Trine Holtman1

F, #24711, ° s 1578
FatherJohan Holtman1 +. a 1616
MotherGriete te Wierik
     Trine Holtman (1) married Jorrien Paarhuis.2 (Divorced b 1625.)2 She (2) married Abraham Nijhoff.2

More Information:

Lubbert Bruggenkatte made Trine Holtman out for a whore, to which Trine said "better a whore than a wizard." Lubbert then grabbed a chair to hit her, but that was prevented. However, Trine said Lubbert had hit her with his hand. Her (future?) husband Abraham Nijhoff was present, Lubbert wanted to attack him with a knife.3
Trine had divorced her first husband, because he could not perform sexually. She moved back with her parents, and it caused a great scandal. This was the cause of the row betwwen Lubbert and Trine.4


Abraham Nijhoff ° s 1590, +. 1662


  1. [S486] Cor Trompetter, Almelo Republiek, pg. 210-212.
  2. [S486] Cor Trompetter, Almelo Republiek, pg. 340-341.
  3. [S486] Cor Trompetter, Almelo Republiek, pg. 340-341 (HAA #3232, 1625-4,6,7).
  4. [S61] Gerard de Voer, 1998 - 2012.