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Abstracts of Rockland County Wills, Rockland County, New York

from Budke Collection, BC-68
Compiled by George H. Budke, 1921 .

     The following is a somewhat reformatted version of George Budke's 1921 Abstracts of Rockland County Wills and Letters of Administration. The substance remains true to the original text but in many instances there has been a transformation of the information; mainly the placement of the sons and the daughters on single lines instead of in list form. Editorial comments are enclosed in square brackets, i.e., "[comment]". An apostrophe is used in certain abbreviated given names to indicate that the following letter in the original is in a superscript format, i.e., #83 "Joha's" in which the "s" in the original is raised and to the right of the "a".
Bruce E. Hopper, Nepean, Ontario, CANADA, March 31, 2003
     The within calendar of wills and letters of administration relate to estates in Orange County "south of the mountains", down to 1798, and thereafter, from 1798 to the close of 1850, to estates in Rockland County, N.Y., (which county was erected from the aforementioned portion of Orange County).
     The said calendar has been compiled from the original surrogate's records in the several offices in which they have been found. No effort has been made to form complete abstracts of all the wills, as the chief purpose of the work is to present such information as may be useful in genealogical research, rather than to supply details concerning the disposition of property.
     The calendar contains the following particulars pertaining to the wills:
     The testator's name and his residence and occupation, if these are mentioned; the state of his health, if given; a list of all the persons, including the executors, named in the will, and the relationship of these persons to the testator, if the same is stated; the date of execution and the date of proving of the will.
     The names of the witnesses have been omitted because, generally, there is no possibility of determining whether the witnesses were in any way related to the testator, or even whether they were residents of the county. To have copied them would have added several thousand names to an already large total - names which it would have been difficult to identify in most instances.

Geo: H: Budke, Liber of Wills Transcribed from the Orange County, N.Y., Records - Rockland County Surrogate's Office. Nos. 1 - 39.

No. 1. Will. fol. 1.
Stephen Voorhis of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Nov. 13, 1785.  P. Oct. 10, 1787.
Being sick and disordered in body,
Wife, Clautie,
Dau. by first wife, Mary,
Sons, John and Hendrick,
To daughter Mary, all the money that is due me in the right of my wife which is in the hands of Isaac Secaur and Lieut. Andros Onderdonk, Jr., and the outset I had with her mother,
To wife, Clautie, all my estate to enable her to bring up my children as long as she remains my widow,
Executors: Father, John Voorhis, father-in-law, Hendrick Stevense and wife, Clautie.

No. 2. Will. fol. 3.
Hendrick Snyder of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Apr. 1, 1781.  P. May 14, 1788.
Wife Barbary,
Sons, Hendrick eldest son, Peter, William, Abraham and Hermanus,
Dau. Ghertie, widow of Peter Van Orden,
Dau. Catharine, wife of Rynier Geroe,
Executors: John Ryder, yeoman, and David Pye, clothier.

No. 3. Will. fol. 5.
James Stephens of Orange Town,
D. Sep. 24, 1787.  P. May 14, 1788.
Wife, Dorithea,
Dau. Catharine wife of Henry Ogdon,
Grandchildren, Elizabeth, Henry and Catharine Ogdon,
To grandchildren: The land where I now live in Orange Town which I purchased of Thomas Lefay, bounded: N. by Frederick Blauvelt, E. by the road, S. by land late of John Peterse Smith, and W. by Thomas Outwater,
Also land at Rockland adjoining the west side of the farm of Harmanus Tallman, Esq.,
To wife and daughter: Personal estate.

No. 4. Will. fol. 7.
John Stagg of Haverstraw Precinct, turner,
D. Jul. 26, 1787.   P. May 14, 1788.
Wife and children mentioned but not named.
Farm where I now live and lands in Lot No. 3 of the 400 acre lots that I bought from Abraham Blauvelt.
Executors: Abraham P. Blauvelt, and Claus Van Houten.

No. 5. Will. fol. 10.
Christophel Bell of Orange Town,
D. Apr. 16, 1785.   P. May 14, 1788.
Dau. Marriche wife of Able Scott,
Son, Hendrick,
Granddaughter, Anneche, dau. of my son Hendrick and wife of John Conklin.

No. 6. Will. fol. 12.
James Furman (Freeman ?) of Tappan, gentleman,
D. Jun. 9, 1780.   P. May 14, 1788.
To my firend William Graham of Tappan, tinman and cabinet-maker, and his wife, Margaret (Bayley) my loving god-child for whom I have an affectionate love, having brought her up as my own child and with whom I now live, all my estate.

No. 7. Will. fol. 14.
Salvenus Mott of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. May 29, 1785. P. Sep. 3, 1788.
Being sick.
Wife, Phebe, personal estate during widowhood,
Dau. Deborah, £. 20,
Dau. Mary, £. 10,
Dau. Sary, £. 10,
Son Charles, ¼ of land where I now live,
Son Mordaca, ¼ of land where I now live,
Son Noah, ½ of land where I now live,
Executors: Amos Hutchins, and son, Charles Mott.

Amos Hutchings and Charles Mott by instrument in writing dated Sep. 2, 1788, relinquished the executor-ship of the above will and on Sep. 3, 1788, letters of administration were granted to James Osborn of Rumbout Precinct, Dutchess County, Physician, a creditor of Sylvanus Mott.

No. 8. Will. fol. 16.
Johannes Snedeker of Orange County,
D. May 6, 1777. P. Nov. 8, 1788.
In health,
Wife, Affie,
Sons: John, Tunis, and Garret,
Dau. Affie, wife of Theodorus Snedeker,
Dau. Naeltye, wife of Adrian Onderdonck,
Daus.: Elizabeth, Altie, Rebecca, Anatye and Sarah,
Lands to be divided in three parts:
To son, Tunis, the north part,
To son, John, the south part, with my dwelling house, and he to maintain his mother,
To son, Garret, the middle part and sons John and Tunis, who have houses, shall assist Garret in the building of a dwelling house to the amount of £. 60.
To son, John, my negro man Tom,
The seven daughters to have all the furniture and to each £. 100. when they marry or reach the age of twenty-one years, to be paid by the three sons.
All other lands to three sons - one third to each.
Executors: Three sons.

No. 9. Will. fol. 19.
John Ferrand of Haverstraw Precinct, doctor of physic,
D. Oct. 17, 1787. P. Feb. 12, 1789.
Weak and infirm,
Wife mentioned but not named,
Son, John, my only child,
Mentions such lands as I may have right to in reversion of the estate of my father and grandfather, deceased.
Executors: William Dusinberie, and David Pye.

No. 10. Will. fol. 21.
John Smith of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Nov. 3, 1788. P. Oct. 14, 1789.
Weak in body.
Wife, mentioned but not named,
Son John,
Son, James, (eldest ?),
Sons, Hendrick and Garret and Dau. Charity, - three youngest children,
Daus., Elizabeth, Sarah, and Hannah,
To wife, my loom, reeds, and geers, 2 cows, 6 sheep, and £118.13.C for the bringing up of my three youngest children,
Lands and movable estate to be sold at public vendue,
Executors: Rulif Onderdonk, Samuel Hunt and Gabriel Forgison
Witnesses: Stephen A. Stephens, Nathaniel Smith, and Stephen Smith.

No. 11. Will. fol. 23.
Hendrick Stephens of Haverstraw Precinct, yeoman,
D. Jun. 24, 1789. P. Oct. 14, 1789
Sick and disordered.
Wife, Yannaca,
Son, Stephen H. - eldest son,
Son, Resolvert,
Dau. Clarche, wife of Steven Vorhase,
Dau. Marey, wife of Jacobus Myer,
Dau. Rebecca, wife of Abraham Brower.
Executors: Five children.

No. 12. Will. fol. 25
Johannes Jos. Blauvelt of Orange Town, yeoman,
D. Sep. 6, 1782. P. Oct. 14, 1789.
Wife, Margaret,
Sons, Joseph - oldest son, Cornelius, and Johannes,
Daus., Catharine, Mary, Margaret, and Vroutje,
My brother-in-law, Abraham Blauvelt,
My son-in-law, Resolvert Van Houten,
To son John, the farm I now live on on the east side of the Hackensack River.
Executors: Son Joseph and son-in-law, R. Van Houten.

No. 13. Will. fol. 28.
Jeremiah Mabie of Orange Town, yeoman,
D. Jul. 3, 1780.   P. May 12, 1790.
Wife, Sarah,
Daus., Rachel, Catline, Elizabeth, and Sarah,
To dau. Rachel, a Dutch Testament plated with silver as her birth right.
Executors: John Perry, and Abraham Blauvelt.

No. 14. Will. fol. 30.
Andrew (Andries) Underdunck [Onderdonk] of New Hempstead,
D. Jul. 2, 1770. P. May 12, 1790.
Wife, Wellemanchey,
Son, Craon, £. 3. for birth right,
Sons: Rulof, Abraham, Garret, Andrew, John, James, and Lambert,
Daus.: Sarah, Mary, Doralty, and Frenchey - youngest daughter,
Grandson, Titus Underdunck (see note)
Granddau. Mary Underdunck (see note)
Executors: Wife, Wellemanchey, and sons, Craon and Rulof.

Note. - Titus and Mary Onderdonk were the children of Andries Onderdonk's son, Rem. Onderdonk, who probably died before the date of this will. See Onderdonk Genealogy p. 23.

No. 15. Will. fol. 32.
Stephen Conklin of Town of Haverstraw, yeoman,
D. Apr. 14, 1790. P. May 12, 1790.
Being very sick and weak.
Wife, Anny,
Sons, Samuel and Elisa, to be put to trades,
Other children mentioned but not named.
Executors:  Wife Anny Conklin, Jacob Tenike, and Benjamen Coe, Esq.

No. 16. Will. fol. 34.
Frauns Van Sallee of Tappan, yeoman,
D. Jun. 24, 1769. P. May 12, 1790.
In good health.
To John Van Sallee ½ of real estate on the west side in Tappan,
Nephew, John Franseley (or Frans) (who may be the same as the above John Van Sallee),
To cousin, Frans Van Saley, 5 shillings,
To my friend, my servant, Sarah, her freedom and the other ½ of my estate.
Executors: Daniel Haring, and Arien King.

No. 17. Will. fol. 37.
Peter Vandervort of Town of Haverstraw,
D. Apr. 26, 1790.  P. Feb. 9, 1791.
Dau. Nelly wife of Joseph Johnson, 100 acres,
Son, Garret, 100 acres,
Son, Peter, £. 10. for birth right,
Executors:  Wife, Sarah, Harmones Talman, and Gilbert Cooper
Witnesses: Reynere Smith, Frederick Smith, and Abraham Smith.

No. 18. Will.   fol. A#130* [*"A#130" penned in]
James Springsteen
D. Jan. 17, 1789. P. Feb. 9, 1791.
Weak and infirm in body.
Wife, Mary, all furniture except bed I had by my first wife,
Daus., Mary and Cornelia, both under 12 years,
Sons, Yost, James, and John,
My wife's dau., Rachel Voorhis,
Executors: Garret Ackerson, and John Mac Gee.

No. 19. Will. fol. 41.
Harmanus Hoffman Haverstraw Precinct, yeoman,
Weak and infirm,
D. Aug. 16, 1782. P. Feb. 10, 1791.
Wife mentioned but not named,
My mother, Sarah Hoffman,
My father, Harmanus Hoffman, deceased,
My sister, Maria wife of Uriah Perry,
My sister, Margaret wife of Johanis Trumper,
My sister, Elizabeth wife of Henry Barmore,
Executors: My father-in-law William Felter, and my uncle, Johannis Felter.

No. 20. Will. fol. 44.
Jonathan Lawrence,
D. Mar. 4, 1773. P. Mar. 28, 1791.
In perfect health,
Wife, Mary,
Sons, Samuel (deceased ?), William (deceased ?), John (deceased ?), Thomas, Jonathan, Isaac, Daniel, Nathaniel, and David,
Daus., Ellison (deceased ?), Anna (deceased ?), and Mary,
Son Samuel's children, Mary and Samuel,
Son William's son, John William,
Son John's daughter, Elizabeth,
Daughter Ellison's children, Richard, Lawrence and John,
Daughter Anna's children, William, Mary, David and Jonathan,
If my three sons, Daniel, Nathaniel and David continue with me and my wife until our decease, in consideration of that and their not having trades, they to have money out of bonds, etc.
Daughter Mary to have £. 50. less than sons on account of what she already had,
Harlam's lot at New Town, L. I., to the six sons, who are named as executors.
Executors: Sons Thomas, Jonathan, Isaac, Daniel, Nathaniel, and David, and Wife, Mary.

No. 21. Will. fol. 46.
Isaiah Gernee of Haverstraw Precinct, gentleman,
D. Mar. 15, 1784. P. May 31, 1791.
Very sick and weak.
Wife, Margaret,
Children: Mary, Anney, John, Stephen, Margrete, Harramonus, Abram, and Sarah,
Executors: Stephen Gernee, and Haramonus Blauvelt.

No. 22. Will. fol. 47.
Andries Van Orden of Clarkstown,
D. Dec. 23, 1791. P. Jan. 16, 1792.
Being weak in body.
Wife, Cathrine,
Son, Peter,
Dau. Maritye wife of Cornelius Vervalen,
Dau. Sarah wife of Daniel Demarest,
Dau. Anitye, wife of Resolvert H. Stevens,
Executors: Son, Peter, and Son-in-law, R. H. Stevens.

No. 23. Will. fol. 49.
Elbert Onderdonk of Haverstraw Precinct, farmer,
D. Mar. 8, 1782. P. Mar. 15, 1792.
Being very sick and weak.
Wife, Mary,
Daus., Sarah and Hannah,
Son Garret,
Executors: Brothers, Jacob, Daniel and Isaac Onderdonk.

No. 24. Will. fol 51.
Edward Eckerson of Kakiate, yeoman,
D. Dec. 1, 1784. P. Jul. 10, 1792.
Being weak in body.
Wife, Mary,
Son, John, 7 shillings for birth right,
Other children, Hannah, Peter, Sukey, Thomas, Elizabeth and Jacob,
Dau. Mary's children Elizabeth and Edward,
Executors: James Myer, and Dr. Isaac Sherwood.

No. 25. Will. fol. 53.
Marretye Van der Lende-widow of Roelef Vanderlende - of Orange Town,
D. Jun. 25, 1792. P. Aug. 7, 1792.
Being weak in body.
My sister's daughter, Helletye, widow of the Rev. Dr. Debouse, deceased, living at Shammine, Pa.,
Hendrick Van Dalsen, child of John Van Dalsen
Laurtye, child of John Van Dalsen, and wife of Richard Blauvelt,
Laurtye Lydecker, widow of Albert Lydecker,
Elizabeth Hutton wife of John Hutton,
Executors: Richard Blauvelt, and John Hutton

No. 26. Will. fol. 55.
Cornelius Turk of Orange Town, gentleman,
D. Jun. 26, 1787. P. Feb. 16, 1793.
Son, Cornelius Turk,
Dau. Margaret Turk,
Dau. Elizabeth wife of Jacob Brouriver,
Children of dau. Catharine, deceased, late wife of the late Gerard Meyer,
Executors: Samuel Jones, and John Haring
Codicil, dated, Sep. 21, 1791. Son Cornelius being now dead.

No. 27. Will. fol, 59
Johanes Joost Yury of New Hempstead, yeoman,
D. Jan. 12, 1793. P. Jan. 28, 1794.
Being weak in body.
Son, Frederick Yury and his wife and children,
Executors: Dau. Maroeche and Grandson, John Yury.

No. 28. Will. fol. 61
John Krum of Haverstraw Township,
D. Mar. 30, 1794. P. Apr. 10, 1794.
Weak in Body.
Wife Reatchell, and Meriah Yeruks, to have maintenance,
Sons, John and Ellexander,
Dau. Reatchel,
Executors: Abraham Blauvelt and son, John Krum, Jr.

No. 29. Will. fol. 62
William Smith of New Hempstead, [a note has been added to "see Burial No.12160"]
D. May 3, 1794. P. Oct. 15, 1794.
Being weak.
Dau. Rebecca,
Brother, Walter Smith,
William the son of my brother John Smith of Warwick,
William the son of the late widow of John Halstead,
Executors: John D. Coe and Walter Smith.

No. 30. Will. fol. 64
Johannes Blauvelt of Claus Land in the Township of Orange,
D. May 16, 1786. P. Jan. 20, 1795.
Being weak in body.
Wife Elizabeth,
Grandson, Johannes John's. Blauvelt,
Grandson, Garret J. Blauvelt,
Grandson, David J. Blauvelt,
Grandson, Isaac J. Blauvelt,
Granddau. Elizabeth Blauvelt,
To granddaughter Elizabeth Blauvelt, one Negro woman named Laur and the outset that belonged to her mother, Catrina Blauvelt deceased, and also all the wearing apparal of her grandmother, Elizabeth Blauvelt.
Executors: Connelius Corn's. Smith and my son-in-law, Johannes Isaac Blauvelt

No. 31. Will. fol. 65.
Thomas Smith of Haverstraw Precinct, Esq.,
D. Oct. 16, 1795. P. Dec. 11, 1795.
Wife mentioned but not named,
Sons, Abraham - eldest son, Samuel, William, Walter, Thomas and James Scott,
Daus., Catharine Denning and mary
To son Samuel my law library,
To wife all the rest of my library,
Son Thomas at Princeton College where I wish he may continue to complete his education,
Son James Scott Smith has had help to purchase a farm at Red Hook,
My brother Joshua H. Smith stands indebted to me in £. 188.9.10 and 3 farthings which I give to his daughter Sarah,
Estate at Haverstraw and house in Wall Street,
"my negros, horses, cattle, hogs and stock of every kind."
Executors: My wife, and William Denning, Sr.

No. 32. Will. fol. 71.
Joseph Allison of Haverstraw Township,
D. Sep. 12, 1792. P. Apr. 4, 1796.
Weak in body.
Wife, Elsie gets Negro boy named Bartly,
Sons, John, Joseph, William, Thomas, and Benjamin,
Dau. Mary wife of Amos Hutchins,
Dau. Elizabeth wife of David Teneyck,
Dau. Hannah wife of Adrian Waldron,
Dau. Deborah wife of Wiliam Willis,
Dau. Elsie,
Children by my present wife, Peter, Amos, Michael, Parcell, and Richard.
Grandchildren, children of my son, Mathew Allison, deceased, Joseph, Peter, Cornelius, Hendrick, Mathew, and Elizabeth
Executors: Wife, Elsie Allison, Son, Peter Allison, and Gilbert Cooper

Codicil: D. Dec. 19, 1795.
Revokes Gilbert Cooper as executor and appoints John D. Coe. (See the Allison Genealogy, p. 253.)

No. 33. Will. fol. 75.
Willliam Graham of Orange Town, dealer and chapman,
D. Jun. 17, 1795. Codicil, D. Sep. 4, 1895. P. May 11, 1796.
Wife, Margaret,
Children: Margaret, James, Elizabeth, Agnes, and Jane.
Executors: Wife, Margaret, James Edwards, and Peter Tallman

No. 34. Will. fol. 78.
Johannes Smith of New Hempstead,
D. Apr. 27, 1789. P. May 12, 1796.
In perfect health.
Wife, Clause,
Sons, Frederick - eldest son and Rynier,
Daus., Elizabeth and Maria wife of Jacob Cooper,
Son Frederick to have south 1/2 of my farm where he now lives,
Son Rynier to have my homestead where I now live and north 1/2 of my farm, and my blacksmith tools,
Codicil: dated Dec. 12, 1792.
Son Rynier to have my Negro boy, Jack,
My grandson, Jonas Halstead to have my Negro wench, Hannah.
Executors: Two sons, Frederick and Rynier, and my son-in-law, Gilbert Cooper, Jr.
William Dusinburry, physcian, witness to the codicil.

No. 35. Will. fol. 81.
Abram Blauvelt of Haverstraw Township, farmer,
D. Feb. 29, 1796. P. May 11, 1796.
Weak in body.
Wife mentioned but not named,
Sons, Edward, John, Jacob, Abram, and Aury,
Daus., Lety - eldest daughter and Anny,
Executors: Samuel Goutschies, Christian Goutschies, and Halstaed Coe.

No. 36. Will. fol. 83.

John De Wint of Orange Town, gentleman,
D. Jan. 20, 1772. P. Jun. 29, 1796.
In perfect health.
Wife, Ann,
Sons, John, Geurt Sp., and Henry,
Daus., Anna Maria wife of Fredericus Blauvelt, Ann wife of Isaac Kip, Christian, Catharine, and Jemime wife of John Smith,
Grandson, Peter De Wint Smith, the son of John Smith,
To wife Ann, £. 100. yearly and negro boy Jack and negro wench Sublie and she to live with the Blauvelts who shall find her in diet, washing and lodging during her widowhood
To son John De Wint 3/8ths of my estate in the Island of St. Thomas in the West Indies and my negro boy Caesar,
To son Geurt Sp. De Wint 3/8ths of estate in St. Thomas and my negro boy King,
To my son Henry De Wint 2/8ths of estate in St. Thomas and my negro boy Tony,
To dau. Anna Maria Blauvelt all my house and farm called Sparkill where I now live at Orange Town also the lot of swamp, No. 1, which I purchased of the heirs of David Blauvelt,
To dau. Ann Kipp, £500. to be paid by dau. Anna Maria Blauvelt,
To dau. Christian £1,200. to be paid by three sons, and Negro girl Dine,
To dau. Catharine £1,200. to be paid by three sons, and Negro boy named Quack,
To dau. Jemime Smith all that farm whereon she now lives in Kakiatt,
To grandson Peter De Wint Smith £100. when he shall come of age,
Executors: Wife, Ann, Three sons, and my brother, Guert Sp. De Wint.

No. 37. Will. fol. 87
Cornelius Bogard of Orange Town,
D. Jul. 2, 1791. P. Jun. 7, 1797.
Wife, Margaret,
Son, Gisbert, to have land known as the Ridge in Orange Town,
Nephew, Cornelius G. Bogard, to have the mansion house, barn and orchard, he paying to Margaret Fashure, £, 20.
Executors: James Edwards and Samuel G. Verbryck.

No. 38. Will. fol. 89
Petrus Smith of Orange Town,
D. May 13, 1785. P. Oct. 4, 1797.
Wife, Annaty,
Eldest son, Garret, £. 4. for birth right and land where he now lives,
Youngest son, Isaac, land at Greenbush where I now live,
Daughter, Braghy wife of Jacobus Lent, £. 300.
Personal estate to be sold at public sale and proceeds divided between the three children.
Executors: Fredericus Blauvelt and James Demarest.

No. 39. Will. fol. 92
Garret Van Houten of New Hempstead,
D. Jun. 7, 1765. P. Oct. 30, 1797.
Being weak in body.
Wife, Yannetye,
I. Dau. Elizabeth wife of John Hogenkamp,
II. Dau. Annetye wife of Johannes Vanderbilt
III. Dau. Catrena wife of John Mire,
IV. Dau. Marretje wife of John Tinkey,
V. Dau. Marya wife of Conrades Tinkey,
VI. Dau. Yannetye wife of Daniel Mier,
VII. Heirs of my son, Claus, deceased: Petrus, Marya, Elizabeth - £. 5. for birth right, Catrena, and Claus,
VIII. Granddaughter, Helletye Miers, yet unmarried, to let her mother live with her,
Estate to be divided in eight parts, one to each, I., II., III., etc.
Executors: John Hogenkamp, Johannes Vanderbilt, and John Mire.

Liber A. of Wills. Rockland County Surrogate's Office, Nos. 40 - 221.

No. 40. Will. fol. 1.
Walter Smith of Clarkstown,
D. Mar. 13, 1798. P. May 11, 1798.
Being now but weak and infirm.
Wife, Hannah,
Children: George, Hannah - wife of Richard Brewster, Patty, John and Walter,
Executors: Wife, Hannah, Son, George, and Evert Hogenkamp.

No. 41. Will. fol. 2.
Abraham Kuyper of Orange Town,
D. Jul. 14, 1797. P. May 14, 1798.
Being now weak,
Wife, Sarah,
Children: Theunis, Abraham, Martintie wife of William Parsels, Meritie wife of John Depew, and Margret,
To dau. Margret a piece of Woodland that lays to the west of the Milen (?) of my son-in-law, John Depew
Executors: David Pye, Isaac Depew

No. 42. Will. fol. 4.
Abraham Jos. Blauvelt of the Town of Orange,
D. Nov. 16, 1781. P. May 17, 1798.
In good health.
Wife, Catharine,
My brothers and sisters: Johannes Jos. Blauvelt, Hendrick Jos. Blauvelt, Frederick Blauvelt, Garret Jos. Blauvelt, Marretje wife of Hendrick Nagel, and Aaltje wife of Jacob A. Blauvelt,
My niece, Catharine wife of Garret Tallman,
Executors: My nephew, Joseph Joh. Blauvelt, My nephew, Jos. H. Blauvelt, and John Haring, Esq.

No. 43. Will. fol. 7.
Harmanus Talman of Orange Town,
D. Feb. 14, 1785. P. Aug. 16, 1798.
Weak and infirm.
Wife, Rebecka,
Sons, Tunis - eldest son, Harmanus and Abraham,
Dau. Naltie wife of Jacobus De Clark,
To sons Tunis and Harmanus my negro boy, Will,
To son Abraham my negro boy Tom,
Executors: Wife and three sons

No. 44. Will. fol. 9.
Harmanus Tallman of Town of Haverstraw,
D. Sep. 25, 1790. P. Sep. 5, 1798.
Weak in body.
Wife, Catharine,
Children: Harmanus - oldest son, Abraham, Nicholas, Cathrine, Rebecka, John and Michael,
My sister, Naltye De Clark,
Executors: Wife, Catharine, Son, Harmanus, and Kinsmen, Thunes H. Tallman and Michael Cornelison, Jr.
Executors to sell my negro slaves.
In the proof of above will: Harmanus Tallman, late of Niac, carpenter.

No. 45. Will. fol. 11.
Isaac Gar't. Blauvelt of Greenbush,
D. Nov. 29, 1792. P. Oct. 24, 1798.
Wife, Mary,
Eldest son, Johannes I. Blauvelt, 138 1/2 acres,
Youngest son, Garret I. Blauvelt, my dwelling house and land including lot I bought of Capt. John Peterson Smith, 138 1/2 acres,
Dau. Mary wife of Abraham Is. Blauvelt, £. 200.
Dau. Catrina and her two sons, John and Isaac Taulman,
Youngest dau., Marretye wife of Jacobus Van Dalson, £. 203.
To grandson, Isaac Taulman, £. 277.
Executors: Two sons, Johannes I. and Garret I., and Isaac P. Smith.
- Codicil, Dated, Jun. 22, 1796.
Gives to grandson, Isaac Tallman, a lot where he now lives on the west side of Passkack Brook, a small part on the east side of said brook being in Orangetown, N.Y., and a small part in Harington, N.J., in lieu of sum of money as in will bequeathed, and he shall keep his mother Catherina now the wife of Hendrick Oblenes if after the death of Oblenes she needs support.

No. 46. Will. fol. 17.
Daniel Mackenzie, late of the County of Ross in the north of Scotland but now of a place called the Hook in the Town of Clarkstown,
D. Oct. 4, 1798. P. Oct. 29, 1798.
Being weak.
Gives all money and other property to his friends, Peter Low of Orangetown, tanner and currier, and Capt. Aurie Smith, and his son, Andries Smith, with whom I now reside, one third to each.

No. 47. Will. fol. 18.
John Vorhis of Clarkstown,
D. Jul. 26, 1793. P. Nov. 7, 1798.
My son Stephen's children: (Stephen deceased), Mary, John - £. 5. for birth right, Hendrick and Janetye,
My daughter's children: (married twice), John Magee, Jost Springsteel, Mary Springsteel, and Cornelia Springsteel.
Executors: Claas R. Van Houten and David Pye

No. 48. Will. fol. 21.
Jonas Halsted of Hempsted, farmer,
D. Apr. 3, 1798. P. Nov. 7, 1798.
Weak of body.
Wife, mentioned but not named,
Dau. Phebe Lawrence,
Grandchildren: Martha Lawrence, John Lawrence, Sarah Lawrence, and Elizabeth Lawrence,
My negro Jack to have his freedom at age of 30 years.
Executors: Wife, and John D. Coe, friend and kinsman.

No. 49. Will. fol. 23.
William Derunda of Haverstraw Township,
D. Aug. 24, 1798. P. Jan. 4, 1799.
Weak in body.
The children of my son Hendrick Derunda, Mary and Catrina,
Executors: Samuel Goetschius, and Sally Derunda wife of Hendrick Derunda

No. 50. Will. fol. 24.
William Campbell of Clarkstown,
D. Aug. 12, 1794. P. Jan. 4, 1799.
Wife, Herche,
Children: William - eldest son, Stephen, Albert, Luckes - youngest son, and Mary,
Granddaughter, Elizabeth Kope, the dau. of my dau. Mary
Executors: Four sons.

No. 50. Will. fol. 24.
William Campbell of Clarkstown,
D. Aug. 12, 1794. P. Jan. 4, 1799.
Wife, Herche,
Children: William - eldest son, Stephen, Albert, Luckes - youngest son, and Mary,
Granddaughter, Elizabeth Kope, the dau. of my dau. Mary
Executors: Four sons

No. 51. Will. fol. 26.
John S. Gornee of Hempstead, miller,
D. Oct. 11, 1799. P. Jan. 3, 1800.
Very sick and weak.
Wife, Abigail,
Children mentioned but not named.
My negro Jack, if he behaves well, to have one year of his servitude remitted.
Executors: Wife, Abigail, my brother, Jonas Gornee, and John D. Coe
One of the items in the inventory: "2/3 of distillery".

The following occurs as a hand-written entry between Nos. 51 and 52: [see No. 54]

Re'd, November 25th, 1800 [?] of Cathrine Rider, Aurt Polhemus and David Pye Executors of the Last Will and Testament of John Rider deceased late of Clarkstown, the sum of ten pounds in cash in lieu of a cow that was bequeathed to me by the said last Will and Testament which from I do hereby acknowledge to be in full satisfaction for and on account of the said legacy by me witness my hand - Susanah Osborn

No. 52. Will. fol. 28.
Abraham H. Tallman of "Niac",
D. Jun. 22, 1799. P. May 15, 1800.
Nephew, Abraham H. Talman, the son of my late brother, Harmanus Talman,
Albert and Isaac, the sons of my friend, Abraham Lydecker,
Executors: Kinsman, Abraham T. Talman, and Teunis I. Smith

No. 53. Will. fol. 30.
David Fox of the Town of Hempstead, blacksmith,
D. Mar. 26, 1800. P. Jun. 20, 1800.
Weak in body.
Wife, Catrina,
Sons and daughters mentioned but not named,
Executors: Abraham Frederick, Abraham Wanmaker, and Casparus Barberow

No. 54. Will. fol. 32.
John Rider of Clarkstown,
D. Mar. 28, 1797. P. Jun. 23, 1800.
Infirm in body.
Wife, Cathrine,
Sons, William - eldest, Robert, John and Harculas,
Daus., Mary - wife of David Gee, Lidia - wife of Richard Goldsmith, Susanah, Charity and Cathrine,
Children of my son John: Joseph, David, William and Mary,
My son Hercules to care for his half-sister, Elizabeth Lawrence, if she survives her mother,
To son Hercules the homestead of 180 acres,
To daughters, Charity and Cathrine, all my lands called Slauter's Landing that I bought of Wm. Felter, John Slauter, widow Johnson and Abner Brush,
Granddaughter, Sarah Bogart,
Grandson, Joseph Osborn
Executors: Wife, Cathrine, David Pye, and Aurt Polhemus.

No. 55. Will. fol. 34.
Jonas Gurnee of Town of Haverstraw,
D. Jul. 6, 1800. P. Aug. 6, 1800.
Weak in body.
Wife, Phebe,
Son, George,
Executors: Elias Gurnee, Benjamin Coe, and Wife, Phebe.

No. 56. Will. fol. 37.
Thomas Lawrence, Sr., late of New York, now of Rockland in Orange County, blacksmith,
D. Jan. 10, 1780. P. Oct. 8, 1800.
Children: Jonathan, Thomas, Richard, Stephen, and Samuel,
Children by present wife: John and Mary,
Wife, Helener,
Plantation where I now live belonging to me and my five brothers,
House and lot in Pearl Street, New York,
Wife to have two negro girls: Mary and Bett.
Executors; Wife, Helener, Son, Jonathan, Son, Richard, and My brother, Daniel Lawrence

No. 57. Will. fol. 39.
Aaron Blauvelt of Town of Hempstead, late of New York,
D. Jan. 26, 1800. P. Apr. 11, 1801.
Weak in body.
Wife, Altye,
Sons, Johannes and Cornelius,
Daus., Mary, Altye, Elizabeth and Anne,
My half-sister, Catharine Blauvelt,
Leaves to son Johannes my farm and lot which he now possesses in Township of Ovid, Cayuga County,
Leaves to son Cornelius my farm where I now live,
My negro boy, Will, to my two sons,
Executors: Son, Johannes, Son, Cornelius, and Jacob Waldrom

No. 58. Will. fol. 41.
Michael Cornelison, of Orangetown
D. Oct. 7, 1799. P. Apr. 14, 1801.
In perfect health,
Son, John and Abraham,
Daus., Elizabeth Snedeker - widow, Cathrine Tallman - widow, Elenor Blauvelt -widow, Rachel - wife of Abraham Tallman, Jenny - wife of Robert Rider and Mary - wife of Thunes Tallman,
I leave my gun, pistols, sword and watch to my two aons,
Executors: Dau. Elizabeth Snedeker, and Son-in-law, Abraham Tallman

No. 59. Will. fol. 43.
John Town of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. May 20, 1800. P. Apr. 15, 1801,
Infirm and weak.
Son, John,
Dau. Elizabeth wife of Andrew Van Orden,
To (Altia Barns and Charity Barns) the daughters of Jacob Barns, deceased, the lot I bought of Jacobus De Clark,
Executors: Theodorus Remson, and son, John Town

No. 60. Will. fol. 44.
Derick De Clark of Town of Orange,
D. Jan. 19, 1799. P. Apr. 20, 1801.
In Health.
Grand daughter, Maria the daughter of my son, Michael, deceased,
Wife, Jane,
Son, Jacobus, North 1/2 of farm, my bible,
Grandson, Derick De Clark, the son of my son, Michael, deceased, south 1/2 of farm,
Daus., Maria - wife of Johannes Jacobus Blauvelt, Annetje, Jannetje and Effey,
Grandson, Garret Demarest,
He bequeaths the following named slaves: Suzann, Jin, Nam, Lew, Treen, Harry and Bet.
Executors: Son, Jacobus De Clark, Son-in-law, Johannes Jacobus Blauvelt, and Son-in-law, Daniel Blauvelt

No. 61. Will. fol. 47.
Garret Myer of Clarkstown,
D. Jan. 29, 1800. P. Apr. 25, 1801.
Infirm in body.
Wife, Lametye
Son, George,
Daus., Charity Wood, Elizabeth Williamson, Altye De Clark and Sarah Green,
Grandson, Garret, the son of my daughter Altye,
Executors: Wife Lametye, Son, George, and son-in-law, Nicholas Williamson

No. 62. Will. fol. 49.
Eli Smith
D. Mar. 27, 1801. P. May 4, 1801.
Wife, Leah, land in Hempstead,
My brother Daniel's children,
Executors: Wife, Leah and Abraham Onderdonk

No. 63. Will. fol. 50.
James Garnee of Town of Hempstead,
D. Aug. 12, 1799. P. Oct. 5, 1801.
Only son, Francis, my lands - 67 acres,
Dau. Elizabeth wife of Stephen Peets,
Dau. Phebie wife of Andros Onderdonk,
My wife now deceased,
Grand daughter, Sarah Smith,
Executors: My brother, Eli Gurnie, Son, Francis Gurnee and his wife, Mary Gurnee

No. 64. Will. fol. 52.
Stephen Campbell,
D. Sep. 4, 1799. P. Dec. 3, 1801.
Wife, Clartye,
Sons, Stephen, Cornelius, Abraham and William,
Daus., Charity, Maria and Ann,
To son Stephen, $75. to be lodged with Solly H. Stephens,
Negro woman, Dine, and her male child, Pomp, to be at liberty to choose master,
Executors: Son, Abraham, and Solly H. Stephens

No. 65. Will. fol. 54.
Jacob Deronde of Hampsted,
D. Jun. 5, 1800. P. Mar. 30, 1802.
Weak and infirm in body.
Wife, Mary,
Son, Hendrick, 167 acres of land,
Son, Adrian, my homestead,
Dau. Mary, deceased, formerly wife of Joshua Tenyke,
Grandchildren: Hannah, Sarah, and Maria, children of my dau. Mary Tenyke, deceased,
Grandson, John Zabriskie, the son of my dau. Leah, deceased.
Executors: Sons, Hendrick and Adrian

No. 66. Will. fol. 56.
Ellecksander Mannal of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Sep. 22, 1776. P. Sep. 25, 1802.
Weak in body,
My brother, Jehonas Mannally, 1/2 of land, gun and "sord",
My sisters: Mary, Herche, Cathareen, Sara, and Hanna, 1/2 of land,
Executors: My mother, Herche Mannal, and Resolvert Stevenson

No. 67. Will. fol. 58.
Johanias D. Vries of Clarkstown,
D. Sep. 9, 1797. P. Nov. 2, 1802.
Weak in body,
Wife, Trintye,
Son, John,
Daus., Maria - wife of Joseph Dowe, Hannatye - wife of Abraham Polhemus, Leah -wife of John De Graw, Rachel - wife of Samuel Yeoman, Elizabeth - wife of John Shuart and Trintye, deceased
Grand daughter, Catharine Dowe, the daughter of my dau., Maria,
Grand daughter, Margaret Yeomans,
Grand daughter, Rachel Sunecher, the daughter of my dau. Trintye, deceased,
Executors: Claus R. Van Houten, and Peter P. Blauvelt

No. 68. Will. fol. 60.
Johannis Iac. Blauvelt of Orange Town,
D. Oct. 14, 1709. Codicil D. Jan. 8, 1803. P. Jan. 22, 1803.
Wife, Mary,
My sister, Sarah, who lives with me, all my lands in Orange Town,
Heirs of my sister, Catharine,
Jacobus Thew, the only heir of my sister, Elizabeth,
My sister, Margritie,
My sister, Mary,
My brother's children: John Blauvelt ... land in Clarkstown, Casparis Blauvelt and Jacobus Blauvelt,
Provides that James Tunuer, who now lives with me, shall be supported,
Negro wench, Hen, and the two children, Mary and Silas, to be free six years after my decease,
Executors: James Perry, Daniel J. Haring, and my sister, Sarah

No. 69. Will. fol. 64.
Margaret Minthorne, wife of Philip Minthorne, of Harington, Bergen County, N.J.,
D. Jun. 10, 1799. P. Feb. 11, 1803.
Testatrix" maiden name: Margaret Turk,
My niece, Margaret Myers,
Executor: William Dolson

No. 70. Will. fol. 65.
Isaac Blanch of Clarkstown,
D. May 4, 1802. Codicil D. Jan. 31, 1803. P. Mar. 19, 1803.
Sons: Isaac, Abraham, Thomas, and Richard,
Daus.: Martina and Klaasje,
Executors: Four sons

No. 71. Will. fol.
Stephen S. Gurnee of Hempstead, miller,
D. Nov. 9, 1801. P. Mar. 26, 1803.
Very sick and weak,
Wife, Sarah,
Son, Elbert,
Sons and daughters mentioned but not named,
Executors: My brother, Halstead Gurnee, Samuel W. Coe, and my wife, Sarah

No. 72. Will. fol.
Jecobas Blauvelt of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Jul. 2, 1786. P. May 4, 1803.
In a low condition,
Wife, Herche,
Sons, Isaac and Abraham,
Daus. Mary, Braache, and Yanneake,
My Negro to have right to choose his master,
My sons to have my 36 silver buttons,
Executors: Resolvert Stevenson and Abraham Forveallow

No. 73. Will. fol. 71
Isaac Sheerwood of Hampstead, practitioner of Physic and Surgery,
D. Mar. 5, 1803. P. May 17, 1803.
Weak and infirm in body.
Wife, Rebecca,
Sons, Levi, Samuel, Isaac, and Benjamin,
My grand daughters, the daughters of Garet Thew: Hannah and Rebecca,
Heirs of my deceased daughter, Hannah, late wife of William Smith, deceased,
Martha, or Patty, late wife of Adrian Deronde,
Elizabeth (deceased ?) wife of Archibald Cassedy,
Executors: Wife, Rebecca, and sons, Levi and Samuel

No. 74. Will. fol. 73
Geertje Mannel, widow, of Clarkstown,
D. Feb. 19, 1793. P. Jul. 13, 1803.
Dau. Mary widow of John Vanderbilt,
Dau. Geertje wife of Stephen Stephenson,
Dau. Catharine wife of William Stephenson,
Dau. Hannah wife of Harmanus Perry,
Executors: Son-in-laws, Wm. Stephenson and Harmanus Perry

No. 75. Will. fol. 75
John Tallman of Clarkstown,
D. May 27, 1801. P. Oct. 31, 1803.
Weak in body.
Wife, Joanna,
Sons, Dowe, John, Thunes, and Garret - youngest son,
Dau. Anne wife of Thomas Blanch,
Dau. Wintye wife of Peter Van Houten,
Dau. Sarah, youngest daughter,
To sons all real estate in Clarkstown, Orangetown and Hempstead.
Executors: Sons, Dowe and John

No. 76. Will. fol. 78
Maria Tenure, spinister, of Clarkstown,
D. Aug. 16, 1803. P. Dec. 20, 1803.
In health.
Entire estate to Thomas Tilton, my good friend, by trade a house carpenter in New York City, who is named as sole Executor.

No. 77. Will. fol. 79
Jacob Rose of Haverstraw,
D. Dec. 15, 1803. P. Jan. 25, 1804.
Weak in body.
Wife, Emma,
Sons, Jacob, Henry, John, George, Martin, William, and James,
I have sold 1/2 of my sloop Sally to my son Jacob for which he owes me £150,
I have sold to Richard Dykens 25 acres in lot I bought of Thomas Hay.
Executors: Son, Henry, Wife, Emma, and Abraham Cooper.

No. 78. Will. fol. 80
Catharine Blauvelt, widow, of Town of Orange,
D. June 30, 1798. P. Mar. 5, 1804
My sister, Margaret Bogert, widow,
My sister, Rachel Depew, widow,
My sister, Leah Bogert, widow,
Children of my sister, Elizabeth, deceased,
Executor: my nephew, John G. Bogert

No. 79. Will. fol. 82.
Abraham Thew of Clarkstown,
D. Jun. 10, 1799. P. Mar. 5, 1804.
In health.
Son, Daniel Thew,
Dau. Rachel wife of Ezra Hunter,
Dau. Elizabeth,
Executors: Son, Daniel, Son-in-law, Ezra Hunter, and Theodorus Snedeker

No. 80. Will. fol. 84.
Philip Sarvan of Town of Orange,
D. Mar. 17, 1804. P. May 11, 1804.
Wife Sarah,
Son, Abraham, Life interest in the south side of farm on Hudson River with the house-the garden and quarry now occupied by him, but he shall not be permitted to extend the quarry further north than the south bounds of my garden, also 3 acres of salt meadow, bounded: N. by Daniel Onderdonk, E. by the Hudson River, S. by Samuel Coe, W. by heirs of Wm. Graham,
Daus. Elsie, Catharine, Maria, Margaret, and Sarah, one half of farm,
My nephew, Philip Sarvan, son of my brother, Adrian, to receive bequest if he continues in my family till 21 years of age,
Executors: James Perry, James Edward, and Tunis T. Tallman, Jr.

No. 81. Will. fol. 87.
David Pye of Clarkstown,
D. Jan. 2, 1796. P. Sep. 17, 1804.
Wife, mentioned but not named,
Dau. Sarah wife of Andrew C. Fraunces,
Dau. Ann,
Son, David,
Son, John, to have land on the south side of the road (except where the wash house and bleach yard and the two yards below are located) with all the tools and implements belonging to the clothing business,
Son, Isaac, to have my dwelling house and land on the north side of the road and wash house and yards reserved above,
Executors: Wife, and Aurt Polhemus

No. 82. Will. fol. 89.
Edward Briggs of Tappan Precinct, cordwainer,
D. Sep. 23, 1783. P. Nov. 7, 1804.
Sick and weak,
Wife, Ann,
Sons, Lawrence, Casparus, Matthew and James, to have lands,
Daus., Ann, Mary, Rachel, Elizabeth, Sophia and Catharine,
Executors: John Stagg, and John Haring

No. 83. Will. fol. 92. (Same will as No. 30.)
Johannes Blauvelt of Clauss Land,
D. May 16, 1786. P. Jan. 26, 1805.
Weak in body,
Wife, Elizabeth,
Grandson, Johannes Joha's Blauvelt,
Grandson, Garret J. Blauvelt,
Grandson, David J. Blauvelt,
Grandson, Isaac J. Blauvelt,
Grand daughter, Elizabeth Blauvelt the daughter of Catrine Blauvelt, deceased,
Disposes of negro woman, Saur,
Executors: Cornelius Corn's. Smith, and Son-in-law, Johannes Isaac Blauvelt

No. 84. Will. fol. 94.
John Wiant,
D. Oct. 21, 1804. P. Mar. 21, 1805.
Weak in body,
Wife, Margaret,
Sons, John, Tobias, Andrew, George, and Samuel,
Executors: Wife, Margaret of Haverstraw, and John Wiant, Jr.

No. 85. Will. fol. 95.
Tunis Smith, farmer,
D. Jan. 18, 1803. P. Apr. 22, 1805.
In health,
Wife, Rachel,
Dau. Maria Blauvelt,
Grand daughter, Rachel Bell,
My brother, Cornelius Smith,
My brother, Garret Smith,
My sister, Lanah Blauvelt,
Mentions negro woman Dina,
Executors: Grandson, John Bell, William Sickels, and Richard Blauvelt

No. 86. Will. fol. 97.
Jacob Waldron of Haverstraw,
D. Dec. 25, 1804. P. Apr. 30, 1805.
Wife, Cathrine Waldron, 1/4th of Stony Point which she heired of her mother and 1/2 of my house where I now live and my negro girl, Fanne,
Eldest son, Abram, Land in Chosecocks Patent so far south as the old school house and east to near Samuel Brewster's line,
Youngest son, Resolvert, All my home lot east of the King's Ferry road and all that part of my right which I have not disposed of in Stony Point tract,
Daus. Cathrine, Margrete, and Hannah,
Son-in-law, George Wient, to have 1/2 of my sloop.
Executors: John Blauvelt, son of Aury Blauvelt, deceased, my son, Abram, and my son, Resolvert.

{Note:  J. A. Lamb writes, June 19, 2005, informing that he noted a discrepancy in dates between #86 (Will Abstract) and #674 (Letter of Administration), the latter being dated 3 days before the date the will was made.]

No. 87. Will. fol. 100
Abel Scott, turner, of Hemstad,
D. Dec. 15, 1804. P. May 18, 1805.
Weak in body,
Wife, Moroche,
Sons, John, Derick, William, Cornelius, and Abel,
Executors: Wife, Moroche and Andris Onderdonk

No. 88. Will. fol. 101
Elexander Lindsey of Hempsted,
D. Sep. 25, 1805. P. Oct. 3, 1805.
Weak in body,
Children mentioned but not named,
Executrix: Wife, Catheran

No. 89. Will. fol, 102
Johanis Vanderbelt of Clarkstown,
D. Sep. 11, 1797. Codicil D. May 31, 1800. P. Nov. 5, 1805,
Infirm in body,
Son, Jacobus, my large bible, 92 acres of land bounded: N. by Harman Tallman, E. by Heirs of Jacobus Vanderbilt, deceased, S. by Heirs of Jeremiah Martine, W. by the public road and Harman Tallman,
Son, Johannes, Land,
Son, Jacob, Land I purchased from Isaac Cole being part of Lots 5 and 6 of the East 400 acre lots in the North Moiety of Kakiat, containing 115 acres,
Son, Garret, Lot I purchased from Andres Onderdonk containing 113 acres,
Son, Isaac, Lands I purchased from Jacob Eckerson at Scotland containing 70 acres,
Daus,, Maria - wife of Abraham Van Houten and Iddo - wife of Peter Stevens, land I purchased from Abraham Garrison, cont. 54 acres,
Daus., Brakye - wife of Abraham Stevens and Heletye - wife of Charles Benson, 85 acres bounded: N. by Jacob Tinkie, E. by Aurt Polhemus, S. by Capt. John Eckerson, and W. by Jacobus De Clark,
Dau. Greetye, Lot containing 25 acres that I purchased under the conveyance of Andros Tinkie, being part of Thomas Blauvelt's farm,
Wife, Annetye, and daus., Maretye, Sarah and Cathrine, homestead and other lands,
Daughters of my wife, Maria Blauvelt and Jonetye Blauvelt,
Executors: Son, Jacobus, My brother, Derick Vanderbilt, and John M. Hogenkamp

Codicil, D. May 31, 1800.
To son: Isaac, Land I purchased from Isaac A. Blauvelt in the North Moiety of the Kakiat Patent containing 56 3/4 acres adjoining John H. Tallman's land and also 9 4/10ths acres out of the southeast corner of the lands that I had from Andreas Onderdonk including the lot owned by David Vanderbeek and the liberty of a way along by the division line of the Kakiat Patent between his lots adjoining the said division line, the above in lieu of land given Isaac in my will which I have sold.

No. 90. Will. fol. 108
John I. Gurnee of Hempstead,
D. Jul. 31, 1805. P. Nov. 18, 1805,
Wife, Sarah,
Children mentioned but not named.
Executors: Wife, Sarah and Gilbert Johnson

No. 91. Will. fol. 110.
Thomas Allison of Town of Haverstraw,
D. Nov. 2, 1805. P. Dec. 12, 1805.
Weak in body,
Wife, Margaret,
Sons: William, Jacob, Ames and Peter,
Daus.: Elsy, Maryan, Abba and Nelly,
Executors: Wife, Margaret, and Joseph B. Allison.

No. 92. Will. fol. 111.
John Post of Hampsted,
D. May 3, 1805. P. Dec. 12, 1805.
Weak in body,
Wife, Nancy, -- Executrix,
"Children" and "sons" mentioned but not named,
To son, Peter, one colt. N.B. If Peter does not stay this year and do for the family he is not to have the colt.
Witness: James Burgess of Hampstead, school-master.

No. 93. Will. fol. 113.
Yanaka Stevens, widow of Hendrick Stevens of Clarkstown,
D. Sep. 28, 1805. P. Dec. 27, 1805.
Weak in body,
Dau. Klarche Campbell,
Son, Stephen Stevens,
Dau. Rebekah Brower,
Son, Resalvert Stevens,
My grandchildren - the heirs of my deceased daughter Maria, formerly the wife of James Myers,
My grandson Abraham Myers, shall pay to his brother, Hendrick Myers the amount he owes him,
My grandson, Hendrick Myers, shall pay to his uncles, Stephen Stevens and Resalvert Stevens, the amount he owes them,
Executors: Sons, Stephen and Resalvert, and daus. Klarche Campbell and Rebecca Brower.

No. 94. Will. fol. 116.
Abraham Mabie of Orangetown
D. Jun. 19, 1805. P. Jan. 30, 1806.
Wife, Wyntye,
Sons, Peter, Abraham A., Caspares, and Cornelius, (Abraham A. to have the house and lot at the Slote creek, where he now lives),
Daus. Wyntye, Frankey, Mary, Elizabeth, Hannah, and Rachel,
Heirs of dau. Catlintye,
Executors: Son, Peter, and son-in-law, John Taulman

No. 95. Will. fol. 119.
John Coleman of Clarkstown,
D. Jan. 9, 1806. P. Apr. 15, 1806.
Wife, Bathsheba, to have negro girl, Dinah,
Son, Archibald, land where I live on west side of road leading through Clarkstown to Slaughter's Landing, and provision for son Archibald to pursue the study of the law,
Daus., Nancy, Elizabeth, Lydia, and Mary wife of Daniel Brady,
To children of my daughter Catharine wife of John Smith, land near Vedredica Hook on the Hudson River which I lately purchased of John Smith, containing 42 acres,
Executors: My brother, Alexander, Wife, Bathsheba Coleman, "My son", Harman's Tallman, and Daniel Thew

No. 96. Will. fol. 123.
David Bogart of Orangetown,
D. Aug. 6, 1798. Codicil D. Sep. 7, 1798. P. Apr. 21, 1806.
Wife Cornelia,
Son, Albert, land I purchased of Casparis Mabie,
Son, David, the following lands: Land where I now dwell, 1 lot I purchased of Philip Ryckman and Jacob Eckerson, 1 lot I purchased of Theophelus Bache, out of farm formerly owned by John Mabie, and 2 lots I purchased of Myndert Hogencamp,
Daus. Sarah, Cornelia, Willimpye, Maria, Annakah, Elizabeth, and Catharine,
Executors: Son, Albert, son-in-law, Theunis Depew, and son-in-law, Garret Hogencamp

No. 97. Will. fol. 127.
Catharine Knap of Town of Haverstraw,
D. Jan. 4, 1805. Codicil D. Mar. 3, 1805. P. May 6, 1806.
Sons, Reuben and Silkmon,
Part of personal estate to be divided in seven parts among my daughters,
Executors: Jonah Odell, and Gabriel Odell
Codicil names: Daus. Cathrine, Abigail, Rebecca, and Nanse

No. 98. Will. fol. 130.
William Allison of Town of Haverstraw,
D. May 26, 1804. P. May 6, 1806.
Weak in body,
Wife, Latte,
Children: Henry, Thomas, Paten, William, Peter, Charles, Walter, Elsie, Philetus, and Elizabeth,
Executors: Wife, Latte, and Joseph B. Allison

No. 99. Will. fol. 132
Edward Burling of N. Y. City, formerly distiller,
D. Sep. 24, 1796. P. May 27, 1806.
Wife, Deborah,
Daus., Martha and Phebee,
Son, Charles,
Executors: Wife, Deborah, John Murray, Jr., and Richard Lawrence

No. 100. Will. fol. 134
Abraham Debaun of Hempstead,
D. Apr. 5, 1799. P. Sep. 22, 1806.
Wife, Lea,
1st Son, Caurel - deceased, 2nd Son, David, 3rd Son, Jacob, 4th Son, Abraham, 5th Son, John, 6th Son, Andries, and 7th Son, Isaac,
Daus., Jinny - wife of Peter Smith and Margaret - wife of Albert Woertendyke,
Children of my son Caurel; Edward - 8/- for birth right, and Bridget,
Blacksmith tools to sons: Jacob and Isaac,
Executors: Sons, David and Jacob

No. 101. Will. fol. 140
Charles Mott of Town of Haverstraw, blacksmith,
D. Feb. 1, 1806. P. Sep. 27, 1806.
In weak and languishing condition,
Wife, Phoebe,
Sons, Noah, and Jacob,
Daus., Sally - wife of Michael Gibney, and Polly - wife of David Wright,
Grand daughter, Sally Simmons,
Devised lands purchased of John Thurman of N. Y. City and land purchased of John Thiell
Executors: Nathaniel Dubois, and Samuel Smith

No. 102. Will. fol. 145.
Henry Palmer of Clarkstown,
D. Apr. 14, 1806. P. Oct. 10, 1806.
Wife, Hannah,
Son, William,
Son, James, North part of farm,
To daus., Elizabeth - wife of Abraham Remsen, Nancy - wife of John Acker, Mary - wife of John Remsen, and Margaret - youngest daughter, all that part of my farm south of a line beginning at Hudson River,
Dau. Rachel and her children,
Executors: Wife, Hannah, Son-in-law, John Acker, and Nicholas Williamson

No. 103. Will. fol. 150.
Stephen Slot of Town of Cornwall, Orange Co., N.Y.
D. Aug. 20, 1792. P. Oct. 18, 1806.
Wife, Marretje,
Son, Isaac,
Daus., Elizabeth - wife of Peter Christie, and Mary - wife of Jacobus Westervelt,
Grandson, John Slot to have my negro boy Pone,
Executors: Son, Isaac, and sons-in-law, Peter Christie and Jacobus Westervelt

No. 104. Will. fol. 153.
Edward Smith of Clarkstown,
D. Aug. 11, 1806. P. Dec. 17, 1806.
Sick and weak,
Wife, Eve,
Sons, John, Edward, Gershom, and Benjamin - youngest son,
Daus., Anne - wife of Benjamin Runnels, and Mary - wife of Frances Gurnee,
Three children of deceased daughter, Phebe House, one of whom - "little grandson" Edward House - was to have $20. more than his brothers,
Grandson Edward Smith son of John Smith
Grand daughter Affey Runnels,
Grand daughter Affey Smith daughter of Gershom Smith,
Grand daughter Polly Smith daughter of Edward Smith,
Executors: Four sons.

No. 105. Will. fol. 156.
John Storms of Hempstead,
D. Dec. 4, 1806. P. Dec. 23, 1806.
Weak in body,
Wife, Cathrine,
Only son, John.
Daus., Margaret, Lettee and Mary,
Sole Executor: James Burgess

No. 106. Will. fol. 160.
George Man of Town of Orange,
D. Jun. 29, 1795. P. Feb. 5, 1807.
In perfect health,
Wife, Mary,
Sons, David - all that farm I bought of David Lawrence, and George - farm where I now live,
Dau. Reganah, Mary - wife of Jonathan Lawrence, Margaret - unmarried, and Anne -wife of Jacob Ecker.

No. 107, Will. fol. 163.
Cornelia Benson of Clarkstown,
D. Jul. 30, 1801. P. Mar. 19, 1807.
Sons, Cornelius, Carel and Petrus,
Daus., Jannetie, Mareitie, Elizabeth, Grietie and Catalintie,
Executors: Three sons.

