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Thanks to Pat Wardell for contributing this page.

Benjamin Oldis, son of (prob.) Benjamin Oldis & Aaltje Schars, was b. 1710 ; died 11 November 1791; is buried in the Paramus Dutch Ref. Chyd. He m. Neeltje (Nellie) -?-.

This family was living in or near Allendale by 1762 (and may have been at this location as early as 1742), probably near the property of John Fell and today's "Celery Farm" acreage.

It is probably this Benjamin Oldis who is listed in the 1778 Franklin Township Rateables (just after James Provost and just before Garrit Oldis) with 150 acres, 2 horses, 8 horned cattle, 4 hogs. He is listed in the Jan-Feb 1779 Franklin Township Rateables with 150 acres and 14 horses and cattle. "Benjamin Oldest" is listed in the 1780 Franklin Twp. Rateables with 50 acres improved land, 50 acres unimproved land, 2 horses, 6 horned cattle, and 3 hogs.
Children of Benjamin Oldis & Neeltje -?-:

----- Hendrick Oldis, bp. 25 Feb. 1741 Paramus Ref Dutch Ch (wit: Jacobus & Sara Stedg); m. Marytje -?-.

----- Hannes Oldis, bp. 6 Feb. 1743 Paramus Ref Dutch Ch (wit: Hendrik & Tryntje Hoppe)

----- Maria Oldis, bp. 25 Aug. 1751 Paramus Ref Dutch Ch (wit: Isaac & Lena Conklin)

----- Gerrit Oldis, bp. 28 July 1754 Paramus Ref Dutch Ch (wit: Gerrit I. & Elsje Hoppe); m. (1) Rebecca Hoogland; m. (2) Elizabeth Van Horn, widow of Anthony Van Blarcom & Peter A. Hopper.

----- Sara Oldis, bp. 9 May 1756 Paramus Ref Dutch Ch (wit: Josie & Ariaantje Wessels)

Road Return Book A, pg. 53 (Budke Vol. 11) contains:
-----Recorded at the request of Benjamin Oldis Ramapoch July 1st 1762. Wee the surveyors of the County of Bergen being called and have mett at the house of Benjamin Oldis and have all agreed have laid a road of one rodd wide beginning at Ramapough Road and likewise at the corner of the fence where the road turns to the house of Johannis Van Zeil on the East side of the fence as it now stands untill it comes unto the line of Benjamin Oldis its ? to an northerly course so as to be a rodd distance from the barn and so wee the surveyors have hereunto sett our hands day and date above mentioned.-Stephen Sobrisko, Lambartus Laroe, Nikolcas Rix, Hendrick Hoppe, and have all agreed was before the ensealing.

From The Minutes of the Board of Proprietors of the Eastern Division of New Jersey from 1725 to 1744, Perth Amboy (Re: Ramapo Tract; paraphrased unless in quotes)
-----(Vol. II, p. 197)...29 July 1742...a lease was requested by Benjamin Oldis for 100 acres joining to the land he is now possessed of, near Hoppe's...
-----(Vol. II, p. 278, chart)...45. Ben Oldis, lease date 21 August 1742, 100 acres near Hoppas, 10 shill. year rent...
-----(Vol. II, p. 362)...16 June 1744...received rent from Benjamin Oldes, £1:0:0.
-----(Vol. II, p. 363)...18 June 1744...the following persons agreed to pay £20 pr 100 acres for land which they claimed under Fauconier title...John Traphangel, Hendrick Laroux, and Benajmin Oldis [the three names are bracketed] for 100 acres...
-----(Vol. III, p. 260)...27 March 1754...lease for land at Romopock executed : No. 139, to Benjamin Oldes for 121-7/10 acres for 3 years @ 0.12.6 York money.
-----(Vol. III, p. 335)...27 March 1760...[they] find on the 29 November 1743, application was made by Henry Laroux in behalf and in favor of the grandchildren of the said Laroux, and that on 18 June 1744 and agreement was made by John Forman with John Traphagen, Henry Laroux and Benjamin Oldes for 100 acres of which John Traphagen and his assigns were to have 1/2 and Laroux the other 1/2 for the use of his grandchildren, the children of Jonathan Traphagen.
-----(Vol. III, p. 403, chart)...19 August 1763...Board executed lease at Romopock to Benjamin Older, Lot 45 & 139, for 220.7 acres at 45 s, 9 August 1763.
-----(Vol. III, p. 417)...28 March 1764...Board executed lease [at Romopock] to Benjamin Oldes, lot no. 131, 28 March 1764, 39.48 acres at 10 s procl. payable every 25th of March.
-----(Vol. IV, p. 50)...8 April 1767...The widow Elizabeth Lane had since sold her interest in the whole to Marcus Provoost Esqr....Board ordered 98.3 acres conveyed to Marcus Provoost and 5 acres to Benjamin Oldis...

