Anthonij van Dulmen1

M, #24209, ° s 1620, +. a 1674
  • Other names or spelling variations:
  • Tonnis van Dulmen.2
     Anthonij van Dulmen died a 1674, because he takes out a mortgage.1

More Information:

Tonnis van Dulmen and Gerrit van Velen were in 1658 deacons of the NH church in Almelo.3

Court Records:

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 10 Dec 1674:
Anthonij van Dulmen took out a mortgage with the widow of N. Quaede, inhabitant and brewer in Deventer, with as collateral his house and garden, between the house of Arend Wanschers and that of Willem ten Camricks. This was for delivered beer.1


  1. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618, Fol. 90-91. Hypotheekacte, 10 Dec 1674.
  2. [S486] Cor Trompetter, Almelo Republiek, pg. 183.
  3. [S486] Cor Trompetter, Almelo Republiek, pg. 183, 196.