Gerrit Bolck1

M, #25244, ° s 1700
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Gerrit can not be the same person as Gerrit Bolk. Gerrit Bolk marries Jenneken Lukas in 1718, and both Gerrit Bolk and Gerrit Bolck marry (2) as widower of Jenneken Lucas, Gerrit Bolk in 1722, and Gerrit Bolck in 1733. Who is who?
     Gerrit Bolck (1) married Jenneken Lucas.1 He (2) married (NH) Jenneke Janssen Schapedijk on 10 Jun 1733 in Almelo1 (banns (NH) 26 Apr 1733, Almelo)1 There have to be 2 Gerrit Bolks (although it is possible that at Gerrit's marriage in 1733 his marriage in 1722 was forgotten), and so two Jenneken Lukas. It is possible that the patronymic Lucas is really Jeneke's father's patronymic. There is a will of Jenneke Lucas, ill in childbirth, and her husband Gerrit ter Stege (2618*, Fol 258-261), which might be relevant.


  1. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Garrit Bolck en Jenneken Schapedijck, 26 Apr 1733.