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The Haring Family Note Book 1810


This small, leather-bound family Receipt Book belongs to
Miss Hazel B. Mayhew, 433 West 21st St. New York City, N.Y.
Through the efforts of Mrs. Earl Mosley of Tenafly we were
able to acquire this book to copy. Copied April, 1969 by
Louise H. Burnett, former librarian of the Bergen County
Historical Society. The book is paged up to and including
page 91. After that # the pages are numbered by Mrs. Burnett.
There are also many loose pages of notes.

Front Cover

Receipt Book

back of front cover:

I was to Ramapough the 4 of August 1862 old Mrs Hopper was
92 years old at that time.

Mrs. Hopper widow of Andrew Hopper departed this Life April
27, 1849 in her 99 year (next two words crossed out) of her
age her first Name was Maria Lerue

Old Mrs Hutten Elizabeth Sickels was her maden Name she is
still Living at this time 1849 she is 92 years old has her
memory very good and about that time

next page, unpaged:

A True copy of the following

A Copy of the original drawn off by Samuel K. Haring
(the possessor of the original) and presented by him
to Peter Haring - July 9th 1830

on back of preceeding page:

Births                Page

Abraham Haring
Will Nagle            78

John Haring born Dec 26th in Holland
Peter son of John
Abraham son of Peter
John son of Abraham
Maria daughter of John
Martina daughter of Maria
Sarah Maria daughter of Martina
Arthur son of Sarah Maria
Marion daughter of Arthur
(note LHB: the above 9 lines in pencil)


On the right side of the preceeding page:

Deaths                 Page

Abraham Haring           9

Elbert Haring one of the sons of John Haring departed
this Life October 9 1845

Samuel E. Haring Departed in 1856 this Life

John J. Haring departed this Life June 5 1861

John Maranda Departed this Life in 1855

our old Liz died in October 1852 she was burnt to Death
90 years old

our old Tom departed this Life 18th in January 85 years
(or 1844?)

Page 1

John Haring the third Son of Peter Haring of Hornin of
North Holland was born the 26 day of December 1633 Anno
Domini and was Married on Whitsuntide 1662 to Margaret
Cozine a Widow the ceremony was performed in the New Dutch
Church on Stuyvesants Bowery New York

these were the first couple ever married in that Church
the said John Haring departed this life December the 7th 1683
his Widow the said Margaret afterwards became the wife of
Daniel DeClark She lived to the age of Ninety

Page 2

John Haring and Margaret Cozine had issue as follows -

1. a Son named Peter born the 13th day of August 1664

2. a Daughter named Vroutje who became the wife of
   Teunis Quick she was born May the 3d 1667

3. a Son named Cozine (John J. Haring inserted in pencil
   above) born the 3d of March 1669 (M Maria Blanch inserted in
   pencil above the word March)

4. a Son named Cornelius born the 4th of March 1672
   (m Cathalina Flieboam inserted in pencil over the word March)

5. a Daughter named Bridget who became the


   wife of Teunis (Douwese inserted above in pencil) Taleman
   She was born the 4th day of July 1675.

Page 3

6. a Daughter named Mary who became the wife of Jacob Fliereboam
   (son of Judge of Albany Co inserted in pencil)
   She was born September 27, 1679

7. a Son named Abraham born the 24th day of November 1681
   (inserted in pencil: he married Derckje Tallman)

Page 4

Peter Haring the Son of John Haring was Married at Harlem to
Margaret Bogart (inserted in pencil above Margaret is word: Janse)
(inserted in pencil between these two lines is: of John Louis
Bogert of Van S...dervoort)
the 4th day of December 1687
the Issue of the said Peter and Margaret was

 1. a Daughter named Margaret born September the 8th 1688
    She became the Wife of Klaas Van Houten

 2. a Daughter named Cornelia born the 24th of February 1640
    She became the wife of Richard Truman

 3. a Daughter named Bridget born the 19th of June 1692
    She became the wife of Garit Smith.
    (Lambertse inserted in pencil on side)

Page 5

 4. a Child either still born or died soon after it was born
    which was the 25th of May 1695
    (inserted in pencil: perhaps Klaatje)

 5. a Daughter named Pietartje born the 31st day of January 1696
    She became the wife of Jacob Blauvelt

 6. a Daughter named Jane or Janneka born the 24th of January 1698
    She became the Wife of Carl DeBaun

 7. a Son named John Peterson born the 15th (25th crossed out) of
    April 1700
    (in pencil: married Elizabeth Blauvelt)

 8. a Daughter Catharine born the 5th of April 1702
    She became the Wife of Adolph Meyer

Page 6

 9. a Son named Abraham born the 9th of April 1704
    (inserted in pencil: our patern great great grand father)

10. a Son named Elbert born the 3d of March 1706
    (in pencil: maternal great great grand father)


11. a Son named Teunis born the 12th of July 1708

12. a Daughter named Klaadje, born the 21st of April 1711.
    She became the wife of Adolph Lent (in pencil: Adolph Lent was
    a noted Surgeon in Revolutionary War)

Page 7

Abraham Haring one of the Sons of Peter Haring (in pencil: born
April 1704) was married to Martyntje Bogart one of the Daughters
of John Bogert (in pencil: and Maria Bartholf) the said Martyntje
was born -

the Issue of the said Abraham and Martyntje were

1. a Son named Peter, born September 1st 1726  he died young

2. a Son named Peter born September 30th 1728
   (inserted at a later date in blue ink: married Catherine Blauvelt,
   born Sept 25th 1738;
   they were married May 5, 1757)

3. a Daughter named Maria born the 12th of July 1733.
   She became the Wife of Henry Sobriskie

Page 8

4. a daughter named Margaret afterwards the wife of Isaac Blanch.
   She was born February 28, 1736

5. a Son named John born September the 28th 1737-1739?

6. a Son named Cornelius (note LHB: here the name Cornelius is
   crossed out, and Abraham is inserted above it in the same
   handwriting, and same ink.)
   born April the 14th 1742 (inserted in pencil: Married Anna.
   Anna is then crossed out in pencil and Sarah Naugle is inserted
   above it.)
7. a Son named Cornelius born the 14th of July 1744

8. a Son named Elbert born the 24th of May 1747 he died in infancy-

9. a daughter named Martyntje born February the 6th 1750 and departed
   this life November the 20th 1770

Page 9

Abraham Haring departed this life on the 11th of April 1771
and his Widow Martyntje Bogert on the 23 of July 1783

Maria Haring the Widow of Henry Sobriske departed this life October
the 24th 1800


Margaret Haring the Wife of Isaac Blanch departed this life February
3, 1801

Isaac Blanch died February 14, 1803

Abraham Haring died February 25, 1807

Peter Haring died July 15, 1807

John Haring died April 1, 1809

Cornelius Haring died January 1824

Mary Haring the Wife of John Haring died October 22, 1825

Page 10

Elbert Haring was Married to Catharine Lent (in pencil: perhaps
Adolph Lent's sister) the 14th day of December 1726.

their Issue were

1. a daughter named Catharine born the 2d of October 1727
   She died the 30th of August 1728

2. a daughter named Catharine born May the 26th 1729
   She became the Wife of George Brinkerhoff--

3. a daughter named Margaret born March the 1st 1731
   She died October the 12th 1731

the said Catharine Lent departed this life October the 6th 1731

Page 11

Elbert Haring was married to his second Wife Elizabeth Bogert
the 17th September 1732--

by her he had Issue

 1. a daughter named Margaret afterwards the wife of Cornelius
    Roosevelt she was born the 6th of July 1733
 2. a Son named Elbert born the 12th of August 1735
    and died the 18th of August 1736

 3. a Son named Elbert born the 7th of April 1737
    he departed this life December the 8th 1762

 4. a Son named Peter born the 27th December 1738 and Died
    Ma(r)y 1787

Page 12

 5. a daughter named Cornelia born the 15th of February 1741.
    She became the Wife of Samuel Jones-

 6. a daughter named Elizabeth born the 21st of February 1743.
    She became the Wife of John Depeyster

 7. a daughter named Anneetje afterwards Wife of Samuel Kip.
    She was born December 31, 1744

 8. a Son named Nicholas born the 28th of July 1747
    and died the 13th of August the same year


 9. a Son named Nicholas born in the month of August 1749
    inserted in pencil: died 11 of August 1788)

10. a Son named Abraham born the 11th of June 1750
    he died the 2d of July next following

11. a daughter named Sarah (note LHB: Sarah crossed out and Mary
    inserted above in same handwriting and ink) born July the
    13th 1751
    She afterwards became the Wife of John Haring

Page 13

12. a daughter named Sarah born the 5th of May 1753
    She became the wife of Gardner Jones

13. a Son named Abraham E. born the 16th of April 1755

the said Elbert Haring departed this life December the 3d
1773 aged 67 years - and his Widow the said Elizabeth Bogert
(note LHB: original date scratched out and new one
put in its place) June 11th 1787 aged 73 years

Anna the Wife of Samuel Kip departed this life the 20th day
of May 1801

Samuel Kip died February 14, 1804 (inserted in between next
line is the following, in old ink:
Nancy A. widow of Samuel Kipp died March 12, 1900 aged 93 years.)
(added in pencil: this Saml Kip must be a son of the former)

John Haring died April 1st 1809-

Mary Haring his Wife October 22d 1825-

Nicholas L. Haring May 2, 1826-

Page 14

John Haring one of the Sons of Abraham Haring was married on the
30th of October 1773
to Mary Haring one of the daughters of Elbert Haring by whom he
had issue

 1. a daughter named Maria born the 20th of January 1775

 2. a Son named Samuel born the 10th of October 1776

 3. a Son named Elbert born the 23d of May 1779

 4. a daughter named Martina born April the 25th 1781

 5. a daughter named Elizabeth born April the 11th 1783

Page 15

 6. a daughter named Margaret born the 24th of March 1786
    (in different handwriting and ink: and Died September 6th 1850)

 7. a Son named Nicholas Lansing born April the 18th 1788
    and died February the 27th (?) 1789


 8. a Son named John Bogart born March the 27th 1790

 9. a Son named Nicholas Lansing born April the 19th 1792
    and died the 24th of May 1826 (inserted in pencil: was
    married to Elizabeth Hauptman)

10. a Son born February the 23 1796. died when 12 days old.

Page 16

Klaas Bogart the son of John Bogart was born the 16th of March
1672 (inserted in pencil
above John is the word Loune. Inserted above born is the date
1668). He was Married to
Beeletje Van Schaick the 29th of June 1695.

Their issue were

1. a Son named John born May 1, 1697 (inserted in pencil: m Hannah
   Peck. said John's
   daughter Anna m Jacobus Roosevelt)

2. a Son named Cornelius born Jany 9, 1700

3. a Son named Evert born born July 13, 1702

4. a Son named Hendrick born March 18, 1705

The said Beeltye departed this life the 26th of August 1706 her son Evert died while young
on the 20th of February 1707 Klaas Bogart was Married to his Second wife Margaret Connilyea
daughter of John Connlyea and widow of Van Tilburgh--

Page 17

The Issue of Klaas Bogart by his Second Wife Were (inserted in pencil: Margaret Corneelzea)

1. a daughter named Cornelia born the 26th December 1707 She died young

2. a daughter named Beeletje born the 25th of November 1708 She died when young

3. a daughter named Cornlia born the 29th of March 1710
   she became the wife of Albartus Tiebout

4. a Son named Johannes born the 3d of August 1711  He died young

5. a daughter named Margaret born the 1st of March 1713
   She became the wife of Johannes Quackenbos--

Page 18

6. a daughter named Elizabeth born the 1st of September 1714
   She became the wife of Elbert Haring

7. a daughter named Beeletje born the 5th of July 1716  She died young


Page 18 continued:

8. a daughter named Anne born the 11th of April 1718  She died young

9. a Son named Petrus born the 1st of September 1720 died April 18, 1795

at the bottom of this page, and crossed out in blue ink is the following sentence:

Clinton (or Clindon) Haring Departed this Life  feb'r ?? 1855

Page 19

The Issue of John Corn'l Bogert by his wife Agnes-Striker--were--

Six Wit Roolof - John Jacobus - Albert and Isaac -

and the following daughters

Geeofe the wife of Tuny Westervelt--Sammatja (or Sarnmatje)

the wife of John Classon Romeyn Marretya

the Wife of John Stagg and Rachel the Wife of Jacob Van ?aak-

the Father Mother and son Isaac were buried in one and the same day

there was a daughter also named Aaltja the Wife of C- Westervelt

Page 20

The Revd Guilliam Bartholf was Married to Martyntje Vermelen

They had Issue 
three sons to wit: Hendrick-Corrines and Jacobus

and the following daughters

Sarah the Wife of David Demarest -

Maria the Wife of John Bogart

Elizabeth first the Wife of John Terhune afterwards the wife of Roelof Bogart

Martha the Wife of Albert Bogart--and

Annatja the Wife of Abraham Varick

(in different handwriting at bottom of page):

the Rev'd Guiliam Bartholff resided at Hackensack New Jersey
and four times a year he Preached at Tarrytown New York from the year 1697 until the year 1715

Page 21

in pencil on side of margin: Maria Demarest Bogart widow of John Bogart
died August 20 (or 26th) 1850

The Issue of John Bogart by Maria Bartholf his wife were-

Four Sons to Wit - Guilliam-Johannes (inserted in pencil daughter Mary born
Dec 3d 1764 married Wessel Wessels Apr 22nd 1793 dec 1853)


Page 21 continued:

Hendrick who died unmarried and

Cornelius and the following daughers--

Agnes the Wife of John Durie

Martyntja the wife of Abraham Haring -

Marretje the wife of Abraham Stagg -

Sarah the wife of David Terhune and 

Annetja the Wife of Nicholas Ackerman -

on bottom of page in different handwriting:

John Bogart the son of John Bogart and grandson of Johannas Bogart
Died the 6 of March in the woods by a (? horse?) falling on him 
when he had? Cut it down 1858.

