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John Haring, Patriot and Statesman of the Revolution 1739 - 1809

John Haring, News Cartoon 1987

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John Haring

by Franklin Burdge
by Franklin Burdge, 1878
This pamphlet about the patriot John (Abraham) Haring is #55 in the
Budke Collection, and provides much interesting and useful information
about his life.

However, in telling the story of John Haring's ancestors, Mr. Burdge
writes a similar story to that recounted in other books of history written
in the late 19th century, when it seems everyone wanted to claim a connection
to someone notable.  Mr. Burdge is taken with the account of an earlier hero,
Jan Haring of Hoorn.  His valor was extolled in Motley's "Rise of the Dutch
Empire", 1855.  It should be noted that the Jan Pieters Haring family never
made any claim to a relationship with the heroic Jan Haring, and also that
the name Haring is not an uncommon one in the Netherlands.

Family history, undoubtedly drawn from early Bible records, says that the
immigrant ancestor Jan Pieters Haring was married on Whitsuntide 1662 at
the chapel on Peter Stuyvesant's Bowery.  The probably incomplete record
of marriages which took place there does not contain the marriage of
Jan Pieterse Haring and Margrietje Cosyns, and theirs most certainly was
not the first marriage, as there are records from several years prior to 1662.
While Jan Pieters Haring may have been a third son, we do not know of any
siblings in this country.

Mr. Burdge writes as though he spoke personally with John Haring's daughter
Elizabeth, who married the Rev. James Demarest.  He could perhaps also have
spoken with Elizabeth's brother, John Bogert Haring, as they both lived in
New York City. John Bogert Haring died in 1873, and we don't know when Mr.
Burdge began his work on patriot John Haring.

At the end of the article Mr. Burdge mentions three other Haring references
with an early date.

LYSBETH HARINGS appears as a sponsor in the baptism in 1660 of "3 Oct;
Pieter Rudolphus, Margriet Hardenbroeck; Maria; Jacobus Backer, Hillegond
Megapolensis, Lysbeth Harings".  It may be of interest that the mother of
Pieter Rudolphus de Vries was a first cousin of Rembrandt. Thomas Jacobsz
Haringh was Rembrandt's auctioneer and friend, and Rembrandt made three
etchings of him.  There is, therefore, a reason to connect this Amsterdam
Haring family with Pieter Rudolphus de Vries.  Lysbeth is not a name used
by Jan Pieters Haring's family.  Lysbeth Harings may not have remained in
this country, as she never appears in other records, and it is even possible
that she was named a sponsor without having been here in person.

See William J. Hoffman, "A Cousin of Rembrandt in New Amsterdam" (NYGB Record,
70:19-25) and Henry B. Hoff, "Identity of Eva (Philipse) Van Cortlandt" (NYGB
Record 124:153-155).

A MICHAEL HARRING does appear in a tax list in 1705 in NYC, and nothing more
is known of him.  The name Michael is not connected with Jan Pieters Haring's
family, and this may be someone from the British Isles.

Why Mr. Burdge did not recognize "CORNELIUS, Hackensack, 1694" is somewhat of
a mystery.  This is undoubtedly Jan Pieters Haring's fourth child, third son,
our direct ancestor.


Franklin Burdge, 1878

When the Dutch were defeated at the battle of Diemerdyk, in 1573, Jan Haring
of Hoorn, stood with sword and shield on a narrow part of the dyke, and
singly, by miracles of valor, kept back a thousand Spaniards, until his
comrades had made good their retreat.  Then plunging into the sea, he
escaped bullet and spear.  Not long after, in a sea-fight, he clambered
on board the great Spanish ship, the Inquisition, and hauled down her
flaunting colors, and was pierced by a fatal ball.

Not knowing the descendants of this greater hero than the Roman Horatius,
the conjecture may be pardoned, that among them was Pieter Haring of Hoorn,
whose third son was Jan Pietersen Haring, an early resident of New York.
The possession of a family name was unusual among the Dutch of this time.
Probably some ancestor had astonished the city of Hoorn by a wonderful catch
of herring.

