Geertje Molenbelt1

F, #17764, ° s 1650, +. a 1713
     Geertje Molenbelt married Egbert Derx (This was probably a 2nd marriage; the children are not listed as her children in the deed.)1 She died a 1713, because she is mentioned in a contract.1

Court Records:

Stadsgericht, Almelo, 10 May 1713:
Geertje Molenbelt, widow of Egbert Derx, with her guardian Derk Hilgerink and Jan Bakker, and the children and heirs of aforementioned Egbert Derx, namely Geese Jansen, wife of Jan Egberts, with her guardian Derk Hilgerink and Jan Bakker, who is also representing aforementioned Jan Egberts, Jan Peppels and his wife Maria Egberts, and Hendrik Bolk as guardian for the child of Swier Jansen and Jenneke Egberts conveyed to Lucas Prinsen, and his wife Anna Roelofs, their house, between the house of Jan Post and that of Berend Grimberg's widow, with the land in front of it.1


  1. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618*, Fol. 47-49. Transportacte, 10 May 1713.