No. 108. Will. fol. 165
Abraham Jones of Clarkstown,
D. Dec. 19, 1806. P. Apr. 18, 1807.
Weak in body,
Wife, Abigal, land purchased of Thomas Blauvelt bounded: N. and partly W. by the new lane, W. by Cornelius De Clark, S. by Aure Serven, and E. by Henry Stephen, containing 14 30/100 acres, also land where my buildings stand which I purchased of Class R. Van Houten and containing 66 acres,
Grandchildren, the children of my brother (sic) Isaac Jonas, deceased: Frederick, Ann, and Rachel,
My sister, Pheby - wife of Isaac Smith,
My sister, Margaret - widow of Thomas Elleson,
My sister, Elizabeth - wife of Lambert Smith,
My sister, Delilah - wife of David Dutcher,
Cackeyet school land mentioned.
Executors: Wife, Abigal, Peter S. Van Orden, and Daniel D. Blauvelt

No. 109. Will. fol. 170
Peter Bush of Hempsted,
D. Jan. 23, 1801. P. May 13, 1807.
Weak in body,
Wife, Margaret,
Son, Derrick, mill lot with grist mill,
Daus., Catharine - wife of John Storm, (may be Horn), Margaret Sholters, and Mary - wife of John Fredrick,
Sons, Peter, Lodawick, Rinard, Richard and Counrad - my large bible for birth right,
Mentions four sons: Richard, Lodawick, Peter and Rinard and then "four youngest sons."
Executors: Joseph Goetchius and Gilbert Cooper

No. 110. Will. fol. 174.
Johannes Bell of the Town of Orange,
D. Jul. 18, 1797. P. Sep. 1, 1807.
Wife, Maria,
Grandson, John Bell, and his sister, my Grand daughter, Rachel Bell,
Maria, wife of John Bonta, resident in Kentucky,
Gertrude, daughter of John Ryker of Harrington, Bergen Co., N.J.,
William and John Bell, sons of my brother, William Bell,
Jacobus Bell, son of my brother Rem Bell,
Executors: Wife, James Edwards, and Peter Taulman

No. 111. Will. fol. 177.
Thomas Outwater of Orange Town,
D. Nov. 7, 1804. P. Sep. 2, 1807.
Wife, Frances, to have negro boy Will,
Son, Jacob, family bible for birth right and lot which I hold in Byard's farm on York Island,
Chrildren of my daughter Mary - wife of James Bell,
Executors: Wife, and Son, Jacob

No. 112. Will. fol. 180.
Benjamin Allison of Town of Haverstraw,
D. Mar. 19, 1796. P. Sep. 21, 1807.
In health,
Wife, Leah, to have negro girl Bett,
Sons, John - eldest, Peter - farm I now live on which formerly belonged to Derick Crum, Joseph, Thomas, Samuel - to have my negro wench Moll, and Robert - deceased,
Elizabeth, widow of my son Robert,
Benjamin, Hannah, and Margaret, children of my son Robert,
Executors: Four sons, John, Peter, Samuel and Joseph

No. 113. Will. fol. 184.
Daniel Martine of Clarkstown,
D. Mar. 3, 1807. P. Nov. 16, 1807.
Dau. Afphe wife of Aurt Polhemus, Lot in Clarkstown with grist-mill,
Grandson, Daniel Polhemus,
Grandson, John Polhemus,
Grandson, Theodrus Polhemus,
Grand daughter, Deborah wife of Peter De Wint Smith,
Grand daughter, Ceashe wife of Jacob De Clark,
Grand daughter, Margaret wife of Abraham Smith,
Nephew, Daniel J. Martine,
Michael Cornelison, Jr.,
Rachel Vanderbilt,
Negro woman Jinny, given freedom,
Negro girl Sarah, given freedom,
Executors: Grandson, Peter De Wint Smith, and James Demarest

No. 114. Will. fol. 188.
Ittiel June of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. Jul. 19, 1805. P. Nov. 30, 1807.
Wife, Phebe,
Mary and William June, children of my son Abraham,
Executors: Son, Baxter June, and Brother-in-law, Benjamin Rose

No. 115. Will. fol. 190.
William Felter of Clarkstown,
D. Feb. 14, 1807. P. Feb. 15, 1808.
Children: Suky, Lounny, William, Jacob, Peter, Effy, and John,
Executors: Son-in-law, Harmanus Tallman, and Robert Hart

No. 116. Will. fol. 192.
Jacobus Van Orden of Clarkstown,
D. May 5, 1808. P. May 28, 1808.
Wife, Mary,
Daus., Rachel - wife of John Jos. Blauvelt, Mary wife of Garret Cooper, and Elizabeth,
Sets all slaves at liberty, viz.: Will and Suck and their three children, Pet, Gin and Ton,
Executors: Resolvert R. Van Houten, Johannes P. Blauvelt, and James Demarest

No. 117. Will. fol. 196.
Jonathan Lawrence, Jr., of Rockland, Orangetown,
D. Apr. 5, 1802. P. Jun. 6, 1808
Wife, Mary,
Sons, Herbert, Charles, Jonathan, and George,
Daus., Eleanor, and Jennet,
Each child to receive a lot of land,
Excecutors: Wife, Mary, Brother-in-law, David Mann, and Brother-in-law, George Mann, Jr.

No. 118. Will. fol. 199.
Isaac Gurnee of Haverstraw,
D. Apr. 3, 1800. Codicil D. Oct. 14, 1802. P. Aug. 20, 1808.
In tolerable health.
Wife, Lydia,
Wife's three sons, Henry, Adolphus, and Joseph Shuart,
Wife's grandson, William Felter,
My sons, Isaac Jr., Francis, John I., and Jonas, who is destitute of reason,
My daus., Polly, Rachel - wife of Paul Percell, and Hannah - wife of Jeremiah Allison,
Children of my dau. Hester late wife of Isaac Secor,
Negro woman Bet,
Executors: Kinsman, Benjamin Secor, Kinsman, Cabriel Conklin, and Benjamin Coe

No. 119. Will. fol. 204.
Phebe Onderdonk of Nyack,
D. Oct. 5, 1807. P. Aug. 23, 1808.
Weak in body,
Son, George Onderdonk,
Daus., Alche - wife of John Waldron, Anche Onderdonk and Polly Ackerson,
Executors: Son, George, Cassius Bogart, and Robert Hart

No. 120. Will. fol. 206.
Jacobus D. De Clark of Clarkstown,
D. Nov. 22, 1800. P. Sep. 21, 1808.
Wife, Catherina,
Eldest son, Daniel,
Second son, Jacobus J.,
Third son, Moses,
Youngest son, Harmanus,
Each son to receive 1/4th of farm,
Dau. Abigal wife of Abraham Jones,
Executors: Sons, Daniel and Jacobus J.

No. 121. Will. fol. 211.
William Fufman of Clarkstown,
D. Feb. 12, 1808. P. Oct. 14, 1808,
My mother the wife of Johannes Trumper,
Sole Executor: My step-father, Johannes Trumper

No. 122. Will. fol. 213.
Hendrick Tenure of Clarkstown
D. Feb. 25, 1802. P. Oct. 29, 1808.
To my friend, John Hutton, all my lands,
Hendrick Hutton, son of John Hutton,
William Hutton, son of John Hutton,
Mary Van Dolson, daughter of John Hutton and wife of Johannes Van Dalson,
Marretye Sickels wife of William Sickels,
Marretye Depew wife of John Depew,
Marretye Depew wife of Abraham Depew,
Marretye Demarest daughter of Jacobus Demarest,
Executors: William Sickels, and Maj. Cornelius Blauvelt

No. 123. Will. fol. 217.
David Edwards of Orange Town,
D. Oct. 20, 1793. P. Oct. 31, 1808.
Son, James, lands in Tappan,
Dau. Leah wife of Casparus Mabie, farm in Kakiat,
Grandson, David Edwards,
Grandson, David Mabie,
Executors: Son, James, and Dau. Leah

No. 124. Will. fol. 219.
Garret Ackerman of Hempstead,
D. Mar. 4, 1808. P. Dec. 15, 1808.
Weak in body,
Wife, Rachel, to have Dutch bible,
Sons, William G., John G., and James G.,
Daus., Jany, and Betsy,
"I will that every grandchild shall have a sheep ....that bares my names."
Mentions "my house in New York."
Executors: Sons John G. and William G.

No. 125. Will. fol. 224.
Nicholas Green of Nyack,
D. Sep. 27, 1808. P. Dec. 21, 1808.
Weak in body,
Wife, Mary,
Sons, Jones (Jonas), and John,
Daus., Margaret, Elizabeth, Catharine, and Dorcas Dutcher,
Clarina, daughter of my daughter, Dorcas Dutcher,
Nicholas, son of my son Jones,
Nicholas, son of my son John,
Executors: Sons, Jones and John, and Nicholas Williamson

No. 126. Will. fol. 227.
James Christie of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. May 23, 1807. P. Jan. 9, 1809.
In good health,
Wife, Grietje,
Son, Hendrick,
Daus., Anna - wife of Jacob Young, Peggy - unmarried, Elizabeth - unmarried, and Bridget - unmarried,
"My body to be buried in the church yard at Rammepough Church near the remains of my son David,"
Executors: My brother, Peter Christie, Brother-in-law, Abraham Dater, Wife, Grietje, and David Christie, son of my brother John Christie
(See Tombstone Inscriptions, No. 5166)

No. 127. Will. fol. 233.
Alexander Bulson of Town of Haverstraw,
D. Jul. 16, 1808. P. Jan. 25, 1809.
Weak in body,
Wife, Caty,
Sons, John and Elexander,
Daus., Peggy T. Nike (Teneyck), Sally Broaks, and Caty Emmuk,
Executors: Wife, Caty, and Samuel Goetschius

No. 128. Will. fol. 235.
Joseph Jones of Clarkstown,
D. Mar. 24, 1807. P. Feb. 7, 1809.
Sons, Benjamin, Edward, Jacob, Joseph, Jonas, and Isaac,
Dau. Pheobe Valentine, land on the road to New City,
Dau. Martha Rickhow wife of John Rickhow,
Dau. Charrity Jackson,
Dau. Mary Green,
Grand dau. Charrity dau. of my son Isaac,
Executors: Son-in-law, Patten Jackson, and Son, Isaac

No. 129. Will. fol. 238.
John H. Blauvelt of Town of Orange,
D. Feb. 10, 1809. P. Feb. 16, 1809.
Weak in body,
Wife, Mary,
Children mentioned but not named,
Executors: Wife, Mary, Abraham C. Mabie, and Henry A. Blauvelt

No. 130. Will. fol. 240.
John Haring of Orange Town,
D. Dec. 19, 1808. P. Apr. 8, 1809.
Wife, Mary, one bedstead with the beds, bed cloths, etc, and my negro woman slave Abigail, also $800.
Sons, Samuel, Elbert - land in Cayuga County, Nicholas Lansing - land in Cayuga County, and John Bogert,
Daus., Maria, Elizabeth, and Margaret,
Executors: Richard Blauvelt, and Samuel G. Verbryck

(Note - The above is the will of the Hon. John Haring, the Stateman of Revolutionary Days.)

No. 131. Will. fol. 244.
Frederic Blauvelt of Orange Town,
D. Feb. 9, 1805. Codicil D. Jan. 23, 1809. P. May 29, 1809.
Dau. Elizabeth Mabie wife of Cornelius Mabie,
Grandchildren: Peter, Fredric, John, Ann, Maria, and Elizabeth Mabie,
Niece, Mary Kip, unmarried,
Grand dau. Ann Mabie to have my negro girl slave Ton,
Codicil mentions "lands now possessed by my miller" and "part of my farm lying on the west side of the Hackensack river."
Executors: Dau. Elizabeth Mabie, Nephew, Abraham G. Blauvelt, John Haring, and Samuel G. Verbryck

No. 132. Will. fol. 248.
Johannes D.Blauvelt of Town of Orange,
D. Sep. 8, 1808. P. Jun. 8, 1809.
Wife, Catherina,
Son, Daniel, land where I now live,
Dau. Marretye wife of John Mabie,
Executors: Cornelius Smith, Jr., and Richard Blauvelt

No. 122. Will. fol. 251.
David Springsteen of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. Jul. 11, 1801. P. Jan. 28, 1809.
Weak in body,
Wife mentioned but not named,
Brother's sons: John, Samuel, Resolve, and David,
Executors: Wife and Samuel Goetschius

No. 134. Will. fol. 254.
Johannes Van Dalfsen of the Town of Orange,
D. Jul. 21, 1804. Codicil D. Dec. 22, 1807. P. Sep. 23, 1809.
Wife mentioned but not named,
Johannes, Garret, and Maria, children of my son Jacobus, deceased,
Widow of my son Jacobus,
Effie - wife of William Felter, dau. of my son John, deceased,
John and Elsje Van Dolfsen, children of my son John, deceased,
Executors: John Haring, and Abraham G. Blauvelt
Codicil: Isaac P. Smith named as an executor in place of John Haring, Esq.

No. 135. Will. fol. 261.
Robert Sickels of the Town of Orange,
D. Jun. 22, 1808. Codicil D. May 29, 1809. P. Oct. 23, 1809.
Weak in body,
My sister, Sarah Lydecker, one of my female slaves,
My sisters, Geartye, Jane and Elizabeth,
My brothers, Johannes and William,
Children of my brother Nicolas Sickles, deceased,
Children of my brother Henry Sickels, deceased,
My nephew, William H. Sickels,
Children of my nephew, William N. Sickels, deceased,
My nephew, Cornelius Lydecker, son of my sister Sarah,
My nephew, Roelef Sickels,
My niece, Elizabeth Harring, widow,
My aunt, Marretye Van De Linde,
Mentions lands on Man of War's Ridge in Clarkstown, and land on Narinshaw Brook,
Executors: Nephew, Cornelius Lydecker, Brother, William Sickels, and Richard Blauvelt

No. 136. Will. fol. 270.
Jacob Ten Eyck, Jr. of Hempstead,
D. Nov. 17, 1809. P. Dec. 11, 1809.
Weak in body,
Entire estate to wife Helly,
Executors: Wife, Helly Ten Eyck, and John D. Coe

No. 137. Will. fol. 272.
Cornelius Blauvelt of the Town of Orange,
D. Oct. 17, 1805. Codicil D. Mar. 29, 1810. P. May 1, 1810.
Wife, Margaret,
Children of my son Isaac Blauvelt, deceased,
Grandson, Nicholas Blauvelt, negro man and weaving loom,
Children of my grandson Nicholas Blauvelt,
Grandson, Cornelius Blauvelt,
Granddaughters, Peggy Blauvelt, Caty Blauvelt and Peggy Tenure,
Mentions land on the west side of the Greenbush road,
Executors: Isaac P. Smith, Garret I. Blauvelt, and Tunis Smith

No. 138. Will. fol. 276.
John Johnson of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. Mar. 20, 1810. P. May 12, 1810.
Weak in body,
Wife mentioned but not named,
Sons, John eldest, Theodorus, Benson, and Matthew,
Daus., Rebecca - wife of Fulls Buchanner, Catharine - wife of Jabiz Sheerwood, Sarah and Hannah,
Executors: Wife, Son, Benson, and Matthew Benson

No. 139. Will. fol. 282.
Elius Smith of the Precinct of Haverstraw,
D. May 17, 1787. P. May 17, 1810.
Wife, Delillah,
Sons, Elias - eldest, John - second eldest, Daniel and Benjamin,
Daus., Dilillah and Hannah,
Executors: Wife, Delillah Smith, and sons, Elias and John.

No. 140. Will. fol. 285.
John Walderom of Hempstead,
D. Nov. 2, 1809. P. May 19, 1810.
Weak in body,
Sister, Magret Taylor's three children, Rachel, John Jr., and William,
Executors: Wife, Caty, and Peter S. Van Orden

No. 141. Will. fol. 288.
Michael Salyer of Orange Town,
D. Mar. 7, 1810. P. May 8, 1810.
Weak in body,
Wife, Elizabeth,
Daus., Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah - unmarried, and Rachel - unmarried,
Executors: My uncle, Jacobus I Blauvelt, and James Perry

No. 142. Will. fol. 291.
Garret Jos. Blauvelt of the Town of Orange,
D. Jun. 7, 1803. P. Aug. 6, 1810.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, Johannes, land in Orange Town,
Son, Joseph, land in Harrington, Bergen Co.,
Son, Abaham,
Dau, Elizabeth, wood land at Middletown
Executors: Three sons

No. 143. Will. fol. 295.
Robert Burns of the Precinct of Haverstraw,
D. Jul. 4, 1789. P. Sep. 6, 1810. (Died, Nov. 22, 1794.)
Wife, Mary, to receive that farm lying and being in the township of Greenwich, county of Hamsheir, and state of Mass., containing 150 or 200 acres and also negro wench, Rency,
Son, David, my interest in the place we lately bought of Thomas Smith - he having already a deed for the same,
Dau. Mary Burns, the land where I now live containing 17 acres,
Executors: Wife, Son and Daughter

No. 144. Will. fol. 297.
Johannes (Isa.?) Blauvelt of Clarkstown,
D. May 8, 1794. P. Oct. 23, 1810.
Weak in body,
Wife, Elanor,
Son, Thomas, 126 1/2 acres where he now lives, also part of the farm I bought of Trumper,
Son, Isaac, remainder of the farm I bought of Trumper,
Son, John, the farm I bought of Powles Hopper,
Son, Abraham, part of the farm I bought of John Cooper,
Grandchildren, John, Annitje, Elenor, and Harmanne, the children of my daughter Elizabeth, deceased, (*) (Elizabeth Blauvelt married Harman Tallman.)
Executors: Sons, Thomas and Isaac, John Blauvelt, and Abraham Blauvelt

No. 145. Will. fol. 301.
Peter Read of Hempstead,
D. Jan. 2, 1811. P. Jan. 10, 1811.
Weak in body,
Wife, Mary,
Children of my son John, deceased,
Dau. Mary - wife of Daniel Harring,
Dau. Margaret - wife of David Halstead,
Executors: John D. Coe and Samuel W. Coe

No. 146. Will. fol. 303
James Tenure of Clarkstown,
D. Aug. 17, 1802. P. Feb. 7, 1811.
Infirm and weak in body,
Wife, Rantia,
My widowed sister, Rachel Van Orden's son, Jacobus I. Van Orden,
My sister, Peggy's son, James Demarest, who now lives with me, -- land,
My sister, Peggy Demarest - wife of Jacobus Demarest,
My sister, Mintia Vanderbelt - wife of James Vanderbelt,
Executors: James Vanderbelt, James Demarest and Abraham Snyder

No. 147. Will. fol. 306
David Eckerson of Hempstead,
D. Mar. 7, 1809. P. Mar. 23, 1811.
Wife, Angenetye,
Sons, Thomas - $12.50 for birth right, Paul, John, David and Aurie,
My grist mill to sons, Thomas, John, David and Aurie,
Dau. Hannah formerly wife of Abr. Lozier, deceased,
Dau. Mary wife of Peter Debaun,
Dau. Angenetye,
Executors: Son, Thomas, Peter S. Van Orden, and Peter C. Smith,
Signed: "David Ackarson"

No. 148. Will. fol. 309
Harmah Taulman of Rockland County,
D. May 21, 1804. Codicil D. Aug. 27, 1805. P. Apr. 8, 1811.
In perfect health,
Wife, Maria,
Son, Harmah, dau. Anna - wife of John Lydecker, and dau.Leah - wife of Roelof Van Houten, each to have of lands,
Elizabeth and John, children of my son John, deceased, to whom he leaves the farm I bought with my son John of Stephen Stevens,
Also mentions land I bought of John Martine,
Executors: Son, Harmah, Sons-in-law, John Lydecker and Roelof
Codicil: "It hath pleased the Almighty to take my son Harmannes Taulman out of life."
Isaac and Margaritie, children of my son Harmannes, deceased.

No. 149. Will. fol. 313.
John Gisner of Harrington, Bergen Co., N.J.
D. May 7, 1810. P. Jul. 11, 1811.
Sons, John, Nicholas, Henry, and Abraham,
Children of my son Isaac,
Children if my son Cornelius,
Dau. Famica wife of Peter Woolsey,
Dau. Elizabeth wife of Jacob Concklen,
Son-in-law, Peter Woolse,
"My blood beads shall be left in the possession of my daughter Elizabeth for the use of such of my children as may stand in need of them." (*) (In the inventory, the "3 blood beads" are valued at 6 shillings)
Sole Executor: Jacob Outwater

No. 150. Will. fol. 313.
John Springsteel of Clarkstown,
D. Mar. 23, 1811. P. Jul. 13, 1811.
Weak in body,
To wife, Laney Stag, farm and mill where I now live, in trust, for the children of my first wife (whose name is given later as Hannah Onderdonk),
John, the youngest son of Hannah Onderdonk, my first wife,
Children of my second wife to receive the mountain which I purchased of John Crum,
Executors: Eldest son, Daniel, Son-in-law, Daniel Cocolet, Wife, Laney

No. 151. Will. fol. 316.
Cornelius Smith, Jr. of the Town of Orange,
D. Jun. 15, 1811. P. Aug. 17, 1811.
Wife, Susanah,
Son, John
Son, Cornelius, to have two acres of land where I now live on the west side of the road also mountain lot where grist mill formerly stood,
Dau. Marie wife of Tunis Smith,
Dau. Susanah wife of Sale Merceles,
My old slave Yon to stay with my wife,
Executors: Sons, John and Cornelius, and Richard Blauvelt

No. 152. Will. fol. 318.
Cornelius A. Smith of the Town of Orange,
D. May 23, 1809. P. Oct. 11, 1811.
Weak in body,
Wife, Mary,
Son, Garret C. Smith,
Dau. Margaret Smith,
Executors: Wife, Mary, Son, Garret C., and my brother-in-law, Cornelius Eckerson

No. 153. Will. fol. 320.
Jacob Ten Eyck of Hampstead,
D. Aug. 26, 1810. P. Nov. 15, 1811.
Wife, Rachel,
Sons, Joshua and John,
Daus., Mary - wife of George Trumper, Betsey - wife of Joseph Conklin, Rachel - wife of Benjamin Jones, Anna - wife of Benjamin Jarkes, Phebe - wife of Joseph Green, and Sally, being very infirm and it is probable she will never be able to provide for herself to be maintained by my two sons,
Executors: Wife, Rachel, and sons, John and Joshua.

No. 154. Will. fol. 321.
Richard Osborn,
D. Jun. 7, 1811. P. Nov. 23, 1811.
To Dau. Mary "my hool estate,"
My sister, Mary,
Mr. Conkling and Mary my sister (wife of Conkling ?),
Executors: James Osborn, Daniel Phillips

No. 155. Will. fol. 322.
Ezekiel Conklin of Haverstraw,
D. Nov. 9, 1811. P. Nov. 29, 1811.
Weak in body,
Wife, Amey,
Sons, John - eldest, Matthew, Johnson, Benjamin, and George,
Daus., Sarah - wife of William Jones and eldest daughter, Elizabeth, Mary, Hannah - wife of James Wandell, Vine, Nancy and Clarissa,
Grandson, John the son of my son Matthew,
Executrors: Wife, Amey, Son, Johnson, and Kinsman, Halsted Coe

No. 156. Will. fol. 323.
Randall Mc Donald, miller, of Town of Haverstraw,
D. Sep. 12, 1811. P. Nov. 29, 1811.
To my wife, Hannah, all of my estate,
My children mentioned but not named,
Executrix: Wife, Hannah

No. 157. Will. fol. 324.
Abraham Arey, weaver, of Orange Town,
D. Dec. 22, 1811. P. Dec. 31, 1811.
Weak in body,
Son, John,
Dau. Mary,
Mentions the sloop of which I own the 1/3rd part in partnership with John Moore,
Executors: John Moore, and my brother, Nicholas Aray

No. 158. Will. fol. 326.
Isaac Perry of the Town of Orange,
D. Jun. 10, 1808. P. Jan. 3, 1812.
Weak in body,
Wife, Margaret,
Dau. Catherina widow of David D. Blauvelt to whom is given the followings lands: Old homestead where I now live, 100 acres,     Land at Seaurclaw, 33 acres, Land on N.Y.-N.J. line, 25 acres, Woodland in Harrington Township being the N.W. corner of lands I bought of Wm. Byard, 8 acres,
Dau. Elizabeth wife of Garret T. Blauvelt, to have the remainder of the testator's lands,
Grandson, David D. Blauvelt,
Grandson, Isaac G. Blauvelt,
Executors: Son-in-law, Garret T. (or I.) Blauvelt, Grandson, David D. Blauvelt, and James Demarest

No. 159. Will. fol. 328.
Matthew Barbarow of Hempsted,
D. May 28, 1810. P. Feb. 19, 1812.
Children: Margaret, John, Matthew, Caspaurus, Frederick, Mary, and Rosenah,
Children of my daughter Hannah, deceased; John, Peggy, and Polly,
Executors: Son, Frederick, and Cornelius Wanmaker

No. 160. Will. fol. 330.
Benjamin Furman of Haverstraw,
D. Jun. 5, 1811. P. Apr. 18, 1812.
Weak in body,
Wife, Mary,
Sons, Isaac, William, and Howard,
Daus., Abigail - wife of Isaac Parker, and Mary - wife of Robert Persell,
Children of my daughter Elizabeth late the wife of Cornelius Waldron, Jacob Waldron, and Elizabeth - wife of Elbert Gurnee,
Executors: Sons, Isaac and William

No. 161. Will. fol. 332.
Garret Blauvelt of the Town of Orange,
D. Apr. 10, 1784. P. Jun. 25, 1812.
Sick and weak,
Son. Isaac, 40/ - as his birth right,
Wife Rebecca,
Son, Jacobus,
Daus., Elizabeth, and Deborah,
Executors: Capt. Jacobus D.Blauvelt, and Abraham D. Blauvelt

No. 162. Will. fol. 334.
Harman Blauvelt of Hempstead,
D. Sep. 7, 1810. P. Aug. 22, 1812.
Weak in body,
Wife, Mary,
Son, John, to have the homestead,
Dau. Peggy wife of Reynard Smith,
Dau. Catharine widow of Jacob Waldrom,
Children of my daughter, Jane, deceased, late the wife of Joseph Goetchers, John, Polly, Harman, and Rachel,
My negroes to be divided among my three children, John, Peggy and Catharine,
Executors: John Blauvelt, Peggy Smith, and John Goetchers

No. 163. Will. fol. 335.
William Armstrong of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. Aug. 11, 1812. P. Aug. 26, 1812.
Weak in body,
To present wife, Maria "and the child she is like for",
Daus., Eliza, Hannah, and Charlott,
My father and mother to receive $200 when they require it,
Mentions farm in Clarkstown,
Executors to erect tomb to my deceased wife and one to myself,
Executors: George Smith, John D. Coe, and Everet Hogencamp

No. 164. Will. fol. 336.
Thomas Goldtrap of Hampstead,
D. May 14, 1800. P. Sep. 24, 1812.
Weak in body,
Wife, Margret to have the young negro wench Suke,
Dau. Martha wife of John Deronde,
Dau. Sarah wife of Gilbert Cooper,
Dau. Margret wife of Adrian Deronde, to have negro boy,
Dau. Anne wife of David Burns,
Grandson, Thomas Goldtrap Deronde and his father, John Deronde,
Executors: Son-in-law, John Deronde, Son-in-law, David Burns, and Wife, Margret

No. 165. Will. fol. 338.
Stephen Gurnee of Hempstead,
D. Sep. 4, 1801. Codicil D. Apr. 3, 1811, P. Oct. 3, 1812.
Sick and weak,
Wife, Sarah,
Sons: Stephen, Benjamin, Elias, Caleb, Halstead, and Abraham,
Children of my deceased son John,
Children of my deceased son Jonas,
Daus.: Martha, and Sarah,
Executors: Sons, Elias and Halstead, and Samuel W. Coe

No. 166. Will. fol. 341.
Thomas Smith of Haverstraw,
D. Jun. 16, 1812. P. Feb. 2, 1813.
Weak in body,
Wife, Elizabeth,
Sons: Thomas, and William,
Daus.: Elizabeth, Rachel, and Neily,
Executors: Wife, Elizabeth, and Halstead Coe

No. 167. Will. fol. 342.
Benson Johnson of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. Jan. 9, 1813. P. Mar. 3, 1813.
Weak in body,
To my eldest sister, Rebecca, wife of Falls Buchanan, 20 acres of mountain land conveyed to me by my father John Johnson by deed dated Mar. 23, 1810,
My sister, Catharine wife of Jabez Sherwood,
My sister, Sarah Johnson,
My sister, Hannah Johnson,
My brother, Matthew Johnson,
Executors: My uncle, Matthew Johnson, my cousin, Halstead Coe

No. 168. Will. fol. 344.
Reynerd Smith of Hampstead,
D. Feb. 18, 1813. P. Mar. 16, 1813.
"Weak in body",
Wife, Peggy,
Son, John,
Daus.: Polly, and Anny,
Executrors: Nicholas Harring, Cornelius Blauvelt, and Wife, Peggy

No. 169. Will. fol. 345.
Andrew Pulisfelt of the Town of New Hamstead,
D. Apr. 6, 1809. P. Mar. 30, 1813.
Sons: William, and Andrew,
Dau. of my son John, deceased,
Daus.: Susanna, Hester, Mary, and Cornelia,
Son and two daughters of my dau. Margaret, deceased,
Executors: Sons, William Pulis and Andrew Pulis

No. 170. Will. fol. 347.
Levis Conklin of the Town of Hempsted,
D. Mar. 23, 1813. P. Mar. 1, 1813.
Very sick and weak in body,
Wife, Sarah, to have the bequest from her father,
Children: Hirim (?), Levy, John Westly, Betsey, Mary, Jesse, Joseph, and Isaac,
Executors: John Blauvelt, Cornelius Blauvelt, and Wife, Sarah

No. 171. Will. fol. 348.
Joseph Conklin, Sen. of New Hampstead,
D. May 15, 1807. P. Mar. 31, 1813.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Children: John, Lewis, Mehetabel Crum, James, William, Elizabeth Shurte, Rachel Pulisfelt, Mary Smith, Joseph - declared to be unsteady, Benjamin - declared to be unsteady, and Hannah Straut,
Executors: Sons, John and Lewis, and Abraham Smith

No. 172. Will. fol. 350.
Cornelius C. Smith of Orange Town,
D. Mar. 4, 1813. P. Apr. 10, 1813.
Weak in body,
Wife, Cathaline,
Dau. Mary, under age,
My brother and sisters, mentioned but not named,
Executors: Wife, Cathaline, Father-in-law, John Ferdon, and Brother-in-law, Tunis Smith

No. 173. Will. fol. 352.
Peggy Vanderbilt of Clarkstown,
D. May 1, 1813. P. May 10, 1813.
Weak in body,
My father, Johannes Vanderbilt, deceased,
My mother, Anity Vanderbilt,
My brothers and sisters, i.e., as well the children of my father, John Vanderbilt, and the children of my mother, Anity Vanderbilt, before their marriage together, as (also) the children begotten after their marriage,
My sister, Catherine - wife of John C. Vanderbilt,
My sister, Moriety - wife of James Demarest,
My sister, Sarah - wife of Abraham Martine,
And my other sisters, being the children of my father and mother before their marriage,
Peggy, daughter of John C. Vanderbilt,
My brother, James Vanderbilt,
(My brother (?)), Jacob Vanderbilt.

No. 174. Will. fol. 354.
George Snyder of Hempstad,
D. Sep. 11, 1812. P. May 11, 1813.
Son, George, $2. for birth right,
Son, John,
Dau. Elizabeth wife of Adam (beam ?),
Dau. Polly,
Mentions my wefer's loom,
Sole Executor: Jacob Serven

No. 175. Will. fol. 355.
Cornelius Remsen, masoner, of New York City,
D. Apr. 2, 1813. P. May 8, 1813.
Enfebled by sickness,
Wife, Anna,
Daus., Elizabeth and Margarite,
Executors: My father, Aurt Ramsen, and my father-in-law, Jacob Taulman.

No, 176. Will. fol. 357.
Phebe Halstead, widow of Jonah Halstead,
D. May 2, 1810. P. May 24, 1813.
Weak in body,
Dau. Phebe wife of Joseph Lawrence,
My grand daughter, Sarah, daughter of Joseph Lawrence,
My great grand daughter, Martha Wildey,
My great grand son, Obadiah Wildey,
Executors: Dau. Phebe, and Kinsman, Edward Smith.

No. 177. Will. fol. 358.
John M. Hogenkamp of Orange Town,
D. Nov. 1, 1799. P. May 21, 1813.
In good health,
Wife, Elizabeth, to have negro wench,
Son, Myndert, to receive land where he lives conveyed to me by John Van Horn and Rachel h. w., containing 146 1/2 acres, also the lot adjoining conveyed to me by Myndert Hogenkamp and Vroutje h.w., containing 30 acres, the said lots being in Franklin Township, Bergen Co., N. J.
Son, Garret, to receive land where I now live conveyed to me by Daniel Graham, Commissioner, containing 127 1/2 acres, also lot conveyed to me by Cornelius N. Demarest and Elizabeth h.w., containing 50 acres, also a lot of salt meadow, being No. 18 according to a survey by David Pye, surveyor, and conveyed to me by Daniel Geroe, containing 2 acres, all in Orange Town,
Executors: Wife, Elizabeth, and two sons.

No. 178. Will. fol. 360.
Joshua Taylor,
D. Jun. 1, 1813. P. Jul. 2, 1813.
Weak in body,
Wife, Amey,
Maria, daughter of my brother, Robert Taylor,
Executors: John Denoyelles, Wife, Amey, and Margaret Taylor

No. 179. Will. fol. 361
Abraham De Pew of Clarkstown,
D. Oct. 19, 1813. P. Dec. 7, 1813.
Weak in body,
Son, Cornelius, now living with me, to receive my homestead farm where I now live consisting of Lot No. 18 and a part of Lot No. 17 of the Matasink Lots,
Son, John, to receive my two Dry Swamp lots, Nos. 17 and 18, where he now lives, lying to the east side of Demerie's Kill,
Son, Peter, has had from me a deed for the farm where he now lives in Orange County,
Dau. Elizabeth - wife of Abraham Garrison
To son John all my 1/2 of demands against him charged on the blacksmith books of my son Cornelius,
Executors: Son, Cornelius, Thomas Howard, and Isaac B. Van Houten

No. 180. Will. fol. 363
Johannes Remson of Clarkstown,
D. Apr. 16, 1810. P. Dec. 16, 1813.
Weak in body,
Wife, Anne,
Son, Isaac,
Dau. Jane -wife of Samuel Debaun,
Heirs of the body of my daughter, Rebecca, wife of John Paul,
Grand-son, William Shurte, son of John Shurte,
Executors: Son, Isaac, Son-in-law, Samuel Debaun, and Martines Hogenkamp

No. 181. Will. fol. 366.
Caty Bell of Orange Town,
D. May 5, 1812. Codicil D. May ?, 1812. P. Dec. 27, 1813.
Son, James William Bell, 2 lots at the Slote,
Executrors: My brother-in-law, Jacob Onderdonk and David Edwards

No. 182. Will. fol. 368.
Mary Simmons of Clarkstown,
D. Apr. 9, 1811. P. Mar. 16, 1814,
Sons, John Simmons and Powlee Simmons,
Dau. Caty wife of Benjamin Smith,
Executors: Jacob Wood, and two sons.

No. 183. Will. fol. 369.
Henderick C. Bell of Orange Town,
D. Mar. 1, 1814. P. Apr. 9, 1814.
Son, Daniel, my mansion house and also lot partly in New York and partly in New Jersey,
Daus., Anny - wife of John Conklin, and Maria - wife of Peter C. Mabie,
Executors: Son, Daniel, and Cornelius Bogert.

No. 184. Will. fol. 371.
Johannes Sickels of Orange Town,
D. Sep. 19, 1809. Codicil D. Nov. 2, 1809. P. Apr. 25, 1814.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Dau. Sarah, - wife of Andrew Tinkey,
Grand daughter, Elizabeth - wife of Aury Demarest,
Grand son, John Taulman,
Executors: William Van Dalsen, and Richard Blauvelt.

No. 185. Will. fol. 373.
Matthew Johnson of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. Jan. 14, 1814. P. May 20, 1814.
Weak in body,
My sister, Sarah Johnson, under age,
My sister, Hannah Johnson, under age,
My sister, Rebecca wife of Falls Buchanan,
My sister, Catharine, wife of Jabez Sherwood,
Executors: My uncle, Matthew Benson, and my cousin, Halsted Coe.

No. 186. Will. fol. 374.
Gilbert Fowler of Orange Town,
D. Mar. 20, 1812. P. Jun. 4, 1814.
Weak in body,
Wife, Bridget,
Son, David,
Daus., Laney Blauvelt, Deborah Blauvelt, and Fanny Sickles,
Executors: Son, David, and son-in-law, David Blauvelt.

No. 187. Will. fol. 376.
Cornelius C. Smith of Orange Town,
D. Apr. 20, 1805. 1st Codicil D. Oct. 24, 1808. 2nd Codicil D. Sep. ?, 1813. P. Jun. 7, 1814.
Wife, Marya,
Son, Cornelius, north and west part of farm,
Son, James, east and south part of farm,
Dau. Rachel - wife of James Demarest,
Dau. Vrouche - widow of ----- Romine,
Dau. Margaret - wife of Jacob Blauvelt,
Dau. Sally - wife of John Quackenbush,
Dau. Catherine - wife of Abraham Acker,
Dau. Anny - wife of Wandle Van Antwerp,
Mary, Cornelia, Rachel, Alche, and Margaret, The daughters of my daughter, Mary, (*), deceased, (Family name not mentioned), (*) (Mary (Maria) Smith married Frederick G. Haring.)
Negro Man, Class Peek, to my wife during her life and after her death he and his wife Susan to be free,
Mentions negro man, Class Smith,
Executors: Wife, Marya, and sons, Cornelius and James.
    2nd Codicil:
It hath pleased the Almighty to take my son, Cornelius, out of this life,
My daughter-in-law, Susana, widow of my son Cornelius,
My grand son, John Smith and his two sisters:
My grand daughter, Maria - wife of Tunis Smith and
My grand daughter, Susana - wife of Merceles Merceles,
My great grand daughter, Maria, the daughter of my Grand son Cornelius, deceased,
Richard Blauvelt appointed executor instead of my son Cornelius, deceased.

No. 188. Will. fol. 382.
Michael Cornelisen of Orange Town,
D. Jun. 24, 1814. P. Jul. 28, 1814.
Wife, Rachel,
Son, Nicholas,
Mentions "my sons" and "my daughters",
Executors: Wife Rachel, Son, Nathaniel and my brother, Abraham Cornelison

No. 189. Will. fol. 384.
Annaatje Bogert of Orange Town,
D. Jun. 8, 1814. P. Sep. 20, 1814.
Catharine Naugle, daughter of Hendrick T. Naugle, deceased,
Abraham Smith, son of Abraham C. Smith,
John Naugle, son of Hendrick Naugle and Catharine,
Executors: Abraham C. Smith and Samuel C. Verbryck

No. 190. Will. fol. 385.
David Brower of Orange Town,
D. Mar. 13, 1809. Codicil D. Mar. 14, 1809. P. Oct. 8, 1814
Weak in body,
Wife, Harriet,
Son, David Brower,
Daus., Ann Brooks, Rachel Deramus, Catharine Henion, Mary Van Houten, Sally Hogen, Hannah Spier, and Hester Deramus,
Grand son, David Brower, Jr.,
Grand son, David Deramus,
Executors: Wife, Harriet and David Brower

No. 191. Will. fol. 388.
William Pool of Clarkstown,
D. May 29, 1813. P. Feb. 13, 1815.
Weak in body,
Wife, Evangelah,
Sons, John - eldest, and Henry,
Dau. Abigal - wife of John Defrieze,
Executors: Wife, Evangelah, dau. Abigal and son, Henry

No. 192. Will. fol. 390.
Johannes Cart of Hempstead,
D. Apr. 20, 1812. P. Apr. 7, 1815.
Weak in body,
Wife, Hannah,
John Farber, whole estate after death of wife,
Executors: John Osborn, and John Farber.

No. 193. Will. fol. 391.
Elsie Green of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. Apr. 17, 1814. P. Apr. 22, 1815.
I have heretofore conveyed to my sons, Peter Allison and Michael Allison, a part of the homestead devised to me by their father, Joseph Allison, near the village of Warren which they have laid out in town lots and I hold their convenant by which they are bound to pay my son, Richard Allison, $500. and my daughter, Elsie, wife of Jacob Archer, $750.
Grand daughter, Elsie, the daughter of Jacob Archer,
Excecutors: Sons, Michael and Richard, and dau. Elsie Archer,
(See Allison Genealogy, p. 253.)

No. 194. Will. fol. 394.
Uldrick Brower of Clarkstown,
D. Apr. 17, 1793. P. May 13, 1815.
In good health,
Wife, Nance,
Son, Abraham £. 5. and Dutch bible for birth right,
Dau. Jinne - wife of Stephen Stevenson,
Executors: Two children.

No. 195. Will. fol. 395.
Abraham Waldron of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. Feb. 13, 1815. P. Jul. 3, 1815.
Sons, Jacob - eldest, Tobias, and Elexander, each about 64 acres,
To sons, Jacob and Tobias he leaves my part of the lime kill I purchased from John and Alexander Crum and the lot of land lately purchased from George Weiant and by him from Wm. Dening containing 50 acres,
Wife, Mariah,
Daus., Mariah, Rachel, Cathy, Louise, and Sally,
Executors: Samuel Goetschius, Resolve Waldrom and Jacob Waldrom.

No. 196. Will. fol. 398.
William Byron of Rockland County,
D. Oct. 7, 1813. Codicil D. May 11, 1815. P. Aug. 8, 1815.
Wife, Willeminer, No. 162 Fly Market Street, N. Y., in trust for my son William,
Son, Cantwill, farm in Haverstraw which I purchased of David Ten Eyck containing about 200 acres, also lot corner of Front St. and Fly Market St., N. Y., also No. 160 Fly Market Street, N. Y.,
Son, George, Nos. 146 and 148 Front Street, N. Y.,
Dau. Mary - wife of John Leete of Rockland Co., Nos. 154 and 156 Fly Market Street, N.Y.,
Dau. Phebe - wife of John Shotwell of N. Y. City, Nos. 150 and 152 Fly Market Street, N. Y.,
Dau. Harriat Byron, No. 158 Fly Market Street, N. Y.,
Grand son, William Byron, son of my deceased son, Thomas Byron, land I purchased of Jacob Roose in the Township of Haverstraw containing 90 acres,
Grand-children, the children of my deceased son, Thomas Bryon (Willeminer, Harriot, Mary Ann, Sarah, William, and Thomas), Nos. 142 and 144 Fly Market Street, N.Y.
Executrix: Wife, Willeminer - Sole Executrix.

No. 197. Will. fol. 403.
Jacob Debaun of Hampstead,
D. Oct. 11, 1815. P. Oct. 28, 1815.
Weak in body,
Wife, mentioned but not named,
Daus., Garshe and Hannah,
Sons, David and Jacob,
Mentions lands I bought "of the widow Jersey" "of Stephen Crouter" and "of Garret Eckerson".
Executors: Peter S. Van Orden and two sons.

No. 198. Will. fol. 408.
Hendrick Oblenis of Clarkstown,
D. Oct. 1, 1814. Codicil D. Oct. 14, 1814. P. Dec. 22, 1815.
Wife, Bridget,
Sons, Peter, Garret 86.62 acres, and Barnard, [*]
Three children of son Albert,
Dau. Maria, 46.3 and 7.7 acres,
Grand sons: Resolvert Stephens and Henry House, 46.3 and 7.7 acres,
Executors: Son, Garret, and Garret Is. Blauvelt.
Codicil:- "And the said Ann (sic-not mentioned before) is not to share in the land bequeathed to my daughter Maria on account of a note that was against Theodorus Polhemus, the husband of the said Ann".
[* From the way this information is presented by Budke, it can not be determined if the land is to go to Garret, solely, or all three sons - BEH]

No. 199. Will. fol. 409.
Thomas Smith of Haverstraw, Counseller at Law,
D. Jun. 12, 1815. P. Jan. 16, 1816.
Wife, mentioned but not named,
Son, Thomas Charles Smith, a minor,
Son, William Eugene Smith, a minor,
Son, John Taylor Smith, has cost me more money than all my other children as I have given him a law library and office furniture worth $1,000. at least,
Dau. Anna Maria, Smith, ..... a minor,
Dau. Catharine Augusta Budd,
Executors: Wife and five children.

No. 200. Will. fol. 411.
Johannes Johnson of Hempstead,
D. Oct. 12, 1815. P. Mar. Mar. 7, 1816.
Weak in body,
Wife, Sophia,
Son, John,
"Boys and girls", the heirs of my son Abraham, deceased,
Dau. Charity,
Executors: Peter S. Van Orden, and Peter S. Smith.

No. 201. Will. fol. 413.
Gabriel Conklin of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. Feb. 12, 1816. P. Apr. 11, 1816.
Weak in body,
Son,: Gabriel, Daniel, Joshua, Philip and Isaac,
The heirs of my daughter, Hannah, deceased,
Grand son, Eli Conklin,
Great grand son, Har__y Christian,
Executors: Sons, Joshua and Gabriel.

No. 202. Will. fol. 415.
Muchael Weymer of Hempsted,
D. May 24, 1810. P. Apr. 19, 1816.
Weak in body,
Son, Edward Weymer,
The heirs of Jacob Weymer,
The heirs of Michael Weymer,
all my land in the Town of Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y.,
Son, George Weymer, all my right to a tract of land at the mill along the Ramapo river and sold by him with my consent to Salomon Townsend,
The heirs of Mary Macmurtry,
The heirs of Ann Bennet,
Sons, James and John, to receive farm in Hempstead and any land granted by the State of New York, as I have a prospect of obtaining from the state some vacant land near the same,
Grand daughter, Mary Ann Macmurtry.
Executors: Garrest Sarven, Esq., and George I. Suffern.

No. 203. Will. fol. 417.
Jacobus Perry of Orange Town,
D. Mar. 9, 1809. P. Jun. 26, 1816.
Wife, Annautye,
Dau. Mary, land on the east side of the Hackensack River which I purchased from my brother, Isaac Perry,
Dau. Catharine, land I purchased from Henry Wesner,
Dau. Elizabeth,
My two slaves, Tobe and Bet., are given the liberty of choosing any of my children to live with and if they should become a burden to such of my children with whom they choose to live, the others shall bear a part of the expense of their maintenance.
Executors: Sons-in-law, Tunis Blauvelt, James Smith and Joseph Blauvelt

No. 204. Will. fol. 419.
William Felter of Clarkstown,
D. May 30, 1815. P. Jul. 15, 1816.
Wife, Lomache,
Son, John, and his eldest son, William,
Daus., Elizabeth and Suckey,
My grand childen (Sukkey Post, Lomache Talman, Effy Talman, Peter Felter and John Felter),
My late brother, Johannes Felter,
Mentions "the late John Coleman's land",
Executors: Son, John, of the Town of Haverstraw, and Abraham Snyder, Sr., of Clarkstown

No. 205. Will. fol. 421.
Garret Blauvelt of Rockland in Orange Town,
D. Feb. 8, 1815. P. Aug. 27, 1816.
Weak in body,
Grand daughter, Hannah Blauvelt and her mother,
My daughter-in-law, Charlotte Blauvelt, concerning whom there is a proviso "until she, Charlotte Blauvelt, shall marry again after the decease of my unhappy son",
Great-grand-son, Isaac Tallman Eaton,
My daughter, Jannetje King,
Grand son, David Smith Blauvelt,
Executors: Neighbor, David Hann, of Rockland, and Neighbor, Abraham Clark, of Rockland

No. 206. Will. fol. 424.
Peter Van Houten of Hempstead,
D. Dec. 27, 1815. P. Sep. 6, 1816.
Weak in body,
Wife, Marietye,
Eldest dau. Mary Johnson - widow of Abraham Johnson,
Dau. Wiliampe - wife of Samuel Helms,
John Johnson, son of my daughter Mary,
"Boys and girls", the children of my daughter Mary,
Executors: Wife, Marietye, and Peter S. Van Orden

No. 207. Will. fol. 426.
Theodorus Snedeker of Clarkstown,
D. Jun. 26, 1813. P. Oct. 6, 1816.
Wife, Effy,
Daus.. Dereky - wife of Peter De Noyelles, Nelly - wife of George Smith and Effy - wife of Soloman Waring,
Executors: Wife, Effy, and sons-in-law, Peter De Noyelles and George Smith.

No. 208. Will. fol. 430.
Jacob Outwater of New York City, physician,
D. Dec. 28, 1816. P. Jan. 3, 1817.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, John, whose medical education is provided for, to receive "the house and lot on which, until my removal to New York City, I, at Tappan resided",
Mentions, "my children",
Executors: John D. Haring, Samuel C. Verbryck, and John James Perry.

No. 209. Will. fol. 431.
John Knap, Esq., of Hampstead,
D. Dec. 3, 1816. P. Jan. 27, 1817.
My sister, Sarah Odel, all my interest in Mountain Lot No. 4 in the west division of Kakiat Patent called the Halstead Lot, also Mountain Lot No. 3 in said division, also 15 acres in Lot No. 5 in said division,
My brother, Amos Knap,
My friend, Elizabeth Odel,
My friend, Hannah Odel,
Executors: Benjamin Odel and Abram Gurnee.

No. 210. Will. fol. 433.
Nicholaas Slyp of Hampstead.
D. Oct. 16, 1815. Codicil D. Apr. 4, 1817. P. Apr. 16, 1817.
Wife, Hannah,
Children mentioned but not named.
Executors: Peter S. Van Orden, and James Edwards.
Codicil: "Portions of my property in the hands of Geradue Slyp, marchart, at Dort in Holland,"
Peter C. Smith appointed executor in the room of James Edwards.
(Nicholas Slyp was a physician, admitted to practice physic and surgery on Jan. 4th, 1798 (Liber A. of Deeds, folio 13). He died April 10th, 1817 and was buried in the Brick Church Cemetery.) (Original will on file.)

No. 211. Will. fol. 436.
Jonas D. Secor of Hampstead,
D. Aug. 11, 1817. P. Aug. 20, 1817.
Weak in body,
Sons, Timothy, Walter and George,
Dau. Mary Ann - wife of Richard Conklin,
My sister, Elizabeth Secor,
Mr friend, James Cough,
Executors: Cornelius A. Blauvelt, Abram Gurnee, and my sister, Elizabeth Secor.

No. 212. Will. fol. 437.
John Rall of Haverstraw,
D. Jun. 29, 1812. P. Aug. 26, 1817.
Weak in body,
Whole estate to my youngest son, Mangle Rall and he the sole Executor.

No. 213. Will. fol. [no No.]
Isaac Onderdonk of the Town of Orange,
D. May 3, 1817. P. Sep. 18, 1817.
Wife, Cathelinetye,
Sons, Garret, Abraham, Adrian and Isaac,
Daus., Mary, Sally, Caty, and Fanny,
Executors: My nephew, Garret D. Onderdonk, James Demarest, and Son, Adrian.

No. 214. Will. fol. 440.
Elizabeth Smith,
D. Sep. 27, 1813 at Haverstraw. Codicil D. Jun. 21, 1817. P. Sep. 22, 1817.
Sons, Abraham, William, Thomas, Samuel and Walter,
Children of my son, Scot,
Daus., Catharine Denning and Mary,
Executors: Son, Abraham, and Dau. Catharine Denning.
Codicil:- For as much as my sons, Abraham and William, in open and direct disobediance to their father's will, my late husband, have unjustly commenced a suit in chancery against me .... revokes the appointment of son Abraham as executor and appoints daughter Catharine Denning sole executrix. Witnesses: Thomas Hay, Sarah Hay, and Eliza Matilda Hay.

No. 215. Will. fol. 443.
Joshua Colwell of Rockland County,
D. Jan. 31, 1817. P. Nov. 5, 1817.
Wife, Maria Colwell late Maria Butler,
My former wife, Ann Colwell, bequeathed $5.,
Children of my late son Daniel,
Executors: John Oppie, and Pierre Van Cortland.

No. 216. Will. fol. 445.
Elias Gurnee of Hampstead,
D. Jun. 11, 1893. P. Nov. 6, 1817.
Wife, Deborah,
Sons, William and Elias,
Daus., Anne Conklin, Phebe Johnson, Sarah Gurnee, Deborah Cole, Elizabeth Onderdonk and Hannah Gurnee,
Executors: Wife and two sons.

No. 217. Will. fol. 447.
Derick Vanderbelt of Clarkstown,
D. Jul. 28, 1810. P. Sep. 17, 1817.
In a good state of health,
Sons, Cornelius and William,
Heirs of my son, Derick, deceased,
Margaret Vanderbilt, daughter of my son John,
Daus., Polly - wife of John Acker, Charity - wife of Aury Smith and Margaret,
John Sarvant, son of Aury Sarvant,
Executors: Dau. Polly, and sons, Cornelius and William.

No. 218. Will. fol. 449.
Richard Demarest of Clarkstown,
D. Jan. 9, 1817. P. Mar. 14, 1818
Weak in body,
Wife, Maria,
Son, Aury,
Daus., Jane - wife of Abraham Blauvelt and Mary - wife of Edward Smith, Jr.,
David, Sarah, and Mary Holmes, children of my deceased daughter, Lydia, formerly the wife of Willet Holmes,
Executors: Son, Aury, and Son-in-law, Edward Smith, Jr.

No. 219. Will. fol. 451.
Johannes Fyshuer of Hampsted,
D. Mar, 22, 1813. P. Apr. 23, 1818.
Weak in body,
Son, John, bequest for birth right,
Sons. Abram, Peter, Bornt, Cornelius, William, Samuel, Jonas, Daniel and Isaac,
Daus., Nantje, Lany, Catherine and Mary,
Executors: Sons: John, Abram, Jonas, and Daniel.

No. 220. Will. fol. 453.
Adrian Onderdonk of Niac,
D. Nov. 22, 1805. Codicil D. Dec. 26, 1807. P. May 14, 1818.
Weak in body,
Adrian, son of my brother Isaac,
Garret, Jacob, Daniel, Adrian, Elbert, Sally, and Hester, children of my brother Daniel,
Executors: My nephew, Garret Onderdonk, Jr., John Sneden, Jr., and John Green.

No 221. Will. fol. 456.
William James of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. Apr. ?, 1806. P. May 4, 1818.
Weak and languishing,
Whole estate to Wife, Mary, and she is appointed sole executrix.

Records in the Surrogate's Office, New City, Rockland County, N. Y.
Liber B. of Wills Nos. 222 - 348

No. 222. Will. fol. 1.
John Myer of Hampstead,
D. Apr. 10, 1811. P. Jun. 25, 1811.
Weak in body,
Wife, Cathrena,
Son, Jacob, who was "subject to the alment of fites",
Sons, John Jr., Garret, Edow, Abraham and Isaac,
Daus., Elizabeth - wife of David Cole, Jenny, Cathrina - wife of Marten Van Orden and Mary - wife of James Hopper,
Executors: Sons, John Jr. and Garret.

No. 223. Will. fol. 3. Ond. Gen. p. 25.
Garret Onderdonk of the town of Orange,
D. Oct. 1, 1817. P. Jul. 27, 1818.
Children of my brother, Isaac, (Garret, Abraham, Adrian, Isaac, Mary - wife of Henry Hendrix, Cathy, Sally and Fanny),
Lands bounded south by the heirs of William Pell, deceased, north by Isaac Onderdonk, deceased, together with that part called the Island,
Executors: My nephew, Adrian I. Onderdonk and James Demarest

No. 224. Will. fol. 4.
Claus R. Van Houten of Clarkstown,
D. Sep. 17, 1818. P. Oct. 18, 1818.
Weak in body,
Wife, Caty,
Chrildren: Isaac B., Roelif C., Jacob, John C., Maria - wife of Peter Blauvelt and Peggy - wife of Edward Green),
Real estate: Homestead farm and four acres of woodland about one mile south of New City Court House and two houses in New York City fronting on Christopher St.
Executors: Sons, Isaac B., Roelif C. and Jacob.

No. 225. Will. fol. 6.
Samuel Weyant of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. Sep. 4, 1818. P. Nov. 3, 1818.
Weak in body,
Wife, Elizabeth,
Children, (Golieshe, George, Lucey, Anne, Charles and Vadara),
Executrix: Wife, Elizabeth

No. 226. Will. fol. 7.
Archbald Casedy of Hamstead, merchant,
D. Oct. 24, 1818. P. Nov. 16, 1818.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Sons, Archibald, Levi Sherwood, Samuel and John Hervey,
Daus., Catharine, Rebecah, Jane Maria, Eliza, Sarah Coe and Hannah - wife of Jacob Brown,
Executors: Benjamin Sherwood and Abram Gurnee

No. 227. Will. fol. 9.
Adrian Onderdonk of Hempstead,
D. Jan. 26, 1815. P. Nov. 23, 1818.
Wife, Willemnie,
Sons, Andries - eldest, Cornelius - to receive the homestead, and Ram,
Heirs of son, Thomas, deceased,
Heirs of son, Garret, deceased,
Daus., Marrittye and Willemmyntie,
Executors: Sons, Andries, and Cornelius.

No. 228. Will. fol. 11.
Abraham H. Blauvelt of Clarkstown, carpenter,
D. Feb. 2, 1807. P. Mar. 9, 1819.
Weak in body,
Wife, Altye,
Sons, Cornelius and Daniel,
Children of my son, Harmanes, (Elizabeth, Abraham, Christean, Mariah, Catherine and Harmaunes),
Daus., Catherine and Anna,
Executors: Son, Cornelius and Daniel Blauvelt.

No. 229. Will. fol. 13.
Edward Salyer,
D. Feb. 5, 1819. P. Apr. 29, 1819.
Weak in body,
Wife, Elizabeth, to receive lot out of land I bought of Dowe Cooper, on Middletown road, and woodland I bought of Jacob Post,
Son, Michael,
Grandson, Edward H. Salyer,
Executors: Son, Michael and Albert Bogert.

No. 230. Will. fol. 15.
Sarah Smith, widow of Jacobus Smith, late of Orange Town,
D. Aug. 20, 1816. P. May 8, 1819.
Son, James Smith to receive farm in Orange Town where I dwell,
Dau. Annaatje, wife of Daniel J. Haring, to receive 15 acres of woodland in Clarkstown, bounded: N. by ------ Blauvelt, E. by IsaacBlauvelt, S. by James Demarest, and W. by John Hutton, and large Dutch bible,
James Smith Bogert, grandson of my daughter, Annaatje,
Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel J. Haring,
Jacobus Turnear, who now dwells in my family, to be supported if he continues with the family,
Executors: James Smith, Daniel J. Haring, and Samuel G. Verbryck.

No. 231. Will. fol. 16.
John King of the Town of Orange,
D. Jan. 14, 1817. P. May 25, 1819.
Weak on body,
Wife, Rachel, whole estate,
Executors: Wife, Rachel, David I. Blauvelt, and James T. Blauvelt.

No. 232. Will. fol. 18.
Maria Tallman of Clarkstown,
D. Dec. 17, 1817. P. Jul. 23, 1819.
My brothers: Adrian, Rulif, Abraham, Garret, Andries, and John Onderdonk,
My sister, Dorithy - wife of Resolvert Stevens,
My sister, Trintehy - wife of Cornelius Cooper,
Executors: My brother, John Onderdonk, and my brother-in-law, Resolvert Stevens.

No. 233. Will. fol. 19.
Aurie Smith of Clarkstown,
D. Mar. 23, 1812. P. Aug. 17, 1819.
Wife, Nelly,
Son, Andries,
Daus., Anne - wife of Dowa Tenure, Sarah - wife of James C. Demarest and Margaret - wife of Hercules Ryder,
Four grand-children, the children of my daughter, Altye, formerly wife of Henry Westervelt,
My negro man, Bill, shall be kept and maintained by all my children and grandchildren,
Executors: James Demarest, and Peter Taulman.

