Gerrit Grobben1

M, #23965, +. a 1748
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Is Gerrit the same person as Garrit Egberts? Gerrit Grobben is in the census with wife and three children under 10, Garrit Egberts marries in 1739, and has three children by 1748.
  • Is Gerrit the same person as Gerrit Grobben? Gerrit Grobben is in the census with 3 children under 10; Gerrit Grobben has a child baptised in 1748.
     Gerrit Grobben died a 1748, because he is listed in the census.2

Census records:
2 Jun 1714. Landgericht Almelo Fireplace & Salt Tax Register: Gerrit Grobben. Fireplace: 3 gld. 10 st., Salt: 12 st.1
1748 Stad Almelo census: Household of Gerrit Grobbe (1st quarter). Household consists of Gerrit, his wife, and three children under 10. They are boarders.2


  1. [S682] HA #2667, Landgericht Almelo, 1713. pg. 44.
  2. [S24] Volkstelling Twente, Stad en Landgericht Almelo, 1748. pg. 21, #1.