Hendrik van Rechteren1

M, #24194, ° s 1640, +. bet 1676 - 1692
FatherZeiger van Rechteren2 ° c 1622
     Hendrik van Rechteren married (NH) Geertruidt Kotgens on 3 May 1676 in Wierden (with papers)3 (banns (NH) 15 Apr 1676, Zwolle. They went 1 May with papers to Almelo.)4 He died bet 1676 - 1692, because he married in 1676, and his heir ceded a house to the Count of Almelo in 1692.3,5

More Information:

Hendrik was prob. the illegitimate son of Zeiger van Rechteren. There is however also a Hendrik, illigitimate son of Johan van Rechteren.2,6 He was bet 1665 - 1689 a judge in Almelo.7
Hendrik van Rechteren enrolled in 1658 in the Latin School in Deventer.2 Hendrik van Rechteren was bet 1665 - 1689 a judge in Ambt Almelo.8

Court Records:

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 17 Nov 1674:
Zeiger of Rechteren, Lord of Almelo and Vriezenveen conveyed to Hendrik van Rechteren, judge in Almelo, the house and garden, occupied by Hendrik van Rechteren, located near the Schutten Colk, on the east bordering the garden of Derck te Wijrckes and Geert Bulx, on the west on the bleachfield of Jan ten Kinckhuis, which is now owned by Joost Wijnties, on the south bordered by the street, and on the north by the Graven. The Lord will continue to be the owner.9

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 15 Jun 1675:
Hendrik van Rechteren, judge in Almelo, for his employer, Zeger van Rechteren, Lord of Almelo and Vriezenveen, declares that he had permitted Jan ten Kinckhuis to enlarge the bleaching field across from his house until the Schutten Colck, on the condition that the land remains the property of the Lord of Almelo, to use the land to fish, from the outermost post of the stable of Hendrick Schuijtemaacker until the street of the Judge, on the condition that neither Kinckhuis, nor anybody else can build upon this land.1


  1. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618, Fol. 98. Verklaring, 15 Jun 1675.
  2. [S486] Cor Trompetter, Almelo Republiek, pg. 421, note 55.
  3. [S513] Wierden NH Trouwen. Henrick van Rechteren Richter der Heerlijckheijt Almelo en Geertrijdt Kotgens n.d. Jan
    Kotgens, 3 meij 1676, VPND. Index and/or images online at http://vpnd.nl/. Contains scans of original documents.
  4. [S513] Zwolle Trouwen 1676-1679. <https://vpnd.nl/bronnen/ov/zwolle/zwolle_transcript_geref-trouwen-1675-1679.pdf>, VPND. Index and/or images online at http://vpnd.nl/. Contains scans of original documents.
  5. [S29] HA #214, #2211. Akte van cessie door Geertruid Schuitemaker, als erfgename van wijlen de richter Hendrik van Rechteren, aan de heer van Almelo van het huis aan de Schuttenkolk en de Graven, 1692. Met retroacta, 1672, 1674 en 1688
    Omvang           1 omslag en 1 charter.
  6. [S29] HA #214, Voorwoord tot het Huis Archief. Online at Historisch Centrum Overijssel.
  7. [S486] Cor Trompetter, Almelo Republiek, pg. 293.
  8. [S576] F.W.J. van den Berg, Richters Ambt Almelo.
  9. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618, Fol. 88-89. Transportacte, 17 Nov 1674.