Jam Pietersen Haring was born December 26, 1633, and on Whitsuntide, 1662,
became the second of the three husbands of Margrietie Cozyn.  This was the
first marriage in the church on the farm called Stuyvesant's Bowery, which
church was situated where is now "St. Mark's Church in the Bowery", that is
corner of 11th Street and Second Avenue.  The street now called the Bowery
is properly the Bowery Lane.

The Haring farm consisted of one hundred acres and extended from the Bowery
Lane westward to beyond the present Bedford Street.  It included both sides
of the present Broadway from about Waverly Place to near Bleecker Street.
In 1673 and '74 Jan Pietersen Haring was one of the Schepens to govern "the
outside people" on Manhattan Island, beyond the little city of New York then
called New Orange.

Jan Pietersen Haring with his family settled at Tappan (Orange County, now
Rockland), a short time before his death, which occurred on December 7, 1683.
He had issue:

1.  Pieter Janszen Haring born August 13, 1664, married at Harlem December 4,
    1687, Margrietje Jans Bogert, and died after 1726.

2.  Vroutye born May 3, 1667, married Teunis Quick, and died after 1705.

3.  Cozyn born March 3, 1669, married before 1694, Maria Blauvelt, and died

4.  Cornelis born March 4, 1672, married 1694, Catherine Flierboom, and died
    after 1737.

5.  Brechie born July 4, 1675, married Teunis Douwe Talema, and died about

6.  Mary born September 27, 1679, married 1695, Jacob Flierboom.

7.  Abraham born November 24, 1681, married June 26, 1707, Derichea Talema,
    and died March 18, 1772.

Pieter Janszen Haring became County Judge and represented Orange County in the
New York General Assembly.  He seems to have owned the Haring farm on
Manhattan Island and some of his children were born there.  They were:

1.  Margrietje born September 8,, 1688, married Klaas Van Houten.

2.  Cornelia born February 24, 1690, married Richard Truman.

3.  Brechie born June 19, 1692, married October 11, 1710 Garret Lambertse Smith.

4.  An unnamed child born May 26, 1695.

5   Pietiertie born January 31, 1696, married, October 12, 1715, Jacob Abramse

6.  Janneke born January 24, 1698, married February 14, 1714, Karel DeBaan.

7.  Jan Pietersen Haring born April 15, 1700, married October 5, 1723,
    Elizabeth Blauvelt.

8.  Catharine born April 5, 1702, married, Adolph Meyer.

9.  Abraham Peter Haring born April 9, 1704, died April 11, 1771.  He married
    about 1725 Martyntie Bogert, who died July 23, 1783.  These were the
    parents of John Haring the subject of this notice.

10. Elbert born March 3, 1706, married first December 14, 1726, Catherine Lent,
    and second September 17, 1732, Elizabeth Bogert.  He died December 3, 1773,
    and his widow on June 11, 1787.  These were the parents of John Haring's
    wife.  They lived on the Haring farm on Manhattan Island and were wealthy
    people.  The family has given names to several streets of New York.
    Cornelia Street is named after a daughter.  Jones Street and Great Jones
    after her husband, the lawyer Samuel Jones.  Bleecker Street, from
    Minetta to Christopher, was called Herring Street, when Thomas Paine
    lived in it in 1809, in a house now 309.

11. Teunis born July 12, 1708.

12. Klaasje born April 21, 1711, married before 1731, Adolph Lent.

The Abraham Peter Haring above was County Judge.
He had issue:

1.  Peter born September 1, 1726, died soon.

2.  Peter born September 30, 1728, died July 15, 1807.

3.  Maria born July 12, 1733, married Henry Zabriskie, and died October 29, 1800.

4.  Margrietje born February 28, 1736, married Isaac Blanck, and died
    February 3, 1801.

5.  Jan born September 28, 1739.  This is the John Haring of this notice.
    He was baptised in the Tappan Church on September 30.  He was named after
    his mother's father.

