Gerrit Gerritsen Gasthuijs1

M, #9472, ° s 1716
  • Other names or spelling variations:
  • Gerrit Gasthuijs (in the census.)2
     Gerrit Gerritsen Gasthuijs married (NH) Hendrina Baerentsen de Groot on 17 Sep 1746 in Wierden3,1 (banns (NH) 27 Aug 1746, Almelo)1 They went on 17 Sep 1746 with certificate to Wierden.1

Court Records:

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 1 Jun 1750:
Gerrit Gasthuijs, and his wife conveyed to Ootmar ten Cate, and his wife Christina ten Cathe and heirs, their house and yard, next to the Poorhouse. This was a court-ordered sale on order of Jannes Derxsen Faijer.4

Census records:
1748 Stad Almelo census: Household of Gerrit Gasthuijs (1st quarter). Household consists of Gerrit, his wife Hermiena, and two children: Baerent, 9 yr, and one under 10. Evert is probably the unnamed child.2


  1. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Gerrit Gerritzen Gasthuijs en Hendrina Baerendsen de Groot, 27 Aug 1746.
  2. [S24] Volkstelling Twente, Stad en Landgericht Almelo, 1748. pg. 8, #5.
  3. [S202] "Netherlands, Overijssel Province, Church Records, 1542-1893," images, FamilySearch (<> : 30 January 2015), Nederlands Hervormd > Wierden > Dopen 1682-1812 Trouwen 1668-1791 > image 355 of 405; Nederlands Rijksarchiefdienst, Den Haag (Netherlands National Archives, The Hague).
  4. [S23] SA, Inv. #2619, Fol. 573. Transportacte, 1 Jun 1750.