No. 234. Will. fol. 21.
William Sickles of Orange Town,
D. Aug. 28, 1819. P. Sep. 13, 1819.
Son, Cornelius, eldest son, to receive the south part of my farm where Cornelius now lives, bounded: N. by the northern half of my farm, E. by the Hackensack River, S. by the heirs of Abraham Cooper, and W. by Isaac Haring, et. al., containing 150 acres, also 7.40 acres of meadow, also salt meadow formerly Philips meadow, 2 acres,
Son, William W., to receive the north part of farm where I now live, bounded: N. by Cornelius Lydecker and James Hudson, E. by the Hackensack River, S. by the southern half of my farm, and W. by James Hudson, et. al., containing 150 acres, also 7.40 acres of meadow and 2 acres of salt meadow,
Daus., Elizabeth - wife of Peter Stevens, Marritye - wife of Garret Blauvelt, Antye - wife of David Blauvelt, Sarah - wife of Roelif Van Houten and Jinny - wife of Henry Banta,
Children of my daughter Altye, deceased, viz.: William and Aultye,
Executors: Sons, Cornelius and William W., and James Demarest.
    Note:- The partition line dividing the farm ran from the Hackensack River near the fence between my homestead and the burying ground then from the river about N. 40 degrees W. about five chains to a stone fence on the west side of the road being the north bounds of the farm of the late Abraham Cooper then along the said stone fence westerly, &c., &c.

No. 235. Will. fol. 24.
Mary Torneur of Rockland Co., spinster,
D. Jul. 9, 1800. P. Oct. 8, 1819.
In health,
Brother, Daniel Torneur,
Mary Torneur, daughter of my brother Daniel Torneur,
Executors: Brother, Daniel, Jacob Blauvelt, and Richard Blauvelt.

No. 236. Will. fol. 25.
George Marks of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. Apr. 3, 1819. P. Nov. 30, 1819.
Wife, Elizabeth,
My wife's sons: Edward and Stephen,
My sons, Jacob and William,
My grand daughter, Debarah Ann Teller,
Executors: Sons, Jacob and William.

No. 237. Will. fol. 27.
Hendrek Turnure of Clarkstown, farmer,
D. Aug. 2, 1817. P. Dec. 20, 1819.
Dau. Hannah, wife of Peter Van Orden, to receive 1/2 of farm called the Norishaw, containing 51 acres,
Grandson, John Blauvelt, to receive 51 acres,
Grand daughter, Catherine Blauvelt, daughter of my daughter, Elizabeth to receive 1/2 of homestead,
Grand daughter, Margaret, daughter of my son Michael, deceased, and wife of Dowe A. Blauvelt, 1/2 of homestead,
Mentions black boy Bill and negro boy Coe,
Executors: Dau. Hannah, and Dowe A. Blauvelt.

No. 238. Will. fol. 29.
Jost Mabie of Orange Town,
D. Jun. 25, 1818. P. Apr. 3, 1820.
Wife, Ginne, whole estate,
Executors: Samuel G. Verbryck, Step-son-in-law, Doctor Morris Bartow, and Wife, Ginne.

No. 239. Will. fol. 30.
Francis Gurnee of Haverstraw,
D. Aug. 1, 1816. P. May 15, 1820.
In tolerable health,
Son, William,
Dau. Ann Hewett,
Executors: Son, William and Jonah Odell.

No. 240. Will. fol. 32.
Abraham D. Blauvelt of the Town of Orange,
D. May 1, 1820. P. May 29, 1820.
Wife, Anna,
Son, Jacob, to receive north side of farm where I now live in Middletown on the west side of road,
Dau. Anna, wife of Garret Is. Blauvelt, to receive east end of the farm on the east side of Middletown road,
Son, David, and Daus., Aultye, - widow of Jost Debaun, Margaret - wife of Peter Bogert, Catharine - widow of Alexander Linsey, and Elizabeth - wife of John T. Tallman, to received south part of farm not devised to son, Jacob.
Executors: Wife, Anna, and Son, Jacob

No. 241. Will. fol. 34.
Joseph Garrison of Clarkstown,
D. May 23, 1820. P. Sep. 4, 1820.
Dau. Bridget - wife of Abraham Cole,
I give my black woman, Nan, free,
Speaks of "my seven children", and "my three sons",
Executors: Sons, Garret and Abraham, and Jacob Vanderbilt,
Words noted in the proof as having been stricken out!
My daughter Maria, wife of William Coquelette.

No. 242. Will. fol. 36.
Gilbert Felter of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. Sep. 2, 1820. P. Sep. 11, 1820.
"Being through God's mercy sensible of the error that has brought me to the present languishing condition",
Wife, Mary,
Sons, John William and Garret,
Executors: My father, John Felter, and Thomas King

No. 243. Will. fol. 38.
William Napp of the town of Haverstraw,
D. Aug. 8, 1820. P. Sep. 19, 1820.
Weak in body,
Wife, Mary,
Daus. Catharine and Elizabeth,
Isaac Barns, guardian of my two infant children,
Executrix: Wife, Mary.

No. 244. Will. fol. 39.
Frederick Barbarow of Town of Hempstead,
D. Nov. 27, 1820. P. Nov. 7, 1820 (sic.)
Weak in body,
Wife, Catharine,
Dau. Rebecka,
My brother, Mathias Barbarow,
Frederick, son of my brother John Barbarow,
Peggy Hink - wife of John Hink,
The poor of the congregation of the Dutch Church of Hempstead whereof the Rev. James Demarest has charge,
Executors: Wife, Catharine, and Cornelius A. Blauvelt.

No. 245. Will. fol. 41.
Gilbert T. Cooper of the Town of Hempstead,
D. Oct. 5, 1820. P. Nov. 7, 1820.
My body to be buried on my farm in an enclosure 28 feet square which is to be set aside as a place of family burial, (Gilbert T. Cooper is buried at the Wesley Chapel, Rockland Co,)
Wife, Sally,
Daus., Elizabeth, and Polly,
Son, Theunis, to have my carpenter's tools,
Son, John, to have my blacksmith's tools,
Betsey, Henry, John, and Sally Maria, four eldest children of my daughter Polly,
Grand daughter, Elizabeth Coe,
Allowance to be made to son Theunis for building a saw mill on my lot and to daughter Polly for repairs to hose where she resides,
Executors: Son, Theunis, Nicholas L. Haring and Samuel Deronde.

No. 246. Will. fol. 45.
Adrian Deronde of Hempstead,
D. Apr. 25, 1818. P. Nov. 16, 1820.
Weak and feeble in body,
Wife, Margaret,
Sons, Samuel, Isaac and Jacob,
Grandson, Jacob, son of my son Isaac,
Executors: Wife, Margaret and son, Samuel

No. 247. Will. fol. 46.
Abraham Smith of Orange Town,
D. Nov. 24, 1820. P. Dec. 22, 1820.
Weak and infirm,
Wife, Martha,
Sons, Henry, Garret, Cornelius, David and Tunis,
Children of my son Abraham,
Dau. Margaret - wife of George Onderdonk,
Executors: Son, Tunis and Adolphus L. Mabie

No. 248. Will. fol. 48.
David Debaun of Hempstead,
D. Jun. 22, 1820. P. Mar. 3, 1821.
Weak in body,
Wife, Hannah, to receive lands we are in possession of which she inherited from her father,
Son, Abram,
Executors: My brothers, Jacob A. Debaun and Andrew Debaun

No. 249. Will. fol. 50.
Margaret Goldtrap of the Town of Haverstraw, widow,
D. May 1, 1818. P. Mar. 13, 1821.
An aged woman and infirm - to be buried beside her late husband, Thomas Goldtrap,
Daus., Mary - wife of Thomas (Town ?), Margaret - wife of Adrian Deronde, Sally - wife of Gilbert P. [?] Cooper and Ann - widow of David Burns,
Grand daughter, Margaret Deronde - wife of Isaac Deronde,
Executors: Four daughters

No. 250. Will. fol. 51
George Van Ostrand of Clarkstown,
D. Sep. 11, 1817. P. May 7, 1821.
Weak in body,
Wife, (Nannike ?)
Son, John to receive south side of my farm containing 15 acres bounded by Daniel De Clark, Naure Shunk Brook, Peter De Wint Smith,
Son, Moses to receive the homestead where I now live being the north side of farm containing 15 acres bounded by Abraham Debaun, Jacob Van Ostrand and road to Clarkstown,
Son, Joseph to receive the remainder of the farm being the east side of same containing 10 acres,
Son, Jacob to receive a 10 acre lot,
Daus., Heliche Deronde, Caty and Sarah - wife of Garret Vanderbilt,
Executors: Son, John and Joseph Van Ostrand

No. 251. Will. fol. 53.
Garret Hogencamp of the Town of Orange,
D. Mar. 9, 1821. P. May 5, 1821.
My mother,
Wife, Sarah,
Son, John, to receive land where I now live conveyed to me by the will of my father, also the lot conveyed to me by Cornelius I. Blauvelt and Mary h.w., also lot of salt meadow called No. 18 conveyed to be by my father,
Dau. Cornelia to receive real estate conveyed to me by Stephen Lawrence and Jane h.w.,
Executors: Son, John, Wife, Sarah, and Son-in-law, Frederick Wortendyck

No. 252. Will. fol. 55.
Benjamin Sherwood of Hempstead,
D. Feb. 24, 1820. P. Jun. 11, 1821.
Wife, Caty,
Daus., Elizabeth, Rebecca and Caty,
Sons John and Isaac, to receive tan yard, mill and curying shop,
Sons, Benjamin A., Wesley, George A. and James,
Farm, adjoining John S. Coe, to be divided between six sons,
Children to be put out to trades when fifteen years of age, "but above all I charge my executors in the name of the Lord not to put them where either spirituous liquors or bad language are made use of but if possible to put them with men who love the Lord Jesus in sincerity".
Executors: Wife, Caty, Dau. Elizabeth, Abraham Gurnee, and Tunis Cooper.

No. 253. Will. fol. 59.
Abraham Snyder of Clarkstown,
D. May 17, 1821. P. Aug. 13, 1821.
Weak in body,
Wife, Mariah,
Sons, Hendric and Abraham,
Dau. Barbary,
Abraham, son of my son Abraham,
Mariah, daughter of my son Hendric,
Black girl, Dine, manumitted,
Executors: Son, Hendric, son-in-law, Abraham B. Stevens, and Isaac B. Van Houten.

No. 254. Will. fol. 62.
John Jersey of Clarkstown,
D. May 10, 1821. P. Sep. 19, 1821.
Wife, Ann,
Son, Abraham, to receive land in the north moiety of the Kakiat Patent conveyed to me by Peter Blauvelt by deed dated May 5th, 1775,
Son, Peter, to receive 3 lots conveyed to me by Jacob Parker and 1 lot conveyed to me by Jonas Taylour by deed dated Nov. 23, 1784,
Son, Peter, to receive also a lot conveyed to me by my son Abraham Jersey and Rebecca h.w.,
Sons, Abraham and Peter, to receive jointly the lot conveyed to me by Ram Bell and Jonah Halstead,
Son, John, to be provided for as long as he lives,
Daus., Jane - wife of Tunis Van Houten, Mary - wife of John Smith, Elizabeth - wife of Peter C. Van Houten and Ann - formerly wife of Nathaniel Smith,
Executors: Wife, Ann, son, Abram, and son-in-law, Peter C. Van Houten.

No. 255. Will. fol. 64.
Jacob A. Blauvelt of Orange Town,
D. Sep. 26, 1820. P. Oct. 1, 1821.
Weak in body,
Wife, Rachel,
Sons, Abraham and Jacob,
Dau. Maria - wife of Derick Ecker,
Lands in the neighborhood of Middletown,
Executors: Albert Bogert, and James Demarest.

No. 256. Will. fol. 65.
Frederick Smith of the Town of Hampstead,
D. Mar. 6, 1813. P. Oct. 2, 1821.
Weak in body,
Wife, Anne,
Heirs of my son, Johanes deceased, to receive the farm where they now live, also south part of my old farm joining to land of Abram C. Smith,
Dau. Elizabeth, to receive 50 acres joining the land of my brother Rinard Smith deceased,
Anne, the daughter of my son Cornelius, deceased,
Executors: Wife, Anne, Nicholas L. Haring, and Tunis T. Cooper.

No. 257. Will. fol. 67.
Abraham Blauvelt of Orange Town,
D. May 11, 1820. P. Dec. 19, 1821.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Dau. Elizabeth - wife of Peter Perry,
Abraham Blauvelt Harring - son of Tunis I. Harring and my grand daughter Elizabeth Perry - to receive a classical education if he should appear calculated to acquire it,
The three children of Abraham Blauvelt by her (by my grand daughter, Elizabeth ?),
Lands in New York and New Jersey
Executors: Son-in-law, Peter Perry, Grand-son-in-law, Tunis I. Harring, and Cornelius A. Blauvelt

No. 258. Will. fol. 69.
Peter S. Demarest of Clarkstown,
D. Mar. 21, 1818. P. Dec. 10, 1821.
Eldest son, Mathew, to receive all that part of my farm where he lives containing 81 3/4 acres according to a survey and division made by Michael Tenure in 1789,
Son, Peter P., to receive land containing 81 3/4 acres including that part sold to Abraham Debaun now possessed by Peter Demarest, Jr.,
Youngest son, Jacob, to receive land where he lives containing 81 3/4 acres,
Son, Cornelius, to receive the south half of lot I bought of John Napp at Yanpough in Bergen County,
Son, Simon, to receive the lot I bought of Snyder at Newfound land partly in Bergen County and partly in Morris County, N.J.,
Children of my daughter, Vrowetye, which, she had by Mindert Hogencamp, viz.: Peter, John, Elizabeth, and Elenor,
Dau. Margaret - wife of James W. Van Orden,
Children of my daughter, Catherine deceased, which she had by Nicholas Romane, viz.: John, Mary, Sophia and Sally,
Executors: Sons, Mathew and Peter

No. 259. Will. fol. 71.
Robert Frederick of Hampstead,
D. May 23, 1821. Codicil D. Nov. 9, 1821. P. Dec. 27, 1821.
Weak in body,
Son, John,
William Fredericks, son of my son John,
Anna Cove, bequeathed $20.00,
Bequest to the poor of the Town of Hampstead,
If the woman I had here by the name of Mary Jacks [or Jackson ?] on should make any demands on any part of my property - she is not entitled to it - she left my bed and board without any provocation three ago and her character is known to Isaac Fredericks wife and children,
Codicial: Mentions Robert Johnson son of William and Mary Johnson,
Executors: Cornelius Quackenbush and Abraham Wanamaker

No. 260. Will. fol. 75.
Christian Debaun of Clarkstown,
D. Sep. 22, 1817. P. Dec. 21, 1821.
Wife, Rachel,
Sons, Samuel, Abraham and Peter,
Daus., Elizabeth - wife of Daniel De Clark, Rachel - wife of Paul Brewer and Mary - wife of Joseph Felter,
Land at the Pond, in Clarkstown, on the west side of the road that leads to Haverstraw to be divided in seven parts. Each of the above six children to receive 1/7th and 1/7th to the children of my daughter Jane, deceased, formerly the wife of Henry Henry Brickerhoff, viz.: Margaret, George, and Christian,
Sons, Christian and Cornelius, all that part of my farm on the east side of the road where I now live,
Son Cornelius was insane and not able to act for himself,
Executors: Wife, Rachel, sons, Abraham and Christian, and James Demarest.

No. 261. Will. fol. 77.
Samuel W. Coe,
D. Aug. 27, 1819. P. Feb. 15, 1822.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Sons, William, Jesse and Samuel - to be kept at school,
Heirs of son, John,
Daus., Abigail, Hannah, Elizabeth, Catherine and Sarah,
Grand son, John,
Grand daughter, Mary,
Executors: Wife, Elizabeth, and son, Jesse.

No. 262. Will. fol. 79.
Joseph Goetschius of Hempstead,
D. Jan. 16, 1818. Codicil D. Feb. 27, 1822. P. Mar. 30, 1822.
Wife, Catherine,
Sons, John and Harman,
Daus., Mary - wife of John Snyder and Rachel Goetschius,
Executors: Sons, John and Harman, and son-in-law, John Snyder.

No. 263. Will. fol. 84.
Tunis H. Tallman of Orange Town,
D. Dec. 17, 1817. Codicil D. Jun. 30, 1819. P. Jun. 6, 1822.
Wife, Margaret,
Dau. Rebecca, to receive the 50 acre farm on which I now reside,
Dau-in-law, Polly, the widow of my son Tunis,
Michael, the son of my son, Tunis,
Children of my grand-son, Tunis,
Margaret, daughter of my son Tunis,
To the Presbyterian Church at Nyack, 1/4th of an acre in the field on the west side of the Nyack road now used as a burying ground, to be used for that and no other purpose,
Executors: Wife, Margaret, Dau. Rebecca, and Grandson, Michael.

No. 264. Will. fol. 88.
James Edwards of Orange Town,
D. Apr. 10, 1822. P. May 11, 1822.
Wife, Elizabeth, to have 3 cows and a negro girl named Febe,
Son, James, David and Garret,
Daus., Margaret - wife of John Graham and Rachel,
Executors: Three sons.

No. 265. Will. fol. 265.
Derick Vanderbelt of Clarkstown,
D. Mar. 13, 1821. P. Aug. 7, 1822.
Weak in body,
Wife, Jane,
Son, Jacob,
Daus., Mary - wife of Abraham Campbell, Sarah - wife of Isaac Gerow and Jane - wife of John C. Blauvelt,
Peter, Derick, John, and Jacob Van Orden, sons of my deceased daughter, Hellechey,
Elizabeth Gerow, daughter of my deceased daughter, Margaret,
Executors: Son, Jacob, Son-in-law, Isaac Gerow, and Thodorus Remsen.

No. 266. Will. fol. 93.
Derik Straat of the Town of Hampstead,
D. Jul. 26, 1822. P. Aug. 7, 1822.
Wife, Rebecca,
Daus., Catherine, Maria, Rebecca, Sarah and Phebe,
Grandson, Eber Smith,
Son-in-law, James Maclauglin (husband of Phebe ?)
Executors: Son-in-law, Cornelius A.Blaiuvelt, and Andries A. Onderdonk.

No. 267. Will. fol. 95.
Adrian I. Onderdonk of Orange Town,
Wife, Catherine,
Eldest Dau. Sally, my silver watch,
Second Dau. Catherin, six silver spoons,
Youngest Dau. Margaret Aletta,
Executors: Father-in-law, David Edwards, and James Demarest.

No. 268. Will. fol. 97.
James Arden of New York City, merchant,
D. Aug. 21, 1822. Codicil D. Sep. 12, 1822. P. Oct. 19, 1822.
Wife, Ann,
Three slaves manumitted,
House and ground in Greenwich Street, New York,
Executors: Dau. Louisa Ann, widow of Maj. Sterry, and Richard Riker, present recorder of N.Y.City.

No. 269. Will. fol. 100.
Joseph Lary of Clarkstown,
D. Jun. 21, 1820. P. Oct. 24, 1822.
Weak in body,
Wife, Rachel,
Mentions "children" and "two sons",
Executors: Wife, Rachel, Samuel Helms, and David Pye.

No. 270. Will. fol. 102.
Isaac Sloat of Hampstead,
D. Jan. 30, 1821. P. Jan. 4, 1823.
Wife, Leah,
Sons, Stephen and Jacob,
Mentions the pond, dam, bark-mill, saw-mill, tale-race, log-way, etc.,
Executors: Wife and two sons.

No. 271. Will. fol. 104.
Nicholas Call of Hampstead, farmer,
D. Dec. 19, 1822. P. Feb. 1, 1823.
Wife, Mary,
Sons, Henry, Samuel, Nicholas, Anthony and Jacob,
Heirs of my son John,
Daus., Cathran, Margaret and Polley,
Heirs of my daughter Sally,
Executors: Wife, Mary, John Odell, and James Onderdonk

No. 272. Will. fol. 106.
Abraham C. Smith of Hampstead,
D. Jun. 28, 1820. P. Feb. 27, 1823.
Wife, Margaret,
Sons, Henry and Cornelius, land adjoining lands of John C. Smith,
Son, William,
Dau. Polly, widow of James Cooper, the north part of farm late of Tunis Cooper, deceased,
Daus., Altje, Hetty and Margaret,
Executors: Cornelius A. Blauvelt and my brother, John C. Smith

No. 273. Will. fol. 108.
Thomas D. Eckerson of Hampstead,
D. Jul. 3, 1822. P. Apr. 14, 1823.
Wife, Susana,
Son, James, to receive land where he now lives,
Son, John, house to be built for son, John,
Son, Abram, land and house where I now live,
Son, David, land where he now lives, formerly the property of Samuel Banta,
Mentions six daughters but names only four, viz.:
Daus., Agnes - wife of Elexander Post, Sarah - wife of Ralph Van Houten, Mary and Leah,
Abram Johnson, the son of my daughter Sarah (by first marriage ?),
Mentions lands adjoining Johannes Johnson, deceased, and Abraham Eckerson and land I bought of Peter Watson,
Executors: Peter S. Van Orden, Stephen Youry, John Snyder

No. 274. Will. fol. 112.
John Ja. Blauvelt of Orange Town,
D. Feb. 26, 1823. P. May 5, 1823.
Wife, Rachel,
Dau. Maria, a minor,
Children of my half brother, Cornelius Blauvelt,
John - son of my half brother, Cornelius, - to receive two acres with the buildings where I now live,
Mentions land I bought of my father and land at Middletown, which my grandfather, Hendrick Tenure, gave me,
Executors: Wife, Rachel, Cornelius Ja. Blauvelt, and James J. Demarest.

No. 275. Will. fol. 115.
Isaac De Pew of Orange Town,
D. Jul. 1, 1813. P. Jun. 14, 1823.
Wife Bridget,
Son, Abraham,
Daus., Elizabeth - married, Mary - unmarried and Margeitie - married,
Executors: James Perry, and John Ia's. Blauvelt.

No. 276. Will. fol. 117.
Isaac G. Blauvelt of town of Orange,
D. May 1, 1819. P. Jul. 31, 1823.
In good health,
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, Gerrit, land at Middletown in the east bounds of my farm,
Son, James, N. and N.W. part of my farm, adjoining land of Tunis Cooper and the heirs of James G. Blauvelt,
Son, John, remainder of my farm,
San, Abraham, bequest of $50.,
Executors: Sons Gerrit and James.

No. 277. Will. fol. 119.
John S. Smith of Hampstead,
D. May 9, 1823. P. Aug. 30, 1823.
Sons, Cornelius and James,
Daus., Elenor - wife of Andrew Wilson and Mary - wife of Andrew Onderdonk,
John J. Smith, Elizabeth, Peggy - wife of John Fox, and Catharine, my grand children, the children of my son, Jacob J. Smith,
Executors: My brothers, Peter C. and James C. Smith.

No. 278. Will. fol. 121.
Abraham Post of Orange Town,
D. Dec. 7, 1819. Codicil D. Jan. 13, 1823. P. Sep. 16, 1823.
Wife, Margaret,
Son, Jacob, farm where I now live,
Son Jacob's wife, Margaret,
Son, George Clinton Post, land adjoining George Man and woodland formerly owned by the Dudleys,
Daus., Elizabeth, Anna, Maria, Rache, and Gracey,
Executors: Samuel G. Verbryck, Jacob Post, Abraham Post, and Abraham Clark.
To daughter, Gracey, $870. (instead of $1,000) being the amount advanced to her husband, Nicholas Gesner,
My grand daughter, Mary Ann Hadly, the daughter of my daughter, Elizabeth.

No. 279. Will. fol. 125.
Gedion Vervallen of the town of Orange,
D. Jul. 10, 1820. P. Dec. 13, 1823.
Wife, Marya,
Children: Son, Hendrick, Dau. Mary, Son, Daniel, Son, Jacob, Dau. Tentye and Dau. Elizabeth,
Executors: Daniel and Jacob.

No. 280. Will. fol. 126.
Abraham Onderdonk of Hampstead, farmer,
D. May 23, 1823. P. Jan. 17, 1824.
In good state of health after seeing many days,
Sons, Garret, Abraham A. and Andrew,
Daus., Elizabeth Onderdonk - unmarried, Polly - wife of Stephen Gurnee and Rebecah - wife of Cornelius Springsteen,
Grand dau. Ester Gurnee,
Cornelius Springsteen's brother Levi and their father, John Springsteen,
Executors: Son, Abraham A., and friend, Aderan Onderdonk.

No. 281. Will. fol. 128.
John Gurnee of Hampstead, farmer,
D. Mar. 20, 1810. P. May 11, 1824.
Wife, Abigal,
Sons, Benjamin and Coe, homestead farm,
Son, John, my large family bible,
My slaves: Morris, Jin and Caty and the services of Harry who will be free when 28 years old, to my three sons,
Carpenter's tools to sons, Benjamin and Coe,
Daus., Hannah - wife of John Thew, Abigail - wife of John Cole and Betsey - wife of Abraham Stevens,
Executors: Three sons.

No. 282. Will. fol. 132.
Abraham Banker of Clarkstown,
D. Dec. 6, 1820. P. Jun. 10, 1824.
Wife, Maria,
My adopted child: Sally Ann Simmons,
Executors: Peters Stevens, Abraham P. Stevens, and Johannes Van Houten.

No. 283. Will. fol. 135.
John D. Coe of Hampstead,
D. Mar. 6, 1822. P. Sep. 7, 1824.
Sons, John D., Matthew D. and William Alexander,
Daus., Hannah - wife of Halstead Gurnee, Catherine - widow of Daniel Robert, Sarah - wife of Jasper Smith Armstrong and Mary - wife of Peter Schuyler Post,
Manumits slave, Thomas, when he is 28 years old,
Mentions land in town of Romulus, Seneca Co., N.Y.
Executors: Sons, John D. and Wm. Alexander

No. 284. Will. fol. 136.
John Blauvelt of Clarkstown,
D. Jul. 2, 1824. P. Sep. 13, 1824.
Wife, Catharine,
Son, Jacob,
Dau. Jane wife of Isaac B. Van Houten,
Dau. Maria wife of John C. Van Houten,
Executor: Son, Jacob
No. 285. Wil. fol. 137.
Mary Brewster, widow of Jonas Brewster of town of Haverstray,
D. Aug, 1, 1824. P. Oct. 23, 1824.
Dau. Sally Bolson, wife of John Bolson,
Grand dau. Mary Allison, the daughter of George and Hannah Allison,
Executors: John Bolson, Samuel Goetschius and Sally Bolson

No. 286. Will. fol. 138.
Cornelius Vanderbilt of Clarkstown,
D. Apr. 23, 1824. P. Nov. 10, 1824.
Weak in body,
Wife, Catharine,
Sons, John C., Richard, William, and Isaac,
Daus., Margaret and Maria,
Executors: Sons, Isaac and John C.

No. 287. Will. fol. 140.
Samuel Brewster of the town of Haverstraw,
D. Nov. 11, 1824. P. Dec. 16, 1824
Weak in body,
Wife, Mary,
Sons, Walter F., Richard, Samuel, William, deceased, and Jonas, deceased,
Charles Wm. Brewster, oldest son of my son Samuel,
The farm where I reside with Stony Point to my son, Richard, during the life of my wife, then to Charles Wm. Brewster,
Martha, the widow of my son William, to receive the two lots that my son William, deceased, bought of her brother Joseph D. L. Montanya, being his part of the estate of his father John D. L. Montanya,
Grand children of my son Jonas, deceased,
Mentions, "my 3 remaining sons and 2 daughters,"
Mentions mountain land,
Leaves $50. toward the repair of the Presbyterian Church at Haverstraw,
To the old black woman, Pillis, the house and ground she now occupies for life,
To the black man Peter, the cow he now has the use of,
Executors: Sons, Walter F., Richard and Samuel.

No. 288. Will. fol. 143.
Joseph Conklin of Clarkstown,
D. Apr. 5, 1824. P. Dec. 21, 1824.
Weak in body,
Wife, Elizabeth,
Sons, William - eldest and John,
Daus., Catharine - wife of John Pye, Jr., Rachel - unmarried and Charlotte - unmarried,
Executrors: Wife, Elizabeth, and my brother-in-law, Benjamin Jones.

No. 289. Will. fol. 145.
Abraham Conklin of Hampstead,
D. Jul. 21, 1824. P. Jan. 24, 1825.
Weak in body,
Wife, Mary,
Sons, Samuel, John and William,
Daus., Amey, Polly and Elizabeth,
Grand dau. Catharine, the daughter of my daughter Polly Conklin,
Executors: Wife Mary, and three sons

No. 290. Will. fol. 146.
David D. Ackerman of Hampstead,
D. May 25, 1824. P. Feb. 1, 1825.
Wife mentioned but not named,
Sons, Daniel, David - all that part of my farm where he now lives in Franklin, Bergen Co. and Abraham,
Daus., Altye - wife of Adolphus Shurt, Margaret - wife of John Bogert, Elizabeth - wife of James Carlach, Jane - wife of John Yeury, Jr. and Sarah - wife of James Thompson,
Grand dau., Hannah, daughter of my daughter Sarah,
Executors: Peter S.Van Orden and John Yeury

No. 291. Will. fol. 148.
John Ten Eyck of Hampstead, farmer,
D. Nov. 19, 1824. P. Jun. 8, 1825.
Wife, Mary,
Sons, Fletcher, John W., Manning F. and James,
Daus., Elizer, Catharine, and Phebe,
Children to have good common schooling,
Executors: Wife, Mary, Josiah Conklin and John J. Gurnee

No. 292. Will. fol. 150.
Richard Greenwood of New York City, grocer,
D. Apr. 12, 1820. P. Jun. 18, 1825.
Weak in body,
Wife, Mary,
Mentons "my children",
Executors: Wife, Mary, my brother-in-law, William Murphy, and John Noble

No. 293. Will. fol. 151.
Henry Houser of Hampstead,
D. Jul. 22, 1824. P. June 25, 1825.
Dau. Elizabeth (wife of Lewis J. Conklin ?)
Son-in-law, Lewis L. Conklin,
Grandson, John L. Conklin,
Great grandsons, Henry and Albert
Executors: William Youry and Jacob Straut, Jr.

No. 294. Will. fol. 153.
Henry A. Blauvelt of Orangetown,
D. Jun. 4, 1825. P. Jul. 21, 1825.
Wife, Margaret,
Sons, Garret and Abraham,
Daus., Mary - wife of Garret Bogert, Elizabeth - wife of John House and Margaret - wife of John Vervalen,
Executors: Sons, Garret and Abraham and Richard Blauvelt, Esq.

No. 295. Will. fol. 154.
Abraham Blauvelt of Orange County, yeoman,
D. Jan. 12, 1795. P. Aug. 16, 1825.
Being very sick and weak,
Wife, Mary,
Son, Isaac, to have negro, Dine,
Dau. Mary Hogencamp, to have Negro, Tone,
Executors: Son, Isaac, and Son-in-law, Everet (?) Hogencamp

No. 296. Will. fol. 156.
Daniel J. De Clark of Clarkstown,
D. Feb. 28, 1822. P. Oct. 6, 1825.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Sons, James - eldest and Christian,
Daus., Rachel - wife of Daniel A. Blauvelt and Catharine - wife of Benjamin B. Smith,
Land on Naranshaw Brook devised to two sons,
Executors: Son, James, James Demarest, and Richard I. Blanch.

No. 297. Will. fol. 159.
Sally Onderdonk of Clarkstown,
D. Mar. 23, 1825. P. Oct. 6, 1825.
My mother, Nelly Smith, widow, all my real estate,
Son, Silvester Cumming,
Sally, daughter of my brother, Adrian Onderdonk,
Sally, daughter of my brother, Hendrick Onderdonk,
Executors: Abraham Storms, and my brother, Garret Onderdonk.
(See Onderdonk Gen. p. 59.)

No. 298. Will. fol. 160.
George Witman of Hampstead,
D. Aug. 9, 1825. P. Oct. 15, 1825.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Sons, Jacob and John,
Dau. Catharine - wife of Henry Eassalor,
Executors: Peter S. Van Orden and son, Jacob.

No. 299. Will. fol. 161.
Robert Burns of the town of Haverstraw,
D. Nov. 17, 1825. Codicil D. Nov. 17, 1825. P. Nov. 28, 1825..
Wife, Armenia,
Infant dau., Hannah Delia Ann,
My brother, David,
    My brother David, was before arriving at 21 years, and now is, connected with me in business and during his minority rendered me essential services for which I have as yet made him no compensation, and since he has become of age, we have in company purchased teams of horses, mules, and other personal property for our business, to all of which he is now entitled to one half, and we have jointly contracted debts; therefore the better to enable him to pay those debts and carry on the business for the benefit of my wife and infant child and to prevent any sacrifice of my real estate, I do order that he keeps in his possession all such part of my personal estate as may be necessary to continue our business of farming and lumbering and I give to my said brother David one third of my personal estate,
Executor: Brother, David - Sole Executor

No. 300. Will. fol. 165.
Clause Van Houten of Clarkstown,
D. Jul. 28, 1814. P. Dec. 10, 1825.
Finding myself advancing in years and bodily infirmities,
Son, Tunis,
Son, Garret - now living with me,
Dau. Lucretia - widow of Arthur Paul,
Rebecca - wife of Abraham Jersey, - my daughter,
My grand children, the children of my son Peter, deceased, viz.: John, Maria, Elizabeth, Catharine and Rebecca
My wife, Morriche, who was the step-mother of sons, Tunis and Garret,
Son Garret's mother was my second wife,
To son Tunis and my two daughters, $105. and a note against Alexander Slot, that sum and the note being the portion I received by marriage with their mother, my first wife,
Devises land in Lot No. 14 of the Dry Swamp Lots to his two daughters,
Executors: Son, Garret, and Thomas Howard

(Note: - Claes Van Houten - born Nov. 6, 1736 - was married three times:
    First to Maria Sloat,
    Second to Brechje Serven, widow,
    Third to Marretje Van Houten, widow of Stephen Smith.).

No. 301. Will. fol. 162.
Martin Fox of Hempstead,
D. Sep. 23, 1825. P. Apr. 1, 1826.
Weak in body,
My brothers, David, Jacob and John,
My mother, Catherine, now Catherine Chapple,
Executors: Henry R. Wannamaker and David I. Christie

No. 302. Will. fol. 170.
Isaac Blauvelt of Clarkstown,
D. Dec. 16, 1825. P. May 1, 1826.
Sick and weak in body,
Wife, Sarah, whole estate,
Executors; Wife, Sarah, and my brother, Benjamin Wood

No. 303. Will. fol. 171.
Isaac Rose, of the town of Orange,
D. Mar. 29, 1826. P. May 10, 1826.
Wesk in body,
Wife, Sarah, whole estate for life,
Son, Jonathan,
Dau. Sutie - wife of Elexander Felter,
Grandson, Isaac Felter,
Executors: Son, Jonathan, Abraham Horn and David I. Blauvelt

No. 304. Will. fol. 173.
Adraen Waldern of the town of Haverstraw, farmer,
D. Jul. 2, 1825. P. May 17, 1826.
Wife, Hannah,
Sons, Joseph - eldest, Adrian, John and Resolve.,
Dau. Elizabeth Babcock,
Dau. Deborah Call,
Grandson, Michael, the son of my son Joseph,
Grandson, Adrian, the son of my son Adrian,
Grandson, Jacob, the son of my daughter Martha Buis and his half-sister, Fanny Quackenbush,
Executors: Wife, Hannah, Samuel Goetschius and Thomas Mackee

No. 305. Will. fol.
Jane Ackerman, widow of David Ackerman of Hampstead,
D. Mar. 12, 1825. P. May 18, 1826.
Weak in body,
Daus., Elenener - wife of Adolphus Shurt, Margaret - wife of John Bogert, Sarah - wife of James Tompson, Elizabeth - wife of James Carlough and Jane - wife of John I. Yeury,
Executors: Peter S. Van Orden and John Yeury

No. 306. Will. fol. 176.
Nicholas L. Haring of Hampstead,
D. May 20, 1826. P. May 31, 1826.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Mentions his children, who were under age, but does not name them,
My books in the latin and greek languages I give to him or them of my children who shall study those languages,
My law books to him or them of my children who shall study law,
Executors: By brother-in-law, Rev. James D. Demarest and Jacob Straat, Jr.

No. 307. Will. fol. 177.
Lawrence Briggs of Orangetown,
D. May 27, 1826. P. Jun. 27, 1826.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, James,
Dau. Maria Clark,
Daus., Ann and Elizabeth,
The children of my son, John, deceased, viz.: Eliza, Abraham and Ann,
Grandson, Laurine Briggs,
Executors: Wife, Elizabeth, David Clark and Rev. Joseph W. Griffiths

No. 308. Will. fol. 179.
Garret P. Smith of the town of Orange,
D. Nov. 11, 1825. P. Oct. 14, 1826.
Wife, Wynetie,
Son, Peter Smith, all my land in the western part of New York State, also 1/3rd of my farm in the village of Tappan, also my house and lot commonly called the town lot in the village aforesaid, also my silver tankard for his birth right,
John Graham, Wyntie L., Sarah V., Garret, Elizabeth L.and Ann, the children of my son, Adolphus, deceased, to whom is devised my farm at Greenbush,
To the above grandsons, John Graham and Garret, is devised 2/3rds of my farm at Tappan,
To grandson, John Graham, house and lot where I reside in Tappan Village,
To grandson, Garret, the house and lot I bought of Samuel J. Verbryck in Tappan,
Elizabeth, widow of my son, Adolphus, deceased,
Children of my grand daughter, Cornelia Cochrin, deceased, the daughter of my son Peter, $200. to be divided between them,
Executors: Robert Campbell, of Bergen Co., Councellor at Law, John James Perry and Grandson, John G. Smith.

No. 309. Will. fol. 183.
John Walsh of Hampstead,
D. Sep. 2, 1826. P. Sep. 15, 1826.
Weak in body,
Mother-in-law, Bridget Caldwell,
Daus., Eliza, Catharine, and Mary, my little daughters,
"I request that my family remain where they be until the stock of hides and skins in the yard are tanned out",
Executors: Cornelius Doremus and Stephen Sloat.

No. 310. Will. fol. 184.
Mordecai Wheeler of the town of Haverstraw,
D. Sep. 9, 1826. P. Feb. 9, 1827.
Wife, Hannah,
Son, Hervey,
Dau. Abigail M.,
Executors: Wife and son.

No. 311. Will. fol. 185.
Peter Allison of the town Haverstraw,
D. Mar. 31, 1825. P. Mar. 26, 1827.
Wife, Catharine,
Son, Peter, John, Mathias, and Allen,
Daus., Margaret Storms (married Storms ?), Leah, Hannah, Sarah and Elizabeth,
Mountain land in Haverstraw that Peter De Noyelles and myself bought of Walter T. Smith and of which De Noyelles has taken the deed but has not yet executed a deed to me,
To my colored man, William, his freedom and one suit of spare day clothes, good every day clothes and $5.
Executors: John De Noyelles, Aaron De Cam and Samuel Goetschius

No. 312. Will. fol. 189.
Johannes Gordenier of Hampstead,
D. Dec. 14, 1819. P. Apr. 9, 1827.
Sons, Jacob, and Barnet,
Daus., Lena, and Hannah,
Grandson, Johannes, son of my son Barnet,
Executors: Peter S. Van Orden, son-in-law, David Debaun and Grandson, Johannes Gardenear

No. 313. Will. fol. 189.
Maritye Baker wife of Joseph Baker of Clarkstown,
D. Jul. 5, 1823. P. Apr. 19, 1827.
Husband, Joseph Baker,
Niece, Susan Sofiah Wood,
"If it continue to be the will of God that I shall have no heir",
Executors: James Demarest and Jacob D. Clark

No. 314. Will. fol. 190.
Elias Gurnee of the town of Haverstraw,
D. Apr. 26, 1827. P. May 15, 1827.
Weak in body,
Wife, Hannah,
Son, Leonard and Rebecca his wife,
Hannah Drummends, the daughter of my brother, Stephen Gurnee, deceased,
Albert Gurnee, the son of my brother Stephen Gurnee, deceased,
Martha Gurnee, the daughter of my brother, Benjamin,
Other heirs of my brother Benjamin,
The children of my brother, John S. Gurnee, deceased, viz.: Martha Sherwood, Mathew Gurnee, John S. Gurnee and Abigal Gurnee
Charlotte Woodcock, daughter of my brother, Jonas, deceased,
Heirs of my sister, Martham wife of Mathew Coe,
Heirs of my brother, Halstead Gurnee, deceased,
My sister, Sarah Osborn,
My brother, Abraham Gurnee,
Caleb Gurnee,
Benjamin Jackson, colored boy, who has for some time lived with me,
Executors: Wife, Hannah, William Osborn, John S. Gurnee and son, Leonard

No. 315. Will. fol. 193.
Daniel D. Ackerman of Hampstead,
D. Feb. 8, 1827. P. May 9, 1827.
Wife, Cathaline,
Son, David,
Daus., Jane - unmarried, Hannah - wife of Cornelius Smith, Alida - wife of Peter Ramsey, Anny - wife of Nicholas Sickels, Margaret and Mariah,
Executors: Wife, Cathaline, my brother, David and Stephen Youry

No. 316. Will. fol. 195.
Mariety Van Houton, widow of Claus Van Houten of Clarkstown,
D. Mar. 19, 1827. P. May 31, 1827.
Weak in body,
Son, Garret S. Smith, whole personal estate,
Executor: Son, Garret S. Smith

No. 317. Will. fol. 196.
Isaac A. Blauvelt of Clarkstown, farmer,
D. Mar. 6, 1812. P. Jun. 22, 1820. (1827 ?)
Weak in body,
Wife, Morrety,
Dau. Maria De Clark (married Daniel De Clark - G.H.S.)
Son, Jacob,
Executors, Wife, son and daughter.

No. 318. Will. fol. 198.
Joshua Tenycke of Hampstead, yeoman,
D. Apr. 26, 1827. P. Oct. 3, 1827.
Wife, Hannah,
Son, Isaac,
Daus., Hannah - wife of James Westervelt, Sarah - wife of Garret Cooper and Maria - wife of Isaac Lake,
My father, Jacob Teneycke,
Executors: Wife, Hannah, John J. Gurnee and Joshua Conklin.

No. 319. Will. fol. 199.
Andrew Suffern of Hampstead, Esq.,
D. Aug. 2, 1826. P. Nov. 17, 1827.
Weak in body,
John, James and Adolphus, the sons of my sister, Mary Wanmaker, the wife of Christan A. Wanmaker of the town of Framklin, Bergen County, N.J., farmer,
Brother, Edward Suffern of Hampstead,
Wife, Catherine,
Executors: Brother, Edward Suffern and brother-in-law, Christan A. Wanmaker.

No. 320. Will. fol. 202.
George C. Post of Rockland County,
D. Jul. 12, 1827. P. Nov. 15, 1827.
Wife, Susanna,
Sons, Richard and George W.,
Dau Gitty,
"My children",
Executors: Jacob Post, Garret Tallman and Peter Smith.

No. 321. Will. fol. 203.
Samuel Youmans of Clarkstown,
D. Jul. 17, 1809. P. Jan. 11, 1828.
Weak in body,
Sons, John - now living with me, Samuel and Abraham,
Executor: Son, John

No. 322. Will. fol. 204.
Peter De Pew of Clarkstown,
D. Jan. 22, 1828. P. Feb. 20, 1828.
Weak and feeble,
Son, Abraham,
Daus., Rachel - wife of Wallace Bennedict and Margaret - wife of Roswell Benjamin,
John, Peter, Margaret - wife of Henry Lyons, and Sarah, the children of my deceased daughter, Mary, wife of Daniel Smith,
Executors: John Howard and Jacob J. Blauvelt.

No. 323. Will. fol. 206.
David Brower of the town of Orange,
D. May 2, 1827. P. Feb. 29, 1828.
Sons, David - to have the homestead with the gristmill, saw-mill, etc., John, Isaac, Joseph and James - to learn trade,
Daus., Sally and Caty - youngest daughter,
Wife, Sally,
Executors: Sons, John, Isaac and David.
Mentions land that lately belonged to Fredericus Blauvelt, deceased.

No. 324. Will. fol. 208.
John Dater of the town of Haverstraw, yeoman,
D. Mar. 10, 1828. P. Apr. 7, 1828.
Son, Adam,
Dau. Mary,
Dator, Adam, Sarah, Luciann (?), Margaret and Elizabeth, the children of my daughter, Elizabeth, the wife of Jacob Marks,
Executors: Abraham Knapp and Abraham Goetschius.

No. 325. Will. fol. 211.
Benjamin Youmans of the town of Haverstraw,
D. Mar. 28, 1828. P. Apr. 12, 1828.
Wife, Hannah,
Son, Benjamin,
Daus., Catherine Baisley and Martha Bostick,
John and George, two children of my daughter, Martha, by her first husband, George T. Allison,
Dau. Margaret Springstead,
Executors: Wife, Hannah and son, Benjamin.

No. 326. Will. fol. 212.
Orville Alonzo Dean of Hampstead,
D. Nov. 27, 1827. P. Jun. 4, 1828.
Wife, Mary,
My brothers, Theodore and Joseph,
My sisters, Samantha and Uretta - wife of Winslow Cobbet,
Executors: Wife, Mary, my uncle, Jeremiah H. Pierson and my friend, Stephen Slout.

No. 327. Will. fol. 214.
Jacob Ackerson of the town of Orange,
D. Sep. 2, 1828. P. Sep. 13, 1828.
Wife, Catharine,
Daus., Caty - now living with me, Susana - wife of Benjamin Demarest, Sara - wife of John Ackerson, Mariah - wife of Peter Post and Jemina - wife of Daniel Blauvelt,
Executors: Son-in-law, Peter Post and Cornelius Sickles.

No. 328. Will. fol. 215.
John Is. Blauvelt of the town of Orange,
D. Feb. 28, 1824. P. Sep. 15, 1828.
Sons, Garret and David,
Dau. Elizabeth - wife of Abraham G. Blauvelt - 1/3rd of land I bought of Michael Tenure and his brother, on the west side of the Hackensack River in Clarkstown,
Grand dau. Catharine, the daughter of my son, Isaac, deceased, wife of Isaac I. Blauvelt, 1/3rd of the above land,
Trustees of the Presbyterian Church at Greenbush - 1/3rd of above land,
Executors: Sons, Garret and David, and son-in-law, Abraham G. Blauvelt.

No. 329. Will. fol. 217.
Abraham C. Blauvelt of Orange Town,
D. Jun. 3, 1828. P. Oct. 22, 1828.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Sons, John and Samuel,
Executors: Wife, Elizabeth, my brother, Harmanus Blauvelt and my brother-in-law, John I. Coe.

No. 330. Will. fol. 219. See No. 331.
Jacobus I. Blauvelt and Jannitye Blauvelt, his wife,
D. May 17, 1811. P. Dec. 22, 1828.
Son, John, - land we heired from our father, John Debaun, [father?]
Dau. Rachel,
Executors: Son, John and James Perry.

No. 331. Will. fol. 220. See No. 330.
Jacobus I. Blauvelt of Orange Town,
D. May 17, 1811. Codicil D. Aug. 14, 1819. P. Dec. 22, 1828.
Wife, Jannitye,
Son, John, all the land I bought of Johannes C. Blauvelt and all my farm where I dwell, and Dutch bible,
Dau. Rachel,
Executors: Son, John and James Perry.
Codicil: Son-in-law, David Fowler, appointed executor with the two named in the will.

No. 332. Will. fol. 223.
Tunis I. Tallman of Clarkstown,
D. Jul. 21, 1828. P. Dec. 23, 1828.
Weak in body,
Wife, Catharine,
Sons, John, and Abraham,
Daus., Maria and Rachel, both unmarried,
My mother-in-law, Rachel, widow of Abraham Tallman,
Executors: Wife, Catharine, Dowah I. Tallman and John Tallman.

No. 333. Will. fol. 225.
Isaac Amberman of the town of Haverstraw,
D. Jan. 15, 1829. P. Mar. 7, 1829.
Weak in body,
Wife, Laney,
Son, Abraham,
Margaret (doughter ?),
Executors: Wife, Laney, Jacob Springsteen and Daniel Gurnee.

No. 334. Will. fol. 226.
Abraham Goetschius of Clarkstown,
D. Dec. 24, 1828. P. Mar. 27, 1829.
Wife, Rachel,
My daughter, Sarah Haring, Rachel Royal Bloid (*), Jane Ackerman, Hannah Blauvelt, Catherine Tramper, Pheby Knap, Elche Bell, and Susannah Goetschius, - all my daughters that I have given deed to be included in their parts, - the remainder of all my real estate to be equally divided between them,
"My daughters above named",
Executors: My brother, Samuel and John Stagg, Esq.
(*) See tomb-stone inscriptions - South Church, Schraalenburgh, N.J., No. 42.

No. 335. Will. fol. 227.
Garret C. Smith of Ramapo,
D. Jun. 11, 1828. P. Apr. 4, 1829.
Wife, Mahetable,
Sons, Garret, Cornelius and Hendrick,
Daus., Maria, Aultie and Hette,
Executors: Cornelius A. Blauvelt and sons, Cornelius and Hendrick.

No. 336. Will. fol. 229.
William Felter of the town of Orange, blacksmith,
D. Feb. 23, 1821. P. Apr. 13, 1829.
Weak in body,
Wife, Maria,
Son, Cornelius,
Daus., Elizabeth, Jane, Margaret and Cornelia,
Executors: Wife and son.

No. 337. Will. fol. 230.
Frances J. Gurnee of Ramapo,
D. May 18, 1829. P. Jun. 3, 1829.
Sons, James, Frances, Benjamin, Jacob and Abraham,
Dau. Mary Bell,
Executors: Josian Conklin and Daniel S. Gurnee.

No. 338. Will. fol. 232.
Peter D. Noyelles of the town of Haverstraw,
D. Sep. 29, 1828. Codicil D. Dec. 27, 1828. P. Jun. 19, 1829.
Weak in body,
Wife, Dereke,
Son, Peter,
Son. John R., land on which he resides in Scoharie Co., N.Y.,
Children of my son, Theodorus,
Son, Asbury, youngest son, a minor,
Son, George Edwin, a minor, to study law,
Son, William,
Daus., Charlotte - widow of John Coe, Effy - wife of Garret De Forest, Sarah - wife of Joseph Theal, Rachel De Noyelles and Mary De Noyelles,
My brother, John Denoyelles,
Mentions lands in Schoharie and Otsego Counties, N.Y.,
Executors: Son, Peter and John S. Gurnee.

No. 339. Will. fol. 235.
Derick Bush of Hempstead,
D. May 4, 1829. P. Jul. 8, 1829.
Wife, Anna,
Sons, Peter and Henry,
Daus., Mary - wife of John Dater, 45 acres with the grist mill, Jane - wife of Isaac Post, Margaret - wife of Peter Bush, Caty - wife of Derick H. Wanmaker and Anny - wife of John Vanderbeak,
Christian and Richard Hennion, heirs of my daughter, Elizabeth, wife of Andrew Hennion,
Richard Bush, the son of my son, John, - 50 acres with the saw mill,
My grand daughter, the daughter of my daughter, Jane, now the wife of William Armstrong,
Executors: Peter S. Van Orden and Henry Wanmaker.

No. 340. Will. fol. 238.
Abraham Danl. Blauvelt of Clauss Land,
D. Nov. 26, 1787. P. Sep. 1, 1829.
Wife, Marya,
Sons, Daniel - eldest and Hendrick,
Dau. Derreckye - wife of Daniel Hendk. Blauvelt, only dau.
"my three children",
Executors: Wife, Marya, and two sons.

No. 341. Will. fol. 240.
John Sneden of the Town of Orange, builder of coasting vessels,
D. Feb. 27, 1826. P. Oct. 23, 1829.
Wife, Phoeby, all the estate she received, or may receive, from her father, John Gisner, and use of present dwelling house etc. on the north side of Sloat Creek, also, the rents of all lands and vessels or water craft,
Sons, Samuel, Lawrence, John and William,
Daus., Mahatath, Elison and her children, Ann, Juliet and Emeline,
Executors: four sons.

No. 342. Will. fol. 242.
Daniel D. Cocolot, late of New York City, but now of Clarkstown.
D. Aug. 15, 1829. P. Oct. 28, 1829.
Weak in body,
Wife, Polly,
Sons, Daniel Silvanus - eldest and John Samuel - youngest,
Daus., Hannah, Maria and Sarah Matilda,
Executors: Isaac B. V. Houten and Jacob Blauvelt, Esq.

No. 343. Will. fol. 244.
Ebenezer Bishop of Hempstead, farmer,
D. Aug. 1, 1829. P. Nov. 4, 1829.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, John,
Heirs of son Peter, deceased, viz.: Jane, Eliza, James D., Mary M., Harriet, Sarah Ann and Andrew D.,
Mentions land in Hempstead being part of Lots Nos. 4 and (?) in the North Moiety of the Kakiat Patent, in Simmon's Range,
Provides that burying ground must remain in the possession of the family so long as any of them live, together with right of way thereto,
Executors: Son, John and dau.-in-law, Elizabeth Bishop, widow of son, Peter.

No. 344. Will. fol. 246.
Cornelius A. Blauvelt of Clarkstown,
D. Mar. 11, 1821. P. Nov. 9, 1829.
Weak in body,
Wife, Margaret,
Son, Abraham,
Dau. Caty,
"I do 'apint' my son Abraham executor in the room of myself in the will of Abraham H. Blauvelt, deceased",
Executors: Son, Abraham, son-in-law, Jacob Debaun and Peter P. Demarest

No. 345. Will. fol. 247.
*onis (Harmanus) Perry of Clarkstown, [* First letter of given name indistinct - BEH]
D. May 4, 1829. P. Nov. 16, 1829.
Weak in body,
Wife, Hannah,
Sons, John, William and Daniel,
Daus., Polly - wife of Garret Snedeker, Sarah - wife of George Tremper, Elizabeth - wife of Nicholas Myers and Hannah (wife of ?) Abraham A. Snyder,
Executors: Son, John, son-in-law, Garret Snedeker and Garret Onderdonk

No. 346. Will. fol. 248.
Aurt Polhemus of Clarkstown,
D. Feb. 21, 1816. Codicil D. Jan. 6, 1825. 2nd Codicil D. Mar. 26, 1829. P. Nov. 24, 1829.
Wife, Afphey, Alpey or Alphey,
Son, John, a doctor,
Son, Daniel, for life, the farm on which he now lives called Man of Wars Ridge, which I bought of De Noyelles, containing 100 acres,
Son Daniel's wife, Meriety or Martha, and children,
Grandson, Aaron, son of my son Theodorus, deceased,
Dau. Deborah, wife of Peter D. W. Smith, given farm in the Pond Patent on which she now lives, being the farm I bought of Titus Polhemus and others, containing about 130 acres,
Dau. Margaret wife of Abraham Smith, given farm near Welch's Island where she now lives, being the farm I bought of Resolvert Stephens, containing about 130 acres,
Dau. Lucretia - wife of Jacob D. Clark,
Dau.-in-law, Elizabeth, widow of Theodorus Polhemus,
My father, Theodorus Polhemus,
Provides for the support of the blacks or former slaves of Daniel Martine, deceased,
Mentions "Mill and dam",
Executors: Son, John and son-in-law, Peter D. W. Smith.
1st Codicil: My daughter-in-law, Martha, widow of my son Daniel,
2nd Codicil: My son Daniel, deceased, left three children: Aaron, Margaret - wife of John Griffiths, and John.

No. 347. Will. fol. 255.
Jacob Wood of Clarkstown,
D. Jul. 21, 1817. P. Dec. 8, 1829.
Sons, John eldest son, Ebenezer and Jabez,
Dau. Ann - wife of Jacob Blauvelt,
Mentions "the Wolf Swamp",
Executors: Three sons.

No. 348. Will. fol. 258.
Nancy Wood of Clarkstown, widow of Jacob Wood,
D. Apr. 27, 1827. P. Dec. 8. 1829.
Sons, Jabez and John,
Executor: Son, Jabez.

Records in the Surrogated Office, New City, Rockland County, N. Y.
Lieber C. of Wills, Nos. 349 - 473

No. 349. Will. fol. 1.
Johannes Blauvelt of Clarkstown,
D. Aug. 21, 1824. Codicil D. Jul. 6, 1829. P. Feb. 16, 1830.
Wife, Catharine,
Sons, Peter - eldest, Jacob, Abraham and Johannes, Jr.,
Daus., Ann - wife of John Jersey and Maria - wife of John Van Houten,
Grandson, Henry Deronde, son of my deceased daughter, Margaret, late the wife of Jacob Deronde,
Grand-daughter, Catharine Blauvelt, daughter of my deceased son, Dowa,
Tunis Van Houten, the natural son of my daughter Ann,
Executors: Sons, Peter and Jacob and son-in-law, John Van Houten
Codicil: Cancels the appointment of Jacob Blauvelt and John Van Houten as executors and names in their stead, "My brother, Abraham P. Blauvelt as an Executor"

No, 350. Will. fol. 8.
Bernard Oblenis of Clarkstown, farmer,
D. Jul. 11, 1825. P. Mar. 13, 1830.
Weak in body,
Wife, Gertrude,
Sons, John and William,
Executors: Wife and two sons

No. 351. Will. fol. 10.
Harry Lambert of Haverstraw,
D. Feb. 19, 1830. P. Apr. 7, 1830.
Weak in body,
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, Jonathan Lee,
Daus., Mary and Ann Elizabeth,
Property: Farm in Harverstraw, wood lot in Haverstraw Mountain and 4/10ths of the north end of a house in Salem, Essex Co., Mass.
Executors: Wife, Elizabeth and George Smith

No. 352. Will. fol. 11.
Peter Van Blarcum of Orange Town,
D. Nov. 7, 1829. P. Apr. 20, 1830.
Wife, Jane,
Son, Garret,
Dau. Jane - wife of Nathaniel Cornelison,
Grandson, Peter G. Van Blarcum,
Grand-dau. Jane Cornelison,
Executors: John Perry and Cornelius Guisebert Bogert.

No. 353. Will. fol. 13.
Dow H. Talman of Hampstead, house-carpenter,
D. Sep. 17, 1820. P. Aug. 21, 1830.
In health,
Wife, Rachel,
Sons, Daniel and Peter,
Executors: two sons.

No. 354. Will. fol. 15.
Mary Van Horn of the Town of Orange,
D. Jan. 9, 1830. P. Sep. 25, 1830.
Sons, Daniel and James Deryea,
Daus., Jane - wife of Cornelius A. Smith, Sophia - wife of Willson Mors, Sally - wife of John Rose and Maria - wife of John Mowerson,
Executors: Peter S. Van Orden and Peter P. Deryea.

No. 355. Will. fol. 17.
Peter Felter of Clarkstown,
D. Nov. 24, 1824. P. Nov. 4, 1830.
Wife, Elizabeth, "my partner in life",
Sons, William, John, Henry, George and Daniel,
Daus., Elizabeth - wife of Garret Onderdonk and Rachel - wife of Garret Williamson,
Catharine De Clark, the mother-in-law of my son, William,
Executors: Wife, Elizabeth, Hirmannes Perry and son-in-law, Garret Onderdonk.