6.  Abraham born April 14, 1742, died February 25, 1807.

7.  Cornelius born January 14, 1744, died January, 1824.

8.  Ellebert born May 24, 1747, died in infancy.

9.  Martyntye born February 6, 1750, died November 20, 1770.

John Haring was a good-looking man, rather tall and rather dark-complexioned.
He had a strong mind but never went to school except for six weeks.  His
character was unblemished, his manners pleasant, and he was very popular in
Orangetown, in which is Tappan.

The Harings were the leading family in Orange County, and the county was
almost always represented in the New York Assembly by one of them until
1768, when the term ended of Col. Abraham Haring.  At the election for
Member of Assembly, in 1769, John Haring and Henry Wisner were the defeated
candidates.  They afterwards complained of the undue return of their
competitors, DeNoyalles and Gale.  The fraud, if there was any, was likely
to be triumphant in the Tory Assembly, and Wisner withdrew from the contest.
Haring being asked whether he would do the same, refused to yield and was
made to pay nearly L.33 in costs.  This did not strengthen his love for the
British government.

The Coetus and Conferentie strife about the ecclesiastical supremacy of
Amsterdam, was as violent among the the Dutch of Orange County as elsewhere.
The Harings belonged to the Coetus party.  The Conferentie people were in a
minority at Tappan, but sufficiently vigorous to secede and establish a
rival church.  In the charter issued in 1770 for the Coetus college at
New Brunswick (Queen's, now Rutgers), John Haring is one of the Trustees

On October 30, 1773, John Haring married his cousin Mary, of New York city,
who soon after became part owner of the Haring farm there.  She was born
twelve years after her husband, July 13, 1751.

John Haring had a very good house in Tappan, on the east side of the main
road a little south of the Dutch Church.  The site is now occupied by a
grocery store.  Judge John Perry (omitted in the Civil List) resigned his
office in 1773, and declared he would be extremely glad to be succeeded by
so good a man as John Haring, than whom there was no one better qualified
to fill the office.  Accordingly, Governor Tryon on March 29, 1774,
appointed Haring County Judge.

America was now highly excited in consequence of the oppressive measures
of the British ministry.  Nearly opposite John Haring's house was the
tavern of Joost Maybe, where political meetings were held.  It is the old
stone house still standing, famous for its unfortunate prisoner, Andre.
Here on July 4, 1774, was a meeting of the inhabitants of Orangetown, at
which was resolved that the late Acts of Parliament imposing duties on
the colonies, and the Act for shutting up the port of Boston, are
unconstitutional and big with destruction.  Abhorrence is declared of
them, and a unanimous opinion given that the stopping all exportation and
importation to and from Great Britain and the West Indies would be the most
effectual method to obtain a speedy relief.  A committee of correspondence
for the town was appointed, John Haring being of it.

A Continental Congress to resist British aggressions by common measures,
having been determined on, Orange County on August 16th, 1774, chose
John Haring and Henry Wisner to attend it.  According to a malicious
letter of Lieut. Gov. Colden, there were less than twenty persons present
at the meeting.  The manner of the election was for the town committees
to meet in one grand county committee to choose the delegates.  Such
final meeting may have consisted of few persons, without discrediting
the patriotism of the county.

The Congress began in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia, September 5th, 1774,
but Haring did not take his seat until September 26th.  He brought an
addition of patriotism much needed in the New York Delegation.

Great pains were taken to cover the dissensions of the first Continental
Congress with a mask of unanimity.  Probably New York played a decisive
part, but historians have not appreciated the evidence for it.  The five
delegates from New York city (Low, Alsop, Duane, Jay and Livingston) had
been nominated by the Conservative faction.  They were suspected of want
of zeal, but were finally accepted in the city and adopted by some other
counties.  In the Congress, Joseph Galloway of Pennsylvania, the greatest
of the Tories, pushed with great energy, an impracticable plan of
accommodation with England.  He appears to have secured for it the votes
of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, north Carolina and South Carolina.
As Georgia was not represented and Rhode Island's two members neutralized
each other, Galloway needed but one more colony to have a majority.
His plan was introduced on Stpember 28, and New York evidently voted for
putting it on the minutes.  Unfortunately for Galloway there was a rule
that no matter should be finally determined on the day of its introduction.
However, the vote (six colonies to five) elated him with assurance of
success when the plan should comeup again.

