Hindrik Egberts1,2

M, #12608, ° s 1675
FatherEgbert Waanders2 ° s 1645, +. b 1700
  • Other names or spelling variations:
  • Hendrik Egberts Waanders (father's surname or patronymic.)
  • Henrik Egberts (in his will.)3
  • Proven or possible relations:
  • Hindrik Egberts was a brother of Arent Egberts, because Arent is mentioned in Hindrik's will.3
  • Was Hendrik Egberts Waanders possibly the father of Johanna Waanders? Johanna b. c. 1730 (from age at death), Hendrik married (2) in 1714. Johanna does not have a daughter Fije.
  • Hindrik Egberts was a brother of Jenneken Egberts, because Jenneken Egberts is mentioned in the will of Hindrik.3
     Hindrik Egberts was from in Almelo at his marriage.2,1 He (1) married (NH) Garbrig Janssen, daughter of Jan Luickas, on 13 Jun 1706 in Almelo2,1,3 (banns (NH) 16 May 1706, Almelo.)2 He (2) married Fijckje Gerritsen ten Stokkelaar in Almelo1 (banns (NH) 19 Aug 1714, Almelo.)1

More Information:

Henrik Egberts and Gerbrig Lucas with her guardian Dr. Liens made a will on 30 Mar 1713. They name each other sole heir. Henrik gives his brother Arent Egberts and his sister Jenneken Egberts his loom and his clothes. The one who gets the loom, has to pay the son of Arent, called Egbert Egberts 6 gld. Gerbrig gives her clothes to her brothers. Her brother Swier Lucas's daughter Anneken Lucas gets her colored coat, her brother Egbert Lucas's daughter Geertruid Lucas her black coat. Her husband's sister Jenneken Egberts her gold button, her naahmaals book and two of her best hats. She wants to be buried in the church, for which she leaves 10 car. gld. to the church.3


  1. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Hindrik Egberts en Fijckje Gerritsen ten Stokkelaar, 19 Aug 1714.
  2. [S10] DTB NH Almelo, Huwelijken/Marriages : Hendrik Egberts en Garbrig Janssen, 16 May 1706.
  3. [S23] SA, Inv. #2618*, Fol. 42-45. Testament Henrik Egberts en zijn vrouw Gerbrig Lucas, 30 Mar 1713.