Bartold Gerrijts1,2

M, #9937, ° s 1645, +. a 1707
  • Other names or spelling variations:
  • Bartholt Barent (in a sales contract.)3
     Bartold Gerrijts (1) married Mette Jansen Bruins.1 He (2) married (NH) Jenneken Hendriksen Gossels on 16 Feb 1677 in Wierden (She was She was from Bentheim, her father was deceased) (with papers.)1 He died a 1707, because he was living at the time of Swenneken's marriage.2

More Information:
He lived at the time of his second marriage in Almelo.1

Census records:
25 Nov 1682 Stad Almelo Fireplace Register: Owner: Bartelt Gerrits.      Fireplaces: 2.      Ovens: 0.      Kettles: 0. one was occupied by a poor man.4




  1. [S513] Wierden NH Trouwen. Bartholt Gerrijts, wed. Mette Jansen Bruins, tot Almelo, en Jenneken Hendriksen Gossels, n.d. Andries Gossels van Bentheim, 16 Feb 1677, VPND. Index and/or images online at Contains scans of original documents.
  2. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Jan Egberts en Swenneken Gerrijts, 13 Mar 1707.
  3. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618, Fol. 81-82. Transportacte, 7 Dec 1671.
  4. [S974] SAO 3.1 #2576, Stad Almelo, 1682. pg. 13, image 1795.