Page 22

they were Married at tappan town by Rev'd Nicholas Lansing 

Peter Haring the Son of Dirk Haring was born the 13th of June 1773
he was married to Maria Haring one of the daughters of John Haring 
the 24th of January 1797 - their Issue (in pencil: Maternal grandfather
 and G Mother)

1. a daughter named Sophia born the 4th of December 1797 - and died
   October 13th 1838

2. a daughter named Maria born the 7th of July 18--
   (inkblotted, the date 1800 added in different color ink. in pencil:
   m Peter D. Bell, died February 26, 1877 ae 76-7-19

3. a Son named Cornelius born the 16th of May 1802
   (in pencil: m 1st Lavina Dutcher, 2. Amanda Simpson Bell,
   3d Hannah Dutcher Reading)

4. a Son named John born the 1st of June 1804
   m Keziah Demarest, Duryea

5. two Sons born May 3 1806 the first named Peter the other still born -

Page 23

6. a Son named James Demarest- born October the 28th 1808

7. a Daughter named Lydia born the 3d December 1810 -
   died October 11th 1834 (in pencil m Peter Beush)

8. a Daughter named Martina born the 25th November 1812
   (in pencil m Jacob S. Bogert)

(in blue ink at bottom of page:

Peter D. Haring Departed this Life January the 28 1842 aged 68 years 7 months 14 days

(in brown ink: Maria Haring Widow of Peter D. Haring Departed this Life
March 15th 1868 aged 93 years 1 Month and 24 Days)


Page 24

Samuel Haring one of the sons of John Haring was born the 10th of October 1776

Sarah Clark was born the 1st of October 1780 - they were married the 8th day
of October 1797

Their Issue were

 1. a Son named John born November 12th 1798

 2. a daughter named Mary born April 27th 1800

 3. a Son named James Clark born 11th March 1802

 4. a Son named Samuel Kip born the 2d November 1804

 5. a daughter named Catharine Teller born January 12 1807
    she died August 16th the same year

 6. a daughter named Catharine Teller born the 26th of August 1808

(in blue ink: Clinton Haring Departed this Life January 3 1855)

Page 25

the said James Clark died September the 30th 1808 aged 6 yrs 6 mo & 19 days

the said John Haring died at St. Bartholm---?
October the 10th 1809 aged 10 yrs 10 mo & 29 days

 7. a Son named John born April 13th 1810

 8. a Son named James born March 13th 1812
    and departed this life February 18th 1813

 9. a Son named Clinton born March 9th 1817

10. a Son named James Demarest born November 25th, 1819

11. a daughter named Sarah Elizabeth born April 2d 1822
    She departed this life July 29 1839

twins born the one a fore ....night

The said Samuel Haring departed this life the

after the other in two weeks

9th day of July 1830 aged 53 yrs 8 mo & 29 days

Sarah Clark-Relict-of Samuel Haring Departed this life
the 11th Day of february 1841 aged 60 yrs 4 Months & 11 Days

Page 26

Married  By Revd Nicholas Lansing

James D. Demarest was born the 9th day of March 1780 and
Elizabeth Haring one of the daughters of John Haring was born the 11th of April 1783

the said James & Elizabeth inter-married the 15th of May 1803

their Issue were

1. 1st a daughter named Mary Haring born February 20th 1804

2. a daughter named Hetty Ann born June the 1st 1810

Rev'd James D. Demarest Died October 7nd 1869 aged 89 years 6 Months 28 Days


Page 27

Married by Revd Nicholas Lansing

John Bogert Haring was born March the 27th 1790 and Catharine Helm June the 15th 1792

they intermarried July 2d 1808 -

their Issue

1st a Son named John born Sept. 24, 1810

2. a daughter named Catharine born Jany 1st 1813

3. a daughter named Mary born the 17th of May 1815

4. a Son named Samuel Demarest born the 4th of October 1819-

Catherine Helms Wife of John B. Haring died January the 7d 1857
(in pencil: aged 64 years 6 Months & 5? Days)

John B. Haring Died March 24nd 1873 aged 83 years and 3 Days

Page 28

(in pencil at top of page: Mary Hopkins parents)

Nicholas Lansing Haring was born April the 17th 1792

and Elizabeth Smith August 6th 1793 they were married June 16th 1810

their Issue

1.   a daughter named Ann Smith born July 2d 1811
     (in pencil: married John Furman)

2d   a Son named Demarest - born May 17th 1813

3rd. a daughter named Margaret born October the 5th 1815-

4.   a daughter named Mary born August the 27th 1817-

5.   a Son born October 30th 1819 and died on the 15th November
     following without a name-

Page 29

6.   a Son born March 6th 1821 named Cornelius Blauvelt

7.   a Son named Samuel born May the 13th 1824 Died June 23rd 1865

Nicholas Lansing Haring Died the 24d Day of May 1826

(in blue ink) Margaret Haring the wife of William forshee departed
this Life July 29, 1847

Elizabeth Smith wife of Nicholas Lansing Haring died June 24d 1877
aged 84 years (in pencil: July)

Ann Smith wife of frederick smith Departed this life August the 22 
(August crossed out) 1840 aged 88 years. (in pencil 86)


Page 30

Hubbel Knapp was Born September 24th 1789 and was married on the
21st of February 1816 to Mary Haring one of the daughters of Samuel Haring

their Issue

1. a daughter named Mary Haring Born April 27th 1817

2. a daughter named Elizabeth born October 19th 1818

3. a Son named James born June 22d 1820 and died the 3d day of September
   the year following-

4. a daughter born October 10th 1822 and named Catherine

page 31

5. a Son named Samuel born November the 13th 1824-

6. a daughter named Hellen born October 18th 1826

7. a daughter named Sarah was born

Mrs. Mary Knapp died January 22d 1832 in the 32nd year of her age
(in pencil: Mary Knapp was daughter of Hubble Knapp Departed this Life)

Page 32

Samuel K. Haring one of the sons of Samuel Haring was born November 2d 1804

and Martha Ann L Mann was born the (in pencil: Lydia) 7th October 1810

the said Samuel K. and Martha were married the 30th day of June 1830

their Issue

1 a Daughter born

(in blue ink:)
Samuel K. Haring Departed this life the Last of August or the first of Setember (sic)
1849 Died of Cholera

Page 33

(in blue ink)
Cornelius P. Haring one of the sons of Peter D. Haring was married on
the 13 of Aug at 1822

Lavina Maby Dutcher She was born December 31 1802


Page 33 continued:

Their Issue

1. a Son Named Peter he was born January the 1 1824

next sentence is crossed out and illegible

2. a Daughter Named Rachel born March 11 1825

a son born May 20 1833 Named Richard J. Demarest
died September 9 (?) 1836 aged 1 year 3 months and 26 Days

....?son born September 9 18..? John

a Daughter born August 15 1861? named May Matilda

Page 34

Timothy Secor was born May 20th 1798 and married to

Mary Haring daughter of James D. Demarest on the 20th May 1820

Married by Revd James D. Demarest at Kakiat N York

their Issue

1. a daughter named Margaretta Haring born February 12th 1822

2. a daughter named Rose Anna born (in pencil Rosanna)
   November the 30th 1823 (in pencil & ink Died December 3d 1856)

3. a Son named James Demarest born March 22d 1826

4. a Son named Lansing born February (inserted: Haring) 21 1828

5. a son named John Van Houten born April 18. 1830

Page 35

a Son born August 10th 1838 Named Amberose (in pencil: Ambrose T. (or I))

James Remson was born

and was married to Roseanna Secor one of the Daughters of Timothy Secor
on the 27 of April 1842

their Issue

1. a Daughter Named Elmira born 25 of february 1844
   (inserted in blue ink: Mary)

2. A Son Named Ira born february 10 1846

Rosanna Secor Daughter of Timothy Secor and wife of James Remson
Departed this Life December 3 1856


Page 36 on margin

Died in Piermont Cornelius T. Haring Died Sept 13 1875
aged 73 yr 3 months 28 Days

Married at Tappan by Revd N. Lansing
Peter D. Haring was Married on the 13th August 1822 to
Lavina Maby Dutcher  she was born December the 31st..scratched out...1802-
and she Died friday May 3rd 1850 in the afternoon at home in Piermont.

their Issue

1. a Son named Peter was born Jany the 1st 1824
   (in blue ink: Son born September 9, 1838 Named John)

2. a daughter named Rachel born the 11th of March 1825-

a son born May 20 1835 named Richard Demarest. Died September 9th 1836
aged 6 years 3 months and 20 Days

(at bottom of page; in same ink, but scratched out with blue ink:)
(4. A son born August 29th 1838 Named John)

5. a Daughter Born August 15th 1842 Named Mary Matilda
   (the last entry in blue ink)

Page 37

Married in New York by Revd Nicholas Marselus

Peter Brush was born October 31st 1801
The Said Peter Brush and Lydia one of the Daughters of Peter D. Haring,
Married the 13th March 1833

Their Issue were-

A Daughter Named Lydia-Ann born February 27th 1834
The said Lydia Departed this life Oct 11th 1834
Aged 23 years 10 Months & 8 Days

(in blue ink:_
John Brush Son of Peter Brush departed this Life May 1852

next sentence in regular ink:
Peter Brush Died February 13, 1863. (note LHB: this last sentence has been
written over another sentence making the first one illegible. It looks like:
a daughter named Mary Matilda born August 1842.)

Page 38

Married by Revd Marselus

Peter Bell was married to Maria one of the Daughters of Peter D. Haring
June 26 1833 Peter Bell was born July 1st 1803
Isaac Bell Died March 21, 1838 six years and 6 months and 2 weeks old

John C. Haring Son of Cornelius P. Haring was born September 9, 1830
(in pencil, died 1862)
in blue ink: gitty Dutcher Departed this life January ..? 1842


Page 39

in margin: Died Oct 12 1872 Catharine Teller Haring

John Gates Junr was born January 4 1794 - and married Catharine Teller Haring
one of the daughters of Samuel Haring January 27th 1824

their Issue

1. a Son named Joseph Egberts born the 31st December 1824

Cornelius P. Haring one of the Sons of Peter D. Haring
was married to his second Wife, Amanda Simpson September 3rd AD 1850
Tuesday Evening  they were Married at Piermont Rockland County state of New York
by Revnd Mr. Waitouse a Baptist Minister, Amanda Simpson was her Maiden Name
she was first Married to Abraham Bell  she..?...february 12 1857

Page 40

Henry Vander Beck was born the    and was married to Martina Haring
the 29th of October 1799
the said Martina departed this life the 1st day of July 1800
Henry Vanderbeek departed this life the Day of february 1865

Page 41

Catharine Teller was born the 20th day of June 1762 Died July 21. 1824

Peggy Myers in tappan town Departed this Life July 31 1853 81 years old (in blue ink)

Eliza kip widow of Samuel kip the younger departed this Life
february 1846 (in brown ink)

Benjamin Bogart Departed His Life March 29, 1860 (in pencil)

Page 42

Elbert I. Haring was married to Rachel Rose the 17th of June 1800
the said Elbert died the 9th Day of October 1845

their Issue

1. a Son born the 10th of April 1802 and named John

2. a Daughter born the 3d of July 1804 and named Ann Dunham

3. a Son born the 20th of July 1806 and named Samuel Rose


page 42 continued:

4. a Son born Jany 11th 1809 and named Nicholas

5. a daughter born April 9th 1811 and named Maria Van Dorn (?) Doon (?)

Page 43

John E Haring one of the sons of Elbert G (or J) Haring was married to
Hannah Kilmore November 26, 1829 she was born September 1811

There Issue

1. a Daughter born 1830 named mary jane

2. a Daughter named Rachel Died young

3. a Son named George Died young

4. a Son named George Died young

5. a Son - Andrew Jackson

6. a Son - John

7 & 8th Daughters Lydia and Esther, Twins

9. a Son - Luther Thornton

Page 44

Samuel kip Born Nov 13 1731 (note: date underneath obliterated)
Died 14 (or 17th) february 1804 aged 74 years

Anna Kip Born January 1745 (note: January is crossed out with blue ink
and a new date inserted: December 31 1744) In pencil the middle name
Haring has been added.
Died 20 May 1801 aged 56 years

(note: next ten lines in blue ink, but old writing:_
Catherine Van tuyl wife of John Van tuyl and daughter of Samuel kip
departed this Life March 29..? (obliterated) aged 71   28 1847

Eliza kip widow of Samuel kip Departed this Life february 1846

Henry Kip son of Samuel (?) Kip the Elder Departed this Life

Mary Kip wife of M (?) More Departed this Life
..? ....daughter too

Page 45

Revd Samuel Ver Bryck was born April 7th 1721 old style

Susanna Vanderlinda was born April 7th 1723

the Said Samuel and Susanna were married April 7th 1749

the said Samuel VerBryck departed this life January 31 1784 &
the said Susanna August 15th 1807-

Margaret VerBryck daughter of Ralph and Maria Ver Bryck
Departed this life October the 9 1841


Page 46

John Van Houten was born June 3rd 180?

he was married to Hetty ann Damarest one of the daughters of James Demarest
December 11, 1826 she was born June 1st 1810

There Issue

1 a daughter born Novem 2, 1833 named Lavina
she was married to Garet Haring the 1 day of January 1851

There Issue

1 a daughter born february 26 1853 (ink blotted)
Hetty Ann Demerest daughter of James Demerest and wife
John Vanhouten Departed this Life October 18 1854

John Van Houten Died January 4th 1874 in Spring Valley-R-Co-NY
Aged 69 years 7 Months 1 day

Page 47

Hetty ver Bryck wife of Samuel ver Bryck Departed this Life April the 13, 1843
Aged 83 years 5 months...?... days

Samuel Vebryck Son of the Rev Samuel Ver bryck Departed this Life October 12 1849
aged 88 years (scratched out and over the 88) 4 months

Maria Haring wife of Ralph Verbryke Departed this Life April 25, 18?5

Ralph verbruck Departed this Life March the 4 (or 6) 1846

Sarah ann outwater daughter of --outwater and wife of James verbryck
Departed this Life April 6 1854

Page 48

John Furman was maried to Ann smith one of the daughters of Nicholas L. Haring
April 5 1828

There Issue

1. a daughter named Elizabeth born Feb 17 1829

2. a daughter named Margaret Ann born Jany 23 1832

3. a son named.......(Nicholas inserted in blue ink at a later date) Lansing
   born March 27 1835

4. a daughter named Marietta Born July 1st 1837

5. a Daughter Named Martha Born November 3rd 1839 and Died february 24th 1841

6. a Daughter named Irena Christy Born March 24th 1842

7. a Son named Abraham born Sept 2d 1844


Page 49

John Grigs was born June 18-1798

he was married to Ann (inserted in blue ink here is the middle name 'Dunham') Haring
one of the Daughters of Elbert Haring February 18 1825

There Issue

1. a daughter named Jane born February 3 1826

2. a Son Named Lansing

in pencil at bottom of page:

Blauvelt Board married on Jan 27th 1904 at the Board Homestead Paramus
Matilda Bogert Board daughter of Cornelius Z. and Sarah H. Board to
Garret Blauvelt of Paramus.

Page 50

John J. Haring was married September 13-1831 to
Mary Clark (they are first cousins. This sentence as well as the last two children
are in pencil)

There Issue

1. a Daughter born     named Helen

2. Clinton

3. George

Pages change here advancing from page 50 to page 59, and it is apparent that several
pages have been torn out of the book.

Page 59

Peter Haring son of Abraham was born September the 20 (20 scratched out) 30 1728

Catherine Blauvelt was born September the 25 1738

(in pencil: Petrus Haring & Catherine Blauvelt were married May 5th 1767)

In the year 1757 the fifth Day of may were Peter Haring and Catherine Blauvelt
intermarried by the Reverend Samuel verbruk in orange town

Their issue

1. a son named Abraham who was born the first Day of may 1758
   (in pencil: died Oct 1764)

2. a Daughter named Maria who was born may the 30 1760
   (in pencil: died Feb 24 1781)

3. a Son named David who was born January the 19 1764

4. a Daughter named marynje born April the 7 1767
   (in pencil: died Nov 6th 1799)


on a small piece of paper pinned to this page is the following information
written in pencil:

Peter's son
Oct 1764 Abraham first born
died aged 6 years 5 months
   ---and daughter
Feb 24th 1781 Maria
Nov 6th 1799 daugh martyntje buried Paramus
July 15th 1807 Petrus Haring died
aged 79 9ms 13 ? Catherine Blauvelt Haring died
Nov 23rd 1819 aged 81 yrs 1 mo 28 days
Petrus Haring and Catherine Blauvelt
were married May 5, 1757

Page 60

5. a Daughter named Catherine was born the 2 day of December 1773

6. a daughter named Elizabeth was born the 17 Day of november 1780

7. a Daughter named maria born the 26 day of october 1785

(at bottom of page in blue ink:)

Maria Haring, Departed this Life 1st
Wife of Henry Vad.....? Vadokpelsear ? 1781 24 february?

Matyntje Haring wife of Garret Lydecker
Departed this Life November (June 6 1799 inserted above)
David Haring Departed this Life

Catherine Haring late wife of Daniel (?) O Clarck first of Cornelius vanhorn
Departed this Life November 1819 (in different writing: October 23)

Elizabeth Haring wife of William O Clarck Departed this Life March 1829
(in different writing: 27th)

on left margin of page: Maria Haring wife of Garret Bogart
Departed this Life April 19 1845 60

Page 61

Peter P. Haring one of the sons of Peter D. Haring
was married December 21 1833 (3 crossed out and 4 inserted above)

to Effy Vervalen she was born July 8th 1808

they Married in New York by C.T. Demarest

There Issue

1. a Daughter born September 1, 1835 named Maria

2. a son born September 28, 1837 named Jacob

3. A Daughter Named Sophia Born June the 2d 1844


Page 62

Maria Haring wife of Garret Bogart departed this Life April 19 1845
she was 60 years old

Garret Bogart son of Johannes Bogart Departed this Life May 31 1849
Died of the Cholera in New York.

