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Baptist Church Death Records
Nanuet New York
1818 - 1851

Nanuet Baptist Church
Death Records from the Budke listing

Rebecca Van Houten               died July 24,      1818

Edward Salyer                    died               1819

Abraham Blauvelt                 died May 24,       1820
   Buried May 26th
   Sermon, Hebrews 9:27

Alexander Felter                 died May 2,        1848
   died in New York and buried
   in our burial ground

Charles Cole                     died September 24, 1822

Mary Van Vealen                  died August 20,    1839
   of old age

Abrm. Mabie                      died May 12,       1824
   of indigestion

Esther Youmans                   died January 24,   1826
   with the cramp in the chest

Edward Waldron                   died March 13,     1826
   of old age

Isaac Rose                       died April 18,     1826

Benjamin Youmans                 died April 6,      1826

Jacobus Blauvelt                 died September 24, 1826
   with epilepsy

Priscella Felter                 died July 3,       1827
  in child bearing

Jacob Ackerson                   died September 7,  1828

Catharine Ackerson               died September 11, 1828

Williempa w. of                  died January 15,   1830
  David Ackerman - of consumption

David Ackerman                   died August 18,    1831
   with black vomit

Elizabeth Cooper                                    1832
   of cholera in New York

Rachel Wandell                   died          (no date)
   of cholera in Haverstraw

Jacob Ruckhart                                 (no date)
   of old age

Cornelius Youmans                died June 11,      1838
   of inflammation of the bowels

Cornelia Bogert                  died July 2,       1838
   of old age - aged 88 years

Levina Miller                    died October 22,   1838
   with inflammation of the bowels

Jacob Perry                      died November 30,  1839
   at 90 years of age

Phebe Mott        )
Rachel Tilt       )
Elizabeth Salyer  )              died in            1841
Benjamin Elisson  )

Sally Blauvelt                   died May --,       1842

Benjamin Elleson                 died in            1843
  (see above)

Mary Steele                      died October --,   1844
   in child bed

Sarah Steele                     died June 21,      1851
   of small pox

Rachel Emily Griffiths           died October 6,    1851
  At her brother John's in New York City
  while on a visit.  She had been afflicted
  with "eplexey fits" for seventeen years.

Abraham Cooper                   died July 30,      1849
  Died of old age in New York City, aged 85
  years, having been a member of the church
  51 years and a part of the time a deacon.

Sister Sherwood                  died August --,    1849
  died in Haverstraw

Bridget Demarest                 died January --,   1850
  from effect of birth of her last child

Abraham Ackerman                 died June 25,      1851

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