No. 356. Will. fol. 19.
John Tinkie of Hampstead,
D. Jul. 8, 1818. P. Feb. 28, 1831.
Wife, Marretye,
Sons, John, Hendrick and Garret,
Daus., Lena - wife of Ralph Onderdonk, Jinny and Mary - wife of Henry Van Saun,
Executors: Sons, John and Hendrick and son-in-law, Ralph Onderdonk.

No. 357. Will. fol. 21.
Henry Baremore of Clarkstown,
D. Sep. 11, 1824. P. Mar. 1, 1931.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, Nathaniel,
Dau. Catherine, wife of John Storms, given one Spanish brown chest in which I keep my private papers, (chest to son Nathaniel)
Heirs of my dau. Elizabeth, wife of Elias Williams,
Dau. Elizabeth,
Grand-dau. Sally Ann Williams, who now lives with me,
Executors: Son, Nathaniel and Grandson, Alfred Baremore.

No. 358. Will. fol. 24.
Abraham Dator of Ramapo, iron-master,
D. No date, but in proving the will one of the witnesses stated that the will was executed Feb. 5th, last. P. Mar. 2, 1831.
Wife, Mary,
Son, George Washington, to be educated,
Daus., Nancy Maria, Hannah, Henrietta and Catharine Jane,
    My real estate known as the Pleasant Valley Forge which consists of a two-fire forge, dam and one half the water privileges, with a mansion house, store, blacksmith shop, barn, shed and sundry dwelling houses for workmen and one half the grist mill, also 1,060 acres of land all in the Town of Ramapo,
Executors: Wife, Mary, Jacob Sloat and John Ward.

No. 359. Will. fol. 27.
Levi Conklin of Ramapo, blacksmith,
D. Jan. 5, 1831. P. Mar. 31, 1831.
Weak in body,
Wife, Hannah,
My brothers, Jesse and Joseph,
My sisters, Sarah and Mary,
Executors: Jacob Straut, Jr. and James Taylor.

No. 360. Will. fol. 29.
Jacob Springstead of Town of Haverstraw,
D. Jul. 22, 1830. P. Apr. 20, 1831.
Wife, Mima,
Sons, John and Nelson,
Hannah Davis (Relationship not given),
Eliza Springstead (Relationship not given),
Catharin Springstead (Relationship not given),
Sarah Wigton (Relationship not given),
John Springstead (Relationship not given),
Charlot Ann Springsted (Relationship not given),
Mary Chadwik (Relationship not given),
Executors: Mima Springstead, John Springstead and John H. Wigton.

No. 361. Will. fol. 31.
Richard I. Blanch of Clarkstown,
D. Aug. 2, 1826. P. Jun. 25, 1831.
Wife, Anny,
Dau. Aggy - wife of William Hutton,
Executors: Son-in-law, William Hutton and Cornelius J. Blauvelt.

No. 362. Will. fol. 33.
William Hutton of Clarkstown,
D. Apr. 7, 1831. P. Jun. 25, 1831.
Wife, Agge,
My father, John Hutton,
"My children",
Executors: Jacob D. Clar, and Abram C. Blauvelt.

No. 363. Appointment of Guardian. fol. 35.
Thomas Ward appointed guardian for the minor heirs of Abraham Dator, Jr.
Abraham Dator's will again recorded. Fol. 38. (see No. 358.)

No. 364. Will. fol. 41.
John E. Phillips of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. Apr. 5, 1831. P. Jul. 4, 1831.
Wife, Sarah,
Youngest son, Henry Knapp Phillips,
Son, Eli,
"My children"
Executors: Wife, Sarah, Henry Knapp and son, James.

No. 365. Will. fol. 42.
Peter Oblenis of Clarkstown,
D. Aug. 11, 1830. Aug. 15, 1831.
Weak in body,
Wife, Mary,
Sons, Henry, absent,
Son Henry's wife, Charity,
Son, Garret,
John Oblenis' son Peter, (Peter, the son of my son, John?)
Daus., Ann Myers, Leah Van Orden, Sally Tallman, Bridget Pruyne and Maria Dady,
Executors: John Oblenis and D'l. Talman.

No. 366. Will. fol. 44.
Richard I. Blanch of Clarkstown,
D. Aug. 2, 1826. P. Aug. 20, 1831.
(Will recorded a second time - see No. 361.)

No. 367. Will. fol. 47.
Joseph Dederer of Clarkstown,
D. Oct. 2, 1828. P. Oct. 5, 1831.
Wife, Susan,
Sons, Nicholas Anthony, Isaac Mead and Charles,
Daus., Eliza and Susan,
Wife's father, Nicholas N. Anthony, deceased,
Executors: Sons, Nicholas A. and Isaac M., Wife, Susan, Cornelius I. Blauvelt, Jacob Anthony, Theophlus Anthony and Peter Stagg.

No. 368. Will. fol. 54.
John J. Gurnee of Hampstead,
D. Aug. 12, 1831. P. Sep. 28, 1831.
Wife, Nancey,
Sons, Daniel and Clinton,
Daus., Abigal - wife of Tunis Cooper, Lydia and Elizer,
    Land in Montgomery County, in Johns Town, in the Town of Solen, in the Town of Woocot, Wayne County and in the Town of Hannibal, etc.
Executors: Two sons.
Heirs mentioned in the proof of the above will: Tunis Cooper and Abigail, his wife, Archibald Cassedy and Lydia, his wife, Clinton Gurnee and Eliza Gurnee.

No. 369. Will. fol. 58.
Samuel Coe of Clarkstown,
D. Jul. 19, 1831. P. Dec. 17, 1831.
"I, Samuel Coe, being desirous to discharge the duty which every man owes to his family, by making such distribution of my property as to me appears to be just, do make ....... my last will",
Wife, Sarah,
Sons, John R., Richard and Walter S. - eldest,
Children of son, Walter S.,
Executors: Wife, Sarah, and sons, John R. and Richard.

No. 370. Will. fol. 65.
James Perry of Orange Town,
D. Feb. 20, 1809. 1st Codicil D. Dec. 22, 1823. 2nd Codicil D. Nov. 9, 1831. P. Jan. 16, 1832.
Wife, Catharine,
Son, John,
Dau. Elizabeth,
Executors: Wife, son and daughter.
1st Codicil: Appoints son-in-law, William Ferdon as additional executor,
2nd Codicil: Leaves to wife the brick front dwelling house in Christopher Street, New York, which I purchased from Isaac C. Blauvelt.

No. 371. Will. fol. 68.
Abraham Polhemus of Clarkstown,
D. Sep. 19, 1831. P. Jan. 23, 1832.
Wife, Rachel,
Sons, Garret and Theodorus,
Daus., Margaret, Lydia and Sarah,
Grandson, Abraham Polhemus Camble, son of my daughter, Wintye, deceased,
Grand-daughter, Catharine Myers,
Executors: Son, Theodorus, Abraham C. Blauvelt and Peter D. W. Smith.

No. 372. Will. fol. 72.
Johannis Perry of Orange Town,
D. May 29, 1823. P. Apr. 9, 1832.
Daus., Margritie - lands at Pascack, Mary and Catharine,
John Bush, son of my daughter, Catharine,
To my wench, Susan, $25.00,
Executors: David D. Blauvelt, John Jas. Perry and son-in-law, John Blauvelt.

No. 373. Will. fol. 75.
Court Lake of Ramapo,
D. Dec. 15, 1830. P. May 12, 1832.
Wife, Salomy, to have a house I have on lease in Broom Street, New York,
Sons, Jacob, Isaac, Richard,and Daniel,
Dau. Hetty Onderdonk, eldest,
Grand-dau. Salomy Cornelison,
Grand-dau. Maria Levezer Cornelison,
Executors: Four sons.

No. 374. Will. fol. 79.
Josiah Abbott, formerly of Elsingborough in Salem Co., N.J., now of Orange Town,
D. Mar. 27, 1832. P. Jun. 11, 1832.
Weak in body,
Son, Josiah B. Abbott now or late of Richmond, Va., attorney at law,
Dau. Adelme ["Adeline" inked in] Drew, wife of Thomas H. Drew, merchant in Richmond, Va.,
To Ann Felter, wife of Peter W. Felter, in Orangetown with whom I now reside, the interest of $500.00, as compensation for her attendance to me in my illness,
Margaret Maria Felter, Emeline Felter, Sarah Ann Felter, Sophia Madaline Felter eldest dau. and James Cole Felter only son, children of Peter W. Felter and Ann Felter, his wife,
Executors: Son, Josiah B. Abbott and son-in-law, Thomas H. Drew.

No. 375. Will. fol. 82.
Abraham Sarvan of Ramapo,
D. Apr. 13, 1831, Codicil D. Jun. 20, 1831. P. Jun. 19, 1832.
Wife, Catherine,
Sons, Abraham and Peter,
Executors: Peter S. Van Orden and John J. Johnson.
Codicil: If my wife Catharine should predecease me, I then give to her four children all the goods that belonged to her when we were married, viz.: Jacob, Caty, Ann and Elizer. Note: Abraham Sarven, widower, married, Feb. 9, 1827, Catharine Van Orden, widow, -- "Brick" Church.

No. 376. Will. fol. 86.
William Perry of Clarkstown,
D. Jun. 17, 1831. 1st Codicil D. Feb. 10, 1832, 2nd Codicil D. Apr. 16, 1832, P. Jun. 30, 1832.
Wife, Mary,
"My children", mentioned but not named,
My aged father, Uriah Perry,
Executors: My brother-in-law, John Storms, William H. Perry and Cornelius T. Smith.

No. 377. Will. fol. 93.
Philip Dubey of Orange Town,
D. Apr. 26, 1830. P. Jul. 5, 1832.
Wife, Martha,
My sister-in-law, Catharine Halstead,
My sister, Rose Vanga, born Dubey, at Courtilled in the County of Newsehatil near Switzerland, (Cortailled, in the Canton of Neuchatel, Switzerland) to have property coming to me in Switzerland,
Executors: Samuel G. Verbryck and John Perry.

No. 378. Will. fol. 96.
Daniel C. Steers, Minister of the Gospel,
D. Sep. 15, 1830. P. Jul. 25, 1832.
To Elder Joseph W. Griffiths and Albert Bogert, $310.00, to be applied by them to pay the debt on the Baptist Meeting House at the Slote,
To Trustees of the First Baptist Church of New Hempstead, $100.00,
To Trustees of the Middletown Baptist Church, the remainder of my estate.

No. 379. Will. fol. 98.
John De Noyelles of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. Jun. 30, 1832. P. Aug. 14, 1832.
Present wife, Ann,
Sons, Edward, Lawrence, Daniel, John, Levi and Robert,
Daus., Rachel - wife of Walter S. Coe, Charlotte - wife of Henry Christie, Mary - wife of John Riker, Jr., Eliza - wife of James H. Frederick and Emily,
Executors: Sons, Edward, Lawrence and Daniel.

No. 380. Will. fol. 103.
Peter M. Demarest of Clarkstown,
D. Aug. twenty .....1832. P. Sep. 8, 1832.
Wife, Hannah,
Daus., Bridget, Ann and Margaret Maria,,
Executors: My father, Mathew Demarest and John A. Haring.

No. 381. Will. fol. 107.
John Osborne of Hampstead,
D. Sep. 22, 1829. P. Oct. 29, 1832.
Wife, Catherine,
Sons, John and Richard,
Daus., Anny, Betsey - wife of John Farber, Peggy and Polly,
My daughter Pegg's John,
My son John's John,
Grandson, John R. Osborne (son of my son Richard ?).
Grandson, John Fraderic,
Grandson, John Valentine,
John, James, Cornelius and Peter, children of my son Richard,
Mentions: "My pew in the Dutch Meeting House at Hampstead"; spook rock; John Wood's Tree and the Kakiat line,
Executors: Son-in-law, Peter Fraderick, son-in-law, John Hemion, and John B. Earing.

No. 382. Will. fol. 110.
Albert Zabriskie of Orangetown,
D. Feb. 25, 1832. No proof.
Weak in body,
Daus., Betsey and Jane,
Robert, Thomas, Ellen and Letty Jane, children of my deceased son, John,
House and lot in New York City to be sold,
Executor: Arthur Johnson.

No. 383. Will. fol. 113.
John L. Van Kleeck of New York City, formerly a shipwright and then a merchant, now a wood inspector,
D. Oct. 18, 1831. P. Apr. 4, 1833.
Wife, Mary L.,
Dau. Ann Susanna Brown, wife of Arnout Brown, wood-inspector,
John Lew. Van Kleeck Brown,
J.L.V.K.Moore and Pheby Ann, his wife, who were not living together,
My brother, Leonard Van Kleeck,
My sister, Catherine Beaumnt,
Executors: Son-in-law, Arnout Brown and Thomas L. Van Norden, son of Theodorus W. Van Norden.

No. 384. Will. fol. 116.
Peter P. Allison of the Town of Haverstraw,
D. Jan. 6, 1833. P. Jun. 24, 1833.
Weak in body and uncertain of the termination of the severe disease with which I have been for a considerable time afflicted,
Dau. Mary, wife of John Odell, has, from her birth till her marriage with her present husband, and since, been supported, educated, reared and maintained by me,
Sons, Thomas and John,
Dau. Hannah,
Son, Benjamin, about 13 years old,
Dau. Adelia, about 11 years old,
Son, Collins, about 9 years old,
Dau. Margaret, about 7 years old,
Executors: Abraham Allison and son John.

No. 385. Will. fol. 120.
John Gisner of Nyack,
D. Apr. 10, 1833. P. Jul. 29, 1833.
Weak in body,
Sons, Henry and Abraham,
Children of my son, David, deceased,
Daus. Phebe, Elizabeth, Jane - wife of Everet C. Wandell, and Anne,
Grand-dau. Ellen, the dau. of my dau. Mary, deceased,
Grand-daus., Maria and Anne, the daughters of my dau. Sally,
Grandsons, brothers, John H. and James P. Gisner,
Executors: John Perry, son of James Perry, deceased, and son, Henry.

No. 386. Will. fol. 124.
Abraham Depew of Orangetown,
D. Jul. 30, 1833. P. Aug. 29, 1833.
Wife, Martha,
Dau. Elizabeth
Executors: John I. Blauvelt and John Perry.

No. 387. Will. fol. 126.
John Ackerson of Clarkstown,
D. Apr. 9, 1828. Codicil D. Jul. 24, 1830. P. Sep. 9, 1833.
Wife, Polly,
Sons, Abraham Eckerson, Richard, Jacob and Cornelius,
Two children of my son, Thomas, deceased, i.e., Peter and Maria,
Daus., Elizabeth - wife of Jacob Polhemus and Hily - wife of Henry Van Houten,
Mentions "that part of the farm of the late Derick Vanderbilt which fell to the share of my wife, Polly",
Executors: Sons, Jacob and Abraham

No. 388. Will. fol. 129.
Casparus Mabie,
D. May 17, 1833. P. Sep. 20, 1833.
Weak in body,
Wife, Rachel,
Dau. Maria,
Grandsons, John and William Lawrence, sons of my daughter, Maria,
Executors: James Ivers and son-in-law, William Lawrence.

No. 389. Will. fol. 133.
Abraham Felter of Ramapo,
D. Jul. 1, 1833. P. Sep. 23, 1833.
Wife, Sarah,
Son, Jacob,
Elizabeth and Mary Ann Felter, daughters of my son, John, deceased,
Son-in-law, Peter Sarven,
Executors: Son and son-in-law.

No. 390. Will. fol. 138.
Peter H. Frederick of Ramapo,
D. Jul. 25, 1833. P. Sep. 30, 1833.
Wife, Catharine,
Sons, Cornelius, Washington and Henry,
Daus., Marian, Martha, Matilda, Easter, Jane, Phebe and Levina,
Executors: Father-in-law, Cornelius Quackenbush and Jacob Straut.

No. 391. Will. fol. 141.
Garret Edwards of Orange Town,
D. Aug. 19, 1829. P. Oct. 4, 1833.
Wife, Mary,
Son, Samuel Garretse Verbryck Edwards,
Dau. Ellen - wife of John J. Haring, Jr.,
Mentions "my other daughters",
Grandson, Garret Edward Simmons,
Executors: Son, Samuel G. V. Edwards, son-in-law, John J. Haring, Jr., and Justen Demarest.

No. 392. Will. fol. 144.
Maria Hogenkamp, widow of Everit Hogenkamp, of Clarkstown,
D. Sep. 25, 1830. P. Oct. 5, 1833.
Sons, Mertines and Abraham,
Daus., Polly - wife of Dr. Samuel Debruin and Hannah - wife of Ebenezer Wood,
Executors: John Everit Hogenkamp, Abraham I. C. Blauvelt and son, Abraham.

No. 393. Will. fol. 147.
Samuel De Baun of Clarkstown,
D. Mar. 9, 1833. P. Oct. 8, 1833.
Weak in body,
Wife, Jane,
Son, John,
Dau. Rachel - wife of Stephen Myers,
Executors: Wife, son, daughter and my brother, Abraham C. Debaun.

No. 394. Will. fol. 149.
John Green of Ramapo,
D. Jul. 1, 1833. P. Sep. 31, 1833.
Wife, Jane,
Son, Edward,
Heirs of my sons, Joseph, deceased, Jacob, deceased and John, deceased,
Daus., Phebe - wife of Joseph E. Jones, Charity - wife of Benjamin Snyder, Mary - wife of John Cox, Margaret - wife of Joseph Paul and Sophia - wife of Abraham Smith,
Executors: Son, Edward and son-in-law, Joseph Paul.

No. 395. Will. fol. 151.
William Vanderbilt of Clarkstown,
D. Jun. 5, 1819. P. Nov. 6, 1833.
Whole estate to my sister, Margaret (Mertine ?)
Executors: Isaac Mertine - son of my sister Margaret and Jacob Blauvelt - son of Isaac A. Blauvelt.

No. 396. Will. fol. 154.
Joseph H. Blauvelt of Orange Town,
D. Feb. 14, 1831. P. Nov. 15, 1833.
Wife, Margaret,
Dau. Sarah - wife of Isaac Blanch,
Grandsons, Abraham L., Henry, and Thomas,
Grand-daus., Margaret, Sarah Affe and Ann Eliza,
Executors: John Perry and Adolphus Mabie.

No. 397. Will. fol. 157.
Lewis J. Conklin of Hempstead,
D. Mar. 23, 1813. Oct. 23, 1833.
Sick and weak in body,
Wife, Sarah,
Sons, Hiram. Levy, John Westly, Jesse, Joseph and Isaac,
Daus., Betsey and Mary,
Executors: Wifw, Sarah, John Blauvelt and Cornelius Blauvelt

No. 398. Will. fol. 159.
Peter Van Orden of Clarkstown,
D. Dec. 23, 1831. P. Dec. 25, 1833.
Wife, (In the proof, Peter Van Orden's widow is named as Hannah)
Daus., Elizabeth, Jane and Catherine,
Executors: Dowah A. Blauvelt and Isaac I. Blauvelt.

No. 399. Will. fol. 161.
James C. Smith of Ramapo,
D. Nov. 12, 1833. P. Jan. 8, 1834.
Wife, Catherine,
Son, Daniel,
Daus., Jane - wife of James P. Haring and Mary - wife of Peter Westervelt,
Executors: Son-in-law, Peter Westervelt, son-in-law, James P. Haring and son, Daniel.

No. 400. Will. fol. 165.
Maria Hogenkamp widow of Everit Hogenkamp,
D. Sep. 5, 1830. P. Feb. 6, 1834.
Will delivered to Surrogate, Sep. 16, 1833.
    (Same will as No. 392.)

No. 401. Will. fol. 167.
Jacob Blauvelt of Orangetown,
D. Apr. 16, 1832. P. Feb. 18, 1834.
Wife, Margaret,
Son, Cornelius,
Grand-dau. Maria, the dau. of my son, John Ja. Blauvelt, deceased,
Executors: Son, Cornelius and James J. Demarest.

No. 402. Will. fol. 171.
Nicholas Cornelison of Orange Town,
D. Jan. 15, 1834. P. Mar. 15, 1834.
Weak in body,
My mother, Rachel Cornelison,
My sister, Elizabeth Cornelison,
Executors: Tunis Depew, John Green, and My mother.

No. 403. Will. fol. 174.
Samuel Deronde of Ramapo,
D. Mar. 6, 1834. P. Mar. 29, 1834.
Being weak and feble in body,
Wife, Elizabeth,
Wife's father, Gilbert T. Cooper, deceased,
Sarah Cooper, widow of Gilbert T. Cooper,
Wife's brother, John Cooper,
My step-mother, Margaret, the widow of Andrian Deronde, deceased,
Widow and heirs of my brother, Isaac Deronde, deceased, viz." Margaret, (a), Martha Ann, (b), and Margaret, (c), real estate devised to the above "in lieu of the legacy left by the late Adrian Deronde to the said Isaac Deronde, deceased",
Provision for my brother, Jacob Deronde, if ever he should return or they should hear from him in needy circumstances,
My friend, Isaac L. Sherwood, son of Levi Sherwood,
I do order and direct that the family burying ground as it now is, shall be kept in good fence ..... which shall ever remain as a family burying ground with a free passage to and from the public road,
Executors: Jacob Straut, Daniel Johnson and Amzi Coe, Esq.

No. 404. Will. fol. 178.
Samuel Anderson of Orange Town, cordwainer,
D. Nov. 28, 1820. P. Apr. 30, 1834.
Wife, Margaret,
My brothers, Nicholas and John,
John, the son of my brother, Jacob, deceased,
The children of my brother, Jacob, deceased,
My sister, Elizabeth, widow of Isaac Moris,
Executors: Isaac G. Blauvelt and Richard R. Blauvelt.

No. 405. Will. fol. 181.
John Mabie of Orange Town,
D. Jan. 28, 1829. Codicil D. Apr. 14, 1829. P. Jun. 3, 1834.
Weak in body,
Sons, Peter, and John I.,
Mentions "Nyack Paten Line" and "Burying yard lot",
Executors: Two sons.
Weak in body,
Son, Peter I. Mabie and Peggy his wife.

No. 406. Will. fol. 185.
Isaac T. Blanch,
D. Jan. 21, 1834. P. Jul. 3, 1834.
Wife, Sarah,
Son, Thomas,
Daus., Ann Eliza, youngest dau., Margaret and Sally,
Executors: James H. Requa, John Duremus and son, Thomas.

No. 407. Will. fol. 189.
Jacob Hemmion of Ramapo,
D. May 13, 1831. P. Jul. 10, 1834.
Wife, Margaret,
Sons, David and John,
Heirs of son Stephen,
Grandson, John S. Hemmion,
Executors: Garret A. Zabriskie and son, David and John

No. 408. Will. fol. 192.
Benjamin Secor of Ramapo,
D. Nov. 9, 1833. P. Oct. 4, 1834.
Weak in body,
Sons, John B., Benjamin and Daniel,
Daus., Mariche - wife of Daniel Odel, Elche - wife of Stephen Coleman, Theodocia -wife of Thomas Allison, Betsey - wife of Robert Titus and Abigail - wife of Abraham Goetschius,
Grand-children, the daughters of my daughter, Maricha Odel, viz.: Theodocia and Hannah,
Executors: Sons, John B. and Daniel and dau. Marich Odel.

No. 409. Will. fol. 197.
Halstead Jones,
Dated Clarkstown, Sep. 3, 1834. P. Nov. 24, 1834.
Sons, George Jones and Rynard House Jones,
Dau. Elizabeth Jones,
Executors: Joseph E. Jones and Peter Blauvelt

No. 410. Will. fol. 201.
Henry Stephens of Clarkstown,
D. "this ....day of ...., 1834". P. Nov. 19, 1834.
Wife, Anna,
Sons, Abraham and James,
Executors: Two sons and John I. Taulman of Orange Town.

No. 411. Will. fol. 203.
Cornelius Ackerson of Orange Town,
D. May 28, 1834. P. Nov. 22, 1834.
Wife, Lea,
My friend, William Ferdon,
My nieces, Ellen and Dorcas Read, the daughters of my sister, Trinetye,
My colored man, Harry Jackson,
Executors: Wife, Lea and William Ferdon

No. 412. Will. fol. 205.
William Youry of Ramapo,
D. Nov. 4, 1833. P. Nov. 20, 1834.
My brother John, Jonas, Frederickand James,
Heirs of my brother, Peter, deceased,
My sisters, Margaret Sarven, Catharine Blauvelt and Maria Onderdonk,
Heirs of my sister, Martha Crum, deceased,
    "I will that Henry Sherwood and his wife, Leah Ann, my niece, shall decently support David Mabie, my brother-in-law, as long as he lives",
Henry Traphagen, the brother of Leah Ann (wife of Henry Sherwood) my niece,
Executors: My brother, James Youry, my brother-in-law, Abraham Onderdonk and my nephew-in-law, Henry Shearwood

No. 413. Will. fol. 208.
Tunis Depew of Orange Town,
D. May 16, 1832. Codicil D. Sep. 27, 1834. P. Dec. 12, 1834.
Wife, Williamp,
Son, Peter, given 20 acres of land in the mountain which I purchased of David Smith and Abraham Clark,
Daus. Ann - wife of Michael Tallman and Cornelia - wife of Abraham Smith,
Executors: Wife, Williamp, son, Peter, sons-in-law, Michael Tallman and Abraham P. Smith
Codicil: Weak in body, cancels Michael Tallman as executor

No. 414. Will. fol. 212.
Jacob I. Blauvelt of Clarkstown,
D. Apr. 21, 1834. P. Feb. 23, 1835.
Wife, Maria,
Son, John J. Blauvelt,
Dau. Ann Elizar,
Executors: Wife, Maria and son-in-law, Jacob Acker

No. 415. Will. fol. 215.
Elizabeth Cornelison of Orange Town,
D. Dec. 24, 1834. P. Feb. 25, 1835.
Weak in body,
My mother, Rachel Cornelison,
My sister, Elenar Smith,
Executors: My mother, Rachel Cornelison and Michael C. Tallman

No, 416. Will. fol. 217.
Daniel Cocoleet of Clarkstown,
D. Oct. 8, 1831. P. Mar. 5, 1835.
Son, William,
Heirs of my son, Peter, deceased,
Heirs of my son, Daniel, deceased, viz.: Hannah, Maria, Matilda, Silvanus and John S.,
Daus., Sarah - wife of Isaac Paul, Phebe - wife of Abraham C. Depew and Mary - wife of Garret Depew,
Grandson, Daniel, son of my son, William,
Mentions "part of Lot No. 16 of the Dry Swamp Lots",
Executors: Son, William and son-in-law, Garret Depew of N. Y. City.

No. 417. Will. fo.l. 219.
Andries Onderdonk of Ramapo,
D. Jan. 17, 1835. P. Mar. 23, 1835.
Wife, Mary,
Son, Adrian,
Daus., Mary - wife of John Straut, Willimpie - wife of Asa Treadway and Jane - wife of Charles Coe,
(Grand-daughter ?), Mary Dusenbury, now the wife of Samuel Gurnee, (see Onderdonk Gen. p. 115.)
Executors: Son, Adrian and dau. Mary.

No. 418. Will. fol. 222.
Lebeus Knapp of Haverstraw,
D. Oct. 4, 1834. P. Apr. 24, 1835.
Wife, Rachel,
Sons, Abel, Abraham, James L, Lebeus and Robert,
Daughters of my son, William, deceased, viz.: Catharine and Elizabeth,
Dau. Charlotte, wife of Jonas Knapp,
Executors: Son, Robert and son-in-law, Jonas Knapp.

No. 419. Will. fol. 225.
Henry Storms of the Town of Orange,
D. Mar. 20, 1834. P. Apr. 29, 1835.
Weak in body,
Wife, Mary,
Dau. Ellen
Executors: Jonathan Lawrence and Lawrence J. Sneden.

No. 420. Will. fol. 229.
Catherine Hackett,
D. Aug. 3, 1833. P. May 6, 1835.
Weak in body,
Nephew, Benjamin, Nephew, Brittain, and Niece, Mary P. (The children of Zephaniah Ayres and Ann Cook his wife,
Nephew, Charles, the son of Jesse Dennis and Elizabeth Elsworth his wife,
Niece, Rachel, the wife of Cornelius Furman,
Niece, Elizabeth, the daughter of Silas Cook and Susannah Austen, his wife,
Cornelius Bogert of N. Y. City, attorney and counsellor at law, for services in the management of my affairs,
Executor: Cornelius Bogert.

No. 421. Will. fol. 231.
Sarah Mead now residing in Orange Town,
D. Mar. 21, 1833. P. May 16, 1835.
Sons, Cornelius, John, Isaac, and Garret Vanderbilt,
Dau. Margaret - wife of Peter Cole,
Executors: Son, Cornelius Vanderbilt and Cornelius Sickles.

No. 422. Will.. fol. 234.
James Edwards of Orange Town,
D. Feb. 11, 1835. P. May 30, 1835.
Weak in body,
My mother, (name not given)
My sisters, Margaret Graham and Rachel Edwards,
Executor: Stephen S. Chamberlin.

No. 423. Will. fol. 236.
Thomas Thorp of Clarkstown,
D. May 5, 1835. P. Jun. 18, 1835.
Wife, Phebe,
Daus., Agnes - wife of Samuel Matthews and Altia - wife of Samuel Springsteel,
Executor: Abraham P. Stephens, of Clarkstown.

No. 424. Will. fol. 238.
William Coquillet of Clarkstown,
D. May 31, 1835. P. Jul. 6, 1835.
Wife, Maria,
Sons, Daniel W., James, William Edgar, Abraham and John,
Daus., Frances D., Sarah Jane, Letty Ann and Emola,
Executors: Abraham P. Stephens and son, Daniel W.

No. 425. Will. fol. 341.
Walter Fleet Brewster, aged 55 years and upwards,
D. Jul. 10, 1835. P. Sep. 14, 1835.
Dau. Delia and her husband, my son-in-law, Matthew Gurnee,
My father, Samuel Brewster, deceased,
Grandson, Walter Fleet Brewster Gurnee,
My house-keeper, Mary Osborn,
Executors: Son-in-law, Matthew Gurnee and James De La Montanye.

No. 426. Will. fol. 245.
Abraham Garrison of Clarkstown,
D. Aug. 16, 1830. P. Sep. 11, 1838.
Weak in body,
Wife, Elizabeth,
Sons, Garret A., Cornelius, Abraham and Jacob,
Daus., Alchy - wife of John T. Trumper and Rachel - wife of Abraham Raton,
Executors: Sons, Garret A. and Cornelius and John Howard.

No. 427. Will. fol. 247.
Frances Outwater of Rockland County,
D. Jun. 30, 1830. Codicil D. Jul. 5, 1830. P. Nov. 18, 1835.
Jacob Thomas Outwater,
John H. Outwater,
Elizabeth Outwater and her five daughters: Eliza E. Polhemus, Frances E. Demarest, Jane S. Blauvelt, Emeline Demarest and Sarah Ann Outwater,
John P. Roome and William P. Roome (brothers)
Sarah and Susan, daughters of John P. Roome,
Frances Bleakley, dau. of William Bleakley,
Sarah Lewis, wife of Israel Lewis,
Peggy Terneur, wife of Cornelius Terneur,
Mentions one half of lot in Harrington, N.J., which was conveyed to William Ellis and Thomas Outwater by Abraham Delamater and Catharine h.w. by deed dated May 21, 1790, and contained 14.62 acres.
Executors: John P. Roome, John Polhemus and John Perry.
Codicil: Frances Oakley, dau. of Charles Oakley.

No. 428. Will. fol. 251.
Garrest Serven of Nyack,
D. Mar. 30, 1832. P. Nov. 7, 1835.
Wife, Polly,
Sons, Philip and Garret,
Daus., Mary, Elizabeth, Elsey, Sarah, Catharine and Harriet,
Executors: Son, Garret and Tunis Smith.

No. 429. Will. fol. 254.
Nicholas Lansing, Minister of the Gospel, of Orangetown,
D. Sep. 18, 1835. P. Nov. 18, 1835.
Weak in body,
Sister, Lena Oathout, deceased,
Sister, Elsie, wife of Charles Dickerson,
John L. Zabriskie, son of my sister Lena Oathout,
Ann Margaret Van Vechten, grand-dau. of my sister Lena Oathout,
Grand-children of my sister Lena Oathout, viz.: The children of Sarah Vandusen, deceased, late wife of Abraham Vandusen,
Children of my sister Elsie and her husband, Charles Dickerson, viz.: Cornelia, Catharine, Cornelius, Jacob L. and John L. Dickerson,
Children of Cornelius Dickerson - Charles Dickerson and Dorcas Sarah Lansing,
Daughters of my brother-in-law, Henry Remsen - Caroline and Sarah Remsen,
Sarah Blauvelt, wife of John T. Blauvelt,
Children of John T. Blauvelt - Tunis J., Nicholas Lansing and Mary Ann,
Dorcas Boyd, wife of Rev. Joshua Boyd,
Children of Nicholas Lansing Hering,
My colored woman, Cate,
Theological School at New Brunswick, N. J., $600.00,
Mis. Soc. Of the Dutch Reformed Church, $100.00,
Executors: Jacob I. Blauvelt, James J. Demarest and John S. Verbryck.

No. 430. Will. fol. 258.
John C, Blauvelt of Orangetown,
D. Aug. 19, 1835. P. Dec. 16, 1835.
Wife, Ann,
Dau. Eliza,
Executors: My brothers, Garret C., Isaac C. and James C. Blauvelt and John Perry.

No. 431. Will. fol. 260.
Peter Taulman of Orange Town,
D. May 14, 1835. P. Jan. 21, 1836.
Sons, Peter Harmanus and Charles,
Daus., Maria - wife of A. B. Allaire, Nancy - wife of L. J. Sneden and Ellen Taulman - to have the piano-forte I bought for her,
Son Charles - to have the clock, and daughter Maria - to have the Bible that were given to their mother by the will of her father,
My sister, Margaret, and her husband, John Smith of N.Y.,
My nephew, Peter J. Taulman of Cincinnati, Ohio,
My nephews, John Taulman Smith, and Joseph Smith, sons of my sister Margaret,
My nephew, Charles C. Lawrence,
My dau.-in-law, Maria Taulman,
My former colored servant, Nan. Day now of N.Y.,
Executors: Sons, Peter Harmanus and Charles and daus., Nancy Sneden and Ellen Taulman.

No. 432. Will. fol. 264.
Mary Snyder of Ramapo,
D. May 20, 1835. P. Feb. 11, 1836.
Weak in body,
My brothers, John Snyder and George Snyder,
Maria, wife of George Snyder,
Hannah, wife of John Snyder,
Eliza, dau. of George Snyder,
Nephews, Jacob Snyder, John Snyder and George Snyder,
Niece, Jane, wife of Henry Estler,
Mentions my half pew in Saddle River Church,
Executors: Brothers, John and George.

No. 433. Will. fol. 267.
John Smith of Clarkstown,
D. Sep. 17, 1832. P. Feb. 19, 1836.
Wife mentioned but not named,
Sons, William, George, John and James,
Daus., Sally, Mary and July Ann,
John, son of my son George,
Makes disposition of any part of "Cole Beds" in the state of Penn. which may fall to my share as heir of my father,
Executors: Sons, William and George and Garret Onderdonk.

No. 434. Will. fol. 271.
David Smith of Orangetown, weaver,
D. Feb. 16, 1815. P. Mar. 4, 1836.
Wife, Cornelia,
Daus., Mary - wife of Abraham Clark and Ann - widow of Isaac Taulman,
Grandsons, David Clark and David Taulman,
Executors: Son-in-law, Abraham Clark and Cornelius Ackerson.

No. 435. Will. fol. 273.
Rebecca Tilt of Harrington township, N.J.,
D. May 4, 1827. Codicil D. May 7, 1827. P. Mar. 5, 1836.
Brother, Thomas Tilt,
Thomas and William, sons of my brother Thomas Tilt,
Mentions lot in Haverstraw township I got by heirship from my sister Mary,
Executors: Peter C. Mabie and John Perry.

No. 436. Will. fol. 276.
John A. Sarven of Ramapo,
D. Dec. 26, 1831. P. Apr. 15, 1836.
Wife, Sarah,
Dau. Rachel,
Executors: Wife, Sarah and Jacob P. Demarest.

No. 437. Will. fol. 278.
John Foster and Hannah Foster of New York City,
D. Jul. 17, 1827. P. Apr. 18, 1836.
Dau. Ann - wife of Abraham S. Stephens,
Executrix: Dau. Ann.
It is stated in the proof that: John Foster died about Dec. 12, 1830 and Hannah Foster died about May 4, 1835.

No. 438. Will. fol. 281.
Joseph E. Jones of Ramapo,
D. Mar. 29, 1836. P. Apr. 30, 1836.
Wife, Phebe,
Sons, Zephaniah, Epenetus, Washington and Uriel,
Daus., Emily, Clara and Hannah Conklin,
If either of my two sons (to whom he leaves his distillery) should become intemperate so as to indulge himself in occasional drunkenness or should harbour drunken men around the distillery .... the other son .... who is a sober man shall have the whole use of the distillery.
Executors: Son, Zephaniah and Amzi Coe.

No. 439. Will. fol. 284.
John Iseman of Orangetown,
D. Jul. 10, 1835. P. May 28, 1836.
Son, James and his wife Maria,
John and Garret, sons of my son James,
Daus., Catharine Tallman and Ann Maria Tallman,
Executors: Son-in-law, David Tallman and Jonathan Lawrence.

No. 440. Will. fol. 289.
John Curtis of the town of Haverstraw,
D. Aug. 29, 1834. P. Jul. 9, 1836.
Wife, Rachel,
Son, William,
Sisters, Ruth Wright, Ann Gill and Amelia,
Father, William Curtis,
Executors: John S. Gurnee, Sister, Ruth and wife, Rachel.

No. 441. Will. fol. 294.
Gershon Smith of the town of Haverstraw,
D. Jun. 28, 1836. P. Sep. 3, 1836.
Wife, Hily Ann,
Daus., Effy - wife of Lewis Cox, Margaret - wife of Abram F. Gurnee, Anna - wife of Thomas Kinny, Phebe - wife of John Dow and Maria,
Mentions lot in Haverstraw which I purchased from Harman Blauvelt by deed dated Apr. 10, 1830,
Executors: Wife, Hily Ann, John Stagg and Leonard Gurnee

No. 442. Will. fol. 298.
Charles Dickinson of Orangetown,
D. Oct. 17, 1829. P. Oct. 15, 1836.
Weak in body.
Wife, Elsie,
Dau. Catharine,
Mentions land in Delaware County, N.Y., and certificates in the Fulton Steam Company,
Executors: Wife, Elsie, Henry Remsen, Jr. and John Perry

No. 433. Will. fol. 301.
John I. Youry of Ramapo,
D. Sept. 2, 1836. P. Oct. 17, 1836.
Weak in body,
Wife, Jane,
Son-in-law, Peter P. Jersey,
Brothers, Stephen, Frederick and William,
Sisters, Elizabeth - wife of Isaac Debaun, Maria - wife of John Mackie, Rachel - wife of Peter Van Houten, Martha - wife of Isaac Myres and Margaret - wife of John Banta,
Grandson, John Jersey,
My brothers and sisters in law:
    The heirs of Daniel Ackerman, deceased,
    Altey wife of Dullif (Rullif ?) Shurte,
Margaret wife of John Bogert,
Sarah wife of James Thompson,
The heirs of Elizabeth wife of James Carlough,
David Ackerman,
Abraham Ackerman
Executors: Wife, Jane, Isaac Debaun and James Taylor
(Note: - (John I. Youry married Jane Ackerman - the brothers and sisters in law to which he refers were his wife's brothers and sisters.)

No. 444. Will. fol. 305.
John Felter of the town of Haverstraw
D. Sep. 5, 1836. P. Oct. 19, 1836.
Wife, Martha,
Daughter, Margaret
Grandchildren, (John W. Felter, Garret Felter, Martha Hopper - widow of Daniel Denoyelles, Ann Hopper - wife of George Benson, John Felter Degroat and Harriet Degroat ) children of my dau. Martha,
Executors: Grandson, John W. Felter and Abraham P. Stephens
I bequeath to my wife the use of the property inherited from the estate of Gilbert Cooper.

No. 445. Will. fol. 310.
John Van Houten of Clarkstown,
D. Sep. 9, 1836. P. Apr. 1, 1837.
Wife, Maria,
Sons, Resolvert and John,
Dau. Maria - wife of William Vanderbilt,
Father, Resolvert,
Executors: Two sons

No. 446. Will. fol. 313.
Ebenezer Wood of Clarkstown,
D. Jul. 28, 1836. P. Apr. 21, 1837.
Wife, Hannah,
"My children" mentioned but not named except,
Dau. Nancy who is lame,
Executors: Wife Hannah, my brother, Jabez and my wife's brother, Abraham Hogencamp

No. 447. Will. fol. 319.
Abraham Lydecker of Clarkstown, aged 66 and upwards,
D. Dec. 6, 1833. Codicil D. Dec. 10, 1835. P. May 6, 1837.
Wife, Rebecca,
Sons, Isaac S. and Albert A.,
Dau. Elizabeth - wife of John J. Wood.
Executors: Two sons and son-in-law, John I. Wood
Codicil: - I sold my farm to Isaac S. Lydecker and he now possesses the same.

No. 448. Will. fol. 325.
Aryann R. Onderdonk of Clarkstown,
D. Dec. 12, 1828. P. Apr. 11, 1837.
Weak in body,
Wife, Rebecca,
Children of my dau. Hannah - wife of John Smith,
Reformed Dutch Church of W. New Hemp. $75.00,
Executors: Johannes Van Houten, John Cole and Wife, Rebecca.

No. 449. Will. fol. 329.
John Suffern of New Antrim,
D. Oct. 24, 1829. Codicil D. May 21, 1833. P. May 8, 1837.
Finding myself oppressed with many infirmities of body,
Wife, Elizabeth,
Sons, Edward, William, John and George - deceased,
Grandchildren, James and Mary, children of my son William,
Grandchildren, Antinette Allison and Caroline Wheeler, daughters of my daughter, Margaret, late wife of Peter Allison of N.Y. City,
Grandchild, Ann Maria Wanmaker, daughter of my daughter Maria, wife of Christian A. Wanmaker,
Grandchild, John Rosegrant, son of my daughter Cornelis,
To my wife, my black girl, Kate,
Mentions pew in the Ref. Dutch Church at Ramapough,
Executors: Son, Edward and Grandson, James.
In the proof: That the testator died Nov. 11th, last, and that he was 95 years old within a few days.

No. 450. Will. fol. 344.
Peter N. Demarest of Orangetown,
D. --- day of --- 1836. P. May 1, 1837.
In proof: that the date of the will was forgotten but it was about Oct. 14, 1836.
Wife, Maria,
Sons, Jacob and Nicholas,
Daus., Hannah - wife of Abraham Brower, Maria - wife of Abraham Heaton and Jane - wife of David C. Demarest,
Executors: Wife, Maria, son, Jacob and son-in-law, Abraham Brower.

No. 451. Will. fol. 348.
Tobias Waldron, of Haverstraw township,
D. Jan. 30, 1837. P. May 23, 1837.
Wife, Deborah,
Son, Alexander,
Mentions the lime kiln lot formerly owned by my father,
Executors: My brother, Alexander and George S. Allison.

No. 452. Will. fol. 353.
Alexander Montgomery of Orangetown,
D. Dec. 24, 1836. P. Jun. 5, 1837.
Wife, Nancy,
Sons, John and Lansing,
Daus., Jane and Margaret,
Executors: Son, John and son-in-law, Philo Schofield.

No. 453. Will. fol. 356.
Isaac Babcock of Haverstraw township,
D. May 6, 1837. P. Oct. 16, 1837.
Wife, Mary,
Sons, Thomas, Isaac and Rosel,
Daus., Lavina, Catharine, Sarah, Elizabeth, Margaret, Jane, Mary and Fanny,
Executors: Wife, Mary and sons, Thomas and Isaac

No. 454. Will. fol. 360.
Aury Demarest of Clarkstown,
D. Nov, 8, 1834. P. Dec. 11, 1837.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Sons, Richard, John, Harman, Abraham, Silas and Nicholas,
Daus., Maria. Sally, Ann, Margaret, Elizabeth and Jane,
Executors: Sons, Richard and John T.

No. 455. Will. fol. 364.
Jacob D. Clark of Clarkstown,
D. Feb. 10, 1836. P. Dec. 12, 1837.
Wife, Lucretia,
Dau. Margaret,
Executors: Abraham C. Blauvelt, Aaron T. Polhemus and Wife, Lucretia.

No. 456. Will. fol. 367.
Aury Serven of Clarkstown,
D. Feb. 20, 1837. P. Dec. 27, 1837.
Wife, Charity,
Sons, Abraham, John - deceased, and Arthur,
Rachel, Andrew and John Lansing - children of my son, John, deceased,
Mentions deeds:
James Remsen and Anne h.w. to Aury Serven dated, Apr. 11, 1822,
Phillip Demarest and Mary h.w. to Aury Serven dated, May 6, 1816,
Executors: Sons, Abraham and Arthur and James J. Demarest.

No. 457. Will. fol. 372.
Samuel Vervalen of Orangetown,
D. Oct. 5, 1835. P. Jan. 22, 1838.
Weak in body,
Wife, Mary,
Sons, Richard and Abraham - deceased,
Daus., Elizabeth, Jane and Ellen,
Sons-in-law, Peter S. Smith and John Wilkins,
Children of my son, Abraham, deceased,
Executors: Son, Richard and Isaac I. Haring.

No. 458. Will. fol. 377.
James Lent of Orangetown,
D. May 3, 1836. P. Jan. 22, 1838.
Sons, Adolphus and Peter,
Daus., Maria and Ann,
Executor: Adolphus L. Mabie.

No. 459. Will. fol. 381.
Garret Onderdonk of the town of Warwick, Orange Co., N.Y.,
D. Feb. 22, 1834. P. Jan. 25, 1838.
Nephew, Garret Onderdonk Cooper, son of my brother-in-law, Cornelius Cooper and my sister Trinchie h.w.,
Children of Jacob Brower Cooper and Salome h.w., viz.: Eliza Demarest, Garret and Caroline,
Executors: Daniel Johnson, Esq. and my nephew, Garret Onderdonk Cooper.

No. 460. Will. fol. 385.
Elsie Dickinson of Orangetown,
D. Mar. 15, 1837. P. Sep. 1, 1837.
My late husband, Charles Dickinson,
Sons, John L., Jacob L. and Cornelius,
Daus., Catharine, Cornelia and Dorcas Sarah Boyd - wife of Rev. Joshua Boyd,
Charles H. Lansing Dickerson - son of my son, Jacob L.,
Charles Dickinson - son of my son, Cornelius,
Mentions pew in Tappan Church,
Deeds mentioned:
Peter and Wyntje Smith to Charles Dickinson, dated Apr. 21, 1828,
Jacob I. Blauvelt to Charles Dickinson, dated May 23, 1836,
Executors: Sons, John L. and Jacob L. and John Perry.

No. 461. Will. fol. 400.
Michael Tallman, of Nyack,
D. Mar. 13, 1837. Codicil D. Apr. 10, 1837. P. Jun. 25, 1838.
Wife, Ann,
Son, Tunis Depew
Daus., Catharine and Anaevelmina,
Executors: Wife, Ann, son, Tunis D. and brother-in-law, Peter Depew.

No. 462. Will. fol. 406.
Cornelius Youmans, saddler and harness maker, of Clarkstown,
D. Jun. 8, 1838. P. Jul. 10, 1838.
Son, Jeremiah,
Dau. Mariah,
Executors: Son and daughter.

No. 463. Will. fol. 410.
Abraham Storms of Clarkstown,
D. Mar. 21, 1838. P. Aug. 6, 1838.
Weak in body,
Wife, Alletta,
Sons, Abraham, John and Garret,
Daus., Polly - widow of William Perry and Elizabeth - wife of Henry Stephens,
Executors: Wife, Alletta and son, John.

No. 464. Will. fol. 414.
Jacob Rose of Haverstraw township,
D. Apr. 6, 1838. P. Aug. 2, 1838.
Wife, Lavina,
Sons, Samson, Tobias, Alexander and Washington,
Dau. Lousia, child by my first wife,
Dau. Lucy, child of my last wife,
Dau. Margaret, to have the home-made carpet made by her mother, Nancy,
Daus., Jane, Matilda and Catharine - wife of Wesley I. Weiant,
Provision for an expected child,
Executors: John I. Bulson and William Benson.

No. 465. Will. fol. 419.
Matthias Briggs of Orangetown,
D. Apr. 22, 1835. P. Jun. 18, 1838.
Wife, Margaret,
Dau. Ann,
Executors: Son-in-law, James A. Ivers and David Clark.

No. 466. Will. fol. 423.
James Vanderbilt of Clarkstown,
D. Apr. 7, 1830. P. Oct. 22, 1838.
Wife, Jemima,
Sons, James and Abraham,
Daus., Sarah - wife of John A. Campbell and Mariety wife of Garret Remsen,
Executors: Two sons.

No. 467. Will. fol. 428.
Abraham P. Blauvelt, of Clarkstown,
D. Jan. 27, 1837. Codicil D. Apr. 8, 1837. P. Nov. 24, 1838.
Son, Dowah A.,
Daus., Mary - wife of James Blauvelt and Catharine - wife of John Blauvelt, Jr.,
Abraham J. Demarest and Sophia - wife of Cornelius Haring, children of my daughter Ann, late the wife of Jacob P. Demarest,
Mentions land in the Lot No. 3 of the 400 acre lots.
Executors: Son, Dowah A. and grandson, Abraham J. Demarest.

No. 468. Will. fol. 434.
Peter A. Serven of Clarkstown,
D. Nov. 2, 1838. P. Jan. 12, 1839.
Wife, Leah,
Daus. Margaret, Catharine, Maria, Jane, Ellen and Leah Ann,
Executors: Jacob Demarest and Mathew Bogert

No. 469. Will. fol. 439.
Edward Blauvelt of Haverstraw township,
Will not dated in the body of the will, but on the back of it, "made May 15, 1838." P. Feb. 28, 1839.
Wife, Sally,
Son, William,
Dau. Margaret Ann Smith,
Executors: Mathew Gurnee and James D. L. Montanya

No. 470. Will. fol. 443.
John I. Tallman of Ramapo,
D. May 20, 1831. P. Apr. 17, 1839.
Mar. recorded on page 445.
Wife, Fanny,
Sons, John, Abraham and Tunis,
Dau. Bridget - wife of Cornelius Jos. Blauvelt and Maria - wife of Andrew Debaun,
Executors: Son, Tunis and son-in-law, Andrew Debaun

No. 471, Will, fol. 449.
Nicholas W. Conklin of Ramapa, aged 80 years and upwards,
D. Jul. 29, 1838. P. May 23, 1839.
Sons, Henry and Daniel,
Daus., Sarah Carlough and Hannah Anthony,
Children of my daughter, Deborah, (Eliza Laden, Mary Jane Laden and John Laden)
Sister-in-law, Hester, widow of Mindert Conklin,
Deeds mentioned:
William Johnson to Daniel and Henry Conklin, dated May 1, 1812,
John T. Conklin to Daniel Conklin, dated Nov. 3, 1817,
Executors: Asa Treadway, Abram Onderdonk and Thomas Allison.

No. 472. Will. fol. 453.
John Snedeker of Clarkstown,
D. May 26, 1832. P. Jun. 3, 1839.
Weak in body,
Wife, Christiana,
"My children" mentioned but not named,
Executors: Son, John, brother, Tunis and wife, Christiana.

No. 473. Will. fol. 456.
Abraham D. Haring of Hempstead,
D. Jan. 4, 1822. P. Aug. 12, 1839.
Wife Derkye,
Sons, John, and Abraham,
Daus., Ann - wife of David Blauvelt and Elizabeth - wife of Thomas T. Banta,
Peter M. Demarest, son of my daughter Bridget, deceased,
Executors: Son, John and son-in-law, David Blauvelt.


LIBER D. OF WILLS, Nos. 474 - 513

No. 474. Will. fol. 1.
John O'Neil of Orangetown,
D. May 14, 1839. P. Aug. 19, 1839.
Wife, Mary,
Dau. Ann,
Executors: Wife, Mary, Andrew Parsons and John G. Blauvelt, Jr.

No. 475. Will. fol. 5.
Garret Oblenis of Clarkstown,
D. Jun. 30, 1837. P. Aug. 26, 1839.
Wife, Vroutye,
Garrest Oblenis House, son of my nephew, Henry House,
Nephew, Henry House,
Margaret Tallman - wife of John J. Smith,
Mentions deeds:
John, James and Jos. Blauvelt to Garret Oblenis in two deeds dated Dec. 29, 1804 and Aug. 24, 1805,
Executors: Nephew, Henry House and Dowah I. Tallman.

No. 476. Will. fol. 9.
John Coe of Ramapo,
D. Sep. 5, 1831. P. Sep. 16, 1839.
Wife, Mary,
Son, Amzi,
Daus., Elizabeth, Martha, Phebe, Hannah, Mary and Catharine,
Executors: Wife, Mary, dau. Elizabeth and son, Amzi.

No. 477. Will. fol. 13.
Abraham I. Smith of Clarkstown,
D. Feb. 28, 1839. P. Nov. 4, 1839.
Wife, Margaret,
Sons, John and Peter D. W.,
Sons, Aaron P. and Theodore, have had trades given them,
Daus., Affe - wife of Tunis Tallman and Jemima - wife of James Vanderbilt,
Executors: Sons, John, Peter D.W. and Aaron P.

No. 478. Will. fol. 19.
Samuel Goetschius, Esq., of Haverstraw township,
D. Apr. 14, 1837. Codicil D. Jul. 5, 1837. P. Oct. 29, 1838.
Wife, Susanah,
Sons, Joseph - eldest, Henry - deceased, Abraham and John,
Dau. Jane, wife of Abraham Knapp,
Grandson, Samuel, son of my son Joseph,
Grandson, Samuel, son of my son Abraham,
Grandson, Samuel, son of my son Henry,
Grandson, Samuel, son of my son John,
Grandson, Samuel Knapp, child of my daughter Jane Knapp,
Grandson, John Knapp, child of my daughter Jane Knapp,
Granddaughter, Adelia Ann Knapp, child of my daughter Jane Knapp,
Grandson, Isaac, child of my son, Henry, deceased,
Grandson, Samuel, child of my son, Henry, deceased,
Granddaughter, Sarah, child of my son, Henry, deceased,
Granddaughter, Mary, child of my son, Henry, deceased,
Grandson, Roswell, child of my son, Henry, deceased,
Grandson, Henry, child of my son, Henry, deceased,
Great granddaughter, Charlotte, daughter of Eliza Phillips, deceased,
Family burial vault to be built on the farm on spot I have selected,
Executors: George S. Allison and Isaac Barns.

187 pages of testimony.

No. 479. Will. fol. 212.
Aaron D. Camp of Haverstraw,
D. Jul. 18, 1838. P. Nov. 20, 1839.
Wife, Mary,
Sons, John M. and Job,
Aaron, William, Susan and Job - children of my daughter Nancy, wife of Richard Orsborn,
Abigail Brown - wife of David Brown of Somerstown, Westchester Co., N.Y.,
Executors: John M. D. Camp and Job, D. Camp.

No. 480. Will. fol. 216.
Rachel Blauvelt of Orangetown,
D. May 4, 1836. P. Jan. 10, 1840.
Brother, John D. Blauvelt,
Sister, Margaret Blauvelt,
Executor: John Perry.

No. 481. Will. fol. 218
Jacob Perry of Orangetown,
D. May 14, 1835. 1st Codicil D. May 16, 1835. 2nd Codicil D. Sep. 13, 1836, 3rd Codicil D. Jun. 16, 1837, 4th Codicil D. May 24, 1838. P. Jan. 10, 1840.
Wife, Polly,
Sons, John, Peter and Jacob,
Daus., Elizabeth, Catharine, Hannah, Anne and Polly,
Son-in-law, John C. Blauvelt,
Executors: John Jas. Perry, son, Peter and sons-in-law, Peter D. Clark and Garret C. Blauvelt.

No. 482. Will. fol. 235.
Anny Vanderbilt, widow of Johannes Vanderbilt, of Clarkstown,
D. Feb. 7, 1834. P. Jan. 13, 1840.
Sons, Jacob, Garret and Isaac,
Dau. Sarah - wife of Abraham Martine,
"my heirs"(*), Jane - wife of Jacob Vanderbilt, Mariety - wife of James Demarest, and Catharine - widow of John C. Vanderbilt, (* Marretje and Catharine were the testator's daughters - Jane was her son's wife.)
Children of my daughter Maria, late wife of Abraham Felter,
Grandson, John Felter, deceased,
Executors: Sons-in-law, Jacob Vanderbilt and James Demarest and son, Garret.

No. 483. Will. fol. 239.
John Sutter of Haverstraw,
D. Dec. 4, 1838. P. Feb. 17, 1840.
Wife, Mary,
Son, John,
Dau. Elizabeth - wife of Frederick A. Lohse,
Grand-dau. Adelina, dau. of my dau. Elizabeth
Step-son, Isaac P. Whitehead,
Provision for a family burying place to be established on the testator's farm and that a tombstone be erected at his grave with the following inscription:
            Here rests
        John Sutter
        Born March, A. D. 1761,
        Died -------- ------- 18-
        "O happy change, and ever blest,
        When greefe and pain is changed to rest."
Executors: Step-son, Isaac P. Whitehead and son-in-law, Fred. A. Lohse

No. 484. Will. fol. 245.
John A. Debaun of Ramapo,
D. Apr. 18, 1840. P. Jun. 5, 1840.
Weak in body,
Wife, Altey,
Son, Abram,
Dau. Hetty,
Executors: Son-in-law, Andrew Tallman and bro.-in-law, Cornelius G. Smith

No. 485. Will. fol. 248.
Thomas Tilt, Jr., of Clrkstown,
D. Nov. 1, 1839. P. Jun. 9, 1840.
Weak in body,
Wife, Lette, whole estate,
Executrix: Wife, Lette, sole executrix

No. 486. Will. fol. 251.
John Quackenbush of Ramapo,
D. Nov. 5, 1838. P. Oct. 30, 1839.
Being in health,
Sons, David and Abraham,
Dau. Elizabeth - wife of Edward Straut,
Grand-daughter, Jane Maria Quackenbush,
Executors: Daniel Tallman and Jacob I. Debaun

47 pages of testimony

No. 487. Will. fol. 299.
Dowah Cooper of Orangetown,
D. Jul. 4, 1840. P. Sep. 21, 1840.
Weak in body,
Wife, Sarah,
Sons, Tunis, James, John, Cornelius and Abraham,
Executors: Sons, Tunis and James, Cornelius Sickles and James J. Demarest.