On October 1st, Boerum of Kings came to the Congress, and joining Floyd of
Suffolk, and Wisner and Haring of Orange, they appear to have persuaded
Philip Livingston of New York city to desert the conservatives.  This
determined the vote of New York against Galloway (5 to 4).

Galloway's plan was cut out of the minutes by a vote of six colonies to
five on October 22nd, and as the Association for Non-Importation,
Non-Exportation, and Non-Consumption had been framed on October 20th,
nothing further required John Haring's presence, and for private reasons
he went home before signing the Articles.  This is the cause of the obscurity
into which his name has unjustly fallen.  In the meager Journal of the
Congress he is called Herring, and mentioned but once.  As Mr. Bancroft
makes the number of delegates one less than the real number, which was
50, probably Haring is the one overlooked in his count.

The Tory Assembly of New York refused to take notice of the Continental
Congress, and would appoint no delegates to another.  Consequently in the
name of the people a Provincial Convention was called to meet in New York
city on April 20, 1775.  On April 17, Haring was elected deputy for
Orange County.  In the Provincial Convention he was appointed a delegate
to the Second Continental Conress, but he declined attending, and his
reasons were approved by the Convention.

After the battle of Lexington, the authority of the British officials and
the politics of the Tory Assembly would no longer be tolerated in New York,
and it was determined to have a Provincial Congress to govern the colony
in harmony with the Continental Congress as long as the emergency of
America lasted.  To this congress Haring was elected on May 3d, 1775,
and he took his seat on May 23d, the second day of the session, which was
held in New York city at the Exchange at the lower end of Broad street.
The first Provincial Congress was followed by a 2d, 3d, and 4th, all of
which Haring was a member.  For two periods he was President pro tem,
that is to say, the head of the Revolutionary government of New York.

The first three Provincial Congresses did not pretend to legislative
power, but were only for the purpose of opposing the British ministry
by extra-judicial methods.  Accordingly, when the Tory Assembly of
New York had reached its legal limit of seven years, the Whigs joined
in electing a new Assembly, on or about February 1st, 1776.

In the new body, John Haring and other staunch patriots replaced many
of the Tories of the old Assembly.  Only four were re-elected of the
seventeen members who had refused to provide a Congressional representation
for New York.

On the day of meeting in the New York City Hall, at the upper end of
Broad street, February 14, 1776, but few of the members appeared, and
the Assembly was prorogued by Gov. Tryon.  He kept on board the ship
Duchess of Gordon, for fear of being taken into Revolutionary custody.
The patriots had sufficient wit to call this absence an abdication,
and without a Governor the Assembly was incapable of legal organization.

In the Provincial Congress there were preparations for war and endeavors
to find terms of peace, short of acknowledging the omnipotence of
Parliament.  Receptions, tendered simultaneously to Gen. Washington
and Gov. Tryon, and other strange waverings, had brought upon New York
charges of toryism and cowardice.  But there was "matter to appal the
brave", particularly in the exposed colony of New York.

A just glorification of the American Revolution demands an epic poet,
to omit, with the license of art, the squabbles, petty treacheries,
cowardice and peculations that mar the photography of the historian,
and sing "to one clear harp" how poor and unpopulous colonies sprang
forward to meet the shock of fleets and armies which had repeatedly
humbled both France and Spain.

The instructions to restore harmony with Great Britainb which had been
given to the New York Congressmen when elected in 1775, were generally
considered as prohibiting them from voting for Independence, and they
wrote on June 8th, 1776, to the Third New York Provincial Congress for
further instructions.  The Provincial Congress refused to alter the
old instructions, as another Provincial Congress was on the point of
election.  The people of New York had been directed to clothe the new
Provincial Congress with full powers to establish an adequate government
for the colony, and they were now further directed to instruct their
deputies on the great question in Independency.  The election took
place late in June, 1776.  The Tories of Orange County rallied in
opposition to Independence and elected three delegates, Sherwood,
Outwater and Joshua Smith.  The Whig delegates were Haring, Allison,
Clark, Little, Pye and Wisner.

