriskie (682)

January       1838 George Snyder
		   Martha Van Blarcome

November 30,  1839 John H. Banta and wife Margaret Youry
		   Phoebe Ann Ackerman, wife of John H. Terhune
		   Andrew Tallman and wife
		   Hette Debaan

April 11,     1840 From Harlinger - Rebecca Van Der Veer, widow of
                        Andrew Hagaman decd.
		   Albert Zabriskie
		   David Debaun
		   Maria Van Buskirk, wife of Fred Van Riper
		   Leah Ann Frederic, wife of Thomas (Mr. Stagg)
		   Ann Myers, wife of John Ackerman
		   Catherine Van Houten, wife of Charles Debaun
		   Mary Ann Hagaman
		   Margaret Ackerman, wife of Garret Osborn

April 24,     1841 John A. Ackerman

April         1842 Garret Ackerman
		   John P. Debaun and wife Mary Storms
		   Garret S. Hopper and wife Maria Hopper
		   Henry Zabriskie and wife        Voorhees
		   Jacob Moureson and wife Elizabeth Wortendyck
		   John G. Hopper and wife Jane Post
		   Thomas Van Orden and wife Lavinia Hopper
		   Frederic Van Riper -- Miss Eliza Ackerman
		   Thomas Stagg -- John Degraw
		   Sarah Ackerman, wife of James Thompson
		   Joseph Allen -- Miss Adaline De Baun
		   Cornelius Blauvelt -- Miss Letitia Wortendyck
		   Adaline Van Blarcome, wife of A. Zabriskie Rutten
		   Leah Eccorson, wife of Garret A. Hickerson
                        (died April 26, 1879)
		   Hannah Eccorson, wife of James Demarest
		   Rachel Cunningham
		   Hette Smith, wife of Conrad Fox
		   Margaret Brower (died 1878) wife of Abm. Litchholt
		   Sally Van Riper, wife of Andrew De Baun, Jun.

November 6,   1842 Adolphus Wannamaker and wife Effe Zabriskie (6114)
		   Garret Duryea Debaun
		   Margaret Debaun
		   From Clarkstown - Stephen Bertholph and wife Catharine
                   Van Houten

May 7,        1843 Harman Tallma (724)
		   Miss Margaret Van Riper
		   John A. Debaun
		   Agnes Eccorson
		   Albert Zabriskie Rittan
		   Thomas Van Riper and wife Hannah Teurse
		   Chrystian Eccorson and wife Sarah Maybee - dismissed
                        to Spring Valley
		   Susan Miller, wife of John DeGraw
		   Anna Van Dien, wife of Jacob Debaan
		   Cynthia Demarest, wife of Albert Terhune, from Schraalenburg

May           1845 Susan Ann Van Blarcome, wife of Hac Hendricks

May 6,        1848 Adaline Hemion, wife of Peter Howard
		   Stephen Goetschius and wife Maria Eccorson
                        (Dismissed October 1851)
		   Ab'r Bergen of N. Brunswick

April         1852 Elizabeth Debaun of Greenwich, New York

December      1853 Conrad Fox
		   John Snyder and wife Jane Herring - Dropped

March         1854 John E. Hopper and wife Elizabeth Terhune
		   Cornelius Duryea and wife Hannah Maria Ackerman
		   John T. Debaun died Nov 8, 1873
                     ["Nov" and "1873" have been crossed out - BEH]

June          1855 Charity Maria Tallman, wife of Harrey Sherwood

October       1855 John H. Van Houten (6-545) and Hannah Debaun


Census taken April 1856: 77 families; 274 in congregation; 84 in communion

April  12,    1856 Martha Messenger

November 23,  1856 Jemima Ackerman, wife of F. G. Van Riper

April 5,      1857 Mary Ann Pullis, wife of John J. Mowerson
		   Andrew De Baun
		   Lewis Randolf and wife      Dicks

September 28, 1857 Cornelius Herring (Died Jan 1875) and Margaret
                   Van Houten (died Dec 1879), wife of David A.
                   Demarest   [sic]

