Arent Jacobs1

M, #21356, +. a 1715
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Is Arent the same person as Arent Jacobs? Arent Jacobs alive in 1676, married to Geesken Reeckers, Arent Jacobs alive in 1715, married to Grietien Engberts. Two marriages?
     Arent Jacobs married Grietien Engberts.1 He died a 1715, because he makes a will.1

More Information:

Arent Jacobs and Grietien Engberts with her guardian Dr. Liens made a will on 21 May 1715. They name each other as heir. After the death of the survivor the inheritance shall be distributed in 2 equal portions between their families.1


  1. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618*, Fol. 115-117. Testament Arent Jacobs en Grietien Engberts, 21 May 1715.