Ann Hopper Daughter of Garret W Hopper William O Clarck was born July 17 1784
she Departed this Life June 1849 65 years old

Daniel O Clarck son of William O Clarck Departed this Life the 25 of February
1849 (or 1899)

William Bogart son of Benjamin and Bogg
Sarah Clarck Departed this Life November the 20 1839 22 years old

Catherine Blauvelt widow of Peter A. Haring Departed this Life
November 23 1819 aged 81 yearsoon 1 month twenty......obliterated days

Page 63

Samuel D. Haring one of the sons of John B Haring was married
June 1 (or 4th) 1837 to Hannah Compton

Their Issue
(some in blue ink:)

1. a Daughter born 19th March 1838 named Malinda ?

2. a son Named Charles Irving born December 26 1841 and having died
   August the 6 1844

Malinda Haring daughter of Samuel O. Haring was Maried to
William Henry fredericks on the 4 of August 1853
his Mother is a Grand Daughter of old Benson Demerest

Page 64

Hannah Compton wife of Samuel D. Haring Departed this Life August 27 1847

Martina Bogart daughter of Garret and Maria Bogart and wife of
Peter Pond (?) Departed this Life october 7 1852

William O Clarck Departed this Life June 10 1853 found dead in his Bed

Page 65

Cornelis Haring one of the sons of Abraham was born the 14 (?) of July 1744


Page 65 continued:

Said Cornelius Departed this life January 1821 (or 24)

Anna the wife of Cornelius Haring Died April 21st 1836

in pencil:
Cornelius Haring's son    married Miss Moorehouse

William grandson of Cornelius Haring and son of

Page 66

Elbert Haring one of the sons of John Haring Departed this Life october 9 1845

Page 67

John J Haring one of the sons of John B-- Haring was born
September 24th 1810

Mary DeNoyelle was Born January 6th 1810

They were Married May 28th 1831

Page 68

Peter DeNoyelle was married to Catherine one of the daughters of
John B Haring March 1832 (date in different writing)

There issue

1st a daughter born January 3-1833 named Elmira

Page 69

Mary Haring one of the daughters of Nicholas Lansing Haring
was married to Obadiah Hopkins December 31st 1837 by
Revd James D Demarest at Hempstead, N.Y. Rockland County

Their Issue (crossed out)

children names

1. a Daughter born August 12, AD 1840 (date in blue ink)
   named Catherine Elizabeth Hopkins

2. Henrietta Hopkins (in pencil: born June 4 1842)

3. Mary Emma Hopkins  1844

4. Sylvia Ann Hopkins  January 31 1847

5. Margaret Hopkins born Oct 2nd 1848 died March 9, 1905
   she was the wife of Walter T. Van Derpool

6. Sarah Hopkins July 13th 1850

7. Alice Louisa Hopkins December 15th 1851

8. Harriet Hopkins Sept 18 1855 (date in pencil)


Page 70 is blank

Page 71

Cornelius Blauvelt Haring one of the sons of Nicholas Lansing Haring
was married to Sally Jane Green October 29th 1840

Their children

Cornelia Blauvelt Haring Died August 16th 1873
-Aged 52 years 5 Months and 10 days

Page 72 is blank

Page 73

Samuel Haring one of the sons of Nicholas Lansing Haring was married to
Jane Elizabeth Van Houten August 3rd 1843
she when married 16 years and 3 months

on margin:
Samuel Haring Died June 23, 1865

Page 74 is blank, pages 75 & 76 torn out.

Page 77

Catherine Helmes Wife of John B. Haring Departed this Life January the 7 1857

Hannah Compton wife of Samuel D. Haring Departed this Life august 27 1847 aged

Page 78

William Naugle was Born May the 25 1811 (or 1817)

Sally Demarest was born October 10th AD 1816

They were Married 2nd January 1839

Their Issue

1. a daughter Named Mary was born March 26 1840

2. a daughter Named Lydia ann was Born february 6 1843

Lydia Ann Naugle Departed this Life february 12th 1846


Page 78 continued

Cornelia Naugle Wife of Peter Marselius departed this Life December 1856
A Little boy of William Naugle Departed this Life February 6 1851 (or 1857)

Page 79 is blank

Page 80

Isaac D. Cole minister of the Ref. Dutch Church of Tappan
Son of David Cole and Elizabeth Myer was born Jany 25, 1799
Through Soverign free and unmerited Grace was brought to see and
feel his misery as a sinner and to a joyful hope in Jesus Christ
the Mediator of the New Covenant in the year 1818, united with
the Church under the pastoral care of the Rev. Christian Bork in
the City of new York April 19th 1819-was then engaged in Mercantile
business with his Father-but soon after became a teacher of youth-
Having been much exercised for 7 years in relation to the
gospel ministry and being at length fully convinced of his duty
he entered the Theological Seminary at New Brunswick Sept 15th 1826
and in August 1829 was licensed to preach the gospel by
the Classis of New York was called in November to assist the
Rev Nicholas Lansing in the Ref. Dutch church of Tappan-was
ordained and installed Co-pastor with Mr. Lansing 1831-called
to 2d Ref. Dutch Church of Totawa Dec 1832 - Recalled to Tappan
Dec 1833- (The Rev. Nicholas Lansing continued his labors until
September 1835 when he departed this life in hope of a blessed
immortality aged 87 years 5 days) Isaac D Cole continued to be
the Pastor of this church at this date namedly October 1842
Rev. Isaac D. Cole Died August 30th 1878.

Page 81

Isaac D. Cole was married in the year 1821 to Ann Maria Shatzel
Daughter of John Michal Shatzel and Barbara Wood daughter of
Ebenezer Wood Esq formerly of Clarkstown Rockland County New York

Their children are

David Cole born 22d September 1822
Caroline Elizabeth Cole, 1st November 1824
Juliana                 18th Septr 1826 died April 23, 1827
Juliana                    5 May 1828
Catharine Amelia          19 June 1830
Margaret Ann              10 Nov 1832
Benjamin Wood             17 May 1835
Isaac                     18 June 1837

Caroline Elisabeth Cole was married to Doctor Stephens the 24 of February 1851

Benjamin Cole was married to Caroline Westervelt January 16 (or 14th) 1857 (blotted)


Page 82

Jacob Bogart son of Benjamin I (or J) Bogart was married to Juliana Cole
daughter of the Rev Isaac Cole the first Day of December 1849
Son of B-Bogert
William Henry Bogert died Dec 23rd 1862
Widow Sarah, widow of Benjamine Bogert Died January 16th 1862

Page 83

Martynje Haring one of the daughters of Abraham A. Haring was born January 16th 1776

and on the January 21st 1791 became the Wife of John Powles who was born
the 2nd day of February 1767

Their Issue

1st a daughter named Lydia who was born February 3rd 1792 and died August 20th 1821

2nd a daughter named Sarah who was born July 21st 1794

3rd a daughter named Rachel Born October 29th 1797

4th a daughter named Maria Born August 12th 1803 and died Nov 2nd 1805

5th a Son Named Paul Born March 8th 1806

Page 84

Paul Powles son of John and Martyntje was married to Margaret Bogert July 28th 1827

Their Issue

1st a son named John Born September 17th 1829 and died September 8th 1830

2nd a Son named John Born May 7th 1832

3rd a Son named Matthew Born October 4th 1834

4th a Daughter named Matilda Born May 3rd 1837

Margaret Bogert Wife of Paul Powles departed this Life July 15th 1839 aged 29 yrs

Paul Powles was Married to his second Wife Sarah Jane Mosher August 13th 1840

Sarah Jane Mosher widow of Paul Powles died May 16 1904 in her 86 yr

Their Issue

1d a Son Named Alfred Mosher Born June 30th 1841

2d a Son Named Abraham Haring Born April 3rd 1843


Page 85

John M. Powles Departed this Life July 24 1846 (or 1876) aged 79 yrs 5 mos & 22 days

Hannah Brinkerhoof youngest Daughter of Jacob and Sarah Brinkerhoof Departed this Life
July 1851 fourteen years old (note LHB: last three lines in blue ink)

Martynje Haring widow of John Powles? Departed this Life (September, crossed out)
October 6, 1859 aged 88 yrs 8 months)

Children of Paul Powles

3 a Daughter born May 22 1847 Named Maria Antonet

4 a daughter born (April, crossed out) March 23, 1850 Named Margaret Bogart
died Nov 17, 1904 (date in blue ink)

5 a Son William Henry born June 10 1853

Page 86 (an attempt has been made to erase the entire page.)

Paul Poules

3 a ...?...Maria born 22 of May 1841 ? (or 7) named Antonet?

Paul Powles

5 a son born June 10, 1853

Page 87

Jacob S. Bogert was Married to Martina one of the daughters of
Peter D. Haring March 7th 1844 by the Revd I. D. Cole

Their Issue

1st Twins Born January 5th 1845 Named Sarah and Maria
Sarah Died when it was 17 Days old

2 the youngest (smudged) twin? named Sarah Maria

3 A daughter Named Lydiaranna Born March 26, 1847

4 A Daughter Born October 21st 1848 Named Catherine Elisabeth

5 A Daughter Born September 3 1850 named Rosanna Remson

Page 88 is blank

Page 89

John P. Haring one of the sons of Peter D. Haring

was Married to Keziah Demarest March 11th 1845
she was born January (crossed out) February


Page 89 continued

12th 1820 they were married at Pascack by the Revnd Mr. Manley

Their Issue

1 A Daughter Named (name crossed out) born April 19 1846
  named Mary Matilda died February 13, 1905

2 A Daughter born September .......(scratched out)....
  Ab 27 1847 Named Ann........(scratched out).........

3 A Son born October 28-1849 Named Cornelius Demarest

4 A Daughter born June 28 1851 Named Susan Catherine

Keziah has moved her family to Puskack Thursday 2 (or 9) of December 1852

Keziah widow of John P. Haring died April 11 1891 aged 71 years 1 month 23 days

Page 90 (in pencil)

Elbert Haring and Elizabeth Bogert's son
13th child Abraham E Haring born Apr 16th 1755
and-Elizabeth Ives born May 1755, they were Married May 1775 or 1776

Their Children

1st Elbert born           1778
2nd Cornelia born         1785 m Thomas Floyd-Jones
3rd Charles born Nov 28,  1787
4th Hamet born June 12th, 1788? (note LHB:this is probably Harriet)
5th Maria born April 17th 1790
6th William born Jan 11th 1796

Elizabeth (Ives) Haring died Oct 22nd 1845 in the 90th year of her age.

Miss Elizabeth Haring, eldest daughter of the late Abraham E. Harring died August 24th 1862.
Funeral at home of her brother Elbert  31 E. 28th St.

(Note LHB: inserted here is a small newspaper obit as follows:)
"Floyd-Jones: On Sunday morning February 17, 1901 at the Park Avenue Hotel
ELBERT FLOYD-JONES, son of the late General Thomas and Cornelia Haring Floyd-Jones
in the 85th year of his age. Funeral services will be held at Grace Church
Massapequa, L.I. on Wednesday February 20 on arrival of 1:50 P.M. train from
East 34th St; returning will arrive about half-past six; special car."


Page 91

Elizabeth Ives widow of Abraham E. (note: born 1755 in pencil) Haring
Departed This Life October 22 1845 in the 90 year of her age since may

(note LHB: next five lines have been scratched out, but read:)

Hannas Haring son of Abraham E. Haring Departed this Life October 1852

Hannes Jones ...?....Cornelia Haring and Will Jones departed this Life
October 1852

At this point the pages are no longer numbered.

next page:

Lansing H. Secor was Married to Mary frances Bogert April 16th 1850

she was born December 26th 1829

a Child born 12 of August 1851 Died November 16, 1852

next page:

Margaretta H. Secor one of the Daughters of timothy Secor
was married to John C. L.? Pettenger october 4th 1843
by her grandfather James D. Demarest

1. A son Born december 4th 1844 Named James Demerest

2. A Daughter April 23 1846 Named Estelle

3rd & 4th Twins A Daughter Named Mahala Born Oct 7 and a
Son Named Lewis Phillipe Born October 8

5. a Daughter born 1848 October 9 1851 Named Mary Hester

John Pettenger Departed this Life March 2nd 1853

next page:

John V. H. Secor son of timothy and Mary Secor was Married to

Agnes Ann Banta february 8th 1849

she was Born Nov 10th 1829 and Duied June 2nd 1850

a Son born May 18th and died 20th 1850 aged 30 hours



John V. H. Secor was married 6th of November ?
By the Rev H E Mccloud to Margaret A Blair
all of this City 1851

1 a Daughter born august 1 1852 Named Jane Elizabeth

2 a Son born the 20 of July 1854 and Died the same week that Roseanna
  Did in 1856

(in pencil) Agnes Secor Daughter of John Secor and Margaret Blair
Died September 25d 1835 (or 1875)

next page:

Jacobus Kip was born at Amsterdam on the 16th May 1631

Maria De lamontanye was born off the Island of Madaria
at sea I presume (H) on the 26th January 1637

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jacobus Kip and Maria D Lamontanye were married in the fort at New York
on the 8th March 1654

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

their Children were as follows

Johannas - born feb 3 1655
Rachel born 1674
Petrus born April 25
Jacobus - October 14 1656
Maria Dec 2 1666
Abraham December 21 1658
Jefse (Jesse) December 16 1660      ...nucus
Petrus born April 25 1674           January
Reyamous august 6 1678              12 1668
Samuel x November 4 1682            Catherine
                                    25 1671

Next page:

Samuel Kip and Margaret Rykman were married in Albany on the
20th Oct 1705

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Their Children were as follows:

Jacobus born August 19, 1706

Albert Died - 1708

Maria Died January 4 1710

Nellette Born January 3d 1712



Albert 2nd............1714
Johannes January 31 1716
Samuel born April 25 1718 (?)
Rachel January 29 1721

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

X Jacobus Kip son of Samuel kip and margaret Rykman and

Catherine R Kip Daughter of Johannes Kip and Catherine Kearstead

were married in Church July 27 1729

next page:

their Children were as follows

Catharine born May 11 17??
Married a Mr talda ?

x Samuel ...Nov 13 1731 - late of kips bay (Decease)

Johannes - December 15 1733 Died without issue

Margaret March 9 1736  Died without issue

Maria in January 5 1738

Margaret 2d Nov 25 1739  Died without issue

Margaret 3d 10 1742 died without issue

next page:

X Samuel Kip son of Jacobus Kip and Catherine Kip married

Anna Haring Daughter of Elbert Haring

their children were as follows

Elizabeth born february 25 1765
Died without issue
Jacobus on December 8 1766
late of Utica Elbert September
20 1769 Samuel october 20 1771
John born April 16 1774 Died without issue
Catherine 12 1776
Cornelius March 9 1780
Mary february 23 178-
Henry May 1 178-


next page:

X Jacobus Kip alias Francis S *Line 2
*Kip son of Samuel Kip
married Eliza

their issue were as follows

Ann Loisa kip
Mary kip
Samuel kip Name of Brefals ?
   the above is a copy
   of a memorandom
   of the kips of kips Bay

next page:

Peter C. Haring son of Cornelius P Haring and

Lavina M Dutcher Born January 1st 1824

and Married March 19th 1848

on Sabbath Evening at Piermont Rockland County

State of New York by Revnd Mr. Williams - Baptist Minister

to Mary Loisa Bell, Daughter of Abraham Bell and Amanda Simpson
Born August 10th 1832

their children

1 A Son named Richard Demarest born August 25th 1849

2 a Daughter named Anida Lavina
  Born february 13 1852 and Departed this Life february 23 1854 of Small Pox

3 a Daughter Born october (crossed out) September 21
  named Ada ? Loize and 1854 Departed this Life August 29    1856

next page:

4  a Son Born December 8 1857 Named Abraham

5  a Son born April 18th 1860 Named Alanson
   and Died September 23rd the same year aged 5 months and 5 days

6d a Daughter born December 3rd 1861 Named Hattie Amelia

7d   a Son born Nov 9th 1864 named Edgar Stanley  Died April 24th 187?