February      1858 Jane Henion, wife of Pete Ackerman
		   Isaack G. Van Houten

May 2,        1858 John W. Yeury and wife Mary Ann Felter
		   Harvey Sherwood
		   Moses B. Depuy and Mary his wife

October       1858 Charles Van Riper and wife Eliza Benson

February 5,   1859 Edward G. Ackerman
		   Franklin Coburn and Alche Herring, widow of Daniel Jersey

April 15,     1859 Peter A. Ackerman
		   Rachel Tallman, wife of G. G. Ackerman
		   Catharine Goetschius, widow of B. Westervelt
		   Garret H. Zabriskie from Paramus

August 5,     1859 Ann Richardson, from 5th Ave. Ref. Ch., New York,
                        Dismissed Sep 17, 1881
		   John Richardson - died Mar. 27, 1880
		   Albert Winter's Mary L. Wannamaker

              1860 John N. Hopper from Pascack
		   Ab. T. Eccorson (died Jun 7, 1879) and wife Hannah
                        Jersey, dismissed
		   Maria Louisa Hopper, wife of J. H. Goetschius
		   Nancy Barry, wife of P. Wright
		   Catharine Mary Manley, wife of F. Coburn
		   Peter Wright, Jane Ann Debaun

              1861 Isaack B. Guildersleeve (died Jun 1874) and wife Emma
                     (dismissed Aug 1872)
		   Harman Terhune and his wife ELiza Jane Ramsey

September 14, 1862 Jacob G. Synder and Rachel Zabriskie (6106)

August 10,    1860 David H. Hopper and wife Sally Maria Van Riper

March 16,     1863 John H. Terhune
		   Rachel Terhune, wife of G. Ackerman (A7291)
		   Irene Churchill
		   Catharine I. Beckman, Certificate

March 16,     1863 Abraham Ackerman and Martha H., his wife, dismissed
                        Oct 6, 1869
		   Stephen Coe Stevens and wife
		   Catharine Ann Taylor

March         1864 Edward Debaun and wife Rachel Storms (died Apr 12, 1871)
		   Margaret Fox, wife of John I. Debaun
		   Peter I. Christopher
		   Sarah P. Manley - dismissed Aug 1867

August 17,    1864 Herman Bogert
		   Catharine Jane Hopper, wife of Edwin Debaun
		   Charity Euphemia, wife of George Goetschius

Jun           1865 Eliza Ann Hopper, wife of Ab. Terhune

April 14,     1865 From Ramapa - Rachel Z. Sherwood, wife of Albert I. Debaun

Members Received during the Pastorate of A. H. Meyers

April 6,      1867 Susan Straut, widow of Peter Mowerson
                   (dismissed Mar 14, 1876)

August  3,    1867 Angeline Harriet Keeler, wife of Martin Brown
		   Romelia Augusta Dater, wife of Adam M. Dater

April 12,     1868 Rosalie Meyers, wife of John Perry Van Eps
		   Henrietta J. Meyers

August 2,     1868 Sarah Ann Litchhult, wife of Smith Mc Coon
		   Katharine Jane Smith, wife of Isaac H. Terwilleger

December 26,  1868 Margaret Louisa Post, wife of Floyd C. Gildersleeve

December 27,  1868 Jacob S. De Baun - died May 1879

April 10,     1869 Anna V. Brown, wife of Chas. J. Bennett - died Aug 1, 1872
                   Hannah Quackenbush (died Nov 1879), wife of Andrew N. Hopper

August 1,     1869 Lewis M. Plank and his wife Ella Plank
                     (dismissed Dec 10, 1879 to 34th St. Ref. Ch., N.Y.)
		   Henry Pulis and his wife Maria-dismissed Aug 6, 1871
		   Francis Gurnee and his wife Bridget Van Houten
		   Sarah A. Gurnee
		   Abram John Terhune

December 25,  1869 Martin Brown - died Jul 1875
		   Mary Ann Barton, wife of Wm. J. Yeury
		   James W. Carson and his wife Elizabeth Polhemus
                      ["dismissed" penned in at end - BEH]

