New Hempstead Presbyterian Church, known locally as the English Church, Rockland County, NY, 1754 - 1892
Budke Collection, BC-65
Names of the Members of the Church the 26th June, 1785:
1. Jonah Halsted
2. Thomas Halsted - moved
3. Stephen Gurnee
4. Albert Cooper - moved
5. John Coe
6. Benjamin Coe
7. Peter Read
8. James Gurnee
9. Thomas Goaldtrap
10. Benjamin Halsted
11. Gershom Huff
12. Jonathen Taylor - moved
13. Daniel Cuckelatt
14. Henry Atwood - joyned [sic] the Baptist
15. John Jones
16. Hannah Coe, widow of Judge Coe
17. Hannah Coe, widow of Capt. Coe
18. Charity Jones
19. Sarah Gurnee
20. Sarah Halsted
21. Fanna Hogencamp - dismissed
22. Lucretia Taylor
23. Elizabeth Van Sickles
Admitted by Rev. Mr. Ker -- June 26, 1785
24. Elizabeth Armstrong
25. Jehanah Wood
26. Phebe Lawrence - removed
27. Anna Taylor - removed
28. Mary Archer [Archer crossed out] Pound (married ?)
29. Mary Reed - removed
30. Mary Adams - removed
31. Joseph Lawrence - removed
32. Joseph Hunt
Admitted by Rev. Mr. Chapman -- September 3, 1785
33. Elizabeth Hunt - removed
34. Margret Dusenberry
35. Paul Parsell - removed
36. Rachel Parsell - removed
37. Jonas Coe - removed
38. Charity Benson - removed
39. Elizabeth Coe - removed
40. Mary Halsted, wife of John Coe
41. Sarah Coe
42. Halsted Coe - removed
43. Elias Gurnee
44. Benjamin Gurnee, Jun'r
45. Mary Huff
46. Elizabeth Jones
47. Joseph Allison - removed
48. Samuel Taylor
Admitted by Rev. Mr. Chapman - February 26, 1786
49. John Gurnee
50. Adrian Deronde
51. Deborah Gurnee
52. Jacob Parsell - removed
53. Margreet Secor
54. Sarah Reynolds - removed
55. Abigail Rossel - removed
56. Mary Lownsberry - removed
57. Jonathen Lounsberry - removed
58. Anna Cooper - removed
59. Anne Secor
60. Leah Deronde - removed
61. Dolly Smith - removed
62. Charity Reynolds - removed
63. Mary Deronde
64. John Rossel - removed
65. Catherine Rossel - removed
66. Sarah Coe, wife of John D. Coe
67. Samuel Reynolds - removed
68. Stephen Gurnee, Jun'r
Admitted by Rev. Mr. Chapman - February 26, 1786
69. Evangelly Pool
70. Catharine Mountgomery - removed
71. Rachel Tenyke
72. Samuel Hunt - removed
73. Mary Hunt - removed
74. Hannah Secor - removed
75. Mary Rossel - removed
76. Catherine Deronde
77. David Halsted - removed
78. Hannah Halsted, wife of John Pye - removed
79. Henry Deronde - removed
80. Sarah Halsted, wife of Jno Halsted - removed
81. Elizabeth Secor - removed
82. Sarah Goldtrap, wife of Gilbert Cooper
83. Jacob Secor
84. Phebe Taylor - removed
85. James Secor - removed
86. Gilbert Cooper, son of Albert Cooper - removed
87. John Halsted - removed
88. Martha Wooddard - removed
89. John Secor - removed
Under the Watch & Care of the Church, viz.:
