Aaltjen van Lochem1

F, #21225, ° s 1675, +. a 1735
     Aaltjen van Lochem married Henrik van Lochem, son of Andries van Lochem and Stijntje Willink.1 She died a 1735, because she is mentioned in her daughter's will.1

More Information:
She was mentioned in the will of Henrik Wanders and Bartha van Loghem on 22 May 1735.1


Henrik van Lochem ° 1668, +. 1754


  1. [S23] SA, Inv. #2619, Fol. 251-252. Testament Henrik Wanders en Barta van Lochem, 22 May 1735.
  2. [S720] P. Beets, Stamboom Willingen, pg. 16, B-8, C-5, D-2, E-4.