8d   a Son August 15th 1867 Named Cornelius

(in pencil:)

9-10 Two Sons (twins) born Apr 29, 1870 named Peter and James
     Died, Peter died May 10th 1877 aged 7 years 11 days
     and James died May 14 1877 aged 7 years 15 days.

11th a Daughter born Sept 25th 1873 Elouise.
     Died May 17, 1877 aged 3 years 7 months and 22 days.

Mary S. Bell widow of Peter C. Harring died April 14, 1907.


Rachel Haring one of the Daughters of Cornelius P. Haring and Lavina M. Dutcher
was married to John Sarvent son of Daniel Sarvent and Betsey Van Orden
July 3nd D 1848 by the Revd Mr. Loyd at Piermont Rockland County

Their children

1 A Daughter named Eliza Ann Born June 15th 1849

2 A Son named William Spafford Born june 7th 1851
   he Died the 26 of January 1853 of scarlet fever

3 a Daughter Born June 16 1857 Named Julia frances.....(something scratched out)

4 a Son Named John Born

Rachel Haring wife of John V. O. Sarvant Died April 23, 1863

next page:

Maria Van Dorn Haring one of the Daughters of Elbert P. Haring and Rachel Rose
Married to Charles Killmore, the 15th day of June suppose 1837

Their Issue

1st Nelson-a Son- Born
2nd Alonson a Son- Born
3rd Rachel a Daughter - Born
4th Nathan- a Son- born 15 September 1848

next page:

Richard Demarest Haring Son of Peter C. Haring and Mary L. Bell
was Born August 25nd 1849 and was Married in Closter City N.J. by Revd Peter V Van Buskirk
to Anna Bell of Orangeburg R. County, N.Y. January 1874

next page:

Nicholas Haring Son of Elbert J. Harring and Rachel Rose
was Married to Sarah Folly

1st Elbert a Son- Born

several pages missing at this point.

next page:

Anna Cordelia Bell Daughter of Daniel Bell Entered School the Last week in April
by Mr. Waltermyr (?) she was 5 years old at that time 1858

Anna Cordelia Bell and Isac Ne....?.....
Entered school by Mr. Garlies at .......? in Closter.


Mary Haring youngest Daughter of John B Haring and Catherine Helms
Born May 17, 1815 was Married January 25th 1849
to Hamilton Dudley he was Born 7th January 1810

1st a son named Winfield Haring- Born (Winfield crossed out) May 26  Irving

Mary Haring Wife of Hamilton Dudley became a member of Mr. Allans Church
in December 1856  two weeks before her mother  Death

"on a piece of paper pinned to next page:
Soldier lay they weapons down
Quit the sword and Take the Crown
Diminish all thy foes and Banishe
Death is slain and earth is vanished"

Christiann Blauvelt wife of Haraman Blauvelt at Washington ville
Departed this Life october 1 1849

Haraman Blauvelt at Washington ville Departed this Life December 16 1852
he was 92 years old

Mr. Blauvelt was a Soldier in the Revolution six months in the Regular army
and was one of the guard when Andre was Confined at tappan and occasionly
He rendered important servises throughout the war for many years
he has profest to be a soldier of Jesus his warfare is ended
his spirit we trust is with Christ wich is far better his body sleeps
in the grave awaiting the Resurection.  they that sleep in Jesus
will God bring to himself   soldiers lay they weapons

on back of same paper:

Henrietta Hopkins
born June 4d 1842
Died October 19th
aged 3 years 4 months and days

next page:

William Forshee was Married to Margaret one of the Daughters of
Nicholas Lansing Haring April 18th 1832

Their Children

1 a Daughter Mary Elisabeth Born October 31st 1833

2 a Son Cornelius born March 18th 1835

3 a Daughter Anna born January 25th 1837

4 a Son Nicholas born July 15th 1840



Elisabeth Smith widow of Nicholas Lansing Haring Married to William forshee
her (son in Law) May 11 1848
They were Married by by Revd Mr. Williams a Baptist Minister

next page:

Samuel D. Haring of Monsey son of John B. Haring
married his second wife Angeline P. Skinner August 2(22?)nd 1849
Daughter of Joseph L. Skinner of Covert Seneca County New York
they were married by Revnd Mr. Davis at Lodi Centre in N.Y. State

1. a daughter    their issue     Named Mary
   Emma born august 31 1852 died

2 a daughter born Nov 1857 named Ella

Samuel L ? Haring died January 27 1896

Angeline P. Skinner widow of Samuel L. Haring died January 6 1899

next page:

.., James V B Remson was Married to
he was born November 30th 1818
Rosanna daughter of Timothy Secor and Mary H Demarest April 27th D. 1842
married by Revd L. D. Demarest Hempstead N.Y.

1st a Daughter born february 25th 1844, Named Mary Elmira

2nd a Son Born february 10th 1846 named Ira

next page:

James D. Secor was Married to Maria Elmira Coe January 16th 1847
she was born March 18th 1828
they were Married at Hempstead by Revd J. D. Demarest Rockland County, N.Y.

their children

1st a Daughter Named Julia Anna Born October 13th 1849

2   a son born the 20 of November 1852 Named George H

3rd a Daughter Lydia Elmira born Oct 13d 1855

4   a Son, Richard James born Oc 11d 1865

next page:

Elbert Haring the oldest Lawyer in New York was born in Stratford Conn July 8th 1777.
Came to N. Y. City at 7 years of age was educated at Princeton came to N.Y. City
and studied law with the "old oracle of law" his uncle, Judge Samuel Jones, and was
admitted to the bar Dec 1799. Elbert Haring was elected Judge of the Maune ? Court
in 1805 and in 1812 served as Registrar of the County.


Levina van Houten was married to garret A. Haring the first Day of January 1851
They were married at Hempstead N.Y. by the Rev James Demarest Rockland County, N.Y.

their Issue

1 a Daughter born february 26, 1853 Names Melsse

2 a Daughter born November 30 1855 named Ellin Hester

3 a Daughter born February 5 1860 named Anna Namoi

Leavina Van Houten wife of Rev Garret A Haring died December 27 1896
aged 63 years 1 month 25 days

next page:

Elvira d Noyelle daughter of Catherine and Peter Noyelle was married to
Edgar m Mason the 5 of June 1851
they were married by the Rev Peter Allen

their Issue

1 a Son Born october 20 1854 Named Hiram Edgar

next page:

Daniel Bell son of Peter D Bell was Married to Lydiann Brush
daughter of Peter Brush 14 of april 1852
Married by the Rev Isaac D Cole at the house of James..?...Haring in
.......(scratched out).... Closter
she was eighteen years old

their Issue

1 a Daughter Born April 29, 1853 Named Anna Cordelia

2 a Son Born october 10 1854 Named Isaac newton

next page:

turn back to page 59 (inserted here in pencil)

In the year of our Lord october 1764 my first Born Died Named Abraham
Aged about 6 years and five months and was buried on my fathers burying ground
In the year of our Lord 1781



1781 24 february My Daughter Maria Died and was buryed on my father
Burying Ground--In the year of our Lord 1799 (or 89) 6 of November
My Daughter Martyntje Died and was Buryed at Paramus--
In the year of our Lord 1807 15 of July Petrus Haring Died was buryed
on the burying ground of his father 16 of the same month
aged 79 years 9 months and 15 days

The Widow Catherine Haring Departed (Blauvelt inserted in pencil over her name)
this Life on the 23 of November in the year 1819 aged 81 one month
and twenty eight days Buryed Longside of her husband

next page:

Catherine Haring wife of Daniel I (or J) Clarck Departed this Life the 23 of october 1819
aged 45 years ten months and twenty one Days was buryed by the Schraalenburgh Church

Elizabeth Haring wife of William J. Clarck Departed this Life on the 27 Day of March 1829
aged 48 years 4 months and 10 Days

(on a piece of paper inserted between these pages:)

Lansing Haring was born Feb 16th 1836 married Mary Jane Fowler Feb 1st 1861 to

Mary Elizabeth Haring born oct 11th 1839 married Edward Dippley March 3d 1861

George Haring born Jan 14th 1842 mar Alice Mapes  Cornelius D. Haring born March 24th 1844

Margaret Ann Haring born Feb 13th 1846 m Frank Mapes.

William F. Haring born Feb 28th 1848 mar Pauline

Martha Matilda Haring born Nov 26th 1852 mar William Halleck

Edward Dipple was born July 20th 1837 died July 19, 1863

I gave you the others so it will be all right now I think.
I arrived safe and found them all well but Lansins Georgie
he looks bad and is growing very thin. the Dr dont think him in danger though.
I hope he will get better soon.

(On back of same paper: "A Sabbath morning february 7d 1869 by James D. Haring")

next page:

Elbert Haring one of the Sons of John Haring
Departed this Life October 9 1845
Samuel Haring Departed this Life in 1856
Nicholas L. Haring Departed this Life in 1857


(in pencil) next page:

1  Peter Paulus maried Tryntje Martens

Their children  1 Peter Paulus                               Van Neale?
                2 Hillitje Paulus married Lubbert Lubbertsten
2  generation   3 Martsor   "  (?)     "    Margrietje Van Westervelt

3- Martens- Marten Paulus married Rachel Demarest daughter of Guliam Bartholf

4- Martens P's Martens- Marten mar'd Lydia Banta

4  M's M's M's John Powles married Martyntje Haring daughter of captain Abraham Haring
Abraham H married Sarah Naugle said Sarah Naugle was the daughter of Barent Naugle

Martin Powles and Lydia Banta's children
1st- Rachel Powles m Cornelius Blackledge

next page:

Derick Haring was Born May the 1 1731
he was maried to Sophia Bogart one of the Daughters of Peter Bogart
she was Born march 13 1739

their Issue

1 A son named Cornelius Born the
  Died at the age of Seven years

2 a Daughter Named Rachel she was Born in the year 1760
  she became the wife of James Waldrom

3 A daughter Named Lydia she was born March 13 1764
  she became the wife of James Waldrom she Died october th 4 1826

4 A Daughter Named Maria she was Born in the year 1769 and died July 1794

5 A son Named Peter he was born June 12 1773

(in pencil at bottom of page: "These pages belong to your Aunt Marias Husbands family of Harings."
meaning this page and the one that follows.)

next page:

Charles Earl Consort of George Anna Woods
Daughter of George and Sophia Woods Departed this Life April the 1 1851

Derick Haring Died December 2 1815 aged 85 (85 crossed out) year 84


Sophia Haring Consort of Derick Haring Departed this Life December th 9 1820  aged 80 years

Albert Waldrom Died April 27 1833 aged 80 odd years

Rachel Waldrom Died Septem 15 1834 aged 74 years

James Waldrom Died April 18 1836

Lydia Waldrom Died october 4 1826

George Woods weed?  (or widower?) was 68 years old in 1854

next page:

Peter Waldrom was born on July 11 1801 and Died october 16 1826

Peter Waldrom Son of Albert and Rachel Waldrom Departed this Life
November 19 1850 aged 11

Margaret Blauvelt Wife of Peter Bogart was born 1766
Departed this Life 1842 aged 76

Rachel ...?... king Middle town Departed this Life November 13 1851
being 96 years old in September 11 1851

George Woods Departed this Life April 29 1854  72
(in pencil at bottom: "This page belongs to your aunt Maria's husbands family of Harings")

pages torn out

next page:

Maria Woods wife Jacop Demerest Departed this Life august 11 1854

George anna Woods widow of Charels Earl Departed this
June 1 1857 at Saratoga springs
Died of Consumtion

Albert Woods departed this life February 7th 1891

(in pencil at bottom of page: "This page belongs to your aunt Maria's
husbnds family of Harings)

next page:

Maria Woods Daughter of George and Sophia (Waldron) Woods was married to Jacob Demerest
son of Abraham Demerest the 6 of March 1847

Abby Woods daughter of George and Sophia was married to Newton tallin (?) 2d of January 1851



Lamson ...scratched out...  at the Church of annunciation on tuesday June 17th
By Rev P Fr seabury Rev William Damson
to Mifs Julia W schuyler Esdest Daughter of Robert schuyler all of this City

in pencil: Rev Wm I (or J) Damson (or Lamson) died Feb 1910 in Nyack at the home
of his wife's aunt Abigail L Woods Tallman's or more properly at Dr. Harvey Gilchust's
son-in-law of Tallnon

next page:

Anna forshee Daughter of William forshe
and Margaret Haring and grand Daughter of Lasing Haring
Departed this Life December 9 1854  18 years

next page:

timothy Secor Son of James Secor Departed this Life
September 21 1857  58 years old in May 57

next page:

John Pouleson Eldest son of Paul Poulson and Margaret Bogert
was Maried to Margaret stemes (?) November 11 1851 (or 1857)

Abraham Blauvelt Son of J Isaac and Rachel Blauvelt
was maried to Mary Eliza Haring widow of Richard Blanch 5 of December 1857

John Poulson has joined the Church at Scraalenburgh December 10 1857
Son of Paul Pouleson N C his wife is a member of the same Church

(pages torn out)

next page:

Charles Hasbrook Dk (?) was married 1859
to Kate Campbell from Hackensack the 2 Day of february 1858
(note LHB: the above date, 1859, has been written over, and probably read: 1858)

next page:

Maria Haring Daughter of Peter P. Haring
was maried to Edger ..?.. Bell on the night of the 26 of December



1857 by the Rev Cornelius Blauvelt N C

their Isue

1 a Daughter Named Ella Born September the 8th 1859

2d a Son born May 12 d 1862 Named Watson

3ad a Daughter born March 31d 1867

4d a Daughter August 10d 1869 named Gertrude

next page:

Mary Matilda Haring one of the Daughters of Cornelius P. Haring
Married to William Buckhout September 21d 1862
they were married in the Church at Tappan town By the Revd Isaac D Cole

there children

1  a Daughter Born July 2d 1863 Named Elmina Frost
   she Died August 27d 1864

2  a Daughter named Lavina born Septem 18d 1866

3d a Son August 7d 1869 William Sarvent

next page:

Isaac Blauvelt son of Cornelius Blauvelt was born August 3d D 1795

Rachel Pwles daughter of John Powles and Martina Haring
was born October 29th D 1797
they were Married October 16th 1814 at tappan town
by Revd Nicholas Lansing

their Children

1st a Daughter, Eliza born March 1st 1818 m Froeleigh

2d a Son named John Powles born July 7th 1821

3rd a Son named Cornelus born May 11th 1825 m 1st Mary G Black
                                              2nd  Anna M Anderson
4th a son named Abraham Haring born March 29 1828 m Mary Blanch ?
     died November 20 1904 aged 77 years

5th a son named James Henry born September 1st 1831 m Kate

6th a Daughter named Sarah Matilda born January 4th 1834 m Jacob Demarest

Isaac Blauvelt died September 16d 1878  83-1-13

next page:

Sophia Haring one of the Daughters of Peter P. Haring
was married to Abraham Parsels, the 24nd Day of December 1862



Children Births

1d a Daughter, November 30d D 1863 Coressa
2d a Son                           Peter Edwin
3d a Son       September 19d 1866  Jacob Alonzo

on a piece of paper inserted next:

Ann Cooper wife of Lukas vanjaun (Van Saun?) Departed this life September th 11 1843