Before the meeting of the 4th Provincial Congress the Continental
Congress declared Independence.  It is usually believed that New York
took no part in it, but McKean, a Delaware member, in a letter dated
August 22d, 1813, testifies that Henry Wisner voted for Independence.
If he did, it was not for the resolution of Independence on July 2d,
but, in approval of the elaborate Declaration of July 4th.

It is discreditable that there is no monument or other record bearing
the names of the Voters of Independence.  The so-called Signers of the
Declaration are members of the Congress after August 2nd, who were
required to thus commit themselves to the cause.  On July 4th, twelve
of them were not at the Congress, and two and probably more refused
to vote for Independence.  These fourteen or more gentlemen have had
immortality forced upon them by the carelessness of history, to the
exclusion of Henry Wisner.

The Fourth Provincial Congress met at Whiteplains, Westchester Co.,
and on July 9th "Resolved unanimously that the reasons assigned by
the Continental Congress for declaring the United Colonies free and
independent States are cogent and conclusive; and that while we
lament the cruel necessity which has rendered that measure unavoidable,
we approve the same, and will, at the risk of our lives and fortunes,
join with the other colonies in supporting it".  The unanimity was of
counties and not of individual members.

The Provincial Congress, after July 9th, 1776, was designated the
Convention of the Representatives of the State of New York.  Having
formed a State Constitution, it dissolved on May 13th, 1777.

John Haring, in addition to his duties in the Provincial Congress,
was, by appointment of that body, actively employed in the purchase
and manufacture of salt-petre, collecting lead, and contriving
measures to circumvent the Tories.  On August 13, 1776, a commission
by the New York Representative Convention was issued as follows:
"We, reposing especial trust and confidence in your patriotism, valor,
conduct and fidelity, do by these presents constitute and appoint you,
the said John Haring, to be Major of the Brigade of the counties of
Ulster and Orange militia embodied for the defence of American liberty".
Haring probably saw some service soon, as in December, 1776, parties of
the British made incursions into Orangetown, and aided by the Tories,
plundered the people.

This commission was resigned on February 7, 1777, on account of Haring's
intention at the time to remove from the county.  The war about the boundary
between New Jersey and Orange Co., which had raged for sixty years, and
caused considerable bloodshed from the noses of the combatants, was
finally settled by a session to New Jersey, which put the residences of
some of the principal people of Orangetown out of the State of New York.
John Haring may have had land transferred to New Jersey which made him
think of changing his residence.  However, probably his military position
was an unpleasant one.  In a letter dated March 28, 1776, he says:  "The
Orangetown regiment is chiefly composed of such as know but little of
the English language and nothing of military affairs; wherefore, I must
impute their backwardness and delays to ignorance and ill-founded
jealousies of being imposed upon by their commanders, and not to
disaffection".  Haring does not appear to have been, as George Clinton
and many other patriots were, rancorous to the peaceable part of the
Tories.  On January 5th, 1777, he writes in favor of the petition of one
of them that "there is no danger that Mr. (Lawrence) Smith will take
up arms against us, for he is prodigious timorous, not to say cowardly".
When in 1780 popular feeling ran high against Joshua Smith, the
uncognizant guide of Major Andre, and he was imprisoned in the Tappan
church, Haring sent him a blanket to lie on.

On January 21, 1778, Haring was appointed by the State authorities
County Judge, or as the office was called, First Judge of Orange Co.
He held the place ten years.  On September 23, 1778, John Haring appears
as the mortgagee of a farm in Harrington, Bergen County, N.J.  The
amount is L.1300.  The pound herein is New York currency and equals $2.50.

