Geesje Hendrixen Fanekers1

F, #13304, ° s 1690, +. a 1740
  • Other names or spelling variations:
  • Geesken Henriksen (patronymic, in her will.)2
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Aelken Schouwink was the niece of Geesje Hendrixen Fanekers, because Aelken is identified as a niece of Geesje in Geesje's will. Both are from Enschede, so the relationship will have to be clarified there.
     Geesje Hendrixen Fanekers was from in Enschede at her marriage.1 She married Willem Janssen Hondebrink in Almelo1 (banns (NH) 25 Apr 1717, Almelo.)1 She died a 1740, because she makes a will.3

More Information:
She lived at the time of her marriage in Almelo.1
Willem Hondebrink and Geesken Henriksen with her guardian Secr. Hein made a will on 3 May 1728. They name each other sole heir.2
Geesken Henriksen with her guardian Secr. Hein made a will on 27 May 1740. Her previous will remains valid, except that she names as sole heir her niece Aelken Schouwink.3


  1. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Willem Janssen Hondebrink en Geesje Hendrixen Fanekers, 25 Apr 1717.
  2. [S23] SA, Inv. #2619, Fol. 54-56. Testament Willem Hondebrink en Geesken Henriksen, 27 Apr 1728.
  3. [S23] SA, Inv. #2619, Fol. 401-402. Testament Geesken Henriksen, e. v. Willem Hondebrink, 27 May 1740.