Cornelius Banta son of John and Sophia Banta Departed this Life September the 10 1843

Maria Dey Daughter of henry and tiney? dey
Departed this Life September the 1 (or 8) 1843

on other side of paper:
                           ay Departed this Life
august th 6                   1843
Samuel Cole Brother of Peter Cole Departed this Life august...scratched out...
th 9 1843 aged 85

Maria Zebriske wife of John ...?.. Blauvelt Departed this Life
Blauvelt Departed this Life august th 3 1840

John I Blauvelt afterwards maried Gitty Cole
he Departed this Life august th 16 1843

William Blauvelt Son of Rev Cornelius Blauvelt Departed this Life august th 15 1843

Margaret Demerest widow of Samuel Cole Departed this Life November 22 1843

next page: in pencil

Captains in Revolutionary War

Abraham Haring, Cornelius Haring, Abraham A. P. Haring
Abraham A P Haring (scratched out)
John D. Haring
John F. Haring



Privates                                 Privates

Casparus Bogert                          Abraham Haring
John       "                             Abram J.   "
Matthew    "                             David      "
Cornelius  "                             David P    "
Nicholas   "                             Frederick  "
James N. Bogert                          Garret     "
                                         Garret F   "
                                         Gertjce Haring
                                         John J     "
                                         Joseph A   "
                                         Peter A    "
                                         Peter G    "

next page:

Lansing Haring son of Demarest Haring
Married to Mary Jane fowler february 1d 1861
he was born
she was born february 1d 1839
they were Married by Rev D. B. turner
at Mortonville near Near Newburgh

a Son born January 24 d 1862 George Emmot

next page: in pencil

Jan Louw Bogert's son Nicholas (Klaas) son
John's daughter Anna Bogert married Jacobus Roosevelt
Miss Scuyler married John Roosevelt
Abraham B. Haring --Peter Haring of North Holland
married Margaret Janse Bogert, their son John born Dec 26 1633
Cozine 1662 their son Cozine m ---their son John m --
John's son Frederick born 1729 m---their son John born
June 14th 1760 m Nov 14 1781 Jemima Blauvelt daughter
of Teunis Blauvelt they had two sons Frederick and Teunis
Teunis was born Sept 7, 1787. m Elizabeth Perry they had 4
children-Abraham 18-, Jane, wife of Ralph S Demrest
Peter T and John T.

next page:

Mary Elisabeth daughter of Demarest Haring
Married to Edward Dipple in the City of New York March 3rd 1861

a Daughter Henrietta born Dec 23rd 1861

next page:

Eliza Ann Sarvent one of the Daughters
of John Sarvant and Rachel Haring
was Married to Benjamine Franklin Ackerman
October 31d 1866 at Piermont by the Revd Mr. Taylor


next page:

Demarest Haring Family of children

1st Demarest Haring Born May 17 1813
2nd Henrietta Hauptman Haring Born December 7, 1819
3rd Lansing Haring Born February 16th 1836
4th Mary E Haring born October 11th 1839
5th George Harring Born January 14th 1842
6th Cornelius D. Haring Born March 24, 1844
7th Margaret Ann Haring Born February 13th 1846
8th William F Haring Born February 28th 1848
9th Martha Matilda Haring Born November 25th 1852

Lansing Harings Children son of Demarest Haring
1 George Emmet Haring Born February 24th 1862
2 Ida D Haring Born January 3rd 1864

next page:

Catharine Elisabeth Hopkins Daughter of Obedia Hopkins and Mary Haring
was Married to John Kohler January 5d 1862

there children
1d a Son born July 2d 1863 Named Benjamine he Died December 16d 1864

2d a Son born May 20d 1865 Named Charles Stephen

in pencil: John Kohler Died September 25d 1873 Hackensack, N.J.

next page: in pencil, and erased. Impossible to read.

next page:

Sarah one of the daughters of John M Powles and Martynje Haring
is married to Jacob G Brinkerhoff

Their Children

1st a daughter named Maria married Henry W. Christie

2   a daughter named Leetty married James Bogert

3   a daughter named Lydia married Abram Blanch

4   a daughter named Rachel married Joseph Haring
      Rachel's daughter Sarah m Henry Moore

5   a daughter named Mathilda died August 25 1878 in her 60th year

6   a daughter named Sarah (crossed out)   married Henry Moore

6   a son named Paul

7   a son named John died Dec 20 1895


next page:

Sarah one of the daughters of John M Powles and Martynje Haring
is married to Jacob G Brinkerhoff

Sarah Powles widow of Jacob G Brinkerhoff died Sept 3rd 1877 in her 84 year

next page:

Mary Emma Hopkins one of the daughters of Mary Hopkins
was married to Randle Tallman October 1 1863

Their Children
1  a son born July 22 1864 named Nelson Hopkins

next page:

Sylvia Ann one of the daughters of Mary Hopkins
was married to James White October 1 1863

Their Children

1 a daughter born March 4, 1865 named Mary Hopkins

next page:

Charles Tallman son of Warren Tallman from Nyack Rockland County N.Y.
was Married to Ann Lavinia daughter of John P. Haring of Closter Bergen County New Jersey
the 8th Day of October D 1865 in Paterson by the Revd Mr. Steel

(Charles Tallman Born August 21d 1842
Ann Lavinia Born September 27d 1847)

There Children

1d a Daughter born October 14d D 1866 named Elvira

next page:
                             son of Thimothy Secor
Anbrose Secor was married to Emily Smith the 1st day
of January 1863

Their Children

1 a Daughter born October 1864 Named Viola Rosalba
2 a Daughter born               Named Edith Alvina
3 a Daughter born              Named Bertha Justina

next page:

Mr George Gedney was married to Estella Pettinger April 23, 1866

on a piece of paper inserted here:

Viola Secor married Burton D Moore of Vermont in the year 1901



possible May or June

they Children
a Daughter born Oct 1902
Valette Secor has a
Wife and two children
Ambrose T Secor Jr
Edith Mabel Secor
Jennie Secor married
Frederick Krane Nov (2)7th 1902
Mr Ambrose Secor lives
No 262 Hart Street
Brooklyn, L.I.

next page:

William Augustus Tallman son of Cornelius Tallmen
and Jane Snedeker formerly from Nyack Rockland County N.Y.

Married to Lydia Anna Bogert daughter of Jacob S Bogert and Martina Haring June 1d 1864
they were married in tappan town N.Y. State
By the Revd Mr. Blauvelt Pastor of the Church


1d a Son born May 1865 Named Egbert Bogert

2d a Daughter born Sept 11d 1866 Named

next page:

Simon Westervelt son of John D Westervelt
Christie from Schraalenburgh Bergen County N Jersey

Their Children

1d a Son Named Arthur born August 22d 1867

2d a Daughter named Antoinette born April 26 1875

3d a Daughter named Alice Irena born March 9th 1877

on a paper inserted here:

Derick Haring was born May 1 1731
was married to Sophia Bogert of Peter Bogert
she was born March 13 1739


1 a son named Cornelius

2 a daughter named Rachel m Albert Waldrom

3 a daughter named Lydia m James Waldrom

4 a daughter named Maria

5 a son named Peter m Maria Haring

Derick Haring died December 2 1815



aged 84 years
Sophia Bogert widow of Derick Haring died December 9 1820 aged 81 years

next page: in pencil

Cornelius Schuyler Ancestry

Philip Pieterson Schuyler came from Amsterdam Holland in 1650
settled at Albany, N.Y. married
Margritta Slechtenhorst

Their children

Arent born June 25 1662, settled at Pompton in the year 1697
removed to New Barbadoes in 1710
The copper Mines were discovered in his tract
Arent had 8 children among whom was Philip born 1688,
he married Hester Kingsland
their son Arent born Feb 23d 1715  Arent's son Adonijah born Jan 1st 1754,
he married Elizabeth Bogert  she was born March 5th 1762.
They had 4 children named Helen, Elizabeth, Aaron and Cornelius Schuyler
Mr Adon Schuyler died Sept 6th 1831, his wife died Mar 16 1821
Their son Cornelius was born Apr 30th 1795,
he married Anna Mersielis, she was born Oct 4 (?) 1798

next page:

William Henry Westervelt son of John D. Westervelt and    Christie
from Schraalenburgh Bergen County New Jersey

1st a Daughter
2nd a Daughter
3rd a Son

next page:

Isaac Newtown Bell born October 10th 1854
and married February 8d 1873 in the City of New York to
Emma Ferdon from Alpine Bergen County she was born

1 a Daughter born November 2d 1873 Clara

2 a Daughter born September 20d 1875 named Alida

3 a Son born                         named Warren

next page:

Died in New York City Dec 25th 1862 Rev. Cornelius T Demarest
in the 77th year of his age.


next page: in pencil

Bugg-Jones married on Wednesday Jan 27th 1904 at 175 Halsey St Brooklyn,
Florence Dudley Jones to Edward Irving Bugg

Jones- Jan 27th 1904 Died in N.Y. City  Capt Elbert H Jones
funeral at Clinton Conn Jan 20 int.

next page:

Died in New York City Martin Blanch
in his 74th year October 28th 1862

next page:

Died the 24th August 1862 Betsey Haring in N York
Daughter of Abraham Haring Deceased of New York

next page:  in pencil

At Chectowago Erie County September
25 of typhoid dysententery Maria
Haring relict of Elbert Kip
late of Kips Bay N.Y. in th 74
year of her age 1853.
Died at Paramus N.J. at the
residence of her son Wessel
Wessels august 12 Mary
Bogert relict of the late Wessels
Wessels in the 89 year
of her age 1853   she was
the Daughter of the Late Jacobus
Bogart and Born in the City of
New York December 3
1764 she was married
on the 2d April 1792 (or 3)

next page:

Sally      wife of John T. Blauvelt was born
in the City of Philadelphia     1791
she was Married february   1810 at tappan
town Rockland County state of New York by her
Uncle the Revd Nicholas Lansing

next page:

Roseanna Bogart and Edgar a boy
that Lived by Jacob Bogarts have
the mumps Now in July 29 1860
Sarah Mariah has them now 1860
Ella Bell Daughter of Edger Bell has ...?
whooping Cough in 1861 in the winter
Edgar Bell left us for georgia in
October 1860 .........(unreadable)


next page:

Elizabeth Scuyler Depeyster the Daughter of John Depyster
and widow of Mr Champlain
Departed this Life the 11 of July 1858
(in pencil:) 82 years old when she Died in 1858

next page:

on the 27 .....?....at Detroit Mich in the 45 year
of her age Mrs Ann Eliza Stone wife of R B Stone
and formerly Ann Eliza Dean of Glens falls N.Y. and eldest Daughter
of Samuel Dean of this City she has had an heir

Henry H Dean Son of Samuel Dean   25
pf N.. Departed this Life November 1857

next page: in pencil

Lydiann...Irish?..and Delia...Isaac
Newton Bell have had the measels
in the fall of 1859..Matilda Haring
Jacop Haring.....Catherine Haring
had the measels in the fall 1859
Anna Cordelia Bell has had
the mumps in October 1860
Isaac Newton Bell has had the
Mumps in October 1860 6 years old
Susan Catherine (name Sarah crossed out)
has the hooping cough in october
Anna Cordelia in 1860 Bell and Isaac ?
Newton have the hooping cough in November 1860

next page:

Sarah Vandolfson widow of Richard Blauvelt Esquire
Departed this Life february 16 1857 in her 97 year

the oldest Maried Couple Now Living are supposed to be
A Mr Snyder and his wife who reside in Burnside Pa he is a 111
and she 107 years old and have been Maried 93 years in february 1858


Sarah Maria Bogart Lydianna
Catherine Elizabeth and Rosanna
have had the Whooping Cough in
the fall of 1851 . ? Lydian Brush
John C. Haring Maria P Haring
Jacob P Haring have had the
Hooping Cough December 1843
Lydia Ann Brush John C Haring
Mary Martilda Bell have
had the mumps in the spring
1846  Peter C Haring Rachel
Haring Mary Matilda Haring
at the same time 1846
Sarah Haring Lydianna have
....the  (trine? kine?)...pox
....I Haring &.........?

next page:

Sophia Haring Mary Martilda Haring
Cornelius Demerest  Susan Catherine (last name crossed out in pencil)
have had the hooping Cough in the fall of 1851
P C Haring  John C Haring
John Sarvent have had the
small pox in march 1854
Jacob Bogarts Children have had the meazels
John P Harings Mary M Cornelius Susan in
Catherine 1859  Lydiann anno   13   1859
  Newton measels                September
(in pencil at bottom)
Sarah Maria Bogart Lydianna Catherine
Elizabeth Rosana have had the measels in
the fall 1859 Catherine Elizabeth had the
mumps in July 1860 in Locust year
Lydianna Bogart has had the mumps
    in 1860 Locust year

next page:

Rev Cornelius Blauvelt Pastor of the North Church Schaulenbg
he has Lived there fifteen years as A minister of the gosple
he has Discharged his Duty   fait ?
ly but at length there arose a
Dispute in the Congregaton wich
Caused Division so he hs not?  yet?
Discharge he has Preachd his
farewell sermon on sunday
the 25 of april 1858 text from
100-22 psalms 6 verse to a very
Large and?? audience?  he Came home in forty four


on Sabbath Morning a ...motant ? in the
North Church at Schraalenburgh
By the father of the Bride Rev ...?....
offering prayer Mr Richard Derem (sic)
us of old Bridge to Eliza ann Eldest
Daughter of Rev Cornelius of SCraulenburgh
N C Blauvelt 1 October 1854
Rachel Blauvelt Second Daughter of the Rev Cornenelius Blauvelt
was married the 16 of January 1856
By the Rec Mr Warner from HacenSack
to John van saun from California Wither she intends going
the 5 of februarary she is not gone
she went afterwards and returned alone
note LHB: the last several words in later ink)

next page:

Eliza ann Blauvelt Eldest Daughter of Rev Conelius Blauvelt N C
Departed this Life the 20 Septem 1856
Rachel seund (?) Daughter of the Rev Cornelius Blauvelt
and wife of John vansaun Left her father house for California
to meet her husband the 5 Day of January 1857 Come alone
she has Come back to her faths
29 of May 1857
Calvin Blauvelt Son of the Rev Cornelis Blauvelt N C
Departed this Life--october 30 1857, Ann Second Wife of the
Revd Cornelius Blauvelt Departed this Life April 23d 1860

next page: (writing extremely difficult to read)
      the Late professor Cannon
the Death of Dr Cannon occoring at the
time of tinre of the anniversaries Conne
cted with the Commencment of       ing
Rutchers College added amellow
and deep interest to the occasion Dr Can
non spent the whole of his Life first as
a pastor of the adjacent ministeriel Life
Churches of Millstone and Six mile
run for thirty years
and then for twenty Six years
professor Jamenes spencer Cannon was



Born in the Island of Curaco a January 2d 1776
at an early period of Life he left his native place and settled
in Hackensack N.J.  he studied with Dr. freighly and
Dr Livingston Licened in 1806 twenty years of age
he Died the 26 of July 1852

next page:

            the oldest Inhabtant Stum...?
Mr. editor. I am not the oldest Inhabitant but I Distinctly know that
on the Eighth of May 1802 snow fell one foot deep and on the morning of
the 9 My farther took me to School in a sleigh 16 Miles th Lombardy and polars
(note LHB: this word in no doubt poplars, as letters have been added above.)
were in full leaf and stripped of all their limbs from top to bottom
this in n Jersey not forty miles from New York

John B Cole and frowje his wife joined the Church at Scraulenburg
the 6 Day of December 1855 North

next page:

