Geertgen Berentsen Hondebrink1

F, #17419, ° s 1655, +. a Jul 1722
     Geertgen Berentsen Hondebrink married Henrijk Tusvelt. She died a 13 Jul 1722, because she makes a will.1

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Henrijk Tusvelt and Geertgen Berentsen Hondebrink made a will on 29 Aug 1720. They name each other as heir. They name as sole heirs their son Gerrit Tusveld, the two children of their late daughter Berendje Tusveld, deceased wife of Claas Kremers, namely Geertruid Kremer and Hendrica Cremers, and the child of their late son Jan Henrik Tusvelt and his wife Willemina Monninks, namely Geertruid Tusvelt. They give to the poor of Almelo a piece of land, situated in the Tusveld, called the Geere, with the proviso that if the heirs want to keep this, they have to pay 50.- car. gld. to the poor.2
Henrijk Tusvelt and Geertgen Berentsen Hondebrink with her guardian Jan Bakker made a will on 13 Jul 1722. They name each other as heir. After their death their son Gerrit Tusveld will inherit the house in which they are living, next to the two gardens near the Reve, next to the Kieftsmate and the Pielmaatje, which is also a piece of land, and a half haymeadow next to the Eversmaet. The rest will be divided equally between their son Gerrit Tusveld and the children of their late daughter Berendje Tusveld. The child of their late son Henrijk Tusveld, called Geertruid Tusvelt, if she is still living, will get ƒ200.-, when she is 25 jr old. They give to the poor of Almelo a piece of land in the Tusveld, named the Geere, but if the heirs want to keep it, they have to pay 50.- car. gld. for it to the poor. If any of the heirs objects to the division of the estate, that one will only get one ducate.1


Henrijk Tusvelt ° s 1650, +. a 13 Jul 1722


  1. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618*, Fol. 348-351. Testament Henrijk Tusvelt en Geertgen Berentsen Hundebrink, 13 Jul 1722.
  2. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618*, Fol. 286-290. Testament Henrik Tusvelt en Geertien (Berents) Hondebrink, 29 Aug 1720.