90. Martha Deronde
91. Jonas Halsted, Jun'r
92. Sarah Allison
93. Adam Lee
Admitted February 2, 1786
94. Sarah Halsted, daughter of John Halsted - removed
95. Jane Mountgomery - removed
96. Joseph Hayston - removed
97. John Jersey
98. Sarah Blauvelt, wife of Jacob House
99. Rebeckah Secor
100. Gisbert Johnson
101. Hannah Concklin - removed
102. William Pool
103. Phebe Lawrance, daughter of Joseph Lawrance - removed
104. Jacob Tenyke
105. William Cure - removed
Admitted by the Rev. Mr. Chapman - February 26, 1786
106. Elizabeth Tenyke - removed
107. Martha Deronde
108. Catharine Howard
109. Daniel Van Sickles
110. Margreet Bearnyea - removed
111. Benjamin Secor
112. Dotia, his wife
113. Phebe Van Dervoort - removed
114. Sarah Allison - removed
115. Phebe Halsted, wife of Jonah Halsted
116. Lydia Townley - removed
Admitted by the Rev. Mr. Chapman - May 28, 1786
117. Jonah Halsted, Jun'r - removed
118. Caty Rossel, wife of John Rossel - removed
119. Benjamin Roa??? - removed
120. Isaac Gornee, Jun'r ? ) - removed
121. Mary, his wife )
122. Benjamin Reynolds - removed
123. Caty Lyons - removed
124. Anne Clark - removed
125. Mary Tenyck - removed
126. Abigil Taylor - removed
127. Hendrick Deronde &
128. Heleche, his wife
129. Adam Lee - removed
130. Margaret Gornee
131. Mary Blauvelt - removed
132. John Green - removed
133. Abigil Gernee
134. Magret Halsted, wife of Thos. Hal--- - removed
135. Catey Persell - removed
136. Hannah Vandervoort - removed
137. Margret Goldetrap
138. Hannah Secaer, wife of Samuel Secaer
139. Martha Coe, wife of Wm. Coe - removed
140. John Smith
141. Edward Smith, Jun'r
142. Martha Coe, wife of Matthew Coe - removed
143. Joseph Jones
144. Anne Jersey
145. Anne Hufmon - removed
Admitted in September, 1789
146. Betsey Bell - removed
147. Apr.30.1790 Mary Pound - removed
148. Nov.25.1790 David Pye, Esq'r.
149. Dec. 8,1790 Sarah Johnson
150. Feb.24.1791 Edward Ackerson - removed
151. Apr.23 ---- Catrine Pye
152. Martha Ackerson - removed
153. Sally Tenyke
154. Rebeakah Onderdonk [Onderdonk crossed out]
Tayler (sic)
155. Mary Gernee, wife of Isaac (Thurmon ?)
156. Nov. 8.1794 Elizabeth Caseda, wife of Archable Cassady
157. Apr. 2.1797 Elizabeth Coe, wife of Sam'l W. Coe
158. Frances Gernee, son of James Gernee
159. Apr.27.1800 George Lee - removed
160. Daniel Cukelatt &
161. Mary his wife
162. Abigil Crout
163. Mary, wife of John Smith
164. Oct.26.---- Nelle Wood, widow, formerly a member of this church
165. Rebecca Sherwood, wife of Isaac Sherwood
166. May 10.1801 Isaac Gurnee, formerly a member
167. Hannah Smith, widow of Walter Smith
168. Apr.25.1802 Lyda Gurnee, wife of Isaac Gurnee
169. Elizabeth Lee - removed
170. Oct.--.1803 Elizabeth Goetschius, wife of Sam'l Goetschius
171. Elizabeth wife of Jonathan Youmans
172. Apr.--.1804 Levi Sherwood and his wife
173. Oct.25.1805 John Jersey, Jun'r
174. Apr.25.1805 Hannah Palmer, wife of John Palmer
175. Abigail Cole, wife of John Cole
176. Barbary Hooper
177. Jonas Huff and ) - removed
178. Mary his wife ) - removed
179. Oct. Ebenezer Wood
180. Apr.24.1806 Susannah Wood wife of Clement Wood
181. Hannah Brewster wife of Richard Brewster
182. Benjamin Smith
183. Catharine Thiell
184. May 1807 Mary Smith, daughter of Edward Smith
Revised List - Dated December 29, 1816
185. (Benjamin Coe Re-elected
186. (John Coe Re-elected Died, May 17, 1839
187. Elders. (Levi Sherwood Elected " April 6, 1834
188. (John E. Smith Elected " 1848
189. (John J. Gurnee Elected
190. Sarah Halstead
191. Margaret Dusenbury
192. Mary Coe wife of John Coe Died Jan. 2, 1841
193. Elias Gurnee
194. Mary Jones wife of Joseph Jones
195. Elizabeth Jones wife of Edward Jones
196. Samuel Taylor
197. Adrian Deronde
198. Deborah Gurnee wife of Elias Gurnee
199. Evangelle Campbell
200. Rachel Ten Eyck
201. Catharine Gurnee wife of Benj'n Gurnee
202. Benjamin Gurnee
203. Elizabeth Secor
204. Sarah Gurnee wife of Benj'n Gurnee
205. John Jersey
206. Gilbert Johnson
207. Benjamin Secor
208. Hilleche Deronde
209. Abigail Gurnee wife of John Gurnee
210. Margaret Goldtrap
211. Edward Smith
212. Joseph Jones
213. Anne Jersey wife of John Jersey
214. Catharine Pye
215. Sarah Ten Eyck
216. Rebecca Taylor wife of Samuel Taylor
217. Elizabeth Cassady wife of Archibald Cassady
218. Elizabeth Coe wife of Samuel W. Coe
219. Francis Gurnee
220. Daniel Coquillatt
221. Mary Coquilllatt wife of Daniel Coquillatt
222. Mary Smith wife of John E. Smith
223. Rebecca Sherwood, widow
224. Mary Sherwood wife of Levi Sherwood
225. John Jersey Jun'r