April 7,      1870 Henry H. Goetschius and his wife Anna Maria Post

April 10,     1870 John I. Polhemus and his wife Ellen

August 6,     1871 John P. Haring - dismissed Jul 23, 1874 (6354)

April 2,      1871 William H. Yoemans and his wife Lavina Hopper
                   - dismissed to the 3rd Ref. Ch. Paterson Dec 26, 1886
		   Mrs. Sarah (Sweet) Merritt, wife of Rev. A. H. Meyers
		   Margaret Valentine, wife of Henry P.Post
		   Adaline Amanda Smith, wife of Corn's Myers - dismissed
                   Oct 8, 1875

December 10,  1871 Mrs. Catharine (Brown) widow of Ja's Duryea

Members received during the Pastorate of W. E. Bogardus

April 11,     1874 Mrs. Catharine Jane (Smith) Hopper, wife of
                        Edward Debaun
		   Mrs. Margaret (Sturn) Algea, wife of Jacob S. Debaun

December 5,   1874 Martha Smith   died ------

April 3,      1875 Jane Elizabeth Banta, wife of A. J. Terhune
		   Nicholas Hemion
		   Leah Degraw, wife of Nicholas Hemion
		   James Alfred De Baun
		   Catherine Ellen Tallman, wife of J. A. De Baun
		   Janie Tallman

September 4,  1875 Edwin De Baun
		   Mrs. Orsilla Howard

April 1,      1876 Andrew N. Hopper - died 1881
		   Hannah Duryea, widow of Jno. S. Eckerson
		   Abram Higginson and wife Rachel Ackerman
		   Edgar Gildersleeve and wife-died May 8, 1885
		   Rachel Ackerman
		   Conrad Storms Smith and wife Willetta Quackenbush,
                      dismissed Sep 19, 1879 to Hohokus M. E. Church
                   John Alvin Ackerman
		   Cynthia Bull - dismissed Apr 11, 1877
                      to Pres. Ch. Orwell, Bradford County, Pa.
		   Albert De Baun
		   Laura B. Sherwood

August 5,     1876 George A. De Baun - dismissed to 3rd Ref. Ch. Paterson
		   Mary Agnes Terhune - dismissed to Pres. Ch., N.Y. City

December 2,   1876 Albert N. Hopper and wife Catherine Margaret De Baun
		   Mary Louisa Terhune
		   John Polhemus - died July 1878 and wife Ellen
                   Polhemus - died Mar 1880

March 31,     1877 Joseph Doremus - died Dec 11, 1878 and wife Jane Straut
		   Irving Ackerman
		   Jennie Terhune
		   John A. Bogert

August 4,     1877 Garret Zabriskie Snider
		   Catharine Maria Kingsland - died Mar 12, 1879
		   Matilda Terhune
		   Emma Terhune

December 1,   1877 Matilda Van Benscoten

April 7,      1878 Edward Henry Smith
		   Sarah Lousia Smith
		   Ida Matilda Smith
		   Mrs. Jane Ann (White) Allen, wife of Abraham Carson

August 5,     1878 Adelia Van Dien, wife of Edward Henry Smith

April         1879 James Eckerson and wife ------- Duryea

April 4,      1880 Samuel Frederick and wife Phebe Anna Terhune
                     - dismissed to 3rd Ref. Ch., Paterson, N. J. Dec 26, 1886
		   Sarah L. Banta, wife of Geo. De Baun
                     - dismissed to 3rd Ref. Ch., Paterson, N.J.

August 1,     1880 Jacob Sydney Polhemus - dismissed to M. E. Ch., Newburg,
                        N.Y. Dec 1880
                   John S. Goetschius and his wife
		   Mary Jane Duryee

December 5,   1880 Gertrude Jane Polhemus

April 3,      1881 John Henry Goetschius and his wife
		   Deborah Gurnee
		   David G. Higginson and wife
		   Amarintha Horn
		   Chas. Nathan Hopper and wife Margaret Ann
                    - dismissed Mar 22, 1882 to West New Hempstead
		   Abram Blauvelt Carson
		   John Alvin Terhune - dismissed to Pres. Ch., Princeton, N.J.
		   Lavenia Westervelt, [wife of Wm. N. Mowerson]