From 1781 to 1790 Haring was State Senator for the Middle District of
New York, which comprised the counties of Duchess, Orange and Ulster.

The State Senate in 1784, '85, '86 and '87 met in New York city and
John Haring then resided there.  He was one of the executors of Elbert
Haring, and in 1784 (May 8 and July 14) he paid L1200 to his wife's
brothers and sisters and became the owner of two portions of the
Haring farm.  The larger piece was at the extreme end.  It may be
roughly described as bounded by Christopher, Commerce, Bleecker and
Bedford Streets, about eight acres.  It was sold on July 29, 1794, to
Elbert Roosevelt for L.2000.  The other piece was about four acres on
both sides of the presnet Bond Street for 420 feet from the Bowery.
Here apparently stood the house of Elbert Haring shown on Ratzer's map
of 1767.  In 1787 at the October term of the Supreme Court, John
Haring conveyed this plot to Samuel Jones by the process called
fine of lands.

In 1785, '86' and '87 Haring served again in the Continental Congress
which met in the old City Hall in Wall Street.  It was a single body,
in which New York generally had five representatives, but each state
had only one vote, however many delegates it might send.  The delegates
were elected by thge several State Legislatures, and no person could
serve for more than three years in six.

On December 1st, Haring came to Hartford, Connecticut, as one of the
Commissioners for accommodating the dispute between New York and
Massachusetts about the western lands.  Massachusetts claimed to
extend to the Pacific Ocean by leaping over the New York counties
along the Hudson.  A compromise gave New York the sovereignty and
Massachusetts the ownership of the seven million acres the two
States contended for.  This advantageous arrangement made New York
the Empire State.

Haring represented Orange Co. in the State Convention that met at
Poughkeepsie on June 17, 1788, to deliberate on the new United States
Constitution.  Like his friends George Clinton and Henry Wisner, he
looked with apprehension upon the powers given to Federal Government
by the Constitution, and he voted against its adoption, in a large

There is a fashion of glorifying whatever is accomplished without
unquestionably disastrous effects, but examining the subject from
a New York point of view, the resignation of her sovereignty has
probably stunted the development of the State in civilization, if
not in mere material prosperity.  An enormous political activity
of several generations of our citizens has been spent, partly in
struggling for the personal profits of federal office, and partly
on affairs that did not particularly concern this State; whils our
own laws having fallen into lower estimation and inferior hands,
have, on the whole, received as much deterioration as improvement.


Lib.T., p.318
Deed dated Oct. 22, 1796
John Haring, Esq., of Franklin Township,
Bergen County, N.J.   and
Mary  his wife,
Henry Van Dalsem of the same place.
Consideration:  L.2100
Conveys farm on the east bank of the
Ramapough River containing 251 acres,
exclusive of the burying ground, and
another lot of 40 acres together with
one half of an undivided piece of land
in the Ramapough Mountains.

Lib.T., p.346
Deed dated Apr. 20, 1797
John Haring and )
Mary his wife)      (same as above)
Abraham H. Zabriskie of the same place,
Consideration:  $125.00
Conveys part of Lot No. 134 in the
Ramapough tract containing 10 acres.

In 1794 Haring effected the change of residence he had contemplated
many years before, that is, across the border into Franklin township,
Bergen County, New Jersey.  Here, on December 26, 1795, he took part
in a curious transaction; he sold a slave named Susan, four years old,
for $50 to her father, John Morando.

Bergen county sent a John Haring to the New Jersey Legislature in 1795
and '96.  It is probable that this is the same man, but not certain, as
John Harings have been as common hereabout as John Smiths elsewhere.

On October 22, 1796, Haring sold to Henry Van Dalsem his farm in
Franklin for L.2100.  Franklin township was then much larger than it
is now, and probably this farm was in the present town of Hohokus,
near the New York line.  It was on the east bank of the Ramapo River
and consisted of 251 acres and considerable woodland.  There are some
other transactions in Bergen County land in which this John Haring
appears, but it is not worth while to enter into details of them.