Jane Cole wife of abraham B Cole Departed this Life March first 1854
Rachel Ann Demarest Daughter of Samuel and Rachel Demerest Departed this Life march 7
(7 scratched out and 4 inserted) 1854
Sarah Demerest Eldest Daughter of Samuel P Demerest Departed this Life
September 9 1855  29 years
Elizabeth Gitty Demerest Departed this Life March 21 1852
Ann gisner widow of Joshua Brush Departed this Life September 11 1855
82 (or 3) years

next page:

1851   the Death of an old frand
Died in New Brunswick on the monday 28 of July 185?
Catharine Cannon Wife of the venerable Dr Cannon



in 75 th year of her age  Mrs Cannon
was honourably Descended from
the ancient famels of the brevorts and
Stoutenburgs of New York born in the
Midst of the revolution of wich her
father Mr Elias Brevort who had removed
to Hackensack was a warm and Efficient supporter
the place wich she occupied in the affections of the
People among whom she Lived for the Last thirty years
as the wife of the pastor her Last words were
I am going to Jesus she was maried fifty years

next page:

th Rev Doctor Phillip Meld o llard .....?
Divinity of the Reformed Dutch Church Died September 22
aged 77 his wife Died on the following Day and their funeral
was attended by an immence Concourse in New york on the 25
he graduated at Columbia Colledge in 1792 and in 1794
at the age of 19 he settled in the German Reformed Church
in New York   Preaching in both German and English
the right Rec philander Chase Doctor of Divinity died at
peoria Illinois September 20 aged 76 in 1852

next page:

on tuesday morning 24 ult Rev Wilhelmus Elting aged 73 years
Died at his residence at acquackanonck of Parelysie
He was taken ill Early on sabbath morning & 2 ult and
expired on the morning of the following Tuesday being Ill
only a little more than forty Eight hours, He was Deprved
of his speech from the Commencement of the attact thus
has fallen by the hand of Death one
more of the few of the aged ministers
of the Reformed Dutch Church that
were Left for more than fifty years
he was the Devoted pastor of the Church of Paramus


next page:

Soloman freighleigh a minister of the
gosple when he first Came to Hackensack
and Schraalenburgh in 1786 he found each
of the Congregations rent in two pieces
two manner of people Dwelling there
he took his residence at Schraalenburgh
and remained there till the Day of
his Death in october 1827 four ministers
besides himself and secen Congregations
with their Consistories formed themself
into a separate body by the name and
title of the true Reformed Dutch Church
in america   they Call it the sesesion
the Reverend solomon freeligh Departed
this Life october 8 1827 in 78 year of
his age and 53 of his ministry.

next page:

Mrs. Hopper Wife of Andrew W. Hopper
Departed this Life April 27 1849 in her
99 year of her age her maiden Name
was maria Lerue Le Rue
Ramapough N.Y. on Sunday february
3 in the 79 year of his age States Bogart
Esq farther in Law of Henry P Hagerman
at New Jersey 1850
Ann Bogart daughter of
States and Wife of Henry Hagerman
Departed this Life the Last of october
or the first of November 1849
at his residence in Ramapo N.J. on
the morning of the first Inst
Judge Henry Brasher Hagerman
in the 65 year of age 1853
Died at Ramapo N.J. on Wednesday June
20 in 96 Elisa Ann hopper wife
Andrew Hagerman Left twin orl?
a girl and boy

next page:

Martha dean youngest Daughter of Samuel Dean
she went to glens falls for her health
Departed this Life agust 24 184?
Hannah Dean third Daughter of Samuel Dean Departed this Life october 1 1851
Mary Ann Dean  Died Nov 16th 1853
in Adrian Michigan
Mrs Mary Ann Dean Wife of Benjamin Dean died in New York
at the house of her father th 16 of July 1854



an infant Child of Benjamin Dean Departed this Life october 6 1854

next page:

the Reverend Peter Stryker Died on the 6 of march in the
City of New Brunswick at the House of his son Rev herman B Stryker
after a lingering illness in the 84 year of his age
the Rev Peter Stryker Born in the year 1763
he was ordained in the year 1787 and labored in the reformed Dutch Church
During a period of Sixty years
Departed this Life on the morning of the 27 of December 1856
at his residence in fourth street in this City
the Rev William Provost Kuypers in the 79th year of his Life
and after a service in the Ministry of Jesus Christ of more than fifty years
he was the Last surviving of five Brothers who studied for the ministry.

next page:

.....(words scratched out)  pastor
Doctor Livingston pastor of the north Church in New york
in 1796 he removed from the City to a place which he had purchased
at bedford about two miles from Brooklyn he Departed this Life
January 19 1825 he was in his 79 year (or 99)
in 181.....?   two lines scratched out........
            the Rev Mr Winfield
Who has been pastor of the paramus Church
Departed this Life 17 November 1856

next page:

Revd Peter Ligght son of Rev Matthew Ligght
Became Pastor or the Ramapough Church in the year 1789
and Departed this Life june 12 1790 aged 28 years Died at Slaulenburgh the 14 of May 1847
the wife of the Reverend Cornelius Blauvelt   By the North Church
Elizabeth Mandevill was her Name
Rev Cornelius Blauvelt Married
his second wife the widow Degroat the 2 of January 1849


Johanas Joseph Blauvelt father of Rev Cornelius Blauvelt
Departed this Life 1855 30 of November

next page:

Revd Solomon freleigh Departed this Life october 18, 1826 (7 inserted over the 6 in pencil)

Rachel vanderbake Consort of the Revd Solomon freleigh Departed this Life
December 21 1815

Revd James Remeyn Departed this Life June 27 1840 aged 75 years      till 1836
     Come th ...H  1799 remained

Rvd Stephen gutches Departed this Life January 9, 1837

Rvd John Demerest Departed this Life april th 8 1837 in the 73 year of his age

Sarah Christy wife of Revd John Demerest 
Departed this Life
Died at New Brunswick N.J. on Sabbath
afternoon oct 24 1841   Samuel J Hopper
aged 19 years 8 months 9 days (in pencil son of John Hopper)
a student from tappan. (in pencil: brother of Mary Leah Hopper
now wife of Abraham Holdrum)

next page:

Elizabeth Lydecker Consort of the Rv Cornelius Blauvelt
Departed this Life august 1833

He was married to Polly Bogart 1833 (or 5)
Polly Bogart second wife of Rev Cornelius Blauvelt Departed this Life May th 10 1840

Rvd Cornelius Blauvelt was married to Tiny Debaun th 15 of September 1840

tiny Debaun wife of Cornelius Blauvelt Departed this Life January 26 1843

Rev Cornelius Blauvelt was married to his fourth wife Rebecah Ackerman November 16 1843

(in pencil: Rev Cornelius Blauvelt Departed this Life august 24 1861)

next page:

Rvd Nicholas Lansing was born th 21st September 1748

Dorcas Sarah Dickinson was born the 12th of august 1746


continued (writing hard to read)

Revd Nicholas Lansing Departed this Life 26 of September 1835 in the
55th year of his ministry and in the 52nd year in this place

Dorcas Sarah Dickinson consort of the Revd N L Departed this life
  30th of June 1814 (it may be 1816)

Reveren Nicholas Lansing Departed this Life th September 26 1835 aged 87

Charles Dickerson Departed this Life September 21 1836 aged 84

Else Dickerson Departed this Life 1837 aged 87

next page:

Abraham Thomsen Blauvelt son of John A blauvelt was born July 10 1818

Maryann Blauvelt Daughter of John T Blauvelt was born July 10 1820

th said Thomson and Maryann were Married July 10 1839

their issue

1 a daughter named Catherine Elizabeth
   born    1841
David Malanghton Blauvelt son of John A Blauvelt Died october 10 1840

next page:

Inscription on a tomb stone at Closter New Jersey

    Here lies
   the remains of
   Dowe Talema
   Who died on the 11th day of May 1779
      in his Ninetieth year
This aged man at his residence near this
place was willfully and barbarously mur
dered by a party of Tories, Traitors to
their country who had taken refuge with
the troops of Britain then in New York
And Come thence to Murder burn
   and plunder
To pay a tribute of Respect to his memory
and also to commemorate the Manner
of his Death several of his relations
have erected this stone - - - - -


last page:

I have been to see my Aunt
(in pencil: nee Sarah (Naugle) Naugle)
Haring widow of Abraham A
Haring in 1845 she had
Been 89 year old in may
I must have been there about
three weeks before she died she was quite
smart the 16 of September I was
there.  (in pencil: Aunt A Haring was Sarah Naugle daugher of
Barent Naugle and Maria B.)

The eldest inhabitant is said
to be a woman now living in moscow
in russia who is 168 years of age
at the age of 122 she married her
fifth husband

old Mrs Westervelt widow of
Benjamin Westervelt was 83
     years old th? 2 day of May
       1847 (1849?)

on margin: Died in New York March 24d 1866
James Forrester aged 92 years

on back cover: some figures

Pegg Briggs widow of mat brigs died Dec ?  february
                                              23  1854

(two lines erased)
Eliza kip widow of Samuel kip Departed this Life february 1846

Lansing Secor was married in April 1850

the following is taken from loose papers in the book, not in any set place.
It is impossible to follow spacing exactly.


written in pencil on both sides of a card for the Hydrocarbon
Burner Co., manufacturers of Oil Burners for Heat, Light and
Power 197 Fulton Street, New York:

Jane Haring widow of John J. Haring died Jan 26th 1839

John Haring, son-in-law of Jacob and Maria Acker died March 23rd 1849

William I Haring son of Isaac J Haring died May 23d 1849

Maria Haring N.Y. City wife of Garret Bogert died Apr 19th 1845
   aged 60 yrs

Garret Bogert son of Johannes Bogert died May 31st 1849

Abraham P Haring son of Peter G Haring died Dec 1850

John Haring in Rockland died Feb 22nd 1854 perhaps
Nicholas Harings father

Trintje Garrabrandt widow of David A. P. Haring died May 1846 age...

Elizabeth Haring widow of Peter A Haring died Sept 20 1851

Cornelius Haring son of David J Haring died at Tappantown Nov 1 1851

1851 Snow in December last of Dec foggy and rainy the frost went
mostly out of the ground 2nd or 3rd of January hail and rain & snow
made good Sleighing 1852.

John Pet..erson held Vendue January 8th 1852

Dr Isaac freoleigh Died January 8th 1852

Lavina wife of Abraham Concklin at Piermont died January 1852
   first part of Month
1852 Saturday night January 10th Snowed and .......(paper torn)
it snowed part of the Day Monday 12th Cold and Windy fro...
1852 Died at his Grandfathers David Campbell so...
Clifton Campbell aged 6 years
1852 Sunday January 18th Snowed all Day
    (on other side of same page)
quite good Sleighing yet the 8th of february 1852

1853 July 2nd Saturday Morning Uncle James Demarest and Aunt Betsey
came here and stayed till Sunday Morning the 3rd of July and
preached at tappantown in the little church.

on paper, Simeon Westervelt, Carpenter and Builder in Cresshill, N.J. 189-
                    united with church
Jacob Riker m Leah Powles 1837
Jane Mabie m John V B Johnson 1841
Maria Mabie m Gilbert D Blauvelt 1854
Ann Maria Mabie m Saml S Verbryck 1856
Maria Mabie wife of Cornelius P Mabie 1858
Sarah Onderdonk m Sam'l A Haring 1854
Hannah Riker wf Abraham Riker

next page:

John V H. Secor was married to Agnes Ann Banta, Feb 8th 1849
She was born Nov 10th 1829 and died June 2nd 1850
Their son born May 18th and died 20th 1850 aged 30 hours.
Lansing H Secor was married to Mary Francis Bogert Apr 16th 1850

she was born Dec 26 1829



Julia Anna Daughter of James and Elmira Secor born Oct 13 1849
John V H Secor was married the 6 (?) of November by the Rev Dr McCloud
to Margaret A Blair all of this City

small paper:  My mother's grandfather whose name was John Van beek
married into the family of the Kips of Kips Bay and I wish to know to whom.

obit notice:  HARRISON, Suddenly, March 1, 1902 ELIZABETH KIP daughter of the late
Samuel Kip of kip's Bay New York City and wife of the late George Harrison of
London, England. Funeral services at the residence of her son-in-law Frank A Pettit
19 Evergreen Place Brick Church East Orange, N.Y. Monday morning March 3 at
eleven o'clock. London papers please copy.

small paper: Sam'l Kip died Dec 1847. Nancy (Fowler) Kip died
March 10 1900 in her 93 year. Elizabeth (KIP) Harrison dau of
Samuel Kip wife of George Harrison of England died March 1st 1902.

small slip of paper between pgs 60 and 61:

William Haring was married Dec 13th 1897.
Miss Christine Roosevelt daughter of W. Emlen Roosevelt
Brayton Ives, Irving Place, NY.C.
Augusta E. Roosevelt

on larger sheet between same pages:

Sarah M Demarest d of Isaac C Blauvelt died Dec 24 1878 in the
45 year of her age. In Hackensack Belinda Christie w of David
Van Horn died Dec 10, 1878, aged 60 yrs 5 mo 12 ds, at Nanuet N.Y.
James M Demarest died Jan 29 1879 aged 68 years. In N.Y. Julia
Quackenbush w of John DeMott d of Hester and the late Andrew
Quackenbush d March 8 1879 in her 25 year at Paterson N.J. Sarah
Demarest w of Rev John Berdan died May 24 1879 in her 79th year of
her age.

At Monsey, N.Y. Albert A Bogert died
June 6, 1879 in his 88 year, at Closter N.J. Belinda Van Horn w of
Lawson, died June 28, 1879 in her 38 year John, son of the late Dr
Soloman died March 18, 1879 in his 82 year. At Nanuet N.Y. David P.
Demarest died June 30, 1881 in his 66 year. Sally Loucks w of
Wm Bellinger Sr died Sept 6 1881 aged 67 yrs 7 mos 4 days. At
Nanuet Hannah Sarvant widow of Peter M Demerest died Feb 3, 1884
aged 86 yrs 6 mo 20 days. David son of James Christie died April 8

paper between pgs 62 and 63:

Watson H. Bell was married to Juliette Pelton De Revere July 17th 1886

Children of Watson Bell:



Harrington born April 17, 1887
Alma Born September 17th 1888
Blanche born July 23rd 1890
Edgar Born August 4th 1891
Harrington Died August 22d 1887
Alma Died July 23d 1890
Blanche Died July 4th 1891

paper inserted between pgs 86 and 87

Samuel Kip b Nov 13 1731
Died Feb 14 1804 aged 74 years

Ann Kip b Dec 31, 1744
died May 20, 1801 aged 56 years

Catherine Kip wf of John Van tuyl daughter of Samuel Kip
died March 24, 1847 aged 71 years

Eliza widow of Samuel Kip Feb 1846
Henry Kip son of Samuel Kip elder died
Mary Kip wife of M. More died daughter too.

John C. Haring son of Elbert Haring was m to Hannah Kilmore
Nov 26 1829
daughter Mary Jane
daughter Rachel died young
son George died young
son George died young
son Andrew Jackson
son John
daughter Lydia and Esther, Twins
son Leuther Thornton

paper inserted between pg 88 & 89:

March 18th 1904: On March 18th Elizabeth Harrison Jones, wife of
Wm Jones, interment in Woodlawn Cemetery.