August 6,     1881 Wm. N. Mowerson
		   Eva Winter

April 2,      1882 Elizabeth De Baun
		   Mrs. Rachel Zeluff

March 2,      1884 Isaac Van Zaun Duryea and wife Mary Elizabeth Duryea


Members received during the Pastorate of Rev. Wm. N. Todd

December 4,   1885 Mrs. Lavinia J. Sheridan, wife of Rev. N. Todd

June 4,       1886 Mrs. Susan Bogart - from Evan. Luth. Ch. of Saddle River

March 4,      1887 Arthur Ackerman

June 4,       1887 John Jacob Hopper and his wife -----
		   Miss Maggie Anna Terhune

June 2,       1888 Mrs. Elizabeth A. Christopher
		   Melissa Christopher
		   John Andrew Christopher

December 4,   1888 Mrs. Susan Miller, wife of John D. B. Degraw

August 31,    1889 Maria Herring Snider
		   Emma Hay

March 6,      1891 Edgar M. Terhune

May 30,       1891 John Ackerman
		   Annie Ackerman
		   Eliza L. Grier - dismissed to Ch. at Brooklyn - Nov 6, 1893

September 6,  1891 Beekman Ramsey Terhune

December 4,   1891 Ada Winter

February 25,  1893 Ira Gildersleeve


Members received during the Pastorate of Rev. I. Van Kampen

September 1,  1893 Pearl C. Godfrey, wife of Rev. I. Van Kampen,
                     from Congregational Ch., Hudsonville, Mich.

December 2,   1893 David B. Smith - from Archer Mem. M. E. Ch., Allendale, N.J.
		   John Albert Lydecker
		   Mary Jane Hicks
		   Frank E. Hicks and wife, from Ref. Ch., Spring Valley
		   Ella Brooks

March  3,     1894 Carrie De Baun

June 3,       1894 Ethelbert Goetschius
		   Mable Le Roo
		   Mattie De Baun
		   Ella Osborne
		   Alice Bailey

November 28,  1894 Lucy V. Gibson, wife J. A. Smith - from Ref. Ch. of Pascack
		   Mrs. Geo. J. Snider - from 1st Cong. Ch. of Monsey

February 28,  1895 Mrs. Isaac Hopper
		   Lucy Talmage
		   Mable De Baun
		   John Le Roo
		   Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Smith

August 29,    1895 Mrs. Rachel Ann Hopper
		   Mr. & Mrs. John D. Conklin - from Cong. Ch., Tallman, N.Y.

November 27,  1895 Mr. & Mrs. David Eckerson - from M. E. Ch., Montvale, N.Y.

June 7,       1896 Mr. & Mrs. Levi Sherwood

December 6,   1896 Mr. & Mrs. Augustus Bogert - from Ref. Ch. of Paramus

March 27,     1897 Miss Lavina Smith

June 6,       1897 Florence L. Galloway, wife of Ethelbert Goetschius
                    - from Pres. Ch. of Rutherford, N.J.
		   Edward Eckerson

December 5,   1897 John De Baun
March 13,     1898 George Jacob Snyder

May 29,       1898 Kitty Duryea, wife of Edward W. Eckerson
		    From Ref. Ch. of Wyckoff, N. J.

March 2,      1899 Maggie De Baun, wife of Arthur Ackerman
		   Mrs. Louisa Messenger

June 1,       1899 John Snider

June 14,      1900 John De Baun
		   Blanche Messenger
		   Clara Messenger
		   Mellicent Smith

February 28,  1901 Edith Messenger Tice
		   Lilly Ackerman

February 28,  1901 Maud Gildersleeve, wife of Ira Gildersleeve
			From Cong. Ch. at Tallman, N.Y.
		   Robert Wilson-From Classon Ave. Pres. Ch. of Brooklyn, N.Y.

