Gerrit Vreriksz Letteboer1,2

M, #4748, ° s 1700, +. bet 1750 - 1753
FatherVrerijck Letteboer1 ° s 1670, +. b 1730
  • Other names or spelling variations:
  • Gerrit Fredriksen Letteboer (at Joanna's baptism.)3
  • Gerrit Letteboer (in the census.)4
     Gerrit Vreriksz Letteboer was from in Heerlijkheid Almelo at his marriage.2,1 He (1) married (NH) Berendje Hendrix Heetbrink on 21 May 1730 in Almelo1,2 (banns (NH), Almelo.)1 He (2) married (NH) Geertruid Abbinks, daughter of Jan Abbinck and Gerrit Lambers, on 22 Apr 1737 in Almelo2,5 (banns (NH) 17 Mar 1737, Almelo, behind the record: date 28 Apr.)2 He died bet 1750 - 1753, because he was listed in the taxlist, but his wife remarries in 1753.6,7,5

More Information:

Census records:
1748 Gericht Almelo census: Household of Gerrit Letteboer. Household consists of Gerrit, his wife Geertruit, one child over 10: Gerrit, and three children under 10: Berentien, Fenneken and Joanna.7
1750 Heerlijkheid Almelo taxlist: Gerrit Vreriksz Letteboer. The total estate was valued at 50:0:0. Real estate was valued at 600:0:0 570:0:0 deducted.8
Gerrit Letteboer is guardian, together with Lambert Harmsen (the husband of Fennek Vreriks Letteboer), over the children of Willem Willemsen in 1750 at the tax census. If this is Gerrit Vreriksz Letteboer, than he is the guardian over the children of the sister of his second wife, if it is Gerrit Willemsen Letteboer, than he is guardian over his half-brothers and sisters.


Geertruid Abbinks ° s 1712


  1. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Gerrit Letteboer en Berentien Hendricks van het Hietbrinck, 21 May 1730.
  2. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Gerrit Vrerijksen Letteboer en Geertruid Abbinks, 17 Mar 1737.
  3. [S32] DTB NH Almelo, Dopen/Baptisms : Joanna, dochter van Gerrit Fredriksen Letteboer en Geertruijd Janssen, 14 Oct 1746.
  4. [S24] Volkstelling Twente, Stad en Landgericht Almelo, 1748. pg. 32v-33, #11.
  5. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Hendrik van de Hambrugge en Geertruijd Letteboer, 8 May 1753.
  6. [S260] Pers. Quot., Heerlijkheid Almelo, 1750. pg. 3.
  7. [S24] Volkstelling Twente, Stad en Landgericht Almelo, 1748. pg. 32v-33, #12.
  8. [S260] Pers. Quot., Heerlijkheid Almelo, 1750. pg. 5.
  9. [S32] DTB NH Almelo, Dopen/Baptisms : blz: 30v. Berentien, dochter van Garrit Letteboer en Getruid Janzen Abbink 21 Feb 1740.
  10. [S32] DTB NH Almelo, Dopen/Baptisms : blz: 42v. Fenneken, dochter van Gerrit Freriksz Letteboer en Geertsien Jansen, 11 Mar 1744.