George Haring married Alice Mapes. Frank Mapes m Margaret Ann
 Haring.  their children:

1st Demrest Mapes has 2 children
1st Demarest Haring
2nd Marion Erroll
Edith Foster marr Frank Foster. no children
Elbert Mapes mar Grace Hunter
1st Elbert
2nd Frederic Irwin
Frank Maurice Mapes m Frances Gunther
1st Maurice
2nd Foster
3rd Frank
4th child of Frank Mapes
Sanford Nathan m Clara Miller Jan 14, 1904

on separate sheet:

Peter D Bell & Maria his wife 1852 Tuesday October 5th, moved to
New York Lydia Anne, & Daniel P Bell they went to Huylers Landing
on board the Steam Boat Washington--Irving, Captain Lawrence J.
Sneeden part owner of said Boat running from upper Nyack to New
York they went to live at the corner of third avenue and twenty
eighth Street on the third floor and the rent was $180. dollars a


year or 15 dollars a Month Daniels wages was 2 dollars a day.
April 15th moved up their furniture, Peter D. Bell & Daniel P Bell.
remained in New York P. D. Beggs wages is $2. per day and Daniel
I think $2.25 they Board with Mr. Smith on 3rd Avenue.
1852 December 8th on Wednesday John P. Harings Wife Keziah left him
and moved to Pascack, she took all her furniture and all the children.
1853- Sunday morning January 30th Isaac B Cole Broke his arm.


on loose papers:

William Harring Son of Abraham Haring Departed this Life 30 of
November 185? (Note: two lines unable to read) November 1858
two men executed at the New City Court House on thurs Day th 16
December 1858 for murder they were inhuman. Catherine Blauvelt wife
of John Bell and daughter of Isaac Blauvelt Departed this Life
21 of march at twelve o'clock at Night 1859. a woman at milford ?
Wife of Daniel Baker commited suicide by herself ? on th 23 of
march 185? Jacob acker son of Thomas Acker & Maria ??? Departed this
Life on sunday eventide th 3 of april 1859 85 years. Effy Blanch
widow of John Smith Departed this Life the last wed in march 1859.
Cornelia Sufferon Daughter of Esquire Sufferon an widow of Doctor
Rosengrant Departed this Life april 13 1859 in her 85th year.

(note, first seven lines of other side of paper crossed out and
illegible. Handwriting is vey bad.)

      .....George Bell was maried to Emele Cock? wood (Lockwood?)
th 20 of february 1859
Ma    Dure ? 16 April 1859 an old Lady by the name of Post
Died Aug 1 100 and 9 years old Died 29 or 30 of May 1860 David an ......?

the widow Albert was Den......?
her Name was Debaun Died
Lately at Pascack at the advanced
age of a hundred and three years
          in 59
James Demerest Son of James Demarest (or Demend)
below the hill Departed this Life
......24 1860
             .............18 May 1860?

next paper:

                              from Ramapo
Bridget Christy Daughter of David I Christie
was maried to John Blauvelt son of John
th 15 of february 1855. Sarah Parcels, Daughter of David and Martha
Parcels was maried to John Cooper son of James C. and Levina Cooper
from Piermont on the 25 of June 1856.  Ann sistenia (sutemia?)
was maried to Albert Hess (or Kees) the 22 of September 1856 Maried
by the Rev Isaac D Cole. Maria Jacox maried by Rev Isaac Cole, Daughter
of William Jacox was maried to herm..........sunday Evening 26
of october ....Maria Cane ? 1856 Camble Daughter of Crusius and Sarah
Camble was maried to Mr Jin (or Din) Wednesday evening 29 of october
1856. (this writing very old, feeble and hard to read)

on opposite side:

Andrew Bogart and his wife from Hackensack went on their way to
Philadelphia in october 1855 they were not far on their way were
dashed to peices on the Rocks and all were lost the hands and those
two people Mr Bogart and his wife were soon found and buried in the
french burying ground Between the old and New Bridges and a little
boy of Dowe Banta three years old was Drownded by the dock? in the
creek by Henry Westervelts the 1 Day of November. Died at Tenifly



a Daughter 1855 of Garry and Polly Westervelt and wife of Garry
odle th 2 Day of November 1855  Benjamin odle from Paramus
Departed this Life November the 1 1855  Garry odles father

1 Abraham Anderson has a son born June 5, 1854 Named Richard, a
     second John Son born November 24 1855 Named
2 George.

1 Jacop vervalen Son of Jacop vervalen has a son Born June 1 1851
     (or 4) Named Charles
2 Jacop vervalen has a Daughter Named Emmy born 1852

1 John Demot has a Daughter born June 7 1851
2 John Demot has his second Daughter Born
3 John Demot has his third Daughter born

Jacop vervalen has his third Child a Son Born John Demot has his
fourth Child his first Son born November 29 1856

on a badly torn and worn paper:

Lavina Westervelt wife of John C Myres
Departed this Life february 14 1850
Ramapough N.Y. on Sunday february 3  In the 79 year of his age
States Bogart Esq. father in Law of Henry Judge B Hagerman at
New Jersey 1850. (note LHB: the word "judge" is written as tho it were:

Ann Bogart Daughter of States Bogart and Wife of Henry B Hagerman
Departed this Life the Last of october or the first of November 1849
Bridget Blauvelt wife of Cornelius Demrest Departed this Life february
27 1850.
Abraham G (?) Blauvelt departed this Life .....uary 23 1850
                 Westervelt Daughter of Peter
                    Westervelt Departed this
                      17 1850 16 years of age
                        n at tappan Departed

other side:

Albartus Peterson Departed this Life
May 17 or 18th 1850
Mrs Lusk from below the New
Dock Departed this Life June
1 or second 1850
William Humphry Departed this Life
a little over the Middle of May 1850
John Secor son of timothy Secor was
Was married in January 1849
his wife Departed this Life June 19
(His wife Departed this Life June 9
(Cornelius Cambel son of Cornelius
and Sarah Camble Departed this
this Life July 6 185...
Isaac Hutton was drw...
swadlow formerly Cal...
8 of July 1850 she m...



River near the glass
two youn.........
we re..........

James Ives died at Piermont N.Y. Nov 24th 1854 would like to
know if you know anything of Elizabeth Ives who married Abraham
E. Haring or of her relatives.

Thomas H. Herring was a lineal descendant from the Archbishop of
Canterbury, England and his great-grand father, Thomas, a native
of England was the progenitor of the family in New England and
settled at Dedham, Mass. where the family engaged in agricultural

Great grandfather, Thomas had two sons William and Thomas.
The latter returned to England, but his whereabouts has never since
been known by the family in this country. The former, William, was
grandfather of our subject, and also spent his life in Massachusetts.

Thomas, son of William, born at Dedham Mass married March 15th 1804
to Lucy Olds born Oct 1st 1776, died June 8 1849, Jan 8, 1875
went to Albany, N.Y. while a young man. (Note LHB: the underlined
sentence has been squeezed in between)
and engaged in mercantile pursuits and in shipping, trading interest
between there and N.Y. City. The latter part of his life was spent as a
banker in Albany  He died June 3rd 1827 leaving the following children:
William Clark, born Apr 12th 1805
was a wholesale merchant in N.Y. City but died in London England.
2nd Elizabeth Mary, born May 22nd 1808 became wife of Jonas Conkling of N.Y.
3d Thomas Hughs, the subject of this sketch
4th Lucy Ann, born March 9, 1814 became the wife of the Hon. Elisha N. Pratt
   of Greenbush N.Y. who represented the city of Troy in the N.Y. State Senate 2 terms.
Elisha Pratt died Feb 25th 1856, his wife Lucy Ann died Oct 15th 1866.
Their only child Elisha Herring Pratt
Thomas Hughs Haring, born Aug 7th 1812 died July 1st 1874
Thomas Hughs Haring married July 16th 1834 Sabina Tignear born
   June 29, 1819 she was grand daughter of Thomas Tignear
   and Nancy Brown of New Paltz, N.Y.
Elisha Herring Pratt m Agnes Jacobus daughter of Nicholas Jacobus of Ridgefield.

on folded paper: side #1

Adolphus Maby father of William Maby Departed this Life October 16, 1857

Cornelius Blacklege Departed this Life october 18, 1857

84 years old Mr Terhune
who came from California
in the fall 1857 Departed
this Life in october the same
falled by a horse in New



York  Calvin Blauvelt Son of the Rev Cornelius Blauvelt N C
Departed this Life october 30 1857
David ferdon Son of Henry furdon Departed this Life December 6 1857

Maria vervalen Daughter of Daniel G vervalen and widow of Jeremiah Bogert
and now of Mr Pitcher died in December 1857

Rachel Bell Daughter of William Bell and widow of adolphus Maby
Departed this Life December 1857  26

Page 2:

Dr. Dickerson Died on thursday at Leonia 1858 by taking poisin

Wife of William Huyler and Daughter of Casparus Zebriske Departed this Life
   on Wednesday morning 27 of January 1858 died of con.........

Peter Vanorden Son of ...?... Departed this Life february 2 1858

Mrs Lyon wife of Jabe ? Lyon Depar   this Life february 6 1858

Vroweje Parcel wife of John B Cole Departed this Life february 5th 1858

thomas Blauvelt Son of Jacop Blauvelt Departed this Life March 13 1858

Mr Singller ? in the mountains Departed this Life March 18 1858

an infant Child of David vervalen in the mountains Departed this Life March 18 1858.

James Requa Son in Law of Isaac Blanch Departed this Life April 16 1858

Jacob Parcels son of Jacob and Cornelia Parsels Departed this Life May 19 1858

Mrs Jackom Son ? Maria Moved to Piermont 2d of may 1858

page 3:

Catherine vervalen Daughter of John vervalen was married on Wednesday 17 of March 1858
to Obadiah Jordan Son of David Jordan.

the oldest maried couple alive and supposed to
Be a Mr snyder and his wife
...reside in burnside Pa
he is 111 and she is 107 years old
and they have been married about
93 years in 1858   Jacob Jordan Son of


Joseph Jordon was maried to Else
Ann Daughter of Obediah older
May 1858  Jacob Demerest Son
Son of Joseph Demera was maried
to Margaret N Dure ?  both from schaun
lenburgh May 15 1858
William Huyler widow was
married to Teun??? Parcel the 10
Day of february 1859
James Blauvelt Son of Rev...?
Blauvelt was maried to
Marie Dure Daughter of John
Dure from tonfly on Wednesday
12 april 1859
riner Debow Departed this Life
July 24 1860  80 years old

page 4:

John Henry Anderson son of Albert anderson was Maried to
Maria Chirsty Daughter of James Christy December 12 1857

Lydiann aureaso Daughter of Jacob aurennsan was maried on Saturday evening January 1858
to John feland ?

Elizabeth aureanse was married to Edd Ackerman Son of John Ackerman
on Sabbath Morning 13 of March 1858 by the Rev Isaac D Cole at his house
she was a daughter of Garret aureause

By the Rev C. Blauvelt January 18 1858 was married George Woods of New Milford
to Marg Lozier of Hackensack
N C Son of Jak (or Joh) Catherine vervalen Daugher of David vervalen
was married to John Conklin from tappan on Wednesday 17 of March 1858
By the Rev Cornelius Blauvelt N Church

Snow sqaals october 20 1857
Catherine Elizabeth Bogart had her
Rings Put in

on margin:

her baby was Baptise by ? ........called Garret.........


   Benjamin F. 41
   Edd, 65
   John, 65
   Nicholas, 9
   Rebecca, 54

   Mr., 32
   Rev. Peter, 34

   Abraham, 62
   Albert, 65
   George, 62
   John, 62, 65
   Richard, 62

   Elizabeth, 65
   Garret, 65
   Jacob, 65
   Lydiann, 65

   Daniel, 61
   wife, 61

   Agnes, 27, 57
   Cornelius, 40
   Dowe, 61
   John, 40
   Lydia, 36
   Sophia, 40

   Annatje, 8
   Corrines, 8
   Elizabeth, 8
   Rev. Guilliam, 8, 36
   Hendrick, 8
   Jacobus, 8
   Maria, 4, 8
   Martha, 8
   Rachel, 36
   Sarah, 8

   P. D., 60

   Abraham, 13, 30
   Alida, 45
   Alma, 59
   Amanda, 9, 15
   Anna, Anne, 31, 34, 47
   Blanch, 59
   Clara, 45
   Daniel, 31, 34, 59, 60
   Edgar, 38, 46, 59
   Ella, 39, 46
   George, 61
   Gertrude, 39
   Harrington, 59
   Isaac, 14, 34, 45
   John, 61
   Lydia, 59
   Maria, 59
   Mary, 30. 31, 48
   Peter, 9, 14, 34, 59, 60
   Rachel, 64
   Warren, 45
   Watson, 39, 58
   William, 64

   William, 58

   Rev. John, 58

   Mary, 39

   Cornelius, 36, 63

   Margaret, 28, 58

   Abram, 42
   Effy, 61
   Isaac, 4, 5, 64
   Maria, 2
   Martin, 46
   Mary, 39
   Richard, 38

   Abraham, 38, 39, 55, 62
   Ann, 49
   Bridget, 62
   Calvin, 49, 64
   Catherine, 4, 18, 19, 20, 55, 61
   Christiann, 32
   Re. Cornelius, 39, 40, 44, 48, 49, 53, 54, 64, 65
   David, 55
   Elizabeth, 3
   Eliza, 39, 49
   Garret, 18
   Gilbert, 57
   Harman, 32
   Isaac, 38, 39, 58, 61
   Jacob, 3, 64
   James, 39, 65
   Jemima, 41
   John, Johannes, 39, 40, 46, 54, 55, 61
   Margaret, 37
   Maryann, 55
   Rachel, 38, 49
   Rev'd, 65
   Richard, 47
   Sally, 46
   Sarah, 39
   Thomas, 64
   Tunis, 41
   William, 40

   Blauvelt, 18
   Cornelius 18
   homestead, 18
   Matilda, 18
   Sarah, 18

   Annatje, 9
   Andrew, 61
   Agnes, 9
   Aaltje, 8
   Albert, 8, 58
   Anne, 8, 62
   Anna, 7, 41
   Benjamin, 15, 20, 24
   Beeletje, 7
   Cornelius, 7, 9
   Cornelia, 7
   Catherine, 25, 48?, 65
   Elizabeth, 5, 6, 7, 26, 45, 48?
   Evert, 7
   Geesie, 8
   Guilliam, 8
   Garret, 19, 20, 57
   Hendrick, 7, 9
   Isaac, 8
   Jacob, 9, 24, 25, 44, 46
   James, 42
   John, Johannes, 3, 7, 8, 9, 20, 41, 48, 57
   Jeremiah, 64
   Klaas, 41, 7
   Lydiaranna, 25, 44, 48?
   Maria, 8, 20, 25, 48?
   Martine, 20
   Margaret, 3, 7, 24, 38, 41
   Marretje, 8, 9
   Martyntje, 4, 9
   Mary, 8, 27, 46, 57
   Peter, 36, 37, 44
   Petrus, 8
   Polly, 54
   Roelof, 8
   Roseanna, 25, 46, 48?
   Sammatje, 8
   Sarah, 9, 24, 25, 48
   Sophia, 36, 44, 45
   Staats, 52, 62
   William, 20, 24

   Rev. Christian, 23


   Matt, 56
   Pegg, 56

   George, 5
   Hannah, 25
   Jacob, 25, 42, 43
   John, 42
   Leetje, 42
   Lydia, 42
   Maria, 42
   Matilda, 42
   Paul, 42
   Rachel, 42
   Sarah, 25, 42

   Nancy, 63

   John, 14
   Joshua, 50
   Lydia, 14
   Lydiann, 34, 48
   Mary, 14
   Peter, 9, 14, 34

   Elmina, 39
   Lavina, 39
   William, 39

   Edward, 46

   Clifton, 57
   Cornelius, 62
   Crusius, 61
   David, 57
   Jane, 61
   Kate, 38
   Sarah, 61, 62

   Maria, 61

   Catherine, 50, 51
   Dr. Jamanes, 49, 50

   Mr., 47

   Rt. Rev. Philander, 51

   Belinda, 58
   Bridget, 61
   David, 58, 61
   Henry, 42
   James, 58, 65
   Maria, 65
   Sarah, 54