No. 488. Will. fol. 303.
Cornelius Blauvelt of Orangetown,
D. Feb. 25, 1840. P. Nov. 9, 1840.
Sons, Tunis - to have the grist and saw mills, Abraham, Johannes, William and Cornelius,
Daus., Maria - wife of Jacob Tallman and Elizabeth - wife of Peter P. Demarest,
Dau.-in-law, Lucretia - widow of my son Joseph,
Cornelius, Jane, Maria and Elizabeth - children of my son Joseph, deceased,
Executors: Son-in-law, Jacob Tallman, Cornelius Sickles and James J. Demarest.

No. 489. Will. fol. 308.
Peter Bedell of Clarkstown,
D. Jun. 9, 1840. P. Nov. 17, 1840.
Wife, Ann,
"My children" mentioned but not named,
Mother, Catharine - widow of Jesse Bedell,
Property in the Township of Juneus, Seneca Co., N.Y.,
Executorix: Wife, Ann.

No. 490. Will. fol. 311.
John J. Eckerson of Clarkstown,
D. Dec. 7, 1836. P. Nov. 18, 1840.
"The little property the Lord has entrusted me with, I dispose of in the following manner",
Wife, Mariah,
Sons, John, Jacob and James,
Executors: Wife, Mariah, Peter R. Van Houten and David Sarven

No. 491. Will. fol. 314.
Janes J. D. Clark of Orangetown,
D. Jun. 5, 1840. Codicil D. Sep. 28, 1840. P. Dec. 8, 1840.
Wife Charity,
Sons, John J. and Tallman D.,
Dau. Sally Ann,
Grandson, James, son of my son John J.,
Executors: Son, John J. and John Perry

No. 492. Will. fol. 321.
Peter C. Van Houten of Ramapo,
D. Aug. 7, 1840. P. Dec. 14, 1840.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Sons, Nicholas, John P., Peter P. and Abram,
Daus., Ann - wife of Thomas Mackee, Elizabeth - wife of John Haring and Maria - wife of Isaac Osborn,
Children of my dau. Jane, late wife of Stephen Youry, (Stephen, Jr., Peter, John, Elizabeth - wife of Abram Myers, Ann - wife of James De Clark, Jr., Maria - wife of Abram Vanriper and Jane),
Executors: Sons, John P. and Peter P. and Stephen Youry

No. 493. Will. fol. 323.
Mary L. Van Kleeck,
Dated, Rockland, Jan. 17, 1833. P. Dec. 15, 1840.
My late husband, John L. Van Kleeck,
Brother, John Lawren,
Ann Susin Brown and her children.

No. 494. Will. fol. 326.
James L. Armstrong of Haverstraw township, aged 65 years or upwards,
D. Mar. 14, 1840. P. Dec. 22, 1840.
Wife, Mary,
Nephew, James L. Armstrong, Jr.,
Nieces, Ann Stevens, Susan Garland and Elsie Allison,
Executors: John S. Gurnee and Lawrence Denoyelles

No. 495. Will. fol. 329.
Walter S. Coe of Clarkstown,
D. Mar. 24, 1834. P. Jan. 14. 1841.
1st son, Samuel Coe,
2nd son, Edward De Noyelles Coe,
3rd son, John Lawrence Coe,
4th son, Dan. Walter Coe,
Only dau. Anna,
Executors: My mother, Sarah and Richard Coe

No. 496. Will. fol. 332.
Andrew Birmingham of Clarkstown,
D. Nov. 28, 1840. P. Jan. 18, 1841.
Weak in body,
Elizabeth Baker to bring up my daughter, Margaret Ann Birmingham,
Executors: John Evert Hogenkamp and Elizabeth Baker

No. 497. Will. fol. 334.
Daniel A. Blauvelt.
D. May 6, 1840. P. Feb. 8, 1841.
Weak in body,
Wife, Rachel,
Son, Abraham,
Dau. Elizabeth - wife of James Van Houten,
Executors: Christian A. Debaun, Abram C. Blauvelt, and Wife, Rachel

No. 498. Will. fol. 337.
John Is. Haring of Orangetown,
D. May 21, 1838. P. Mar. 17, 1841.
Weak in body,
Sons, Isaac, John and Cornelius,
Provision for son Cornelius because of his slender constitution and want of education,
Mother, Mary Haring,
Mother-in-law, Classey Blauvelt,
Executors: Peter S. Van Orden and James J. Demarest.

No. 499. Will. fol. 342.
James S. Kniffin of Clarkstown,
D. Jun. 12, 1841. P. Jul. 10, 1841.
Wife, Sally Ann,
Executor: Abraham P. Stephens.

No. 500. Will. fol. 345.
Peter C. Smith of Ramapo,
D. Mar. 20, 1841. P. Aug. 11, 1841.
Wife, Jane,
Dau. Mary - wife of Peter Jersey,
Peter, John, Hannah - wife of Abraham T. Eckerson, and Jane - unmarried, children of my dau. Mary,
Executors: Son-in-law, Peter Jersey, grandsons, Peter and John Jersey and Peter S. Van Orden.

No. 501. Will. fol. 350.
James C. Smith of Orangetown,
D. Mar. 5, 1836. P. Sep.13, 1841.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Sons, Cornelius and James,
Dau. Ann, to have land in the township of Harrington, N.J., coming out of the estate of Jacobus Perry, deceased,
Executors: Two sons.

No. 502. Will. fol. 354.
Peter P. Demarest of Clarkstown,
D. Jan. 11, 1841. P. Sep. 14, 1841.
Wife, Elizabeth,
David P. Demarest, son of my son Peter Demarest, deceased,
Grand-dau. Lea - wife of Peter T. Stephens,
Son, John,
Dau. Matia,
Executors: Son, John and James J. Demarest

No. 503. Will. fol. 358.
Henry Frederick of Ramapo,
D. May 27, 1841. P. Sep. 18, 1841.
Son, James,
Dau. Mary - wife of Tunis Young and Catharine - wife of John N. Carlough,
Heirs of my son Peter, deceased, (Mary Ann wife - of Adam Dater, Jr., Henry P. Frederick, Cornelius Frederick, Washington Frederick, Easter Jane Frederick, Phebe Frederick and Matilda Frederick)
Executors: Son-in-law, John H. Carlough and James Taylor

No. 504. Will. fol. 361.
John Hutton of Clarkstown,
D. May 4, 1836. Codicil D. Nov. 30, 1840. P. Nov. 4, 1841.
Daus., Mary - widow of John Van Dalsem, Elizabeth - wife of Christian Debaun and Charity,
Children of my daughter Charity, (Eliza O'Blenis, Mary O'Blenis),
Dau.-in-law, Agge - widow of my son William,
Children of my son, William, deceased, (John, Richard, Henry, Isaac, William and Ann)
Executors: Jacob Sickes and son-in-law, Christian Debaun,
Codicil: Appoints son-in-law, Abram C. Blauelt, executor in place of Jacob Sickles.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Mentions "Manawar's Ridge"

No. 505. Will. fol. 370.
Andrew Tinkey of Rockland Co.,
D. May 28, 1839. P. Nov. 10, 1841.
Wife, Sarah,
Dau. Sarah,
Grandson, Andrew Serven,
Grandson, John Lansin Serven,
Grandson, Mathew Bogart,
Grandson, James Eckerson, guardian for grandsons, Andrew Serven and John L. Serven,
Grand-dau. Anna Maria Bogert,
Mentions my front house in Greenwich St., N.Y.,
Executors: Grandsons, Mathew Bogart and James Eckerson.

No. 506. Will. fol. 373.
Adam Dater of Ramapo,
D. Sep. 20, 1841. P. Nov. 15, 1841.
Weak in body,
Sons, Adam and John,
Daus., Elizabeth, Margaret, Hannah and Caty,
Executors: Son, John and son-in-law, John Goetschius.

No. 507. Will. fol. 378.
Vincent Weyant of Haverstraw township,
D. Dec. 8, 1841. P. Jan. 18, 1842.
Wife, Jane,
Sons, John F., James W. and Peter,
Daus., Rachel and Catharine A.,
Mentions my sloop 'Highlander',
Executors: Wife, Jane, Isaac Faurot and Campbell Faurot.

12 pages of testimony

No. 508. Will. fol. 391.
William Shourt of Tappan,
D. May 22, 1841. P. Jan. 11, 1842,
Dau. Susan B. Shourt, who was sole Executrix.

No. 509. Will. fol. 394.
Margaret Anderson of Orangetown,
D. Oct. 23, 1841. P. Jan. 26, 1842.
My deceased husband, Samuel Anderson,
Mary Ann Armstrong, infant daughter of William Armstrong of Orangetown,
Henry Hart of Orangetown,
My servant, Jack Jackson, a colored man,
Mentions Lot No. 12 in the south hills in the Mountain at Classland in subdivision No. 4,
Executors: Henry Hart and John H. Westervelt.

No. 510. Will. fol. 399.
Abraham A. Haring of Ramapo,
D. Jan. 3, 1842. P. Jan. 28, 1842.
Wife, Henrietta,
Son, Daniel,
Daus., Sally - wife of David A. Campbell, Tiny - wife of Peter A. Post, Anne - wife of Peter Van Blarcom, Bridget - wife of Daniel Smith, Elizabeth - wife of John Hopper and Maria - wife of Ricjard Bush,
Mentions grist and saw mills,
Executors: Son, Daniel and James J. Demarest.

No. 511. Will. fol. 403.
Daniel Jones of Haverstraw township,
Will not dated but executed about Sep. 14, 1841. P. Jan. 31, 1842.
Sons, Richard, John D. and James,
Daus., Mary, Elizabeth - wife of Brewster Jones and Charity - wife of William Bulson,
Daniel and Wm. Henry Smith, sons of my daughter Sally,
Executors: Son, John D. and John Johnson.

No, 512. Will. fol. 407.
George Wilkes of Ramapo,
D. Aug. 3, 1841. P. Feb. 1, 1842.
Wife, Nancy,
Sons, Thomas, George and Edwin,
Dau. Mary Elizabeth,
Executors: Wife, Nancy, brother, Thomas G. and Alexander Campbell.

No. 513. Will. fol. 410.
Job D. Camp of Haverstraw township,
D. Nov. 29, 1841. P. Feb. 12, 1842.
Wife, July Ann,
"My children" mentioned but not named,
Executors: George S. Allison and Wife, July Ann.

Records in the Surrogate's Office, New City, Rockland County, N. Y.
Liber E. of Wills, Nos. 514 - 602

No. 514. Will. fol. 1.
Tunis A. Smith of Orangetown,
D. Mar. 8, 1841. P. Apr. 7, 1842.
Sons, Abraham, Daniel and Henry,
Dau. Maria,
Executors: Brother-in-law, Adrian Onderdonk and Adrian G. Onderdonk.

No. 515. Will. fol. 4.
Thomas Blanch of Orangetown,
D. Feb. 4, 1837. P. Apr. 7, 1842.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, Thomas E.,
Dau. Euphemia,
Grandson, George Thomas, son of my dau. Euphemia,
Executors: Son, Thomas E. and brother, John Blanch.

No. 516. Will. fol. 7.
David Hemmion of Ramapo,
D. Oct. 19, 1841. P. Apr. 7, 1842.
Weak in body,
Wife, Hannah,
Sons, Lawrence, John and Jacob,
Daus., Margaret, Elizabeth, Anne and Maria,
Son-in-law, William Coe,
Executors: Brother-in-law, Richard Straut and Garret Al. Zabriskie.

No. 517. Will. fol. 11.
Edward Smith of Clarkstown,
D. Aug. 5, 1841. P. Mar. 9, 1842.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Sons, Edward, Jr. and John E. - cut off with $1. for the purchase of a bible,
Daus., Catharine - wife of Robert Paterson and Anne - wife of Jeremiah D. Youmans,
Grand-dau. Jane Peterson, dau. of Robert Paterson,
Children of my dau. Mary - wife of James Gurnee, viz: Levi Gurnee, Frances Gurnee, Rebecca - wife of Jonathan D. Youmans, and Ann - wife of John Conklin,
John P. Jersey and Ann Jersey, children of my deceased dau. Cornelia,
Maria, dau. of my son, Edward, and widow of Edward Covert,
Executors: Wife, Elizabeth, John (Y.?) Blanch and Joseph P. Brower.

11 pages of testimony.

No. 518. Will. fol. 26.
John Green of New York City,
D. Sep. 26, 1838. P. May 4, 1842.
Wife mentioned but not named,
Son, Edward,
"All my children" mentioned,
"My store ay Nyack", mentioned,
Executors: Sons, Garret and George.

No. 519. Will. fol. 29.
Amey Taylor of the Village of Warren, (widow of Joshua Taylor)
D. Jan. 10, 1842. P. Jun. 6, 1842.
Eliza Ann Nye - wife of Meltier Nye of Haverstraw,
Amey Eliza Hubbs - daughter of George Hubbs,
Isabella Hultz - wife of Amos Hultz of N. Y. City,
Maria Hubbs - wife of George Hubbs of N. Y. City,
Marcy Hunt - daughter of Richard Hunt,
John C. Fisher,
Oscar D. Fisher,
Mentions deed: William Smith and wife to Joshua Taylor, my late husband, dated May 1, 1812,
Executors: Lawrence De Noyelles and Meltier Nye.

No. 520. Will. fol. 33.
George Anderson of Haverstraw township,
D. No day, no month, 1842. P. Jun. 13, 1842.
George and John, sons of my brother, William Anderson,
Martha Anderson,
Betsy Anderson,
Marget Post,
Executor: George Anderson.

No. 521. Will. fol. 37.
Lawrence D. Noyelles of Haverstraw township,
D. Feb. 17, 1842. P. Jul. 2, 1842.
Weak in body,
Wife, Susan,
Brother, Edward,
Executors: John S. Gurnee, wife, Susan and brother, Edward.

No. 522. Will. fol. 40.
David Smith of Clarkstown,
D. Jun. 7, 1842. P. Aug. 1, 1842.
Wife, Anna,
My brothers and sisters mentioned but not named,
Executors: Brother, Garret I. Smith and Aaron Y. Polhamus.

No. 523. Will. fol. 45.
Barbara Hubbar of Clarkstown,
D. Oct. 31, 1835. P. Sep. 3, 1842.
Good bodily health,
Caty - wife of Abraham Hogencamp,
John Hubbar Smith,
Polly - widow of Isaac Cole,
Rebecca - wife of Henry Hennion,
Presbyterian Church of New Hempstead, $12.50,
Executors: Johannes A. Van Houten and Abraham Hogencamp.

No. 524. Will. fol. 48.
James P. Smith of Orangetown,
D. Jul. 11, 1842. P. Oct. 19, 1842.
Wife, Frances,
Son, William Joseph,
Daus., Elizabeth Hill Smith and Ann Frances Smith,
Executors: Wife, Frances and brother, Cornelius I. Smith.

No. 525. Will. fol. 53.
Claushe Blauvelt, widow, of Nyack,
D. Apr. 1841. P. Dec. 29, 1842.
Dau. Effy - wife of John I. Smith,
Isaac, John, and Cornelius Haring, sons of my daughter, Margaret, deceased, wife of John Is. Haring, deceased,
Executors: Son-in-law, John I. Smith and Tunis Smith

No. 526. Will. fol. 56.
Walter Smith of Haverstraw township,
D. Sep. 22, 1842. P. Jan. 12, 1843.
Wife, Maria,
"My children" mentioned but not named,
Executors: Wife, Maria, Leonard Gurnee and Isaac Sherwood

No. 527. Will. fol. 60.
Abram I. Debaun of Ramapo,
D. Dec. 1842. P. Feb. 27, 1843.
Wife, Mary,
Son, John,
Executors: Harman Goetschius and Garret C. Smith

No. 528. Will. fol. 64.
Wandle Van Antwerp of Orangetown,
D. Feb. 20, 1841. P. Mar. 1, 1843.
Wife, Ann,
Sons, James Ellis, Simon and Cornelius
Daus., Maria, Margaret, Rachel, Catharine Ann and Sally Ann,
House in Washington Street, New York,
Executors: Wife, Ann, son, Simon and James B. Requa

No. 529. Will. fol. 68.
Jacob Post of Orangetown,
D. Jul. 3, 1839. P. Mar. 10, 1843.
Wife, Margaret,
Son, Abraham,
Daus., June, Mary Ann, Henrietta, Letty Ann - wife of Cornelius Blanch, Eliza - wife of Abraham Sarvent and Margaret - wife of Thomas J. Sarvent,
Executors: Son, Abraham and Lawrence J. Sneden.

No. 530. Will. fol. 73.
Abraham Eclerson of Ramapo,
D. Mar. 23, 1843. P. Apr. 18, 1843.
Wife, Hannah,
My eldest daughter, Leah, and her six daughters: Margaret Elizabeth, Catherine, Maria, Jane, Ellen and Leah Ann, (surname not given)
Dau. Dorcas - wife of Matthias Dater,
My aged mother, Leah,
Mentions saw and grist mills,
Executors: Peter P. Jersey and James J. Demarest.

No, 531. Will. fol. 79.
David Blauvelt of Washington township, Bergen Co., N.J.,
D. Feb. 24, 1841. P. May 16, 1843.
Wife, Ann,
Daus., Catherine - widow of Peter P. Demarest and Bridget - wife of Cornelius M. Demarest,
David and Leah, children of my daughter Catherine,
Hannah, daughter of my daughter Bridget,
Executors: Son-in-law, Cornelius M. Demarest and nephew, Garret S. Demarest.

No. 532. Will. fol. 83.
Richard W. Brewster of Haverstraw township, aged 65 years and upwards,
D. Mar. 9, 1843. P. May 18, 1843.
Wife, Hannah,
Son, Samuel,
Dau. Susan Smith,
Children of my son Samuel,
Children of my daughter Susan Smith,
Grandson, Richard Brewster Marks,
Hannah and William Brewster, children of my son Walter S. Brewster,
Harriet and Abraham Waldron, children of my daughter Eliza,
Mary Ann Rose, - one cow,
Executors: Isaac Barns, John S. Gurnee and Daniel Johnson.

No. 533. Will. fol.
Abraham Clark of Orangetown,
D. Mar. 15, 1838. P. Jun. 1, 1843.
In good health,
Son, David,
Daus., Margaret Blauvelt - widow and Cornelia Briggs - widow,
Wife, Maria,
Executors: Son and two daughters.

No. 534. Will. fol. 98.
Cornelius A. Blauvelt of Ramapo,
D. Jul. 16, 1842. P. Jun. 10, 1843.
Sons, Richard, George and Aaron,
Daus,, Rachel - wife of Herman Blauvelt, Maria - wife of John S. Gurnee, Rebecca - wife of Edward D. Noyelles, Letty and Catherine,
Mentions his mills, foundry, blacksmith shop, carpenter shop, mill-dam and pond,
Pew in the Reformed Dutch Ch. at Hempstead,
Executors: Three sons and son-in-law, John S. Gurnee.

No. 535. Will. fol. 106.
Maria Blauvelt, wife of John I. [or L.] Blauvelt, of Orangetown,
D. Sep. 25, 1840. P. Sep. 13, 1843.
Will made by consent of the testator's husband, in writing under his hand and seal, dated Aug. 28, 1839,
Sons, James, Cornelius, John and David,
Dau. Aultye wife of Abraham P. Haring,
Elizabeth and Maria, daughters of my daughter Aultye,
Executors: Four sons.

No. 536. Will. fol. 110.
Garret Snedeker of Clarkstown,
D. Aug. 28, 1841. P. Jun. 2, 1843.
Sons, Abraham B., Halsey - deceased, John and Anthony,
Children of my son John,
Children of my son Anthony,
Garret Snedeker, son of Alletta Myers, now the wife of Jacob De Clark,
Garret Snedeker, son of Garret Snedeker and grandson of the above Alletta Myers,
Executors: George Remson and Christian Debaun.

(26 pages of testimony)

No. 537. Will. fol. 138.
Bridget White of Nyack,
D. Jul. 3, 1843. P. Aug. 24, 1843.
Sons, Peter and John,
Daus., Bridget, Margaret and Ann,
Executors: Son, John and son-in-law, Benjamin Blackledge.

No. 538. Will. fol. 141.
John Harring of Orangetown,
D. Mar. 18, 1843. P. Sep. 21, 1843.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Executors: James A. Ivers and Wife, Elizabeth.

No. 539. Will. fol. 144.
Jeremiah Williamson of Clarkstown,
D. Sep. 2, 1843. P. Oct. 9, 1843.
Wife, Catharine,
Sons, Nicholas and Jacob,
Daus., Letty, Elizabeth and Ann,
Executors: Two sons and son-in-law, Ambrose Wells.

No. 540. Will. fol. 147.
Matthew Benson, aged 65 years and upwards,
D. Mar. 21, 1840. Codicil D. No day, no month, 1841. 2nd Codicil D. Aug. 2, 1843. P. Nov. 15, 1843.
Wife, Johanna,
Sons, Charles, George and William,
Dau. Nancy - wife of Sampson Marks,
Grandson, Matthew - son of my son Charles,
Executors: Lawrence De Noyelles, William Benson and John S. Gurnee.
2nd Codicil: Edward De Noyelles appointed executor in place of Lawrence De Noyelles, deceased.

No. 541. Will. fol. 156.
Ann Stephens of Clarkstown,
D. Dec. 20, 1843. P. Jan. 17, 1844.
My late husband, Henry Stephens, deceased,
Sons, James and Abraham,
Grandson, John Henry Stephens,
Executor: Abraham P. Stephens.

No. 542. Will. fol. 159.
John Jersey of Hempstead,
D. Oct. 19, 1816. P. Feb. 7, 1844.
Weak in body,
Wife, Anny,
Sons, Daniel and John,
Dau., Hannah,
Executors: Peter S. Van Orden and two sons.

No. 543. Will. fol. 163.
Henry Rose of Haverstraw township,
D. Dec. 8, 1843. P. Feb. 10, 1844.
Wife, Mary,
Sons, George, Henry, James, William, Abraham and Alfred,
Daus., Harriet - wife of David Lawrence, Amy, Ann, Jane, Martha and Leevinia,
Executors: Sons, -- George, Henry and James

No. 544. Will. fol. 168.
Martha Felter, widow of John Felter, of Haverstraw township,
D. Oct. 19, 1838. P. Apr. 16, 1844.
Sons of my deceased son Gilbert Felter, (John W. and Garret),
Executors: Two grandsons

No. 545. Will. fol. 169.
John H. Van Houten, Sen., of Clarkstown,
D. Oct. 16, 1826. P. May 6, 1844,
Wife, Elenor,
Son, John Jr.,
Daus., Katharine - wife of Garret Van Houten and Rachel Felter,
Sister, Margaret Hoffmire, widow,
Executors: Son, John, son-in-law, Garret Van Houten and son-in-law, John Felter

No. 546. Will. fol. 174.
Robert Ewing
D. Dec. 16, 1842. P. May 13, 1814.
Son, John William Ewing,
Dau. Elizabeth Ewing
Executors: Brother, John Ewing, Isaac Sherwood and Leonard Gurnee

No. 547. Will. fol. 177.
Abram H. Stephens of Clarkstown,
D. Feb. 19, 1844. P. Jul. 27, 1844.
Wife, Martia,
Executors: Christian A. Debaun and John T. Blanch

No. 548. Will. fol. 184.
Elizabeth Suffern of Ramapo, widow of John Suffern,
D. Oct. 24, 1840. P. Sep. 16, 1844.
Edward Suffern, (relationship not mentioned)
Brothers, John Bartholf, David Bartholf and Henry Bartholf - deceased,
Sisters, Sally - wife of James Van Blarcom and Marichy - wife of Peter Duryea,
Stephen, Catharine, Susan and Ann, children of my deceased brother, Henry Bartholf,
James Bogart Lines, and Elizabeth Suffern (Lines ?), children of Abraham Lines, late of N. Y. City, deceased,
Mary Zabriskie of Hackensack - wife of Simeon Zabriskie,
Ann Maria Craft - wife of Charles Craft,
Eliza Haring - wife of Jacob P. Haring,
Elloit Suffern of Chemung Co. (brother),
Rachel - wife of Perry Bartholf (sister),
Martha Suffern - widow of William Suffern,
Thomas, John and James, sons of William Suffern, deceased, and Martha h. w.,
Executors: Edward Suffern and James Suffern - son of William Suffern, deceased.

No. 549. Will. fol. 190.
Ellen Tooker, late of N. Y. City, now of Nyack, widow of Samuel Tooker,
D. Nov. 3, 1843. P. Nov. 1, 1844.
Niece, Ellen C. T. Hudson,
Catharine Hudson and Wm. Henry Hudson, children of my niece Ellen C. T. Hudson,
Selah T. Reeve of N. Y. City, nephew of my late husband,
William Mitchell, Trustee,
Executors: Ellen C. T. Hudson and her husband, Joseph Hudson.

No. 550. Will. fol. 195.
Bradford Seymour of Rockland County,
D. Aug. 11, 1844. P. Oct. 21, 1844.
Sons, Bradford S., Albert P. and Hezekiah,
Diantha Fitch, sister of my late wife,
Executor: Son, Bradford S.

No. 551. Will. fol. 198.
Asa Treadway of Haverstraw township, aged 68 years,
D. May 26, 1842. P. Oct. 7, 1844.
Wife mentioned but not named,
Sons, John and Asa H.,
Daus., Mary - wife of Michel Mount, Fanny - wife of Silas Onderdonk, Hetty Ann - wife of Edward Strought and Matilda,
Executor: Son, John.

No. 552. Will. fol. 202.
John Shaw of Orangetown,
D. Feb. 3, 1829. P. Sep. 13, 1844.
Entire estate to Poll, the woman who keeps house for me,
Executor: Peter Smith, Esq.

No. 553. Will. fol. 211.
John Lawrence,
Will dated at Rockland, Rockland Co., N. Y.,
D. Dec. 9, 1841. P. Dec. 11, 1844.
Brother, Richard, deceased, (A.)
Brother, Thomas, deceased, (B.)
Brother, Jonathan S., deceased, (C.)
Brother, Stephen, deceased, (D.)
Brother, Railard, deceased, (E.)
Brother, Samuel, deceased, (F.)
Heirs of Cornelia Frye, deceased, who are the grandchildren of (A.)
John M., Richard D., Mary Ann Welch and Daniel H., children of (A.)
Sarah Woolsey - wife of Zebulon and daughter of (B.)
Heirs of (B.)
Elizabeth H. Parker, daughter of (C.)
Robert D., son of Robert D. Lawrence, deceased, who was the son of (C.)
Samuel Lawrence - the grandson of (D.)
Three children of Thomas M. Lawrence, deceased, the son of (E.)
Railard D. Lawrence son of (E.)
Children (viz. John and Elizabeth) of Stephen H. Lawrence, the son of (F.)
Heirs of (F.)
Susan Beaumont,
Benjamin Beaumont,
Executors: Railard D. Lawrence, son of my brother, Railard, deceased of Baltimore, Md. and Joseph C. Lawrence of N. Y. City.

No. 554. Will. fol. 215.
Daniel Brady of Clarkstown,
D. Jun. 12, 1844. Codicil D. Nov. 12, 1844. P. Dec. 23, 1844.
Weak in body,
Wife, Mary,
Sons, Archibald C., Abner, William and Chancey,
Daus., Charlot - wife of Jacob Mackey, Harriet - widow of George Childs, Eliza - wife of Timothy Abbot and Adaline - wife of James Wilson,
Executors: Sons, Archibald C. and Abner and son-in-law, Jacob Mackey.

No. 555. Will. fol. 221.
Peter De Noyelles of Haverstraw township,
D. Sep. 14, 1844. P. Jan. 9, 1845.
Wife, Catharine, to whom is bequeathed a bureau, with the contents of the drawers thereof, which are now locked and which have remained locked since her separation from me,
Dau. Elvira,
Wife's father, John B. Haring,
My mother, Dereky De Noyelles,
Brothers, Asbury - who was not reconciled to his wife, George, William and Theodorus,
Sisters, Charlotte and Rachel,
Mentions a deed from the Administrator of the estate of Michael Troutt to Peter De Noyelles, dated Sep. 1, 1924,
Executors: Brothers, Asbury and George and John S. Gurnee.

No. 556. Will. fol. 228.
Simon Van Antwerp,
D. Nov. 26, 1844. P. Jan. 10, 1845.
Dau. Emma,
"My brothers and sisters" mentioned but not named,
Dau. Emma's grandmother Van Antwerp,
Executors: Brothers, Cornelius and James and Tunis Smith.

No. 557. Will. fol. 233.
Garret Sarven, Esq., of Ramapo,
D. Mar. 4, 1839. P. May 6, 1845.
Sons, Abraham G., Peter, John G. and Isaac,
Son-in-law, James Taylor, Esq.,
Elizabeth (Taylor) - wife of Martin Freeman and Hannah (Taylor) - wife of John J. Smith, daughters of my daughter Mary, deceased,
Lot formerly set off to James Taylor and since the death of the wife of said Taylor, devised to the daughters of Taylor, viz: Elizabeth and Hannah,
Mentions land where the meeting house stands heretofore deeded to the Trustees of said church,
Mentions the easterly part of my farm as commonly called "the Bear's Nest",
Pew in True Reformed Dutch Church near my dwelling house,
Executors: Sons, Peter and John G.

No. 558. Will. fol. 246.
Joseph G. Blauvelt of Harrington, Bergen Co., N. J.,
D. Dec. 22, 1840. P. May 29, 1845.
Wife, Catharine,
Dau. Elizabeth, -- married,
Brothers, John G. and Abraham G.,
Nephew, Garret A Haring - my sister's son,
Sister-in-law, Elizabeth - wife of James Cor. Smith,
Two sons of my deceased sister-in-law, Maria, formerly, wife of Tunis Blauvelt,
Rev. Isaac D. Cole, $1,000.

Note: - (Joseph G. Blauvelt married Catharine Perry.)

Trustees and Executors: Nephews, James P. Blauvelt, Cornelius J. Smith and James P. Smith, David D. Blauvelt and James J. Demarest.

No. 559. Will. fol. 255.
Cornelius Cooper of Ramapo,
D. Apr. 18, 1842. P. Jul. 14, 1845.
Wife, Trinche,
Son, Garret O.,
Executor: Son, Garret.

No. 560. Will. fol. 260.
Mary Carson - widow of James Carson,
D. Aug. 2, 1839. P. Aug. 5, 1845.
The testator, under the Act of Congress passed Jul. 7, 1838, received a pension certificate granting to her a pension for $120. a year for five years,
Friend, Jacob D. Onderdonk - husband of my half-sister Hester,
Executor: Jacob D. Onderdonk.

No. 561. Will. fol. 265.
Peter Forshee of Ramapo,
D. Jun. 20, 1845. P. Aug. 18, 1845.
Wife, Nancy,
Dau. Peggy,
Son-in-law, John De Groat,
Executors: Abraham Onderdonk and John J. Forshee.

No. 562. Will. fol. 269.
Isaac G. Blauvelt of Orangetown,
D. May 11, 1843. P. Sep. 4, 1845.
Wife, Deborah,
Son, Isaac I.,
Dau. Eliza P. Blauvelt - wife of Henry Hart,
Executors: Wife, son and son-in-law.

No. 563. Will. fol. 274.
Catharine Perry of Orangetown, (widow)
D. Feb. 4, 1842. P. Sep. 10, 1845.
Son, John Perry,
Dau. Elizabeth Ferdon - wife of William Ferdon, to have house in Christopher St., N. Y., being the same my late husband purchased from Isaac C. Blauvelt,
My father, Garret Haring, deceased,
Catharine - wife of Isaac P. Smith, and Charity Perry - daughters of my son John,
Catharine Ferdon - daughter of my daughter Elizabeth,
John Ferdon - son of my daughter Elizabeth,
Dau.-in-law, Margaret Perry - wife of my son, John,
Executors: Son, John and dau. Elizabeth.

No. 564. Will. fol. 280.
Mary Perry, widow of Jacob Perry, of Orangetown,
D. Mar. 14, 1842. P. Oct. 7, 1845.
Sons, Peter and Jacob,
Daus., Elizabeth - Polly wife of Richard Cole, Catharine, Hannah and Anne,
Mary Cole - daughter of my daughter, Polly,
Polly and Catharine Ann - daughters of my son, John Perry, deceased,
Executors: Son, Peter and son-in-law, Garret C. Blauvelt.

No. 565. Will. fol. 285.
Daniel I. Haring of Orangetown,
D. May --, 1844. P. Nov. 13, 1845.
Wife, Anna,
Sons, John and James Smith,
Daus., Sarah and Elizabeth,
Executors: Two sons and Isaac I. Blauvelt.

No. 566. Will. fol. 282.
George Myers of Clarkstown,
D. Aug. 6, 1841. P. Dec. 2, 1845.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Sons, Abraham, Stephen and Nicholas,
Dau. Catharine - wife of John L. Smith,
Children of my daughter Elizabeth, the first wife of Abraham Storms,
Executors: Three sons.

No. 567. Will. fol. 296.
Matthew Schultz of Clarkstown,
D. May 24, 1845. P. Dec. 2, 1845.
Daus., Charlotte - unmarried and Eliza - wife of Lewis J. Smith,
Augustus M., George T., Henry S. and Margaret J. Drake - children of my daughter Margaret, deceased,
Executors: Two daughters.

No. 568. Will. fol. 303.
Abraham E. Jones of Rockland County,
D. Dec. 7, 1845. P. Jan. 6, 1846.
Wife, Thankfull,
Sons, Timothy A. and Daniel,
John and James Hopper - sons of my deceased daughter Martha,
John Reed, Peter Reed and Mary - wife of Wm. H. Hamon - children of my wife,
Executors: Jacob P. Demarest and Matthew D. Bogert.

No. 569. Will. fol. 310.
Catharine Halstead of Orangetown,
D. Oct. 30, 1832. Mar. 3, 1846.
Elizabeth, Martha, Phebe, Hannah, Mary and Catharine - my nieces, the daughters of John and Mary Coe,
Nephew, Amzi Coe,
"Other nieces and nephews" mentioned but not named,
Mentions property I may be entitled to under the will of the late Phillip Dubey,
Executors: Amzi Coe and Hannah Coe.

No. 570. Will. fol. 315.
Henry Crum of Rockland County,
Executed on or about Jan. 18, 1845. P. Mar. 25, 1846.
Weak and feeble in body,
Son, Oliver,
Executors: Jacob Straut and brother, John Crum.

No. 571. Will. fol. 319.
Henry N. Call of Haverstraw township,
Executed on or about the month of January, 1846. P. Apr. 20, 1846.
Wife, Polly,
Sally Call, (relationship not given)
Niles F. Call, (relationship not given)
Henry D. Call, (relationship not given)
Jacob Call, (relationship not given)
Mentions land formerly of John Crum and Alexander Crum,
Executors: Wife, Polly and Daniel Tomkins.

No. 572. Will. fol. 324.
Josiah Concklin of Ramapo,
D. Apr. 16, 1846. P. May 11, 1846.
Wife, Martha,
Daus., Almira, Elizabeth and Sarah,
Son, Josiah,
Executors: Son, George and son-in-law, Clinton Gurnee.

No. 573. Will. fol. 329.
Tunis Smith of Nyack,
D. May 10, 1845. Codicil D. Nov. 24, 1845. P. May 25, 1846.
Son, Cornelius,
Daus., Ann - wife of William O'Blenis and Rachel,
Executors: Son, Cornelius and son-in-law, Isaac S. Lydacker.
Codicil: Dau. Ann has lately died, Children of dau. Ann, deceased, and Grandson, Charles McK. Oblenis, when of age, to be one of my executors.

No. 574. Will. fol. 337.
Cornelius Depew of Clarkstown,
D. Apr. 20, 1839. P. Aug. 17, 1846.
Sons, Abraham and Garret,
Dau. Hannah - wife of John Howard,
Executors: Two sons and John I. Van Houten, son of the late surrogate, John Van Houten

No. 575. Will. fol. 342.
John Perry of Orangetown,
D. Sep. 14, 1846. P. Nov. 17, 1846.
Wife, Margaret,
Daus., Catharine - wife of Isaac P. Smith and Charity - wife of Tunis Smith,
Grandson, John Perry Smith - son of my daughter Catharine,
Executors: Son-in-laws, Isaac P. Smith and Tunis Smith

No. 576. Will. fol. 347.
William Mc Clary of Haverstraw township,
D. Jan. 19, 1847. P. Mar. 15, 1847.
Son, George Washington Mc Clary,
Daus., Nancy Mc Clary - eldest dau. and Phebe Mc Clary - second dau,
Step-dau. Rachel Oakley,
Executors: Alexander Waldron and Samson Marks

No. 577. Will. fol. 352.
John Hadfield of Verdridiger Hook in Clarkstown,
D. Dec. 2, 1845. P. Apr. 6, 1847.
Wife, Rebecca - whole estate,
Executrix: Wife, Rebecca

No. 578. Will. fol. 356.
Jonathan Barlow of Haverstraw township,
D. Mar. 17, 1847. P. Apr. 7, 1847.
Wife, Melissa,
"My children" mentioned but not named,
Executors: Abram Gurnee, Leonard Gurnee and Richard Gurnee

No. 579. Will. fol. 361.
John P. Blauvelt of Clarkstown,
D. Jan. 25, 1847. P. Apr. 15, 1847.
Wife, Maria,
Sons, Abraham and Peter,
Dau. Ann Maria,
Mentions saw mill lot,
Executors: Two sons.

No. 580. Will. fol. 367.
Abram Quackenbush of Ramapo,
D. Apr. 1, 1847. P. May 4, 1847.
Wife, Mary,
Sons, Abram B., John Edward, Calvin and Harvey C.,
Grandson, John Eckerson,
Executors: Sons, Abram B. and John Edward.

No. 581. Will. fol. 372.
Elizabeth Williamson of Nyack,
D. Dec. 1, 1846. P. May 13, 1847.
Son, Garret,
Dau.-in-law, Rachel Williamson,
Dau.-in-law, Cathrin Williamson,
Grandsons, Nicholas and Jacob Williamson,
Grand-daus., Letty Wells, Elizabeth Mane, Ann Wilcox, Elizabeth Hart, Sarah Voorhis and Nelly Williamson,
Executors: Son, Garret and George Green.

No. 582. Will. fol. 377.
John Lydecker, Jr., of Orangetown,
D. Dec. 27, 1841. P. May 13, 1847.
Wife, Maria,
"My children" mentioned but not named,
My share of the sloop 'General Marion' to be sold,
Mentions my quarry lots along Closter Mountain in N.J.,
Executors: Wife, Maria, Peter Post, Abraham Lydecker and Isaac I. Blauvelt.

No. 583. Will. fol. 382.
Rebecca Lydecker, widow of Abraham Lydecker, late of Orangetown,
D. Oct. 26, 1843. P. Jun. 3, 1847.
Son, Albert A. Lydecker,
Grandson, Abraham B., son of my son Albert A.,
Grandsons, John W. Lydecker and William A. Lydecker,
Grand-dau. Rebecca Ann - wife of Henry Van Winkle,
John J. Wood and Isaac S. Lydecker - $1. to each,
Executors: Grandson, Abraham B. Lydecker and Isaac I. Blauvelt.

No. 584. Will. fol. 389.
William Conklin of Haverstraw township,
D. Sep. 6, 1843. P. Jun. 21, 1847.
Wife, Sarah,
Bequest to John Seaman in trust for the Cornwall Monthly Meeting for the use of the Kakiat Meeting,
Executors: Wife, Sarah, John Seaman and Clinton Gurnee.

No. 585. Will. fol 395.
Jacob Vanderbilt of Clarkstown,
D. Dec. 13, 1836. P. Aug. 6, 1847.
Wife Jane, whole estate,
Executrix: Wife, Jane.

No. 586. Will. fol. 398.
Thomas Wells of Clarkstown,
D. Jun. 24, 1847. P. Aug. 7, 1847.
My deceased wife, - name not given,
Sons, Nelson, George, Wait and John,
Dau. Eliza,
Mother, Elizabeth Canning,
Executor: Reuben P. Wells of Staten Island.

No. 587. Will. fol. 403.
Garret H. Blauvelt of Orangetown,
D. Oct, 5, 1829. P. Sep. 25, 1847.
Wife, Aphia,
Dau. Margaret,
Executors: Wife and daughter and James J. Demarest.

No. 588. Will. fol. 409.
Peter S. Van Orden of Ramapo,
D. Nov. 13, 1838. P. Oct. 25, 1847.
Son, Frederick,
Dau. Maria - wife of John A. Haring,
Margaret and Catharine (daughters of my dau. Maria),
Dau-in-law, Martha - wife of my son Frederick,
Children of my son Frederick (Peter Lewis and Elen Catharine)
Executors: Son, Frederick and son-in-law, John A. Haring.

No. 589. Will. fol. 419.
Cornelius G. Bogert of Orangetown,
D. Mar. 27, 1840. P. Nov. 3, 1847.
Wife, Sarah,
Son, Garret,
Son, Jeremiah, deceased, children of,
Daus., Catharine, Rachel - wife of James Springsteen, Leah and Sally,
Executors: Adolphus L. Mabie and Corn's J. Blauvelt.

No. 590. Will. fol. 426.
George Hagen of Orangetown,
D. Jan. 11, 1843. P. Oct. 30, 1847.
Wife, Mary, whole estate,
Executors: Abraham P. Mabie and James A. Ivers.

No. 591. Will. fol. 436.
Vroutye O'Blenis, widow of Garret O'Blenis, of Clarkstown,
D. May 12, 1842. P. Nov. 6, 1847.
Being old and infirm and having no bodily heirs,
William Sanders House - son of Henry House,
Margaret Smith - wife of John Smith,
Margaret Tallman - wife of Dowah I. Tallman,
Elizabeth Van Houten - wife of Jacob Van Houten,
Executors: Dowah I. Tallman and Peter T. Stephens.

No. 592. Will. fol. 441.
Cornelius C. O. Blauvelt, of town of Haverstraw
D. Oct. 22, 1847. P. Nov. 15, 1847.
Wife, Sarah,
Dau. Ellen, a minor,
Sole Executrix: Wife Sarah.

No. 593. Will. fol. 448.
Nicholas I. Quackenbush, physician, of Greenbush,
D. Jun. 19, 1847. P. Nov. 24, 1847.
Wife, Annee Georgiana,
Son, Henry Feltees, George Worner, Nicholas and John - and his children,
Dau. Catharine Eliza - wife of Woolsey G. Sterling, grocer, of N. Y. City,
House 312 Greenwich St., New York,
Executors: Wife, Annee Georgiana and son, Nicholas - attorney at law, of N. Y. City.

No. 594. Will. fol. 458.
Sarah Rose of Orangetown,
D. Jun. 16, 1847. P. Jan. 8, 1848.
Son, Jonathan Rose,
Grandsons, Peter A. Felter and John Felter,
Grandson, Isaac Felter - deceased,
Grand-dau. Sarah wife of John Van Blarcom, with whom the testator lived,
Grand-dau. Sally wife of Peter Fox,
Grand-dau. Elizabeth wife of Isaac Coe,
Great-grand-dau. Sally Ann, dau. of John Van Blarcom,
Great-grand son, John Felter, son of Isaac Felter, deceased,
Executor: James J. Demarest.

No. 595. Will. fol. 464.
David Brower of Orangetown,
D. Jan. 14, 1847. P. Feb. 5, 1848.
Weak in body,
Dau. Jane and William Myers, her husband,
Grand-dau. Sarah Ann Demarest,
Edward Debaun,
James, Banty and Elizabeth Banty,
Executors: Son-in-law, William Myers and Abraham Debaun.

No. 596. Will. fol. 471.
David I. Blauvelt of Orangetown,
D. Jun. --, 1827. P. Feb. 12, 1848.
Wife, Ann,
Daus., Martha Aymas and Catharine - wife of John A. Blauvelt,
Executors: Son-in-law, John A. Blauvelt and Cornelius and William Sickles (the brothers of my wife, Ann).

No. 597. Will. fol. 480.
Peter Stephens of Clarkstown,
D. Jul. 27, 1844. P. Feb. 21, 1848.
In good health,
Wife, Elizabeth, she had ample means at the time of our marriage which I have not interfered with,
Son, Abraham, all land on the E. side of Welch's Island Road,
Son, Peter P.,
Dau. Maricha, wife of John Reynolds, to have the farm I purchased of Cornelius D. Clark, in trust of executors,
Executors: Two sons.

No. 598. Will. fol. 486.
Peter Smith of Nyack,
D. Jan. 5, 1847. P. Feb. 23, 1848.
Wife, Christina,
Sons, Isaac and Abraham, north side of my dock,
Sons, David and Tunis, south side of my dock,
Executors: Four sons.

No. 599. Will. fol. 492.
Andrew Debaun of Ramapo,
D. Feb. 10, 1848. P. Apr. 1, 1848.
Wife, Mariah,
Friend, Andrew I. Tallman,
Children of my brother, Isaac Debaun,
Executors: Andrew I. Tallman, and Conrod Fox.

No. 600. Will. fol. 501.
John Ed. Smith of Clarkstown,
D. Jan. 29, 1842. P. May 8, 1848.
Wife, Maria,
Sons, Abraham S., Jacob, John, Benjamin and Edward,
Daus., Anna, Phebe, Sarah and Elizabeth,
Father, Edward Smith - deceased,
Executors: Wife, Mariah and sons, Abraham S. and Jacob.

No. 601. Will. fol. 515.
Gabriel Conklin of Clarkstown,
D. May 29, 1847. P. May 29, 1848.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, Eli,
Son-in-law, Samuel Provost,
Executors: Leonard A. Gurnee, and Samuel Provost.

No. 602. Will. fol. 520.
John House of Clarkstown,
D. Dec. 25, 1841. P. Aug. 28, 1848.
Wife, Margaret,
Son, Abraham,
Son, John, eldest son,
Dau. Margaret wife of John Stephens,
Grand-dau. Mary Ann Stephens,
Grandson, John Stephens,
Executors: Two sons.



No. 603. Will. fol. 3.
Abraham Knapp of the town of Haverstraw,
D. Aug. 19, 1848. P. Sep. 25, 1848.
Wife, mentioned but not named,
Sons, Samuel, John, Henry, and Levi,
Dau. Rachel wife of George F. Rose,
Dau. Delia Ann wife of William Goldsmith,
Dau. Elizabeth wife of William A. Berwick,
Executors: Son, John, and Son, Samuel.

No. 604. Will. fol. 9.
Robert Wilson of Clarkstown,
D. Feb 11, 1840. P. Sep. 30, 1848.
Wife, mentioned but not named,
Son, Wait Wells Wilson,
Dau. Mary Wilson,
Executors: Martha Wilson, Albert Haly, and William Ryley.

No. 605. Will. fol. 15.
Tunis T. Cooper of Orangetown,
D. Feb. 19, 1844. P. Oct. 21, 1848.
Son, Tunis and his wife Caty,
John, Ellen, and Julianna, children of my son Tunis,
Executors: James Blauvelt, John T. Blauvelt, and James J. Demarest.

No. 606. Will. fol. 20.
John I. Smith of Orangetown,
D. Nov. 30, 1847. P. Dec. 9, 1846.
Wife, Effy, house in Nyack,
Son, John D. W.,
Dau. Ann wife of James P. Blauvelt,
Executors: Wife, Effy, Son, John D. W., and Son-in-law, James P. Blauvelt.

No. 607. Will. fol. 27.
Albert Van Saun of Ramapo,
D. Jun. 29, 1847. P. Dec. 26, 1848.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, Albert, Jr.,
Dau. Ester wife of John Varick,
Dau. Catharine Goetchius,
Dau. Maria Debaun,
Dau. Hannah, not competent to manage for herself,
John Van Saun, Henry Van Saun, Erastus Van Saun, Catharine wife of Tallman Blauvelt, and Harriet Van Saun, Grand-children, the heirs of my son, Henry, deceased,
Executors: Son-in-law, John Varick, Dau. Catharine, and Dau. Maria.

No. 608. Will. fol. 35.
Josiah Knapp of Clarkstown,
D. Oct. 19, 1848. P. Jan. 8, 1849.
In feeble health,
Wife, Julia Ann,
Executors: John Van Houten, Jr. and Wife, Julia Ann.

No. 609. Will. fol. 41.
David Johnson of the town of Haverstraw,
D. Sep. 11, 1848. P. Feb. 12, 1849.
Wife, Sarah,
Son, Daniel,
Daus., Sarah, Amelia, Susan, Dorcas, and Mary,
Executors: Hudson Mc Farland of Monroe, Orange CO., and Benjamin Secor.

No. 610. Will. fol. 50.
Tunis Young of Ramapo,
D. Sep. 5, 1846. P. Feb. 8, 1849.
Wife, Maria,
Sons, Henry, Jacob, John, Josiah, and James,
Dau. Hannah wife of Stephen Johnson,
Dau. Betsey wife of Samuel W. Coe,
Dau. Martha wife of Asa Cooper,
Dau. Catharine wife of James Fox,
Dau. Harriet wife of John Frederic,
Dau. Maria, deceased, formerly wife of John Frederick,
Grandson, Nelson son of daughter Maria, deceased,
Executors: Sons, Henry, Jacob, John, and Josiah.

No. 611. Will. fol. 57.
John J. Cole of Ramapo,
D. Mar. 17, 1848. P. Mar. 26, 1849.
Wife, Margery,
Children, Eliza Ann, Isaac, Adaline, John, Catharine, Henry, Benjamin, Jacob, Jane, Abram, David, Samuel, and Emma,
Executors: John T. Blanch, John P. R. Van Houten, and Wife, Margery.

No. 612. Will. fol.
Robert Hart of Nyack,
D. Jan. 18, 1836. P. Apr. 7, 1849.
Wife, Phebe,
Sons, Joseph, Isaac, and Henry,
Dau. Sarah Hazeltine,
Grandson, Robert Henry Hazeltine,
Executors: Wife, Phebe, Son, Joseph, and Son, Isaac.

No. 613. Will. fol. 74.
Stephen Myers of Clarkstown,
D. Nov. 27, 1848. P. May 12, 1849.
Weak in body,
Wife, Rachel,
Mentions "my children" but does not name them (see executors),
My father, the late George Myers and his wife, Elizabeth,
My wife's fatherm the late Samuel Debaun,
My wife's brother, John Debaun,
Executors: Wife, Rachel, Son, George, and Thomas Tasman

No. 614. Will. fol. 84.
James Smith of Ramapo,
D. Dec. 10, 1848. P. Jun. 11, 1849.
Wife, Elizabeth, whole estate, and Sole Executrix

No. 615. Will. fol. 96.
Cornelius Pulis of Nyack,
D. Jan. 22, 1846. P. Aug. 25, 1849.
Wife, Ann,
My sister's daughter, Effee Allen,
Henry Huffman, son of Marquis Huffman,
Ann, the wife of Marquis Huffman,
My name sake, Cornelius Pulis Huffman,
Executors: Wife, Ann, Marquis Huffman, and Cornelius T. Smith

No. 616. Will. fol. 103.
Abraham Cornelison, Doctor of Medicine, of Clarkstown,
D. Jun. 29, 1844. Codicil D. Dec. 20, 1845. P. Oct. 1, 1849.
Wife, Eliza, present wife,
Son, Erasmus, "as to my poor son, Erasmus, I am unable to leave him enough to be of much service to him, and I therefore leave him to the benevolence of his fellow creatures,"
Dau. Emelin, daughter by my first wife,
Dau. Elmira, daughter by my first wife,
Son, John, child by my second wife,
Son, William, child by my second wife,
Dau. Sarah, child by my second wife,
Son, Alcebiades, child by my second wife,
Dau. Anna, daughter by my third wife,
Executors: Peter Tallman, and John J. Wood.
Codicil: Son William to have son John's share in consideration of son William staying with me and by his industry assisting me in my declining years while I am too infirm and weak to attend to my business,
Appoints John T. Blanch an executor instead of John J. Wood.

No. 617. Will. fol. 115.
Samuel Flewwelling of Nyack,
D. Dec. 7, 1849 (1848 ?). P. Oct. 20, 1849.
Wife, Julia E.,
Executors: William Mackay, and Wife, Julia E.

No. 618. Will. fol. 119.
Arthur John Hagen of Orangetown,
D. Without date but executed Sep. 28, 1849. P. Oct. 20, 1849.
Sister, Sarah Hagen,
Executors: John M. Gahagan, Edward Lunn, [?], and Sister, Sarah Hagen.

No. 619. Will. fol. 123.
Eliza Conklin,
D. Oct. 4, 1849. P. Oct. 29, 1849.
My step-father, Jesse Conklin,
My mother,
Catharine, Sarah, Jane, Henrietta, and Emma, my little sisters,
Executors: Mosses P. Allen, and Uncle, David Ackerman.

No. 620. Will. fol. 129.
Robert R. Robertson of Orangetown,
D. Oct. 3, 1849. P. Nov. 24, 1849.
Wife, Margaret,
Son, Stephen,
Daus., Diana, Caroline, and Madura Augusta, a minor,
Mentions my house in Nyack,
Executors: Henry Hart, and Peter T. Stephens.

No. 621. Will. fol. 134.
Joseph Van Norstrand of Clarkstown,
D. Jun. 12, 1849. P. Nov. 24, 1849.
Sons, Jacob, and Garret,
Daus., Jane, and Catharine,
Executors: Two sons.

No. 622. Will. fol. 141.
Samuel G. Verbryck of Orangetown,
D. Nov. 26, 1845. P. Nov. 24, 1849.
Sons, Samuel, Remsen, John, and James,
Daus., Agness, Jane, Phebe, and Maria,
Children of my daughter Susanna,
Mentions my pew in Tappan Church,
My silver mounted sword, silver table and tea spoons with the tongs, and my blanket or bed sprey with the full name of Helen Verbryck interwoven in it, and the family bible containing the family record, to be divided among the heirs.
Provides for the erection of gravestones "like those I have placed at my wifes grave".
Executors: Sons, Samuel, John, and James.

No. 623. Will. fol. 152.
Thomas Remsen of Clarkstown,
D. Nov. 17, 1849. P. Feb. 2, 1850.
Wife, Martha,
Elizabeth, Isaac, Abraham, Catharine, and James, children by my first wife,
Mary, Ellen, Aaron, and Sarah, children by my second wife,
Executor: James Lydecker.

No. 624. Will. fol. 157.
Samuel G. Johnson of town of Haverstraw,
D. Nov. 9, 1838. Codicil D. Nov. 2, 1847. P. Feb. 5, 1850.
Wife, Hannah,
Son, Walter,
Daus., Eliza, and Phebe,
Executors: Brother, Daniel Johnson, and Son, Walter S. Johnson.
Codicil: Mentions daughter Phebe as the wife of John Felter. Confirms the above two executors and names, Nephew, Erastus Johnson as addition Executor.

No. 625. Will. fol. 169.
John J. Bulson of town of Haverstraw,
D. Jul. 5, 1849. P. Feb. 11, 1850.
Wife, Sarah,
Daus., Hannah, Amelia, Adelia, and Pheebe,
Grandson, John Milton Sherwood son of my daughter Pheebe,
Executors: Wife, Sarah, and Son-in-law, John Nelson Sherwood.

No. 626. Will. fol. 174.
David Fowler of Orangetown,
D. Jun. 18, 1846. P. Feb. 21, 1850.
Wife, Phebe,
Dau. Bridget,
Son-in-law, Jacob Ackerson,
Grandson, David F. son of Jacob Ackerson,
Grand-dau. Ann, daughter of Jacob Ackerson,
Executors: Son-in-law, Jacob Ackerson, and Grandson, David F. Ackerson.

No. 627. Will. fol. 178.
Abraham G. Blauvelt of Orangetown,
D. Aug. 5, 1834. P. Mar. 15, 1850.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, John,
Executors: Wife and son.

No. 628. Will. fol. 184.
John Youry of Ramapo,
D. Sep.9, 1847. P. Apr. 29, 1850.
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, Stephen, to have saw mill,
Son, William, to have grist mill,
Son, Frederick,
Dau. Elizabeth wife of Isaac Debaun,
Daus. Rachel, Martha, Margaret, and Mary,
Grand-dau. Mary, dau. of my son Stephen,
Grandson (great-grandson intended ?) John Jersey, son of my grand-dau. June, dau. of my son John Youry, deceased,
Executors: Son-in-law, John H. Banta, and Frederick Van Orden.

No. 629. Will. fol. 191.
Abraham Parsels of Orangetown,
D. Jan. 24, 1850. P. May 11, 1850.
Sons, Jacob, and Abraham,
Dau. Jemima wife of David Rhodes,
Dau. Eleanor wife of John A. Blauvelt,
Grandson, Henry W. Lammers,
Executors: John T. Blauvelt, James J. Demarest.

No. 630. Will. fol. 198.
Jacob P. Demarest of Clarkstown,
D. Jan. 5, 1836. P. Apr. 22, 1850.
Wife, Betsey,
Son, Abraham J.,
Dau. Sophia wife of Cornelius Haring,
Executors: Son, Abraham J. and Son-in-law, Cornelius Haring.

No. 631. Will. fol. 204.
Rebecca Brower, widow of Abraham Brower, of Clarkstown,
D. Mar. 14, 1840. P. Jun. 1, 1850.
Son, Henry Brower,
Son, Abraham Brower,
Dau. Nancy wife of Moses De Clark,
Dau. Jane wife of Moses Van Ostrand,
Dau. Elizabeth wife of Abraham C. Demarest,
Grand-dau. Catharine Myers to receive the share of my dau. Maria, her mother,
Grand-dau. Eliza Ann, wife of John Felter, to receive the part that her father, Jacob Brower, would have received if living,
Mentions: Part of the farm of the late Uldrich Brower that I purchased of Stephen Stephens and Jane his wife by deed dated Feb. 13, 1806, being 47 1/2 acres in the same proportion as the same has been divided among the heirs by David Pye as by reference to a map made thereof and as the same has been quit-claimed among the heirs.
Executors: Son, Abraham, and son-in-law, Abraham C. Demarest

No. 632. Will. fol. 211.
Sarah Felter, widow of Abraham Felter, of Ramapo,
D. Apr. 14, 1847. P. Jul. 1, 1850.
Son, John Onderdonk,
Son, Garret Onderdonk,
Son, Peter Onderdonk, deceased,
Dau. Williampy widow of Herman Springsteen,
Dau. Elizabeth widow of Peter Youry,
Grand-dau. Sally, dau. Of my son Garret Onderdonk,
Grand-dau. Susan Ann wife of William Osborn,
Grand-dau. Sally wife of William Griswool (child of my son Peter Onderdonk, deceased)
Grandson, Henry Onderdonk, (child of my son Peter Onderdonk, deceased)
Grand-dau. Ann wife of Enoch Carle, (child of my son Peter Onderdonk, deceased)
Grand-dau. Eliza wife of John Thornton, (child of my son Peter Onderdonk, deceased)
Executors: Son, Garret, and Daus. Williampy and Elizabeth.

No. 633. Will. fol. 216.
William H. Rose of the town of Haverstraw,
D. Nov. 27, 1849. P. Jul. 1, 1850.
Wife, Catharine,
Sons, Thomas, William, and Henry,
Sons, Lester, and Peter, two younger children,
Dau. Susan wife of Hiram Knapp,
Dau. Charlotte wife of William Knapp,
Dau. Catharine wife of Harrison Waldron,
Executors: Son, Thomas, and William Knight.

