Arent ter Schelfhorst1

M, #7805, ° s 1640, +. a 1703
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Was Arent ter Schelfhorst possibly the father of Fenneken Arents ter Schelfhorst? No parents mentioned at marriage in 1711, Arent living in 1703.
     Arent ter Schelfhorst died a 1703, because he was living at the time of Hendrik's marriage.1

Census records:
2 Jun 1714. Landgericht Almelo Fireplace & Salt Tax Register: Arent op de Schelfhorst. Fireplace: 4 gld. 10 st., Salt: 15 st.2




  1. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Hendrik Arents en Berendjen Gerritsen, 25 Mar 1703.
  2. [S682] HA #2667, Landgericht Almelo, 1713. pg. 54.