June 2,       1901 Henry Swartz
		   Elmer Laroo

September 1,  1901 Mrs. Romelia A. Mellon

November 26,  1901 Mrs. Isaac V. S. Duryea

September 4,  1902 Mr. & Mrs. G. C. Mendel

December 4,   1902 Mrs. Cornelius Snyder
		   Mrs. John H. Snider, Jr.

September 3,  1903 James Le Roo

June 5,       1904 Charles R. Howard and wife Melissa M. Howard
		   From 1st M. E. Ch., Wilkesbarre, Penna.
		   Mrs. John La Roe nee Eunice May Everson

December 1,   1904 William Conklin, from Cong. Ch., Tallman, N.Y.
                   and his wife Willa Springsteen, from 1st Pres.
                   Ch., Haverstraw, N.Y.

June 1,       1905 Carrie Swartz

June 3,       1906 Jacob Henry Hopper
		   Mrs. Jacob Henry Hopper-from Franklin Ave. Pres.
                   Ch., Brooklyn, N.Y.

November 30,  1906 Elsie Smith

February 27,  1908 Katy Bogert

December 1,   1910 Maude Eckerson

March 9,      1911 Minnie Smith

June 1,       1911 Preston Wilson from 1st Pres. Ch., Caldwell, N.J.

November 29,  1911 Mrs. B. F. McOmber from 1st Pres. Ch., West New York, N.J.
		   Edith Bogert
		   Christopher Post and wife Lizzie Smith

June 2,       1912 Godfrey R. Van Kampen

June 4,       1914 Irving Duryea
		   Mrs. Lillian Decker, wife of Irving Duryea
	             From M. E. Ch. of Spring Valley
		   Elizabeth Hopper, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hopper

September 6,  1914 Mrs. Lorette Hopper

December 6,   1914 Christiaan Johannes Vanden Heuvel and his wife
		   Johanna Maria Vanden Heuvel nee Vander Putte
		   Blees Anthony Vanden Heuvel
		   Christiaan Johannes Vanden Heuvel
		   Anthony Blees Vanden Heuvel
		   Johanna Maria Vanden Heuvel
		   Jennie Vanden Heuvel
                      All from Centreville, N. J. Ref. Church

March 7,      1915 Daisy Hammond - from M. E. Ch., New City, N.Y.

September 7,  1916 Ezra Conklin and wife Grace G. Conklin
		   Gladys E. Conklin
		   Marion G. Conklin
		   Mary E. Conklin
		   Stephen Goetschius

June 3,       1917 Mrs. Anna Hopper
		   Mrs. Eleanor Mc Omber from M. E. Ch., Spring Valley, N.Y.

November 29,  1917 Mrs. Christian Van Den Heuvel, nee Mary Alice McNeill

March 3,      1918 Mr. & Mrs. George H. Sandison* - from 1st Ref. Ch., Nyack, N.Y.
     [*There is a superscript entry at this point that could be "Jr." - BEH]

December 1,   1918 Gertrude Van Kampen

March 2,      1919 Cornelius Vanden Heuvel Jr.

March 18,     1919 George Anbach Coger

June 8,       1919 Albert Messenger and wife Irene Strong
		   Wallace Eckerson and wife Annie Messenger
		   Mildred Hopper
		   Edgar Gildersleeve

September 7,  1919 Anna Diehl
		   Eva Bell Butler

June 5,       1921 Beardslee C. Van Kampen

September 11, 1921  Margaret Landes
		   Charles C. Lake from M. E. Ch., Leonia, N.J.

March 9,      1922 Howard Duryea

June 1,       1922 Harold Gildersleeve

November 29,  1922 J. Christie Ware - from Zion Evan. Lutheran Church, Saddle
                        River, N.J.
		   Mrs. A. Elizabeth Ware - from Zion Evan. Lutheran Church,
                        Saddle River, NJ.
		   J. Christie Ware Jr. - from Zion Evan. Lutheran Church,
                        Saddle River, N.J.
		   Elizabeth Louise Ware - from Zion Evan. Lutheran Church,
                        Saddle River, N.J.
                   Arnold Raymond Reynolds From North Ref. Ch. Newark, N.J.

June 1,       1924 Edward Weiss

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