No. 634. Will. fol. 222.
George B. Blauvelt, 38 years of age, of Ramapo,
D. May 9, 1850. P. Jul. 8, 1850.
Wife, Harriet A.,
Sons, John Lewis, Richard, and James,
Dau. Hannah Rebecca,
Mentions: Real estate at Masonicus held as a tenant in common with my brothers, Richard and Aaron Blauvelt,
Executors: Wife, Harriet A., Brother, Aaron Blauvelt, and Leonard Gurnee.

No. 635. Will. fol. 229.
Arthur Johnson of Orangetown,
D. Dec. 14, 1830. P. Jul. 13, 1850.
Wife, Ann,
Executors: John Perry, and Wife, Ann.

No. 636. Will. fol. 238.
Tobias Weiant of Salsberry Island in the town of Haverstraw,
D. Sep. 21, 1848. P. Jul. 22, 1850.
Wife, Catharine,
Sons, John, George, and William,
Executors: Wife, Catharine, and Brother, George Weiant.

No. 637. Will. fol. 243.
Lodowich Carlough of Ramapo,
D. Gfeb. 13, 1847. P. Oct. 21, 1850.
Son. Nicholas,
Dau. Leah, Heirs of
Son, John, Heirs of
Lodowich Osborn,
Executor: Son, Nicholas.

No. 638. Will. fol. 248.
Daniel J. Blauvelt of Orangetown,
D. Dec. 27, 1842. P. Oct. 26, 1850.
Sons, Richard, and John,
Dau. Affey wife of Garret H. Blauvelt,
Dau. Catharine, deceased, (*)
Grand-dau. Elizabeth wife of Isaac I. Vervalen, (dau. of my deceased dau. Catharine)
Grand-dau. Affey wife of James E. Van Antwerp, (dau. of my deceased dau. Catharine)
Executors: Two sons,
Note:- (*) (Catharine Blauvelt married Wm. Nagel.)

No. 639. Will. fol. 255.
Abraham Tallman of Clarkstown,
D. Aug. 13, 1850. P. Nov. 18, 1850.
Sons, Harman N., Abraham F., David, and John - to be supported for life,
Dau. Jane wife of Daniel Onderdonk,
Dau. Catharine wife of George J. Tremper,
Dau. Rebecca Ann Knapp,
Dau. Eliza wife of Edgar Tallman,
Dau. Pamelia wife of William Onderdonk,
Executors: Son, Harman N., and Abraham P. Stephens.

No. 640. Will. fol. 260.
John Hill of Clarkstown,
D. Oct. 30, 1850. P. Dec. 7, 1850.
Weak in body,
Son, John William, eldest son,
Son, George, youngest son,
Dau. Catharine wife of Peter Maunder, eldest daughter, to have house No. 13, Tenth St., New York,
Dau. Miss Caroline Hill, Youngest daughter,
Grandson, William (child of my daughter Catharine)
Grand-dau. Ann, (child of my daughter Catharine)
Grand-dau. Jane Emily, (child of my daughter Catharine)
Grand-dau. Catharine, (child of my daughter Catharine)
Grand-dau, Catharine Hill, dau. of my son John William,
Executors: Son, John William, and Dau. Catharine

No. 641. Will. fol. 267.
Dowah I. Tallman of Clarkstown,
D. Mar. 12, 1847. P. Dec. 21, 1850.
Wife, Margaret,
Dau. Maria wife of Henry R. Stephens, land I purchased of Dominie Coe and also land in Clarkstown, being that part of the farm of the late Tunis Tallman by him quit-claimed to his daughter, my wife.
Grandson, Peter T. Stephens, the farm on which I now reside being part of the farm of my late father, John Tallman, and other lands,
Grand-dau. Margaret Jane wife of James M. Clark, (daughter of my dau. Maria)
Grand-dau. Catharine Maria wife of Christian Debaun, (daughter of my dau. Maria)
Grand-dau. Celia Melissa Stephens, (daughter of my dau. Maria)
Executors: Son-in-law, Henry R. Stephens, and Grandson, Peter T. Stephens.

No. 642. Will. fol. 273.
Abraham A. Johnson of Ramapo,
D. Oct. 25, 1850. P. Dec. 25, 1850.
Wife, Caty,
Sons, Abraham, John, David, and Peter,
Daus., Eliza Ann, and Hannah Sophia,
Executors: Son, John, and Frederick Van Orden.



No. 643. fol. 1.
Andrew Tinkey and Jacob Vanderbilt, of Clarkstown,
Estate of Bridget Vanderbilt, widow, of Clarkstown,
Aug. 1, 1798.

No. 644. fol. 2.
Johannes Bell, farmer, of Orangetown, a brother of the decedent,
Estate of Hendrick W. Bell, weaver, of Orangetown,
Sep. 15, 1798.

No. 645. fol. 3.
John Coleman, merchant, of N. Y. City, as creditor,
Estate of John Baker, weaver, of Clarkstown,
Sep. 24, 1798.

No. 646. fol. 4.
Lewis L. Conklin of Franklin Township, Bergen Co., N.J., turner, a nephew of the decedent, and Levi Sherwood, farmer, of Hempstead, son-in-law of decedent,
Estate of Henry J. Esler, turner, of Hempstead,
Nov. 13, 1798.

No. 647. fol. 5.
Catharine Cure of Clarkstown, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Walter Cure, carpenter,
Mar. 26, 1799.

No. 648. fol. 6.
Sylvenus Tompkins of town of Cortlandt, Westchester Co., N.Y., a brother of the decedent,
Estate of Cornelius Tompkins of Haverstraw,
Mar. 10, 1800.

No. 649. fol. 7.
Lucretia Paul of Clarkstown, widow of decedent,
Estate of Arthur Paul, shoemaker,
Jun. 27, 1800.

No. 650. fol. 8.
Mary Brewster of town of Haverstraw, widow of decedent,
Estate of Jonas Brewster,
Oct. 7, 1800.

No. 651. fol. 9.
Mary Vredenburgh of Clarkstown, widow of decedent,
Estate of John Vredenburgh, cordwainer,
Sep. 9, 1801.

No. 652. fol. 10.
Sarah Tallman of Clarkstown, widow of decedent,
Estate of John H. Tallman, farmer,
Dec. 8, 1801.

No. 653. fol. 11.
Derikje Blauelt of Orangetown, widow of decedent,
Estate of Daniel H. Blauvelt, farmer,
Jan. 18, 1802.

No. 654. fol. 12.
Ohoebe Pullesfelt of Hempstead, widow of decedent,
Estate of John Pullesfelt, farmer,
Jan. 23, 1802.

No. 655. fol. 13.
Hohannes Thiell of town of Haverstraw, farmer, son of decedent,
Estate of Jacob Thiell,
Feb. 11, 1802.

No. 656. fol. 14.
Maria Carlough, widow of the decedent, and George Carlough, son of the decedent, both of Hempstead,
Estate of Nicholas Carlough, farmer,
Mar. 25, 1802.

No. 657. fol. 15.
Elizabeth Youngs of Hempstead, widow of decedent,
Estate of James Youngs, farmer,
Nov. 11, 1802.

No. 658. fol. 16.
Sarah Onderdonk of Hempstead, widow of decedent,
Estate of Thomas Onderdonk, farmer,
Dec. 2, 1802.

No. 659. fol. 17.
Gilbert T. Cooper, carpenter, of Hempstead, son of decedent,
Estate of Theunis Cuyper, farmer,
Feb. 28, 1803.

No. 660. fol. 18.
Eleanor Onderdonk, widow of decedent,nand John Onderdonk, son of decedent, both of Clarkstown,
Estate of Adrian Onderdonk, farmer,
Mar. 9, 1803.

No. 661. fol. 19.
Rachel Van Orden of Clarkstown, widow of decedent,
Estate of John Van Orden, farmer,
Apr. 4, 1803.

No. 662. fol. 20.
Abraham Polhemus, weaver, of Clarkstown, husband of the decedent,
Estate of Hannah Polhemus (former Hannah Smith),
Apr. 20, 1803.

No. 663. fol. 21.
Isaac J. Blauvelt and Abraham J. Blauvelt, of Clarkstown, sons of the decedent,
Estate of Jacobus Blauvelt, with the will annexed,
May 4, 1803.

No. 664. fol. 22.
Elizabeth Sickles, widow of decedent, and William Sickles, father of said Elizabeth Sickles, of Orangetown,
Estate of William N. Sickles, farmer,
Sep. 15, 1803.

No. 665. fol. 23.
Rachel Wandell of town of Haverstraw, widow of decedent,
Estate of John Wandell, mariner,
Oct. 3, 1803.

No. 666. fol. 24.
Dowah D. Tallman, farmer, of Clarkstown, son-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Peter P. Blauvelt, farmer,
Dec. 16, 1803.

No. 667. fol. 25.
Margaret Tenure, spinster, of N. Y. City, a sister of the decedent,
Estate of Maria Tenure, spinster, of Clarkstown,
Mar. 15, 1804.

No. 668. fol. 26.
Martha Montanye of town of Haverstraw, widow of decedent,
Estate of John J. Montanye, iron master,
Apr. 12, 1804,

No. 669. fol. 27.
Darcas Dutcher of Orangetown, widow of decedent,
Estate of Isaac Dutcher, carpenter,
Apr. 21, 1804.

No. 670. fol. 28.
Ann Burns of town of Haverstraw, widow of decedent,
Estate of David Burns, Colonel of Militia,
Aug. 6, 1804.

No. 671. fol. 29.
Jane Tallman of Clarkstown, widow of decedent,
Estate of Harmanus H. Tallman, farmer,
Sep. 27, 1804.

No. 672. fol. 30.
Joseph Dowe and Maria his wife, daughter of decedent, of Warwick, Orange County, N. Y.,
Estate of Johannes De Vries, yeoman, of Clarkstown,
Oct. 6, 1804. With will annexed.

No. 673. fol. 31.
Rachel Post of Hempstead, widow of decedent,
Estate of Peter Post, farmer,
Dec. 1, 1804.

No. 674. fol. 32.
Catharine Waldron of Hempstead, widow of decedent,
Estate of Jacob Waldron, wheelwright,
Dec. 22, 1804.

[See Note #2 under #86]

No. 675. fol. 33.
Ame Emmitt of Hempstead, widow of decedent,
Estate of Teunis Emmitt, labourer,
Dec. 28, 1804.

No. 676. fol. 34.
Catharina Stephens of Clarkstown, widow of decedent,
Estate of William Stephens, blacksmith,
Mar. 29, 1805.

No. 677. fol. 35.
John Johnson, farmer, of town of Haverstraw, son of decedent,
Estate of John Johnson, farmer,
Apr. 10, 1805.

No. 678. fol. 36.
Samuel H. Bush, iron-worker, of Hampstead, son of decedent,
Estate of Henry Bush, farmer,
Nov. 4, 1805.

No. 679. fol. 37.
John Ryder, house carpenter, of N. Y. City, son of decedent,
Estate of Robert Ryder, farmer, of Clarkstown,
Dec. 11, 1805.

No. 680. fol. 38.
Elizabeth Kempe of town of Haverstraw, widow of decedent,
Estate of Thomas Kempe,
Feb. 6, 1806.

No. 681. fol. 39.
Richard Sinnott, labourer, of New York City, nephew of decedent,
Estate of William Ratchford, labourer, of town of Haverstraw,
Sep. 26, 1806.

No. 682. fol. 40.
Elsie Mott of town of Haverstraw, widow of decedent,
Estate of Noah Mott, blacksmith,
Oct. 28, 1806.

No. 683. fol. 41.
Jacob Wandell, miller, of the town of Haverstraw, son-in-law of the decedent,
Jane De Clark, widow,
Apr. 18, 1807.

No. 684. fol. 42.
Jacob Wood, sadler [sic], of Clarkstown,
Estate of Charles Robert Johnson,
Aug. 8, 1807.

No. 685. fol. 43.
Joshua Barker, Esq., of 5th Ward in New York City, who is the guardian of Elizabeth, infant daughter of the decedent,
Estate of Cornelius Gesner,
Jun. 28, 1807.

No. 686. fol. 44.
John I. Degroat, cordwainer, of Hempstead, only son of decedent,
Estate of John Degroat,
Oct, 5, 1807.

No. 687. fol. 45.
James Burges of Hempstead, a creditor of the decedent,
Estate of Henry Litchult,
Nov. 28, 1807.

No. 688. fol. 46.
Margaret Wannamaker of Hempsted, widow of decedent, and Christian Wannamaker of New Jersey, eldest son of decedent,
Estate of Adolphus Wannamaker of Hempstead,
Feb. 9, 1808.

No. 689. fol. 47.
Mary Huff, widow of decedent,
Estate of Gershem Huff of Clarkstown,
Mar. 20, 1808.

No, 690. fol. 48.
Altje Bell of Orangetown, widow of decedent,
Estate of William Bell, cooper,
Apr. 13, 1808.

No. 691. fol. 49.
Abraham S. Stevens, shoemaker, of Clarkstown, husband of the decedent,
Estate of Rachel Stevens (formerly Rachel Vanderbilt),
May 6, 1808.

No. 692. fol. 50.
Martha Burling and Phobe Burling, of Clarkstown, daughters of the decedent,
Estate of Edward Burling of Orangetown,
Feb. 28, 1809.

No. 693. fol. 51.
James Perry, Esq., of Orangetown, son of the decedent,
Estate of John Perry,
Apr. 20, 1809.
From the minutes: The widow of John Perry is dead; James Perry is the only son of John Perry.

No. 694. fol. 52.
Mary Isbester of Orangetown, widow of decedent,
Estate of John Isbester, boatman,
Nov. 25, 1809.

No. 695. fol. 53.
Elizabeth Frederick, widow of decedent,
Estate of Abraham Frederick, yeoman, of Hempstead,
May 14, 1810.

No. 696. fol. 54.
Isaac Fekter, yeoman, of Clarkstown,
Estate of Daniel Van Sickles,
Jul. 23, 1810.

No. 697. fol. 55.
Rachel Gisner, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John Gisner, yeoman, of Orangetown,
Sep. 13, 1810.

No. 698. fol. 56.
John Fitz, brother of the decedent,
Estate of William Fitz, of Orangetown,
Jun. 3, 1811.

No. 699. fol. 57.
Polly Tallman of Orangetown, widow of decedent,
Estate of Tunis Tallman, Jun., miller,
Mar. 1, 1811.
In the inventory of the decedent's personal estate, dated June 13th, 1811, the following item appeared: "Share in the Nyack library, £.2."

No. 700. fol. 58.
Clausye Blauvelt of Orangetown, widow of decedent,
Estate of John I. Blauvelt,
Apr. 19, 1811.

No. 701. fol. 59.
Peter De Wint Smith of Clarkstown,
Estate of Daniel Thew,
Nov. 2, 1811.
In the inventory of the decedent's personal estate, dated Nov. 10, 1811, the following item appears: "Pleasure carriage, $250.00".

No. 702. fol. 60.
Resolvert Stephens of Clarkstown,
Estate of Henry Myers,
Mar. 4, 1812.

No. 703. fol. 61.
Abraham G. Blauvelt of Orangetown,
Estate of Isaac Huffmyer,
Apr. 27, 1812.

No. 704. fol. 62.
James J. Knapp of the town of Haverstraw, son of decedent,
Estate of Jerard Knapp,
May 8, 1812.

No. 705. fol. 63.
Michael Snedeker of Clarkstown,
Estate of Abraham T. Snedeker,
May 8, 1812.

No. 706. fol. 64.
Altgie Blauvelt, widow of the decedent,
Estate of James G. Blauvelt of Orangetown,
May 16, 1812.

No. 707. fol. 64 1/2.
Jacob Wood of Clarkstown,
Estate of William Ascough,
Jul. 11, 1812.

No. 708. fol. 65.
Elizabeth Post, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Abraham Post of the town of Haverstraw,
Jan. 28, 1813.

No. 709. fol. 66.
Abraham Quackenbush, son of decedent,
Estate of Rinear Quackenbush of Hampstead,
Feb. 24, 1813.

No. 710. fol. 67.
Jacob Young of Bergen Co., N. J. and Tunis Young of Rockland Co., N. Y.,
Estate of Henry Young,
Jan. 4, 1813.

No. 711. fol. 68.
David D. Blauvelt, son of the decedent,
Estate of Caterine Blauvelt, widow, of Orangetown,
Mar. 5, 1813.

No. 712. fol. 69.
Mary Smith, widow of decedent, and Frederick Smith, both of Hampstead,
Estate of John F. Smith of Hampstead,
Mar. 16, 1813.

No. 713. fol. 70.
Anny Myers, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Jacob Myers of Clarkstown,
Mar. 27, 1813.

No. 714. fol. 71.
Charity Serven, widow of decedent, and James E. Serven, son of decedent,
Estate of Henry Serven of Hampstead,
Jul. 20, 1813.

No. 715. fol. 72.
Mary Loveles, widow of decedent,
Estate of Daniel Loveles of the town of Haverstraw,
Jul. 23, 1813.

No. 716. fol. 73.
Nicholas Williamson, son of the decedent,
Estate of Jeremiah Williamson of Clarkstown,
Jul. 30, 1813.

No. 717. fol. 74.
Benjamin Yeomans of the town of Haverstraw, father of the decedent,
Estate of William Yeomans of the town of Haverstraw,
Aug. 30, 1813.

No. 718. fol. 75.
John Jersey of Hampstead and Peter D. Jersey of Harrington, N. J.,
Estate of Ann Jersey,
Mar. 21, 1814.

No. 719. fol. 76.
Elizabeth Travers, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Joseph Travers of town of Haverstraw,
Jul. 4, 1814.

No. 720. fol. 77.
Ann Wannamaker, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Richard Wannamaker of Hampstead,
Dec. 8, 1814.

No. 721. fol. 78.
Hellitye Deronde, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Henry Deronde of Hampstead,
Jan. 18, 1815.

No. 722. fol. 79.
Henry Macmurtery of Orange County,
Estate of James Macmurtery,
Jan. 25, 1815.

No. 723. fol. 80.
Charity Felter, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Johannes Felter of Clarkstown,
Feb. 15, 1815.

No. 724. fol. 81.
Elizabeth Polhemus, widow of the decedent, and Peter D. W. Smith of Clarkstown,
Estate of Theodorus Polhemus,
Mar. 3, 1815.

No. 725. fol. 82.
Nathen Yeomans, father of the decedent,
Estate of William Yeomans of the town of Haverstraw.
Apr. 3, 1815.

No. 726. fol. 83.
Moricha Baker, daughter of the decedent,
Estate of John I. Vanderbelt of Clarkstown,
May 19, 1815.

No. 727. fol. 84.
Ann Taulman widow of the decedent,
Estate of Isaac Taulman of Orangetown.
Jun. 1, 1815.

No. 728. fol. 85.
Cornelius I. Blauvelt of Orangetown,
Estate of Everet Hogenkamp.
Sep. 28, 1815.

No. 729. fol. 86.
Mary Johnson widow of the decedent,
Estate of Abraham Johnson of Hampstead.
Oct. 3, 1815.

No. 730. fol. 87.
Frederick Yeury of Hampstead,
Estate of Gilbert Cooper.
Oct. 23, 1815.

No. 731. fol. 88.
Cornelius I. Blauvelt of Orangetown,
Estate of Matthew Snyder.
Feb. 17, 1816.

No. 732. fol. 89.
Sarah Elsworth, widow of the decedent, and John W. Hinton of N. Y. City,
Estate of John W. Elsworth.
May 30, 1816.

No. 733. fol. 90.
Samuel Smith, Esq., of town of Haverstraw, husband of the decedent,
Estate of Mary Scott Smith.
Jun. 4, 1816.

No. 734. fol. 91.
John Ryder, father of the decedent,
Estate of David Ryder of Clarkstown.
Jul. 30, 1816

No. 735. fol. 92.
Tunis Smith of Orangetown,
Estate of Silvester Hayford.
Aug. 8, 1816

No. 736. fol. 93.
Charlote Coe, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John Coe, Jr., of Hampstead.
Aug. 28, 1816

No. 737. fol. 94.
Jane Felter, widow of the decedent, and Peter D. W. Smith, Esq.,
Estate of John Felter.
Aug. 30, 1816

No. 738. fol. 95.
Duplication of No. 734, folio 91.

No. 739. fol. 96.
Abner Mosher, father of the decedent,
Estate of Evie Mosher of Rockland County.
Dec. 21, 1817

No. 740. fol. 97.
John Storms and Garret Hanion, both of Clarkstown,
Estate of Lambert I. Smith.
Feb. 27, 1817

No. 741. fol. 98.
Edward Smith of Clarkstown,
Estate of Jonas Jones.
Mar. 8, 1817

No. 742. fol. 99.
Margaret Green, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Jonas Green of Clarkstown.
Jul. 17, 1817

No. 743. fol. 100.
Sarah Lawrence, widow of the decedent, and Isaac Lyon,
Estate of Thomas Lawrence of Hampstead.
Aug. 22, 1817

No. 744. fol. 101.
Abraham G. Blauvelt of Orangetown,
Estate of Isaac Blauvelt.
Aug. 22, 1817

No. 745. fol. 102.
Jane Myers, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Daniel Myers of Hampstead.
Oct. 6, 1817

No. 746. fol. 103.
William H. Rolston of N. Y. City,
Estate of John H. Rolston.
Jan. 12, 1818

No. 747. fol. 104.
Effey Taulman widow of the decedent,
Estate of Tunis T. Taulman of Orangetown.
Feb. 7, 1818

No. 748. fol. 105.
John Smith of Clarkstown,
Estate of Isaac Onderdonk.
Feb. 25, 1818

No. 749. fol. 106.
David Hemmion of Hampstead,
Estate of Stephen Hemmion.
Feb. 28, 1818

No. 750. fol. 107.
Polly Coe, widoe of the decedent,
Estate of John W. Coe of Hampstead.
Aug. 1, 1818

No. 751. fol. 108.
Jacob I. Cooper, son of the decedent,
Estate of Jacob Cooper of Hampstead.
Feb. 11, 1819

No. 752. fol. 109.
Elizabeth Smith, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Adolphus Lt. Smith of Orangetown.
Dec. 9, 1818

No. 753. fol. 110.
Mary Forshe, widow of the decedent, and Jonas Forshe,
Estate of Samuel Forshe of Hampstead.
May 12, 1819

No. 754. fol. 111.
Abraham Ramson, Aury Sarven and James Ramson, children of the decedent,
Estate of Aurt Ramson of Clarkstown.
Jun. 16, 1819

No. 755. fol. 112.
John Suffern, Esq., father of the decedent,
Estate of George Suffern of the town of Haverstraw.
Jul. 16, 1819

No. 756. fol. 113.
Samuel Brewster, father of he decedent,
Estate of William H. Brewster of the town of Haverstraw.
Oct. 22, 1819

No. 757. fol. 114.
Benjamin Coe, husband of the decedent,
Estate of Sarah Coe of the town of Haverstraw.
Nov. 4, 1819

No. 758. fol. 115.
Benjamin Coe, Jr., half-brother of the decedent,
Estate of Sarah Mynders Coe of the town of Haverstraw.
Nov. 4, 1819

No. 759. fol. 116.
Joseph E. Jones, son of the decedent,
Estate of Edward Jones of Clarkstown.
Nov. 5, 1819

No. 760. fol. 117.
David Pye, wheelwright, of Clarkstown, step-brother of the decedent,
Estate of Isaac Pye, gentleman, of Clarkstown.
Jul. 1, 1820

No. 761. fol. 118.
David Pye, wheelwright, of Clarkstown, step-son of the decedent,
Estate of Catharine Pye, widow, of Clarkstown.
Jul. 27, 1820

No. 762. fol. 119.
Cornelius I. Blauvelt, Peter Stephens and Teunis I. Tallman, creditors of the decedent,
Estate of Abraham Tallman of Clarkstown.
Dec. 21, 1820

No. 753. fol. 120.
Morris Bartow, son-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Jane Mabie of Orangetown.
Feb. 12, 1821

No. 764. fol. 121.
Catharine Cornelison, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Michael Cornelison of Clarkstown.
Feb. 26, 1821



No. 765. fol. 1.
Peter De Noyelles, Esq., of the town of Haverstraw,
Estate of Michael Trout.
Oct. 3, 1821

No. 766. fol. 2.
Elizabeth Blauvelt, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Dowah Blauvelt of Clarkstown.
Nov. 28, 1821

No. 767. fol. 3.
David Fox, farmer, of Franklin Township, Bergen Co., N. J., brother of the decedent,
Estate of Stephen Fox of Hampstead.
Nov. 21, 1821

No. 768. fol. 4.
Cornelis Brigs, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John Brigs, boatman, of Orangetown.
Jan. 2, 1822.

Folio 5 is missing.

No. 769. fol. 6.
Elizabeth Furman, widow of the decedent,
Estate of William Furman, farmer, of Hampstead.
May 4, 1822

No. 770. fol. 7.
Abraham Hogencamp, creditor of the decedent,
Estate of Nicholas Stevens of Clarkstown.
Jun. 11, 1822

No. 771. fol. 8.
Permelia Wiant, widow of the decedent,
Estate of William Wiant, farmer, of the town of Haverstraw.
Jul. 5, 1822

No. 772. fol. 9.
Elizabeth Frederick, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John A. Frederick, farmer, of Hampstead.
Jul. 23, 1822

No. 773. fol. 10.
Zebedee Wood, Esq., of Hampstead, son of the decedent,
Estate of Clement Wood of Clarkstown.
Nov. 2, 1822

No. 774. fol. 11.
Hetty K. Bush, residing in Rockland Co., widow of decedent,
Estate of John K. Bush, who lived in Rockland Co. with his family, enlisted there in the U. S. service and died at Sacket's Harbor.
Oct. 30, 1822

No. 775. fol. 12.
Elizabeth Allison, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Robert Allison, farmer, of the town of Haverstraw.
Dec. 9, 1822

Folio 12 blank.

No. 776. fol. 14.
Isaac B. Van Houten and Abraham Hogencamp, creditors of the decedent,
Estate of John Depew of Clarkstown.
Dec. 16, 1822

No. 777. fol. 15.
Henry Stephens, son-in-law of the decedent, and Abraham C. Blauvelt, a friend of the decedent,
Estate of Jacob De Clark of Clarkstown.
Mar. 15, 1823

No. 778. fol. 16.
Harmen Perry and William Perry,
Estate of George Smith of the Hook, near Nyack, in Clarkstown.
Apr. 15, 1823

No. 779. fol. 17.
Edward Smith, neighbor of the decedent, farmer,
Estate of John Cox (an old Revolutionary soldier now on the Pension Roll of the U. S.) of Clarkstown.
Jun. 2, 1823

No. 780. fol. 18.
Daniel I. Haring,
Estate of Seba Bogerd, who was taken sick at Harlem Heights while in the service of the U. S. and died at Orangetown.
Dec. 20, 1823

No. 781. fol. 19.
Abra'm, D. Vervalen, tanner and currier,
Estate of Daniel D. Vervalen of Orangetown.
Jun.4,182(3?) or 1824

No. 782. fol. 20.
Nicholas L. Haring, neighbor of the decedent,
Estate of Isaac Forshee of Hampstead.
Sep. 18, 1824

No. 783. fol. 21.
Rynard House of Goshen, N. Y.,
Estate of Joseph Jones of Clarkstown.
Nov. 4, 1824

No. 784. fol. 22.
John W. Richardson,
Estate of Elizabeth Ferris of the town of Haverstraw.
Feb. 10, 1825

No. 785. fol. 23.
Isaac Vanderbelt and Resolvert I. Van Houten,
Estate of Catharine De Clark of Clarkstown.
Dec. 24, 1824

No. 786. fol. 24.
John Quackenbush,
Catharine Waldern, widow, of Hempstead.
Mar. 14, 1825

No. 787. fol. 25.
Elizabeth Coe, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Doctor Jessee Coe.
Apr. 22, 1825

No. 788. fol. 26.
Elizabeth Wilson, widow of the decedent,
Estate of James Wilson of Orangetown.
Aug. 11, 1825

No. 789. fol. 27.
Robert De Noyelles,
Estate of Simion Low of the town of Haverstraw.
Aug. 27, 1825

No. 790. fol. 28.
John J. Perry, creditor of the decedent,
Estate of David Acker of Orangetown.
Oct. 29, 1825

No. 791. fol. 29.
Albert P. Duryea,
Estate of Peter Duryea of Hampstead.
Dec. 19, 1825

No. 792. fol. 30.
John J. Suffern and Peter Coe, neighbors and creditors of decedent,
Estate of James Townsend of the town of Haverstraw.
Feb. 17, 1826

No. 793. fol. 31.
Mary Beal, widow of the decedent,
Estate of George Beal of Orangetown.
Apr. 21, 1826

No. 794. fol. 32.
Tunis C. Blauvelt,
Estate of Joseph C. Blauvelt of Orangetown.
May 25, 1826

No. 795. fol. 33.
Catherine Baker, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Coonrad Baker of Hampstead.
Aug. 2, 1826

No. 796. fol. 34.
William Sickles, neighbor of the decedent,
Estate of Benjamin Cooper of Orangetown.
Nov. 29, 1826

No. 797. fol. 35.
Edward Straut,
Estate of Jacob Straut of Hampstead.
Dec. 26, 1826

No. 798. fol. 36.
Harmen Tremper, son-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Tunis Bell, who, it appears, has been absent from Rockland County and has not been heard of since the year 1816 and has a family residing in the county and who is supposed to be dead.
Oct. 6, 1826

No. 799. fol. 37.
Peter P. Stephens of Clarkstown,
Estate of Maricha Baker of Clarkstown, who in her last will named as executors of her estate, James Demarest and Jacob De Clark. Said executors having renounced their right the surrogate granted letters of administration as above with the will annexed.
Apr. 25, 1827

No. 800. fol. 38.
John R. Blauvelt and Richard R. Blauvelt, sons of the decedent,
Estate of Richard Blauvelt, Esq., of Orangetown.
Sep. 27, 1827

No. 801. fol. 39.
Susanna Post, widow of the decedent,
Estate of George C. Post of Orangetown, who in his last will named as executors of his estate, Jacob Post, Garret Tallman and Peter Smith. Said executors having renounced their right the surrogate granted letters of administration as above with the will annexed.
Nov. 15, 1827

No. 802. fol. 40.
Daniel Johnson,
Estate of Gilbert Johnson of Hampstead.
Nov. 21, 1827

No. 803. fol. 40.1/2.
Ann Onderdonck, widow of the decedent,
Estate of James Onderdonk of the town of Haverstraw.
Sep. 11, 1828

No. 804. fol. 41.
Sarah Hay, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Thomas Hay of the town of Haverstraw.
May 23, 1829

No. 805. fol. 42.
Bernard Forshee, brother and creditor of decedent,
Estate of William Forshee of Philadelphia.
Jun. 8, 1829

No. 806. fol. 43.
Maria Burroughs of the town of Haverstraw, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Ezekiel Burroughs of the same place.
Oct. 7, 1829

No. 807. fol. 45. [sic]
Ralph Westervelt, oldest son of the decedent,
Estate of Albert Westervelt of Hampstead.
Dec. 29, 1829

No. 808. fol. 44. [sic]
William Stammers of the town of Haverstraw, brother-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Charles Little of the same place.
Oct. 12, 1829



No. 809. fol. 1.
Margaret Van Kleek, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John L. Van Kleek, Jr., of Orangetown.
Mar. 29, 1830

No. 810. fol. 2.
Hannah Dator, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Abraham Dator of Ramapo.
Aug. 30, 1830

No. 811. fol. 3.
Henry Snyder, brother of the decedent,
Estate of Catharine Suffern of Ramapo.
Sep. 22, 1830

No. 812. fol. 4.
Elizabeth Blanch, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Thomas R. Blanch of Orangetown.
Oct. 30, 1830

No. 813. fol. 5.
Sally Call, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Nicholas Call, Jr., of the town of Haverstraw.
Apr. 11, 1831

No. 814. fol. 6.
Lemuel June, son-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Catharine Allison of the town of Haverstraw.
Jun. 1, 1831

No. 815. fol. 7.
Rebecca Marks, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Jacob Marks of the town of Haverstraw.
Jul. 4, 1831

No. 816. fol. 8.
Abraham D. Ackerman of Clarkstown and Cornelius Ackerman of Orangetown, sons of decedent,
Estate of David Ackerman of the town of Haverstraw.
Aug. 22, 1831

No. 817. fol. 9.
Arthur Johnson, guardian of Cornelius M. Blanch, a minor, son of the decedent, and Richard Blanch,
Estate of Thomas R. Blanch of Orangetown.
Sep. 17, 1831

No. 818. fol. 10.
Ann P. Cole, widow of the decedent and John Cole, father of the decedent,
Estate of Isaac J. Cole of Orangetown.
Dec. 14, 1831

No. 819. fol. 11.
John Is. Harring and Cornelius I. Harring, sons of the decedent,
Estate of Isaac Harring of Orangetown.
Dec. 29, 1831

No. 820. fol. 12.
Charlott Gurnee, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Matthew Gurnee of Orangetown.
Jan. 6, 1832

No. 821. fol. 13.
Jeremiah Williamson and Garret Williamson, sons of the decedent,
Estate of Nicholas Williamson of Clarkstown.
Feb. 7, 1832

No. 822. fol. 14.
John Manning, brother-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Ann Briggs of Orangetown.
Apr. 24, 1832

No. 823. fol. 15.
Abigail Hauptmen, widow of the decedent,
Estate of George Hauptman.
May 9, 1832

No. 824. fol. 16.
Mary Snediker, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Michael Snediker of Clarkstown.
May 24, 1832

No. 825. fol. 17.
Jacob Paul, son-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Elizabeth Trumper of Orangetown.
May 31, 1832

No. 826. fol. 18.
John Crum, Jr., son of the decedent,
Estate of John Crum of the town of Haverstraw.
Aug. 21, 1832

No. 827. fol. 19.
Daniel H. Blauvelt, father-in-law of the decedent and Samuel A. Vervalen, son of the decedent,
Estate of Abraham S. Vervalen of Clarkstown.
Aug. 28, 1832

No. 828. fol. 20.
Peter Turner and Robert Herbert, father of the decedent,
Estate of Robert Herbert, Jr., of the town of Haverstraw.
Aug. 30, 1832

No. 829. fol. 21.
Peter D. Demarest, son of the decedent,
Estate of David B. Demarest of New York City.
Sep. 17, 1832

No. 830. fol. 22.
Caroline Dixon, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John Dixon of Orangetown.
Nov. 12, 1832

No. 831. fol. 23.
John Jacox of New York City, brother of the decedent,
Estate of James Jacox of Orangetown.
Dec. 11, 1832

No. 832. fol. 24.
William Phillips of Phillipsburgh in Orange Co. and Catherine Wiggons, widow of the decedent,
Estate of William H. Wiggons of Ramapo.
Feb. 14, 1833

No. 833. fol. 25.
Jane Conklin, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Henry H. Conklin of Ramapo.
Feb. 14, 1833

No. 834. fol. 26.
Peter Tallman, son of the decedent, and James J. Vanderbilt, son-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Dowah D. Tallman of Clarkstown.
Mar. 15, 1833

No. 835. fol. 27.
Margaret Mabie, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Peter Mabie of Orangetown.
Mar. 19, 1833

No. 836. fol. 28.
Richard Osborn, son of the decedent,
Estate of James Osborn of Haverstraw township.
May 4, 1833

No. 837. fol. 29.
Elizabeth Maysinger, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Lewis Maysinger of Ramapo.
May 20, 1833

No. 838. fol. 30.
Lovina Osborn, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Henry Osborn of the town of Haverstraw.
Jun. 26, 1833

No. 839. fol. 31.
Abraham P. Stephens of Clarkstown and Laney Youmans, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Samuel Youmens of Clarkstown.
Dec. 16, 1833

No. 840. fol. 32.
Abraham June, son of the decedent,
Estate of Baxter June of the town of Haverstraw.
Dec. 21, 1833

No. 841. fol. 33.
John Howard and William Howard, sons of the decedent,
Estate of Thomas Howard of Clarkstown.
Jan. 2, 1834

No. 842. fol. 34.
John Stagg of Clarkstown, and Williminer Smith, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John T. Smith of the town of Haverstraw.
Jan. 9, 1834

No. 843. fol. 35.
John Stagg of Clarkstown and Elizabeth Van Buskirk, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Andrew Van Buskirk of the town of Haverstraw.
Feb. 13, 1834

No. 844. fol. 36.
John J. Coe of Ramapo, son of the decedent,
Estate of John S. Coe of Ramapo.
Apr. 2, 1834

No. 845. fol. 37.
John Myers of New York City, son of the decedent,
Estate of Ann Myers, widow of Jacobs Myers, of Clarkstown.
Apr. 14, 1834

No. 846. fol. 38.
Harman Lydecker, son of the decedent,
Estate of Albert Lydecker of Clarkstown.
Jul. 10, 1834

No. 847. fol. 39.
Mary Johnson, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Thomas Johnson of the town of Haverstraw.
Aug. 26, 1834

No. 848. fol. 40.
Isaac Martine, father-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Isaac Tenyck of Ramapo.
Sep. 2, 1834

No. 849. fol. 41.
Edward Taylor of Ramapo and Abraham P. Stephens of Clarkstown, and Charity Huff of Monmouth Co., N. J., daughter of the decedent,
Estate of William Campbell of Clarkstown.
Sep. 20, 1834

No. 850. fol. 42.
John D. Jones, creditor of the decedent,
Estate of Dayton Williams of the town of Haverstraw.
Nov. 21, 1834

No. 851. fol. 43.
Thomas Gilchrest and William Gilchrest, sons of the decedent,
Estate of Samuel Gilchrest of Clarkstown.
Mar, 30, 1835

No. 852. fol. 44.
Lavina Goetschius, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Henry Goetschius of the town of Haverstraw.
Apr. 30, 1835

No.853. fol. 45.
Peter Forshee of Harington Township, Bergen Co., N. J., and Maria Demarest, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Peter D. Demarest of Ramapo.
May 1, 1836

No. 854. fol. 46.
Abigail Blauvelt, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Richard Blauvelt of Ramapo.
May 16, 1834. (1835 ?)

No. 855. fol. 47.
Sarah Osborn, widow of the decedent,
Estate of William Osborn of Ramapo.
Oct. 5, 1835

No. 856. fol. 48.
Sarah Parkerson, mother of the decedent,
Estate of Phebe Coe of the town of Haverstraw.
Feb. 19, 1836

No. 857. fol. 49.
Martha De Noyelles, widow of the decedent, and Lawrence De Noyelles, brother of the decedent,
Estate of Daniel De Noyelles of the town of Haverstraw.
Aug. 17, 1836

No. 858. fol. 50.
Thaddeus Sellick of the town of Haverstraw, and Mary Keane, widow of the decedent,
Estate of William Keane of the same place.
Sep. 28, 1836

No. 859. fol. 51.
Garret Snediker, father of the decedent,
Estate of Halsey Snediker of Clarkstown.
Oct. 22, 1836

No. 860. fol. 52.
Isaac B. Van Houten, creditor of the decedent,
Estate of John Stagg of Clarkstown.
Apr. 4, 1837

No. 861. fol. 53.
Amzi Coe of Ramapo and Epenetus Junes of Ramapo, brother of the decedent,
Estate of Zephaniah Jones of Ramapo.
May 9, 1837

No. 862. fol. 54.
Alexander H. Wells and Sarah E. Beecher, widow of decedent,
Estate of Henry Beecher of the town of Haverstraw.
May 30, 1837

No. 863. fol. 55.
Isaac G. Blauvelt, son of the decedent,
Estate of Garret Is. Blauvelt of Orangetown.
Jun. 28, 1837

No. 864. fol. 56.
Cornelius Seaman, father of, and guardian for the minor children of the decedent,
Estate of Cornelius C. Seaman of Clarkstown.
Sep. 7, 1837

No. 865. fol. 57.
Abraham Sears, son of the decedent,
Estate of Francis Sears of the town of Haverstraw.
Oct. 7, 1837

No. 866. fol. 58.
James Graham, son of the decedent,
Estate of Margaret Post of Orangetown.
Nov. 13, 1837

No. 867. fol. 59.
Adrian Onderdonk, brother of the decedent and Abraham D. Smith, son of the decedent,
Estate of Sarah Smith of Orangetown.
Nov. 20, 1837

No. 868. fol. 60.
Thomas Smith and Isaac Blauvelt, sons-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Richard R. Blauvelt of Orangetown.
Feb. 9, 1838

No. 869. fol. 61.
John T. Blanch of Clarkstown and Caty Blauvelt, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Jacob Blauvelt of Clarkstown.
Apr. 9, 1838

No. 870. fol. 62.
Mary Beal, mother of the decedent,
Estate of James S. Bogert of Orangetown.
Jun. 2, 1838

No. 871. fol. 63.
William Johnson and George Jones, sons-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of James Stevens of Clarkstown.
Sep. 1, 1838

No. 872. fol. 64.
Abraham D. Vervalen of Orangetown and Mary Vervalen, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Garret Vervalen of Orangetown.
Oct. 2, 1838

No. 873. fol. 65.
Jacob Springsted, son of the decedent,
Estate of David Springsted of the town of Haverstraw.
Oct. 4, 1838

No. 874. fol. 66.
Benjamin Blackledge of Orangetown and Bridget Appleby, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Elnathan Appleby of Clarkstown.
Jun. 18, 1839.

No. 875. fol. 67.
Abraham P. Scudder of Hoboken, N. J. and Sarah Pennoyer, children and next of kin of the decedent,
Estate of Elizabeth Scudder Smith of Orangetown.
Jul. 29, 1839.

No. 876. fol. 68.
Peter R. Van Houten, James Taylor of Ramapo and Henry Van Houten of N.Y. City, brother and next of kin of the decedent,
Estate of Claus Van Houten of Ramapo.
Sep. 21, 1839.

No. 877. fol. 69.
Willaminer Barlow of the town of Haverstraw, widow of the decedent,
Estate of William Barlow, Jr., of Easton, Mass.
Nov. 7, 1839.

No. 878. fol. 70.
David P. Demarest and Peter T. Stephens, son and son-in-law of the decedent, both of Clarkstown,
Estate of Peter Demarest, Jr., of Clarkstown.
Nov. 14, 1839.

No. 879. fol. 71.
Adelia Ann Gurnee of the town of Haverstraw, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Matthew Gurnee of the same place.
Mar. 31, 1840.

No. 880. fol. 72.
Peter A. Smith, the husband of Sarah, daughter of the decedent,
Estate of James Graham of Orangetown.
Aug. 7, 1840.

No. 881. fol. 73.
Catharine Conklin of Orangetown, widow of the decedent,
Estate of George Conklin of Orangetown.
Aug. 17, 1840

No. 882. fol. 74.
Amelia Pennoyer of N. Y. City, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Thomas Pennoyer of Orangetown.
Sep. 2, 1840

No. 883. fol. 75.
Charity S. Tallman of Orangetown, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John Tallman of Orangetown.
Sep. 22, 1840

No. 884. fol. 76.
Elizabeth Penny of the town of Haverstraw, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Joseph Penny of the same place.
Sep. 28, 1840

No. 885. (See No. 942) fol. 77.
Abraham Hogenkamp, country treasurer of Rockland Co., who is by virtue of his office entitled to Letters of Administration on the personal estate of the decedent,
Estate of Michael Cotrial of Ramapo.
Dec. 31, 1840

No. 886. fol. 78.
Tunis I. Haring of Harington, Bergen Co., N. J., John I. Van Buskirk of Hackensack, N. J., and David D. Blauvelt and Jacob I. Blauvelt of Orangetown, sons-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Peter Perry of Harrington, whose will was admitted to probate in Bergen Co., N. J.
Feb. 23, 1841

No. 887. fol. 79.
John Garrison of Haverstraw township, brother-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Jacob Parkinson of Haverstraw township.
May 15, 1841

No. 888. fol. 80.
William Mc Caulley of the town of Haverstraw, eldest son of the decedent,
Estate of Daniel Mc Caulley of the same place.
Jul. 2, 1841

No. 889. fol. 81.
William Ferdon of Orangetown, eldest son of the decedent,
Estate of John W. Ferdon of Harrington, Bergen Co., N. J., whose will was probated in Bergen County.
Jul. 30, 1841

No. 890. fol. 82.
Charles Chapple of Nyack, creditor of the decedent,
Estate of Thomas Collier of Nyack.
Aug. 7, 1841

No. 891. fol. 83.
Cornelius Goetchius of Ramapo, brother of the decedent,
Estate of Matthew Goetchius of Orangetown.
Sep. 2, 1841

No. 892. fol. 84.
Rachel Smith of Clarkstown, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John Eli Smith of the same place.
Sep. 13, 1841

No. 893. fol. 85.
Margery Hudson of Orangetown, widow of the decedent,
Estate of James Hudson of the same place.
Oct. 7, 1841

No. 894. fol. 86.
William Waring of Clarkstown, son of the decedent,
Estate of Solomon Waring of the same palce.
Oct, 29, 1841

No. 895. fol. 87.
Elizabeth Teresa Felter of Orangetown, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Edward Felter of Orangetown.
Dec. 20, 1841

No. 896. fol. 88.
Hiram Kilpatrick of the town of Haverstraw, son of the decedent,
Estate of James Kilpatrick of the same place.
Jan. 28, 1842

No. 897. fol. 89.
Rose Sheridein of Orangetown, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Edward Sheridein of the same place.
Mar. 1, 1842

No. 898. fol. 90.
Thomas Norton of Clarkstown, nephew of the decedent,
Estate of Ebanezer Norton of Clarkstown.
Mar. 21, 1842

No. 899. fol. 91.
John E. Hogencamp and Abraham Dow. Blauvelt, son and son-in-law of the decedent, both of Clarkstown,
Estate of Dowah D. Blauvelt
Apr. 15, 1842

No. 900. fol. 92.
Peter A. Smith of Orangetown, brother-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of William Graham of the same place.
Apr. 26, 1842

No. 901. fol. 93.
Cornelius I. Blauvelt, son-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of John G. Blauvelt of Orangetown.
Jun. 4, 1842

No. 902. fol. 94.
Catharine Wanamaker, widow of the decedent and John D. Quackinbush, son of the decedent,
Estate of David Quackinbush of Ramapo
(Not dated and not signed by the surrogate.)

No. 903. fol. 95.
John Wannamaker of Ramapo, nephew of the decdent.
Estate of Sarah Wannamaker of Ramapo.
Sep. 10, 1842

No. 904. fol. 96.
John Wannamaker and Lawrence Wannamaker, both of Ramapo, nephews of the decedent,
Estate of James Wannamaker of Ramapo.
Sep. 10, 1842

No. 905. fol. 97.
John D. Quackinbush, son of the decedent, and Herman Goetchius, friend of the decedent,
Estate of David Quackinbush of Ramapo.
Nov. 7, 1842

No. 906. fol. 98.
Abraham, Benjamin and Joseph Cosgrove, sons of the decedent,
Estate of Christopher Cosgrove of the town of Haverstraw.
Nov. 21, 1842

No. 907. fol. 99.
Jacob I. Ackerson, son of the decedent,
Estate of Jacob C. Ackerson of Orangetown.
Dec. 26, 1842

No. 908. fol. 100.
Barney Huyler, son-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Rachel Blauvelt of Orangetown.
Feb. 16, 1843

No. 909. fol. 101.
Henry A. Snyder, son of the decedent,
Estate of Maria Snyder of Clarkstown.
Apr. 24, 1843

No. 910. fol. 102.
John D. Anderson, son of the decedent, and John Perry, friend of the decedent,
Estate of Daniel Anderson of Orangetown.
Apr. 26, 1843

No. 911. fol. 103.
Benjamin Secor, son of the decedent,
Estate of John B. Secor of Ramapo.
Jun. 12, 1843

No. 912. fol. 104.
Fanny Runyan of the town of Haverstraw, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Henry R. Runyan of the same place.
Jun. 24, 1843

No. 913. fol. 105.
Leonard I. Secor, creditor of the decedent,
Estate of Nathan Youmans of the town of Haverstraw.
Jun. 26, 1843

No. 914. fol. 106.
Tunis M. Snedeker of Clarkstown,
Estate of Garret Snedeker of Clarkstown.
Oct. 4, 1843

No. 915. fol. 107.
John T. and James P. Blauvelt, sons of the decedent,
Estate of Tunis Blauvelt of Orangetown.
Oct. 16, 1843

No. 916. fol. 108.
John Demott, son-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of John I. Blauvelt of Orangetown.
Nov. 22, 1843

No. 917. fol. 109.
Catherine Van Houten of Clarkstown, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Jacob I. Van Houten of Clarkstown.
Mar. 6, 1844

No. 918. fol. 110.
Joseph P. Brower of Clarkstown, son of the decedent,
Estate of Sarah Brower of Orangetown.
Mar. 11, 1844

No. 919. fol. 111.
Peter Hopper, Jr., of Clarkstown, son of the decedent,
Estate of Delila Hopper of the town of Haverstraw.
Apr. 16, 1844

No. 920. fol. 112.
David D. Blauvelt, James P. Bkauvelt and Cornelius I. Smith, all of Orangetown, executors of the will of the decedent, said will having been probated in Bergen Co., N.J.,
Estate of Joseph G. Blauvelt of the town of Washington, Bergen Co., N.J.
May 23, 1844

No. 921. fol. 113.
Margaret Sarvent of Clarkstown, widow of the decedent,
Estate of William Sarvent of Clarkstown.
Aug, 12, 1844

No. 922. fol. 114.
Martha Servant, widow of the decedent, and James I. Demarest, friend of the decedent, of Orangetown,
Estate of Abraham A. Servent of Clarkstown.
Oct. 14, 1844

No. 923. fol. 115.
Henry and Lawrence Wanamaker, of Ramapo, sons of the decedent,
Estate of Abraham Wanamaker of Ramapo.
Feb. 24, 1845

No. 924. fol. 116
John I. Forshee and John R. Smith, of Ramapo, brother and brother-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Peter Forshay of the town of Haverstraw.
Mar. 6, 1845

No. 925. fol. 117
Margaret Myers of Orangetown, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John Myers of Orangetown.
Mar. 24, 1845

No. 926. fol. 118.
Rachel Grawvestine, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Benjamin Grawvestine of Orangetown.
Mar. 25, 1845

No. 927. fol. 119.
Phebe Jones, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Isaac Jones of Clarkstown.
Apr. 2, 1845

No. 928. fol. 120.
Richard, Peter and Harman Gerow, sons of the decedent,
Estate of Isaac Gerow of Clarkstown.
Apr. 3, 1845

No. 929. fol. 121.
Elizabeth Carlough, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John L. Carlough of Ramapo.
Apr. 7, 1845

No. 930. fol. 122.
Sophia Lydecker, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Cornelius A. Lydecker of Piermont.
May 2, 1845

No. 931. fol. 123.
Joseph R. Bleecker, son of the decedent,
Estate of Elizabeth Bleecker of the town of Haverstraw.
May 9, 1845

No. 932. fol. 124.
John and Henry Baker, sons of the decedent,
Estate of Catharine Baker of Ramapo.
May 13, 1845

No. 933. fol. 125.
Maria Hynes, of Orangetown, widow of the decedent, and Abraham T. Smith of Orangetown,
Estate of Martin Hynes.
Jun. 26, 1845

No. 934. fol. 126.
Bradford S. Seymour of Piermont,
Estate of Samuel S. Jessup of Orangetown.
Aug. 25, 1845.

No. 935. fol. 127.
James A. Hopson of Orangetown, creditor of the decedent,
Estate of Sarah Pennoyer of Orangetown.
Nov. 6, 1845

No. 936. fol. 128.
Jacob Tenyck of the town of Haverstraw, brother-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Daniel Allison of the same place.
Apr. 10, 1846.

No. 937. fol. 129.
John I. Ramsen of New York City, and Aaron I. Ramsen of Orangetown, sons of the decedent,
Isaac Ramsen of Ramapo.
Apr. 28, 1846.

No. 938. fol.130
Mathew D. Bogert of Clarkstown,
Estate of Isaac Blauvelt of Clarkstown.
May 5, 1846.

No. 939. fol. 131.
Jacob Straut of Ramapo, husband of the decedent,
Estate of Elizabeth Straut of Ramapo.
May 22, 1846.

No. 940. fol. 132.
Ellen Cassidy, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Patrick Cassidy of Orangetown.
May 27, 1846.

No. 941. fol. 133.
John Van Orden, husband of the decedent,
Estate of Susan Van Orden of Orangetown.
May 27, 1846.

No. 942. fol. 134.
Abraham Hogenkamp, County Treasurer of Rockland County,
Estate of Michael Cotrial of Ramapo. (See No. 885.)
May 21, 1840.



No. 943. fol. 1.
Abram I. Forshee of Ramapo, creditor of the decedent,
Estate of Hiram L. Conklin of Ramapo.
Nov. 2, 1846.

No. 944. fol. 2.
Garret Sarvent of Clarkstown, son of the decedent,
Mary Sarvent of Clarkstown.
Nov. 4, 1846.

No. 945. fol. 3.
Thomas Mayland of New York City, brother-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Samuel Salley of the town of Haverstraw.
Nov. 7, 1846.

No. 946. fol. 4.
John G. Blauvelt of Orangetown, son of the decedent,
Estate of Garret I. Blauvelt of Orangetown.
Nov. 17, 1846.

No. 947. fol. 5.
Mary Concklin, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Isaac W. Concklin of Orangetown.
Dec. 31, 1846.

No. 948. fol. 6.
Hagaman Onderdonk of Orangetown, and Azenith Perry, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Daniel Perry of Clarkstown.
Feb. 8, 1847.

No. 949. fol. 7.
Henry Hart of Orangetown, husband of Eliza P. Hart who was the grand-daughter of the decedent,
Garret Is. Blauvelt of Orangetown.
Apr. 6, 1847.

No. 950. fol. 8.
Abraham P. Stephens of Clarkstown, creditor of the decedent,
Estate of Hannah Depew of Clarkstown.
Apr. 6, 1847.

Folio 9 has been omitted.

No. 951. fol. 10.
Gerrit Smith of Brooklyn, grandson of the decedent,
Estate of Garret P. Smith of Orangetown.
Jun. 23, 1847. With the will annexed. The executors of the above will - Robert Campbell, John James Perry and John G. Smith - which was admitted to probate Nov. 22, 1826, were now all deceased.

No. 952. fol. 11.
Abigail Cooper, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Tunis Cooper of Ramapo.
Jan. 4, 1848.

No. 953. fol. 12.
John B. Gurnee of Ramapo, and Abigail Cole, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John Cole of Clarkstown.
Jan. 4, 1848.

No. 954. fol. 13.
James Suffern of Ramapo, and Harriet Frederick, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John P. Frederick of Ramapo.
Feb. 7, 1848.

No. 955. fol. 14.
Elizabeth Felter, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John F. Felter of Orangetown.
Feb. 19, 1848.

No. 956. fol. 15.
James Lyon of Clarkstown, son of the decedent,
Jabez Lyon of Clarkstown.
Mar. 11, 1848.

No. 957. fol. 16.
Denton Fowler of the town of Haverstraw, brother of the decedent,
Estate of Mordecie L. Fowler of same place.
Mar. 14, 1848.
The father of the deceased consenting.

No. 958. fol. 17.
John I. Cole of Clarkstown, husband of the decedent,
Estate of Anna Maria Cole of Clarkstown.
Mar. 20, 1848.

No. 959. fol. 18.
Major Lockwood of the town of Haverstraw, only surviving brother of the decedent,
Estate of Abigail Lockwood of the same place.
May 1, 1848.

No. 960. fol. 19.
Richard Coe of Clarkstown, son of the decedent,
Estate of Sarah Coe of Clarkstown.
May 1, 1848.

No. 961. fol. 20.
Abraham Martine, brother of the decedent,
Estate of Daniel Martine of Ramapo.
May 1, 1848.

No. 962. fol. 21.
Sarah Tuttle of Orangetown, widow of the decedent,
Estate of William Tuttle of Orangetown.
May 13, 1848.

No. 963. fol. 22.
Richard Jones, Jr., son of the decedent, and Abraham Weiant of the town of Haverstraw,
Estate of Richard Jones of the town of Haverstraw.
Elizabeth, the widow of the decedent having renounced.
Jun. 5, 1848.

No. 964. fol. 23.
Abraham P. Stephens of Clarkstown, creditor of the decedent,
Estate of William P. Felter of Clarkstown.
Jun. 19, 1848.

No. 965. fol. 24.
Tunis S. Tallman, son-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of John Van Houten of Clarkstown.
Jul. 5, 1848.

No. 966. fol. 25.
Eliza D. Johnson and William J. Johnson, husband of the said Eliza, the only next of kin of the decedent,
Estate of Martha Durfee of Orangetown.
Nov. 1, 1848.

No. 967. fol. 26.
Catharine Margaret Kirkpatrick , widow of the decedent,
Estate of Gilbert Kirkpatrick of the town of Haverstraw.
Dec. 4, 1848.

No. 968. fol. 27.
John E. Hogencamp of Clarkstown, creditor of the decedent,
Estate of Timothy A. Jones of Clarkstown.
Feb. 5, 1849.

No. 969. fol. 28.
Elizabeth Haring, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John J. Haring of Ramapo.
Feb. 7, 1849.

No. 970. fol. 29.
James Benson of Clarkstown, son of the decedent,
Estate of Charles Benson.
There being no widow or other person better entitled.
Mar. 3, 1849.

No. 971. fol. 30.
Peter A. Coe of the town of Haverstraw, son-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Elizabeth Cassidy of the town of Haverstraw.
Feb. 27, 1849.

In numbering the folios, 31 to 39 have been omitted.

No. 972. fol. 40.
Lorenzo Weyant of the town of Monroe, Orange Co., N.Y., a son of the decedent,
Estate of Andrew Weyant of the town of Haverstraw.
Mar. 19, 1849.

No. 973. fol. 41.
George M. Dennett, brother-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Isaac Onderdonk of Clarkstown.
Mar. 24, 1849.

No. 974. fol. 42.
Mary Waldron of the town of Haverstraw, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Michael Waldron of the town of Haverstraw.
Mar. 26, 1849.

No. 975. fol. 43.
Joseph Cosgrove of the town of Haverstraw, Michael S. Allison of Hoboken, N.J., and Letitia Cosgrove, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Abraham Cosgrove of the town of Haverstraw.
Apr. 30, 1849.

No. 976. fol. 44.
Abraham P. Stephens of Clarkstown, and Sarah Ann Smith, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John Smith of Clarkstown.
Apr. 30, 1849.

No. 977. fol. 45.
Abraham P. Stephens, Esq., of Clarkstown, a creditor of the decedent,
Estate of Jacob Vanderbilt of Clarkstown.
May 14, 1849.

No. 978. fol. 46.
Isaac Martling of the town of Haverstraw, son of the decedent,
Estate of Fanny Martling of the same place.
May 15, 1849.