Garret Oldis, son of Benjamin Oldis & Neeltje -?-, was born 17 July 1754; bp. 28 July 1754 Paramus Ref Dutch Ch; died 25 February 1830; buried Paramus. He m. (1) Rebecca Hoogland, born about 1758; died 13 November 1813; buried Paramus. He m. (2) 19 July 1818 Saddle River Landing, Elizabeth Van Horn, widow of Anthony Van Blarcom & Peter A. Hopper.

He is likely the Garrit Oldis, single man, listed in the 1778 Franklin Township Rateables (just after Benjamin Oldis and just before Abraham Hopper). He is not listed in the Jan-Feb 1779 Franklin Township Rateables. Martha Ann Zabriskie wrote in her diary, 26 Feb 1830, "Died Garret Oldis from Hamburg."
Children of Garret Oldis & (1) Rebecca Hoogland:

----- Francis Oldis, bp., 16 Feb 1776 Paramus Ref Dutch Ch (wit: Keetje Hooglande); m. Anna Lutkins.

----- Benjamin Oldis, bp. 20 Mar 1785 Paramus Ref Dutch Ch (wit: Hendrick & Maria Odel). Probably the same Benjamin Oldis, age 65, farmer (value of real estate $8,500) listed in the 1850 Federal Census, New Barbadoes Twp., Bergen County, NJ, Dwelling 760, family 785. Living with him were Abraham Oldis, 32 (prob. his son); Eliza Oldis, 31, William H. Oldis, 6; Benjamin A. Oldis, 2.

----- Catrina Oldis, b. 6 May, bp. 27 May 1787 Paramus Ref Dutch Ch

----- (prob) John G. Oldis, b. abt. 1790; m. Aletta Van Voorhees.

----- Garret Oldis, b. 25 May, bp. 22 June 1794 Paramus Ref Dutch Ch (wit: Jan and Rachel Hoppe); prob. m. Margaret -?-. She was b. abt. 1798 (?). In the 1850 Fed. Census, New Barbadoes Twp. , Bergen County, NJ, they are listed, he as a farmer with real estate valued at $10,000, Dwelling #716, family #739. Living with them is Catharine Westervelt, 29 (poss. a dau.; or poss. Garret's sister?), and Margaret Westervelt, 7.

Hendrick Oldis, son of Benjamin Oldis, bp. 25 February 1741 Paramus Ref Dutch Ch; m. Marytje -?-.

They were living in what is today the Allendale, Bergen County, NJ vicinity by 1779. Hendrick is listed in the Franklin Township Rateables for 1779, 1780, and 1791. Neighbors listed in the rateables were William Folly, John Fell, Joseph Wessels, Cornelius Meyer, Peter Post.
Children of Hendrick Oldis & Marytje -?-:

----- Marytje Oldis, bp. 27 Sept. 1767 Paramus Ref Dutch Ch (wit: Joseph & Ariaantje Wessels); m. Niklaas Eckerson, son of Jan Eckerson & Marytje Volk.

----- Johannes Oldis, bp. 30 May 1773 Paramus Ref Dutch Ch (wit: Jan J. & Aaltje Hoppe).

----- Tryntje Oldis, bp. 5 April 1779 Paramus Ref Dutch Ch (wit: Roelof Westervelt; Cornelia Bogert)

From The Minutes of the Board of Proprietors of the Eastern Division of New Jersey from 1725 to 1744, Perth Amboy (Re: Ramapo Tract; paraphrased unless in quotes)
-----(Vol. IV, p. 37)...2 April 1766...Mr. Rutherfurd informed the Board that Mr. John Fell had applied to him and others of the Members requesting that the General Proprietors would sell him about an acre of land being a part of a small bottom lying at the mouth of the outlet of a run that vents from a large bog meadow he is improving lying within the Romopock Tract and now under lease to Hendrick Oldis. Which the Board having considered and as they are determined at present not to sell and of the Romopock lands, it is ordered that Mr. Fell may have leave to agree for the possession of said small bottom with said Oldis, and then may make what use he pleases of the same.
-----(Vol. IV, p. 299)...19 September 1785...Garrat Ackerman forcibly holds possession of about 60 or 70 acres of land leased to Henry Oldis, said Ackerman pretending title under Fresneau...

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