In 1797 Haring removed to Hackensack and was an elder in Dr. Froeligh's
church at Schraalenburgh.  The same church building was occupied on
alternate Sundays by two hostile Dutch congregations.  This was a
consequence of the Coetus and Conferentie war that survived the
settlement of 1771.  During the Revolution the Cionferentie party
were generally Tories which augmented the bitterness.  In 1797 Kuypers
died and the two consistories should have united into one.  Nothing
prevented but an unappeasable hatred to Froeligh.  Finally, Froeligh's
adherents were roused to extreme wrath and as the old church had
become ruinous, they effected "a separation of the precious and the vile",
by building a new church in Schraalenburgh in 1800 and rejecting the
offer of the other party to pay half of the expense.  An opposition
church was then erected a mile farther north.  The contention which
existed in a milder form at Hackensack also, finally caused Froeligh's
secession from the Dutch Reformed Church, and still convulses

Haring returned to Orangetown and was re-admitted to the Dutch church
there on December 4, 1804.

In 1806 Rockland Co., which had recently been formed from Orange Co.,
sent a John Haring to the New York Assembly.  It is nearly certain
that this was the same man.

About October, 1808, he had a stroke of paralysis.  He recovered from
it but did not regain his former vigor.  His will was made on December
19th.  His residence was then near Blauveltville, three miles from
Tappan.  He owned also real estate in Cayuga Co., and a negro woman
named Abigail.

On the last day of March, 1809, he was out feeding his horses, when he
felt the approach of another paralytic stroke.  He walked rapidly to
the house and said to his wife, "Get me to bed as quick as you can".
He died at 5 o'clock the morning of April 1st, 1809.

He is buried in the new cemetery at Tappan.  His widow survived till
October 22, 1825, and is buried in the churchyard at Monsey.

The children of John Haring were:

1.  Maria, born January 20, 1775.  Held up in the arms of an officer,
    she witnessed the execution of Major Andre.  She was then less than
    six years old, but had a vivid recollection of the affecting scene
    till the day of her death, March 15, 1868.  She married Peter D.
    Haring of Closter, N.J.

2.  Samuel, born October 10, 1776, died July 9, 1830.

3.  Elbert, born May 28, 1779, died October 9, 1845.

4.  Martyntje, born April 25, 1781, died July 1, 1800.

5.  Elizabeth, born April 11, 1783.  She lives in Monsey, and is the
    widow of Rev. James D. Demarest.  She is now over 95 years old, but
    is still in good health.  Her mind is not so much impaired as might
    be thought on account of her hard hearing and defective utterance.
    She has a great affection for her father, from whom she has been
    parted for so many years.

6.  Margaret born March 24, 1786.  She died unmarried September 6, 1850.
    Buried Monsey.

7.  Nicholas Lansing born April 18, 1788, died February 27, 1789.

8.  John Bogart Haring born March 27, 1790.  He was elected Justice of
    Peace before eighteen years old.  He was thirteen years High Sheriff
    of Rockland County, and afterwards lived in the Ninth Ward of New York
    city, where he took an active part in politics.  He was a Democrat,
    as all the Harings have been.  He died March 24, 1873.

9.  Nicholas Lansing born April 19, 1792, a lawyer, who died May 24, 1826.

10. A son born February 23, 1796, died when twelve days old.

None of the descendants of John Haring live in the decayed village of

The Dutch language is still heard there and probably more there than
anywhere else in this country.  Dominie George M. S. Blauvelt is a
vigorous contrast to the general lifelessness of the place.  There are
many Harings in Tappan, and other parts of Rockland County, and many in
Bergen County, N. J., nearly all descendants of Jan Pietersen Haring.
It is not safe to say all, as there were some Harings early in this
country whose relationship to Jan Pietersen does not appear.  They are
Lysbeth, New York city, 1660; Michael, New York city, 1705, and
Cornelius, Hackensack, 1694.

N.B. - First draft for additions and corrections.

May, 1878.

Franklin Burdge,
325 West 57th Street

Note A.