No. 979. fol. 47.
Elizabeth Haring of Ramapo, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John A. Haring of Ramapo.
May 26, 1849.

No. 980. fol. 48.
Martha Garner of the town of Haverstraw, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John Garner of the town of Haverstraw.
May 28, 1849.

No. 981. fol. 49.
Elizabeth Willsie of Orangetown, widow of the decedent, and Garret I. Demarest, of Orangetown,
Estate of John I. Willsie of Orangetown.
Jun. 30, 1849.

No. 982. fol. 50.
John J. Secor of Ramapo, brother of the decedent,
Estate of Leonard J. Secor of Ramapo.
Jul. 6, 1849.

No. 983, fol. 51.
Alexander Waldron of the town of Haverstraw, uncle of the decedent,
Estate of William Alexander Waldron of the same place.
Jul. 5, 1849.

Folio 52 is a duplication of folio 51.

No. 984. fol. 53.
Abigail Goetchius, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Abraham Goetchius of Haverstraw.
Jul. 5, 1849.

Folio 54 is a duplication of folio 50.

No. 985. fol. 55.
John J. Felter of Clarkstown, general guardian of Richard Hudson Cook, a minor, and son of the decedent,
Estate of Isaac Cook of Clarkstown.
Jul. 10, 1849.

No. 986. fol. 56.
Andrew Houser of Ramapo, and Hannah Allen, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Adna Allen of Ramapo.
Aug. 20, 1849.

No. 987. fol. 57.
Mary De Clark, widow of the decedent,
Estate of James C. De Clark of Clarkstown.
Aug. 27, 1849.

No. 988. fol. 58.
Abraham P. Stephens of Clarkstown, and James D. Swartwout, brother of the decedent,
Estate of Letty Swartwout of Clarkstown.
Sep. 3, 1849.

No. 989. fol. 59.
Margaret Blauvelt, widow of the decedent,
Estate of John J. Blauvelt of Orangetown.
Sep. 20, 1849.

No. 990. fol. 60.
David Richards, brother of the decedent,
Estate of Andrees Richards of Clarkstown.
Nov. 5, 1849.

No. 991. fol. 61.
Isaac Tallman, of Clarkstown, the husband of Ann Tallman, only surviving child of the decedent,
Estate of Jane Vanderbilt.
Dec. 22, 1849.

No. 992. fol. 62.
Walter Burke of New York City, brother of the decedent,
Estate of Thomas Burke of Haverstraw.
Dec. 31, 1849.

No. 993. fol. 63.
George E. De Noyelles, creditor of the decedent,
Estate of William B. Westervelt of Haverstraw, the widow having renounced her right.
Mar. 25, 1850

No. 994. fol. 64.
Eliza House, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Abraham House, Esq., of Orangetown.
Jan. 11, 1850

No. 995. fol. 65.
William Felter, brother of the decedent,
Estate of James Felter of Orangetown.
Mar, 16, 1850

No. 996. fol. 66.
Mathew D. Bogert of Clarkstown, the following children of the decedent, viz.: Catharine Blauvelt, Mary Van Houten, John T. Van Houten (son-in-law ?) having renounced their right to administer the estate,
Estate of Peter Blauvelt.
Apr. 30, 1850

No. 997. fol. 67.
Lewis R. Marsh, brother of the decedent,
Estate of Mary De Camp of Haverstraw,
May 16, 1850

No. 998. fol. 68.
William Seaman of Ramapo, in right of his wife, Elizabeth Seaman, the daughter of the decedent,
Estate of Daniel Odell of Ramapo,
May 27, 1850

No. 999. fol. 69.
Ann Blauvelt, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Isaac A. Blauvelt of Clarkstown.
Jun. 26, 1850

No. 1000. fol. 70.
Mary Trumper, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Abraham Trumper of Clarkstown.
Sep. 16, 1850.

No. 1001. fol. 71.
Charles Johnson of Haverstraw, son of the decedent.
James Johnson of Haverstraw.
Oct. 14, 1850.

No. 1002. fol. 72.
John J. Lawrence, Esq., the guardian of the decedent,
Estate of Rachel Mabey of Orangetown.
The next of kin having renounced their right.
Oct. 19, 1850.

No. 1003. fol. 73.
George A. Weymer, one of the legatees under the will of the decedent,
Estate of Lodowick Carlough of Ramapo.
Oct. 21, 1850.

No. 1004. fol. 74.
Phebe A. Austin, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Daniel Austin of Orangetown.
Nov. 2, 1850.

No. 1005. fol. 75.
John J. Wood of Clarkstown, husband of the decedent,
Estate of Elizabeth Wood.
Dec. 2, 1850.

Nos. 1006 - 1135


    A list of the will relating to Orange County, N. Y., and recorded in New York City, was made up by carefully reading the abstracts of New York wills published in the collections of the New York Historical Society and selecting those pertaining to the said county. The recorded wills were then read in the Surrogate's Office, and the records contained herein drawn from the official libers, and not from the Historical Society's abstracts.

No. 1006. Will. Lib. 26, fol. 518.
Nicholas Ackerman of Orangetown,
D. May 20, 1768. P. Mar. 1, 1769, in New York City.
"Being sackly and weekly",
Wife, Eleia,
Sons, Johannes, William, and David,
Dau. Maria wife of Elbert Onderdonk,
Dau. Annatie Ackerman
Executors: John Jaring, and David Benienan (?) Demarest.
Signed: "Nicolas Ackerman".

No. 1007. Will. Lib. 33, fol. 392.
John Allison,
D. Oct. 1, 1779. P. Nov. 7, 1782, in Dutchess Co., N. Y.
In good health,
Wife, Amey,
Sons, John, Thomas, Richard, William, Joseph, Isaac, Jeremiah, and Benjamin,
Daus. Elizabeth, and Margaret,
Executors: John Robert, and wife Amey.
Signed: "John Allison".

No. 1008. Will. Lib. 19, fol. 141.
John Elison (Allison) of the Precinct of Haverstraw,
D. Jun. 6, 1754. P. Oct. 21, 1754, in New York City.
Much out of health of body,
Son, John, has had his portion before,
Son, Joseph, the land I now live on, being a tract I purchased of Alburd Minard and others in Hudson's River,
Son, William, £. 100.
Dau. Elizabeth Cooper,
Dau. Deborah Johnson,
(Son, Richard pre-deceased his father - see next will.)
Dau. Mary Degrough,
Dau. Hannah Tailor,
Grandson, Edward, son of my son William, £.50.
Hannah, Presila, child yet unborn, children of Phebe Hibs,
After my decease, Phebe Hubs shall stay with my family and slaves,
Directs that four lots in Kikiat be sold,
Executors: John Palmer, John Johnson, and John Peaterson Smith.
Signed: "John Allison".

No. 1009. Will. Lib. 17, fol. 287.
Richard Allison, doctor, of Haverstraw,
D. Jan. 9, 1749. P. Aug. 9, 1749 in New York City.
Being very sick and weak,
Father, John Allison,
Brothers, Benjamin, John, William, and Joseph,
Sister, Elizabeth Cooper,
Sister, Deborah Jonson,
Sister, Mary Degroet,
Sister, Hannah Taylor,
Friend, Phebe Hubs,
Hannah Pounds, daughter of Phebe Hubs,
Richard, son of Phebe Hubs,
Executors: Father, John Allison, Brother, John Allison, Jr.
Signed: "Richard Allison".

No. 1010. Will. Lib. 33, fol. 232.
Jacob Arden, butcher, at present of Kakeat,
D. Apr. 15, 1778. P. Aug. 21, 1781 (in Dutchess Co., N.Y. ?)
Wife Catharine,
Son, Jacob,
Dau. Elizabeth wife of George Leaycraft,
Dau. Catharine Arden,
Dau. Abijah wife of George Wilt,
Executors: Thomas Arden, Jr., and Wife, Catharine.

No. 1011. Will. Lib. 36, fol. 537.
Johannes Benson of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Sep. 18, 1782. P. Jun. 11, 1784, in New York City.
Weak in body,
Mother, Cornelya, the widow of Cornelius Benson,
Brither, Carel Benson,
Mentions Lot No. 12 of the Contest Lots in Haverstraw Precinct,
Executors: Abraham Pew (Depew), and Mother, Cornelya.
Signed: :I.B." his mark.

No. 1012. Will. Lib. 23, fol. 13.
David Blauvelt of Orangetown,
D Apr. 18, 1760. P. May 8, 1761, in New York City.
Being very weak in body,
Wife, Maria,
Son, Johannes, 40/ - for birth right,
Sons, Abraham, Jacobus, Cornelius, Teunis, and David,
Each of the sons, except Johannes, to have 56 acres and then all sons to share equally in my estate, "for reasons that son Johannes has so much already",
Daus., Cathrine, Maria, and Elizabeth, each to have £.40,
Daughters Maria and Elizabeth to have their "out setts" as my daughter Catharine hath had,
Executors: Peter Haring, John {erry, Jr., Esq., and Johannes D. Blauvelt.
Signed: his X mark.

No. 1013. Will. Lib. 13, fol. 335.
Garret Blawfelt of Orange County,
D. Jun. 10, 1733. P. Nov. 26, 1739, in Orange County before Henry Ludlow,
Being very sick and weak,
Wife, Maratha,
Son, Isaac, eldest son, land and house and barn where I now live, also my negro man, Tom,
Dau. Lena (Lea), lot in Tappan Precinct, containng 163 acres,
Land at Haverstraw to be sold,
Executors: Wife, Maratha, Bro.-in-law, Gysbert Crum,
Signed: his X mark.

No. 1014. Will. Lib.33.fol.103.
Jacob Blauvelt of Orangetown,
D. Dec. 17, 1774. P. Apr. 23, 1779, before Benjamin Tusten, Jr., Surrogate of Orange County,
Son, Johannes, all lands in he Precinct of Tappan, he paying to the executors, £.400.,
Son, Peter,]Son, Abraham, my eldest son, deceased,
Son, Jacob, deceased,
Son, Isaac, deceased,
Dau. Elizabeth wife of Peter Perrie,
Jacobus, 20/ - for birth right, as the eldest son of my eldest son, deceased (child of my son, Abraham, deceased),
Abraham, (child of my son, Abraham, deceased),
Cornelia wife of George Ramsen, (child of my son, Abraham, deceased),
Ann wife of John Jersey, (child of my son, Abraham, deceased),
Elizabeth wife of Stephen Voorhis, (child of my son, Abraham, deceased),
Mary Blauvelt, (child of my son, Abraham, deceased),
John, (child of my son, Jacob, deceased),
Jacob, (child of my son, Jacob, deceased),
Margaret wife of Capt. Abraham Haring, (child of my son, Jacob, deceased),
Ranshye wife of Jacobus Terneur, Jr., (child of my son, Jacob, deceased),
Elizabeth Blauvelt, (child of my son, Jacob, deceased),
Mary wife if Douwe Tallman, Jr., (dau. of my son, Isaac, deceased),
Catharine wife of Claus R. Van Houten (dau. of my son, Isaac, deceased),
Isaac Blauvelt, (child of my grandson, Jacob Isaac Blauvelt, deceased),
Ann Blauvelt, (child of my grandson, Jacob Isaac Blauvelt, deceased),
Executors: Son, Peter, and John Haring, Esq.,
Signed: "I.A." his mark

No. 1015. Will. Lib.21.fol.392.
Jacobus Blawfeldt [Blauvelt] of Tappan,
D. May 18, 1751. P. Aug. 31, 1759 in New York City.
"Verrey seack and weak,"
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, Johannes, eldest son, all lands except 10 acres,
Son, Jacobus, 10 acres,
Daus., Catrena, Elizabeth, Marregretie, Annatje, Sarah, and Maria,
Executors: David Blawfeldt, and Abraham Smith.
Signed: his _ mark.

No. 1016. Will. Lib. 12, fol. 238.
Johannes Gerretse Blauvelt,
    The original will is recorded in Dutch - the following full translation of the same was made by Mr. F. L. Van Cleef.
D. Apr. 23, 1715. P.Oct. 10, 1734, in New York City.
    In the name of the Lord, Amen.
    By this public instrument, be it known to every one who shall hear it that in the year of our Saviour, one-thousand and seven hundred and fifteen, on April 23rd, I, the Voorleser of Tappan, with these hereafter named witnesses, was invited to the house of Johannes Garretse Blauvelt, living at Tappan in Orange county, the aforesaid Johannes Garretse Blauvelt being (still) in good health and fit body, walking and standing, by the grace of God well retaining his mind and memory, speech and understanding, and using the same, as plainly appears to us the witnesses, and one could not see or note otherwise, who, considering the shortness of human life, being transient as a shadow, the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the hour thereof, has concluded and found good to dispose of his temporal goods granted to him on this earth by the Almighty God and what He in His merciful kindness may still grant him, without having persuaded or misled by the one or the other or any one in the world, but doing the same of his free and absolute will, commending first of all his immortal soul, when it shall depart from his body, to the infinite mercy of God and his dead body to Christian burial in the earth, whereof the same was made and taken coming to the disposal (of his property) it is the testator's will and desire that his eldest son Isaac Johannes Blauvelt shall draw from the estate which the testator shall leave after his death twelve pounds New York money and shall not in the least or in the most claim any more, not even a stuyver, and these twelve pounds shall not be paid until six years after his father's death.
    Further the testator desires that this wife Katie Cornelis shall remain in the possession of all the personal estate, and also of the house, the flats and the maize land, during her life time and shall have the right to cut wood and pasture cattle in the common woods. But the real estate after her death shall descend to the children that have come forth from her body, meaning those procreated by her and her husband Johannes Garrestsen. But in case it should happen that Katie Cornelis after the death of her husband should again enter the marriage state, then the half of the personal estate must descend to her children.
    Further the testator desires that all of his children, after the death of their mother, shall share equally and alike in all that is left behind, both the real and personal property, excepting that his son Johannes, whom God the Lord has afflicted, the testator expressly desires shall drew two children's portion.
    And as regards the land beyond the bounds or what may possibly be in the lay out of the woods, no one of the children shall be entitled to go to live thereon, and after his death they shall appraise it among themselves or sell it or he who keeps it shall pay to his brothers and sisters what is coming to each.
    What is here provided shall take place after the death of the mother.
    But the testator desires and wills that his daughters shall draw no land; that shall fall to the sons, and the sons shall pay to the daughters their equity in gifts or otherwise. Further the testator desires, that, as there are three children of his daughter Maretje, they, after the death of Katie Cornelis shall draw ten pounds, not each one for himself, but for all three, and they as well as Isaac Johannes Blauvelt, must be contented therewith and be admitted to no other participation, since the testator desires and wills this. All that stands hereinbefore mentioned and described he declares to be his last testament and final will, desiring that the same shall stand fast and take effect, whether as testament of codicil, in case of death among the living or otherwise, just as any man's last and final will, may thus best and most firmly stand, although all the formalities of law and customs required may not have been observed herein. This in token of the truth he has signed with his own hand and seal in presence of reliable witnesses in friendship hereunto invited, the day and year abovesaid.
Acknowledged by witnesses.     This is the X mark and seal of before
Before two justices:             Johannes Garretse Blauvelt
Daniel De Clerk,
This is the mark 'TR' of        Known to me,
Tuenis Van Houten.                 Jan Van Dalsen,

Abstract of the foregoing will:

Johnannes Garretse Blauvelt of Tappan,
D. Apr. 23, 1715. P. Oct. 10, 1734, in New York City.
In good health and fit body,
Wife, Katie Cornelis,
Eldest son, Isaac Johannes, to have £.12. but no land,
The Testator's children by his wife Katie Cornelis to have all the real estate,
Son, Johannes, "whom God has afflicted", to have share equal to two children,
Daughters to have no land,
Sons to have all the land and pay the daughters their equity,
Dau. Maretje's three children to have £.10 pounds jointly.
Executrix: Wife, Catharine Cornelisse Blauvelt.

No. 1017. Will. Lib. 13, fol. 331.
Joseph Blauvelt of Orange County,
D. May 27, 1733. Codicil D. Feb. 11, 1737. P. Nov. 26, 1739, before Henry Ludlow in Orange CO.,
Being very sick and weal,
Son, Jonnes, "as eldestr son", £.5. and my dwelling house and barn and that half of my farm lying on the east side of the line that John Mc Evers and Lancaster Symes ran over the farm,
Son, Abraham, that one half of my farm I now live on that lies on Demore's Kill as far as Mc Evers and Symes cut off my land,
To sons Honnes and Abraham, Lot No. 1 in the hills,
Sons, Hendrick, Fredrickus, and Garret, £.18.7.0 to each, to be paid by sons Honnes and Abraham,
Daus., Maratha, Anatha, and Altha, £.18.7.0 to each, to be paid by sons Honnes and Abraham,
Personal estate to 8 children equally,
Executors: Wife, Elizabeth, and Brother, Garret.
Codicil: Son Abraham to have one half the farm at the east side of McEvers and Symes line, as I have given a bill of sale to Honnes for the west half of the farm.
Signed: "Joseph Blawfelt".

No. 1018. Will. Lib.33.fol.437.
Petrus Blauvelt of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Jul. 24, 1781. P. Nov. 12, 1782, before James Everett, Surrogate of Orange County,
Infirm in body,
Wife, Margretie, 2 cows, 3 sheep, £.10.,
Son, Johanias, my great bible for his birth right, also land whereon he now lives, i.e., all the land on the west side of the road from William Ryders to the Hook Mountain, and also on the east side of the said road 1/2 of my lands to be laid out on the south side thereof to Crum Creek, and also over the said creek easterly and on the south side of the lot I purchased from Nathaniel Odle 7 chains and 50 links wide and so continued to lands of Jacobus Blauvelt, containing about 140 acres,
Son, Petrus, all the rest of my home lands with the buildings and lot in the dry swamp, all containing about 140 acres,
Son, Abraham, the lot I purchased of Benjamin Knapp in the Contest Lots Nos. 4 and 5, containing 81 acres, also land lying in Lot No. 3 east of the 400 acre lots, containing 84 acres,
Son, Jacob, deceased,
Dau. Petertie widow of Claus Van Houten, £.100.
Dau. Cathrine wife of Stephen Stevense, £.100.
Two children of my son Jacob, deceased, £.100.
Executors: Son, Johanias, Son, Petrus, Son, Abraham, and Bro. Johanias,
Signed: "Petrus Blauvelt".

No. 1019. Will. Lib.36.fol.366.
Jacob Brouwer, Masoner, of N.Y.City,
D. Oct. 23, 1781 in Kakiat. P. Apr. 5, 1784 in N.Y.City.
In good health,
Sons, Jacob, Abraham, and William,
Dau. PrNelle, [sic]
Dau. Anna wife of Cornelius Cooper,
Dau. Jane wife of Henry Van Winkel,
Gitty and Mary Permilliar, heirs of dau. Mary, deceased,
Executors: Son, Jacob, Son, Abraham, and Nephew, Jacob Brouwer, hatter, all of New York City.

No. 1020. Will. Lib.7, fol. 122.
Thomas Burroughs, merchant, of New York City,
D. Aug. 18, 1703. P. Sep. 2, 1703.
Sick in body,
Son, Thomas, eldest son, all my working tools belonging to the pewtewer's trade and business, and various parcels of land,
Son, Joel, and daughter, Mary, all my land at Quaspeck in Orange County, both divided and undivided, to each one half thereof,
Executors: Wife, Mary, William Smith, and Capt. Richard Willett.

No. 1021. Will. Lib. 24, fol. 386.
John Chambers of New York City,
D. Jan. 20, 1764. P. May 1, 1764.
Wife, Anne, to have the real estate in Orange County, called Cheescocks which I purchased of Mrs. Elizabeth Denn, deceased.

No. 1022. Will. Lib. 29, fol. 77.
Anne Chambers of New York Ciy, widow of John Chambers,
D. Jun. 4, 1767. P. Apr. 19, 1774.
Nephew, August Van Cortlandt, John Jay, David Matthews, and John Wm. Livingston, son of John Livingston who married a daughter of my son, namely, Margaret Depeyster - to each 1/4th part of the real estate in Orange County, called Cheesecocks.

No. 1023. Will. Lib. 34, fol. 147.
George Codmus of Pamapough in Bergen Co., New Jersey,
D. Jun. 27, 1779. P. Apr. 10, 1781, in New York City.
Son, George, eldest son, all my farm containing about 340 acres now in the possession of my tenant, Barent Waldron, situate at Tappan, formerly in Orange Co., New York, but now in Bergen Co., New Jersey.

No. 1024. Will. Lib. 33. fol. 394.
Daniel Coe,
D. Orange Co., Oct. 11, 1777. P. Nov. 7, 1782, in Dutchess Co.
Being weak in body,
Wife, Rachel,
Son, John, eldest son, all lands,
Son, Mathew, £.200.
Son, Daniel, £.200.
Son, Samuel, £.100.
Son, Allaxand, £.100.
Dau. Sarah, eldest daughter,£.100.
Dau. Elizabeth, £.50.
Dau. Mary, £.50.
Dau. Rachel, £.50.
Leaves my young negro wench, Suke, to wife,
Executors: Son, John, Nephew, and Benjamin Coe.
Signed: "Daniel Coe".

Witness, in proving the will, deposed that John Coe, who wrote the will, informed him not long after the will was executed that the testator had given the children which he had by his first wife twice as much as those he had by his second wife.

No. 1025. Will. Lib. 33. fol. 389.
John Coe of Orange Co., gentleman,
D. Mar. 4, 1782. P. Oct. 25, 1782, in Dutchess Co.
Being very sick and weak,
Wife, mentioned but not by name,
Son, Samuel, to have blacksmith tools,
Sons, John, Jonas, Halstead, and Mathew, youngest son,
Dau. Abigail Gornee, eldest daughter,
Dau. Margret Vandervoort,
Dau. Hannah Smith,
Dau. Sarah Coe, youngest daughter,
Son, Benjamin, eldest son,
Executors: Sons, Benjamin, John, and Jonas.
Signed: "John Coe".

No. 1026. Will. Lib. 14, fol. 325.
Samuel Coe of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. May 11, 1741. P. Oct. 30, 1742, in Orange Co., before Henry Ludlow.
Weak in body,
Wife, Margaret, £.100 and to have my 2 negro wenches,
Sons, John, and Samuel,
Sons, Benjamin, William, Isaac, Walter, and Daniel, all minors,
Dau. Margaret wife of Benjamin Skilmon of Newtown, L.I.,
Dau. Sarah wife of Mora Woodman of Newtown, L.I.,
Dau. Abigail, youngest daughter, a minor,
Executors: Wife, Margaret, Son, Samuel, and Son, John.
Signed: "Samuel Coe".

No. 1027. Will. Lib. 23, fol. 226.
Ary Koninck, bricklayer, of New York City,
D. May 25, 1744. P. Jan. 21, 1762, in New York City,
Of sound body,
Wife, Rachel,
Son, Johannes, eldest son,
Sons, Ary, and Geysbert,
Daus., Maria, Elizabeth, Rachel, and Anna,
Executors: Wife and three sons.
Signed: "Ary Koninck".

No. 1028. Will. Lib 30. fol. 93.
Mathias Concklin of Orangetown,
D. Mar. 18, 1775. P. Jan. 25, 1776, in New York City,
Wife, Sophia,
Son, Liverance, 5/ - for birth right,
Son, Abraham, 5/ - only,
Son, Casparus,
Dau. Elizabeth Reyker,
Dau. Anna Briggs,
Dau. Rachel, deceased,
Grandson, John Stagg, Jr., son of my daughter, Rachel, deceased,
Dau.-in-law, Margarett wife of my son Abraham,
Syela Halsey, dau. of Sophia Sitchett, "her natural daughter",
Polly Acker, dau. of Sophia Sitchett, "her other natural daughter",
Executors: Wife, Sophia, Son-in-law, John Stagg of New York, and Son-in-law, Abraham Reyker.
Signed: his X mark.

No. 1029. Will. Lib. 33, fol. 214.
Casparus Conkling of Orangetown,
D. May 10, 1775. P. Apr. 19, 1781, in Orange Co., before James Everett, Surrogate.
Weak in body,
Wife, Huyly,
Son, Matthew,
Dau. Rachel Wandler,
Dau. Elizabeth Blauvelt,
Dau. Altie Vandolson,
Daus., Ritie, Castena, and Suffiaw, three little daughters,
Executors: Abraham Ricker, and Daniel Lawrence.
Signed: "Kasparys Conklin".

No. 1030. Will. Lib. 25, fol. 124.
Claus Johnse Cuiper of Tappan,
D. Jun. 27, 1753. P. Aug. 27, 1765, in New York City.
Sick and weak in body,
Wife, Wellermintie,
Son, Jon, my gun and cutlash, eldest son,
Son, Necklas, my great bible,
Daus., Rachel, Lenor, Jonanor, and Contriner,
Executors: Cornelius Cuyper, Esq., Abraham Cole, and John Mier.
Witnesses: Jacob Kool, blacksmith, Thomas Wilson, shop-keeper, and Abraham Meyer.
Signed: "Clause Janse Cuyper".

No. 1031. Will. Lib. 11, fol. 157.
Cornelius Cuyper, Esq., of Orange County,
D. Nov. 30, 1730. P. Nov. 18, 1731, in New York City.
In good and perfect health, Wife, Altie,
Son, Tunis, eldest son, all that tract known as Fuyken situate in Orange Co., containing 333 acres,
Son, Claes, tract at Haverstraw containing 100 acres with all the rights I have in the Haverstraw Patent,
Son, Derrick, tract at Hackensack containing about 250 acres,
Son, Cornelius, tract which he now lives on at Kakaatt, containing 400 acres,
Son, John, tract at Kakaat, containing 400 acres, on which Timothy Town now lives,
Sons, Guysbert and Hendrick, 500 acres in two locations containing 300 acres adjoining the lands of Jacob Banta and Cobus Brinkerhoff, and the other containing 200 acres where the mine is, both at Kakaatt, -- to be divided equally between them,
The farm I now live on to be divided equally between sons, John and Hendrick,
Daus., Sarah, Elizabeth, Neltie, Catharine, Heltigondt, and Anna,
Executors: Wife, Altie and after her death my thirteen children.
Signed: "Cornelius Cuyper".
                    New York, Nov. 20, 1731.
Then received the original will of Cornelius Cuyper, Esq., late of the County Orange, deceased, of ffredk [sic] Morris, Deputy Secr'y of province of New York which I promise to deliver into the Secr'y's office of ad. Province whenever Occasion shall require as witness my hand.
The mark of Altie X Cuyper, Executrix of the above written will.

No. 1032. Will. Lib. 25, fol. 143.
Johannis Cuiper of Orangetown,
D. Sep. 6, 1764. P. Oct. 2, 1765, in New York City,
Very sick and weak in body,
Wife, Sarah,
Son, Johannes, all real estate,
Daus., Catharine, Altie, Nelly, and Sarah,
Grandson, Cornelius Cuiper,
Executors: Wife, Sarah, son, Johannes, and Aaron Smith.
Signed: "Johannis Cuyper".

No. 1033. Will. Lib. 21, fol. 432.
Cornelis Cuiiper, Esq., of Orangetown,
D. May 25, 1759. P. Oct. 11, 1759, in New York City,
Very sick and weak in body,
Wife, Derike,
Son, Lambert, eldest son, farm where I now live and one of the negroes,
Daus., Altie, Sarah, and Lena,
Stephen and Mary Stephenson, grand-children,
Mentions my rights in the Kakiat Patent,
I stand security in a bond to Jacobus Brinkerhoff of Hackensack which is to be paid out of daughter Altie's share.
Executors: Lambert Smith, Esq., Cornelius Eckerson, Cornelius Cuiper.
Signed: "Cornelius Cuiper".

No. 1034. Will. Lib. 28. fol. 281.
Hendrick Cuper of Bergen CO., yeoman,
D. Sep. 16, 1754. P. Jul. 27, 1764, in New Jetrsey. P. May 29, 1772, in New York City.
Wife, Jannetie,
Son, Henry, eldest son, plantation in Bergen Co. called Hose-Seimes, [someone has inked in "(Ahasymus)"]
Dau., Annatie wife of Nicholas Winekoop,
Dau. Catharine, deceased, late wife of Gerrit Newkerck,
Dau. Geertie wife of John Van Dalson, the house and lot where they now ;live in Cortlandt Street, New York City,
Dau. Jennecke, house and lot in Cortlandt Street, New York,
Dau. Marretje wife of Roelof Van Der Linde, 100 acres of the north side of the 1000 acres at Norreshonck in Orange Co.,
Dau. Elizabeth wife of William Sigeles, £.100.
Mathew, Henry, Catharine, and Jannetje, children of my daughter, Catharine, deceased,
Executors: Son, Henry, Wife, Jannetje, and Jacobus Stoutenburgh.
Signed: "Hendric Kuyper".

No. 1035. Will. Lib. 26, fol. 27.
Tunis Cuyper of Maringshaw in Orange Co.,
D. Oct. 2, 1757. P. Sep. 23, 1767, in New York City,
Being in tolerable health,
Son, Cornelius, eldest son, 1/3 of the 500 acre farm where I now live, being the northern part,
Son, Abraham, 1/3 of the 500 acre farm where I now live, being the middle part,
Son, Tunis, 1/3 of the 500 acre farm where I live, being the southerly part,
Dau. Altie, Dau. Maritie wife of Hendrick Tenure, and Grand-dau. Gritie dau. of my dau. Gritie, Lot No 6 of salt meadow on the Hudson River,
Executors: Three sons.
Signed: "Thomas Cuyper".

No. 1036. Will. Lib. 15. fol. 143.
Gisbert Krom (Crum) of Haverstraw,
D. Apr. 20, 1743. P. Nov. 12, 1743, in New York City.
In perfect health,
Son, Flores, eldest son,
Sons, Peter, and Johannes,
Dau. Lena,
Wife, Cornelia,
Executirx: Wife, Cornelia.
Signed: "his + mark".

When the will was proved in New York, the executrix (Wife, Cornelia) being deceased administration was granted on her estate to her eldest son, Peter Crum.

(Note: - Gysbert F. Crum was married twice and had three children by each marriage. At the time of the execution of his will but four of his children were living: Helena and Florus by his first wife, and Peter and Johannes by his second wife, Cornelia.)

No. 1037. Will. Lib. 7, fol. 253.
Floris Willimeen Crom of Orange County,
D. Nov. 7, 1699. P. Jun. 29, 1706, in New York City.
Being of sound and perfect health,
Wife, Leyntie Aryaensen Crom,
Sons, William, eldest, Aryen, Geysbert, and Dirck, daus., Teuntie, and Mary, whole estate, both real and personal, to be equally divided between the children,
Land at Haverstraw, after my decease, to be layd out and divided in four farms and sold at a vandue amongst my children,
Son, William has had the use of a parcel of land at Haverstraw - to pay rent for same after my death,
Executirx: Wife, Leyntie
Signed: "Floris Willemse Krom".

No. 1038. Will. Lib. 15, fol. 393.
Yeantea Crum of Orange County,
D. May 10, in 17th year of George II,
Proved, Jun. 21, 1745 in New York City,
Approved, Aug. 1, 1745.
Being weak and loe in body,
Son, Honnas Hovencamp, son of Myndert Hovencamp, deceased, as soon as he is fit, to be put to an English school and given good learning and after that to be put to a trade,
My brothers and sisters, (names not mentioned)
Executors: My father, John Buckhoute, Martines Hovencamp, and John Perry, Sen.
Signed: "*. K." her mark. [The first letter is an "I" with a horizontal dash, i.e., "-" across it just below the middle]

No. 1039. Will. Lib. 15, fol. 218.
Teynes Crom of Tappan, farmer,
D. Sep. 29, 1743. P. Feb. 24, 1743, in Orange Co., before Henry Ludlow, Esq.,
Verry Sick and weak in body,
Wife, Jannetje, estate for life,
William Crom, the oldest son of my brother Floris Crom,
Executors: Wife, Jannetje, and Floris Crom.
Signed: "T.K." his mark.

No. 1040. Will. Lib. 1-2, fol. 385.
Balthazar De Heart, merchant, and inhabitant of this city,
D. Jan. 4, 1672. P. See below.
Being sickly of body,
Natural son, Matthias De Haert,
Natural son, Daniel De Haert, - procreated by Margarett Stuyvesant,
Brother, Jacob, all the land in Haverstraw purchased by the testator of the Indians and a patent granted by Gov. Philipp Carterett,
Brother Jacobus, Brother Matthias, Brother Daniel, and the children of my sister Willemyntie, each one fourth of the residue of my estate,
Ececutors, until my brethren are arrived here: Hendrick Van Bomme;;, and Jacob Theunissen Key.
        Lib. 1-2, fol. 204.
Balthazar De Haert, merchant, of this city, appointed by his will: Jan Hendricks Van Bommell, Jacob Teunisse Kay, Jacques Cousseau, confirmed as executors, Jan. 24, 1671. (*), his executors until the arrival or orders from his brothers, and whereas Daniel De Haart, Matthias De Haart, and Jacobus De Haart, the brothers and heirs of Balthazar De Haart have made application that the trustees may resign and that they, the De Haart brothers, may have the administration, Therefore - Daniel De Haart is admitted administrator. Aug. 9, 1675
(Accompanying Petition.) Lib. 1-2, fol. 206.
Petition to have Daniel De Haart only appointed as executor or administrator, "hoping your honor will consider my weakness and so pardon this presumption." Signed by: Matthias De Haert, Jacobus De Haert.
(Letters of Administration) Lib. 3-4, fol. 120.
Whereas Daniel De Haert, doctor in Physick, executor of the will of Balthazar De Haert, is likewise deceased, Therefore, letters of administration are granted to Daniel Veenvoos and James Larkan, on the estate of Balthazar De Haert. D. Sep. 12, 1691.
(*) Note that the will was dated 1672 and the executors were confirmed 1671. Was the year 1671/1?

No, 1041. Will. Lib. 10, fol. 26.
C|hristopher Denne, carpenter, of New York City,
D. Sep. 21, 1709. P. Feb. 6, 1724/5.
To wife, Elizabeth, all that my share of the lands called Chescocks in Orange County formerly patented to Dr. John Bridges & Co.
Executrix: Wife, Elizabeth.

No. 1042. Will. Lib. 29, fol. 346.
John De Noyellis, Esq., of Orange County,
D. Oct. 23, 1774. P. Mar. 15, 1775, in New York City.
Being under bodily indisposition,
Wife, Rachel,
Son, John, eldest son, all my interest in the township of Durham in Charlotte County,
Son, Peter, all my interest in the township of Deerfield in Charlotte County,
Son, Edward William, youngest son, all my interest in a tract in Tryon County, also 1000 acres on Lake Champlain,
Dau. Charlotte De Noyelles,
Executors: Wife, Rachel, Goldsbrow Banyard, Thomas Duncan, Isaac Low, Esq., and Edward William Kiers.
Signed: "Jn. De Noyellis."

No. 1043. Will. Lib. 29, fol. 95.
Jacobis De Vreese, yeoman, of Orangetown,
D. Jun. 12, 1772. P. May 17, 1774 in New York City.
To Annaetje Blauvelt, youngest daughter of Jacob A. Blauvelt, £.12. to be paid when she is twenty-one years old,
To Jacobis Hooper, son of Giles Hooper of Burlington, £. 12.,
To Jacobis Durie, one half of the money he owes me,
To Johan Martinhague, the interest due on note to me,
To John Haring, son of the late Col. Haring, all the residue of my estate and all the real estate,
My negro wench, Bet., not to be sold without her consent,
Executor: John Haring.
Signed: "__" his mark. [a horizontal line placed on top of an inverted "V"]

No. 1044. Will. in Dutch. Lib. 3-4, fol. 281.
Nicolas Du Puis (Depew) of New Yorke
D. Oct. 13, 1685. P. Jul. 14. (no year), Recorded Jul. 18, 1691.
Wife, Catalina,
Sons, Moses, Aaron, Jan, and Nicolas,
Dau. Susanna,

No. 1045. Will. Lib. 28, fol. 399.
Abraham Ecker of the Manor of Philipsburgh, West, Co., New York.
D. Dec. 24, 1771. P. Dec. 31, 1772.
Weak in body.
Real estate in Tappan, Orange County, to be sold and divided between the heirs.

No. 1046. Will. Lib. 36, fol. 68.
Cornelius Eckerson, yeoman, of Orangetown,
D. May 5, 1780. P. Mar. 27, 1783, in Orange County, before James Everett, Surrogate.
Being sick and weak.
Wife, Rachel,
Son, Garret, £.5.for birth right,
Sons, Jacob, Davis, and Matthew, deceased,
Daus., Catherine, Mary, Rachel, and Willimpye,
Rachel and Sara, infant children of my deceaswed son, Matthew,
Executors: John Perry and Isaac Debaen.
Signed: "C.E." his mark.

No. 1047. Will. Lib. 38, fol. 36.
Cornelis Eckerson of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. May 19, 1769. P. May 19, 1785 in New York City.
Wife, Lena,
Son, John, £.10. for birth right,
Sons, Cornelis and Jacob,
Dau. Dirckje,
Executors: Petrus Blauvelt, and Abraham Steveson.
Signed: "Cornelus Eckersen".

No. 1048. Will. Lib. 19, fol. 251.
William Felter of Orange County,
D. Feb. 25, 1755. P. Apr. 30, 1755, before the Inferior Court of Common Pleas held at Orangetown, present" Abraham Haring, Judge, and Thomas De Kay. Rulooff , and Isaac Abr's. Blauvelt, Asst. Justrices. F. Mathews, D. Cl.
In as good state of health as I have been for some time past..
Wife, Susanna,
Dau. Maritie Trumper, 100 acres joining the land of John Rider,
Grandson, Peter Felter, £.10. for birth right as eldest son's heir at law,
Grandson, William Felter, the part of my lands joining Johannes Muge,
Grand-dau. Elizabeth Trumper,
Grand-dau. Cerstena Hopper,
Executors: Cornelius Cuyper and Lambert Smith.
Signed: "IX" his mark.

No. 1049. Will. Lib. 15, fol. 176.
Sarvas Fleerboome, carman, of New York City
D. Sep. 16, 1730. P. Feb. 8, 1743, in New York City.
In perfect health,
Wife, Geertruy,
Son, Mathew, £. 10. for birth right,
Son, Peter,
Daus., Mary, and Margaret,
Executors: Son, Peter, and Son-in-law, Jacob Pardon.
Signed: "+" the mark of.

No. 1050. Will. Lib. 89, fol. 97.
Jacobus Monfort of Hemstead, Long Island,
D. May 27, 1769. P. Aug. 12, 1769.
Mentions: Abraham Garrison his children, viz.: Garret, Charity and John.

No. 1051. Will. Lib. 16, fol. 269.
Henderick Gessener of Tappan,
D. Oct. 30, 1745. P. Jun. 16, 1748, in New York City.
Sick and weak in body,
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, John,
Dau. Grietje, wife of Jacob Vallentine, to have 1 negro woman,
Executors: Wife, Elizabeth, Isaac Blauvelt, and Johannes Ferdon.
Signed: "F" his mark.

No. 1052. Will. Lib. 29, fol. 213.
John Hallstead of Haverstraw Precinct, farmer,
D. Oct. 8, 1774. P. Oct. 26, 1774 in New York City.
Weak in body,
Wife, Mary,
Son, Jonah, minor,
Daus., Elizabeth, and Sarah, minors,
Executors: John Coe, and William Coe.
Signed: "*" his mark,
Proved by two witnesses: Wm. Smith of Kakiat, merchant, and Jonah Hallsted of Kakiat, miller.

No. 1053. Will. Lib. 29, fol. 214.
Caleb Hallsted, farmer, of Haverstraw Precinct,
Weake of body,
D. Feb. 26, 1774. P. Oct. 26, 1774 in New York City.
Daus., Martha, Margret, Abigal, Sarah, Hannah, Phebey, Elizabeth, Marcy, Rachel, and Cathrin,
Brother, Benjamin Hallsted,
Executors: William Coe, and Thunis Cooper.
Signed: "Caleb Hallsted".

No. 1054. Will. Lib. 20, fol. 160.
Jacob Hallsted of New Hempsted, Orange Co.
D. Sep. 23, 1756. P. Dec. 10, 1756 in New York City.
Weak in body,
Wife, Sarah,
Son, Thomas (eldest), Isaac, Henery, and David, 100 acres of land each,
Son, Jacob, 73 acres, also dry swamp lot of 30 acres,
Sons, Abraham, and Timothy, minors,
Dau. Helner Seaman,
Dau. Recbkah (Rebecca) Secaws,
Daus., Sarah, and Abigal, minors,
Speaks od his "* sons and 3 daughters" but names 4 daughters,
Executors: Son, Thomas, John Coe, and Jonah Hallsted, my kinsman, the son of Jonah Hallsted.
Signed: "J." his mark.

No. 1055. Will. Lib. 23, fol. 524.
Jonah Halstead, yeoman, of Orange County,
D. May 19, 1759. P. Apr. 28, 1762, at a Court of Common Pleas held at Orangetown, Abraham Haring (Judge), P.C. Mathews, Clk.
Weak in body,
Wife, Martha,
Son, Caleb, eldest son,
Son, Benjamin, I leave it as my charge to all my children to treat him with the utmost and kind tenderness and he to live with any of his brothers or sisters or their children as shall seem good to him,
Dau. Martha,
Dau. Sarah Gurney,
Dau. Hannah Coe,
Dau. Abigail Vander Vort,
Sons, Jonah, and John,
Executors: Son-in-law, John Coe, and three sons, Caleb, Jonah, and John.
Signed: "Jonah Hallsted".

No. 1056. Will. Lib. 18, fol. 279.
The will of Samuel Carpenter of Goshen proved: At a Court of General Sessions held at Goshen on Nov. 1, 1752, present: Abraham Haring, Daniel Everitt, Thomas Dekay, Michael Jackson, Eezekiah Howell, Ebenezer Seely, Jacobus Swartwout, and John Westbrook, Jr., all Justices of the Peace. Matthews, DCK.
No. 1057. Will. Lib. 28, fol. 238.
Abraham Haring of Orange County,
D. Mar. 10, 1752. P. May 5, 1772, in New York City.
Wife, Derica,
Son, Abraham, eldest son, land known as the Church Lot, and part of the farm I now live on, also the Hemp Meadow, and £.5 for birth right,
Son, Daniel, second son, part of the farm I now live on with the dwelling house, also land on the east side of the King's Road which I bought of Rem Ramse,
Son, Cornelius, youngest son, lot over the Hackensack Creek which I bought of Lancaster Symes, and the Rong Boome Lots and one lot of fresh meadow, No. 4.
Sons, Abraham and Daniel to have all that 1/8th part out of 3/16ths in the commons of the land of Tappan,
Hill lot to go to the three sons,
Dau. Rachell Haring, youngest daughter, £.100. and an out sett before her marriage,
Dau. Margaret Demoris, eldest daughter, £.100.
Dau. Braca Ferdon, second daughter, £.100,
Executors: Wife, Derica, and three sons.
Signed: "Abraham Haringh".

No. 1058. Will. Lib. 15, fol. 60.
Cozyn Haering, yeoman, of Tappan,
D. Sep. 13, 1733. P. Jun. 16, 1743, at Orange County, before Henry Ludlow,
Being in good health,
Wife, Marytie,
Son, John, all my land between the Little Mountains and the land of Roulof Van Houten,
Dau. Maretie wife of Johannes Boogert, land at Greenbush,
Dau. Grietie, wife of Jacobus Demarest, 1/2 the farm where I now dwell on Old Tappan adjoining land of Cornelius Smith, also 1/2 of the little mountains which belongs to the old farm,
Dau. Mariah, deceased,
Garret, Cornelius, and Willempie Eckerson, children of my daughter Mariah, 1/2 the farm where I dwell.
Executors: Wife, Marytie, and Son, John.
Signed: "Cosin Haering".

No. 1059. Will. Lib. 17, fol. 180.
Peter Heringh of Tappan (See No. 1182.)
D. Apr. 16, 1736. P. Jun. 27, 1750, in New York City.
In good health of body,
Wife, Margaret,
Son, Abraham, my great nether Dutch bible for his birth right, and plantation whereon I now dwell situate between Cornelis Haring and Garrest Huybertse Blauvelt with 1/4 of my undivided meadow, and the houses and barns, -- he to pay £.400. into the estate,
Sons, Elbert, and Theunis,
Daus., Margaret, Pietertie, Brechje, Jannetie, Catharine, and Claessie,
Frandsons, Peter and Richard Truman.
Executors: Wife, Margaret, and Brother, Abraham.
Signed: "Pieter Heringh".

No. 1060. Will. Lib. 18, fol. 177.
Elbert Lieverse, lime burner, of New York City,
D. Jun. 1750. P. Oct. 11, 1752.
Wife, Catharine,
Brother, Louvynus Lieverse, deceased,
Brother, Teunis Lieverse, deceased,
Nephew, Harman Vande Water,
Nephew, Petrus Vande Water,
William, Harmen, Cornelius, Peter, and Maritie Lieverse, children of my late brother, Louvynus Lieverse, Harmen to get 1/2 of my real estate,
Nephew, Harman Andresse of Bedford, L. I.,
Niece, Maritie wife of Petrus Vanderburgh of Albany,
Nieces, three daughters of late brother Teunis Lieverse,
Wife's nephew, Elbert Haring, baker, of New York City, 1/2 of my real estate,
Wife's niece, Catharine daughyter of Lourens Knickerbacker, of Magdalen Island,
Catharine wife of Joris Brinckerhoff of Newtown, L. I.,
Maria De Forest wife of John De Forest of Albany,
Elbert Haring, Jr., son of wife's nephew, Elbert Haring,
Margaret wife of John Quackenbosh, carpenter, of New York City,
Cornelia wife of Peter Anderson, cartman, of New York City,
Elbert Anderson, son of Peter Anderson,
Catharine wife of Adolph Myer of Harlem,
Executors: Nephew, Harman Lieverse, Wife's nephew, Elbert Haring, Peter Lott, and Ahasueris Turck.

No. 1061. Will. Lib. 29, fol. 27.
Elbert Haring, yeoman, of New York City,
D. Jun. 17, 1772. Codicil D. Nov. 26, 1773. P. Dec. 13, 1773.
In a reasonable state of health,
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, Peter, has already had considerable sums of money, £.5. as eldest son,
Sons, Abraham, and Nicholas,
Dau. Catharine wife of George Brinckerhoff, had already had estate of her mother,
Dau. Mary,
Dau. Annatje wife of Samuel Kip,
Dau. Sarah,
Dau. Margaret widow of Cornelius Roosevelt
Dau. Cornelis wife of Samuel Jones,
Dau. Elizabeth wife of John De Peyster, Jr.,
Niece, Elizabeth Bogert, who now lives in my family,
Mentions, slaves, stock of cattle and utensils of husbandry.
Executors: Wife, Elizabeth, Son, Nicholas, Son-in-law, Samuel Jones, and Brother-in-law, Petrus Bogert.
By the codicil confirms the above executors and adds: Son-in-law, John De Peyster, Jr., and Son-in-law, John Haring, Executors.

No. 1062. Will. Lib. 19, fol. 64.
Horamanus Hofman of Orange County,
D. Feb. 15, 1752. P. At an Inferior Court of Commons Pleas held at Orangetown on the last Tuesday (13th) in April, 1754, Present: Abraham Haring, and Cornelius Cuyper, Judges, and Isaac Abraham Blauvelt, Ruloof Van Houten, and Thomas De Kay, Asst. Justices. Fletcher Mathew, D. Ck.
Very sick and weak,
Wife, Getruye,
Son, Haramanus, 1 large brown shift and 1 large pewter plater for his birth right as eldest son, and 106 acres of my plantation,
Son, Jurry, 106 acres of my plantation,
Daus., Cerstena, and Rachel,
Dau. Catrena Snider,
Dau. Leaya Geslar (Keseler),
Executors: Lambert Smith, Abraham Onderdonk, and Johannes Snedeker.
Signed: " ___" his mark. [two vertical lines with a horizontal line drawn through them]

No. 1063. Will. Lib. 15, fol. 179.
John Hogencamp of Orange County, yeoman,
D. Jan. 30, 1738. P. At Westchester Co., before Henry Ludlow, Mar. 6, 1743.
Sick and weak,
Wife, Gerritje,
Son, Minard, eldest son,
Son, Martynes, farm on which I live and all lands in Orange County,
Son, Honnes,
Daus., Catharine, Jannetje, and Hannatie,
Flowris, Tunes, and Wilhelmus Krom, my wife's children,
Executors: Wife and sons, Mynard, Honnes, and Martines.
Signed: " ___" his mark.

No. 1064. Will. Lib. 8, fol. 261.
Michael Hawdon,
D. Mar. 22, 1711. P. Apr. 8, 1713.
"There is my land in company with Daniel Hohan in Orange County, province of New York and my garden behind the old warehouse behind Whitehall which are mortgaged to Mr. Adolph Philips".
Leaves legacies to a number of persons who do not appear to have been related to the testator, and then names as his heir at law,
Eldest brother, Thomas Hawdon in Cumberland and his eldest son living in Ireland, then,
My second brother, John Hawdon who did live in Dublin, Ireland, then,
My third brother, James Hawdon who lived in Costwell in Lancashire,
Executors: John Johnstone, George Willocks, Johannes Johnston, sometimes alderman of N. Y. City, John Crooke, and Nathaniel Harston.
Signed: Mich. Hawdon".

No. 1065. Will. Lib. 36, fol. 541.
Paules Gersler (Keseler) of Haverstraw Precinct, yeoman,
D. May 30, 1774. P. Jun. 11, 1784.
Wife, Leah,
Son, Harmanus, eldest son,
Sons, Peter, and Philip, to have all lands,
Daus., Maria, and Christian,
Executors: Daniel Gero, and Cornelius Hamium.
Signed: "P.K." his mark.

No. 1066. Will. Lib. 13, fol. 176.
Rinear Kisarick, yeoman, of Orange County,
D. Oct. 21, 1737. P. Jun. 27, 1738 in New York City.
Very sick and weak,
Wife, Hannah, whole estate, land, Negroes, horses, mares, and cattle,
Executrix: Wife,
Signed: "Reynyer Keyseneyck".

No. 1067. Will. Lib. 36, fol. 377.
Edward William Kiers of Haverstraw Precinct, dealer and chapman,
D. Dec. 17, 1783. P. Apr. 8, 1784 in New York City.
Weak and infirm,
Common law wife, "Greetie by whom I have had children,"
Dau. Rachel,
Son, William,
Dau. Ufame, (Euphemia)
Dau. Elizabeth,
Executors: John Robert, David Pye, and John Suffern, Esq.

No. 1068. Will. Lib. 28. fol. 323.
Benjamin Knapp of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Aug. 5, 1772. P. Oct. 23, 1722 in New York City,
Being aged and infirm and weak in body,
Wife, Susannah,
Son, Benjamin,
Son, Samuel, second son,
Son, Danil, deceased,
Daus., Elizabeth, Susanna, Rachel, Mary, Hannah, Deborah, and Rebecca,
To the two children of my son Daniel, deceased, the land I now live on known as the Hook, containing about 220 acres which I before time gave to my son Daniel by deed of gift dated Jan. 18, 1762,
Executors: Wife, Susannah, and Jeremiah Williamson.
Signed: "Beniamin Knap".

No. 1069. Will. Lib. 30, fol. 242.
Daniel Knapp, yeoman, of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Sep. 28, 1771. P. Endorsed on the back: Letters of Administration with will annexed, dated May 9, 1774.
Sick and weak,
Father, Benjamin Knapp, (see preceding will)
Son, Daniel, oldest son,
Son, Benjamin, youngest son,
Executors: Brother-in-law, Abraham Thew, and Jeremiah Williamson.
Signed: "Daniel Knapp".

No. 1070. Will. Lib. 37, fol. 216.
Viner Leaycraft, late of New York City, but at present of Tappan in Orange County, mariner,
D. Sep. 22, 1779. P. Aug. 20, 1784 in New York City.
(Probably he was not a permanent resident of Orange Co.)

No. 1071. Will. Lib. 36, fol. 119.
Joshua Bishop of Phillipsburgh, Westchester Co.,
D. Aug. 23, 1775. P. Jul. 28, 1783.
Leaves to grandson, Samuel Lawrence, with the consent of my landlord, Col. Philipse, the farm I now live on, also, a piece of salt meadow which I hold under Col. Philipse, lying at Tappan.

No. 1072. Will. Lib. 25, fol. 337.
Herculas Lent of Ryckes Patent, in Westchester Co.,
D. Apr. 10, 1765. P. Nov. 13, 1766 in New York City.
Being blind and weak in body,
Son, Jacob, eldest son, a farm,
Son, Hendrick, farm in West. Co. and 1/2 of meadow in the Highlands in Orange Co. known by the name of John Rant's meadow,
Son, Abraham, farm in West. Co. and 1/2 of Rant's meadow in Orange Co.,
Dau. Elizabeth,
Dau. Rachel wife of James Lamb, all the land and meadow in Orange Co. known by the name of Stony Point, containing 382 acres,
Dau. Catharena, wife of Hendrick De Ronde, land in Orange Co. bounded E. by the Hudson River, S. by the Northweat Line and Stony Point, N. by land devised to Daughter Rachel,
Grandchildren, Abraham, Joh's, Leca, and Rachel Lamb, children of my daughter, Christena,
Father, Ryck Abrahamse Lent,
Executors: Three sons.
Signed: "h" his mark.

No. 1073. Will. Lib. 9, fol. 365.
Ryck Abrahamson Lent of Cortlandt Manor, Westchester Co., miller,
D. Mar. 31, 1720. P. Mar. 28, 1723.
Son, Abraham, eldest son,
Son, Harck, land in Westchester CO. and my meadow at Jan Canten Hook in Orange Co.,
Son, Eycke, deceased, children of,
Dau. Elizabeth Hyett, deceased, children of,
Dau. Catherina wife of Joseph Jones,
Dau. Margaret wife of Thomas Benson,
Executors: Sons, Abraham and Harck.
Signed: "X" mark of.

No. 1074. Will. Lib. 7, fol. 101.
Frederick Flipse of New York,
D. Oct. 26, 1700. P. Dec. 9, 1702.
To grandson Frederick Flipse only son of my eldest son, Philip, deceased, all that ye equall 1/2 of my meadow lying at Tappan,
To son Adolphis, 1/2 of ye meadow at Tappan by me purchased of Dr. George Lockhart, and, all that piece of meadow on ye north side of Tappan Creek in quantity as is expressed in the patent for the same.

No. 1075. Will. Lib. 29, fol. 41.
Gabriel Ludlow, merchant, of New York,
D. Feb. 5, 1771. Codicil D. Oct. 31, 1771. P. Dec. 20, 1773.
Wife, Elizabeth,
"My children of both marriages",
Executors: Sister, Sarah, Brother-in-law, Robert Crommelin, Samuel Verplanck, Eldest son, Gabriel Ludlow, and Son, George Duncan Ludlow.
Youngest son, Robert,
Son, Daniel.

No.1076. Will. Lib. 39, fol. 45.
Jenneke Lyet of Orange County,
D. Jul. 7, 1785. P. May 1, 1786 in New York City.
Weak in body,
Helletye Debois, the widow of Jonathan Debois, £.50.
Sarah Leydecker, widow of Albert Leydecker, £.50.
Elizabeth Hutton, wife of John Hutton, £.50.
Sarah Blauvelt, wife of Richard Blauvelt, £.50.
William Sickles, £.50.
Marretje Sickles, wife of William Sickles, silver tea-pot,
Marretye Leydecker,
William and Henry Van Dalsem, Lot in Cortlandt St., New York,
Executors: William Sickles of Orange Co., and Henry Van Dalsem of New York.
Signed: her Jenneke X Leydt. Mark

No. 1077. Will. Lib. 17, fol. 1.
D. Jul. 14, 1749. P. Aug. 16, 1749.
My lands at Cacaett on the west side of Hudson's River to be sold by my executors.

No. 1078. Will. Lib. 28, fol. 277.
Peter Mabie of Orangetown,
D. Mar. 25, 1769. P. Jul. 8, 1772 in New York City.
Very sick and weak,
Wife, Cathalinte,
Son, Casparus, eldest son, all the swamp, Baren Gatt, which lies east of lot late of Corrnelius Bogerd and called the Ringboom,
Son, Peter, all lands over the kill in the patent of Honeing and Hawdling,
Son, Jost, part of my homestead lot below the church, also all my right in the hills,
Son, Cornelius, youngest son, my house and mills and screen and bolt and remaining lands in Orangetown,
Sons, Jeremiah, and Abraham,
Dau. Elizabeth wife of Abraham Haring,
Dau. Sofiah wife of Johannes Delamater,
Dau. Mary wife of John Westervelt,
Grandson, Isaac son of my son Peter,
Executors: Brother, Johannes Mabie, and Thomas Outwater.
Signed: "P.M." his mark.

No. 1079. Will. Lib. 22, fol. 259.
John Martine of "present of herver Straw", yeoman,
D. Dec. 24, 1757. P. Nov. 15, 1760 in New York City.
Weak in body,
Wife, Aefie,
Son, Hjohn, Jr., eldest son,
Son, Daniel, southernmost 1/2 of Lot No. 14 as by deed from Hendrick Remson, Auris Remson, Jacob Remson, Peter Remson to the said John Martine, dated May 20, 1756,
Son, Jeremiah, the other 1/2 of the foregoing lot where I now dwell, neing part of the said Lot No. 14,
Dau. Elizabeth Martine,
Dau. Hannah, youngest daughter, to have out set at her marriage the same as the other daughters had,
(Did the testator have married daughters not mentioned in the will ?)
Executors: Tunas De Clerk, and Thomas Wilson,
Signed: "M" his mark

No. 1080. Will. Lib.18, fol.25.
John Mc Evers, merchant, of New York,
D. Apr. 28, 1751. P. Nov. 28, 1751.
Weak in body,
My body to be laid in my vault in Trinity Church yard by the side of the body of my late beloved
Wife, Catherine, deceased,
Sons, William, Charles, John, and James,
Dau. Mary,
Dau. Catharine Bayard,
Present wife, Catherine late widow of Peter Cock,
My brother (-in-law), Cornelius Van Horn,
Wife's father, John Van Horn had given a house to his grandson - my son - John,
My late wife Catharine and I did sign a deed for lands that came to her by right of her father, to be equally divided between our children,
Three hundred acres of land at Rocky Hill was given to son William by his uncles Andrew and Abraham Van Horn, my wife and myself,
Executors: Son, John, Son, James, Dau. Catherine Bayard, Dau. Mary Mc Evers, and Son, Charles

No. 1081. Will. Lib.33.fol.383.
Abraham Myer of New Hemstead in Orange Co.,
D. Apr. 24, 1782. P. Sep. 13, 1782 before James Everett, Surrogate of Orange Co.,
Weak in body,
Son, Jacobus, eldest son,
Daus., Charity, Annatye, Sarah, Elizabeth, Marya, Grytye, Altie, and Hillitie,
Wife, Margaret,
Executors: Brothers, Isaack and John Myer,
Signed: "Abraham Meyer".