...., 44
...., 45

   Daniel, 19, 20, 35
   Mary, 18
   Sarah, 10, 20
   William, 19/20, 35

   Emele, 61

   Mary, 33

   Abraham, 50
   Benjamin, 23
   Caroline, 23
   Catherine, 23
   David, 23
   Frowje, 50
   Gitty, 40
   Rev. Isaac, 23, 24, 25, 34, 39, 60, 61, 65
   Jane, 50
   John, 50, 64
   Juliana, 23, 24
   Margaret, 23
   Peter, 40
   Samuel, 40

   Hannah, 20, 22

   Abraham, 57
   James, 63
   John, 65
   Lavina, 57

   John, 7
   Margaret, 7

   Anne, 40
   James, 61
   John, 61
   Levina, 61

   Margaret, 2

   John, 9
   Rev. Mr., 33

   Ann, 47
   Benjamin 52, 53
   Hannah, 52
   Henry, 47
   Martha, 52
   Mary Ann, 52
   Samuel, 47, 52

   riner, 65

   Carl, 3
   Tiney, 54

   Daniel, 2

   widow, 53

   Maria, 28

   ....., 47

   Abraham, 37
   Benson, 20
   Betsey, 57
   Cornelius, 48, 62, 45
   C. T., 19
   David, 8, 58
   Elizabeth, 50
   Hetty, 10, 17
   Jacob, 37, 65
   Jacobus, 39
   James, 10, 17, 21, 27, 57, 58, 61, Rev. 34
   John, Rev. 54
   Joseph, 65
   Keziah, 9, 25, 26
   L. D., 33
   Margaret, 40
   Mary, 10, 24, 33
   Peter, 58
   Rachel, 50
   Ralph, 41
   Sally, 22
   Samuel, 50
   Sarah, 50, 58

   John, 58, 62

   Catherine, 34
   Elmira, 21
   Elvira, 34
   Mary, 21
   Peter, 21, 34

   Elizabeth, 47
   John, 5, 47

   Rev. Richard, 49

   Juliette, 58

   Henry, 40
   Mary, 40
   Tiney, 40

   Charles, 55
   Dr. 64
   Else, 55

   Dorcas, 54, 55

   Mr., 61

   Edward, 35, 41
   Henrietta, 41

   Hamilton, 32
   Irving, 32
   Winfield, 32

   John, 65
   Margaret, 65
   Maria, 65

   Gitty, 14
   Lavina, 9, 12, 14, 30, 31

   Charles, 36, 37

   Wilhelmus, 51

   John, 65

   David, 64
   Emma, 45
   Henry, 64

   Cathaline, 2
   Jacob, Judge, 3

   Elbert, 26
   Gen. Thomas, 26

   Sarah, 31

   James, 56

   Anna, 32, 38
   Cornelus, 32
   Mary, 32
   Nicholas, 32
   William, 11, 32, 33, 38

   Edith, 59
   Frank, 59

   Dr., 50

   ...., 39
   Dr. Isaac, 57
   Dr. Solomon, 52, 54

   William, 20

   Abraham, 17
   Elizaveth, 17
   Irena, 17
   John, 11
   Margaret, 17
   Martha, 17
   Marrietta, 17
   Nicholas, 17

   Mary, 35, 41
   Nancy, 58

   Mr., 31

   Trientje, 57

   John Jr., 15
   Joseph, 15

   George, 43
   Dr. Harvey, 38

   Ann, 50

   Sally, 22

   Jane, 18
   John, 18
   Lansing, 18

   Frances, 59

GUTCHES (Goetschius)
   Rev. Stephen, 54

   Andrew, 52
   Henry B., 52, 62

   William, 35

   Abram, Abraham, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 18, 19, 20, 24, 26,
                    27, 30, 34, 36, 40, 41, 46, 56, 57, 61, 63
   Ada, 30
   Alanson, 30
   Andrew Jackson, 16, 59
   Anida, 30
   Ann, 15, 17, 18, 26, 43
   Anna, 6, 11, 21, 29, 34
   Annatje, 5
   Arthur, 1
   Betsy, 46
   Bridget, 2, 3
   Catherine, 3, 5, 10, 11, 15, 19, 21, 35, 47
   Charles, 20, 26
   Clinton, 8, 10, 18
   Cornelia 3, 5, 22, 26
   Cornelius, 2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 26, 30, 31,
              35, 36, 39, 40, 42, 44, 57
   Cozine, 2, 41
   David, 18, 19, 41, 57
   Demarest, 11, 41, 42
   Derick, 36, 37, 44, 45
   Dirk, 9, 26, 44
   Edgar, 30
   Elouise, 30
   Elbert, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 18, 21, 26, 29, 31, 33, 35, 59
   Elizabeth, 5, 6, 10, 19, 35, 57
   Ella, 33
   Ellen, 34
   Esther, 16, 59
   Frederic, 41
   Rev. Garret, 34, 41
   George, 16, 18, 35, 41, 42, 59
   Gerret, 17
   Gertjce, 41
   Hamit? Harriet? 26
   Hattie, 30
   Helen, 18
   Henrietta, 42
   Ida, 42
   Isaac, 57
   Jacob, 19, 25, 47, 48
   James, 9, 10, 30, 34, 35
   Jane 3, 41, 57
   John, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20,
         21, 22, 26, 32, 33, 35, 40, 41, 43, 48, 57, 59, 60
   Joseph, 41, 42
   Klaadje, 4
   Klaatje, 3
   Keziah, 60
   Lansing, 35, 38, 42
   Leuther, 16, 59
   Lydia, 9, 14, 16, 36, 44, 59
   Malinda, 20
   Margaret, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 32, 35, 38, 42
   Maria, 1, 4, 6, 9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26,
          31, 35, 36, 38, 44, 46, 48, 57
   Marian, 1
   Martha, 35, 42
   Martina, 1, 6, 9, 15, 25, 39, 44
   Mary, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 21, 26, 32, 33, 35,
         38, 39, 41, 42, 48, 59
   Martyntje, 4, 19, 24, 25, 35, 36, 42, 43
   Marynje, 18
   Matilda, 47
   May, 24
   Melissa, 34
   Nicholas, 5, 6, 7, 11, 16, 17, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33, 35, 57
   Peter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 12, 14, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 25, 30,
          31, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 44, 48, 57
   Pietartje, 3
   Rachel, 13, 14, 16, 31, 36, 41, 44, 48, 59
   Richard, 13, 14, 30, 31
   Samuel, 1, 2, 6, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 22, 33, 35, 57
   Sarah, 1, 6, 10, 48
   Sophia, 9, 19, 37, 39, 48
   Susan, 26
   Teunis, 4
   Vrouwtje, 2
   William, 21, 26, 35, 42, 57, 58, 61

   Elizabeth, 58
   George, 58

   Charles, 38

   Elizabet, 7

   Caherine, 11, 22

   Elizabeth, 63
   Lucy Ann, 63
   Thomas, 63
   William, 63

   Albert, 61

   Abraham, 54

   Alice, 21
   Catherine, 21, 42
   Harriet, 21
   Henrietta, 21, 32
   Margaret, 21
   Mary, 11, 21, 43
   Obadiah, 21, 42
   Sarah, 21
   Sylvia, 21

   Andrew, 1, 52
   Ann, 20
   Elisa, 52
   Garret, 20
   John, 54
   Mary, 54
   Mrs., 1, 52
   Samuel Jr., 54

   William, 62

   Grace, 59

   Elizabeth, 1
   Isaac, 62

   widow, 65
   William, 64, 65, wife of, 64

   Brayton, 58
   Elizabeth, 26, 27, 63
   James, 63

   Agnes, 63
   Nicholas, 63

   Mrs., 64

   Maria, 61
   William, 61

   Mr., 61

   John V. B., 57

   Elbert, 46
   Elizabeth, 59
   Florence, 46
   Gardner, 6
   Hannes, 27
   Samuel, 5, 33
   Will, 27
   William, 59

   David, 64
   Jacob, 64
   Joseph, 65
   Obadiah, 64

   ....., 39

   Catherine, 29

   Alonson, 31
   Charles, 31
   Hannah, 16, 59
   Nathan, 31
   Nelson, 31
   Rachel, 31

   Hester, 45

   Abraham, 28
   Albert, 28, 29
   Ann, Anna, 16, 30, 59
   Catherine, 16, 28, 29, 59
   Cornelius, 29
   Elbert, 29, 46
   Eliza, 15, 16, 56, 59
   Elizabeth, 29, 58
   Francis, 30
   Henry, 16, 29, 59
   Jacobus, 28, 29, 30
   Jesse, 28
   Johannes, John, 28, 29
   Margaret, 29
   Maria, 28, 29
   Mary, 16, 29, 30, 59
   Nancy, 6, 58
   Nelletie, 28
   Petrus, 28
   Rachel, 29
   Reyamous, 28
   Samuel, 5, 6, 15, 16, 28, 29, 56, 58, 59

   Catherine, 12
   Elizabeth, 12
   Hellen, 12
   Hubbel, 12
   James, 12
   Mary, 12
   Sarah, 12
   Samuel, 12

   Benjamin, 42
   Charles, 42
   John, 42

   Frederick, 4

   Rev. Wm P., 53

   Rev. Wm, 38

   Rev. Nicholas, 23, 39, 46, 54, 55

   ....., 58

   Adolph, 4
   Catherine, 5

   Maria, 1, 52

   Matthew, 53
   Rev. Peter, 53

   Dr., 53


   Emele, 61

   Rev. Mr., 31

   Sally, 58

   Margaret, 65

   Lubbert, 36

   Mrs. 62


   Elizabeth, 54
   Garret, 19

   Jake, 64
   Mrs., 64

   Adolphus, 63, 64
   Ann Maria, 57
   Cornelius, 57
   Jane, 57
   Maria, 57
   William 63

   Elizabeth, 53

   Rev. Mr., 26

   Lydia, 13
   Martha Ann 13

   Alice, 35, 59
   Demerest, 59
   Elbert, 59
   Foster, 59
   Frank, 35, 59
   Frederick, 59
   Marion, 59
   Maurice, 59
   Sanford, 59
   John, 2
   Trintje, 36

   Edgar, 34
   Hiram, 34

   Rev. 58

   Anna, 45
   Nicholas, 14
   Peter, 23

   Adolph, 3
   Anna, 39
   Elizabeth, 23
   John C., 62
   Peggy, 15

   Clara, 59
   Burton, 43
   daughter, 44
   Henry, 42
   M., 59

   Miss, 21

   Sarah, 24

   Barent, 36, 52
   Cornelis, 23
   Lydia Ann, 22
   Maria, 56
   Mary, 22
   Sarah, 4, 36, 56
   Will, 1
   William, 22, 23

   Benjamin, 62
   Garry, 62
Old Liz, 2

Old Tom, 2

   Else, 65
   Obadiah, 65

   Lucy, 63

   Sarah, 57

   Sarah Ann, 17

   Abraham, 39
   Coressa, 40
   Cornelia, 64
   David, 61
   Jacob, 40, 64
   Martha, 61
   Peter, 40
   Sarah, 61
   Peter, 40
   Sarah, 61
   Teunis, (?), 65
   Vrouwtje, 64

Pauline, ...35

   see Powles

&   Hannah, 7

   Elizabeth, 41

   Albertus, 62
   John, 57

   Estelle, 27, 43
   James, 27
   John, 27
   Louis, 27
   Mahala, 27
   Mary, 27

   Frank, 58

   Mr., 64

   Peter, 20


   see Powles

   Abraham, 24
   Alfred, 24
   Hilletje, 36
   John, 24, 25, 38, 39, 42, 43
   Leah, 57
   Lydia, 24
   Margaret, 25
   Maria, 24, 25
   Marten, 26
   Matilda, 24
   Matthew, 24
   Paul, 24, 38
   Peter, 36
   Rachel, 24, 36, 39
   Sarah, 24, 42, 43
   William, 25

   Rev. Elisha, 63

   Andrew, 58
   Hester, 58
   Johannes, 7
   Julia, 58

   Teunis, 2


   Hannah, 9

   Elmira, 13
   Ira, 13, 33
   James, 13
   John, 33
   Mary, 33

   James, 64

   Abraham, 57
   Hannah, 57
   Jacob, 57

   Rev. James, 54
   John 8

   Augusta, 58
   Christine, 58
   Cornelius, 5
   Jacobus, 7, 41
   John, 41
   W. Emlen, 58

   Rachel, 15, 31

   Dr., 61

   Margaret, 28, 29

SARAH MARIA........46

   Daniel, 31
   Eliza, 31, 41
   Hannah, 58
   John, 31, 41, 48
   Julia, 31
   William, 31

   Aaron, 45
   Adonijah, 45
   Arent, 45
   Cornelius, 45
   Elizabeth, 45
   Helen, 45
   Julia, 38
   Philip, 45
   Robert, 38

   Rev. P. Fr., 38

   Agnes, 28
   Ambrose, 43, 44
   Bertha, 43
   Edith, 43, 44
   Elmira, 58
   George, 33
   James, 33, 38, 58
   Jane, 28
   Jenny, 44
   John, 27, 28, 57, 58, 62
   Julia, 33, 58
   Lansing, 27, 56, 57
   Lydia, 33
   Margaretta, 27
   Richard, 33
   Roseanna, 13, 33
   Timothy, 13, 27, 33, 38, 43, 62
   Valette, 44
   Viola, 43

   Ann Maria, 23
   John, 23

   Elizabeth, 1

   Amanda, 15, 30

   Mr., 64

   Ann, 61

   Margritta, 45

   Angeline, 33
   Joseph, 33

   Elizabeth, 11, 33
   Emily, 43
   Frederick, 11
   Garet, 3
   John, 61
   Mr., 60

   Jane, 44

   Lawrence, J. (Capt.) 59

   Mr., 47, 64

   Dr. 58
   John, 58

   Abraham, 9

steamboat - "Washington Irving", 59

   Rev. Mr., 43

   Margaret, 38

   Dr., 23

   Ann, 47
   R. B. , 47

   ....., 50

   Agnes, 8
   Rev. Herman, 53
   Rev. Peter, 53

   Cornelia, 61
   Esquire, 61

   Mr., 29

   Newton, 37

   Abigail, 38
   Ann, 43
   Charles, 43
   Cornelius, 44
   Dirckje, 3
   Dowe, 55
   Egbert, 44
   Elvira, 43
   Nelson, 43
   Randall, 43
   Sylvia, 43
   Teunis, 3
   Warren, 43
   William, 44

   Rev. Mr., 41

   Catharine, 15

   David, 9
   John, 8
   Mr., 63

   Albartus, 7

   Sabina, 63
   Thomas, 63

Old Tom, 2

   Richard, 3

   Rev. D. B., 41

   Henry, 19

   John, 58

   Rev. Peter, 31

   Henry, 15
   Rachel, 54

   Susanna, 16

   Walter, 21

   Sarah, 47

   Belinda, 58
   David, 58

   Jane, 22
   John, 17
   Klaas, 3
   Lavina, 17, 34

   Jacob, 8

   Betsey, 31
   Peter, 64

   John, 49
   Lukas, 40

   Beeletje, 7

   Margaret, 7

   Catharine, 16
   John, 16, 59


   Abraham, 8

   Hetty, 17
   James, 17
   Margaret, 16
   Maria, 16
   Ralph, 16, 17
   Samuel, 16, 17, 18, 57

   Martyntje, 8

   Catherine, 64, 65
   Charles, 62
   Daniel, 64
   David, 64, 65
   Effy, 19
   Emily, 62
   Jacob, 62
   Jak (or Joh) 65
   John, 62, 64
   Maria, 64

   Rev., 15

   Albert, 36, 37, 44
   James, 36, 37, 44
   Lydia, 37
   Peter, 37
   Rachel, 37
   Sophia, 37

   Mr., 31

  Rev. Mr., 49

  Wessels, 8, 46

   Casparus, 64
   Henry, 4
   Maria, 40

THE END                                                                                                     

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