Col. Abraham Haring mentioned above, was a patriotic member of the
New York Assembly, to which he was elected three times.  He was also
County Judge.  He was born October 20, 1709, and died November 29, 1791.
His parents were Abraham Haring and Derichea Talema.  His wife was
Maria Demarest.  He deserves a longer biography.

Note B.

The patriotic final transformation of the New York Colonial Assembly is
an interesting fact which has fallen into so deep oblivion as to escape
the compilers of the Civil List.  The members were:

Philip Livingston )
John Alsop        )  New York County
John Jay          )

Col. Jacob Blackwell   )
Samuel Townsend        )   Queens County

Col. Nathaniel Woodhull  )
William Smith            )   Suffolk County

John Thomas        )
Col. Lewis Morris  )   Westchester County

Oliver DeLancey,  Borough of Westchester

Pierre Van Cortlandt,  Manor of Cortlandt

Col. Benjamin Seaman  )
Christopher Billopp   )   Richmond County

John Lefferts          )
Nicholas Couwenhoven   )   Kings county

Col Peter R. Livingston, Manor of Livingston

Robert R. Livingston   )
Dirck Brinckeroff      )   Duchess county

Abraham Yates           )
(? Robert Van Rensselaer)   Albany County
Christopher Yates, Borough of Schenectady

Col. Abraham Ten Broeck, Manor of Rensselaer

John Moore   )
Isaac Paris  )   Tryon County

George Clinton    )
Charles DeWitt    )   Ulster County

John Haring       )
(? Henry Wisner)  )  Orange County


I, John Haring, of the Town of Orange in the County of Rockland,
and State of New York, Esquire, considering the uncertainty of
this mortal life, Do make and publish this my last will and
Testament in manner and form following, that is to say, Imprimus,
I give and bequeath unto my wife Mary Haring, One of my Bedsteads
with the Beds, Bedcloths and their appurtenances; and my Negro
woman Slave named Abigail; also the sum of Either hundred Dollars,
the same to be in liew, and full barr, and preclusion of her
right of Dower, and all other claims of in and to my estate;
excepting only what is herein bequeathed to her -- Item, I give
and bequeath to my Eldest son, and my three daughters, the sum
of Five hundred and four Dollars to be equally divided among
them -- Item, I give and bequeath all the rest, residue, and
remainder of my goods, Chattles, and personal Estate of every kind
unto my sons Samuel, Elbert, Nicholas Lansing, and my daughters
Maria, Elizabeth, and Margaret to be equally divided among them
--Item, I give and devise unto my son Elbert Haring, and his
Heirs, and Assigns forever the One equal undivided Moiety of all
my lands, tenements, hereditaments, and real Estate lying and
being in the County of Cayuga, paying therefor unto my Eldest Son
and three daughters the sum of Five hundred Dollars, that is to
say, to each One of them the Sum of One hundred and twenty five
Dollars -- Item, I give and devise unto my son Nicholas Lansing;
and to his Heirs and Assigns forever, the remaining Moiety of my
said lands, tenements, hereditaments, and real Estate lying and
being in the said County of Cayuga -- Item, I give and devise
unto my Son John Bogert Haring; and to his Heirs and Assigns
forever all the rest, residue, and remainder of my lands,
tenements, hereditaments, and real Estate whatsoever and
wheresoever, provided always that my wife Mary Haring shall be
at liberty for and during the time she shall remain my widow
personally to occupy and enjoy the two northerly rooms in my
present dwelling house -- Lastly, I appoint my friends Richard
Blauvelt and Samuel G. Verbryck Esquires Executors of this my
last will and Testament; and I hereby revoke all former Wills and
Testaments by me made -- In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and Seal this Nineteenth day of December in the year of
Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Eight.

John Haring   (Seal.)

Signed Sealed Published and
Declared by the said John Haring
the Testator as and for his last
will and Testament in the presence
of us who have hereunto set our
names as witnesses in the presence
of the testator and of each other.

Jacob Blauvelt
John Ja Blauvelt
Samuel Bogert

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