No. 1082. Will. Lib.25.fol.411.
Eda Mier of Orangetown, yeoman,
D. Jan. 10, 1763. P. Feb. 25, 1767 in New York City.
Son, Johannes, heir at law, (as eldest son ?),
Sons, Cornelius, Andries, Abraham, Garret, Jacob, Isaac, John, and Daniel,
Daus., Anitie, Elizabeth, Altie, and Willemintie,
Executors: Son, Johannes, and Johannis Josephse Blawfelt [Blaiuvelt] of Orangetown,
Signed: his ______mark

No. 1083. Will. Lib.14.fol.217.
Charles Mott of Hempstead in Queens Co., L.I., yeoman,
D. Feb. 10, 1740. P. Mar. 11, 1741.
Weak of body,
Sons, Amos, Adam, Gersham, John, and Benjamin,
Dau. Elizabeth Hunter,
Dau. Mary Anna Carrell,
Grandson, Joseph Mott, 20/ - for birth right,
Grandson, Joseph Starkins, son of my dau. Mary Anna Carrell,
Orders executors to sell all my lands at Cacayas alias New Hempstead in Orange County,
Executors: Son, Amos, Kinsman, and William Mott son of William Mott
Signed: "C" his mark.

No. 1084. Will. Lib. 36. fol. 225.
Casparus Mabie of the Precinct or Township of Tappan or Orangetown, yeoman,
D. Sep. 23, 1782. P. Feb. 10, 1784, in New York City.
Wife, Willempe,
Son, Peter, lands devised to me by my father,
Son, Cornelius, married, lands I purchased in Orangetown from David Bogert,
Son, Abraham,
Daus., Mary, Cathaline, Catharine, Margaret, and Elizabeth,
Father, Peter Mabie, deceased,
Sons, Peter and Abraham were unmarried,
Plantation I purchased of John Perry, Esq., in Orangetown, together with my grist mills, to be sold by executors,
Executors: Son, Peter, and Son-in-law, Johannes Bogert.
Signed: "Casparis Mabie".

No. 1085. Will. Lib. 37, fol. 40.
Fredericus Mazelius of Orangetown,
D. Mar. 7, 1782. P. Jun. 25, 1784 in New York City.
Sick and weak,
Friends, Dr. Gardner Jones and Joost Mabee, to have whole estate which I have in America, Europe or elsewhere.
Signed: "F. Muzelius".

No. 1086. Will. Lib. 20, fol. 231.
Jehonas Muts of averstraw recinct,
D. Mar. 9, 1757. P. Apr. 29, 1757 in New York City.
Wife, Catharine, life interest in estate,
All my lands and possessions unto the poor children for a free scoul (shool) that belong to the Dutch Church in Haverstraw Precinct, i.e., the interest to be so used but the principal to remain forever, and my movable estate I give unto the said church to buy an organ for the church,
My slaves shall have the privilege to choose their masters,
If my wife marry again she is to have maintenance but if she again becomes a widow to have maintenance during widowhood,
Executors: Paulus Hopper, Andris Onderdonk, Lucas Stephanson, and William Campbell, Jr.
Signed: "IV" his mark.

No. 1087.
    Letters of Administration and Inventory.
Johannes Minie, eldest son of the decedent, and Dirck Storms, Lib. 3-4, fol. 149.
    Estate of
Minie Johanes late of Orange County,
    Letters of Administration granted by Lieut. Gov. Jacob Leisler, Feb. 28, 1690/1.
Stephans Van Cortlandt, Lib. 3-4, fol. 414.
    Estate of
Minnie Johannes of Orange County,
    Letters of Administration granted Jan. 17, 1692/3.
            Lib. 5-6, fol. 280.
    Registered for Coll. Stephen Cortlandt, Inventory of the Estate of Minnie Johannes, late of Orange County, dec'd. taken by is underwritten appraisers appointed to take the same by virtue of an order of Mayor, Alderman and Commonalty of the City of New Yorke to us directed bearing date the 27th March, 1693, viz't:    
100 Shepple wheat            £.18. 5. 0
9 Cows                 27. 0. 0
3 young Calves            0. 18. 0
1 heifer of 4 years old        3. 0. 0
1 heifer of 3 years old        3. 0. 0
1 bull                 1. 10. 0
2 mares                 3. 0. 0
1 stone horse colt            1. 0. 0
1 stone horse 4 years old        3. 0. 0
1 stone horse 3 years old        3. 0. 0
1 mare colt                 0. 15. 0
1 colt 2 years old            1. 10. 0
2 cows and calves            7. 0. 0
a Negro woman and child        25. 0. 0
Sundry tools appraised by
Florus Williamson Krom and
Meyndert Hendricksen amount'g to 8. 2. 0
1 mare                 1. 10. 0
2 colts 2 years old            1. 0. 0
1 bull 3 years old            1. 10. 0
                    £.110. 0. 0
S. V. Cortlandt, William Merritt, Theunis De Key.

An account of the Estate of Minnie Johannes, deceased:
To his bond dated Nov. 8th, 1688, payable March 25th, 1689,    £. 84. 9. 0
To 3 years interest of the same from March 25th, 1689, to
    March 25th, 1692,                         15. 4. 0
To ballance of his account curr't
Received and adjusted Nov. 9th,
1688:                             £. 4. 0. 0
1689, Apr. 25, to 1/2 fatt goodt beer             0. 10. 0
    May 9, to ditto 1/2 fatt             0. 10. 0
    Aug. to 1/2 fatt ditto                 0. 10. 0
    Nov. to 1/2 fatt ditto                 0. 10. 0
1690,    Jun. 24, to 1/2 fatt ditto                 0. 7. 6
    Oct. 10, to 1 barrill ditto             0. 11. 3 6. 18. 9
                                    £.106.11. 9
1693, Mar. 27, By the inventory of said estate appraised by
    Maj'r Eilliam Merritt and Capt. Theunis De Key         £.110. 0. 0

Minne Johannes was indebted to me when he dyed the summe of
One hundred and six pounds eleven shillings and nine pence,
Whereupon I took letters of Administration                 £.106. 11. 9

1693, Mar. 15, To cash paid for Letters of Administration         2. 14. 0
    27, to cash pd. For horses hire and other charges in
        going to Orange County to take an Inventory         1. 4. 0
    May 19, to bringing the Cattle to Kightawaugh(*)         1. 13. 0
            Errors Excepted.                 £.112. 2. 9

(Col. Stephen Van Courtlandt was discharged as administrator March 19thm 1697.8.)
(*) Kitchawang was the Indian name of the Croton [or Creten?] River.

No. 1088. Will. Lib. 7, fol. 511.
William Merritt, Esq., of New York City,
D. Feb. 1, 1706. P. Jul. 9, 1708.
Wife, Margery, life interest in entire estate,
Son, John, entire estate,
Executors: Wife, Margert, Son, Major John Merritt, and William Anderson, Esq.
Signed: "Will. Merrett".

No. 1089. Will. Lib. 21, fol. 226.
Gershom Mott of New Hempsted in Orange Co., yeoman,
D. Aug. 7, 1758. P. Mar. 2, 1759 in New York City.
Weak of body,
Wife, Ruth,
Son, Solomon, eldest son,
Sons, Gershom, and Charles,
Son, Benjamin, homestead and lands in Orange Co. and 1/2 of saw mill,
Dau. Moley Lott,
Dau. Elizabeth Clark,
Grandson Gershom Lott son of Peter and Moley Lott,
Leaves to wife the services of one Cathrine Telarnberey, the time she is bound to serve
Executors: Son, Benjamin, and Jacob Hallsed.
Signed: "Gearsham Mott".

No. 1090. Will. Lib. 13, fol. 192.
Jacob Mott of Hempstead in Queens Co., L. I.,
D. Dec. 4, 1737. P. Sep. 16, 1738 in Queens Co.
In good health,
Father, Charles Mott, all my lands at Cacksate in Orange County,
Executors: Father, Charles Mott, and Joseph Mott, Sen.
Signed: "Jacob Mott".

No. 1091. Will. Lib. 23, fol. 410.
Catherine Much of Haverstraw Precinct, widow of Johais Much,
D. Nov. 6, 1761. Codicil D. Jan. 19, 1762. P. Aug. 14, 1762 in N. Y.,
Weak on body,
To children of my kinswomen, Cnnor Christion of Scorhary, Albany Co., N.Y., -- all money and bonds,
To Nicholas Cooper, Sr., of Haverstraw, feather bed and furniture,
Executors: Philip Servent, and Thunis De Clark, both of Haverstraw Precinct..
To Philip Servent for his great kindness to me, my cow and calf and silver shoe-buckles,
To Mary wife of Philip Servent, silver sleeve buttons,
To Tunis Clark, the miller, his bond to me for £.14.
To William Taylor, carpenter, £.2.5.0,
Signed: " C " her mark.

No. 1092. Will. Lib. 21, fol. 446.
Thomas Newman of Ceaxat, Orange Co., yeoman,
D. May 5, 1759. P. Nov. 13, 1759 in New York City.
Very sick and weak,
Wife, Philas,
Bro. Jeremiah Newman of North Castle, Westchester Co.,
Bro. Daniel Newman of North Castle, Westchester Co.,
Bro. Steven Newman of Ceaxat, Orange Co.,
Sis. Hannah Warring living near Bedford, Westchester Co,
Sis. Rebecca Brown of Stamford, Conn.,
Executors to sell land in Ceaxat (Kakiat),
Executrors: John Ryder of Ceaxat, and Charles Smith of Stamford.

No. 1093. Will. Lib. 21, fol. 49.
Abraham Onderdonk, merchant of Orange County,
D. May 7, 1758. P. Jun. 23, 1758 in New York City.
Very sick and weak,
Son, Abraham, all real and personal estate - lands, chattels, Negroes, slaves, etc.,
Cousin, Adrian Onderdonk, the son of Capt. Andris Onderdonk,
Cousin, Garret Onderdonk, Jr., son of Garret Onderdonk,
Cousin, Ram Onderdonk.
Executors: Bro. Capt. Andris Onderdonk, and Bro. Garret Onderdonk, Esq., both of Orange Co.
Signed: "Abraham Onderdonck".

No. 1094. Will. Lib. 25, fol. 35.
Peter Oblenus of Newhampstead and Kackiate Patent, Orange County, yeoman,
D. Jun. 6, 1763. P. Mar. 28, 1765 in New York City,
Wife, Sarah,
Son, Hendrick, £.10. for his birth-right,
Son, John, unmarried,
Two sons to have the land I possess in New Hampstead, the north side to son Hendrick now in his possession, the south side to son John, and to be divided according to the division line of William Moore's survey,
Mentions danger of his boundary line being disputed,
Daus., Sarah, Jonita, and Maria, £.100. each,
Executors: Hendrick Oblenus, Abraham Stevens, and Hendrick Nagel.
Signed: " P O " his mark.

No. 1095. Will. Lib. 27, fol. 418.
John Osborn of New Hempstead in Orange County,
D. Nov. 20, 1770. P. Dec. 17, 1770 in New York City.
Weak and low in body,
Wife, Ann,
Son, James, 50 acres and 7/ for birth right,
Son, John, 150 acres,
Remainder of lands to be sold,
Daus., Hannah, Mary, Elizabeth, Phebe, Sarah, Rachel, Martha, and Nancy,
Executors: Son, James, and Gilbert Cuyper.
Signed: " J O " his mark.

No. 1096. Will. Lib. 23, fol. 489.
Joseph Paul, yeoman, of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Aug. 3, 1762. P. Oct. 27, 1762 in New York City.
Weak in body,
Wife, Hannah,
Son, John,
"My sons and daughters",
Lands to be sold at punlic sale,
Executors: Garret Snedeker, and Joannes Snedeker.
Signed: "Joseph Paul"..

No. 1097. Will. Lib. 30, fol. 181.
James Palmer of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Aug. 15, 1775. P. May 25, 1776 in New York City,
Weak in body,
Wife, Deborah, house in New York City,
Dau. Susannah, to be given sufficient schooling so that she can read and write and to learn a trade,
Mother, Anna Palmer,
Nephew, Henry son of my brother Richard Palmer, a beaver hat,
Nephew, William son of my brother Richard Palmer,
Executors: Michael Cornelison of Nyack, and Aury Smith of "this place".

No. 1098. Will. Lib. 36, fol. 532. (Also recorded in the records of Haverstraw Precinct, p. 140)
John Parker of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Dec. 12, 1774. P. Feb. 3, 1777 at the Inferior Court of Commons Pleas held at Clarkstown, Orange County, before us, John Coe, Judge, and Theunis Cuyper and David Pye, Assistant Justices.
Wife, Jemime,
Sons, Peter, David. Jacob, and Isaac, youngest son,
Dau. Mary,
Grandson, John son of my son John,
Granddaughter, Mary daughter of my son John,
Farm in Haverstraw Precinct adjoining John Lorrillard, Daniel Coe, John De Noyelle, Benjamin Allison and Miner;s Fall,
Executors: Wife, Jemima, and Son, Isaac.
Signed: " P " his mark.

No. 1099. Will. Lib. 42, fol. 291.
Josiah G. Peirson of New York City,
D. Nov. 27, 1797. P. Dec. 20, 1797.
Weak in body,
Brother, Jeremiah Halsey Peirson,
Brother, Isaac Peirson,
Brother, Joseph Peirson,
Sister, Polly Ballard,
Sister, Lydia Dean,
Sister, Sally Peirson,
"My mother",
Business under the name of Josiah G. Peirson & Bros. to be continued,
Executors: Brother, Isaac Peirson, William Boyd, and John Mersereau.

No. 1100. Will. Lib. 39, fol. 47.
George Polhemus of the Pond Patent, Haverstraw Precinct, farmer,
D. Mar. 6, 1786. P. May 4, 1786 in New York City.
Very sick and weak,
Wife mentioned but not named,
Son, Titus, eldest son,
Sons, Jacob, Daniel, and George, youngest son,
Dau. Matie, eldest daughter,
Daus., Jenny, Elizabeth, Ann, and Hannah,
Entire estate to sons, Titus, Jacob and Daniel, and they to bring up "all the small children" and give them English education, and, in the case of son George to put him to learn a trade and when he arrives at the age of twenty-one years to give him 30 acres of land, but if they gave him a liberal education and learn him Divinity, he was to have no right to any land,
Executors: Sons, Titus and Jacob, Johanes Remson and Closs R. V'n Hooten [Van Houten ?]
Signed: "George Polhemus".

No. 1101. Will. Lib. 27, fol. 599.
Jacob Post, Sen., of Yonkers, Westchester Co., N.Y.,
D. Apr. 2, 1771. P. May 23, 1771.
To son Abraham, a small tract of land in Rockland in Orange County, which land he now lives on.

No. 1102. Will. Lib. 30, fol. 229.
Elizabeth Pullen, widow, of New York City, (*)
D. Jul. 14, 1768. Codicil D. Mar. 26, 1774. P. Apr. 22, 1774.
In perfect health,
Dau. Elizabeth, widow of Jacobus Blauvelt,
Dau. Catharine, wife of John Bogert,
Dau. Johanna, wife of Martinus Hogencamp,
Dau. Elenor, wife of Isaac Blauvelt,
Granddaughter, Elizabeth, wife of Hugh Mc Euen,
Children of my granddaughter, Elizabeth Mc Euen: John, Cornelius and Thomas,
Executors: Four daughters, and Cary Ludlow, attorney, of N.Y.
Signed: " ___ " her mark. [something akin to a "3"]
(*) Elizabeth Loyd m. 1, ----- Everett, m. 2, Thomas Pullen.

No. 1103. Will. Lib. 16, fol. 276.
George Remsen of the Pond in Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Mar. 26, 1744. P. May 12, 1748 in New York City,
Weak in body,
Wife, Sarah,
Son, Rem, eldest son, 10 acres at the south end of the home lot adjoining lands of Johonnis Muts,
Son, Theodorus, home lot at the Pond, bounded on the north by Theodorus Snedeker, on the east by Rem Remson, on the south by Johannes Muts and William Felter and on the west by the Kill of the Beast,
Daus., Ann, Arietie and Lambatie Remsen, My three daughters to have a lot of land at "Rines Eige" adjoining Demeree's Kill, on the east side thereof and southerly to the land of Alexander Weaver, on the east and north to land of Jacob Polhemus, deceased, also a lot of land at the Pond at a place called the English Rige lying on the west side of the King's Road running on the south to the Kill of the Beast and north to land of Jacob Polhemus,
Grandchildren, George and Lambatie Polhemus, to have a 40 acre lot on the English Rige bounded: north by land of Jacob Polhemus, deceased, east by the Kill of the Beast, south by Jacob Polhemus and west by the King's Road,
One hundred acres to be sold to pay debts,
Executors: Wife, Sarah and son, Theodorus.
Signed: "Jorus Remsen".

No. 1104. Will. Lib. 14, fol. 134.
George Remsen, gentleman, of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Jul. 16, 1741. P. Sep. 23, 1741, at Orange County before Henry Ludlow,
Very sick and weak,
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, Tunis,
Dau. Elizabeth,
My negro Jack to be sold,
Child not yet born, if a boy to be named George, if a girl to be named Lomeche,
The plantation with the grist-mill thereon, horses, cattle, I order to be sold by way of public outcry,
Executors: Wife, Elizabeth, Theodorus Snedeker and Theodorus Remsen.
Signed: "Joris Remsen".

No. 1105. Will. Lib. 36, fol. 449.
William Rider of Cakeate in Haverstraw Precinct, farmer,
D. Apr. 9, 1784. P. May 7, 1784 in New York City,
Very sick and weak,
Wife, Jemima, to have her living of the boys place till the boys come of age,
Sons, William, Joseph and Jn'o., the testator mentions them as "the boys",
"Martha, daughter of my daughter Phebe, with Elizabeth, Suckey and Millee, my two twines, the part of Lydia's estate to run to her and her heirs". The foregoing going group seems to be the same as the testator refers to later as "my daughters and granddaughters".
The place where James Emmons now lives to be sold.
Executors: William Smith and John Palmer.
Signed: " X " his mark.

No. 1106. Will. Lib. 19, fol. 314.
Jonathan Seaman of New Hempsted in Orange County,
D. Oct. 3, 1748. P. Oct. 16, 1755 in New York City.
Somewhat indisposed,
Sons, Jonas (Jonah), John, Nehemiah and Jecomiah,
Daus. Elizabeth Palmer, Hannah Coe, Martha Vandervoort and Phebe Coe,
Grandson, Jonathan, eldest son of my son Jonathan, deceased, of Fredricks County, Virginia,
Makes certain dispositions "if the New Hempsted people should recover the land that is now in dispute between us and the lawyers of New York".
Executors: Sons, John and Jecomiah and son-in-law, John Palmer.
Signed: " X " his mark.

No. 1107. Will. Lib. 38, fol. 160.
Cornelis Smit,
D. May 22, 1785. P. Sep. 21, 1785 in New York City.
Weak in body,
Wife, mentioned but not by name,
Son, John, 20/ - for birth right,
Sons, Peter and Jacobus, to have the land where I now live,
Dau. Altye, my land that lies between Tunis Kuyper and Are Blauvelt,
Dau. Rachel,
Two daughters to have my negro man, Sam,
My sisters, mentioned but not by name,
Executors: Son, John, and Harmen Van Reype.
Signed: "Cornelis Smit".

No. 1108. Will. Lib. 33, fol. 306.
John Smith of Orange County,
D. Jun. 25, 1761. P. Apr. 30, 1782 in New York City,
In a low condition,
Wife, mentioned but not by name, to have her choice of all the negroes,
Son, John, before any division of my lands, son John to have 37 1/2 acres at the southeast end of the lot where I now live, joining to the 75 acres on which he now lives,
Son, Edward, after the deduction of the 37 1/2 acres, farm to be equally divided between the two sons,
Dau. Hete,
Mentions six daughters but does not name them,
Executors: Wife, two sons, and Thomas Halsted.
Signed: " X " his mark.
Statements in the proof: That Adriaen Onderdonk was sent for to write the will, and that the testator had a disorder known as "a frog on his tongue".

No. 1109. Will. Lib. 24, fol. 404.
Lambert Smith of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Mar. 24, 1764. P. May 23, 1764 in New York City.
Very sick and weak,
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, Aury, bible for his birth right,
Son, John,
Two sons to have all my lands; Aury to have his part on the south side of my lands,
Executors: Jacobus Vanderbelt, Andries Onderdonk and Derick Vanderbelt, all of Haverstraw Precinct,
Signed: "Lambert Smith".

No. 1110. Will. Lib. 13, fol. 46.
William Smith, merchant, of New York City,
D. Jun. 23, 1718. P. Nov. 15, 1736.
To wife, Susanna, all my lands lying up Hudson's River, at a place called Quaspect near Verdreda Hook in Orange County, being 825 acres, during her life time, and, after her decease to
Son, William, and his heirs,
Mentions a negro slave called "Charles Chunk".

No. 1111. Will. Lib. 28, fol. 111.
Abraham Snedeker of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Jun. 24, 1771. P. Nov. 5, 1771 in New York City,
Infirm in body,
To Abraham Thew, all my real estate where I now live and the undivided right of the Pond Patent lands, also, to have my negro man, Tone, and my negro woman, Suke, and Harry and Sara, the two youngest of their children, and the young wench, Nan,
Brother, Johannes Snedeker, children of my brother Johannes, and Tunis, son of my brother Johannes,
Brother, Garret Snedeker,
Brother, Theodoris Snedeker, deceased, and children of brother Theodoris, deceased,
Sister, Rebecca Talman,
Brother-in-law, Harmanus Talman, and Abraham, son of Harmanus Talman,
Sister, Elizabeth, wife of John Smith at the Hook, and children of my sister Elizabeth Smith,
Sister, Altye Cortie, and children of my sister Altye Cortie,
Sister, Sarah Vandervoort,
Brother-in-law, Peter Vandervoort, children of my sister Sarah Vandervoort, Peter son of Peter Vandervoort, and Naltje, wife of Joseph Johnson, and daughter of Peter Vandervoort,
Naltje, wife of Jacobus De Klerck,
Thunis Thew and Harmanus Cortie, now absent and their share to remain in the hands of Abraham Thew and John Thew his brother,
The Burying ground shall not be sold but shall remain for that use for the family of Snedeker forever with liberty of egress and regress thereto and therefrom,
Executors: Abraham Thew, David Pye and Thunis Snedeker, son of Johannes Snedeker.
Signed: " X " his mark.

No. 1112. Will. Lib. 30, fol. 221.
Thunis Snedeker, yeoman, of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Nov. 3, 1773. P. Mar. 30, 1774 (in New York ?)
Weal and infirm,
Brother, Theodorus, all my lands,
Sister, Naeltie, wife of David Brown,
Sister, Ariantie, wife of Soloman Waring,
Sister, Sarah, wife of Luke Taller,
Sister, Mary Snedeker,
Sister, Rebecca Snedeker,
Executors: Brother, Theodorus and friend, Abraham Thew.
Signed: "Theunis Snedeker".

No. 1113. Will. Lib. 36, fol. 107.
Abraham Stevens of Haverstraw Precinct, yeoman,
D. Sep. 6, 1783, P. Oct. 7, 1783 in Orange Co. before James Everett, Esq., Surrogate,
Weak and infirm,
Sons, Stephen, eldest son, Peter, Abraham and Hendrick, all the real estate,
Daus., Maria, Elizabeth and Jonitee, £.100. each,
Unmarried daughters to have out-sets equal to that given to my daughter, the wife of Dowe Vanderbilt,
Executors: Sons, Stephen and Peter, Jacobus Van Orden and Resolvert R. Van Houten,
Signed: "Abraham Stephens"

No. 1114. Will. Lib. 23, fol. 176.
Roulof Stephanson of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Jul. 6, 1760. P. Nov. 27, 1761 in New York City.
Weak in body,
Wife, Manche,
Sons, Albort, eldest son, Stephen, Roulof and William, all my lands,
Daus., Mary, Elizabeth and Alche, each to have out-set when married,
Child not yet born,
Executors: William Campbell and Abraham Stevenson,
Signed: "Roulof Stevenson"

No. 1115. Will. Lib. 11, fol. 365.
Derick Strought Magerer (Stratmaker) "of the City of New York, in the Province of New York, in the County of Orange",
D. Mar. 3, 1729. P. Aug. 2, 1732 in New York City.
Very sick and weak,
Wife, Catharine,
Son, Arrey, eldest son, and son, Jacob, youngest son, (two sons to have 216 acres where I now live and lot in the hills containing 67 acres,
Son, John, second son, 178 acres adjoining Cornelius Blauvelt,
Dau. Yannetea, wife of Tise Aker,
Dau. Lea, wife of Cornelius Hearring [Haring], Jr.,
Eldest daughter (not named) wife of John Acker, to have 138 acres where she now lives,
Executrix: Wife, Catharine,
Signed: " " his mark. [blank]

No. 1116. Will. Lib. 39, fol. 125.
Jacob Straat, yeoman, of Tappan,
D. Jan. 28, 1770. P. Jun. 12, 1786 in New York City.
Wife, Sarah,
Son, Dirk, eldest son, all lands in Haverstraw Precinct lying between the land of Benjamin Osborne and Johannes Yorrey [Youry] on which he now lives,
Sons, Jacob and John, my place where I now live to be divided between them,
Dau. Sarah, £.40.
Executors: Three sons,
Signed: "Jacob Straet"

No. 1117. Will. Lib. 17, fol. 294.
Catharine Symes of New York City, widow of Major Lancaster Symes,
D. Jun. 24, 1749. P. Jan. 23, 1750.
Being greatly advance in years and at this time sick and weak of body,
My body to be decently buried in the old Dutch church near my mother and brethren,
Grandson, Lancaster Symes,
Granddaughter, Susannah Catherine Symes, who lives with me,
Granddaughter, Elizabeth Symes,
Executors: Grandson, Lancaster Symes and granddaughter, Susannah C. Symes

No. 1118. Will. Lib. 21, fol. 332.
Lancaster Symes, mariner, of New York City,
D. Jun. 8, 1751. P. Nov. 1, 1756 in New York City,
In good health,
Sister, Catharine Symes, 2/3rds of my estate,
Sister, Elizabeth Symes, 1/3rd of my estate,
Power to executrix to sell real estate,
Executrix: Sister, Catharine Symes

No. 1119. Will. Lib. 13, fol. 244.
Tunis Tallman of Nayack in Orange Co., carpenter,
D. Apr. 28, 1738. P. Jul. 28, 1739 in Orange Co., before Henry Ludlow, Surrogate,
In perfect health of body,
Wife, Margret,
Sons, Dowe, eldest son, John, Tunis and Harmanus,
Daus. Greetye Blauvelt, Antye Hennion, Derricky Van Dolphse, Maria Smith, Breaghye Tallman and Yannata Blauvelt,
Inventory of estate to be taken six weeks after my deceased and entered in the records of this county,
One tenth of the estate, both real and personal, left to each of the children.
Executors: Sons, Dowe and Tunis.

No. 1120. Will. Lib. 26, fol. 257.
John Ter Bush of Orange Co.,
D. Dec. 13, 1767. P. Apr. 27, 1768 in Orange County, before John Gale, Surrogate,
Weak in body,
"Have me decently buried within a reasonable time after my decease",
Wife, Catherine Bush,
Sons, John, eldest, and Cornelius,
Dau. Neiltje Bush, Jr.,
Mother, Neiltje Bush
Executors: William Wickham, John De Noyelles and mother, Neiltje Bush.
Signed: "John Ter Bush".

No. 1121. Will. Lib. 36, fol. 360.
John Thew, yeoman, of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Feb. 28, 1784. P. Apr. 5, 1784 in New York City,
Weak in body,
Wife, Elizabeth,
Son, Jacobus, to have two years schooling, a son by my present wife, -- to have colt from the race mare,
Son, Thunis, to have the race mare on condition that he help pay for (son ?) John's horse about £.13,
(Son ?), John,
Speaks of "sons by my first wife",
Leaves all real estate to his five sons,
Executors: Brother, Abraham Thew and brother-in-law, Johannes Blauvelt.
Signed: "Joh Tu".

No. 1122. Will. Lib. 28, fol. 150.
John Tongue, yeoman, of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Oct. 30, 1762. P. Dec. 24, 1771 in New York City,
Very sick and weak,
Wife, Tamason,
Son, George, only son, I have given him a deed for 135 acres of that land I bought of Thomas Ellison,
Daus., Alice, Anna and Betse, remainder of the land I bought of Thomas Ellison,
Farm in Pound Ridge, Westchester Co., New York,
Executrix: Wife, Tamason.
Signed: "John Tongue".

No. 1123. Will. Lib. 28, fol. 435.
Jacobus Jacobus Terneur, yeoman, of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Jan. 30, 1773. P. Apr. 13, 1773 in New York City.
Weak in body,
Wife, Margrietje,
Son, Jacobus, eldest son, 8 acres I purchased of Joseph (Deklerck),
Son, David, a minor,
Dau. Margarite,
Daus., Rachel and Yacamyntje, both minors,
My negro man, Herry, to be sold,
Executors: Brother, Henry Terneur, son, Jacobus and brother-in-law, Jacobus Blauvelt.
Signed: " X " his mark.

No. 1124. Will. Lib. 29, fol. 389.
Michael Terneur of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Jun. 15, 1771. P. May 24, 1775 in New York City,
Son, Jacobus, eldest son,
Son, Hendrick, land where I now dwell, beginning at the southeast corner of my lot at Marie's Kill, thence west 7 degrees north along the 1000 acres lot 63 chains and 17 links, thence north 25 degrees east to Jacobus Terneur's lot, thence easterly along the said Jacobus Terneur's lot to Marie's Kill then southwesterly along the kill to the place of beginning, except, 26 acres of meadow within the aforesaid bounds as shown on a map made by John Haring, surveyor, dated Feb. 28, 1769, and except, 14 acres out of the aforesaid bounds adjoining Marie's Kill as appears on a map made by Gershern Rose dated May 15, 1762,
Dau. Jannitye, wife of John Terneur,
Dau. Efjee, wife of Dirck De Klerck,
Dau. Sarah, wife of Edward Selyer,
Dau. Mary, wife of William Dickman,
Dau. Jemima, wife of William Chappell,
Grandson, Michael, son of my son Jacobus, 25 acres,
Lawrence, Jacobus, John, Hendrick, Jane, Mary, Marretje and Sarah, children of my son Jacobus, the remainder of my lands,
Executors: Son, Hendrick and Johannes Jacobus Blauvelt.
Signed: " M " his mark.

No. 1125. Will. Lib. 28, fol. 154.
Jacob Valentine, Sen., of Orangetown,
D. Dec. 3, 1771. P. Jan. 9, 1772 in New York City,
Weak in body,
Wife, Margaret, to have my old negro wench, Phebe,
Sons, Jacob, Johan Matthias and Hendrick, deceased,
Jacob, John, Alexander, Peter and Margaret, children of my son Hendrick, deceased,
Nephew, John Briant, life right in one acre adjoining the lane that leads from the school-house to the house of Bernardus Verveelen,
All my slaves, except Phebe, to be sold at public sale,
Executors: Martin Paulus and Peter S. Demarest.
Signed: " /? " his mark.

No. 1126. Will. Lib. 42, fol. 410.
Gilbert Van Cortlandt of New York State,
D. Sep. 18, 1784. P. Oct. 30, 1797.
To my brother, Pierre Van Cortlandt, that part of Salisbury Island meadow in Orange County, devised to me by my aunt, Gertruyd Beekman.

No. 1127. Will. Lib. 33, fol. 91.
Geertruyd Beekman, widow of Henry Beekman, late of Dutchess Co.,
D. Feb. 20, 1776. P. Jun. 15, 1779.
To my nephew, Pierre Van Cortlandt, all my right, being one half of the meadows lying between the main land and Salisbury Island with privilege for stacking hay on the island.

No. 1128. Will. Lib. 7, fol. 439.
Rudolphus Vander Linde of Hackingsack, yeoman,
D. Sep. 6, 1709. P. Feb. 13, 1709.
Yet of good health,
Son, Peter, eldest son, he shall have the choice of my two plantations; either the plantation whereupon I live at present, or the plantation commonly called at Tappan which I appraise at ye value of £.100.
Son, Henry, to have the plantation not chosen by son Peter.

No. 1129. Will. Lib. 13, fol. 180.
France Abramse Van Sellea in Orange County,
D. May 3, 1737. P. May 5, 1738 in New York City.
Very sick and weak,
Wife, Isabella,
Son, France Van Sellea, Jr., youngest son, all my lands,
Son, Abram, eldest son, £12. 10.0 and a horse,
Son, Cuffeen prime Van Sallea, second son, £12. 10.0,
Son, Casper prime Van Sallea, third son, £12. 10.0,
Dau. Anna Mary Van Sallea, £12. 10.0,
My wife's daughter Marya Salmons, a cow,
Executors: Wife, Isabella and son France Van Sallea.
Signed: " ( " his mark.

No. 1130. Will. Lib. 23, fol. 34.
Resolvert Woldrom of Haverstraw,
D. Dec. 22, 1756. P. Jun. 1, 1761 in New York City,
Weak in body,
Wife, Matcha, (or Snatcha),
Sons, John, eldest, Jacob and Addriaen, youngest,
Daus., Anne, Elizabeth, Peggy and Cate,
Executors: Wife and Thomas Osborn.
Signed: "Rezalved Woldrom".

No. 1131. Will. Lib. 19, fol. 115.
Alexander Weber of Orange County,
D. Dec. 10, 1753. P. Sep. 28, 1754 in New York City,
Being at present in as good state of health as I have been for some time last past,
Wife, Maria,
Son, Hendrick, eldest son, sword and gun,
Son, John,
Daus., Susanna, Marritie, Geertruy and Catherine,
"Six children by my first and second marriages",
Executors: Hendrick Snider and Jehones Frees.
Signed: "Alex.Van der Weber". (Alex-san-der Weber ?)

No. 1132. Will. Lib. 28, fol. 28.
Frederick Woertendyck of Tappan,
D. Nov. 25, 1747. Codicil D. Jun. 16, 1752. P. Jul. 19, 1771 in N. Y.
In good health,
Wife, Dievertje,
Son, Rynear, eldest son, 1/2 of a tract of land joining to Paskack Brook as my deed thereof doth more fully specify,
Son, Frederick, the other 1/2 of the said tract on Paskack Brook,
Son, Jacob, the farm where I now live between Johannes Ferdon and the heirs of Isaac Blauvelt, deceased, with two wood lots in the Greenbush and one wood lot in the swamp between the road and the wood lot of Johannes Ferdon according to my deeds thereof,
Daus. Aeltje, wife of John Vliereboom, and Claesje, each £.70.
To my five children, all my land in the North River Hills according to my deeds thereof,
Codicil: Orders all his children to help defend (the title to) the land that I have given to my sons whenever there shall be any claim laid against it,
Executrix: Wife, Dievertje.
Signed: " X " his mark.

No. 1133. Will. Lib. 7, fol. 176.
Daniel Whitehead of Jamaica, Long Island,
D. 9ber [sic] 13th, 1703. Codicil D. Dec. 9, 1703. P. Oct. 30, 1704.
Item, I give unto my daughter, Mary Burroughs, widow of Thomas Burroughs, all my lands at a place called Quaspeck in Orange County up the Hudson's River, during her natural life, the remainder to my grand-daughter, Mary, child of my said daughter by the said Thomas Burroughs.

No. 1134. Will. Lib. 38, fol. 258.
Jonathan Yeomans, carpenter, of Haverstraw Precinct,
D. Dec. 13, 1773. P. Dec. 3, 1785 in New York City,
Very sick and weak,
Wife, mentioned but not by name,
Eldest son, Jonathan,
"My children", mentioned but not by name,
Executors: Wife, brother-in-law, Jacobus Blauvelt and John Jersey.
Signed: "Jonh'n Yeomans".

No. 1135. Will. Lib. 36, fol. 521.
John Zunicher now resident in Haverstraw Precinct, stone cutter,
D. Apr. 26, 1781. P. May 29, 1784 in New York City,
Weak and infirm,
Son, Lodiwick, only son,
Daus., Magdalan, Elizabeth, Hannah and Nancy,
Real estate in New York City bounded by Hudson's River, being 2 lots, to be equally divided between my five daughters and one son,
Executors: Dau. Magdelen and son-in-law, Frederick Eckert, husband of Marrits or Molly.
Signed: [An actual signature has been added by Budke to the document.]

Nos. 1136 - 1192

No. 1136.
George Marks, farmer, of Haverstraw Precinct, a partner of the decedent,
Estate of John Ackerman, boatman, of Haverstraw.
Jan. 5, 1786.

No. 1137.
John Ackerman, eldest brother of the decedent,
Estate of Eda Ackerman of Orange County.
Jan. 21, 1774.

No. 1138.
Annettie Blauvelt, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Jacob Blauvelt of Haverstraw.
Jul. 4, 1775.

No. 1139.
Johannes Jacobus Blauvelt, yeoman, of Orangetown, brother of the decedent,
Estate of Jacobus Jacobus Blauvelt, carpenter, of Orangetown.
Apr. 19, 1787.

No. 1140.
David Clark, eldest son of the decedent,
Estate of David Clark of Orange County.
Aug. 19, 1773.

No. 1141.
Joseph Cohoon, yeoman, of Haverstraw Precinct, brother of the decedent,
Estate of David Cohoon, late matrosa, Col. Lamb's Regiment.
May 27, 1785.

No. 1142
Christin Cole of Orangetown, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Henry Cole, private, Col. Cortlabdt's Regiment,
May 27, 1785

No. 1143. Lib. 14, fol. 289.
Jacob Cole, son of the decedent,
Estate of Jacob Cole, weaver, of Orange County.
Apr. 24, 1742.

No. 1144.
John Coleman, yeoman, of Haverstraw Precinct,
Estate of Capt. Robert Johnson of Haverstraw Precinct.
May 3, 1784.

No. 1145.
Gilbert Cooper of Haverstraw Precinct, kinsman of the decedent,
Estate of Joseph Cooper of Haverstraw Precinct, Dragoon in Major Lee's Corps of Light Horse.
Sep. 2, 1784.

No. 1146.
Peter Crom, son of the decedent,
Estate of Cornelia Crom of Orange County.
May 4, 1744.

No. 1147. Lib. 11, fol. 182.
Jacobus Clark (De Clark), eldest son of the decedent,
Estate of Daniel Clark, late of Tappan, who died intestate.
Nov. 16, 1731.

No. 1148. Lib. 7, fol. 208.
John Depew, eldest son of the decedent,
Estate of Catalyna Depew of Staten Island.
Jul. 13, 1705.

No. 1149.
Margaret Deuly (Dubey ?), widow of the decedent,
Estate of Philip Deuly of Tappan.
Jun. 4, 1760.

No. 1150.
William Dusinberre, physician, of Haverstraw Precinct, son of the decedent,
Estate of William Dusinberre, physician, of Haverstraw Precinct.
Dec. 6, 1785.

No. 1151.
John P. Smith,
Estate of Jacob J. Eckerson of Orange County.
Aug. 15, 1768.

No. 1152.
James Gardner, yeoman, of Haverstraw Precinct, son of the decedent,
Estate of Capt. John Gardner of Haverstraw Precinct.
Nov. 1, 1784.

No. 1153.
Elbert Herring, Sr., of the Outward, N.Y., father of the decedent,
Elbert Herring, Jr., of New York, Lieut. 42nd Regiment.
Nov. 3, 1763.

No. 1154.
Cornelius Haringh, Jr., farmer, of Orange County,
Estate of Leah Haringh of Orange County, who died intestate.
Sep. 24, 1742.

No. 1155.
Hans Jacob Harty,
Estate of Coenrad Harty of New York, who died intestate.
Jun. 10, 1740.

No. 1156.
Richard P. Hawhey, schoolmaster, of Haverstraw Precinct, brother of the decedent,
Henry Hawhey, Corporal in Col. Van Cortlandt's Regiment.
Nov. 1, 1785.

No. 1157.
Nathaniel Levinus, carpenter, of N. Y. City, son of the decedent,
Estate of Amos Levinus of Haverstraw Precinct.
Jun. 26, 1784.

No. 1158. Lib. 5-6, fol. 224.
Major William Merritt as principal creditor of the decedent,
Estate of George Lockhart, chirurgeon, of New York, who died intestate.
Mar. 18, 1697/8.

No. 1159.
David Pye of Haverstraw Precinct, attorney of Mary Mason, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Thomas Mason, private in Col. Cortlandt's Regiment.
Sep. 15, 1784.

No. 1160.
Abraham Reynolds, of Haverstraw Precinct, weaver, principal creditor of the decedent,
Estate of Eli Mead, weaver, of Haverstraw Precinct.
Nov. 28, 1786.

No. 1161.
Peter Ogilvie, attorney-at-law, of New York, son of the decedent,
Estate of William Ogilvie, cordwainer, formerly of New York but late of Haverstraw Precinct.
Aug. 5, 1785.

No. 1162.
Roger Osborn, yeoman, of Haverstraw, son of the decedent,
Estate of Benjamin Osborn, yeoman, of Haverstraw.
Aug. 4, 1785.

No. 1163.     Lib. 12, fol. 46.
Edward Blagge, Esq.,
Estate of Thomas Miller of Haverstraw.
Jun. 1, 1753.
        Lib. 12, fol. 161.
Thomas Miller,
Estate of Thomas Miller of Orange County,
Apr. 23, 1734.
        Lib. 13, fol. 117.
Johannes Hey of Haverstraw, yeoman, creditor of decedent,
Estate of Thomas Miller, yeoman, of Haverstraw
Nov. 8, 1738.

No. 1164.    Lib. 5-6, fol. 120.
Anna, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Johannes Minnie late of Haverstraw, who died intestate,
May 26, 1696.

No. 1165.    Lib. 13, fol. 241.
James Remsen, Jr., brother-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Jacob Polhemus of Orange County, who died intestate.
May 23, 1739.
Letters of Administration issued by Henry Ludlow, Surrogate, Aug. 2, 1739.

No. 1166.
Abraham Blauvelt, yeoman, of Haverstraw Precinct, brother-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of George Remsen, yeoman, of Haverstraw Precinct.
Jun. 23, 1784.

No. 1167.
Benjamin Buckbee, yeoman, of Flushing, L. I., son of the decedent, and Isaac Sherwood, physician, of Haverstraw Precinct, son-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Edward Buckbee, yeoman, of Flushing, L. I.
Jul. 8, 1784.

No. 1168.
Daniel De Clark, father-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Aury Smith of Orange County.
Jun. 11, 1767.

No. 1169,
Theunis Snedeker eldest son of the decedent,
Estate of Theodorus Snedeker of Orange County.
Apr. 25, 1771.

No. 1170.    Lib. 8, fol. 348.
Amarentie, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Wouter Willense Van Scheyven of Orange County, who died intestate,
Aug. 18, 1714.

No. 1171.
John Warner of Philip's Manor, N.Y., yeoman, brother of the decedent, and James Weandell, cordwainer, of Orangetown, brother-in-law of the decedent,
Estate of Abraham Warner, carpenter, of New York.
Mar. 9, 1784.

No. 1172.
Herman Yorkes, brother of decedent,
Estate of Paulus Yorkes of Haverstraw.
Sep. 12, 1753.

Nos. 1173 - 1180



Most of the early wills of Orange County, N. Y., were proved, admitted to probate and recorded in the Surrogate's Office in New York City. Nearly all the original wills so recorded are now filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals in Albany, N.Y. A few, however, of the Orange County wills filed in the said office are not to be found on record in New York City. The following abstracts of wills filed in Albany but not recorded in New York City, were made from Berthold Fernow's Calendar of Wills published by the Society of the Colonial Dames of the State of New York.

No. 1173. Will. Cal. No. 65.
Abraham Blauvelt, yeoman, of Tappan,
D. Mar. 26, 1731. P. Jun. 15, 1751.
Wife, Grietje,
Sons, Isaac, Abraham, Jacob and Johannes,
Dau. Amarence, wife of John Harring
Dau. Marritie, wife of Tunis Kooper,
Dau. Elizabeth, wife of Peter Dupuy,
Dau. Gretie, wife of Tunis Helling,
No Executors named.

No. 1174. Will. Cal. No. 185.
Isaac Isaac Blauvelt, yeoman, of Orange Town,
D. Feb. 20, 1782. P. Feb. 27, 1787.
Wife, mentioned but not by name,
Sons, Isaac and Abraham,
Daus., Bridget and Elisabeth,
Land in Orangetown and in Haverstraw Precinct,
Executors: Brother, Cornelius Blauvelt and nephew, Garret Smith.

No. 1175. Will. Cal. No. 256.
John Corbett, captain, of Orange County,
D. Feb. 14, 1714. P. May 4, 1717.
Wife, Mary,
Dau. Mary,
Sister, Elizabeth Jordaine,
Cousin, John Jordaine,
Niece, Anna Morris,
Nephew, Isaac Corbett,
Kinswoman, Elizabeth Jordaine,
Kinswoman, Mary Anna Jordaine,
Plantation called Rockland, in Orange County, and house and lot in New York City,
Executrix: Wife, Mary.

No. 1176. Will. Cal. 271.
John Cure of Tappan,
D. Aug. 22, 1743. P. --- ---
Wife, Helena, sole heiress and executrix.

No. 1177. Will. Cal. No. 1600.
Garret Snedeker, yeoman, of Haverstraw, Orange Co.,
D. Jun. 20, 1776. P. Apr. 26, 1787.
Wife, Altie,
Brother, Johannis Snedeker,
Brother, Theodorus, deceased,
Sister, Elcie Coerter,
John Thew, son of sister Elcie Coerter, [by earlier marriage ?)
Nephews, Richard and Theodorus, sons of brother Theodorus Snedeker, deceased,
Nephews, Theunis, John and Garret, sons of brother Johannes Snedeker,
Executors: Wife, Altie, John Thew and Richard Snedeker.

No. 1178. Will. Cal. No. 1484.
Lancaster Symes, gentleman, of New York City,
D. Mar. 30, 1723. Codicil D. Mar. 28, 1727. P. Dec. 1, 1729.
Wife, Catherine,
Sons, John Hendrick, Lancaster and Richard,
Dau. Elizabeth,
Dau. Catherine Green, deceased,
Grandson, Richard Green, son of daughter Catherine, deceased,
Executors: Wife, Catherine, son, John Hendrick and Adolph Philipps, Esq.
Codicil: Describes the testator as late of New York City, but now of Albany. Makes different disposition of land near Haverstraw, Orange County. Appoints all his children and his grandson executors.

No. 1179. Will. Cal. No. 1204.
Vincent Mathews, Esq., of Mathewsfield, Cornwall Precinct, Orange County,
D. Mar. 12, 1783. P. Jun. 21, 1784.
First wife, Catalina Abeel,
Second wife, Elizabeth,
Sons, Fletcher and James,
Son, David, children of
Daus., Bridget Jones and Elizabeth Beekman,
Land in Westenhook Patent and in Connecticut and elsewhere,
Executors: Son, James and son-in-law, Theophilus Beekman.

No. 1180. Will. Cal. No. 1073.
Henry Ludlow, late of N. Y. City, now of Claverack District, Albany County,
D. Jan. 8, 1760. P. Jan. 19, 1784.
Sons, William Henry, Gabriel Henry, Thomas and John Corbet, deceased,
Daus., Sarah, wife of Richard Morris, Martha and Elizabeth, deceased,
Gabriel Gillan Shaw, son of my daughter, Elizabeth, deceased,
Henry Bayley, Peter Robert, and Mary Corbet, children of my son, John Corbet Ludlow, deceased,
Executors: Sons, Gabriel Henry and William Henry and sons-in-law, Richard Morris and Charles Shaw.

Nos. 1181 - 1185



No. 1181. Joint Will. N. J. Archives, XXI, p. 41.
    Translation by Mr. Frank L. Van Cleef.
In the name of the Lord, Amen.
Be it known to every one who shall see or hear this present public instrument read, that in the year after the birth of our dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ sixteen hundred and seventy-eight, on the 25th of March, in the afternoon about four o'clock, before me Allard Anthony, public notary, licensed by the High and Noble Lord Edmund Andross, Esq., Governor General under His Royal Highness James Duke of York and Albany, and residing in New York, and before the hereafter named witnesses, in their own persons came and appeared the worthy Douwe Harmensen, aged about fifty-four years, and his lawful wife, Dirckye Teunissen, aged also about fifty-four years, both living at present at Bergen in New Jersey, well known to me the notary, by the grace of God robust and sound of body, going, standing, in full possession of their memory and understanding and fully using the same, as is entirely evident and one could not notice otherwise, recognizing that nothing is more sure than death, nor more uncertain than the hour thereof; wishing not to depart from this world before they have made disposition of their temporal property: but first commending their immortal souls (when they shall leave their mortal bodies) to the boundless mercy of God and their dead bodies to the earth and a Christian burial: furthermore revoking and making null and void hereby all preceding testaments, codicils and all other acts of last will made, issued or suffered by them; not wishing that any one may avail himself thereof in any way whatsoever but holding the same in all points, clauses and bequests therein included powerless, null and void: Therefore now coming anew to the disposition of their temporal property, the testators declare that they appoint, the one, the other, the survivor, as guardian over their two sons, one named Harmen Douwesen, aged about twenty-three years, and Teunis Douwesen, aged about twelve years, up to the time of remarriage, when the survivor shall be bound to surrender to the surviving child or children (or to their guardians, if there be any minors) the father's or mother's property, that is to say, the half thereof. All that stand above written being read to both testators word by word, they said the same was their testament and final will, that they wish and desire that it shall take effect after the death of the one or the other, whether as testament, codicil, gift in event of death or otherwise, notwithstanding any formalities of law herein necessarily required may be omitted or overlooked: hereby waiving also all statutes, ordinances and laws prejudicial or harmful in any way to this their final will and last requests. Thus done and issued in New York at the house and office of me the notary in presence of Thomas Fredericksen and Mr. Pieter Nys, as reliable witnesses hereunto asked and invited, who have subscribed the original draught hereof which remains in the possession of me the notary, with the testators and myself, the notary, on the day, month and year as above. Which I attest. Allard Anthony, Notary Public.

Notation in the margin in English:
The last will of Douwe Harmensen and his wife:
Entred [sic] 29 May, 1678.

(Note that the date of entry is not the probate of the will as the testators lived several years after 1678.)


Dowe Harmensen (Tallman) of Bergen, N.J., and
Dirckye Teunissen (Tallman) his wife, of Bergen, N.J.,
D. Mar. 25, 1678. P.
Son, Harmen, 23 years old,
Son, Teunis, 12 Years old,
Executor: The survivor.

No. 1182. Administrator's Bond. Bond Book A., p. 416.

    There are several ancient books containing administrator's bonds, stored away in the Surrogate's Office in the Hall of Records, New York City, which the casual searcher would not be likely to find. The earliest of these is Volume A. from which the following bond was copied:

    Know all men by these Presents That We Elbert Herring of the City of New York, Baker, and Albertus Tiebout of the said city, Merchant, are held and firmly bound unto our Sovereign Lord George the Second ............... in the Sum of five hundred Pounds ............ . Sealed with our Seals, dated the twenty-seventh Day of June in the twenty-fourth Year of his said Majesty's Reign and in the Year of our Lord, 1750:
    The Condition of this Obligation is such, That of the above-bounden Elbert Herring one of the sons of Peter Herring late of Orange County, farmer, deceased, and Administrator of all and singular the Goods, Chattles and Credits of the said Peter Herring with the will of the said Peter annexed do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Good, Chattles and Credits of the said Deceased, which have or shall come to the Hands, Possession or Knowledge of the said Elbert Herring or into the Hands of any other Person or Persons for him, and the same, so made, exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Registry of the Prerogative Court in the Secretary's Office of the Province of New York, at or before the twenty-seventh Day of December next ensuing and the same Goods, Chattles and Credits ......... do well and truly administer according to Law and further do make or cause to be made a just and true Account of Administration at or before the 27th Day of June then next following. &c. &c.
    Then this Obligation to be Void and of none Effect or else to remain in full Force and Virtue.
                        Elbert Haerring
                        Albartus Tyebout


No. 1183. Will. Vol. I, p. 171 - N.J. Archives, Vol. XXIII.
Mathias France (Outwater) of Bergen Co., N. J.
D. Jul. 7, 1712. P. Jul. 29, 1712.
Wife, Gerke,
Executors: Brother, Thomas France (Outwater) and Conradus Harte.

No. 1184. Will. Vol. I, p. 215 - N.J. Archives, Vol. XXIII.
John Hart (Hertie) of Middlesex Co., N. J., yeoman,
D. Apr. 16, 1723. P. Jun. 4, 1723.
Wife, Alse,
John, Charity, Hearte, Jacob, Catharine and Leah, Children,
Executors: Cornelius Haring, of Tappan and Barent Nohel (Nagel).

No. 1185. Will. Vol. II. P. 233 - N.J. Archives, Vol. XXX.
Conrardus Hertie of Orange Co., N.Y., husbandman,
D. Dec. 10, 1712. P. Nov. 12, 1733.
Signed at Scranlingburgh, Bergen County,
Wife, Lunkie,
Mother, Gortie,
Son, Johannes, eldest son,
"Other children" mentioned but not by name,
Jacob Hertie, a gun for his right of next heir of blood,
    "Whereas, by the will of Mathias France (Outwater), dated July 7th, last, I am one of the executors with Thomas France (Outwater), and interest(ed) in that part of the said estate which was given to the heirs of the said Gortie, wife of Mathew France (Outwater) and my mother, whereof I reckon myself the sole heir, my executors are empowered to receive and dispose of my part of the estate."
Executors: Brother-in-law, Jacobus Cole and wife's uncle, Michael Vreeland.

No. 1186.    LIBER A & B. No. 2.
John Conkling of Orangetown, son of the decedent,
Estate of Jacob Conkling of the same place.
Jun. 16, 1787.

No. 1187.    No. 5.
Matthew Barbaro, farmer, of Haverstraw Precinct, a creditor of the decedent,
Estate of Dorothy Campbell of the same place.
Oct. 16, 1787.

No. 1188.    No. 8.
Vine Elderkin of Haverstraw Precinct, a relative and creditor of the decedent,
Estate of John Elderkin, farmer, late of Orange County.
Jan. 24, 1788.

No. 1189.    No. 11.
Abraham Jones of Haverstraw Precinct, farmer, a brother of the decedent,
Jacob Jones, farmer, of the same place.
Mar. 7, 1788.

No. 1190.    No. 12.
John Johnson, Jr., of Haverstraw Precinct, widower of the decedent,
Rebecca Johnson of the same place.
Jul. 10, 1788.

No. 1191.    No. 13.
John Crouter, farmer, of Haverstraw Precinct, son of the decedent,
Estate of Anthony Crouter, farmer of the same place.
Jul. 11, 1788.

No. 1192.    No. 16.
Libeus Knapp of Orange County, a creditor of the decedent,
Estate of Stephen Lockwood late of Haverstraw.
Oct. 14, 1789.

No. 1193. No. 18.
Aury Campbell, yeoman, of Town of Haverstraw, brother of the decedent,
Estate of James Campbell of the same place.
Dec. 4, 1789.

No. 1194. No.24.
Resolvert Van Houten and Claus R. Van Houten, of Town of Haverstraw, sons of the decedent,
Estate of Roelof Van Houten of the same place.
May 12, 1790.

No. 1195. No.28.
Sarah Snyder, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Peter Snyder of the Town of Haverstraw.
Nov. 20, 1790.

No. 1196. No.32.
Catharine Osborn, of Town of Haverstraw, widow of the decedent,
Estate of Richard Osborn, physician, of the same place,
Feb. 12, 1791.

No. 1197. No.42.
William Coops (or Cups ?), of Clarkstown, who married the widow of the decedent,
Estate of Hugh Fothergill, a Sergeant in the late Army of the U.S.
June 8, 1791.

No. 1198. No.44.
Walter Smith, Esq., of the Town of Haverstraw, a creditor of the decedent,
Estate of Thomas Jack, taylor, of the same place.
Jul. 11, 1791.

No. 1199. No.45.
Charles Moncrief of Town of Haverstraw, widower of the decedent,
Estate of Jennet Moncrief.
Jul. 12, 1791.

No. 1200. No.49.
Martha Hay widow of the decedent and Andrew Bostwick, Esq., a creditor of the decedent,
Estate of Ann Hawks Hay (Colonel), late of Orange County, deceased.
Nov. 8, 1791.

No. 1201. No.56.
Annetje Remsen and Elizabeth Remsen, the widow and daughter of the decdedent, Estate of Tunis Remsen late of Orange County. Feb, 7, 1792.

No. 1202. No.60.
Elizabeth Hunt widow of the decedent, Estate of Joseph Hunt, carpenter, of New Hempstead. Jul. 14, 1792.

No. 1203. No.69.
Jacob Eckerson and John Van Houten, Jr., sons-in-law of the decedent, Estate of Resolvert P. Van Houten of Clarkstown. Mar. 1, 1793.

No. 1204. No.91.
John Deronde son of the decedent, Estate of Abraham Deronde of New Hempstead. Apr. 1, 1795.

No. 1205. No.95.
Fretie Van Buskirk, widow of the decedent, Estate of James Van Buskirk of New Hempstead. May 11, 1795.

No. 1206. No.100.
Mary, the widow of Garret Van Houten, who was a son of the decedent, and Jacobus Post, Jr., a friend of the decedent,
Estate of Isaac Van Houten of the Town of Warwick. Nov. 28, 1795.

[Note: Richard Vanhouten writes, June 17, 2005: "I've examined that letter of administration in Letters of Administration, book B, page 100, at the surrogate's court in Goshen, and I read it as three administrators being appointed: Mary Van Houten, widow; Garret Van Houten, son; and Jacobus Post, Jr., friend.  It doesn't really belong with the Rockland Co. will abstracts, anyway, as Warwick remained in Orange Co. after the split."]

No. 1207. No. 101.
Isaac Talman, son of the decedent,
Estate of Douw Talman of Clarkstown.
Feb. 9, 1796.

No. 1208. No.______
David Vandervoort, son of the decedent,
Estate of Paul Vandervoort of Orange County. (No township given.)
Nov. 27, 1796.

No. 1209. Liber C. No. 9.
Lambert Smith and John Smith, sons of the decedent,
Estate of John L. Smith of Clarkstown.
Jan. 30, 1798.


No. 1210. Will. Co. Clerk's Office.
William Bell of Orangetown
D. Sept. 11, 1790. Recorded by David Pye, Clk., no date.
Son, William - to have cooper's tools,
Sons, Ram, Johanis and Hendrick.
Dau. Margaret - wife of Abraham Conklin and late wife of Benjamin Ellison,
Dau. Sarah - wife of Barnet Marling,
Dau. Mary, deceased - late wife of Peter Mabie, - Children of
Dau. Margaret [crossed out - BEH]
Dau. Leah,
Executors: Son, Johanis and Peter I. Mabie.

The above will is recorded in an old book in the office of the County Clerk at New City. The book is marked on one side "Judgements" and on the other "Bails". The Bell will is the only will recorded in the book and Clerk Pye noted that it had been entered in accordance with an act of legislature.


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